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A physical experiment shows that shortening applied to existing diapirs and minibasins produces anomalous structural styles that are unlike those of more typical foldbelts. Strong minibasins remain largely undeformed while weak diapirs localize contractional strain. Short diapirs form the cores to folds and thrusted folds, whereas tall diapirs are squeezed and often welded, commonly leading to the extrusion of allochthonous material. Key features of the model are observed in real examples. In the northern Gulf of Mexico passive margin, minibasins were originally separated by a polygonal pattern of deep salt ridges, with diapirs located at ridge intersections. Gravity spreading resulted in squeezed diapirs (and associated allochthonous salt) connected by variably oriented contractional, extensional, and strike-slip structures. In the Flinders Ranges convergent-margin foldbelt of South Australia, preexisting diapirs were squeezed, welded, and thrusted, with anticlines plunging away in multiple directions, so that minibasins are surrounded by highly variable structures. A different geometry is observed in La Popa Basin, Mexico, where squeezing of a linear salt wall produced a vertical weld with diapirs at the terminations, rather than the culmination. In all areas, foldbelt geometries are strongly influenced by the preestablished salt-minibasin architecture.  相似文献   

Using the new high-quality 3D seismic data, this paper addresses the salt structures in the KL11 area of the Laizhouwan depression in the southern offshore Bohai Bay basin. In the study area, the salt in the Sha-4 Member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation thickened, and then formed an S–N trending salt wall, which changes shape regularly along its trend from salt diapir to salt pillow. The change in thickness of the suprasalt layers record five growth phases of the salt wall from the Eocene to the Quaternary: (1) early diapirism, (2) active diapirism, (3) passive diapirism, (4) relative structural quiescence, and (5) arching. The evolution of the salt structures was mostly governed by the multi-phase compression induced by the dextral strike-slip of the Tan–Lu fault, which formed a restraining bend in the study area. There was an original passive stock in the south, which was later tectonically squeezed by E–W compression and became a diapir. As the shortening propagated to the north from the original stock, the salt pillow was created in the north. Relative structural quiescence then followed until the next phase of compression, which arched the thick roof of the salt wall.  相似文献   

Using the seismic profiles and analog modeling, this paper addresses the salt structures in the M and B blocks in the Southern Precaspian Basin. The salt structural features, the formation mechanism and the controlling factors of structural deformation are investigated and discussed systematically. The interpretation of the seismic profiles shows that typical salt-related structures include salt wall, (flip-flop) salt diapir, salt roller, salt pillow (dome), salt weld, salt withdrawal minibasin and drag structure (or drape fold). In addition, model results demonstrate that the gravity spreading driven by progradation and aggradation is probably the primary factor in controlling the formation of the salt structures in the research area. Due to the differential loading driven by progradation, passive salt diapir developed near the progradational front followed by the formation of intrasalt withdrawal minibasin bounded by two salt diapirs, and secondary reactive triangle salt diapir or salt pillow might form within the intrasalt withdrawal minibasin. Model results also indicate that the pattern of the subsalt basement has important influence on the formation and evolution of salt structures. Salt diapirs primarily developed along the margin of the subsalt uplift basement, where high shear deformation was induced by differential sedimentary loading between the uplift area and the slope area.  相似文献   

Passive margins such as the Gulf of Mexico are characterized by two distinct styles of faulting. Homogenous sand/shale packages in offshore Texas mostly display basinward-dipping listric normal faults with associated rollover structures cut by synthetic and antithetic faults. The fault traces are generally long and show a linear trend. Stratigraphic packages with a ductile substratum (salt) in offshore Louisiana are characterized by basinward and landward-dipping, short arcuate faults detaching within the salt. The structures consist of a series of half-grabens, with the movement of salt from the front to the back of each fault block. Clay experimental models are used to study the controls of fault geometries in the two structural styles and their interaction to form complex transfer zones. The surface of the clay cake is laser-scanned to enable 3D visualization and accurate measurements of structures. The results suggest that within homogeneous sand-shale packages, the dips of the faults and their locations are primarily dependent on the direction of the drop down of the basal detachment along pre-existing discontinuities, with the slope of the basal discontinuity and the direction of extension providing secondary controls. On the other hand, the dips of fault systems in packages underlain by a ductile substratum are primarily controlled by the slope of the basal detachment. Therefore, the more common regional Roho systems typically form above salt sheets with initial basinward slopes, whereas counter-regional fault systems form above salt sheets with initial landward slopes. The direction of extension and the presence of small pre-existing discontinuities impart only secondary controls when ductile basal units are involved. The faults initiate at the head of ductile layer and propagate downslope. Complex transfer zones develop at the boundary of the ductile substratum due to interference between the two fault styles.  相似文献   

