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The non-marine Fushun Basin in NE China is a fault-controlled basin filled with Eocene sediments. It hosts the largest opencast coal and oil shale mine in Asia. A single thick oil shale layer overlying sub-bituminous coal occurs within the Middle Eocene Jijuntun Formation. Based on mineralogy, inorganic and organic geochemistry, organic petrography, stable isotope geochemistry, and vitrinite reflectance measurements, the depositional environment and the oil shale potential of the oil shale-bearing succession were investigated. The Jijuntun Formation is subdivided into a lower and an upper unit characterized by a low and high quality oil shale, respectively. The thick oil shale layer of the Jijuntun Formation developed under long-lasting stable conditions in a deep freshwater lake, after drowning of a swamp. The organic matter in the lower unit is characterized by landplant-derived macerals. The sediments containing a type II kerogen (HI: ∼400 mgHC/gTOC) were deposited during warm and humid conditions. Lacustrine organisms predominant in the upper unit are forming kerogen type I (HI: ∼700 mgHC/gTOC). High bioproductivity and excellent preservation conditions resulted in high TOC contents up to 23.6 wt.% in the upper unit. The organic matter preservation was controlled by photic zone anoxia originating in a temperature stratified water column in the deep lake, without significant changes in bottom water salinity. Mid-Eocene cooling during deposition of the upper unit of the Jijuntun Formation is reflected by clay mineral composition. A hot and arid climate favoring brackish conditions in a shallow lake prevailed during accumulation of the overlying carbonate-rich Xilutian Formation. Individual geochemical parameters in the Fushun Basin have to be used with caution, e.g. the maturity proxy Tmax is affected by kerogen type, the redox proxy Pr/Ph ratio is probably biased by different sources of isoprenoids. This demonstrates the importance of multi-proxy studies.  相似文献   

Organic-rich black shale of the Upper Yangtze Basin from the Late Ordovician and Early Silurian is considered an excellent source rock in South China. The formation and preservation conditions of this resource are revealed by its geochemical characteristics in this study. Geochemical indices, including redox indices (V/(V + Ni), V/Cr, V/Sc, and Ni/Co) and primary productivity indices (P/Ti and Ba/Al), and paleoclimate, clastic flux and sedimentary rate analyses are presented to investigate the accumulation mechanism of organic matter. Redox indices suggest that a stagnant, anoxic environment predominated in the Upper Yangtze Basin during accumulation of Wufeng and Longmaxi formations. In contrast, ventilated and oxygenated marine conditions pervaded the Upper Yangtze Basin during deposition of Linxiang and Guanyinqiao formations. The concentrations of V and U demonstrate that accumulation of organic matter was mainly controlled by redox conditions. Besides, such factors as clastic fluxes, fresh water inflows or a mixed deposition with a rapid sedimentary rate cannot be ignored due to their influences on organic matter enrichment and preservation. However, weak co-variance relationship of TOC content and productivity proxies, including P/Ti and Ba/Al, demonstrates that the accumulation of organic matter was not controlled by primary productivity. Results of the present study suggest a depositional model that stresses the importance of tectonic movements and glacial events on the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. The model shows that the Upper Yangtze Basin was a semi-restricted basin system influenced by the isolation of Xuefeng, but also it implies that oxygen-depleted bottom water of the basin favored the accumulation and preservation of sedimentary organic matter, resulting in the formation of organic-rich black shale.  相似文献   

The structure and functioning of nanoplanktonic assemblages in coastal upwelling areas have usually been overlooked in explorations of the productivity of these areas. As part of a multidisciplinary, time-series station in the coastal area off Concepción, seasonal variations (upwelling and non-upwelling) in the abundance and biomass of these assemblages were investigated. Hydrographic measurements and biological samples were taken monthly over a 2-year period (18 August 2004-28 July 2006). Nanoflagellates dominated the total integrated abundance (3-317 × 109 cells m−2; 0-80 m). Diatoms and dinoflagellates usually contributed to a lesser degree (<20%) but sporadically made important contributions to the total integrated nanoplankton biomass (0.02-10.6 g C m−2). Most of the nanoplankton was concentrated in surface waters (<30 m) during all the samplings and no seasonal differences in abundance or biomass were found in this layer, although the mean values and dispersions around them were highest during the upwelling period along with maximum integrated (0-80 m) chlorophyll-a values, as total or in the <20 μm fraction. Changes in nanoplankton abundance were significantly but weakly (r < 0.4) correlated with changes in the hydrographic variables; the highest correlation values were positive for temperature and oxygen, factors that varied with depth and date. The potential grazing rates of heterotrophic nano-predators (flagellates and dinoflagellates) on prokaryotic prey, estimated with a generic model, ranged from 3 to 242 bacterioplankton predator−1 h−1 and from 0.1 to 14 cyanobacteria predator−1 h−1. Our results imply a small impact of seasonal hydrographic variability on the abundance and biomass of nanoplanktonic assemblages and suggest that grazing by nanoheterotrophs might control the prokaryotic picoplankton populations in the upwelling area off Concepción.  相似文献   

