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将边界层相似性理论同线性热力学理论结合,间接地以观测实验事实证明大气边界层内线性唯象关系是成立的,而且线性湍流输送系数同相应的线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象关系是不成立的,混合层内湍流输送过程是一种强的非线性过程。所以,对流边界层是一种远离平衡态非线性区的热力学状态。地转风和热成风是一种大气系统特有的动力过程和热力过程和交叉耦合现象,这是大气系统交叉耦合现象的一个实际例证。  相似文献   

It has been proved that there exists a cross couplingbetween vertical heat turbulent transport and vertical velocity byusing linear thermodynamics. This result asserts that the verticalcomponent of heat turbulent transport flux is composed of both thetransport of the vertical potential temperature gradient and thecoupling transport of the vertical velocity. In this paper, thecoupling effect of vertical velocity on vertical heat turbulenttransportation is validated by using observed data from theatmospheric boundary layer to determine cross coupling coefficients,and a series of significant properties of turbulent transportationare opened out. These properties indicate that the cross couplingcoefficient is a logarithm function of the dimensionless verticalvelocity and dimensionless height, and is not only related to thefriction velocity u*, but also to the coupling roughnessheight zW0 and the coupling temperature TW0 of thevertical velocity. In addition, the function relations suggest thatonly when the vertical velocity magnitude conforms to the limitation|W/u*|≠1, and is above the level zW0, then thevertical velocity leads to the cross coupling effect on the verticalheat turbulent transport flux. The cross coupling theory andexperimental results provide a challenge to the traditionalturbulent K closure theory and the Monin-Obukhov similaritytheory.  相似文献   

水、陆不均匀条件下大气边界层结构的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用2004年白洋淀野外观测实验资料,对白洋淀地区水、陆不均匀分布条件下的大气边界层开展了数值模拟试验,结果表明:由于下垫面的热力差异,在360多km2的白洋淀地区,地表特征分布的不均匀可以引发弱的局地环流,影响大气边界层内温度和湿度的空间分布;在500m高度以下,下垫面不均匀分布对湍流动能有明显影响.最后将模拟结果与观测资料进行了对比检验.  相似文献   

边界层湍流输送的若干问题和大气线性热力学   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
胡隐樵  左洪超 《高原气象》2004,23(2):132-138
总结了大气线性热力学基本理论,讨论了大气边界层的能量和物质输送交叉耦合效应,还讨论了大气系统动力过程和热力过程的交叉耦合效应。分析指出:由于动力过程和热力过程的交叉耦合效应,导致大气边界层能量和物质输送过程除了湍流输送外,还应包括大气辐散和辐合运动对能量和物质的输送。非均匀下垫面大气边界层和对流边界层辐散和辐合运动对能量和物质输送是重要的。在这个基础上,讨论了非均匀下垫面和对流边界层地表能量的平衡问题,非均匀下垫面和对流边界层陆面过程边界层参数化等问题。这些研究不仅丰富了大气边界层物理理论,而且为克服当前大气边界层物理应用中所遇到的困难提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

利用2010年古浪近地层野外观测试验取得的干旱区典型下垫面(荒滩、沙漠和农田)的观测资料,对常用的3种空气动力学阻抗算法——Verma—R算法、Liu算法、Thom算法进行了适用性检验,并通过分离Thom算法中的动量和热量粗糙度对其进行改进(下称Thom-2算法)。对比不同下垫面空气动力学阻抗估算结果发现:在沙漠和荒滩下垫面,动力因素较热力因素影响大,空气动力学阻抗与风速的指数关系较农田下垫面明显;与其他3种算法相比,考虑了热量粗糙度的Thom-2算法在各种典型下垫面上的估算结果与观测值相比偏差最小,且在较为均匀的荒滩和沙漠下垫面上估算的空气动力学阻抗精度较农田高;通过比较4种算法估算干旱区不同典型下垫面空气动力学阻抗结果,说明干旱区空气动力学阻抗的估算应考虑热力粗糙度的影响。  相似文献   

中国北方疆域辽阔,多种植被类型交错分布,陆面过程较为复杂.研究该区域地表能量平衡及分配过程,有助于进一步了解其生态系统的生产力及气候变化.本文使用"中国北方协同观测实验"观测资料,选取中国北方四种植被类型——高寒草甸、荒漠草地、玉米农田及半干旱草地,在深入认识地表能量分配特征的基础上,讨论了环境因子对能量分配的影响.结...  相似文献   

