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We estimate seasonal global mean sea level changes using different data resources, including sea level anomalies from satellite radar altimetry, ocean temperature and salinity from the World Ocean Atlas 2001, time-variable gravity observations from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, and terrestrial water storage and atmospheric water vapor changes from the NASA global land data assimilation system and National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis atmospheric model. The results from all estimates are consistent in amplitude and phase at the annual period, in some cases with remarkably good agreement. The results provide a good measure of average annual variation of water stored within atmospheric, land, and ocean reservoirs. We examine how varied treatments of degree-2 and degree-1 spherical harmonics from GRACE, laser ranging, and Earth rotation variations affect GRACE mean sea level change estimates. We also show that correcting the standard equilibrium ocean pole tide correction for mass conservation is needed when using satellite altimeter data in global mean sea level studies. These encouraging results indicate that is reasonable to consider estimating longer-term time series of water storage in these reservoirs, as a way of tracking climate change.  相似文献   

By exchanging angular momentum with the solid earth, tidal variations in ocean currents and sea level cause the rotation of the solid earth to change. Observations of earth rotation variations can therefore be used to evaluate ocean tide models. The rotational predictions of a spherical harmonic ocean tide model that is not constrained by any type of data are compared here to the predictions of numerical ocean tide models and to earth rotation observations from which atmospheric and non-tidal oceanic effects have been removed. The spherical harmonic ocean tide model is shown to account for the observed variations at the fortnightly tidal period in polar motion excitation but not in length-of-day. Overall, its long-period polar motion excitation predictions fit the observed tidal signals better than do the predictions of the numerical ocean tide models studied here. It may be possible to improve its agreement with length-of-day observations by tuning certain model parameters, as was done to obtain the close agreement reported here between the modeled and observed polar motion excitation; alternatively, the discrepancy in length-of-day may point to the need to revise current models of mantle anelasticity and/or models of the oceanic response to atmospheric pressure variations.  相似文献   

Because the tide-raising potential is symmetric about the Earth’s polar axis it can excite polar motion only by acting upon non-axisymmetric features of the Earth like the oceans. In fact, after removing atmospheric and non-tidal oceanic effects, polar motion excitation observations show a strong fortnightly tidal signal that is not completely explained by existing dynamical and empirical ocean tide models. So a new empirical model for the effect of the termensual (Mtm and mtm), fortnightly (Mf and mf), and monthly (Mm) tides on polar motion is derived here by fitting periodic terms at these tidal frequencies to polar motion excitation observations that span 2 January 1980 to 8 September 2006 and from which atmospheric and non-tidal oceanic effects have been removed. While this new empirical tide model can fully explain the observed fortnightly polar motion excitation signal during this time interval it would still be desirable to have a model for the effect of long-period ocean tides on polar motion that is determined from a dynamical ocean tide model and that is therefore independent of polar motion observations.  相似文献   

Changes in the annual variation of the Earths polar motion are found to be largely caused by the variation of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM). Recent simulation results of oceanic general circulation models further suggest global oceanic effects on the annual polar motion in addition to the atmosphere. In comparison with previous model studies of global oceanic effects, this research particularly singles out a large-scale ocean anomaly and investigates its effect on the annual polar motion, determined from satellite observations of the movement of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). Although the scale of the warm pool is much smaller than that of the solid Earth, analysis of the non-atmospheric polar motion excitation has shown that the WPWP contributes non-negligibly to the annual polar motion. The analysis consists of over 30 years of WPWP data (1970–2000) and shows values of polar motion excitation for the x-component of (2.5 mas, –79°) and for the y-component of (0.6 mas, 173°). Comparison of this result with the total geodetic non-atmospheric polar motion excitation of (10.3 mas, 59°) for the x-component and (10.6 mas, 62°) for the y-component shows the significance of the WPWP. Changes in the Earths polar motion have attracted significant attention, not only because it is an important geodetic issue, but also because it has significant value as a global measure of variations within the hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, and solid Earth, and hence global changes.Tel: 86–21–64386191 Fax: 86–21–64384618Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Dr. R. Gross (JPL) and two anonymous reviewers for providing invaluable comments. They also thank Dr. J.L. Chen (CSR) for helpful discussions. Y. Zhou, D. Zheng and X. Liao were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10273018, 10133010) and Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJCX2-SW-T1). X-H. Yan was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through Grant NAG5–12745, and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Presidential Faculty Fellow award to X-H. Yan (OCE-9453499). W.T. Liu was supported by the NASA Physical Oceanography Program.  相似文献   