The Oligocene Ruslar Formation is a hydrocarbon source rock in the Kamchia Depression, located in the Western Black Sea area. Depositional environment and source potential of the predominantly pelitic rocks were investigated using core and cuttings samples from four offshore wells. In these wells the Ruslar Formation is up to 500 m thick. Based on lithology and well logs, the Ruslar Formation is subdivided from base to top into units I–VI. Dysoxic to anoxic conditions and mesohaline to euhaline salinities prevailed during deposition of the Ruslar Formation. Relatively high oxygen contents occurred during early Solenovian times (lower part of unit II), when brackish surface water favoured nannoplankton blooms and the deposition of bright marls (“Solenovian event”). Anoxic conditions with photic zone anoxia were established during late Oligocene times (units III and IV) and, probably, reflect a basin-wide anoxic event in the Eastern Paratethys during Kalmykian times. Organic carbon content in the Ruslar Formation is up to 3%. Autochthonous aquatic and allochthonous terrigenous biomass contribute to the organic matter. Relatively high amounts of aquatic organic matter occur in the lower part of the Ruslar Formation (units I and II) and in its upper part (unit VI). Diatoms are especially abundant in the lower part of unit VI. The kerogen is of type III and II with HI values ranging from 50 to 400 mgHC/gTOC. Units I and II (Pshekian, lower Solenovian) are characterized by a fair (to good) potential to produce gas and oil, but potential sources for gas and oil also occur in the Upper Oligocene units IV–VI.  相似文献   

Detailed palynofacies analysis of sidewall core samples taken from below, within and above the Tartan Formation (Thanetian, Late Paleocene, 58.7–55.8 Ma), a potential source rock in the epeiric Great South Basin, shows that the formation is characterised by very high percentages of degraded brown phytoclasts, rare marine algae and amorphous organic matter and thereby represents a mix of terrestrial and marine kerogen. The results indicate that the formation was deposited in a marginally marine (hyposaline), proximal environment under bottom conditions that varied from anoxic to oxic along a nearshore–offshore transect. Samples from the upper part of the underlying Wickliffe Formation indicate deposition in a marginal to normal marine, proximal environment under anoxic to oxic bottom environments. The lower part of the overlying Laing Formation was deposited in an open marine, relatively distal setting under anoxic to oxic bottom environments.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic marlstones (Mikulov Fm.) and marly limestones (Falkenstein Fm.) are the main source rocks for conventional hydrocarbons in the Vienna Basin in Austria. In addition, the Mikulov Formation has been considered a potential shale gas play. In this paper, organic geochemical, petrographical and mineralogical data from both formations in borehole Staatz 1 are used to determine the source potential and its vertical variability. Additional samples from other boreholes are used to evaluate lateral trends. Deltaic sediments (Lower Quarzarenite Member) and prodelta shales (Lower Shale Member) of the Middle Jurassic Gresten Formation have been discussed as secondary sources for hydrocarbons in the Vienna Basin area and are therefore included in the present study.The Falkenstein and Mikulov formations in Staatz 1 contain up to 2.5 wt%TOC. The organic matter is dominated by algal material. Nevertheless, HI values are relative low (<400 mgHC/gTOC), a result of organic matter degradation in a dysoxic environment. Both formations hold a fair to good petroleum potential. Because of its great thickness (∼1500 m), the source potential index of the Upper Jurrasic interval is high (7.5 tHC/m2). Within the oil window, the Falkenstein and Mikulov formations will produce paraffinic-naphtenic-aromatic low wax oil with low sulfur content. Whereas vertical variations are minor, limited data from the deep overmature samples suggest that original TOC contents may have increased basinwards. Based on TOC contents (typically <2.0 wt%) and the very deep position of the maturity cut-off values for shale oil/gas production (∼4000 and 5000 m, respectively), the potential for economic recovery of unconventional petroleum is limited. The Lower Quarzarenite Member of the Middle Jurassic Gresten Formation hosts a moderate oil potential, while the Lower Shale Member is are poor source rock.  相似文献   