南京冬季城、郊近地面湍流特征的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2006年2月17日—3月2日南京及其郊区的近地层湍流资料,分析了城、郊下垫面的无量纲化风速、温度的湍流特征,验证了Monin-obukhov(M-O)相似理论在城、郊下垫面的适用性,并与其他城市和地区的观测结果进行了比较,结果表明:在市区和郊区无量纲脉动风速标准差随稳定度的变化虽然都符合“1/3”次方律,但城、郊有一定差异,尤其在水平方向更为明显。在非中性时垂直向的变化要比水平向更符合“1/3”次方律;σT/|T*|与Z/L关系在城、郊有一定差异,在不稳定时在市区和郊区分别按“-1/3”次和“-2/3”次方规律变化,而在稳定时市区按“-2/3”次方变化,郊区无普适函数关系。在稳定和不稳定条件下,城、郊σT/|T*|都随着|Z/L|的减小而增大。  相似文献   

大气近地层湍流能谱特征的再分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据Kolmogorov局地均匀性湍流假设,大气近地层湍流能谱在惯性副区符合\"-5/3律\".但是作者通过翻阅大量文献以及实测资料分析发现,大气近地层湍流能谱符合\"-5/3律\"的频率范围比较狭窄,而用幂函数+指数函数形式\"fS(f)∝F-ae-bf\"拟合更恰当一些,这种能谱函数形式是连续时间混沌系统所特有的.利用HEIHE实验湍流观测资料分析结果表明,对于径向风分量,a=0.447,b=0.228;切向风分量:a=0.489,b=0.190;垂直风分量:a=0.551,b=0.124;温度:a=0.588,b=0.123.  相似文献   

HUBEX试验区近地面层的湍流输送   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1998年淮河流域能量和水循环试验(HUBEX)期间曾进行了1个月的近地面层湍流观测.分析不稳定条件下湍流的统计特性和谱特征,并与Monin-Obukhov相似理论进行了比较.结果表明,不稳定的时候各湍流量的统计特征与相似理论的预期相符.虽然不稳定条件下温度和湿度涨落的相关系数很高,谱的式样也相近,但湿度谱的峰值频率高于温度谱.协谱曲线的形状显示感热通量的谱峰较宽,表现出w和T在较宽范围的强相关性,而水汽通量谱在高频段下降很快,说明水汽的输送更多地出现在低频部分.从谱相关系数可见,在近中性的时候,各尺度湍流涡的热量输送效率普遍较低,随着不稳定性增强而显著提高.分析还发现,不论不稳定性的程度如何,小尺度湍流的水汽输送效率都较低.水汽通量谱的相关系数随稳定度的变化不如热通量的谱相关系数大,表明近中性时除小尺度湍流外其他湍流涡的水汽输送效率高于热量输送.  相似文献   

Accurate wind and turbulence information are essential to wind energy research and utilization, among which wind shear and turbulence intensity/scale have seldom been investigated. In this paper, the observational data from the100-m high wind towers in Xilinhot in Inner Mongolia(2009–10; grassland region), Huanghua in Hebei Province(2009–10; coastal flat region), and Xingzi County in Jiangxi Province(2010–11; mountain–lake region) are used to study the variations in near surface winds and turbulence characteristics related to the development of local wind energy over different underlying surfaces. The results indicate that(1) the percentage of the observed wind shear exponents exceeding 0.3 for the grassland region is 6%, while the percentage is 13% for the coastal flat region and 10%for the mountain–lake region. In other words, if the wind speed at 10 m is 10 ms–1, the percentage of the wind speed at 100 m exceeding 20 ms–1 for the grassland region is 6%, while the percentage is 13% for the coastal flat region and 10% for the mountain–lake region.(2) In terms of the turbulent intensity in the zonal, meridional, and vertical directions(I_u, I_v, and I_w, respectively), the frequencies of I_v/I_u < 0.8 in the grassland, coastal flat, and mountain–lake regions are 23%–29%, 32%–38%, and 30%–37%, respectively. Additionally, the frequencies of I_w/I_u < 0.5 in the grassland, coastal flat, and mountain–lake regions are 45%–75%, 52%–70%, and 43%–53%, respectively. The frequencies of I_v/I_u < 0.8 and Iw/I_u < 0.5 in each region mean that I_u is large and the air flow is unstable and fluctuating,which will damage the wind turbines. Therefore, these conditions do not meet the wind turbine design requirements,which must be considered separately.(3) At 50-and 70-m heights, the value of the turbulence scale parameter Λ in the grassland region is greater than that in the coastal flat region, and the latter is greater than that in the mountain–lake region. Therefore, under the same conditions, some parameters, e.g., the extreme directional change and extreme operating gust at the hub height in the grassland region, are greater than those in the coastal flat region,which are greater than those in the mountain–lake region. These results provide a reference for harnessing local wind energy resources and for the selection and design of wind turbines.  相似文献   