南极中山站重力潮汐观测的海潮负荷效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析了LaCoste-Romberg(LCR)ET21高精度弹簧重力仪1998年12月26日至2000年1月9日在南极中山站的重力潮汐观测资料,采用目前普遍使用的Schwiderski、Csr3.0和Fes96.2全球海潮模型研究中山站重力潮汐观测的海潮负荷改正问题。结果表明在南极地区,目前的海潮模型存在较大的不确定性,还不足以精密确定该区域的海潮负荷改正。经海潮改正后,重力潮汐观测结果与潮汐理论值之间还存在比较大的差异,观测的周日(01)和半日(M2)潮波重力振幅因子与相应的理论值之间的平均偏差分别为3.8%和7.8%。南极地区附近海域海水的变化半导致该地区海潮负荷响应非常明显的季节性系统变化。  相似文献   

利用GRACE、卫星测高和海洋实测温盐数据,探讨了2003~2012年间全球海平面、比容海平面和海水质量等的变化特征,并讨论了南极冰盖和格陵兰冰盖消融对全球海平面变化的影响。全球海平面整体呈上升趋势,上升速度为2.72±0.07 mm/a,且存在显著的空间分布特征。全球海平面、比容海平面和海水质量等的变化还具有显著的季节性特征,其中全球海平面变化的年周期振幅为4.6±0.3 mm。使用经验正交函数分析(EOF)得到全球海平面和比容海平面的季节性变化在南北半球存在显著的差异,但海水质量季节性变化不存在这种差异。南极冰盖和格陵兰冰盖的消融速率分别为-75.7±12.3 Gt/a和-124.1±2.9 Gt/a,对海平面的长期趋势项贡献分别为0.21±0.03 mm/a和0.34±0.01 mm/a,仅占全球海水质量增加速度1.80±0.10 mm/a的12%和19%,总计占31%,因此,两极冰盖质量消融并不是2003-2012年间海水质量增加的最主要因素。  相似文献   

The direct method of vertical datum unification requires estimates of the ocean’s mean dynamic topography (MDT) at tide gauges, which can be sourced from either geodetic or oceanographic approaches. To assess the suitability of different types of MDT for this purpose, we evaluate 13 physics-based numerical ocean models and six MDTs computed from observed geodetic and/or ocean data at 32 tide gauges around the Australian coast. We focus on the viability of numerical ocean models for vertical datum unification, classifying the 13 ocean models used as either independent (do not contain assimilated geodetic data) or non-independent (do contain assimilated geodetic data). We find that the independent and non-independent ocean models deliver similar results. Maximum differences among ocean models and geodetic MDTs reach >150 mm at several Australian tide gauges and are considered anomalous at the 99% confidence level. These differences appear to be of geodetic origin, but without additional independent information, or formal error estimates for each model, some of these errors remain inseparable. Our results imply that some ocean models have standard deviations of differences with other MDTs (using geodetic and/or ocean observations) at Australian tide gauges, and with levelling between some Australian tide gauges, of \({\sim }\pm 50\,\hbox {mm}\). This indicates that they should be considered as an alternative to geodetic MDTs for the direct unification of vertical datums. They can also be used as diagnostics for errors in geodetic MDT in coastal zones, but the inseparability problem remains, where the error cannot be discriminated between the geoid model or altimeter-derived mean sea surface.  相似文献   