In the highly productive region off central Chile, the structure and temporal and spatial variability of planktonic assemblages, and the factors that determine changes in this structure are poorly understood. In the region, wind-driven upwelling, heating by solar radiation and freshwater inputs are highly seasonal processes, which, together with higher frequency events, can promote changes in the planktonic communities, especially in the upper layer. This study focuses on the structure of nano- through to micro-planktonic assemblages (2-200 μm) of unicellular organisms (protists) in surface waters (0-30 m) during different hydrographic conditions. Samples were taken from a fixed shelf station off Concepción (COPAS time series Station 18) on eight occasions between September 2003 and August 2004. The nano-plankton flagellate-dominated fraction was numerically important during the whole period. Maxima in flagellate abundance and biomass occurred during the upwelling period (November-April samplings) but these maxima appear to be unrelated to the degree of water column stratification. The micro-plankton diatom-dominated fraction was usually the largest component in terms of biomass during the study period and the diatoms made important numerical contributions during the upwelling period, with maxima in abundance and biomass when water column stability was lowest. The dominant genera and morphotypes in each functional group were found throughout the study period, with maxima in abundance and biomass co-occurring under similar environmental upwelling conditions. The mean macro-nutrient concentrations (nitrate and silicate) were relatively high in the top 30 m during both upwelling and non-upwelling periods, and did not explain the maxima in plankton or functional group replacements. The persistence of the dominant taxa in the planktonic assemblages suggests a high degree of flexibility, though probably not at the specific level, to withstand the highly variable environmental conditions in this upwelling area.  相似文献   

We estimated monthly fluxes of 210Pb in shelf sediments beneath a high productivity area off central-southern Chile (36°S) during 1 year (September 2002-August 2003). Sediment cores were obtained using a multiple corer and were analyzed mainly for 210Pb, total pigments, and macrofauna abundance. The 210Pb inventories and fluxes were estimated for surface sediments (0-5 cm) and bioturbation coefficients were inferred using chlorophyll-a (reactive) profiles. In general, 210Pb content was inversely correlated with phytodetritus fluxes. High photosynthetic pigment contents in surface sediments were consistently associated with lower 210Pb contents. Macrofaunal activity responded to oxygen and organic matter supplies at the sediment surface, generally concentrated in the first centimeters, but particularly so during months of high organic matter fluxes and deficient bottom water oxygen conditions. At this study site, several processes involved in the 210Pb surface distribution make it difficult to accurately estimate ages at the surface. We postulate that the organic fluxes promote changes in the faunal activity, which, in combination with sediment resuspension and water circulation over the shelf, produce seasonal variations in the 210Pb inventories.  相似文献   

Poland is considered the most prospective country for shale gas production in Europe. Hydrocarbon generation/expulsion scenarios, drawn in the latest intensive exploration phases, tend to overestimate maturation levels when compared with brand new data acquired after recent drillings. We tested an integrated workflow to correlate published and original thermal maturity datasets for the Paleozoic to Jurassic successions cropping out in the Holy Cross Mountains. These successions, when preserved in subsurface, host the major source rocks in the area. The application of the workflow allowed us to highlight the burial and thermal evolutionary scenarios of the two tectono-stratigraphic blocks of the Holy Cross Mountains (Łysogòry and Kielce blocks) and to propose this approach as a tool for reducing levels of uncertainty in thermal maturity assessment of Paleozoic successions worldwide. In particular, published datasets including colour alteration indexes of Paleozoic microfossils (conodont, acritarchs) and vitrinite and graptolite reflectance data, show differences in levels of thermal maturity for the Łysogòry (mid mature to overmature) and Kielce (immature to late mature) blocks. Original data, derived from optical analysis, pyrolysis, and Raman spectroscopy on kerogen, and X-Ray diffraction on fine-grained sediments, mostly confirm and integrate published data distribution. 1D thermal models, constrained by these data, show burial and exhumation events of different magnitude, during the Late Cretaceous, for the Łysogòry (maximum burial depths of 9 km) and Kielce (burial depths of 6 km) blocks that have been related to the Holy Cross Fault polyphase activity. In the end, Palynomorph Darkness Index and Raman spectroscopy on kerogen, for Llandoverian and Cambrian rocks, turned out to be promising tools for assessing thermal maturity of Paleozoic organic facies devoid of vitrinite macerals.  相似文献   

