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Scleractinian corals create three-dimensional reefs that provide sheltered refuges, facilitate sediment accumulation, and enhance colonization of encrusting fauna. While heterogeneous coral habitats can harbor high levels of biodiversity, their effect on the community composition within nearby sediments remains unclear, particularly in the deep sea. Sediment macrofauna from deep-sea coral habitats (Lophelia pertusa) and non-coral, background sediments were examined at three sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (VK826, VK906, MC751, 350–500 m depth) to determine whether macrofaunal abundance, diversity, and community composition near corals differed from background soft-sediments. Macrofaunal densities ranged from 26 to 125 individuals 32 cm−2 and were significantly greater near coral versus background sediments only at VK826. Of the 86 benthic invertebrate taxa identified, 16 were exclusive to near-coral habitats, while 14 were found only in background sediments. Diversity (Fisher’s α) and evenness were significantly higher within near-coral sediments only at MC751 while taxon richness was similar among all habitats. Community composition was significantly different both between near-coral and background sediments and among the three primary sites. Polychaetes numerically dominated all samples, accounting for up to 70% of the total individuals near coral, whereas peracarid crustaceans were proportionally more abundant in background sediments (18%) than in those near coral (10%). The reef effect differed among sites, with community patterns potentially influenced by the size of reef habitat. Taxon turnover occurred with distance from the reef, suggesting that reef extent may represent an important factor in structuring sediment communities near L. pertusa. Polychaete communities in both habitats differed from other Gulf of Mexico (GOM) soft sediments based on data from previous studies, and we hypothesize that local environmental conditions found near L. pertusa may influence the macrofaunal community structure beyond the edges of the reef. This study represents the first assessment of L. pertusa-associated sediment communities in the GOM and provides baseline data that can help define the role of transition zones, from deep reefs to soft sediments, in shaping macrofaunal community structure and maintaining biodiversity; this information can help guide future conservation and management activities.  相似文献   

The combination of nearly saturated salt concentration and corresponding high density, high hydrostatic pressure, absence of light, anoxia, and a sharp chemocline make the deep hypersaline anoxic basins in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea some of the most polyextreme habitats on Earth. Using kinetoplastid-specific primers, we detected kinetoplastid flagellates in some of the harshest deep-sea environments known to date, including some whose small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences are not closely related to cultured representatives. Kinetoplastids, including presumably novel representatives appear to be specialists of halocline environments in the Eastern Mediterranean, and to comprise a significant fraction of the protist communities in the brines and haloclines of several basins. Fluorescent in situ hybridization data indicate a novel ‘unidentified’ sequence clade of kinetoplastids related to bodonids represents as much as 10% of the total protist community in the Discovery Basin halocline. Different kinetoplastid groups are unevenly represented in the different basins and habitats we sampled, which we discuss as a result of environmental selection.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡深水区沉积物细菌多样性调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王鹏  李涛 《海洋科学》2008,32(4):36-39
采用分子生物学手段,调查南海北部陆坡深水区沉积物细菌多样性.分析表明其细菌分成5个类群,变形细菌门(Proteotmcteria),厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes),拟杆菌门(Cytophaga/Flexi-bacteria/Bacteroides,简称CFB)及脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacteres).分别占总体的34%,38%,18%,4%,6%.其中60%以上的克隆子与硫代谢相关,20%克隆子最相近序列来自于油污染环境,说明硫代谢是该区域物质代谢的重要组成,同时该区域有油气渗透的烃类物质存在并影响着该区域的微生物群落结构.  相似文献   

