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As one of the most common and dominant species in the Southern Ocean, Antarctic krill(Euphausia superba)play a significant role in food web structure and the process of energy flow. The diet of Antarctic krill in the Prydz Bay during austral summer of 2012/2013 was investigated and the ontogenetic shift in krill diet was evaluated using the stable isotope method. The nitrogen stable isotope values(δ~(15) N) of adults((2.78±0.58)‰) were much higher than those of juveniles((1.69±0.70)‰), whereas the carbon stable isotope values(δ~(13) C) of adults(–(28.26±1.08)‰) were slightly lower than those of juveniles(–(27.48±1.35)‰). Particulate organic matter(POM)from 0, 25, and 50 m depth combined(0/25/50 m) represented phytoplankton food items. The results showed that phytoplankton food items in surface water and mesozooplankton were two essential food items for Antarctic krill in the Prydz Bay during summer. POM(0/25/50 m) contributes 56%–69% and 26%–34% to the diet of juvenile and adult krill, respectively, whereas mesozooplankton composes 13%–34% and 58%–71% of the diet of juvenile and adult krill, respectively. Thus, an ontogenetic diet shift from POM(0/25/50 m), which consists mainly of phytoplankton, to a higher trophic level diet containing mesozooplankton, was detected. The capacity for adults to consume more zooplankton food items may minimize their food competition with juveniles, which rely mostly on phytoplankton food items. This suggests "diet shift with ontogeny" which may somehow help krill keep their dietary energy budget balanced and well adapted to the Antarctic marine ecosystem as a dominant species.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana, has a heterogeneous circumpolar distribution in the Southern Ocean. Krill have a close association with sea ice which provides access to a critical food source and shelter, particularly in the early life stages. Advective modelling of transport pathways of krill have until now been on regional scales and have not taken explicit account of sea ice. Here we present Lagrangian modelling studies at the circumpolar scale that include interaction with sea ice. The advection scheme uses ocean velocity output from the Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling (OCCAM) project model together with satellite-derived sea ice motion vectors to examine the potential roles of the ocean and sea ice in maintaining the observed circumpolar krill distribution. We show that the Antarctic Coastal Current is likely to be important in generating the large-scale distribution and that sea ice motion can substantially modify the ocean transport pathways, enhancing retention or dispersal depending upon location. Within the major krill region of the Scotia Sea, the effect of temporal variability in both the ocean and sea ice velocity fields is examined. Variability in sea ice motion increases variability of influx to South Georgia, at times concentrating the influx into pulses of arrival. This variability has implications for the ecosystem around the island. The inclusion of sea ice motion leads to the identification of source regions for the South Georgia krill populations additional to those identified when only ocean motion is considered. This study indicates that the circumpolar oceanic circulation and interaction with sea ice is important in determining the large-scale distribution of krill and its associated variability.  相似文献   

As a key species of the Southern Ocean ecosystem,the thermal and saline tolerances of Antarctic krill(Euphausia superb a Dana)are relatively unknown because of the challenging environment and complicated situations needed for observation have inhibited in-situ experiments in the field.Hence,the thermal and saline tolerance of krill were examined under in-situ aquarium conditions with different controlled scenarios.According to the experiments,the critical lethal times of krill were 24h,2h and 0.5h under 9℃,12℃,and 15℃,respectively,and the estimated 50%lethal times were about 17.1 h and 1.7 h under 12℃and 15℃,respectively.Additionally,the critical lethal times(the estimated 50%lethal times)of krill were approximately 14h and 0.5h(about 22.9 h and 1.7 h)of salinity under 19.7 and 15.9,respectively.The observed critical and 50%lethal times of krill were 0.5 h and approximately 1.4 h,respectively,salinity under 55.2.The critical and 50%lethal temperatures of krill were 13℃and approximately 14.2℃,respectively.Additionally,the critical and 50%lethal salinity was 19.6 and approximately 17.5 for the lower saline(below normal oceanic salinity[34.4])environment and 50.3 and approximately 53.2 for the higher saline(above 34.4)environment,respectively.The upper thermal and saline preferences of krill can be considered 6℃and 26.8 to 41.2,respectively.These results can provide potential scenarios for predicting the possible fate of this key species in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

The Antarctic krill(Euphausia superba) is a key species in the Southern Ocean ecosystem and an important link in the food web of the Antarctic ecosystem. The trophic information for this species during the transition from the austral fall to the winter is important to understand its poorly known overwintering mechanisms. However, the few studies on the topic differ in their results, in terms of both spatial and temporal variables. We investigated the size dependence and monthly and regional variation in δ~(13) C and δ~(15) N values of adult krill in the Antarctic Peninsula, in the austral fall(April to May) and the early winter(June). We aimed to examine the trophic variations of krill occurred during this period, and the relationship between krill and their feeding environment in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. The following results were obtained:(1) no significant relationship was observed between size and the δ13 C value of krill, but the δ15 N value of krill presented a remarkable association with size;(2)the δ13 C values of krill increased during the austral fall, but no remarkable variation existed at the onset of winter,and the δ15 N values were not significant different during this period;(3) mean δ15 N values of krill differed significantly between the Bransfield Strait and the South Shetland Islands. Our data imply that adult krill present size-, season-, and region-dependent trophic variation during the transition from austral fall to early winter in the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

