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Spinel-bearing peridotitic mantle xenoliths from the 1949 eruption on La Palma were modified mineralogically and chemically during prolonged reaction with their host magma. The magmatism that brought the peridotites to the surface caused two distinct generations of xenolith fractures: (1) Old fractures are characterized by crystalline selvages with cumulus textures towards the host magma, or by polymineralic veins. They are accompanied by 0.9–2 mm wide diffusion zones where peridotite olivine became less forsteritic through diffusive exchange with the host magma. Old fractures represent most of each xenolith's surface. (2) Young fractures show no selvages and only narrow diffusion zones of <0.02 mm width. Calculations based on a model of Fe-Mg interdiffusion give an age of 6 to 83 years and <4 days for old and young fractures, respectively. A combination of these data with fluid inclusion barometry indicates that selvages and veins formed during xenolith transport rather than representing wall-rock reactions or mantle metasomatism. The results provide ample evidence for prolonged storage of the xenoliths in the crust, constraining a multi-stage magma ascent: Years to decades prior to eruption, ascending magma ruptured peridotitic wall-rock possibly through hydraulic fracturing and stoping around magma reservoirs. Magma batches transported the peridotite xenoliths to the crust at ascent rates exceeding 0.2 ms−1. The xenoliths and their host magma stagnated during at least 6 years in possibly sill-like reservoirs at 7–11 km depth. The xenoliths became deposited and subsequently embedded in a mush of settled phenocrysts, while selvages and veins crystallized until the eruption commenced. At the end of the eruption, the xenoliths were finally transported to the surface within hours to days. Decompression during the rapid ascent induced internal stresses and caused renewed fragmentation of the xenoliths, producing the young fractures. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

The partitioning of divalent (Co, Ni) and trivalent (Sc, Cr) trace elements between olivine, ortho- and clinopyroxene and spinel from spinel peridotite xenoliths has been investigated. These peridotites cover a wide range in modal composition from dunite to primitive lherzolites and have equilibrated in the upper mantle between >900° C and <1,200° C.The distribution of Co and Ni shows only minor variation through the whole sequence. In contrast, Sc partitioning between ortho- and clinopyroxene and olivine and clinopyroxene as well as Cr partitioning between olivine and clinopyroxene or olivine and orthopyroxene display high but systematic variations which can be assigned to dependences upon equilibration temperatues. Empirical temperature calibrations are given for Sc-orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene, Sc-olivine/clinopyroxene and Cr-olivine/clinopyroxene which, in principle, may permit to estimate equilibration temperatures not only for lherzolites or harzburgites but for orthopyroxene-free peridotites, too.Sc and Ni partition coefficients between spinel and mantle silicate minerals are primarily dependent upon the major element composition of spinel (e.g. Cr and Al) although a temperature dependence can still be identified. Probably such compositional effects are not observed for trace element partitioning between pyroxenes and olivine or ortho- and clinopyroxene only for the reason that in normal spinel peridotites these minerals show much less variation in major element composition than their coexisting spinels.  相似文献   

We present here Sr, Nd, and Pb-isotopic data from harzburgite (group I) and dunite-pyroxenite (group II) suite mantle xenoliths from the island of Hierro, one of the youngest and westernmost of the Canary Islands. A progressive leaching technique has been developed and applied to the whole-rock powder samples in order to identify and remove as far as possible any recent additions (host basalt and/or sea-water). Isotopic analyses of the leached residues show significant systematic differences between these two suites. Dunite-pyroxenite suite xenoliths (olivine pyroxenites, dunites and wehrlites) exhibit a relatively small range of isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr from 0.70292 to 0.70315; 143Nd/144Nd from 0.51295 to 0.51302; 206Pb/204Pb from 19.18 to 19.40) compared to the harzburgite suite (87Sr/86Sr from 0.70295 to 0.70320; 143Nd/144Nd from 0.51285 to 0.51296; 206Pb/204Pb from 18.85 to 19.41). In all isotope correlation diagrams the leached dunite-pyroxenite suite xenoliths plot between the Hierro basalt field and a hypothetical depleted mantle suggesting that these xenoliths may have been strongly infiltrated by Hierro-type basalt. Progressive leaching of this suite of samples showed removal of a component with more enriched Sr (higher 87Sr/86Sr relative to depleted mantle) and Nd (lower 143Nd/144Nd) isotopic compositions that is probably host basalt glass. The leached harzburgite suite xenoliths extend to more enriched Sr and Nd isotopic compositions than Hierro-type basalt but always have more depleted Pb. This relationship can best be explained if this suite has been subject to infiltration by earlier magmas of the Canary Island suite (in particular, those from Gran Canaria show appropriate compositional ranges), although additional infiltration by Hierro basalt cannot be ruled out. The leaching experiments for this suite mostly show removal of a radiogenic Sr component only (? seawater) which supports the interpretation of early infiltration and subsequent recrystallisation and equilibration prior to the Hierro event. Isotopic data presented in this study show that complex interaction with percolating basaltic melts of varying composition was occurring in the upper mantle beneath Hierro prior to and during the volcanic event and was probably related to the generation of earlier Canary Island magmas.  相似文献   