本研究利用从南海采集的4种珊瑚分离附生真菌,并通过菌株的分类鉴定及系统发育分析获得珊瑚附生可培养真菌的多样性信息.选用酵母麦芽糖琼脂培养基(YM)、马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(PDA)、马丁氏培养基(Martin)、察氏琼脂培养基(CDA)和孟加拉红培养基(RBM)等5种培养基,采用平板涂布法培养分离附生真菌,基于ITS-rRNA基因序列对真菌菌株进行鉴定和系统发育分析.从4种珊瑚上共分离获得10个属的120株真菌,分别是:青霉属(Penicillum)56株、曲霉属(Aspergillus)25株、枝顶孢属(Acremonium)2株、枝孢属(Cladosporium)5株、毕赤酵母属(Meyerozyma)14株、隔孢伏革属(Peniophora)2株、拟茎点霉属(Phomopsis)1株、裂褶菌属(Schizophyllum)1株、梗孢酵母属(Sterigmatomyces)13株、篮状菌属(Talaromyces)1株.通过对不同珊瑚品种分离获得的附生真菌的比较,发现小叶鹿角珊瑚(Acropora microphthalma)和花鹿角珊瑚(Acropora floride)上分离到的菌株多样性最高,包含6属10种.进一步的分析发现不同珊瑚样品上真菌种类分布有较大差异,隔孢伏革属和裂褶菌属真菌均分离自小叶鹿角珊瑚,梗孢酵母属和篮状菌属均分离自角孔珊瑚(Goniopora sp.),扁脑珊瑚(Platygyra sp.)上则分离到拟茎点霉属.同时还发现不同培养基分离真菌的能力不同,YM培养基分离的菌株最多,CDA培养基分离真菌的多样性最多.以上的研究结果表明,南海珊瑚上存在大量且丰富的真菌资源,可以为后续生物活性物质的开发利用提供良好的菌种资源.  相似文献   

Specimens of Mora moro were collected in two seasons and three localities of the Balearic Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea) and parasitological, dietary (to prey-species level), enzymatic and histological data were obtained, alongside with environmental information (T, S, O2). The relationships among fish parasite load, condition indices, diet, enzymatic activity of muscular acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), intensity of splenic melano-macrophage centres (MMC) and hepatic granulomas were tested. M. moro showed a rich and abundant parasite fauna, and was a new host record for 17 out of the 18 different endoparasite taxa found. Significant differences were detected among locality-season groups, in turn related to different environmental variables, for Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis Type II and Tetraphyllidea fam. gen. sp.; thus, they are proposed as potentially useful as biological tags for geographical discrimination of M. moro in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Detailed relationships were found between parasite taxa and prey ingested (e.g. Anisakidae gen. sp. related with meso-bathypelagic crustaceans; Anisakis Type I with benthopelagic squids). Most parasites were linked to samples with highest levels of near-bottom O2, which is consistent with direct relationships found between near-bottom O2 and zooplankton biomass in the Balearic Basin. Total parasite abundance and the abundance of Tetraphyllidea fam. gen. sp. showed a significant relationship with the activity of AChE and the abundance of Anisakis Type II with LDH. AChE was associated with hepatosomatic index (HSI) and condition factor (K); LDH with gonadosomatic index (GSI), K and fish total length (TL). LDH activity showed differences among sampling groups. Splenic MMC and hepatic granulomas were not associated with fish parasite load. A positive relationship was found between MMC area and fish TL and LDH activity.  相似文献   

虫黄藻、细菌和造礁石珊瑚有着密切的共生关系, 但虫黄藻藻际细菌群落尚未得到广泛研究。本研究对5个属的6株虫黄藻进行了离体培养, 其中2株为悬浮型虫黄藻(E型), 4株为贴壁型虫黄藻(A—D型)。通过采集藻株培养物3种粒径的样本开展细菌群落分析, 分别为0.2~3μm(自由生活)、>3μm(附着于藻体或颗粒物)与Settling(沉底贴壁藻体上)。结果发现, 2种生活方式的藻株藻际细菌群落具有显著差别, 贴壁型藻株细菌群落的物种丰富度显著高于悬浮型藻株。发现7个属的细菌广泛存在于所有的藻株中, 它们代表了A—E型虫黄藻藻际细菌的核心类群。对3种粒径样本的核心细菌群落比较发现, 自由生和颗粒附着生的核心细菌群落十分相似, 但均与沉底贴壁样本差异明显。  相似文献   

