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Hu Yinqiao 《大气科学进展》2002,19(5):767-776
将边界层相似性理论同线性热力学理论结合,间接地以观测实验事实证明大气边界层内线性唯象关系是成立的,而且线性湍流输送系数同相应的线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象关系是不成立的,混合层内湍流输送过程是一种强的非线性过程。所以,对流边界层是一种远离平衡态非线性区的热力学状态。地转风和热成风是一种大气系统特有的动力过程和热力过程和交叉耦合现象,这是大气系统交叉耦合现象的一个实际例证。 相似文献
The paper describes a stationary model of the boundary layer of a large-scale vortex. The model takes into account two types of nonlinearities: (1) advection of the momentum and centrifugal accelerations, that is related to large values of the Rossby number; (2) a nonlinear turbulent friction on the lower boundary (generally speaking, not only quadratic, but also more complicated). Nevertheless, the model may be studied analytically. This approach allows discovery and analysis of several universal regularities, which are not revealed by numerical modeling. The model provides the actual values for the speed of the surface wind and the angle of cross-isobar surface flow in the tropical cyclones. 相似文献
"K"理论是众多气象预报模式中运用最广泛的湍流参数化方案之一,但无法解释"逆梯度"的输送,必须进行修正。最具代表性的修正方案有三种:方案Ⅰ(Deardroff方案)、方案Ⅱ(Holtslag和Moeng方案)和方案Ⅲ(刘烽方案)。本文利用香河的边界层观测资料对上述三种方案进行验证和比较,发现方案Ⅰ的结果在整个对流边界层(Convective Boundary Layer,CBL)呈系统性偏低,与观测不符;方案Ⅱ在CBL中上部能够再现逆梯度输送现象,基本能给出合理的湍流通量垂直分布,但在CBL的下部和上部与观测不符;方案Ⅲ的逆梯度项与高度有关,并在CBL中部达到最大,而其他两个方案中逆梯度项随高度不变。该方案不但在CBL中上部与方案Ⅱ的结果一致,并能合理表达整个CBL内的湍流通量分布,更接近观测结果。 相似文献
It has been proved that there exists a cross coupling
between vertical heat turbulent transport and vertical velocity by
using linear thermodynamics. This result asserts that the vertical
component of heat turbulent transport flux is composed of both the
transport of the vertical potential temperature gradient and the
coupling transport of the vertical velocity. In this paper, the
coupling effect of vertical velocity on vertical heat turbulent
transportation is validated by using observed data from the
atmospheric boundary layer to determine cross coupling coefficients,
and a series of significant properties of turbulent transportation
are opened out. These properties indicate that the cross coupling
coefficient is a logarithm function of the dimensionless vertical
velocity and dimensionless height, and is not only related to the
friction velocity u*, but also to the coupling roughness
height zW0 and the coupling temperature TW0 of the
vertical velocity. In addition, the function relations suggest that
only when the vertical velocity magnitude conforms to the limitation
|W/u*|≠1, and is above the level zW0, then the
vertical velocity leads to the cross coupling effect on the vertical
heat turbulent transport flux. The cross coupling theory and
experimental results provide a challenge to the traditional
turbulent K closure theory and the Monin-Obukhov similarity
theory. 相似文献
Andrey A. Grachev Edgar L Andreas Christopher W. Fairall Peter S. Guest P. Ola G. Persson 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2007,125(2):329-341
This study focuses on the behaviour of the turbulent Prandtl number, Pr
, in the stable atmospheric boundary layer (SBL) based on measurements made during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean
experiment (SHEBA). It is found that Pr
increases with increasing stability if Pr
is plotted vs. gradient Richardson number, Ri; but at the same time, Pr
decreases with increasing stability if Pr
is plotted vs. flux Richardson number, Rf, or vs. ζ = z/L. This paradoxical behaviour of the turbulent Prandtl number in the SBL derives from the fact that plots of Pr
vs. Ri (as well as vs. Rf and ζ) for individual 1-h observations and conventional bin-averaged values of the individual quantities
have built-in correlation (or self-correlation) because of the shared variables. For independent estimates of how Pr
behaves in very stable stratification, Pr
is plotted against the bulk Richardson number; such plots have no built-in correlation. These plots based on the SHEBA data
show that, on the average, Pr
decreases with increasing stability and Pr
< 1 in the very stable case. For specific heights and stabilities, though, the turbulent Prandtl number has more complicated
behaviour in the SBL. 相似文献
Large eddy simulation and study of the urban boundary layer 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
根据2017、2019年7月塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地GPS探空和地面观测数据,利用位温廓线法等方法,对比分析了沙漠腹地夏季晴天和沙尘暴天气大气边界层结构变化特征。结果表明:晴天和沙尘暴天气大气边界层结构特征显著不同。晴天大气边界层各气象要素垂直分布较为均一,白天对流边界层深厚,高度接近5 km,夜间稳定边界层一般在500 m左右。沙尘暴天气边界层内位温和比湿垂直变化较小,风速较大,可达24.0 m/s,其白天对流边界层在1.5 km左右,夜间稳定边界层在1 km左右。晴天辐射强烈,地表升温迅速,湍流旺盛,是形成晴天深厚对流边界层的主要因素。大尺度天气系统冷平流的动力条件,以及云和沙尘减弱了到达地表的辐射强度是形成沙尘暴天气独特的大气边界层结构的主要因素。 相似文献
以壁面脉冲扰动来构建湍流边界层近壁区对称与非对称相干结构理论模式,采用直接数值模拟的方法,研究了湍流边界层近壁区对称与非对称相干结构形成的理论机制和演化规律.计算结果显示非对称相干结构比对称相干结构更容易增长,这是由于非对称型结构能在湍流边界层近壁区域诱导产生较大的展向扰动速度,且不同初始结构类型分布对湍流边界层近壁区相干结构形成的动力学机制不同所致,从而加深了对近壁湍流边界层单个相干结构形成的某种动力学机制的认识理解. 相似文献