复杂下垫面模拟域大气边界层非局地闭合模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在非局地闭合大气边界层模拟研究基础上,选取黑河实验研究资料(HEIFE),利用二维模式对绿洲和沙漠交界地区的内边界层结构进行了模拟研究,模式考虑了两种下垫面条件下动力、热力特性的不同,并加入了湿度及水汽通量的预报。模拟结果表明:二维非局地闭合模式能得到合理的TIBL结构的基本特征,包括平均场、湍流场等,并能模拟给出一些由下垫面特性形成的大气现象,如沙漠地区逆湿现象的生消过程、绿洲的冷岛效应、绿洲与沙漠因热力差异而形成的局部环流形势等细致结构,符合沙漠站白天观测事实的典型特征。  相似文献   

孙鹏飞  范广洲  王寅钧  王超  曲哲  马宏达 《气象》2022,48(8):1020-1031
利用中国气象局五营森林生态监测站内梯度观测塔上的涡度相关资料,分析森林下垫面湍流动力特征(湍流强度、湍流标准差等),并计算了零平面位移(d)、空气动力粗糙度长度(z0)和动量拖曳系数(CD)。结果表明:研究区域全年以西南风为主,仅在夏季出现较多东北风。生长季(5—9月)湍流强度较强,非生长季(10月至次年4月)湍流强度较弱,水平风速的平均湍流强度为0.4,垂直风速的平均湍流强度为0.16。d和z0均有明显的季节变化,且一致表现为生长季高,非生长季低的趋势,d和z0平均值分别为18.56 m和1.21 m。不稳定条件时,三维风速的标准差均符合1/3次方相似规律;近中性条件时,无量纲三维风速标准差σi/u*(i=u,v,w)在春季分别为2.81、2.73、1.20,夏季为2.62、2.53、1.10,秋季为2.63、2.51、1.14,冬季为2.74、2.54、1.17。温度和湿度的标准差在不稳定条件符合-1/3次方相似规律,春季拟合的系数分别为2.06和2.67,夏季为2.45和2.18,秋季为1.94和2.85,冬季为1.96和3.00。CD在弱不稳定达到峰值,整体平均值为9.8×10-3,随粗糙度近似呈线性增长。  相似文献   

利用1961—2016年华东地区106个气象观测站的日降水数据和再分析资料,分析引起山东半岛夏季降水异常的大气环流型及其与前期下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)的关系,结果发现:1)当孟加拉湾出现西南风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南侧地区分别呈反气旋和气旋式环流异常时,加强了向山东半岛的水汽输送,配合区域大气上升运动异常最终导致山东半岛夏季降水偏多;反之,当孟加拉湾出现西北风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南地区分别呈气旋和反气旋式环流异常时山东半岛降水偏少。2)孟加拉湾和北太平洋中部关键区的对流层整层位势高度与下垫面海温自春季持续至夏季存在显著正相关,当两个地区的整层位势高度均呈正异常时,分别对应夏季孟加拉湾的强西风气流和日本列岛以南的反气旋环流异常。3)区域土壤湿度异常引起的感热和潜热通量异常,可能是引起贝加尔湖关键区位势高度和山东半岛局地对流异常的原因:贝加尔湖西南地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层位势高度为负异常;山东半岛地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层大气出现异常上升运动。4)利用关键区春季下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)建立山东半岛夏季降水的统计预测模型,留一交叉检验的距平同号率达到75%。这些结果可为山东半岛夏季降水预测提供重要参考。  相似文献   

重庆冬季大气边界层湍流扩散能力的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
曹文俊  朱汶  王蓓蕾 《大气科学》1994,18(2):243-251
本文利用1989年12月16日至1990年1月14日在重庆市用三轴风速仪所测得到的三轴风速资料,分别计算了有风、静风、有雾时的大气扩散参数, 以及无雾有风条件下的湍流强度。文中对有风时、静风时、有雾时的扩散参数作了比较和研究,对无雾有风时的湍流强度作了分析。从而有助于了解重庆在有风、 静风或有雾时边界层内湍流扩散能力的大小。  相似文献   