A thermobarometric and petrologic study of basanites erupted from young volcanic cones along the submarine portions of the three El Hierro rift zones (NE-Rift, NW-Rift and S-Ridge) has been performed to reconstruct magma plumbing and storage beneath the island. Mineral-melt thermobarometry applied to naturally quenched glass and clinopyroxene rims yields pressures ranging from 350 to 1070 MPa with about 80% of the calculated pressures being in the range of 600–800 MPa. This corresponds to a depth range of 19–26 km, implying that the main level of final crystal fractionation is within the uppermost mantle. No systematic dependence between sample locality and fractionation pressures could be observed. Olivine and clinopyroxene crystals in the rocks are complexly zoned and have, on an inter-sample as well as on an intra-sample scale, highly variable core and rim compositions. This can best be explained by mixing of multiply saturated (olivine, magnetite, clinopyroxene, ilmenite), moderately evolved magmas with more mafic magmas being either only saturated with olivine + spinel or with olivine + spinel + clinopyroxene. The inter-sample differences indicate derivation from small, isolated magma chambers which have undergone distinct fractionation and mixing histories. This is in contrast to oceanic intraplate volcanoes situated on plumes with high melt supply rates, e.g. Kilauea Volcano (Hawaii), where magma is mainly transported through a central conduit system and stored in a shallow magma chamber prior to injection into the rift zones. The plumbing system beneath El Hierro rather resembles the magma storage systems beneath, e.g. Madeira or La Palma, indicating that small, intermittent magma chambers might be a common feature of oceanic islands fed by plumes with relatively low fluxes, which results in only limited and periodic magma supply.  相似文献   

Three groups of ultramafix xenoliths were collected from alkali basalt in the island of Hierro, Canary Islands: (1) Cr-diopside series (spinel harzbugite, lherzolite, dunite); (2) Al-augite series xenoliths (spinel wherlite, olivine clinopyroxenite, dunite, olivine websterite); (3) gabbroic xenoliths. The main textures are granoblastic, porphyroclastic and granular, but poikilitic textures, and symplectitic intergrowths of clinopyroxene (cpx) + spinel (sp)±orthopyroxene (opx)±olivine (ol) (in rare cases cpx+opx), occur locally. Textural relations and large inter- and intra-sample mineral chemical variations testify to a complex history of evolution of the mantle source region, involving repeated heating, partial melting, and enrichment associated with infiltration by basaltic melts. The oldest assemblage in the ultramafic xenoliths (porphyroclasts of ol+opx±sp±cpx) represents depleted abyssal mantle formed within the stability field of spinel lherzolite. The neoblast assemblage [ol+cpx+ sp±opx±plagioclase (plag)±ilmenite (il)±phlogopite (phlog)] reflect enrichment in CaO+Al2O3+Na2O+ FeO±TiO2±K2O±H2O through crystal/liquid separation processes and metasomatism. The Al-augite-series xenoliths represent parts of the mantle where magma infiltration was much more extensive than in the source region of the Cr-diopside series rocks. Geothermometry indicates temperature fluctuations between about 900–1000 and 1200°C. Between each heating event the mantle appears to have readjusted to regional geothermal gradient passing 950°C at about 12 kbar. The gabbroic xenoliths represent low-pressure cumulates.  相似文献   