The structural analysis of regional 3D seismic data shows evidence of long-term tectonic inheritance in Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. Main Lower Cretaceous rift structures controlled themselves by strike-slip deformation belts related to Proterozoic orogenic events, have been episodically reactivated during the divergent margin phase of Campos Basin, from the Albian to the Miocene. Balanced cross-sections of major salt structures indicate that such tectonic reactivations have been controlling thin-skinned salt tectonics, triggering pulses of gravitational gliding above the Aptian salt detachment. Additionally, major basin features like the Neogene progradation front and the salt tectonic domains are constrained by the main Proterozoic orogenic trends of the Ribeira Belt (NE–SW) and the Vitória-Colatina Belt (NNW–SSE). As the basement involved structures observed in Campos Basin can be attributed to general geodynamic processes, it is suggested that basement tectonic reactivation can be as relevant as isostatic adjustment and detached thin-skinned tectonics on the structural evolution of divergent margin settings.  相似文献   

The activities of extracellular enzymes that initiate the microbial remineralization of high molecular weight organic matter were investigated in the water column and sandy surface sediments at two sites in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Six fluorescently labeled polysaccharides were hydrolyzed rapidly in the water column as well as in permeable sediments. This result contrasts with previous studies carried out in environments dominated by fine-grained muds, in which the spectrum of enzymes active in the water column is quite limited compared to that of the underlying sediments. Extracts of Spirulina, Isochrysis, and Thalassiosira were also used to measure hydrolysis rates in water from one of the sites. Rates of hydrolysis of the three plankton extracts were comparable to those of the purified polysaccharides. The broad spectrum and rapid rates of hydrolysis observed in the water column at both sites in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico may be due to the permeable nature of the sediments. Fluid flux through the sediments is sufficiently high that the entire 1.5 m deep water column could filter though the sediments on timescales of a few days to two weeks. Movement of water through sediments may also transport dissolved enzymes from the sediment into the water column, enhancing the spectrum as well as the rate of water column enzymatic activities. Such interaction between the sediments and water column would permit water column microbial communities to access high molecular weight substrates that might otherwise remain unavailable as substrates.  相似文献   

Phenylalkanes with carbon numbers between 16 and 19, characterized by the main carbon-18, have been identified in the modern sediments collected from gas hydrate area from the Gulf of Mexico. The structure of phenylalkanes with four isomers for every carbon number was determined by means of their mass spectra and previous studies. The distribution of the series characterized by a low molecular mass was similar to the distribution of n-alkane, alkylcyclohexanes and alkylbenzenes in each sample. There were differences in the distribution of the phenylalkane series between the S - 1, S - 4, S - 7, S - 9 samples and the S - 8, S - 10 and S - 11 samples. The phenylalkanes might be derived from Archaea associated with anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) processes in S - 1, S -4, S -7 and S -9 samples according to their distribution resembled with the distribution of the extract from a type of Archaea. The distribution of alkylcyclohexanes and alkylbenzenes in S - 1, S - 4, S - 7 and S - 9 sample was found to be similar to each other. The odd-over-even predominance of alkylcyclohexanes was seen as the input of some bac- terial.  相似文献   

海上油气田开发到中后期,构造研究的精细程度直接影响到油藏的开发效果。针对南海东部油田开发中低幅度构造的地震成像畸变问题开展了研究。首先,为了消除断层阴影对于构造的影响,通过对断层附近成像畸变分析,根据层位和断层控制建立速度模型,准确恢复断层附近的速度场,有效消除断层阴影影响,精细恢复断层阴影带内的低幅度构造特征;然后通过高分辨率反演刻画浅层异常体分布,进行速度校正,以消除浅层异常体对构造影响。在地震成像畸变的情况下,将测井数据和地震数据相融合,并结合地震速度和地质规律分析相互验证校正构造解释,取得了较好的应用效果,为油田地质和油藏研究提供了准确的基础数据。  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution and abundance of the hyperiid amphipods collected during April–May 1986 was analysed in order to study their relationship to mesoscale features in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Hyperiids were represented by 79 species, Lestrigonus bengalensis (65% of total hyperiids), Primno abyssalis (4.3%), Anchylomera blossevillei (2.3%) and Lestrigonus schizogeneios (2.3%) being the most abundant. Several mesoscale features (two cyclonic and three anticyclonic eddies, two upwelling areas) were active in the surveyed area. Cluster analysis of density and composition produced five groups of stations that were found to be related to some of these features. Overall, the mesoscale features that most influenced the local hyperiid community were the upwelling areas; they were related both with the highest and the lowest hyperiid densities and with high and low diversity figures. Overall day/night variations were normal, with highest night‐time densities; this pattern was not consistent in the different mesoscale features studied. Reverse migrations were possibly occurring, or migration patterns were lacking, at some of these systems. The hyperiid community structure related to the anticyclonic eddies differed somewhat among the eddies; however, the oceanographic exchange with the surrounding gulf waters probably obscured sharper faunistic differences between the communities.  相似文献   

