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张贺  刘敏  赵军  朱维娜 《矿床地质》2012,31(5):1087-1100
阿吾拉勒铜矿成矿带是西天山重要的铜矿产地,奴拉赛铜矿床是成矿带内典型的铜矿床。在对奴拉赛铜矿床的地质特征研究的基础上,对流体包裹体和稳定同位素进行了研究。结果表明,流体包裹体均一温度变化于107~332℃,盐度介于0.7%~19.5%,密度范围是0.94 g/cm3~1.13 g/cm3。矿石中金属硫化物δ34SV-CDT变化范围较大,在-4.1‰~+8.5‰之间;重晶石δ34SV-CDT在+13.9‰~+17.0‰之间。矿石中方解石的δ18OSMOW变化于+12.6‰~+16.3‰,δ13CV-PDB在-10.1‰~-2.3‰之间。认为奴拉赛铜矿床属于中低温热液成因,而非次生富集成矿,成矿过程为一期多阶段。流体混合是金属沉淀的主要机制,随着热液的演化,温度降低和氧逸度升高等多种因素耦合导致铜-硫络合物失稳而在断裂构造中沉淀出大量铜矿物。奴拉赛铜矿床与莫斯早特岩体在时间和空间上紧密相关,推测莫斯早特岩体为成矿提供了热源和主要物源。  相似文献   

抱伦金矿床的石英和方解石中的包裹体以气液包裹体为主,石英中舍大量CO2包裹体。成矿流体属Na(K)-Cl型。气相成分CH4、C2H6、H2S、O2、N2和心的含量反映属弱还原环境。液相成分中阴、阳离子分别以Cl^-、Na^+为主,舍少量CO4^2-、F^-,Mg^2+和Ca^2+。Au在成矿流体中以AuCl2^-和Au(HS)2^-络合物的形式迁移。均一温度主要为160-350℃,属中温范畴。流体水的δ^18O和δD值分别为-3.4‰-+9.8‰和-61‰-30‰,其来源主要为岩浆水与大气降水。石英的δ^18O值(+10.4‰-+15.5‰)与华南陆壳型花岗岩成因的钨、锡、稀有、稀土金属矿床一致。CO2和黄铁矿的C、S同位素反映C和S以花岗岩浆来源为主,少量来自志留系或更老的地层。综合分析认为矿床成因与印支期花岗质岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

Sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphides within garnet-rich rocks and high-grade ore from the Broken Hill deposit, New South Wales, Australia, have been determined and show a range of values of –3.3 to +6.7 per mil. Thermochemical considerations, including the spread of values of 34S, suggest that the deposit was derived from a mixed source of sulphur in which seawater, reduced by inorganic processes, mixed with magmatic sulphur or that sulphate from contemporaneous seawater was reduced biogenically at low temperatures. Thermochemical considerations also suggest that pyrrhotite formed by desulphidation of pyrite so that the original Fe-S-O assemblage was pyrite ± magnetite.34S measurements show a broad range which is considered to be due to isotopic reequilibration during retrograde metamorphism and analytical and sampling technique. These data should not be used to indicate original temperatures of deposition or metamorphic temperatures associated with the various metamorphic events.  相似文献   

穷布拉克铜矿床是新疆阿吾拉勒铁铜成矿带西段规模最大的一个铜矿床.本文对该矿床Ⅰ号矿体3种矿石中的方解石脉开展了流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究,结果表明:3种矿石的包裹体均为气液两相包裹体,流体体系为NaCl-H2O体系.包裹体的均一温度为85~343℃,盐度范围为(1.57~17.79) wt%NaCl eq.,密度为0.7~1.05 g/cm3.方解石的δ 13C值为-3.2‰~-6.5‰,平均-4.08‰,显示出幔源的特征.成矿流体的δ18O值为0.45‰~4.44‰.硫化物δ 34S值变化范围较大,为-10.5‰~5.5‰.Ⅰ号矿体与矿区内的火山热液型矿体具有相似的流体包裹体和稳定同位素特征,沉积特征不明显,并非沉积-改造型,与其他矿体具有相同的成因类型.成矿流体由火山热液和参与了水-岩反应的大气水两种流体混合而成,以火山热液占主导地位.矿物沉淀主要与流体混合后缓慢降温有关,但混合后的稀释作用以及水-岩反应导致pH值升高可能也起到了一定作用.  相似文献   