Vassly A.  Spiridonov 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):519-541
Abstract. Oceanographic evidence along with the data on Euphausia superba distribution indicate that the reproductive range of this species is related to the southernmost core of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the Weddell Gyre, the Ross Gyre, and the systems of mesoscale eddies in the Bellingshausen Sea, in the Prydz Bay area. and the D'Urville Sea. During the Last Glaciation Maximum, at ca. 18 ka BP, both the Weddell and the Ross Gyres as well as near-coastal circulations probably lost their importance in the maintenance of Antarctic krill populations due to cooling of the water column and development of multi-year sea ice. Within the ACC at that time, some smaller-scale circulations related to islands and seamounts could have played a major role in controlling krill distribution. If, nevertheless. refugia for self-maintained krill populations remained in the near-coastal zone, particularly in the eastern Indian sector, geographical isolation might have caused divergence between the two species of the gregarine Cephaloidophora commonly infesting krill at present.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of the different life stages of Euphausia superba in the region of the South Shet- land Islands and southern Scotia Sea (Antarctica) were assessed based on scientific survey data collected in lanuary and February of 2010. Adults, eggs, nauplii, metanauplii, calyptopis I-Ill, and furcilia I-II were found in the investigation. The abundance of larvae averaged 1 172.8 ind./mz, with calyptopis I and II as the dominant stages. Habitat occupancy patterns varied among Euphausia superba at different stages, and three sub-regions were identified by cluster analysis. The degree of larval development increased from west to east. Larvae were not observed north of the South Shetland Islands. Calyptopis I was predominant in the water between Elephant Island and the South Orkney Islands, which featured no thermocline. Older stages, including calyptopis II and III and furcilia I and II, were common in north and northeast of the South Orkney Islands, which were characterized by high temperature and high chlorophyll concentration. Distri- bution and abundance of the early life stages of E. superba were associated with specific environmental con- ditions. According to Biota-Environment matching (BIOENV), the distributions of E. superba larvae were correlated with a combination of temperature at the surface and 200 m, and 0-100 m integrated chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

分析南极磷虾分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,对南极磷虾的高效捕捞和管理具有重要意义。本研究基于“龙腾”船2015、2016年在南设得兰群岛捕捞作业的渔捞日志数据,应用广义加模型(Generalized additive model,GAM)和地理权重回归模型(Geographical weighted regression,GWR)探究南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)渔场分布与环境因子的非线性和空间非静态性关系,并比较这2种模型的模拟性能,为南极磷虾的渔场渔情预报、资源评估和渔业管理提供基础数据。GAM模型结果显示,2015、2016年单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch per unit effort,CPUE)与作业水深均呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),表明在作业水深范围内,南极磷虾在较浅水域集群密度较高;2015年CPUE与表层水温呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01),但在2016年呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01),推测是由于2年调查作业位置不同所致;CPUE与离岸距离关系不显著(P≥0.05)。GWR模型结果显示,作业水深对CPUE的影响无显著的空间变化(P>0.05);海水表温和离岸距离对CPUE的影响具显著的空间变化(P<0.01),表明这2个因子对南极磷虾渔场分布的影响在空间上不连续,存在显著空间非静态性。GAM模型可用于研究资源分布与驱动因子的一般规律;GWR模型作为全局回归模型的有效补充,可用于探究一般规律不适合的特殊区域,便于发现资源分布的“热点”区域,未来在海洋生物资源分布研究中将有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Integrated geological and geophysical analysis of the anomalous magnetic field along with the previously unpublished profiles of Spanish expeditions onboard the R/V Hesperides and international databases of geomagnetic data processed in the context of the global tectonics concepts made it possible to identify paleomagnetic anomalies C11–C15 and compile the first map of the bottom geochronology of the Scan Basin. Unlike in earlier known publications, the paleoaxis of spreading does extend northeast, but approximately at an angle of 345°. According to calculations, spreading began 35.294?35.706 Ma ago during chron C15r, and the spreading paleoaxis was abandoned 29.527?29.970 Ma ago during chron C11n.2n. Thus, the destruction of the American–Antarctic bridge in the region joining the Bruce and Discovery banks with formation of oceanic crust in the Scan Basin started about 36 Ma ago. Regular spreading of the bottom has been continuing for about 6 Ma at a average rate close to 1.8 cm/year.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the transition zone from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean is closely linked with the destruction of the American–Antarctic continental bridge in the Scotia Sea. The western segment of the bridge combines the Terror, Pirie, and Bruce banks, as well as the Protector and Dove basins between them. Modeling—primarily based on original geological and geophysical materials—of linear magnetic anomalies and calculation of the floor kinematics in these basins have made it possible for the first time to reveal that the collapse of the western segment of the American–Antarctic continental bridge occurred 18–25 Ma ago via a two-stage separation of the Pirie Rise from the Bruce Rise with the formation of the Dove Basin and a two stage separation of the Terror Rise from the Pirie Rise with the formation of the Protector Basin.  相似文献   