In 2007, an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) program was introduced to the valuable red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) fishery in the US Gulf of Mexico. This study assessed the current perceived scale and causes of red snapper discarding in the Gulf in recent years within the commercial reef fish fishery, according to commercial fishermen. Data were collected through interviews, which took place with fishermen in April and May 2010, and which were unexpectedly halted due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred in late April 2010. Results suggest that for those fishermen fully participating in the IFQ program, snapper discarding has decreased since program implementation. For those not fully involved in the program (e.g., due to participation costs), discarding has likely since increased.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential adaptation of harvest tags to the Gulf of Mexico recreational reef fish fishery. The discussion addresses conceptual, theoretical, and practical issues surrounding the application of harvest tags, as well as challenges and opportunities related to the design of tag programs. A review of hunting and fishing tag programs around the world and analysis of Gulf recreational fisheries suggests that tags have the potential to improve control over total catches, increase economic benefits and provide better information for fishery management. Results also provide insight into potential use of fish tags in large-scale recreational fisheries nationwide.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地中央坳陷带拆离断层及其控盆作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Using regional geological, newly acquired 2D and 3D seismic, drilling and well log data, especially 2D long cable seismic profiles, the structure and stratigraphy in the deep-water area of Qiongdongnan Basin are interpreted. The geometry of No.2 fault system is also re-defined, which is an important fault in the central depression belt of the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin by employing the quantitative analysis techniques of fault activity and backstripping. Furthermore, the dynamical evolution of the No.2 fault sys-tem and its controls on the central depression belt are analyzed. This study indicates that the Qiongdongnan Basin was strongly influenced by the NW-trending tensile stress field during the Late Eocene. At this time, No.2 fault system initiated and was characterized by several discontinuous fault segments, which controlled a series small NE-trending fault basins. During the Oligocene, the regional extensional stress field changed from NW-SE to SN with the oceanic spreading of South China Sea, the early small faults started to grow along their strikes, eventually connected and merged as the listric shape of the No.2 fault system as ob-served today. No.2 fault detaches along the crustal Moho surface in the deep domain of the seismic profiles as a large-scale detachment fault. A large-scale rollover anticline formed in hanging wall of the detachment fault. There are a series of small fault basins in both limbs of the rollover anticline, showing that the early small basins were involved into fold deformation of the rollover anticline. Structurally, from west to east, the central depression belt is characterized by alternatively arranged graben and half-graben. The central depression belt of the Qiongdongnan Basin lies at the extension zone of the tip of the V-shaped northwest-ern ocean sub-basin of the South China Sea, its activity period is the same as the development period of the northwestern ocean sub-basin, furthermore the emplacement and eruption of magma that originated from the mantle b  相似文献   

