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过去,我队为了提高钢粒的淬火质量,曾多次改进加热炉和淬火方法,但都未能如愿。现在我们把电加热钢粒淬火装置改为柴油加热的办法,生产的钢粒质量满足了生产要求。操作方便、容易掌握。  相似文献   

美国制造出一种高温显微镜,用它直接观察非金属固体的热效应。 样品安置在一个专门的热电偶上,热电偶可加热并记录到1800℃的温度。由于样品和加热器的热质量很少,所以反映时间几乎是瞬时的。例如,断开电流后,样品将在0.5秒内从1700℃冷却到700℃。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带位于“松潘-甘孜”造山带中部,将造山带一分为二。其大规模韧性剪切应变的揭示是基于沿断裂带花岗糜棱岩的发现。运用微观与宏观构造相结合研究方法,详细研究了鲜水河断裂带的变形机制、变形温度、变形期次、运动学特点及大规模平移作用对造山带构造格架的改造。该断裂带是一条自中新世以来具多期活动、由韧性应变向脆性应变转化的大型左行高温平移型韧性剪切带,平移总距80-100km。大型折多山花岗岩体是断裂带左行韧性平移的同构造产物  相似文献   

重点简述中国近20a在高温作用下和高温作用后岩石力学特性研究所取得的成果。国内学者在高温作用下和高温作用后岩石的单轴压缩试验已开展了大量的研究,而开展高温作用下岩石的拉伸断裂试验和蠕变试验等相对偏少。国内学者主要基于统计损伤力学建立了高温下和高温后岩石的力学模型,但有些模型还存在不足,并未通过实际工程进行验证模型是否适用。  相似文献   

针对高温高压干热岩钻井定位轨迹探测设备存在耐高温高压性能差、稳定性差、测量精度不高、电能消耗大等问题,研制一套高温钻孔测斜装置,解决高温高压多点连续钻孔测斜及测温问题。选择耐高温元器件,设计控制和测量电路;采用自动间歇供电方法,减少散热,降低功耗;设计保温探管、承压探管,利用ANSYS有限元软件对承压外管的屈服强度和保温探管的温度场与压力场进行耦合分析和校核。最后进行仿真测试和野外试验,根据测试数据表明,设备能在280℃和12 MPa高温高压环境条件下实现深井倾角、方位角、工具面向角及温度的测量。  相似文献   

金的高温热液地球化学新探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高温、强还原性流体中,金化合物的热稳定性差,金配合物很难成为金活化、迁移的主要形式。纳米微粒单质金的熔点相当低,纳米液态金则成为金活化、迁移的主要形式。  相似文献   

在俯冲带中,菱镁矿相比于其他碳酸盐矿物会在更高的温度压力环境下稳定存在,常被认为是地球深部碳循环的主要载体,其电学性质的研究对俯冲带及地球深部的电性结构具有重要的意义。本文在YJ-3000t高温高压设备上利用Solartron-1260阻抗/增益-相位分析仪,在1~3 GPa和773~1173 K条件下,对天然菱镁矿的电导率进行了原位测量。实验结果表明,在实验条件下,天然菱镁矿的电导率在10-2~10-7 S/m范围内,菱镁矿的电导率对温度有很强的依赖性,随着温度的升高,电导率增大,电导率与压力的关系呈正相关,随着压力的升高而增强。结合前人的研究成果及样品电导率随温度、压力的效应和活化能,可推断天然菱镁矿导电机制为大极化子导电。  相似文献   

An aluminous pyroxene with an approximate formula (Ca0.60Na0.050.20) (Mg0.58Fe0.112+ Al0.60VI)[Si1.68A10.32O6] or {Jd0.05Ts0.32Es0.20Wo0.10En0.27Fs0.06} has been found in a pseudotachylite vein from gabbros in the Musgrave ranges, Central Australia. Textural evidence indicates that it formed by breakdown of calcic plagioclase, augite, and olivine which constitute the isochemical country rock. There is a large amount of M(2) vacancy compared to most pyroxenes. The vein mineral is most similar in composition to natural pyroxenes in kimberlites and eclogites and especially to synthetic pyroxenes which formed at pressures in excess of 3 GPa (= 30 kb). We suggest that these high pressures were not lithostatic but represent dynamic stresses released during catastrophic brittle rupture either at tips of propagating fractures or spallation of unsupported crackwalls. Such transient shear stresses may reach the shock range. We propose such a fracture mechanism as an alternative to frictional melting for the productoin of pseudotachylite veins.  相似文献   