 Mantle xenoliths hosted by the Historic Volcan de San Antonio, La Palma, Canary Islands, fall into two main group. Group I consists of spinel harzburgites, rare spinel lherzolites and spinel dunites, whereas group II comprises spinel wehrlites, amphibole wehrlites, and amphibole clinopyroxenites. We here present data on group I xenoliths, including veined harzburgites and dunites which provide an excellent basis for detailed studies of metasomatic processes. The spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenoliths have modal ol−opx−cpx ratios and mineral and whole rock major element chemistry similar to those found in Lanzarote and Hierro, and are interpreted as highly refractory, old oceanic lithospheric mantle. Spinel dunites are interpreted as old oceanic peridotite which has been relatively enriched in olivine and clinopyroxene (and highly incompatible elements) through reactions with basaltic Canarian magmas, with relatively high melt/peridotite ratio. Group I xenoliths from La Palma differ from the Hierro and Lanzarote ones by a frequent presence of minor amounts of phlogopite (and amphibole). Metasomatic processes are also reflected in a marked enrichment of strongly incompatible relative to moderately incompatible trace elements, and in a tendency for Fe−Ti enrichment along grain boundaries in some samples. The veins in the veined xenoliths show a gradual change in phase assemblage and composition of each phase, from Fe−Ti-rich amphibole+augite+Fe−Ti-oxides+apatite+basaltic glass, to Ti-poor phlogopite+Cr-diopside±chromite+ Si−Na−K-rich glass+fluid. Complex reaction zones between veins and peridotite include formation of clinopyroxene±olivine+glass at the expense of orthopyroxene in harzburgite, and clinopyroxene+spinel±amphibole±glass at the expense of olivine in dunite. The dramatic change in glass composition from the broadest to the narrowest veins includes increasing SiO2 from 44 to 67 wt%, decreasing TiO2/Al2O3 ratio from >0.24 to about 0.02, and increasing K2O and Na2O from 1.8 to >7.0 wt% and 3.8 to 6.7 wt%, respectively. The petrographic observations supported by petrographic mixing calculations indicate that the most silicic melts in the veined xenoliths formed as the result of reaction between infiltrating basaltic melt and peridotite wall-rock. The highly silicic, alkaline melt may represent an important metasomatic agent. Pervasive metasomatism by highly silicic melts (and possibly fluids unmixed from these) may account for the enriched trace element patterns and frequent presence of phlogopite in the upper mantle under La Palma. Received: 15 January 1996 / Accepted 30 May 1996  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths from Tenerife show evidence of metasomatismand recrystallization overprinting the effects of extensivepartial melting. The evidence includes: recrystallization ofexsolved orthopyroxene porphyroclasts highly depleted in incompatibletrace elements into incompatible-trace-element-enriched, poikiliticorthopyroxene with no visible exsolution lamellae; formationof olivine and REE–Cr-rich, strongly Zr–Hf–Ti-depletedclinopyroxene at the expense of orthopyroxene; the presenceof phlogopite; whole-rock CaO/Al2O3 >> 1 (Ca metasomatism) inrecrystallized rocks; and enrichment in incompatible elementsin recrystallized rocks, relative to rocks showing little evidenceof recrystallization. The ‘higher-than-normal’ degreeof partial melting that preceded the metasomatism probably resultsfrom plume activity during the opening of the Central AtlanticOcean. Sr–Nd isotopic compositions are closely similarto those of Tenerife basalts, indicating resetting from theexpected original mid-ocean ridge basalt composition by themetasomatizing fluids. Metasomatism was caused by silicic carbonatitemelts, and involved open-system processes, such as trappingof elements compatible with newly formed acceptor minerals,leaving residual fluids moving to shallower levels. The compositionsof the metasomatizing fluids changed with time, probably asa result of changing compositions of the melts produced in theCanary Islands plume. Spinel dunites and wehrlites representrocks where all, or most, orthopyroxene has been consumed throughthe metasomatic reactions. KEY WORDS: Canary Islands; Tenerife; mantle xenoliths; geochemistry; Ca metasomatism; open-system processes; lithosphere; ocean islands  相似文献   