李新俊  刘伟 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):551-558
在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,对马庄山金矿床流体包裹体和氢、氧、硫、铅同位素组成进行了研究。成矿流体具有中温、中低盐度、富H2O、CO2和富Na^ 、K^ 、Cl^-离子等特征。氢、氧、硫同位素组成表明,成矿流体存在着两个主要来源:岩浆流体和大气降水来源的加热地下水。铅同位素组成分布区间较为宽广且构成良好的线性相关(R^≥0.98),反映金属物质的多源性以及地壳和地幔各个储库的混合趋势。显微温度计及气体组分间的协变关系的不一致性,排除了去气作用存在的可能性。流体包裹体和同位素综合研究表明,两种来源流体发生了混合作用,从而导致了矿石矿物和金的沉淀。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions have been studied in minerals infilling fissures (quartz, calcite, fluorite, anhydrite) hosted by Carboniferous and Permian strata from wells in the central and eastern part of the North German Basin in order to decipher the fluid and gas migration related to basin tectonics. The microthermometric data and the results of laser Raman spectroscopy reveal compelling evidence for multiple events of fluid migration. The fluid systems evolved from a H2O–NaCl±KCl type during early stage of basin subsidence to a H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 type during further burial. Locally, fluid inclusions are enriched in K, Cs, Li, B, Rb and other cations indicating intensive fluid–rock interaction of the saline brines with Lower Permian volcanic rocks or sediments. Fluid migration through Carboniferous sediments was often accompanied by the migration of gases. Aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz from fissures in Carboniferous sedimentary rocks are commonly associated with co-genetically trapped CH4–CO2 inclusions. P–T conditions estimated, via isochore construction, yield pressure conditions between 620 and 1,650 bar and temperatures between 170 and 300°C during fluid entrapment. The migration of CH4-rich gases within the Carboniferous rocks can be related to the main stage of basin subsidence and stages of basin uplift. A different situation is recorded in fluid inclusions in fissure minerals hosted by Permian sandstones and carbonates: aqueous fluid inclusions in calcite, quartz, fluorite and anhydrite are always H2O–NaCl–CaCl2-rich and show homogenization temperatures between 120 and 180°C. Co-genetically trapped gas inclusions are generally less frequent. When present, they show variable N2–CH4 compositions but contain no CO2. P–T reconstructions indicate low-pressure conditions during fluid entrapment, always below 500 bar. The entrapment of N2–CH4 inclusions seems to be related to phases of tectonic uplift during the Upper Cretaceous. A potential source for nitrogen in the inclusions and reservoirs is Corg-rich Carboniferous shales with high nitrogen content. Intensive interaction of brines with Carboniferous or even older shales is proposed from fluid inclusion data (enrichment in Li, Ba, Pb, Zn, Mg) and sulfur isotopic compositions of abundant anhydrite from fissures. The mainly light δ34S values of the fissure anhydrites suggest that sulfate is either derived through oxidation and re-deposition of biogenic sulfur or through mixing of SO42−-rich formation waters with variable amounts of dissolved biogenic sulfide. An igneous source for nitrogen seems to be unlikely since these rocks have low total nitrogen content and, furthermore, even extremely altered volcanic rocks from the study area do not show a decrease in total nitrogen content.  相似文献   