The Blanco Fracture Zone, which connects the Juan de Fuca and Gorda ridges, is structurally complex and contains numerous pull-apart basins and accretion centres. It terminates at its western end in two troughs where the Juan de Fuca Ridge progressively dies out. This unusual structure is studied in detail using bathymetric analysis which allows the fault pattern to be determined. The method developed to extract structural information involves numerical treatment of the gridded bathymetry derived from image processing methods. The detailed mapping of the fault pattern shows that the active zone corresponds to a N100° E strike-slip zone which connects the southern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge with the northeastern edge of the Blanco Trough, via the northwestern wall of the Parks Plateau. The present day direction of the active zone comes after a previous one trending at N115° E, apparently within the same area. The Parks Plateau results from a jump of the plate boundary from the southern to northern limits of the plateau. Deformation over the past 2 Ma results from a northeastward displacement of the junction between the transform zone and the ridge.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population densities, spatial distributions, size frequencies, growth rates, longevity and reproductive activities of sub‐populations of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were investigated over a two‐year period. Sea urchins were examined in three habitats in Saint Joseph Bay, Florida, which is within the northern limits of their distribution. Densities of sea urchins, which ranged as high as 35 individuals ·?2, fluctuated seasonally at all sites and were higher in seagrass beds comprised of Thalassia testudinum than Syringodium filiforme or on a sand flat. A cold front caused large‐scale, catastrophic mortality among adult, and especially juvenile, sea urchins in nearshore habitats of the Bay in the spring of 1993, leading to a dramatic decline in sea urchin densities at the Thalassia seagrass site. The population recovered over 6 months at this site and was attributable to immigration of new adults. Juvenile recruitment displayed both interannual and site‐specific variability, with recruitment being highest in seagrass habitats in fall and spring. The most pronounced recruitment event occurred in fall 1993 at the Thalassia site. Spatial distributions of adult individuals ascertained monthly never varied from random in the seagrass beds (T. testudinum and S. filiforme) or during spring, summer or fall months on the sand flat. Nonetheless, aggregations of adult sea urchins were observed on the sand flat in the winter months and were associated with patchy distributions of plant food resources. Juvenile sea urchins (< 25 mm test diameter) exhibited aggregations at all sites and 67 % of all juveniles under 10 mm test diameter (91 of 165 individuals observed) were found under the spine canopies of adults. Measurements of the inducibility of spawning indicated peak gametic maturity in all three sub‐populations in spring and summer. Gonad indices varied between habitats and years, but distinct maxima were detected, particularly in spring 1993 and late summer 1994. The mean gonad index of individuals at the Syringodium seagrass site was 2‐ to 4‐fold higher than the other sites in spring 1993 and gonad indices were much higher at all sites in spring of 1993 than 1994. Estimates of growth based on changes in size frequency cohorts coupled with measurements of growth bands on lantern demipyramids indicated that L. variegatus in three habitats of Saint Joseph Bay have similar growth rates and attain a mean test diameter of approximately 35 mm in one year. In contrast to populations within the central biogeographical range of the species, which may attain test diameters up to 90 mm, the largest individuals recorded in Saint Joseph Bay were 60 mm in test diameter, and almost all individuals were no more than 45 mm in test diameter or two years of age. The demographics of L. variegatus in the northern limits of their distribution appear to be strongly influenced by latitudinally driven, low‐temperature events and secondarily by local abiotic factors, especially springtime low salinities, which may negatively impact larval development and recruitment.  相似文献   

In coastal ecosystems, denitrification is a key process in removing excess dissolved nitrogen oxides and participating in the control of eutrophication process. Little is known about the role of salt marshes on nitrogen budgets in cold weather coastal areas. Although coastal salt marshes are important sites for organic matter degradation and nutrient regeneration, bacterial-mediated nitrogen cycling processes, such as denitrification, remain unknown in northern and sub-arctic regions, especially under winter conditions. Using labelled nitrogen (15N), denitrification rates were measured in an eastern Canadian salt marsh in August, October and December 2005. Freshly sampled undisturbed sediment cores were incubated over 8h and maintained at their sampling temperatures to evaluate the influence of low temperatures on the denitrification rate. From 2 to 12 degrees C, average denitrification rate and dissolved oxygen consumption increased from 9.6 to 25.5 micromol N2 m-2 h-1 and from 1.3 to 1.8 mmol O2 m-2 h-1, respectively, with no statistical dependence of temperature (p>0.05). Nitrification has been identified as the major nitrate source for denitrification, supplying more than 80% of the nitrate demand. Because no more than 31% of the nitrate removed by sediment is estimated to be denitrified, the presence of a major nitrate sink in sediment is suspected. Among possible nitrate consumption mechanisms, dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium, metal and organic matter oxidation processes are discussed. Providing the first measurements of denitrification rate in a St. Lawrence Estuary salt marsh, this study evidences the necessity of preserving and restoring marshes. They constitute an efficient geochemical filter against an excess of nitrate dispersion to coastal waters even under cold northern conditions.  相似文献   