Fluid and solid inclusions have been studied in selected samples from a series of spinel-bearing Crdiopside-and Al-augite-series ultramafic (harzburgites, lherzolites, and olivine-clinopyroxene-rich rocks), and gabbroic xenoliths from Hierro, Canary Islands. In these samples several generations of fluid inclusions and ultramafic-and mafic-glass inclusions may be texturally related to different stages of crystal growth. The fluid inclusions consist of pure, or almost pure, CO2. The solid inclusions in the ultramafic xenoliths comprise early inclusions of devitrified ultramafic glass, sulphide inclusions, as well as polyphase inclusions (spinel+clinopyroxene±glass±other silicates) believed to have formed from trapped basaltic melts. Vitreous basaltic glass±CO2±sulphide±silicates are common as secondary inclusions in the ultramafic xenoliths, and as primary inclusions in the gabbroic xenoliths. Microthermometry gives minimum trapping temperatures of 1110° C for the early ultramafic-and mafic-glass inclusions, and a maximum of 1260–1280° C for late inclusions of host basaltic glass. In most samples the CO2 inclusions show a wide range in homogenization temperatures (-40 to +31° C) as a result of decrepitation during ascent. The lowest homogenization temperatures of about-40° C, recorded in some of the smallest CO2 inclusions, indicate a minimum depth of origin of 35 km (12 kbar) for both the Cr-diopside-and Al-augite-series xenoliths. The gabbroic xenoliths originate from a former magma chamber at a depth of 6–12 km.Contribution no. 100 of the Norwegian programme of the International Lithosphere Project  相似文献   

Lithium elemental and isotopic disequilibrium has frequently been observed in the continental and oceanic mantle xenoliths, but its origin remains controversial. Here, we present a combined elemental and Li isotopic study on variably metasomatised peridotite xenoliths entrained in the Cenozoic basalts from Shangzhi in Northeast (NE) China that provides insight into this issue. Li concentration (0.3–2.7 ppm) and δ7Li (mostly 2‰–6‰) in olivine from the Shangzhi peridotites are similar to the normal mantle values and show roughly negative correlations with the indices of melt extraction (such as modal olivine and whole rock MgO). These features are consistent with variable degrees of partial melting. In contrast, clinopyroxene from the Shangzhi xenoliths shows significant Li enrichment (0.9–6.1 ppm) and anomalously light δ7Li (??13.8‰ to 7.7‰) relative to normal mantle values. Such features can be explained by Li diffusion from silicate melts or Li-rich fluids occurring over a very short time (several minutes to several hours). Moreover, the light Li isotopic compositions preserved in some bulk samples also indicate that these percolated melts/fluids have not had enough time to isotopically equilibrate with the bulk peridotite. We thus emphasize that Li isotopic fractionation in the Shangzhi mantle xenoliths is mainly related to Li diffusion from silicate melts or Li-rich fluids that took place shortly before or coincident with their entrainment into the host magmas.  相似文献   

Osmium, Ru, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re abundances and 187Os/188Os data on peridotites were determined using improved analytical techniques in order to precisely constrain the highly siderophile element (HSE) composition of fertile lherzolites and to provide an updated estimate of HSE composition of the primitive upper mantle (PUM). The new data are used to better constrain the origin of the HSE excess in Earth’s mantle. Samples include lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths from Archean and post-Archean continental lithosphere, peridotites from ultramafic massifs, ophiolites and other samples of oceanic mantle such as abyssal peridotites. Osmium, Ru and Ir abundances in the peridotite data set do not correlate with moderately incompatible melt extraction indicators such as Al2O3. Os/Ir is chondritic in most samples, while Ru/Ir, with few exceptions, is ca. 30% higher than in chondrites. Both ratios are constant over a wide range of Al2O3 contents, but show stronger scatter in depleted harzburgites. Platinum, Pd and Re abundances, their ratios with Ir, Os and Ru, and the 187Os/188Os ratio (a proxy for Re/Os) show positive correlations with Al2O3, indicating incompatible behavior of Pt, Pd and Re during mantle melting. The empirical sequence of peridotite-melt partition coefficients of Re, Pd and Pt as derived from peridotites () is consistent with previous data on natural samples. Some harzburgites and depleted lherzolites have been affected by secondary igneous processes such as silicate melt percolation, as indicated by U-shaped patterns of incompatible HSE, high 187Os/188Os, and scatter off the correlations defined by incompatible HSE and Al2O3. The bulk rock HSE content, chondritic Os/Ir, and chondritic to subchondritic Pt/Ir, Re/Os, Pt/Re and Re/Pd of many lherzolites of the present study are consistent with depletion by melting, and possibly solid state mixing processes in the convecting mantle, involving recycled oceanic lithosphere. Based on fertile lherzolite compositions, we infer that PUM is characterized by a mean Ir abundance of 3.5 ± 0.4 ng/g (or 0.0080 ± 0.0009*CI chondrites), chondritic ratios involving Os, Ir, Pt and Re (Os/IrPUM of 1.12 ± 0.09, Pt/IrPUM = 2.21 ± 0.21, Re/OsPUM = 0.090 ± 0.002) and suprachondritic ratios involving Ru and Pd (Ru/IrPUM = 2.03 ± 0.12, Pd/IrPUM = 2.06 ± 0.31, uncertainties 1σ). The combination of chondritic and modestly suprachondritic HSE ratios of PUM cannot be explained by any single planetary fractionation process. Comparison with HSE patterns of chondrites shows that no known chondrite group perfectly matches the PUM composition. Similar HSE patterns, however, were found in Apollo 17 impact melt rocks from the Serenitatis impact basin [Norman M.D., Bennett V.C., Ryder G., 2002. Targeting the impactors: siderophile element signatures of lunar impact melts from Serenitatis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 217-228.], which represent mixtures of chondritic material, and a component that may be either of meteoritic or indigenous origin. The similarities between the HSE composition of PUM and the bulk composition of lunar breccias establish a connection between the late accretion history of the lunar surface and the HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. Although late accretion following core formation is still the most viable explanation for the HSE abundances in the Earth’s mantle, the “late veneer” hypothesis may require some modification in light of the unique PUM composition.  相似文献   