The Pering deposit is the prime example of Zn–Pb mineralisation hosted by stromatolitic dolostones of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup. The hydrothermal deposit centers on subvertical breccia pipes that crosscut stromatolitic dolostones of the Reivilo Formation, the lowermost portion of the Campbellrand Subgroup. Four distinct stages of hydrothermal mineralisation are recognised. Early pyritic rock matrix brecciation is followed by collomorphous sphalerite mineralisation with replacive character, which, in turn, is succeeded by coarse grained open-space-infill of sphalerite, galena, sparry dolomite, and quartz. Together, the latter two stages account for ore-grade Zn–Pb mineralisation. The fourth and final paragenetic stage is characterised by open-space-infill by coarse sparry calcite. The present study documents the results of a detailed geochemical study of the Pering deposit, including fluid inclusion microthermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of sulphides (δ34S) and carbonate gangue (δ13C and δ18O). Microthermometric fluid inclusion studies carried out on a series of coarsely grained crystalline quartz and sphalerite samples of the latter, open-space-infill stage of the main mineralisation event reveal the presence of three major fluid types: (1) a halite–saturated aqueous fluid H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 (>33 wt% NaCl equivalent) brine, (2) low-salinity meteoric fluid (<7 wt% NaCl) and (3) a carbonic CH4–CO2–HS fluid that may be derived from organic material present within the host dolostone. Mixing of these fluids have given rise to variable mixtures (H2O–CaCl2–NaCl ±(CH4–CO2–HS), 2 to 25 wt% NaCl+CaCl2). Heterogeneous trapping of the aqueous and carbonic fluids occurred under conditions of immiscibility. Fluid temperature and pressure conditions during mineralisation are determined to be 200–210°C and 1.1–1.4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of mineralisation of 4.1–5.2 km. Chemical analyses of the brine inclusions show them to be dominated by Na and Cl with lesser amounts of Ca, K and SO4. Fluid ratios of Cl/Br indicate that they originated as halite saturated seawater brines that mixed with lower salinity fluids. Analyses of individual brine inclusions document high concentrations of Zn and Pb (∼1,500 and ∼200 ppm respectively) and identify the brine as responsible for the introduction of base metals. Stable isotope data were acquired for host rock and hydrothermal carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite). The ore-forming sulphides show a trend to 34S enrichment from pyrite nodules in the pyritic rock matrix breccia (δ34S = −9.9 to +3.7‰) to paragenetically late chalcopyrite of the main mineralisation event (δ34S = +30.0‰). The observed trend is attributed to Rayleigh fractionation during the complete reduction of sulphate in a restricted reservoir by thermochemical sulphate reduction, and incremental precipitation of the generated sulphide. The initial sulphate reservoir is expected to have had an isotopic signature around 0‰, and may well represent magmatic sulphur, oxidised and leached by the metal-bearing brine. The δ18O values of successive generations of dolomite, from host dolostone to paragenetically late saddle dolomite follow a consistent trend that yields convincing evidence for extensive water rock interaction at variable fluid–rock ratios. Values of δ13C remain virtually unchanged and similar to the host dolostone, thus suggesting insignificant influx of CO2 during the early and main stages of mineralisation. On the other hand, δ13C and δ18O of post-ore calcite define two distinct clusters that may be attributed to changes in the relative abundance in CH4 and CO2 during waning stages of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   

南台钼多金属矿床产于北秦岭构造带宽坪群内,矿体主要呈似层状、透镜体状赋存于花岗斑岩内及其与宽坪群大理岩的接触带。矿化主要呈浸染状、团块状和细脉浸染状。围岩蚀变主要为硅化-钾硅酸盐化、矽卡岩化和碳酸盐岩化。矿床的形成经历了高温蚀变-矽卡岩期和石英-硫化物期,钼多金属矿化主要形成于石英-硫化物期。斑晶石英和辉钼矿-石英脉中主要发育4种流体包裹体:L型富液相包裹体、V型富气相包裹体、C型含CO2包裹体和S型含子晶多相包裹体。早阶段斑晶石英中发育140~200℃、220~280℃、340~400℃ 3个均一温度区间,主成矿期辉钼矿-石英脉中发育120~180℃、200~240℃和280~380℃ 3个均一温度区间,晚阶段无矿石英脉中仅发育120~240℃一个低温区间。早阶段斑晶石英中的包裹体盐度显示57.90%~>73.96%、30.06%~38.01%、3.39%~18.55% 3个不连续的区间,主成矿期的辉钼矿石英脉和晚期无矿石英脉中的盐度范围分别为0.43%~12.85%、1.91%~10.73%。在成矿早阶段的斑晶石英和主成矿期石英辉钼矿脉的3个温度区间,均出现S型、C型、L型、V型等两种或两种以上包裹体共存且均一温度相近,流体沸腾作用明显,表明流体的多次沸腾是南台钼多金属矿床矿质沉淀的重要机制,这一机制与北秦岭秋树湾铜(钼)矿床的成矿机制相似。硫化物的δ34S值集中于-0.3‰~7.2‰,平均3.1‰,表明硫来自深部岩浆。含硫化物石英的δDV-SMOW值介于-103‰~-76‰之间,δ18OH2O的值为4.01‰~5.55‰,表明主成矿阶段的成矿流体主要为岩浆水,混合有大气降水。  相似文献   