On the passive margin of the Nile deep-sea fan, the active Cheops mud volcano (MV; ca. 1,500 m diameter, ~20–30 m above seafloor, 3,010–3,020 m water depth) comprises a crater lake with hot (up to ca. 42 °C) methane-rich muddy brines in places overflowing down the MV flanks. During the Medeco2 cruise in fall 2007, ROV dives enabled detailed sampling of the brine fluid, bottom lake sediments at ca. 450 m lake depth, sub-surface sediments from the MV flanks, and carbonate crusts at the MV foot. Based on mineralogical, elemental and stable isotope analyses, this study aims at exploring the origin of the brine fluid and the key biogeochemical processes controlling the formation of these deep-sea authigenic carbonates. In addition to their patchy occurrence in crusts outcropping at the seafloor, authigenic carbonates occur as small concretions disseminated within sub-seafloor sediments, as well as in the bottom sediments and muddy brine of the crater lake. Aragonite and Mg-calcite dominate in the carbonate crusts and in sub-seafloor concretions at the MV foot, whereas Mg-calcite, dolomite and ankerite dominate in the muddy brine lake and in sub-seafloor concretions near the crater rim. The carbonate crusts and sub-seafloor concretions at the MV foot precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with bottom seawater temperature; their low δ13C values (–42.6 to –24.5‰) indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane was the main driver of carbonate precipitation. By contrast, carbonates from the muddy lake brine, bottom lake concretions and crater rim concretions display much higher δ13C (up to –5.2‰) and low δ18O values (down to –2.8‰); this is consistent with their formation in warm fluids of deep origin characterized by 13C-rich CO2 and, as confirmed by independent evidence, slightly higher heavy rare earth element signatures, the main driver of carbonate precipitation being methanogenesis. Moreover, the benthic activity within the seafloor sediment enhances aerobic oxidation of methane and of sulphide that promotes carbonate dissolution and gypsum precipitation. These findings imply that the coupling of carbon and sulphur microbial reactions represents the major link for the transfer of elements and for carbon isotope fractionation between fluids and authigenic minerals. A new challenge awaiting future studies in cold seep environments is to expand this work to oxidized and reduced sulphur authigenic minerals.  相似文献   

It is well known that marine sponges harbor large numbers of bacteria, some of which have been proved to be sponge-specific. The diversity of bacteria in marine sponges distributed along the coast of South China Sea has been previously studied but that of bacteria in sponges inhabiting the open sea has been rarely investigated. In this report, the diversity of bacteria associated with the marine sponge Agelas robusta from a remote coral reef in the South China Sea was documented employing 16S rDNA library construction, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and phylogenetic analysis. A total of 32 phylotypes were finally categorized in nine phyla including Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Bacteroidetes and Gemmatimonadetes. The dominant phylum was Proteobacteria whereas the dominant genus was Synechococcus in Cyanobacteria. Some spongespecific bacteria were also found in the bacteria population, but the proportion (5 OTUs/32 OTUs) was much lower than other sponges. This study reveals the phylogenetic diversity of bacteria in A. robusta and confirms the presence of some sponge-specific bacteria in the South China Sea. Understanding the diversity of sponge-associated bacteria in China assists to exploit the bacteria resources for biotechnology.  相似文献   

During a research cruise carried out in April 2010, aimed at updating the knowledge on the biodiversity of the Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) cold‐water coral province (Mediterranean Sea), a facies of the sea pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum (Muller, 1776) was found on mud‐dominated bottoms. This finding represents a new species and a new habitat record from the SML coral province as well as a new bathyal facies in the whole Central Mediterranean Sea. The colonies were collected using an epi‐benthic sledge, at depths between 400 and 470 m. A significant positive relationship between polyp number and colony length was detected. Density of the colonies ranged from 0.003 to 0.038 N·m?2. Differences and affinities between Mediterranean and Atlantic occurrences of K. stelliferum are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns of microbial diversity and their composition in seawater is necessary to assess the impacts of microbes on marine ecosystem. Although the potential roles of microbes in the ocean have been studied, their diversity and relationship with environmental factors remain unclear. In this study, we adopted a 16S rRNA gene tag-pyrosequencing technique to investigate the bacterial communities associated with two different water masses from Tongyoung in the South Sea of Korea. Our results revealed highly diverse bacterial communities up to 900 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) estimated from each seawater which was collected in the month of March and May, when the environmental conditions including temperature differed significantly: 7.2°C and 17.6°C in March and May, respectively. Altogether, 13 bacterial phyla were recovered from the seawater, of which Proteobacteria was the most dominant group. In addition, the value of the Shannon index, which measures the evenness of the distribution of individuals among OTUs, in May is higher than that in March, indicating that it displays a wider diversity of bacteria. Interestingly, the proportion of pathogenic bacteria was significantly increased in the month of May compared to March, suggesting that pathogenic bacteria were increasingly emerging in May. In particular, Pseudoalteromonas and Vibrio spp. were determined as major pathogenic bacteria from both water masses, of which Vibrio spp. were dominant.  相似文献   