A laboratory study of the turbulent velocity characteristics in the convective boundary layer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Based on the measurement of the velocity field in the convective boundary layer (CBL) in a convection water tank with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique, this paper studies the characteristics of the CBL turbulent velocity in a modified convection tank. The experiment results show that the velocity distribution in the mixed layer clearly possesses the characteristics of the CBL thermals, and the turbulent eddies can be seen obviously. The comparison of the vertical distribution of the turbulent velocity variables indicates that the modeling in the new tank is better than in the old one. The experiment data show that the thermal's motion in the entrainment zone sometimes fluctuates obviously due to the intermittence of turbulence. Analyses show that this fluctuation can influence the agreement of the measurement data with the parameterization scheme, in which the convective Richardson number is used to characterize the entrainment zone depth. The normalized square velocity wi^2/w*^2. at the top of the mixed layer seems to be time-dependent, and has a decreasing trend during the experiments. This implies that the vertical turbulent velocity at the top of the mixed layer may not be proportional to the convective velocity (w*). 相似文献
In this paper we revise the similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), formulate analytical
approximations for the wind velocity and potential temperature profiles over the entire ABL, validate them against large-eddy
simulation and observational data, and develop an improved surface flux calculation technique for use in operational models. 相似文献
DMS oxidation in the marine boundary layer has been simulated with a mesoscale meteorological model including detailed physical parameterizations. The impact of vertical turbulent transport on the DMS and SO2 diurnal cycles with and without in-cloud SO2 oxidation has been studied in a one-dimensional version of the model and compared to results obtained with a zero-dimensional box model. Initialisation has been done using balanced values issued from the imposed sea-air fluxes, dry deposition fluxes and chemical source/sink terms. Particular emphasis has been put on the important role played by evolving vertical mixing in the marine boundary layer. 相似文献
David J. Cooper 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1996,25(1):97-113
Hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations in the atmospheric boundary layer over a number of remote ocean locations are calculated from the measured diurnal variation in atmospheric dimethylsulfide (DMS). By using averaged DMS data sets from extended periods, the calculation yields OH concentrations averaged over periods from several days to weeks. These average OH concentrations range from 7×105 to 2.9×106 molecules cm-3, corresponding to midday maxima of 3 to 12×106 molecules cm-3. The lowest values correspond to studies with the lowest light intensity (Antarctic summer and South Atlantic winter), and the highest values to regions with probable anthropogenic influence. In addition to the long term averages, daily average OH levels can be calculated for most days in a two week period from a cruise in the tropical eastern Pacific. These calculations are in good argeement with global average OH levels derived from other tracers, and are consistent with model OH calculations when allowance is made for variation in ambient ozone levels between the studies. Estimates of gas exchange made from the diurnal variation of DMS suggest that either the gas exchange coefficient of DMS or the boundary layer mixing depth may have been overestimated in past analyses. 相似文献
《Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans》1988,12(2):143-172
We report on measurements of the structure of the bottom boundary layer on the continental shelf off Vancouver Island. A time series of vertical profiles obtained with the microstructure profiler FLY II revealed large temporal variations in the dissipation rate and in the density structure. The near-bottom current structure was simultaneously measured at fixed heights with conventional current meters.The data reveal the association between the predominantly diurnal tide and the variations in the structure of the bottom boundary layer. A clear distinction appears between the turbulent bottom boundary layer (8–40 m deep in a total water depth of 138 m) and the well-mixed layer (20–40 m deep). The two layers vary independently, with horizontal advection dominating the fluctuations in the thickness of the well-mixed layer while local dissipation is more closely related to the thickness of the turbulent layer. Variations in the density structure of the bottom layer are related to the strength and direction of the vertical shear and