The response of the Earth’s crust to the direct effect of lunisolar gravitational forcing is known as the body tide. The body tide is superimposed by surface-loading forces due to the pressure of the periodically varying ocean tide acting on the Earth, called ocean tide loading (OTL). Both body tide and OTL can be decomposed into components of the same frequency known as tidal parameters. However, OTL is more complicated than body tides because of the dynamic effects of the ocean. Estimating OTL requires a model of the ocean tides and knowledge of the elastic properties of the solid Earth. Thus, synthetic tide parameters (amplitude factors and phase leads) have been developed here on a world-wide grid for gravity and positional displacements. The body tide contributions were added to the oceanic contribution to provide the Earth tide response. The accuracy and reliability of the synthetic tidal parameters have been estimated by comparing observed gravity and vertical-displacement tide parameters with those interpolated from our synthetic model, which shows good agreement. Tests also indicate that the synthetic tide parameters provide realistic gravimetric and displacements for practical use in tidal prediction.  相似文献   

Summary A system of reference which is directly related to observations, is proposed for four dimensional studies in Earth space. The requisite data is used to define both global control network and also polar wandering. The determination of variations of the Earth’s gravitational field with time also forms part of such a system. Techniques are outlined for the unique definition of the motion of the geocenter, and the changes in the location of the axis of rotation of an instantaneous Earth model, in relation to values at some epoch of reference. The instantaneous system referred to is directly related to a fundamental equation in geodynamics. The reference system defined would provide an unambiguous frame for long period studies in Earth space, provided the scale of the space were specified. Presented at the I.A.G./A.G.U. Symposium on Earth Gravity Models related problems, St Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., 16–18 August 1972.  相似文献   

吴斌 《测绘学报》2001,30(1):6-9
本根据现代空间技术测定地球引力场变化的进展,提出了用实测的地球自转参数和实测的低阶重力场变化结合的方法以研究地球角动量变化。其突出的优点是可以使引起地球角动量变化的质量项和速度场项解耦,使原来较复杂的问题简化。作为本提出的方法的实例,我们用Lageos-1和Lageos-2两颗卫星的SLR资料求解ΔC20,计算出ΔLOD序列,与(ΔLOD-Wind)残差序列相比,有较好的一致性,显示出本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Starlette was launched in 1975 in order to study temporal variations in the Earth’s gravity field; in particular, tidal and Earth rotation effects. For the period April 1983 to April 1984 over12,700 normal points of laser ranging data to Starlette have been sub-divided into49 near consecutive 5–6 day arcs. Normal equations for each arc as obtained from a least-squares data reduction procedure, were solved for ocean tidal parameters along with other geodetic and geodynamic parameters. The tidal parameters are defined relative to Wahr’s body tides and Wahr’s nutation model and show fair agreement with other satellite derived results and those obtained from spherical harmonic decomposition of global ocean tidal models.  相似文献   

 At the present time, the daily VLBI observations on the Westford-Wettzell baseline is the only continually running VLBI project for studies of high-frequency Earth rotation variations. An analysis of this experiment with regard to the potential errors in the atmospheric delay model and in adopted celestial and terrestrial reference frames is presented in the paper. A new VLBI geometric delay model is applied and an algorithm for global adjustment for this specific single-baseline VLBI developed. The results over three years show discrepancies at the milliarcsecond level between the daily observations and the adopted atmospheric model as well as the combined celestial reference frame. A significant number of these discrepancies are removed by the global adjustment. Received: 19 August 1996; Accepted: 13 September 1996  相似文献   