Reaction zones around minerals in mantle xenoliths have been reported from many localities worldwide. Interpretations of the origins of these textures fall into two groups: mantle metasomatic reaction or reaction during transport of the xenoliths to the surface. A suite of harzburgitic mantle xenoliths from Sal, Cape Verde show clear evidence of reaction during transport. The reactions resulted in the formation of olivine–clinopyroxene and Si- and alkali-rich glass reaction zones around orthopyroxene and sieve-textured clinopyroxene and sieve textured spinel, both of which are associated with a Si- and alkali-rich glass similar to that in the orthopyroxene reaction zones. Reaction occurred at pressures less than the mantle equilibration pressure and at temperatures close to the liquidus temperature of the host magma. In addition, there is a clear spatial relation of reaction with the host lava: reaction is most intense near the lava/xenolith contact. The residence time of the xenoliths in the host magma, determined from Fe–Mg interdiffusion profiles in olivine, was approximately 4 years. Our results cannot be reconciled with a recent model for the evolution of the mantle below the Cape Verde Archipelago involving mantle metasomatism by kimberlitic melt. We contend that alkali-rich glasses in the Sal xenoliths are not remnants of a kimberlitic melt, but rather they are the result of reaction between the host lava or a similar magma and xenolith minerals, in particular orthopyroxene. The formation of a Si- and alkali-rich glass by host magma–orthopyroxene reaction appears to be a necessary precursor to formation of sieve textured spinel and clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

The Dalnyaya kimberlite pipe(Yakutia,Russia) contains mantle peridotite xenoliths(mostly Iherzolites and harzburgites) that show both sheared porphyroclastic(deformed) and coarse granular textures,together with ilmenite and clinopyroxene megacrysts.Deformed peridotites contain high-temperature Fe-rich clinopyroxenes,sometimes associated with picroilmenites,which are products of interaction of the lithospheric mantle with protokimberlite related melts.The orthopyroxene-derived geotherm for the lithospheric mantle beneath Dalnyaya is stepped similar to that beneath the Udachnaya pipe.Coarse granular xenoliths fall on a geotherm of 35 mWm-2 whereas deformed varieties yield a 45 mWm-2)geotherm in the 2-7.5 GPa pressure interval.The chemistry of the constituent minerals including garnet,olivine and clinopyroxene shows trends of increasing Fe~#(=Fe/(Fe+Mg))with decreasing pressure.This may suggest that the interaction with fractionating protokimberlite melts occurred at different levels.Two major mantle lithologies are distinguished by the trace element patterns of their constituent minerals,determined by LA-ICP-MS.Orthopyroxenes,some clinopyroxenes and rare garnets are depleted in Ba,Sr,HFSE and MREE and represent relic lithospheric mantle.Re-fertilized garnet and clinopyroxene are more enriched.The distribution of trace elements between garnet and clinopyroxene shows that the garnets dissolved primary orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene.Later high temperature clinopyroxenes related to the protokimberlite melts partially dissolved these garnets.Olivines show decreases in Ni and increases in Al,Ca and Ti from Mg-rich varieties to the more Fe-rich,deformed and refertilized ones.Minerals showing higher Fe~#(0.11-0.15) are found within intergrowths of low-Cr ilmenite-clinopyroxene-garnet related to the crystallization of protokimberlite melts in feeder channels.In P-f(O_2) diagrams,garnets and Cr-rich clinopyroxenes indicate reduced conditions at the base of the lithosphere at-5 log units below a FMQ buffer.However,Cr-poor clinopyroxenes,together with ilmenite and some Fe-Ca-rich garnets,demonstrate a more oxidized trend in the lower part of lithosphere at-2 to 0 log units relative to FMQ.Clinopyroxenes from xenoliths in most cases show conditions transitional between those determined for garnets and megacrystalline Cr-poor suite.The relatively low diamond grade of Dalnyaya kimberlites is explained by a high degree of interaction with the oxidized protokimberlite melts,which is greater at the base of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

