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Study of the total lightning activity in a hailstorm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A thunderstorm that developed over northeastern Spain on 16 June 2006 is analyzed. This severe thunderstorm produced hailstones as large as 40 mm and had a lifetime of 3 h and 30 min. Radar cross-sections show strong vertical development with cloud echo tops reaching an altitude of 13 km. The specific characteristics of the lightning activity of this storm were: (i) a large amount (81%) of negative cloud-to-ground (−CG) flashes with very low peak currents (< 10 kA in absolute value), (ii) a very large proportion of intra-cloud (IC) flashes with an IC/CG ratio reaching about 400, (iii) a large number of “short” IC flashes (with only 1-VHF source according to SAFIR detection), (iv) a large increase of the −CG flash rate and of the CG proportion near the end of the storm. The rate of −CG flashes with a low peak current were observed to evolve similarly to the rates of IC flashes. Most of them have been assumed to be IC flashes misclassified by the Spanish Lightning Detection Network (SLDN). They have been filtered as it is usually done for misclassified +CG flashes. After this filtering, CG flash rates remained very low (< 1 min− 1) with +CG flashes sometimes dominant. All the particular lightning activity characteristics similar to those observed in the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study (STEPS) campaigns support the hypothesis that this thunderstorm could have had an inverted-polarity or complex charge structure. The maximum IC flash rate (67 min− 1) peaked 24 min before the presence of reflectivity higher than 60 dBZ. The IC activity abruptly decreased during the period when reflectivity was dramatically increasing. The time of maximum reflectivity observed by radar was consistent with the times of reported hail at the ground.  相似文献   

随着闪电定位观测手段的提高以及观测仪器的改进,闪电定位资料的质量也在不断提高,其应用也越来越广泛.原始闪电定位资料从数据整理、入库、查询、分析都离不开正则表达式这种功能强大的形式语言.将正则表达式应用于闪电定位资料处理中,可以大大简化处理过程,提高工作效率.本文通过闪电定位资料入库实例,介绍了在.NET平台下,基于C#的正则表达式在闪电定位资料处理中的应用.  相似文献   

相关时延估计在宽带干涉仪闪电观测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对噪声对宽带干涉仪测角的干扰,提出了互相关测角算法.该方法避开频域分析,计算简单.通过仿真试验表明其抗干扰较强,具有一定的精度.通过本方法对人工引雷数据分析,能够明显定位直窜先导-继后回击过程,为宽带干涉仪测角提供了一个新思路.  相似文献   

以最大熵原理为依据,首先通过对雷暴过程中闪电总量与闪电频次的关系分析,得到一分布函数。然后进一步讨论相对闪电量与相对历时时间之间的函数关系,建立闪电时程方程。最后选取江苏省闪电定位仪监测记录中2007—2009年20次雷暴日资料,进行分析计算,论证了最大熵原理在闪电时程中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

The observed reduction in cloud-to-ground lightning in the near-equatorial zone is examined from the perspective of the width of the main negative charge region. Thermodynamic observations of cloud base height also show a climatological minimum value in the near-equatorial region. The association of low cloud bases with both narrow updrafts and narrow charging zones may impede the bridging of the large air gap to ground, and thereby suppress cloud-to-ground lightning activity. This width dependence may be more important than the 10% variation in height of the freezing level in encouraging flashes to ground.  相似文献   

The detection efficiency (DE) is the most important performance gauge of a lightning detection network (LDN). Moreover, the main motivation for evaluating the DE of a LDN is to separate the geographical variations of the CG lightning parameters from the variations regarding the network performance. A review of previous relative DE techniques and simple methods to correct the cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flash density maps is presented. In addition, recent improvements in the flash DE model for the Brazilian lightning detection network (BrasilDAT) are discussed. The DE estimated values are based on the sensor individual DE probability functions, which are derived from a large amount of CG stroke data provided by the network considering different distances from the sensor and specific peak current ranges. The new approach provides better results when compared with the previous developments, since the calculation of the sensor DE probability functions neglects the lightning data provided by the minimum number of reporting sensors. Hence it is possible to minimize the unrealistic enhancement of the DE closer to the network boundaries (“border effect”) without affecting significantly the performance inside the network. The main result is a more realistic correction of the CG flash density maps, particularly at the outermost network areas, leading to an improvement in the model sensitivity.  相似文献   

广东野外雷电综合观测试验十年进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
雷电野外科学试验是认识雷电发生、发展物理过程及其致灾机理的重要途径,也是开展真实雷电电磁环境下雷电防护技术测试的重要方式。自2006年开始,中国气象科学研究院和广东省气象局在广州野外雷电试验基地,持续合作开展了雷电野外综合观测试验,在人工触发闪电和自然闪电物理过程及其雷电防护技术测试试验等方面取得了若干研究结果。十年期间共成功触发闪电94次,回击电流峰值最大值为42 kA,平均值为16 kA;分析给出了自然闪电预击穿过程电场变化脉冲特征类型和差异;观测发现高建筑物上行连接先导可达几百米甚至超过1 km,其发展速度可达106 m/s量级,下行先导与上行连接先导的连接呈多样性;雷电防护技术测试试验表明人工触发闪电近距离电磁场耦合在架空线路上的感应电压达到千伏量级,多回击、长连续电流和地电位抬升是造成浪涌保护器(SPD)损害的主要因素;闪电定位系统探测性能的评估结果显示粤港澳闪电定位系统的闪电和回击的探测效率分别为96%和89%,定位误差算术平均值为532 m,回击电流强度的估算值约为真实值的0.63倍。  相似文献   