The community structure of megacrustaceans (orders Lophogastrida, Isopoda, and Decapoda) collected in trawls on the continental margin, upper slope and abyssal plain of the southern Gulf of Mexico was studied to determine to what extent broad-scale variation in community composition and diversity was influenced by geographic regions environmental variability and depth. Trawls were collected in the Mexican Ridges, the Campeche Bank, and the Sigsbee abyssal plain. There was variability in species composition, density and diversity among geographic regions and along the depth gradient. A total of 106 species were identified and grouped in three orders; five infraorders, 40 families, and 70 genera. This study extends the known geographic ranges of the species Homolodromia monstrosa and Ephyrina benedicti. The largest number of species was recorded in the Mexican Ridges and on the upper continental shelf; lower values were found on the continental margin and in the abyssal plain. The largest densities were recorded on the continental margin in the Mexican Ridges. Megacrustaceans show in general low frequencies and low abundances in trawls, characterizing them as rare components of benthic assemblages. Contrary to an accepted paradigm about deep-sea biodiversity, the highest H′ diversity values were recorded in the Sigsbee abyssal plain, followed by values from the upper continental slope; diversity values were correlated with evenness. Canonical Redundancy analysis results showed a significant affinity to regions for 18 crustacean species; 33 species showed a significant affinity to both regions and depth zones within regions.  相似文献   

Sponges are inhabited by a wide variety of organisms and have been regarded as one of the richest biotopes in tropical seas. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the host morphology and selected environmental conditions on macrofaunal assemblages associated with the sponge Halichondria melanadocia in an estuarine system of the southern Gulf of Mexico. This sponge exhibits different growth forms when it inhabits mangrove prop roots of Rhizophora mangle (thickly encrusting form) and adjacent seagrass beds (massive, amorphous or ramose form). From a total of 50 sponge specimens collected in each habitat, a total of eight taxa (of epi‐ and endobionts) was found associated with this sponge, with polychaetes, echinoderms and crustaceans the most abundant groups. In both morphotypes (thickly‐encrusting and massive‐ramose forms), taxon richness was positively related to sponge volume and oscular diameter. The overall mean abundance of associated fauna was also positively related to sponge volume in both morphotypes and with the oscular diameter (in the seagrass morphotype only). These findings suggest that H. melanadocia constitutes an important microhabitat for a wide variety of fauna, independent of its morphology and habitat type. However, when comparing the two morphotypes, the mangrove individuals, despite having smaller sizes, smaller oscular diameter and less structural complexity, displayed an overall mean abundance of fauna 17 times higher [0.36 ± 0.18 individuals (ind.)·ml·sponge?1] than that recorded in the seagrass individuals (0.021 ± 0.01 ind.·ml·sponge?1). There were also marked differences in the proportions of the major taxonomic groups; in fact, some of them were found exclusively in one morphotype. The variability recorded in the composition and abundance of associated fauna between the morphotypes seems to be influenced by differences in sponge morphology, environmental conditions (e.g. sedimentation rate and light intensity), substrate orientation and the fauna inhabiting the surrounding area.  相似文献   

The southern Kermadec-Hikurangi convergent margin, east of New Zealand, accommodates the oblique subduction of the oceanic Hikurangi Plateau at rates of 4–5 cm/yr. Swath bathymetry and sidescan data, together with seismic reflection and geopotential data obtained during the GEODYNZ-SUD cruise, showed major changes in tectonic style along the margin. The changes reflect the size and abundance of seamounts on the subducting plateau, the presence and thickness of trench-fill turbidites, and the change to increasing obliquity and intracontinental transpression towards the south. In this paper, we provide evidence that faulting with a significant strike-slip component is widespread along the entire 1000 km margin. Subduction of the northeastern scrap of the Hikurangi Plateau is marked by an offset in the Kermadec Trench and adjacent margin, and by a major NW-trending tear fault in the scarp. To the south, the southern Kermadec Trench is devoid of turbidite fill and the adjacent margin is characterized by an up to 1200 m high scarp that locally separates apparent clockwise rotated blocks on the upper slope from strike-slip faults and mass wasting on the lower slope. The northern Hikurangi Trough has at least 1 km of trench-fill but its adjacent margin is characterized by tectonic erosion. The toe of the margin is indented by 10–25 km for more than 200 km, and this is inferred to be the result of repeated impacts of the large seamounts that are abundant on the northern Hikurangi Plateau. The two most recent impacts have left major indentations in the margin. The central Hikurangi margin is characterized by development of a wide accretionary wedge on the lower slope, and by transpression of presubduction passive margin sediments on the upper slope. Shortening across the wedge together with a component of strike-slip motion on the upper slope supports an interpretation of some strain partitioning. The southern Hikurangi margin is a narrow, mainly compressive belt along a very oblique, apparently locked subduction zone.  相似文献   

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