The decapod assemblages associated with two shallow meadows of Cymodocea nodosa, located in the same geographical area (Southern Spain) but on different substrates and with different patch size, have been analyzed. They display similar structure (diversity indices not significantly different), without a clear relation of richness and abundances to patch size, and with the same dominant species (the family Hippolytidae and, in particular, Hippolyte leptocerus are characteristic of this habitat). The composition of both crustacean assemblages is influenced by species that are common in neighbouring habitats. Therefore the connectivity among them is an important factor in the qualitative and quantitative structure of these decapod communities. Species richness appears to be higher than in Cymodocea meadows elsewhere in the Mediterranean and Atlantic at a similar depth, perhaps as a consequence of the biogeographical location and the high diversity and connectivity with surrounding biotopes. High evenness values are the result of the structure and location of these meadows, which are fragmented and interspersed with other biotopes (sandy and rocky bottoms), resulting in an ‘ecotone effect’. On the other hand, the structures of the decapod assemblages differ significantly according to sampling period. The abundance and species richness are both related to plant phenology and the dominant species present a positive correlation with the number of leaves per shoot. The maximum abundance of many species is coincident with the greatest seagrass development (spring – summer), which provides more resources (surface, biomass, protection, food). Therefore, seasonality is linked to plant life cycle, but also to the interrelationships and biology of the species, which are adapted and specialized to the environmental features of these shallow habitats.  相似文献   

The nematofauna associated with a cold-water coral degradation zone in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic) was investigated. This is the first comprehensive study of nematodes associated with cold-water corals. This research mainly aimed to investigate the influence of microhabitat type on nematode community structure. Three distinct microhabitats for nematodes were distinguished: dead coral fragments, glass sponge skeletons and the underlying sediment. The nematode assemblages associated with these three microhabitats were significantly different from each other. Coral and sponge substrata lie relatively unprotected on the seafloor and are consequently more subjected to strong currents than the underlying sediment. As a result, both large biogenic substrata were characterized by higher abundances of taxa that are less vulnerable and more adapted to physical disturbance, whereas the underlying sediment yielded more slender, sediment-dwelling taxa. Typically epifaunal taxa, such as Epsilonematidae and Draconematidae, were especially abundant on dead coral fragments, where they are thought to feed on the microbial biofilm which covers the coral surface. Several epifaunal genera showed significant preferences for this microhabitat, and Epsilonema (Epsilonematidae) was dominant here. Sponge skeletons are thought to act as efficient sediment traps, resulting in a lower abundance of epifaunal taxa compared to coral fragments. The underlying sediment was dominated by taxa typical for slope sediments. The considerable degree of overlap between the communities of each microhabitat is attributed to sediment infill between the coral branches and sponge spicules. It is assumed that the nematofauna associated with large biogenic substrata is composed of a typical sediment-dwelling background community, supplemented with taxa adapted to an epifaunal life strategy. The extent to which these taxa contribute to the community depends on the type of the substratum. Selective deposit feeders were dominant on sponge skeletons and in the underlying sediment, whereas coral fragments were dominated by epistratum feeders. The presence of a microbial biofilm on the coral fragments is proposed as an explanation for the significant preference of epistratum feeders for this microhabitat. Densities in the underlying sediment were low in comparison with other studies, but biodiversity was higher here than on the coral and sponge fragments, a difference which is attributed to lower disturbance. Nevertheless, the large biogenic substrata provide a microhabitat for rare, epifaunal taxa, and fragments of both substrata within the sediment increase habitat complexity and hence biodiversity.  相似文献   