泥堡金矿床是黔西南台地相区以断控型矿体为主、层状型矿体为辅的复合型金矿床。断控型矿体主要发育于低角度的逆冲断层中,层状型矿体主要发育于断控型矿体之上穹窿构造核部的上二叠统龙潭组和中二叠统大厂层中。根据脉体的穿插关系和矿物共生组合,将成矿过程从早到晚划分为石英-黄铁矿阶段、石英-黄铁矿-毒砂阶段和方解石-石英-多金属硫化物±萤石阶段。泥堡金矿床两类矿体中流体包裹体类型相同,包括水溶液包裹体、CO_2-H_2O包裹体和CO_2包裹体。层状型矿体早阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为194~305℃,盐度范围为0.70%~7.81%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为22.7~23.6‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH 13.5‰,~-62‰;2O为12.6‰~石英中流体包裹体水的δD_(H_2O)为-84‰中阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为125~278℃,盐度范围为0.53%~6.46%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为16.6‰~23.5‰,计算得到的δ~(18)O_(H_2O)为4.4‰~11.3‰,石英中流体包裹体水的δDH~-65‰;3~2O为-80‰晚阶段方解石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为13197℃,盐度范围为0.53%~7.45%NaC leqv,萤石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为102~264℃,盐度范围为0.18%~4.49%NaC leqv,方解石的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为20.6‰~22.7‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH 3‰~10.4‰,2O为8.方解石中流体包裹体水的δD_(H_2O)为-56‰~-47‰,δ13CV-PDB为-6.6‰~-1.6‰。断控型矿体中阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为126~296℃,盐度范围为0.35%~8.29%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为21.9‰~23.7‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH9.8‰~11.6‰,2O为石英中流体包裹体水的δDHNaC leqv,2O为-85‰;晚阶段方解石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为118~236℃,盐度范围为0.53%~7.02%方解石的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为19.8‰~21.5‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH~10.4‰,2O为8.7‰方解石中流体包裹体水的δDH‰~-55‰,2O为-67δ13CV-PDB为-7.0‰~-4.7‰。流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究结果表明,两类矿体成矿流体性质和来源一致,且具有相似的演化过程。泥堡金矿床的成矿流体来源于大气降水和海水的混合,并且从早阶段到晚阶段,海水所占的比例逐渐增大,碳主要来自海相碳酸盐岩的溶解。  相似文献   

琼布拉克铜矿床位于新疆伊宁县境内,前人对该矿床的成因一直存在争议.文章通过对琼布拉克铜矿床方解石中的流体包裹体进行系统的岩相学、显微测温学和碳氧稳定同位素分析研究,探讨了成矿流体的来源及演化.研究表明:琼布拉克铜矿床的流体包裹体主要为气-液两相包裹体,另有少量的气相包裹体,未见富CO2和含子矿物的流体包裹体,显示出张性...  相似文献   