 The annual and semiannual residuals derived in the axial angular momentum budget of the solid Earth–atmosphere system reflect significant signals. They must be caused by further excitation sources. Since, in particular, the contribution for the wind term from the atmospheric layer between the 10 and 0.3 hPa levels to the seasonal variations in length of day (LOD) is still missing, it is necessary to extend the top level into the upper stratosphere up to 0.3 hPa. Under the conservation of the total angular momentum of the entire Earth, variations in the oceanic angular momentum (OAM) and the hydrological angular momentum (HAM) are further significant excitation sources at seasonal time scales. Focusing on other contributions to the Earth's axial angular momentum budget, the following data are used in this study: axial atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) data derived for the 10–0.3 hPa layer from 1991 to 1997 for computing the missing wind effects; axial OAM functions as generated by oceanic general circulation models (GCMs), namely for the ECHAM3 and the MICOM models, available from 1975 to 1994 and from 1992 to 1994, respectively, for computing the oceanic contributions to LOD changes, and, concerning the HAM variations, the seasonal estimates of the hydrological contribution as derived by Chao and O'Connor [(1988) Geophys J 94: 263–270]. Using vector representation, it is shown that the vectors achieve a close balance in the global axial angular momentum budget within the estimated uncertainties of the momentum quantities on seasonal time scales. Received: 6 April 2000 / Accepted: 13 December 2000  相似文献   

本文利用中山站弹簧重力仪记录的重力潮汐时间序列、验潮站数据、CATS2008区域和Eot11a全球海潮模型研究重力和海洋潮汐特征。结果表明,在周日频段,潮波O1的海潮振幅达到28 cm,4个主要潮波(Q1、O1、P1和K1)的全球模型与验潮站潮高差之和为4.2 cm,区域模型与验潮站潮高差之和为4.4 cm;在半日频段,潮波M2的海潮振幅达到20 cm,4个主要潮波(N2、M2、S2和K2)的潮高差之和分别为7.7 cm和5.1 cm,说明利用区域模型修正全球模型的重要性。经区域模型修正的全球海潮负荷改正后,重力主波K1、M2和S2的最终残差振幅分别下降了9.84%、56.14%和37.08%,说明区域海潮模型更能反映海洋潮汐的真实特征,用区域模型修正全球海潮模型的有效性得到验证。  相似文献   

This is a companion paper to earlier comparisons and study of operational polar motion series, published recently in the same journal. In this contribution, four operational, publicly available, length-of-day (LOD) time series have been compared to the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) augmented with recent oceanic angular momentum (OAM) data during September 1997–July 2000, using several intervals ranging from 3 days to almost 3 years. Additionally, the LOD of the International GNSS Service (IGS) historical series and a new LOD combination (CMB) were also analyzed. All the six LOD series showed an overall correlation exceeding 0.99 for the complete interval of almost 3 years. Even for the shortest interval of only 3 days, the correlation was still higher than 0.60. The combined AAM + OAM series with inverted barometer corrections always gave the best correlation. The Rapid Service LOD of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) compared the best at all intervals but the shortest one, where the CMB LOD was the best with a correlation of 0.73, followed by both IGS series with a correlation of about 0.71. Prior to all the correlation analyses, in addition to the removal of all the known (conventional) LOD tidal variations with periods ranging from 5.6 days to 18.6 years and lunar fortnightly and monthly oceanic tides, small corrections of lunar fortnightly and monthly tides, semi-annual, annual periodical signals, drift and scale had to be estimated with respect to the combined AAM + OAM series.  相似文献   

处理了1985~2010年的VLBI观测数据,提取了日长变化信息,分析了其内符合精度和外符合精度;通过傅立叶分析以及小波分析得出了日长变化的半月周期、月周期、半年周期、周年周期以及更长周期;利用解算出的日长变化信息绘制日长变化积分曲线,分析日长的季节性变化和长期变化,并分析了日长变化因素。  相似文献   