对产于莒南晚中生代玄武岩中的镁铁质麻粒岩和橄榄岩包体矿物进行了傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析.结果显示,麻粒岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石300×10-6~1 180×10-6,斜方辉石80×10-6~169×10-6,斜长石717×10-6~1 239×10-6,全岩525×10-6~855×10-6;橄榄岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石466×10- 6~746×10-6,斜方辉石187×10-6~304×10-6,橄榄石6×10-6~15×10-6,全岩81×10-6~245×10-6.从单矿物看,麻粒岩和橄榄岩之间水含量的差距不是很明显,但麻粒岩的全岩水含量明显高于橄榄岩,表明大陆深部岩石圈的水含量在垂向上具有不均一性.  相似文献   

The Monglo adakite contains mafic and ultramafic xenoliths, which probably originated from the mantle section of an Early Cretaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolitic complex located within the Luzon arc crust. Spinel-bearing dunites are dominant among this xenolith collection and display evidence for three episodes of subduction-related melt percolation. The first one is evidenced by an undeformed clinopyroxene characterized by convex-upwards REE pattern. This clinopyroxene crystallized from a calc-alkaline basaltic magma, likely formed in the Cretaceous supra-subduction setting of the ophiolite. Then, two metasomatic events, evidenced by orthopyroxene-rich and amphibole-rich secondary parageneses, respectively, affected most of the spinel dunites. The opx-rich paragenesis is related to the circulation within the dunitic upper mantle of hydrous slab-derived melts similar to those affecting the mantle peridotite xenoliths from Papua New Guinea and Kamchatka. Finally the amphibole-rich veins are related to the interaction between the studied dunite xenoliths and the host adakite or an adakitic melt similar to it.  相似文献   

Using our database on major, trace, and volatile element contents in melt inclusions in minerals and quenched glasses of volcanic rocks reported in the literature, we compared the mean contents of 71 chemical elements in melts from the mid-ocean ridges (MORB) of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans and determined the mean MORB composition for all the oceans of the Earth (global MORB composition). Mean ratios of incompatible trace and volatile components (H2O/Ce, K2O/Cl, Nb/U, Ba/Rb, Ce/Pb, Nb/U, etc.) were calculated for magmatic melts from all the oceans. Variations of these parameters were estimated, and significant differences between the melts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans were established.  相似文献   