The structure of sediments in the Scotia Sea is used as a basis for reconstructing the geological history of its bottom in the Late Quaternary. The Scan Basin is one of the main elements of the topography of the southern Scotia Sea. Its formation played a considerable role in the fragmentation of the continent, which included the Bruce and Discovery banks. The main parameters of the sediment layer in the Scan Basin have been reconstructed by the present time, but its top part has not been studied. In this work, we analyze the first data obtained on the R/V Gesperidas with the use of a TOPAS PS 18/40 high-resolution seismic profilograph in 2012. Three layers in the subsurface sediments on the bottom of the Scan Basin were specified for the first time. The mean periods of their deposition in the Late Quaternary were determined as 115000 years for the first, 76000 years for the second, and 59 000 years for the third layer from the surface of the bottom. The duration of the total accumulation period of the three layers is about 250000 years.  相似文献   

We study the energy exchange between jets of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and synoptic eddies generated by them in the surface layer of the ocean in the Drake Passage and Scotia Sea based on 22-year-long satellite altimetry time series from the French CLS Agency (DT Global–MADT–Upd product, http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr) under the assumption, based on observations, that each of the jets is confined between two fixed contour lines of the absolute dynamic topography of the ocean. We calculate and analyze the 22-year evolution of the kinetic energy of each ACC jet and cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies generated by it. We demonstrate the fundamental dependence of fluctuations in jet energy on the phase of their meander and eddy formation, as well as their back absorption by jets. We calculate the mean and extreme energetic characteristics of jets and eddies and compare the jets in terms of the intensity of the generated eddies.  相似文献   

Analysis of gravity data based on the Airy isostasy, magnetic depth estimates and few seismic refraction data taken together indicates a thinning of the crust between the Antarctic Peninsula and the East Antarctic craton below the Filchner and Ronne ice shelves.  相似文献   

The structural framework of the southern part of the Shackleton Fracture Zone has been investigated through the analysis of a 130-km-long multichannel seismic reflection profile acquired orthogonally to the fracture zone near 60° S. The Shackleton Fracture Zone is a 800-km-long, mostly rectilinear and pronounced bathymetric lineation joining the westernmost South Scotia Ridge to southern South America south of Cape Horn, separating the western Scotia Sea plate from the Antarctic plate. Conventional processing applied to the seismic data outlines the main structures of the Shackleton Fracture Zone, but only the use of enhanced techniques, such as accurate velocity analyses and pre-stack depth migration, provides a good definition of the acoustic basement and the architecture of the sedimentary sequences. In particular, a strong and mostly continuous reflector found at about 8.0 s two-way traveltime is very clear across the entire section and is interpreted as the Moho discontinuity. Data show a complex system of troughs developed along the eastern flank of the crustal ridge, containing tilted and rotated blocks, and the presence of a prominent listric normal fault developed within the oceanic crust. Positive flower structures developed within the oceanic basement indicate strike-slip tectonism and partial reactivation of pre-existing faults. Present-day tectonic activity is found mostly in correspondence to the relief, whereas fault-induced deformation is negligible across the entire trough system. This indicates that the E–W-directed stress regime present in the Drake Passage region is mainly dissipated along a narrow zone within the Shackleton Ridge axis. A reappraisal of all available magnetic anomaly identifications in the western Scotia Sea and in the former Phoenix plate, in conjunction with new magnetic profiles acquired to the east of the Shackleton Fracture Zone off the Tierra del Fuego continental margin, has allowed us to propose a simple reconstruction of Shackleton Fracture Zone development in the general context of the Drake Passage opening.  相似文献   

渤海环流与输运季节变化的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
渤海的风和温度层结有明显的季节变化 ,因而其环流与输运亦有明显的季节信号。以季节平均的海面气象条件和开边界的潮波系统驱动三维斜压水动力模型———HAMSOM ,模拟了渤海冬、夏季的总环流。渤海环流冬强夏弱 ,表层风漂流常被下层逆风流所补偿。深度平均环流 ,即水柱内的输运 ,流型有显著的季节变化 :冬季在渤海中部沿逆时针方向旋转 ,辽东湾顶有一个顺时针流涡 ,阻碍了湾顶水与外海水的交换 ;夏季则为一个大的贴岸的顺时针流环 ,内嵌许多局地涡旋。这些与渤黄东海海洋水文图集中给出的多年观测的环流基本相同 ,同时也被水文要素分布及耐盐浮游动物的出现所佐证。风的季节变化决定了渤海大部分海区、特别是海峡附近环流的季节变化 ,但辽东湾东岸众多的岬角涡旋却不随季节变化 ,因为它们是由潮波系统与岬角岸型变化的非线性相互作用产生的。  相似文献   

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