Climate change is associated with earth radiation budget that depends upon incoming solar radiation, surface albedo and radiative forcing by greenhouse gases. Human activities are contributing to climate change by causing changes in Earth’s atmosphere (greenhouse gases, aerosols) and biosphere (deforestation, urbanization, irrigation). Long term and precise measurements from calibrated global observation constellation is a vital component in climate system modelling. Space based records of biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere over more than three decades are providing important information on climate change. Space observations are an important source of climate variables due to multi scale simultaneous observation (local, regional, and global scales) capability with temporal revisit in tune with requirements of land, ocean and atmospheric processes. Essential climatic variables that can be measured from space include atmosphere (upper air temperature, water vapour, precipitation, clouds, aerosols, GHGs etc.), ocean (sea ice, sea level, SST, salinity, ocean colour etc.) and land (snow, glacier, albedo, biomass, LAI/fAPAR, soil moisture etc.). India’s Earth Observation Programme addresses various aspects of land, ocean and atmospheric applications. The present and planned missions such as Resourcesat-1, Oceansat-2, RISAT, Megha-Tropiques, INSAT-3D, SARAL, Resourcesat-2, Geo-HR Imager and series of Environmental satellites (I-STAG) would help in understanding the issues related to climate changes. The paper reviews observational needs, space observation systems and studies that have been carried out at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) towards mapping/detecting the indicators of climate change, monitoring the agents of climate change and understanding the impact of climate change, in national perspectives. Studies to assess glacier retreat, changes in polar ice cover, timberline change and coral bleaching are being carried out towards monitoring of climate change indicators. Spatial methane inventories from paddy rice, livestock and wetlands have been prepared and seasonal pattern of CO2, and CO have been analysed. Future challenges in space observations include design and placement of adequate and accurate multi-platform observational systems to monitor all parameters related to various interaction processes and generation of long term calibrated climate data records pertaining to land ocean and atmosphere.  相似文献   

南极与全球环境变化的关系受到了全人类的关注.空间对地观测技术的发展,为人类进一步认识南极打开了新的局面.合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)是近十年发展起来的极具潜力的空间对地观测技术,已经成为一种用于生成数字高程模型(DEM)地图制图及地表运动监测等的有效手段.通过Grove山地区的实例研究和分析,进一步肯定了InSAR在南极研究中不仅可以用于地图制图,而且在冰川动力学、冰貌环境变化等研究领域也有巨大的潜力.  相似文献   

Contribution of new AAM data source to δLOD excitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N. Yu  D. Zheng  H. Wu 《Journal of Geodesy》1999,73(8):385-390
Data sets of the changes of the length of day (ΔLOD) measured by space geodetic techniques and of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) derived from global meteorological data by the National Meteorological Center (NMC) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) are used to reanalyze and study the excitations of ΔLOD, and to examine and compare the contribution of each AAM series to ΔLOD. The main results are as follows. 1. The AAM reanalyzed with the assimilated global meteorological data by NCEP/NCAR are more accurate and have lower noise than the original AAM derived by NMC. The NCEP/NCAR-based AAM is more consistent with the changes of the length-of-day series. 2. The NCEP reanalysed AAM data may better explain the non-tidal LOD variations on intraseasonal to interannual time scales, especially on the quasi-biennial time scale. The atmosphere cannot, however, explain all LOD variations; other excitation sources are possible. 3. The effects of atmosphere on the estimated values of tides for ΔLOD components up to a month are weak. The preliminary results of the annual and semiannual tides can be estimated after removing the effects of atmosphere from ΔLOD. Received: 27 May 1998 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

电离层参量的提取是开展电离层研究的基础,而数据同化技术则是获取电离层参量的一种重要手段。以NeQuick模型的输出作为背景场,Kalman滤波作为同化算法,利用数据同化技术实现区域电离层TEC重构,结果表明,数据同化方法重构的倾斜总电子含量(TEC)和垂直TEC与实测值较为一致。相比NeQuick模型及全球电离层地图(GIM)数据,数据同化方法重构得到的TEC的平均误差和标准差均有明显的降低,实测数据验证了数据同化技术在区域TEC重构中的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

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