深圳云地闪时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1997-2011年云地闪电定位探测资料和深圳国家基本气象站1953-2011年的观测资料,对深圳云地闪电(简称地闪)时空分布特征和雷暴日变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:深圳雷暴日数近59 a来呈下降趋势,小波分析显示年雷暴日数存在5 a周期和10-15 a的次周期;年内地闪频次特征表现为6月和8月双峰形特征,8月为全年地闪次数最多的月份;雷暴的活跃程度与太阳辐射热力条件密切相关,地闪活动高峰出现在14-18时;深圳地闪密度呈现西北多、东南少,内陆地区多、沿江沿海地区少的分布特征,地形、海陆分布是影响地闪空间分布的重要原因;地闪强度的分析表明,正、负闪月平均强度峰值分别出现在2月和6月,负闪强度低于正闪,正、负闪日强度峰值均未出现在频次峰值时段。  相似文献   

利用WWLLN(World-Wide Lightning Location Network,全球闪电定位网)与江苏省ADTD(Active Divectory Topology Diagrammer,活动目录拓扑图)闪电定位系统数据,对2006—2009年江苏省闪电活动年际变化、月际变化、日变化和空间分布、以及探测效率和探测精度等展开研究讨论。结果表明,WWLLN探测的闪电时空分布趋势与ADTD保持较好的一致性:江苏省白天发生的闪电次数略高于晚上;闪电主要集中发生在6—8月,仲夏闪电最为活跃;一天中闪电频次峰值时间段出现在16时(北京时间)左右;江苏省闪电分布呈现明显的地域性,闪电密度高值区位于省内偏西和偏南地区,大致与江苏省经济发达地区的地域分布相吻合。总体上,WWLLN探测到的闪电频次和闪电密度值比ADTD小一个数量级。随着WWLLN全球测站数目的逐年增加以及WWLLN定位技术的升级完善,WWLLN探测效率和探测精度逐步提高。WWLLN探测效率与回击电流极性和强度大小有关联。  相似文献   

基于辽宁省2010—2018年闪电定位(ADTD)资料,运用统计学方法分析了雷电流幅值时间变化特征;运用规程计算公式和IEEE推荐公式分别计算了雷电流幅值累积概率密度,并和实际地闪雷电流幅值累积概率密度曲线做了对比分析;运用最小二乘法拟合了IEEE推荐公式.结果表明:2010—2018年辽宁省地闪以负闪为主,占比高达8...  相似文献   

The development of a new observational system called LISDAD (Lightning Imaging Sensor Demonstration and Display) has enabled a study of severe weather in central Florida. The total flash rates for storms verified to be severe are found to exceed 60 fpm, with some values reaching 500 fpm. Similar to earlier results for thunderstorm microbursts, the peak flash rate precedes the severe weather at the ground by 5–20 min. A distinguishing feature of severe storms is the presence of lightning ‘jumps' — abrupt increases in flash rate in advance of the maximum rate for the storm. The systematic total lightning precursor to severe weather of all kinds — wind, hail, tornadoes — is interpreted in terms of the updraft that sows the seeds aloft for severe weather at the surface and simultaneously stimulates the ice microphysics that drives the intracloud lightning activity.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the effects of continuing current initiated by strokes following a new channel to ground in multiple stroke flashes using high-speed video records, electric field measurements from a fast antenna and lightning detection network data. We observed that the long continuing current initiated by a stroke that follows a new channel also obeys the pattern in the initiation of long continuing current suggested by Rakov and Uman [Rakov, V.A., Uman, M.A., 2003. Lightning: Physics and Effects, 687pp., Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.]. We also verify that the statement of Rakov and Uman [Rakov, V.A. and Uman, M.A., 1990. Some properties of negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes versus stroke order, Journal of Geophysical Research. 95, 5447–5453.] reporting that: “...strokes initiating long continuing currents tend to have lower initial electric field peak than regular strokes” is valid for strokes that create a new channel to ground and are followed by long continuing current (CC). Apparently the reduction of peak current value (Ip) when the stroke is followed by a long CC is stronger than the Ip increase that is commonly observed when strokes follow a new channel. We also find that the “exclusion zone” proposed by Saba et al. [Saba, M.M.F., Pinto, O. Jr., Ballarotti, M.G., 2006a. Relation between lightning return stroke peak current and following continuing current, Geophysical Research Letters 33, L23807, doi:10.1029/2006GL027455.] is valid for new channels initiating CC, and finally we verify that a number of strokes in the same channel larger than four or the existence of a long CC current do not always consolidate the channel in a multiple stroke flash.  相似文献   