The decapod assemblage associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow located near its western limit of biogeographic distribution was studied over an annual cycle. Fauna samples were taken seasonally over a year (five replicates per season) in two sites located 7 km apart, using a non‐destructive sampling method (airlift sampler) for the seagrass. The dominant species of the assemblage, Pisidia longimana, Pilumnus hirtellus and Athanas nitescens, were associated with the protective rhizome stratum, which is mainly used as a nursery. The correlations between decapod assemblage structure and some phenological parameters of the seagrass shoots and wave height were negative or null, which reflects that species associated with the rhizome had a higher importance than those associated with the leaf stratum. The abundance and composition of the decapod assemblage as well as the ecological indexes displayed a seasonality trend with maximum values in summer‐autumn and minimum in winter‐spring, which were related to the seawater temperature and the recruitment periods of the dominant species. The spatial differences found in the structure and dynamics of the assemblages may be due to variations in the recruitment of the dominant species, probably as a result of the influence of local factors (e.g. temperature, currents) and the high dispersal ability of decapods, together with the patchy configuration and the surrounding habitats. The studied meadows are fragmented and are integrated within a mosaic of habitats (Cymodocea nodosa patches, algal meadows, rocky and sandy bottoms), which promotes the movement of individuals and species among them, maintaining a high species richness and evenness.  相似文献   

The present work investigated the modifications induced by the spread of the green macroalga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) on the sponge assemblage of Apulian coralligenous concretions (Ionian Sea – Torre Ovo, Italy). The study of qualitative and quantitative sponge composition was carried out before (2004) and after (2006) the spread of this invasive alga by means of traditional (quadrat scraping) and photographic sampling methods. Results indicate that the spread of the green alga is concomitant with a significant decrease in percentage sponge cover both on horizontal- and on vertical-oriented substrates. In addition, strong modifications to the structure of the community in terms of repartition of the available substrate have been observed since the algal spread. Conversely, no major changes have affected the specific composition of the sponge assemblage, suggesting that at this stage of colonization the algal spread has not produced a loss of sponge biodiversity. However, there is a clear need to monitor closely the C. racemosa invasion to verify its long-term impact on the sponge assemblage.  相似文献   

This study examines the parasite fauna of Bathypterois mediterraneus, the most common fish below 1500 m in Western Mediterranean waters. Samples were obtained during July 2010 from the continental slope of two different areas (off Catalonia and Balearic Islands) in three different bathymetric strata at depths between 1000 and 2200 m. The parasite fauna of B. mediterraneus included a narrow range of species: Steringophorus cf. dorsolineatum, Scolex pleuronectis, Hysterothylacium aduncum, Anisakis sp. larva 3 type II and Sarcotretes sp. Steringophorus cf. dorsolineatum and H. aduncum were the most predominant parasites. H. aduncum showed significant differences in abundance between depths of 2000–2200 m with 1000–1400 m and 1400–2000 m, irrespective of locality, whereas S. cf. dorsolineatum showed significant differences between the two localities at all depths except for 2000–2200 m. We suggest the possible usefulness of these two parasites as geographical indicators for discriminating discrete stocks of B. mediterraneus in Western Mediterranean waters.  相似文献   

The shore stranding of mesopelagic fauna is a recurrent phenomenon in the Strait of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea). The aim of this paper is to test the influence of lunar phases, winds and seasons upon the frequency of occurrence of strandings of mesopelagic fish. Species abundance in relation to these factors was quantified for the first time. Specimens were collected stranded on the shore along the Sicilian coast of the Strait of Messina between 2008 and 2016. Overall 32 species belonging to seven families (Gonostomatidae, Microstomatidae, Myctophidae, Paralepididae, Phosichthyidae, Sternoptychidae, Stomiidae) were found stranded. Myctophidae was the family including the highest number of species (16), whereas Gonostomatidae was the most abundant in terms of total number of individuals (47.2%), mainly thanks to the species Cyclothone braueri. The moon, which influences the strength of currents (highest during full and new moon phases) and irradiance (higher in some lunar phases, such as the full moon), affected the abundance of stranded mesopelagic fish in the study area. The highest number of stranding events was recorded during the new moon: 34.6% of the total relative abundance of stranded mesopelagic fish. Wind blowing from the sea towards the coastline (southeasterly and easterly winds) created the best conditions for strandings. The highest abundance of stranded specimens was recorded during the winter season.  相似文献   