 Picritic units of the Miocene shield volcanics on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, contain olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts with abundant primary melt, crystal and fluid inclusions. Composition and crystallization conditions of primary magmas in equilibrium with olivine Fo90-92 were inferred from high-temperature microthermometric quench experiments, low-temperature microthermometry of fluid inclusions and simulation of the reverse path of olivine fractional crystallization based on major element composition of melt inclusions. Primary magmas parental for the Miocene shield basalts range from transitional to alkaline picrites (14.7–19.3 wt% MgO, 43.2–45.7 wt% SiO2). Crystallization of these primary magmas is believed to have occurred over the temperature range 1490–1150° C at pressures ≈5 kbar producing olivine of Fo80.6-90.2, high-Ti chrome spinel [Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+)=0.32–0.56, Cr/(Cr+Al)=0.50–0.78, 2.52–8.58 wt% TiO2], and clinopyroxene [Mg/(Mg+Fe)=0.79–0.88, Wo44.1-45.3, En43.9-48.0, Fs6.8-11.0] which appeared on the liquidus together with olivine≈Fo86. Redox conditions evolved from intermediate between the QFM and WM buffers to late-stage conditions of NNO+1 to NNO+2. The primary magmas crystallized in the presence of an essentially pure CO2 fluid. The primary magmas originated at pressures >30 kbar and temperatures of 1500–1600° C, assuming equilibrium with mantle peridotite. This implies melting of the mantle source at a depth of ≈100 km within the garnet stability field followed by migration of melts into magma reservoirs located at the boundary between the upper mantle and lower crust. The temperatures and pressures of primary magma generation suggest that the Canarian plume originated in the lower mantle at depth ≈900 km that supports the plume concept of origin of the Canary Islands. Received: 23 October 1995/Accepted: 21 February 1996  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of data on the composition of melt inclusions in minerals and quenched glasses of igneous rocks, we considered the problems of the formation of peralkaline silicic magmas (i.e., whose agpaitic index, the molar ratio AI = (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3, is higher than one). The mean compositions of peralkaline silicic melts are reported for island arcs and active continental margins and compared with the compositions of melts from other settings, primarily, intraplate continental areas. Peralkaline silicic rocks are rather common in the latter. Such rocks are rare in island arcs and active continental margins, but agpaitic melts were observed in inclusions in phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz, pyroxene, and other minerals. Plagioclase fractionation from an alkali-rich melt with AI < 1 is considered as a possible mechanism for the formation of peralkaline silicic melts (Bowen’s plagioclase effect). However, the analysis of available experimental data on plagioclase-melt equilibria showed that natural peralkaline melts are almost never in equilibrium with plagioclase. For the same reason, the melting of the majority of crustal rocks, which usually contain plagioclase, does not produce peralkaline melts. The existence of peralkaline silicic melt inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts suggests that plagioclase can crystallize from peralkaline melts, and the plagioclase effect may play a certain role. Another mechanism for the formation of peralkaline silicic magmas is the melting of alkali-rich basic and intermediate rocks, including the spilitized varieties of subalkali basalts.  相似文献   

Three types of fluid inclusions have been identified in olivine porphyroclasts in the spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenoliths from Tenerife: pure CO2 (Type A); carbonate-rich CO2–SO2 mixtures (Type B); and polyphase inclusions dominated by silicate glass±fluid±sp±silicate±sulfide±carbonate (Type C). Type A inclusions commonly exhibit a “coating” (a few microns thick) consisting of an aggregate of a platy, hydrous Mg–Fe–Si phase, most likely talc, together with very small amounts of halite, dolomite and other phases. Larger crystals (e.g. (Na,K)Cl, dolomite, spinel, sulfide and phlogopite) may be found on either side of the “coating”, towards the wall of the host mineral or towards the inclusion center. These different fluids were formed through the immiscible separations and fluid–wall-rock reactions from a common, volatile-rich, siliceous, alkaline carbonatite melt infiltrating the upper mantle beneath the Tenerife. First, the original siliceous carbonatite melt is separated from a mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid and a silicate/silicocarbonatite melt (preserved in Type A inclusions). The reaction of the carbonaceous silicate melt with the wall-rock minerals gave rise to large poikilitic orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene grains, and smaller neoblasts. During the metasomatic processes, the consumption of the silicate part of the melt produced carbonate-enriched Type B CO2–SO2 fluids which were trapped in exsolved orthopyroxene porphyroclasts. At the later stages, the interstitial silicate/silicocarbonatite fluids were trapped as Type C inclusions. At a temperature above 650 °C, the mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid inside the Type A inclusions were separated into CO2-rich fluid and H2O–NaCl brine. At T<650 °C, the residual silicate melt reacted with the host olivine, forming a reaction rim or “coating” along the inclusion walls consisting of talc (or possibly serpentine) together with minute crystals of NaCl, KCl, carbonates and sulfides, leaving a residual CO2 fluid. The homogenization temperatures of +2 to +25 °C obtained from the Type A CO2 inclusions reflect the densities of the residual CO2 after its reactions with the olivine host, and are unrelated to the initial fluid density or the external pressure at the time of trapping. The latter are restricted by the estimated crystallization temperatures of 1000–1200 °C, and the spinel lherzolite phase assemblage of the xenolith, which is 0.7–1.7 GPa.  相似文献   

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