The accurate determination of surface-layer turbulent fluxes over urban areas is critical to understanding urban boundary layer (UBL) evolution. In this study, a remote-sensing technique using a large aperture scintillometer (LAS) was investigated to estimate surface-layer turbulent fluxes over a highly heterogeneous urban area. The LAS system, with an optical path length of 2.1 km, was deployed in an urban area characterized by a complicated land-use mix (residential houses, water body, bare ground, etc.). The turbulent sensible heat (Q H) and momentum fluxes (τ) were estimated from the scintillation measurements obtained from the LAS system during the cold season. Three-dimensional LAS footprint modeling was introduced to identify the source areas ("footprint") of the estimated turbulent fluxes. The analysis results showed that the LAS-derived turbulent fluxes for the highly heterogeneous urban area revealed reasonable temporal variation during daytime on clear days, in comparison to the land-surface process-resolving numerical modeling. A series of sensitivity tests indicated that the overall uncertainty in the LAS-derived daytime Q H was within 20%-30% in terms of the influence of input parameters and the non-dimensional similarity function for the temperature structure function parameter, while the estimation errors in τ were less sensitive to the factors of influence, except aerodynamic roughness length. The 3D LAS footprint modeling characterized the source areas of the LAS-derived turbulent fluxes in the heterogeneous urban area, revealing that the representative spatial scales of the LAS system deployed with the 2.1 km optical path distance ranged from 0.2 to 2 km2 (a "micro-α scale"), depending on local meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Described in this paper is an experiment on atmosphere-surface turbulent exchange and boundary layer turbulence properties conducted in July 1994 over the Kerqin Grassland,Jilin,China.The characteristics of the turbulent spectrum,and the relationships of the standard deviation of the turbulent velocity components and sensible heat flux with the atmospheric stability are studied using data from a sonic anemometer and a fast-response platinum resistance thermometer mounted on a 100 m tower.The results show that in the surface layer over a flat,uniform and open grassland,for a broad stability range(-22.12≤ZiL≤17.98),the velocity spectra obey the-2/3 power law in the inertial subrange,and 1 power law at low frequencies.Under near neutral stratification,σu/u*=1.20,σv/u*=1.23 and σw/u*=1.02.For Zi/L≤-0.2,the standard deviations of the turbulent velocity components follow a 1/3 power law.For Zi/L≤-0.1,the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations follows a-1/3 power law,and as Zi/L≤-0.08,it exhibits nonlinear behavior.Sensible heat flux is well correlated to the stability parameter.  相似文献   

Described in this paper is an experiment on atmosphere-surface turbulent exchange andboundary layer turbulence properties conducted in July 1994 over the Kerqin Grassland,Jilin,China.The characteristics of the turbulent spectrum,and the relationships of the standarddeviation of the turbulent velocity components and sensible heat flux with the atmospheric stabilityare studied using data from a sonic anemometer and a fast-response platinum resistancethermometer mounted on a 100 m tower.The results show that in the surface layer over a flat,uniform and open grassland,for a broad stability range(-22.12≤Z_(?)L≤17.98),the velocityspectra obey the-2/3 power law in the inertial subrange,and 1 power law at low frequencies.Under near neutral stratification,σ_u/u_*=1.20,σ_v/u_*=1.23 and σ_w/u_*=1.02.For Z_i/L≤-0.2,the standard deviations of the turbulent velocity components follow a 1/3 power law.ForZ_i/L≤-0.1,the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations follows a-1/3 power law,and as Z_i/L≤-0.08,it exhibits nonlinear behavior.Sensible heat flux is well correlated to thestability parameter.  相似文献   

The kinetic energy variations of mean flow and turbulence at three levels in the surface layer were calculated by using eddy covariance data from observations at Jinta oasis in 2005 summer.It is found that when the mean horizontal flow was stronger,the turbulent kinetic energy was increased at all levels,as well as the downward mean wind at the middle level.Since the mean vertical flow on the top and bottom were both negligible at that time,there was a secondary circulation with convergence in the upper half and divergence in the lower half of the column.After consideration of energy conversion,it was found that the interaction between turbulence and the secondary circulation caused the intensification of each other.The interaction reflected positive feedback between turbulence and the vertical shear of the mean flow.Turbulent sensible and latent heat flux anomaly were also analyzed.The results show that in both daytime and at night,when the surface layer turbulence was intensified as a result of strengthened mean flow,the sensible heat flux was decreased while the latent heat flux was increased.Both anomalous fluxes contributed to the cold island effect and the moisture island effect of the oasis.  相似文献   

HUBEX试验期间不同地面的能量收支研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用淮河流域能量和水循环试验(HUBEX)的外场观测资料,对不同天气条件下(雨期、干期,有云、无云)、不同下垫面下(水体、稻田、旱田、森林)的能量收支进行了研究.结果表明:(1)对于能量收支日变化,水面和稻田基本为单峰结构,而旱田和森林则为两峰或多峰结构,这可能与地表粗糙度有关;(2)从水面到稻田、旱田、森林,其感热通量的日平均值是从小到大,而潜热通量则相反,这可能反映了下垫面含水量和地表粗糙度的差异所造成的感热通量和潜热通量的差异;(3)不同天气状况其能量收支各有其特点.  相似文献   

从一维湍流能量平衡方程出发,回顾了近几十年湍流能量平衡方程中的各项以及Karman常数k的研究成果,总结了大气边界层湍流能量交换特征的研究概况和热点问题,并对今后发展趋势做了展望。实验研究表明,湍流能量平衡方程中的各项在不同条件下有不同的形式;传统的能量产生和耗散的局地平衡假设存在不足,特别是在不稳定条件下,垂直的湍流输运和压力脉动对湍流能量收支起了非常重要的作用。Karman常数与Rossby数和Reynolds数无关,在比较光滑的下垫面上k近似等于040±001。  相似文献   

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