在1.0、2 .0GPa和873~12 2 3K的温压条件下,借助于12 6 0阻抗增益相位分析仪测定了叶蜡石的电导率,并用阻抗谱原理分析了其微观导电机制。实验结果表明:样品的电导率对频率具有很强的依赖性;电阻率随着温度的升高而减小,电导率随着温度升高而增大,logσ与1/T之间符合Arrenhius线性关系;叶蜡石在1.0GPa和2 .0GPa的压力下脱水温度分别为10 74K和110 1K。根据本次获得的电导率实验结果并结合前人对滑石族所做的工作,得出了与前人不同的结论:滑石族矿物脱水电导率曲线出现了转折点。  相似文献   

矿物反应与变形关系研究——以糜棱岩高温高压实验为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘贵  石耀霖  周永胜 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1663-1674
矿物反应和变形局部化在中下地壳普遍存在,两者相互影响和促进。实验研究表明,矿物反应与变形关系非常复杂。本文在糜棱岩高温高压流变实验的基础上,分析了实验变形样品中的矿物反应分布特征以及矿物反应引起的化学成分变化,讨论了矿物反应与变形的相互影响。微观结构分析表明,实验变形后的糜棱岩样品在温度800~890℃时,角闪石和黑云母出现脱水反应,生成微晶角闪石和黑云母,并伴有局部熔融。受应变局部化控制,脱水反应产物主要出现在黑云母、角闪石条带边缘。微晶和熔体的成分分析表明,不仅脱水反应形成的微晶与熔体的SiO 2含量非常低,而且黑云母周围的反应产物和熔体主要来自于黑云母的脱水,角闪石边缘的反应产物和熔体主要来自于角闪石脱水,石英、钾长石和斜长石没有参与反应与熔融。本研究中的脱水反应产物中,没有发现辉石和石榴石,这种脱水反应与文献中报道的无局部化的均匀样品在静高压和高熔融比例条件的脱水反应产物和熔体的成分有很大差别。黑云母和角闪石的局部化分布和脱水程度低,可能是造成脱水反应产物有差别的巨大原因。在本实验结果中,脱水反应对变形的影响主要体现为,脱水反应产生了细粒混合矿物相,使得在局部化的剪切带内变形机制从位错蠕变转变为扩散蠕变,导致样品出现应变弱化。另外脱水反应还引起了局部脆性破裂。变形引起晶体塑性变形,增加了位错密度和矿物细粒化,促进了晶体内部成核和黑云母与角闪石的脱水分解;差应力作用增加了局部的正应力和平均应力,增加了黑云母和角闪石能够稳定存在的压力范围,这可能是反应产物以微晶黑云母和角闪石为主,而没有转化为辉石的原因。  相似文献   

刘贵  周永胜 《地质通报》2020,39(11):1840-1849
在构造变形过程中,流体控制成矿作用的机制是目前世界矿床界共同面临的问题之一。通过研究剪切变形过程中的力学-化学作用,理解剪切构造应力和流体在构造成岩成矿过程中的行为与作用是解决这一科学问题的关键环节。在花岗岩高温高压剪切变形实验的基础上,分析了实验变形的矿物反应特征及矿物反应引起的化学成分变化,讨论了矿物反应与变形的相互影响。实验结果表明,变形样品中斜长石、钾长石和辉石以脆性-塑性变形为主,石英和云母以塑性变形为主。同时流体与岩石的相互作用引起了矿物间的反应,其中钾长石、辉石发生水解作用最典型。实验变形整体受应变局部化控制,随着剪切变形加强,脆性破裂逐渐形成和发展为裂隙,应力不断释放,有金属元素沿裂隙充填,这些微观特征在实验样品中普遍存在,类似野外中的矿脉。本次实验为韧性剪切带的流变行为、化学行为和剪切作用过程提供了实验数据。  相似文献   