The Flemish Pass Basin is a deep-water basin located offshore on the continental passive margin of the Grand Banks, eastern Newfoundland, which is currently a hydrocarbon exploration target. The current study investigates the petrographic characteristics and origin of carbonate cements in the Ti-3 Member, a primary clastic reservoir interval of the Bodhrán Formation (Upper Jurassic) in the Flemish Pass Basin.The Ti-3 sandstones with average Q86.0F3.1R10.9 contain various diagenetic minerals, including calcite, pyrite, quartz overgrowth, dolomite and siderite. Based on the volume of calcite cement, the investigated sandstones can be classified into (1) calcite-cemented intervals (>20% calcite), and (2) poorly calcite-cemented intervals (porous). Petrographic analysis shows that the dominant cement is intergranular poikilotopic (300–500 μm) calcite, which stared to form extensively at early diagenesis. The precipitation of calcite occured after feldspar leaching and was followed by corrosion of quartz grains. Intergranular calcite cement hosts all-liquid inclusions mainly in the crystal core, but rare primary two-phase (liquid and vapor) fluid inclusions in the rims ((with mean homogenization temperature (Th) of 70.2 ± 4.9 °C and salinity estimates of 8.8 ± 1.2 eq. wt.% NaCl). The mean δ18O and δ13C isotopic compositions of the intergranular calcite are −8.3 ± 1.2‰, VPDB and −3.0 ± 1.3‰, VPDB, respectively; whereas, fracture-filling calcite has more depleted δ18O but similar δ13C values. The shale normalized rare earth element (REESN) patterns of calcite are generally parallel and exhibit slightly negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies. Fluid-inclusion gas ratios (CO2/CH4 and N2/Ar) of calcite cement further confirms that diagenetic fluids originated from modified seawater. Combined evidence from petrographic, microthermometric and geochemical analyses suggest that (1) the intergranular calcite cement precipitated from diagenetic fluids of mixed marine and meteoric (riverine) waters in suboxic conditions; (2)the cement was sourced from the oxidation of organic matters and the dissolution of biogenic marine carbonates within sandstone beds or adjacent silty mudstones; and (3) the late phases of the intergranular and fracture-filling calcite cements were deposited from hot circulated basinal fluids.Calcite cementation acts as a main controlling factor on the reservoir quality in the Flemish Pass reservoir sandstones. Over 75% of initial porosity was lost due to the early calcite cementation. The development of secondary porosity (mostly enlarged, moldic pores) and throats by later calcite dissolution due to maturation of organic matters (e.g., hydrocarbon and coals), was the key process in improving the reservoir quality.  相似文献   

Maturity and source rock potential of organic rich beds in the Triassic Schei Point Group in the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada have been investigated using reflected light microscopy and the results are compared with other maturity parameters determined geochemically (i.e. Rock Eval, and biomarker maturation parameters). The samples evaluated belong to the Eden Bay Member of the Hoyle Bay Formation and contain a predominance of marine algal material, in the form of Tasmanales, and dinoflagellates, along with mixed terrestrial organics.The rock matrix is dominantly carbonate with some shaly input, indicating that the rocks were deposited in an iron-poor highly euxinic environment. With few exceptions there is good agreement between parameters,determined using microscopy; namely %Ro, λmax and and geochemical parameters, Tmax, HI,
steranes, C29 steranes. The ternary diagram showing the abundance of normalized C27, C28 and C29 regular steranes indicates a mostly marine depositional environment for the Schei Point source rock. This is confirmed by the abundance of marine fauna and flora in these samples.Analytical results from several different techniques indicate that the source rocks become more mature from the margin towards the axis of the Sverdrup Basin. This is due, in part, to the increase in overburden of sediments in the axis of the basin. Also the high thermal conductivity of salt has strongly influenced the maturity of Schei Point source rocks over the crest of the salt cored structures, i.e. Well Hazen F-54, and the proximity of salt has enhanced maturation levels at Well Rock Point J-43. The sections investigated were also considered to have an excellent gas potential due to their higher than average TOC content.  相似文献   