The Serrinha gold deposit of the Gurupi Belt, northern Brazil, belongs to the class of orogenic gold deposits. The deposit is hosted in highly strained graphitic schist belonging to a Paleoproterozoic (∼2,160 Ma) metavolcano-sedimentary sequence. The ore-zones are up to 11 m thick, parallel to the regional NW–SE schistosity, and characterized by quartz-carbonate-sulfide veinlets and minor disseminations. Textural and structural data indicate that mineralization was syn- to late-tectonic and postmetamorphic. Fluid inclusion studies identified early CO2 (CH4-N2) and CO2 (CH4-N2)-H2O-NaCl inclusions that show highly variable phase ratios, CO2 homogenization, and total homogenization temperatures both to liquid and vapor, interpreted as the product of fluid immiscibility under fluctuating pressure conditions, more or less associated with postentrapment modifications. The ore-bearing fluid typically has 18–33mol% of CO2, up to 4mol% of N2, and less than 2mol% of CH4 and displays moderate to high densities with salinity around 4.5wt% NaCl equiv. Mineralization occurred around 310 to 335°C and 1.3 to 3.0 kbar, based on fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and oxygen isotope thermometry with estimated oxygen fugacity indicating relatively reduced conditions. Stable isotope data on quartz, carbonate, and fluid inclusions suggest that veins formed from fluids with δ18OH2O and δDH2O (310–335°C) values of +6.2 to +8.4‰ and −19 to −80‰, respectively, which might be metamorphic and/or magmatic and/or mantle-derived. The carbon isotope composition (δ13C) varies from −14.2 to −15.7‰ in carbonates; it is −17.6‰ in fluid inclusion CO2 and −23.6‰ in graphite from the host rock. The δ34S values of pyrite are −2.6 to −7.9‰. The strongly to moderately negative carbon isotope composition of the carbonates and inclusion fluid CO2 reflects variable contribution of organic carbon to an originally heavier fluid (magmatic, metamorphic, or mantle-derived) at the site of deposition and sulfur isotopes indicate some oxidation of the originally reduced fluid. The deposition of gold is interpreted to have occurred mainly in response to phase separation and fluid-rock interactions such as CO2 removal and desulfidation reactions that provoked variations in the fluid pH and redox conditions.  相似文献   

The Yangla copper deposit, with Cu reserves of 1.2 Mt, is located between a series of thrust faults in the Jinshajiang–Lancangjiang–Nujiang region, Yunnan, China, and has been mined since 2007. Fluid inclusion trapping conditions ranged from 1.32 to 2.10 kbar at 373–409 °C. Laser Raman spectroscopy confirms that the vapour phase in these inclusions consists of CO2, CH4, N2 and H2O. The gas phases in the inclusions are H2O and CO2, with minor amounts of N2, O2, CO, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6. Within the liquid phase, the main cations are Ca2+ and Na+ while the main anions are SO4 2? and Cl?. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of the ore-forming fluids (?3.05‰?≤?δ18OH2O?≤?2.5‰; ?100‰?≤?δD?≤??120‰) indicate that they were derived from magma and evolved by mixing with local meteoric water. The δ34S values of sulfides range from ?4.20‰ to 1.85‰(average on ?0.85‰), supporting a magmatic origin. Five molybdenite samples taken from the copper deposit yield a well-constrained 187Re–187Os isochron age of 232.8?±?2.4 Ma. Given that the Yangla granodiorite formed between 235.6?±?1.2 Ma and 234.1?±?1.2 Ma, the Cu metallogenesis is slightly younger than the crystallization age of the parent magma. A tectonic model that combines hydrothermal fluid flow and isotope compositions is proposed to explain the formation of the Yangla copper deposit. At first, westward subduction of the Jinshajiang Oceanic Plate in the Early Permian resulted in the development of a series of thrust faults. This was accompanied by fractional melting beneath the overriding plate, triggering magma ascent and extensive volcanism. The thrust faults, which were then placed under tension during a change in tectonic mode from compression to extension in the Late Triassic, formed favorable pathways for the magmatic ore-forming fluids. These fluids precipitated copper-sulfides to form the Yangla deposit.  相似文献   