 The viscosity of albite (NaAlSi3O8) melt was measured at high pressure by the in situ falling-sphere method using a high-resolution X-ray CCD camera and a large-volume multianvil apparatus installed at SPring-8. This system enabled us to conduct in situ viscosity measurements more accurately than that using the conventional technique at pressures of up to several gigapascals and viscosity in the order of 100 Pa s. The viscosity of albite melt is 5.8 Pa s at 2.6 GPa and 2.2 Pa s at 5.3 GPa and 1973 K. Experiments at 1873 and 1973 K show that the decrease in viscosity continues to 5.3 GPa. The activation energy for viscosity is estimated to be 316(8) kJ mol−1 at 3.3 GPa. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that a gradual decrease in viscosity of albite melt at high pressure may be explained by structural changes such as an increase in the coordination number of aluminum in the melt. Received: 6 January 2001 / Accepted: 27 August 2001  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity measurements on dry polycrystalline K-feldspar were performed at 1.0 to 3.0 GPa and 873 to 1,173 K with a multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus and the Solartron-1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer in the frequency range of 10?1 to 106 Hz. At each temperature the complex impedance displays a perfect semi-circular arc that represents the grain-interior conduction. Under the experimental conditions, electrical conductivity exponentially increases with increasing temperature and slightly decreases with increasing pressure; however, the effect of pressure on the conductivity is less pronounced than that of temperature. The activation enthalpy decreases slightly from 0.99 to 1.02 eV with increasing pressure, and the activation energy and activation volume for K-feldspar are 0.98 eV and 1.46?±?0.17 cm3/mol, respectively. According to these Arrhenius parameters, ionic conduction is proposed to be the dominant conduction mechanism in K-feldspar at high temperatures and pressures, and potassium ions are the charge carriers transporting by an interstitial mechanism. The diffusion coefficient of potassium at high temperatures was calculated from our conductivity data on K-feldspar using Nernst–Einstein equation, and the results were compared with the previous experimental results.  相似文献   

通过高温高压实验研究了铁橄榄石集合体的流变性.首先,利用高精度的Paterson气体介质变形装置对铁橄榄石集合体Fe2SiO4进行了高温三轴压缩蠕变试验.变形试验条件为温度1273~1423K,围压300MPa,差应力10~250MPa,应变率10-7~10-4s-1,试件的最大变形量不超过20%.利用三维非线性拟合方法对蠕变试验数据进行分析,得到铁橄榄石集合体的微观变形机制为扩散域和位错域,扩散域的应力指数为1左右.位错蠕变域中,干燥铁橄榄石集合体的应力指数为5.4.活化能为781kJ/mol;含水铁橄榄石集合体的应力指数为3.4,活化能为516kJ/mol.实验结果表明,含水时铁橄榄石的流变强度比干燥时小一个数量级.将实验结果与铁橄榄石单晶的强度进行对比,发现铁橄榄石集合体的流变强度比铁橄榄石单晶的强度高.从而得到了铁橄榄石集合体高温高压流变性(强度)的初步试验结果.  相似文献   

 P–V–T measurements on magnesite MgCO3 have been carried out at high pressure and high temperature up to 8.6 GPa and 1285 K, using a DIA-type, cubic-anvil apparatus (SAM-85) in conjunction with in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. Precise volumes are obtained by the use of data collected above 873 K on heating and in the entire cooling cycle to minimize non-hydrostatic stress. From these data, the equation-of-state parameters are derived from various approaches based on the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and on the relevant thermodynamic relations. With K′0 fixed at 4, we obtain K0=103(1) GPa, α(K−1)=3.15(17)×10−5 +2.32(28)×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.021(2) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T=−1.81×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V= −0.007(1) GPaK−1; whereas the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state with K′0 as an adjustable parameter yields the following values: K0=108(3) GPa, K′0=2.33(94), α(K−1)=3.08(16)×10−5+2.05(27) ×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.017(1) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T= −1.41×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V=−0.008(1) GPaK−1. Within the investigated P–T range, thermal pressure for magnesite increases linearly with temperature and is pressure (or volume) dependent. The present measurements of room-temperature bulk modulus, of its pressure derivative, and of the extrapolated zero-pressure volumes at high temperatures, are in agreement with previous single-crystal study and ultrasonic measurements, whereas (∂KT/∂T)P, (∂α/∂P)T and (∂KT/∂T)V are determined for the first time in this compound. Using this new equation of state, thermodynamic calculations for the reactions (1) magnesite=periclase+CO2 and (2) magnesite+enstatite=forsterite+CO2 are consistent with existing experimental phase equilibrium data. Received September 28, 1995/Revised, accepted May 22, 1996  相似文献   

玄武岩及其高温高压相—榴辉岩的相组合,经历了长期的地质作用,反映出一定的时空条件。从高温高压实验矿物学,实验岩石学入手,对于以相组合出现的某些化学体系进行平衡条件研究,可揭示此类岩石形成的物理化学环境,并有助于阐明地球内部的物理状态、组成成分以及活动过程。  相似文献   

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