A giant 800-m-diameter pockmark named REGAB was discovered on the Gabon continental margin actively emitting methane at a water depth of 3200 m. The microbial diversity in sediments from four different assemblages of chemosynthetic organisms, Mytilidae, Vesicomyidae, Siboglinidae and a bacterial mat, was investigated using comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Aggregates of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2) and bacteria of the Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus cluster were found in all four chemosynthetic habitats. Fluorescence in situ hybridization targeting the ANME-2/Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus aggregates showed their presence few centimeters (3–5 cm) below the surface of sediment. 16S rRNA gene sequences from all known marine ANME groups were detected in the pockmark sediments, as well as from both known bacterial partners. The archaeal diversity was limited to the ANME cluster for all investigated samples. The bacterial diversity included members of the Proteobacteria, Bacilliales, Cytophaga/Flavobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, JS1 and Actinobacteria clusters. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences related to those of known sulphide-oxidizing symbionts were recovered from tissues of several invertebrates including vesicomyid clams and siboglinid tubeworms of REGAB.  相似文献   

Canyons play a fundamental role in enhancing the abundance and diversity of marine organisms through the transport of organic matter and food resources, the presence of complex physical habitats and the absence of trawl fishing. During four baited lander deployments carried out in the Bari Canyon (Southern Adriatic Sea, Central Mediterranean), at depths of 443–788 m, about 43 h of video records were taken, for a total of 619,200 video frames. A total of 12 benthopelagic fish species (five chondrichthyes and seven osteichthyes) were identified. The blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) was the most often observed fish species. The depth of 787 m represents a new depth record for this fish in the Adriatic Sea. Groups of up to 40 individuals of P. bogaraveo were attracted to the bait and were shown in single frames. The individuals were observed both exploring the area and feeding actively on the bait. The European conger (Conger conger) was recorded at each deployment. Clear scavenger behaviour was also observed in this teleost fish and in the shark Etmopterus spinax. The shark species Centrophorus granulosus and Hexanchus griseus, which are considered ‘vulnerable’ on the published IUCN Mediterranean Regional Red List, were also recorded but, although attracted by the bait, they were never seen feeding on it. Other fish species, harvested on fishing grounds, such as Merluccius merluccius, Helicolenus dactylopterus and Polyprion americanus, were also recorded. This study represents the first in situ documentation, at very low impact, of the fish fauna in the Bari Canyon, providing new insights into its small scale distribution and behaviour, the first in situ direct observation of the variable feeding behaviour of P. bogaraveo and its gregarious habits, as well as indicating that this canyon could act as a refuge area for species that are vulnerable to fishing on the open slope.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to test whether the distribution of littoral fish assemblages would reflect both their immediate environment with reference to local underwater vegetation, including larger scale geographic archipelagial zonation. A total of 62 locations were sampled using beach seine and underwater video along the southwestern Finnish coastline in summer 2001. At all locations, water temperature, water transparency and benthic vegetation patterns (depth ranges of plant species or taxa) were recorded. Using correspondence analysis, our results showed a clear division of the Archipelago Sea into three separate zones based on littoral fish species assemblages. Overall, fish assemblages formed three distinct site groups, being dominated by pike and cyprinids, by percids and gobies, or by gasterosteids, and showed clear inner, middle and outer archipelago zones respectively, within the study area. Our results suggest that while vegetation in the study sites was diverse, it failed to express the zonation reflected by the littoral fish assemblages, which showed a definite zonation pattern which broadly reflected previous reports using both physical and biological parameters. We interpret our results to show that littoral vegetation is better in expressing small-scale differences between study sites, while littoral fish communities are more robust in detecting changes over a larger geographical scale.  相似文献   

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