Lead-zinc-fluorite-barite veins in the lower and middle Benue Trough (Nigeria) are located within the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) carbonaceous shales, limestones, and arkosic sandstones of this intracontinental rift structure. The veins in the lower Benue Through consist of sphalerite + galena+marcasite ± chalcopyrite ± barite in a gangue of siderite and quartz hosted by carbonaceous shales, whereas in the middle Benue Trough, fluorite, barite, quartz, and similar sulfide minerals are hosted by limestone and sandstone. Fluid inclusion temperatures in vein minerals range from 95°C to 200°C (without pressure corrections) and salinities range from 14 to 24 equiv. wt% NaCl. Oxygen isotope compositions of limestone wall rocks (middle Benue) have been lowered from premineralization 18O values of about 25 per mil to approximately 16 per mil. Fluid in equilibrium with vein calcite has a calculated 18O of +2.6 per mil at 130°C. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of this calcite (0.71497) suggests that strontium and calcium had a considerably more radiogenic source than the Cretaceous limestone or evaporite did (87Sr/86Sr=0.7073–0.7078). Observed strontium data, lead isotope compositions of galena, and REE patterns in fluorite suggest that the Lower Paleozoic basement rocks in the trough or their weathered equivalents are likely sources for the Benue Trough ore components. Sulfur isotope data suggest that the sulfur was probably contributed from the Cretaceous evaporites in the trough.Our data favor a basinal brine source for the ore-forming fluid. Fluid criculation probably resulted from high geothermal gradients accompanying continental rifting. Brine interaction with the clastic, carbonate, and evaporite rocks led to metal and sulfur leaching and later deposition in fractures accompanying the Cenomanian deformation and uplift in the Benue Trough.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion measurements on quartz, scheelite, beryl, fluorite and calcite in the metamorphosed Felbertal scheelite deposit display two main types of fluid inclusions:
  1. H2O-CO2 fluid inclusions are characterized by variable amounts of CO2 up to 18 wt.%. They show two or three phases at room temperature. The bulk homogenization temperatures for the inclusions range between +269 °C and +357 °C. The calculated salinities are between 2.2 and 7.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. For the late CO2-bearing fluid inclusions a methane component is evident from microthermometrical data (Tmclath >10.0 °C combined with TmCO2
  2. Aqueous, two-phase fluid inclusions with salinities in the range between 0 and 11 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Their homogenization temperatures are scattered between 100 °C and 360 °C.
Both types of fluid inclusions are of Alpine origin. They do not record the conditions of the original tungsten ore formation in pre-Alpine (Upper Proterozoic) time. However, it was possible to deduce a path for the fluid evolution and the combined ore redeposition during the retrograde Alpine metamorphism and tectonism from microthermometrical and petrographical studies.  相似文献   