In addition to previously analyzed sediments of Cenomanian to Santonian age in the Tarfaya Sondage No. 2 well, this study presents the results of a stratigraphically younger interval of Santonian to Early Campanian age in the adjacent well Tarfaya Sondage No. 1. This interval is part of the oceanic anoxic event 3 (OAE3), which occurred mainly in the Atlantic realm. Due to known high quality source rocks related to OAEs (i.e. Cenomanian–Turonian), the investigated sample section was tested for the quality, quantity and kind of organic matter (OM), describing also the depositional environment. The study was carried out by means of (i) elemental analysis (Corg, CaCO3, TS), (ii) Rock–Eval pyrolysis, (iii) vitrinite reflectance measurements, (iv) gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and (v) GC-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Total content of organic carbon (Corg), values for the hydrogen index (HI) (mainly in the range 500–700 mg/g Corg) and S2 values (10–40 mg/g rock), support the assumption of a high petroleum generation potential in these Upper Cretaceous sediments. TS/Corg ratios as well as pristane/phytane ratios indicate variable oxygen contents during sediment deposition, representing a typical depositional setting for the Late Cretaceous and are in good agreement with previously analyzed data in the Tarfaya Basin. Phyto- and zoo-plankton were identified as marine sourced. All of the investigated Early Campanian and Santonian samples are immature with some tendencies to early maturation. These results are based on vitrinite reflectance (0.3–0.4% VRr), Tmax values (409–425 °C), production indices (PI; S1/(S1 + S2)< 0.1) and n-alkane ratios (i.e. carbon preference index). As the deposition of these sediments is time related to OAE3, the depositional environment was characterized by oxygen-deficiency or even anoxic bottom water conditions. This situation was favored during the Cretaceous greenhouse climate by limited oxygen solubility in the then warmer ocean water. Furthermore, local factors related to nutrient supply and primary bioproductivity led to the exceptionally thick, Upper Cretaceous organic matter-rich sedimentary sequence of the Tarfaya Basin.  相似文献   

In order to define the nature and distribution of the organic matter (OM) preserved in the modern Ogooué deep sea turbidite system (Gabon), bulk geochemical techniques (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, elemental and isotopic analyses) and palynofacies were applied to three piston cores collected in the Cape Lopez Canyon and lobe and on the continental slope, north of the canyon.The hemipelagic sedimentation in the study area is characterized by high accumulations of well-preserved OM (∼2-3 wt. TOC %). Bulk geochemical and palynofacies analysis indicate both a marine and terrestrial origin of the OM. Contribution of the marine source is higher on the slope than in the canyon and lobe.OM accumulation in turbidites is strongly controlled by the combined influence of the Cape Lopez Canyon and littoral drift. In the canyon and lobe, turbidites show generally low TOC content (0.5 wt. %) and OM is oxidized. The origin of the OM is interpreted as both marine and terrestrial, with a higher contribution of continental source versus marine source. The low TOC contents are due to the large siliciclastic fraction transported by the littoral drift and diverted in the Cape Lopez Canyon during high energy processes (e.g. storms) which tend to dilute the OM in the turbidites. Transport by long-shore currents and/or turbiditic flows leads to oxidation of the OM.On the continental slope located north of the Cape Lopez Canyon, large amounts of OM are deposited in turbidites (up to 14 wt. %). The OM is predominantly derived from terrestrial land plants and has not been subjected to intense oxidation. These deposits are characterized by high hydrocarbon potential (up to 27 kg HC/t rock), indicating a good potential as gas-prone source rock. Because Cape Lopez Canyon captures a significant part of the sediment transported by the littoral drift, the siliciclastic sedimentary flux is reduced north of the canyon; OM is thus concentrated in the turbidites. Variation in TOC content within turbidite laminae can be explained by the burst and sweep deposition process affecting the boundary layer of the turbulent flow.This study confirms that gravity flows play a preponderant role in the accumulation and preservation of OM in deep water and that deep sea turbidite systems could be regarded as an environment where organic sedimentation occurs.  相似文献   