为了掌握重庆市雷电活动规律,采用数理统计方法及ArcGIS软件,对2008—2019年ADTD闪电定位资料进行分析,得到了重庆市地闪频次的时空分布特征,雷电流幅值、陡度的分布特征和累积概率分布函数。结果表明:重庆市平均每年发生地闪2.08×105次,其中负地闪占95.7%;地闪频次年际变化大,最多年为3.04×105次,最少年为1.27×105次,月分布呈单峰型,7—8月为雷电高发期,占全年的57.9%,日变化呈双峰型,负地闪在夜间03时及下午17时到达峰值,正地闪峰值出现时间比负地闪要晚1—2 h,且午后的峰值远小于夜间;地闪密度空间分布与地形关系密切,大值区主要集中在山脉的交汇处及台地—丘陵向山地的过渡地带;江津北部至重庆中心城区、开州南部至万州北部、忠县南部至石柱西部、永川南部—荣昌至大足西部为地闪密度大值区,密度普遍大于3次·km-2·a-1,局部大于6次·km-2·a-1;总地闪平均幅值为37.9 kA,其中10—50 kA...  相似文献   

2006—2009年江苏省地闪特征分析及应用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
焦雪  冯民学  钟颖颖 《气象科学》2011,31(2):205-210
根据2006-2009年江苏省气象部门闪电定位系统资料,对江苏省地闪的总体特征、雷电流强度和地闪的时空分布特征进行了分析,并利用江苏13市雷暴日观测记录,统计了各市地闪密度公式.结果表明,江苏省以负地闪为主,正地闪的平均雷电流强度大干负地闪;地闪随时间变化明显,空间分布和地形密切相关,地闪密集区域应相应加强防雷工作;装设接闪器的建筑物也有遭受雷击的可能,江苏97.75%的地闪的雷电流强度都集中在100 kA以下;各市使用本地化的地闪密度计算公式比IEC公式计算得出的结果更符合实际.  相似文献   

选取1971—2008年青岛地区7个地面观测站雷暴日资料和2006—2009年闪电定位系统监测资料,统计分析青岛雷暴的时空分布规律,并以某大型石化项目为例,分析了该区域地闪的分布特征。结果表明:近38 a青岛地区雷暴日空间分布自东南向西北逐渐增多,季节性分布特征明显,主要集中在7月和8月。根据闪电定位资料,借助分析软件得出该石化项目附近雷电流强度分布图和雷电流累积概率分布曲线,进而得出对应的雷电流强度值,最大值为41.68 kA。利用闪电定位系统提供的地闪次数计算地闪密度Ng比用人工观测资料计算的结果更为客观,研究结果可为雷电灾害风险评估提供评估参数。  相似文献   

针对热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)闪电已有研究,首先从闪电活动分布特征、眼壁闪电爆发对TC强度和路径的指示、外雨带闪电活动与雨带对流结构的关系三个方面进行了总结;其次从动力一微物理方面对TC闪电的形成原因和特征机理进行了梳理;最后提出当前研究中存在的两个关键问题,并对后续研究内容进行了展望。基于地基和空基相结合的综合闪电探测得到的闪电属性特征参量,有望建立一个明确的、具有代表性的闪电活动一TC强度变化关系。利用沿海地区架设的三维闪电定位系统结合地基双偏振霄达,针对登陆台风强对流过程开展的综合观测研究,将有助于推进闪电观测资料在台风中小尺度强对流监测、预警和资料同化中的应用。  相似文献   

从周边建筑物对所考虑建筑物的扩大宽度影响的角度,分析了周边有等高、更低或更高的其他建筑物3种情况下,周边建筑物对所考虑的建筑物截收面积的实际影响.在此基础上提出了周边建筑物的高度、相对位置、环绕程度等均对建筑物截收面积有较大影响,并不能将其乘以一个恒定的位置因子作为考虑了周边建筑物的影响,应根据建筑物所处环境的实际情况的不同做更为精确的计算,以提高风险评估的准确性.  相似文献   

闪电VHF辐射源三维定位系统仪器误差处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高闪电VHF辐射源三维定位系统的探测效率和定位精度,根据其运行原理对其定位误差的可能来源进行了分析,特别是针对GPS时钟的授时原理和高速采集卡工作原理以及观测站位置等可能造成误差的系统原因进行了分析。结果表明,三者误差是造成闪电三维定位结果不准确的主要设备误差。利用闪电VHF辐射源三维定位系统得到的定位结果信息,计算出了其到达观测站的时间,并与实测的到达时间进行了差值分析,拟合出一条偏差直线,得到其误差演变规律,并对该误差进行分析和纠正,得到了较好的结果,使闪电VHF辐射源三维定位系统的探测效率有较大提高,其定位结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

利用广东省电力部门和气象部门两套闪电定位系统对揭阳市雷电监测结果进行对比分析,地闪频数逐日对比的一致性比较好,但从地闪总数、地闪空间分布、雷暴日数、雷电流极值和极性,两套资料都存在较大的差异.造成这种差异的原因主要是:两套闪电定位系统布点的不同、地闪采集阈值的不同和处理软件的不同等.  相似文献   

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