昆山矿床位于大湖塘钨多金属矿田的南部,产出石英细脉带型W-Mo-Cu矿体。该矿床的成矿过程可以划分为黑钨矿-石英阶段(Ⅰ)、辉钼矿-石英阶段(Ⅱ)、黄铜矿-石英阶段(Ⅲ)及石英-方解石阶段(Ⅳ)。本文通过流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温、激光拉曼光谱和稳定同位素研究,探讨了昆山矿床的成因机制。研究结果表明,昆山矿床发育纯气相型(PG)、纯液相型(PL)、富液两相水溶液型(WL)三类包裹体。Ⅰ阶段主要发育WL型流体包裹体,并有少量PG型包裹体,均一温度为236~388℃,盐度为0. 5%~13. 8%NaCleqv,密度为0. 54~0. 90g/cm~3;Ⅱ阶段亦主要发育WL型和少量PG型包裹体,其均一温度为221~390℃,盐度为0. 5%~12. 7%Na Cleqv,密度为0. 51~0. 93g/cm~3;Ⅲ阶段主要发育WL型包裹体,均一温度为228~376℃,盐度为0. 7%~11. 2%NaCleqv,密度为0. 57~0. 91g/cm~3;Ⅳ阶段主要发育WL型包裹体,并有少量的PL型包裹体,其均一温度为173~288℃,盐度为0. 4%~11. 8%NaCleqv,密度为0. 76~0. 97g/cm~3。主成矿阶段流体属于中高温、中低盐度、中等密度流体,成矿晚阶段流体属于中低温、中低盐度、中高密度流体。包裹体气相成分主要是H_2O,亦有少量CH_4和CO_2,成矿流体总体上属于H_2O-NaCl-(CH_4-CO_2)体系。Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段成矿流体的δD值为-92‰~-56‰,计算获得的δ~(18)O水值为3. 8‰~6. 4‰;石英-方解石阶段的δD值为-68‰~-58‰,δ~(18)O水值为0. 5‰~0. 7‰。H-O同位素结果表明,昆山矿床主成矿阶段的流体以岩浆水为主,成矿晚阶段有少量的大气降水加入。金属硫化物的δ~(34)S值分布集中,其值为-1. 5‰~3. 0‰,表明成矿流体中的硫主要来自深源岩浆。辉钼矿-石英阶段的石英包裹体中CO_2的δ~(13)CV-PDB值为-6. 6‰和-5. 9‰,平均-6. 3‰;晚阶段石英-方解石脉中方解石的δ~(13)CV-PDB值为-12. 3‰~-10. 2‰,平均-11. 0‰,表明昆山矿床主成矿阶段流体中的碳主要由花岗岩浆提供,且受低温蚀变作用的影响,而晚阶段方解石脉中的碳还受到了双桥山群沉积有机物质的影响。成矿流体的冷却作用是导致昆山矿床钨、钼和铜沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

Sulphur isotopic compositions of 29 sulphide samples from the Broken Hill-type Pinnacles Deposit, NSW, are found to cluster at 0%. (mean −0.8‰). The restricted range of the (δ34S) values between −3.5 and + 3.7‰ with a mean of −0.8‰, is interpreted as reflecting partial oxidation of a dominantly magmatic sulphur source. δ34S data for galena samples fall into two groups: (1) isotopically heavier galenas (range −0.7 to 0.0‰; mean −0.4‰) which come mainly from the footwall Zn lode and (2) isotopically lighter galenas (range −3.5 to −0.8‰; mean −2.2‰) which are from the main Pb lode. Sphalerite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite have slightly heavier isotopic compositions (range −1.6 to +3.7‰ mean +0.3‰) but exhibit the same stratigraphic differentiation. These data are interpreted as representing fluctuating conditions at the site of ore deposition, in which upwelling hydrothermal fluids were subject to increasing fO2 and decreasing temperature with time.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion and sulphur isotope data for the discordant, metasediment-hosted massive sulphide deposit at Elura are consistent with a syntectonic origin of the orebodies. Thermometric and laser Raman microprobe analyses indicate that two-phase, primary fluid inclusions are low salinity and H2O-CO2-CH4 types. Inclusion fluids from quartz in ore yield homogenisation temperatures (Th) ranging from 298 ° to 354 °C (mean 320 °C). They are likely to have been trapped close to the solvus of the H2O-CO2-(CH4-NaCl) system and thus should give temperatures of the mineralising fluid. An additional, low Th population of later fluid inclusions is recognised in quartz from ore and syntectonic extension veins in the adjacent wallrock. Th's for these low CO2bearing inclusions range from 150 to 231 °C (mean 190 °C), and should be considerably lower than true trapping temperatures. Sulphur isotopic composition (34S) of pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite and galena ranges from 4.7 to 12.6% and indicates a sulphur source from underlying Cobar Supergroup metasediments. An average temperature of 275 °C from the sphalerite-galena sulphur isotopic thermometer suggests isotopic re-equilibration below peak metamorphic temperatures.  相似文献   