to the regional distribution of isopycnals. Current veering is commonly concentrated above the well-mixed layer. The evolution of the characteristics of the bottom layers is followed through a tidal cycle and related to local dissipation and other variables.Microstructure measurements from six locations over the southern portion of the Vancouver Island continental shelf are used to estimate the influence of turbulent energy dissipation on regional-scale flows. That fraction of the dissipation taking place in the bottom boundary layer is attributed to barotropic tidal flows, while that occurring above it is associated with nearly geostrophic baroclinic flows. Results give a lower limit of ∼ 1070 km for the length scale of shelf wave decay, in good agreement with current models; the estimates of tidal friction based on our dissipation measurements are however much lower than required by astronomical observations. An estimate of 230 h is obtained for the spin-down time of the local Tully eddy, rather longer than the decay time of 68 h obtained from observations. 相似文献
Using data collected at the Spanish low troposphere research centre CIBA (Centro de Investigación de la Baja Atmósfera) and at the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR) in the Netherlands, we analyzed the most significant features of different coherent structures occurring in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. In particular, we used both the Reynolds and wavelet methods to analyze a solitary wave, a gravity wave, a density current and a low-level jet. For each of these structures, we found that wavelet analysis had the capacity to distinguish the different scales involved in these events due to the different timing and heights of the thermal instabilities and downdrafts associated with the disturbances. In addition, the wavelet method highlights the different roles of turbulence and coherent structures in the transfer of heat, moisture and CO2 in the nocturnal boundary layer. 相似文献
利用1961—2016年华东地区106个气象观测站的日降水数据和再分析资料,分析引起山东半岛夏季降水异常的大气环流型及其与前期下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)的关系,结果发现:1)当孟加拉湾出现西南风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南侧地区分别呈反气旋和气旋式环流异常时,加强了向山东半岛的水汽输送,配合区域大气上升运动异常最终导致山东半岛夏季降水偏多;反之,当孟加拉湾出现西北风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南地区分别呈气旋和反气旋式环流异常时山东半岛降水偏少。2)孟加拉湾和北太平洋中部关键区的对流层整层位势高度与下垫面海温自春季持续至夏季存在显著正相关,当两个地区的整层位势高度均呈正异常时,分别对应夏季孟加拉湾的强西风气流和日本列岛以南的反气旋环流异常。3)区域土壤湿度异常引起的感热和潜热通量异常,可能是引起贝加尔湖关键区位势高度和山东半岛局地对流异常的原因:贝加尔湖西南地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层位势高度为负异常;山东半岛地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层大气出现异常上升运动。4)利用关键区春季下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)建立山东半岛夏季降水的统计预测模型,留一交叉检验的距平同号率达到75%。这些结果可为山东半岛夏季降水预测提供重要参考。 相似文献
This paper uses a Modified Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme (MSPAS) to study the interaction betweenland surface and atmospheric boundary layer processes. The scheme is composed of two main parts:atmospheric boundary layer processes and land surface processes. Compared with SiB and BATS, which arefamous for their detailed parameterizations of physical variables, this simplified model is more convenientand saves much more computation time. Though simple, the feasibility of the model is well proved inthis paper. The numerical simulation results from MSPAS show good agreement with reality. The schemeis used to obtain reasonable simulations for diurnal variations of heat balance, potential temperature ofboundary layer, and wind field, and spatial distributions of temperature, specific humidity, vertical velocity,turbulence kinetic energy, and turbulence exchange coefficient over desert and oasis. In addition, MSPAS isused to simulate the interaction between desert and oasis at night, and again it obtains reasonable results.This indicates that MSPAS can be used to study the interaction between land surface processes and theatmospheric boundary layer over various underlying surfaces and can be extended for regional climate andnumerical weather prediction study. 相似文献
边界层湍流输送的若干问题和大气线性热力学 总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7
总结了大气线性热力学基本理论,讨论了大气边界层的能量和物质输送交叉耦合效应,还讨论了大气系统动力过程和热力过程的交叉耦合效应。分析指出:由于动力过程和热力过程的交叉耦合效应,导致大气边界层能量和物质输送过程除了湍流输送外,还应包括大气辐散和辐合运动对能量和物质的输送。非均匀下垫面大气边界层和对流边界层辐散和辐合运动对能量和物质输送是重要的。在这个基础上,讨论了非均匀下垫面和对流边界层地表能量的平衡问题,非均匀下垫面和对流边界层陆面过程边界层参数化等问题。这些研究不仅丰富了大气边界层物理理论,而且为克服当前大气边界层物理应用中所遇到的困难提供了理论依据。 相似文献
塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地大气边界层参数化方案的模拟评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
沙尘起沙、沉降、传输均受到沙漠地区大气边界层条件的制约。沙漠地区观测资料匮乏,限制大气边界层模拟效果的检验和评估。利用WRFV3.7.1中尺度数值模式中5种边界层参数化方案(ACM2、BL、MYJ、MYNN2.5、YSU),模拟2014年4月塔克拉玛干沙漠大气边界层特征,并与塔中80 m塔及风廓线雷达晴朗天气下的观测资料对比分析。结果表明:5种方案均能模拟出近地面气温及地表温度,边界层高度,感热、潜热、地表热通量的变化趋势,但未能模拟出边界层风速的日变化趋势,温风湿廓线能较好的反映晴日沙漠地区边界层结构的变化特征,但未模拟出风速随高度变化趋势。沙漠地区下垫面干燥,热容量低,晴天极易形成对流不稳定边界层,非局地湍流参数化方案,ACM2方案是沙漠地区大气边界层模拟较为合理的选择。 相似文献