河南冷水北沟铅锌银矿床流体包裹体研究及矿床成因   总被引:16,自引:22,他引:16  
河南栾川冷水北沟铅锌银矿床位于华北克拉通南界栾川断裂北侧。矿床赋存于中-晚元古代浅变质碎屑岩建造中,受断裂控制,矿体呈脉状;矿石主要由金属硫化物,少量石英和碳酸盐组成;围岩蚀变和成矿过程分为4个阶段,以石英-黄铁矿组合(Ⅰ阶段)、黄铁矿-闪锌矿组合(Ⅱ阶段)、多金属硫化物(Ⅲ阶段)和碳酸盐(Ⅳ阶段)为标志。包裹体研究表明,成矿流体为含CH4的碳水体系,盐度为0.22~13.8wt%NaCleqv.。从早到晚,流体包裹体均一温度为420℃~340℃(Ⅰ)、3700C~280℃(Ⅱ)、320℃~260℃(Ⅲ)和〈260℃(Ⅳ)。Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段的流体盐度低于8wt%NaCIeqv.,Ⅲ阶段增高至13.8wt%NaCIeqv.,甚至偶见子晶。Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段的流体包裹体均一压力分为两组,即180~200MPa和70~80MPa,代表着深约8km的静水与静岩压力系统的共存或交替;Ⅲ阶段只有70~80MPa一组压力,指示开放环境注入的静水压力体系。Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段静岩与静水压力系统的交替现象完全吻合于断层阀模式,含CH4的CO2-H2O流体的脉动沸腾消耗了流体成矿系统热能,并使盐度不断增高、成矿。该认识可被Ⅱ阶段广泛存在的沸腾流体包裹体组合证明,也与流体包裹体成分类型、矿物共生组合特征、矿石组构的规律演化相一致。以上表明,冷水北沟是一个典型的形成于碰撞造山挤压向伸展转变期的造山型Pb-Zn-Ag矿床实例,成矿机理可由碰撞造山成岩成矿与流体作用模型(即CMF模式)所解释。  相似文献   

玉勒肯哈腊苏中型斑岩型铜(钼)矿主要赋存在闪长玢岩中,有少量矿化产在北塔山组火山岩及似斑状黑云母石英二长岩中。矿化呈细脉状、细脉-浸染状和浸染状。围岩蚀变主要为钾化、硅化、绢云母化、石膏化、磁铁矿化、绿泥石化、绿帘石化。矿床的形成经历了斑岩期、剪切变形期和表生期,铜和钼矿化主要形成于斑岩期的硫化物-钾硅酸盐阶段和辉钼矿阶段。石英和方解石中的流体包裹体可划分为H2O-NaCl型和H2O-CO2(±CH4/N2)-NaCl型。硫化物-钾硅酸盐阶段的成矿温度为141~500℃,主要集中在200~340℃;流体的w(NaCleq)为2.96%~14.97%;流体的密度为0.60~0.98 g/cm3。碳酸盐阶段的流体以中-低温度(140~320℃)和低盐度〔w(NaCleq)为2.74%~10.61%〕为特征。硫化物的δ34S值集中于-4.5‰~-0.1‰,峰值为-3.5‰,表明硫来自深源岩浆。石英和方解石的δ18OSMOW值为9.1‰~13.2‰,δ18OH2O值为2.05‰~6.28‰,δD值为-120‰~-97‰,表明主成矿阶段的成矿流体主要是岩浆水,混合有大气降水;碳酸盐阶段的流体主要为大气降水,混合有岩浆水。成矿时代为中泥盆世〔(373.9±2.2 Ma)〕,成矿作用与闪长玢岩的侵入有关。温度和压力的降低导致流体沸腾,同时,水-岩交换反应、流体成分的改变等在铜钼成矿过程中起着主导作用。  相似文献   

An anomalous Pb pattern occurs in drainage channel soils adjacent to the Elura Zn-Pb-Ag deposit and forms a fan shaped train extending at least 5 km on a mature weathering surface in semi-arid central-west New South Wales. This Pb pattern without a Zn component can be related to ferricrete fragments in the coarser fraction of the soil samples and has apparently formed as a result of mechanical dispersion of ferricrete from an earlier lateritic weathering profile. By considering residual Pb contents, after regressing for Fe content, the anomalous pattern can be extended and the contrast improved.  相似文献   

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