The changes in the phytoplankton absorption properties during a diurnal cycle were investigated at one station located in the north-western area of the Alborán Sea. The experiment was performed in spring when the water column was strongly stratified. This hydrological situation permitted the establishment of a deep chlorophyll a (chl a) fluorescence maximum (DFM) which was located on average close to the lower limit of the mixed layer and the nutricline. The relative abundance of pico-phytoplankton (estimated as its contribution to the total chl a) was higher in the surface, however, micro-phytoplankton dominated the community at the DFM level. Chl a specific absorption coefficient (a*(λ)) also varied with optical depth, with a* (the spectrally average specific absorption coefficient) decreasing by 30% at the DFM depth with respect to the surface. A significant negative correlation between the contribution of the micro-phytoplankton to the total chl a and a* was obtained indicating that a* reduction was due to changes in the packaging effect. Below the euphotic layer, a* increased three-fold with respect to the DFM, which agrees with the expected accumulation of accessory pigments relative to chl a as an acclimation response to the low available irradiance. The most conspicuous change during the diurnal cycle was produced in the euphotic layer where the chl a concentration decreased significantly in the afternoon (from a mean concentration of 1.1 μg L−1 to 0.7 μg L−1) and increased at dusk when it averaged 1.4 μg L−1. In addition, a* and the blue-to-red absorption band ratio increased in the afternoon. These results suggest that a*(λ) diurnal variability was due to increase in photo-protective and accessory pigments relative to chl a. The variation ranges of a*(λ) at 675 and 440 nm (the absorption peaks in the red and blue spectral bands, respectively) in the euphotic layer were 0.01–0.04 and 0.02–0.10 m2 mg−1 chl a, respectively. Approximately 30% out of this variability can be attributed to the diurnal cycle. This factor should therefore be taken into account in refining primary production models based on phytoplankton light absorption.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the diagenetic evolution of sandstones belonging to the Bajo Barreal Formation (Cretaceous) in the Golfo de San Jorge Basin (Patagonia, Argentina). The Bajo Barreal Formation includes the main reservoirs, which are located along the western area of the basin and is composed of sandstones, conglomerates, mudstones, tuffaceous mudstones and some layers of tuffs. The principal reservoirs comprise medium-to coarse-grained sandstones, which are dominated by feldspathic litharenites and contain minor amounts of litharenites and lithic arkoses. The authigenic minerals include kaolinite, smectite, chlorite, quartz overgrowths, microquartz and calcite, with minor proportions of megaquartz, siderite, analcime, laumontite, feldspar overgrowths and illite/smectite and chlorite/smectite mixed layers. Secondary porosity is much more important than primary porosity and is produced by the dissolution of feldspar, lithic clasts and clay cements. The diagenetic history of the Bajo Barreal sandstones can be divided into seven diagenetic stages, each of which is characterized by a specific assemblage of authigenic minerals and diagenetic processes. Eogenetic conditions occur in stages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Stage 1 corresponds to shallow burial characterized by the physical reduction of primary porosity by compaction; during stage 2, rim clay cements of chlorite, smectite and clinoptilolite, as well as thin quartz overgrowths, were formed. The precipitation of pore-filling cements of kaolinite, chlorite and smectite occurred during stage 3, while stage 4 records the intense dissolution of feldspar, lithic fragments and kaolinite cements. Mesogenesis occurs in diagenetic stages 5 and 6. The former corresponds to a new phase of authigenic kaolinite, while the latter records the significant dissolution of feldspar, lithic clasts and previous cements, which produced the highest values of secondary porosity. Finally, stage 7 corresponds to the highest degree of diagenesis in the Bajo Barreal Formation (mesogenesis), which resulted in the precipitation of cements of zeolites and calcite, as well as quartz and plagioclase overgrowths.  相似文献   

Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   

The Es3L (lower sub-member of the third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation) shale in the Jiyang Depression is a set of relatively thick and widely deposited lacustrine sediments with elevated organic carbon, and is considered to be one of the most important source rocks in East China. We can determine the mineralogy, organic and inorganic geochemistry of the Es3L shale and calculate paleoclimate indexes by using multiple geochemical proxies based on organic chemistry (total organic carbon [TOC] and Rock-Eval pyrolysis), major and trace elements, X-Ray diffraction, and carbon and oxygen isotope data from key wells alongside ECS (Elemental Capture Spectroscopy) well log data. These indicators can be used to analyze the evolution of the paleoenvironment and provide a mechanism of organic matter (OM) accumulation. The Es3L oil shale has high TOC abundance (most samples >3.0%) and is dominated by Type I kerogens. Additionally, the organic-rich shale is rich in CaO and enrichment in some trace metals is present, such as Sr, Ba and U. The positive δ13C and negative δ18O values, high Sr/Ba, B/Ga and Ca/Ca + Fe ratios and low C/S ratios indicate that the Es3L shales were mainly deposited in a semi-closed freshwater-brackish water lacustrine environment. The consistently low Ti/Al and Si/Al ratios reflect a restricted but rather homogeneous nature for the detrital supply. Many redox indicators, including the Th/U, V/(V + Ni), and δU ratios, pyrite morphology and TOC-TS-Fe diagrams suggest deposition under dysoxic to suboxic conditions. Subsequently, the brackish saline bottom water evolved into an anoxic water body under a relatively arid environment, during which organic-lean marls were deposited in the early stage. Later, an enhanced warm-humid climate provided an abundant mineral nutrient supply and promoted the accumulation of algal material. OM input from algal blooms reached a maximum during the deposition of the organic-rich calcareous shale with seasonal laminations. High P/Ti ratios and a strongly positive relationship between the P and TOC contents indicate that OM accumulation in the oil shale was mainly controlled by the high primary productivity of surface waters with help from a less stratified water column. Factors such as the physical protection of clay minerals and the dilution of detrital influx show less influence on OM enrichment.  相似文献   

In a broader application of sequence stratigraphic concept to a tectonically active margin setting, this study presents a sequence model that considers all three controls on sequence development (i.e. eustasy, tectonic movement and sediment supply) as independent variables. The model introduces six sequence types (A to F) including type 1 and type 2 sequences defined in the original Exxon scheme. Each sequence shows a variety in number and stacking pattern of its constituent parasequence sets reflecting combined effects of accommodation change and sediment supply. This model is applied to a seismic sequence analysis of the shelf–slope system (middle to upper Miocene) in the southwestern margin of Ulleung Basin which has experienced significant crustal deformation during the Tertiary back-arc opening and subsequent closing of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The model application delineates four sequence types whose development is closely associated with the tectonic evolution of the Ulleung Basin margin. During the back-arc opening (early to middle Miocene), type A and B sequences were emplaced as a result of steady creation of accommodation space due to a rapid subsidence combined with a tectonic-controlled high to moderate rate of sediment supply. The sequences associated with the extensional tectonism are characterized by active progradation and aggradation without forced regressive phases. In the initiation stage of back-arc closure (middle to late Miocene), subsidence rates were significantly reduced because of a widespread contractional deformation, while subaerial erosion of the uplifted thrust belt resulted in an increase in sedimentation rate. As a result, steady prograding type-E sequences were formed by alternating normal and forced regressions. During the quiescent phase of back-arc closure in the late Miocene, rise-dominant fluctuating relative sea-level change and moderate to low sediment supply gave rise to type-F sequences (similar to type-1 sequences of the Exxon group) reflecting a major control of eustatic sea-level change.  相似文献   

The distribution of megabenthic epifauna (invertebrates) in the Balearic Basin (western Mediterranean) has been analyzed at depths between 427 and 2265 m after compiling samplings performed in 1985–1992 and 2007–2008 with an OTSB-14 bottom trawl. 84 epibenthic taxa of invertebrates (excluded decapod crustaceans) were collected. Epibenthic assemblages were organized in five groups (n-MDS analyses) as a function of increasing depth: upper slope assemblage, U, hauls between 427 and 660 m; middle slope assemblages M1 and M2, hauls between 663–876 m and 864–1412 m, respectively; lower slope assemblages L1 and L2, hauls between 1488–1789 m and 1798–2265 m, respectively). We found significant differences in assemblage composition between all depth-adjacent pairs of groups. Trends in the distribution of biomass vs. depth and within assemblages varied when hauls taken over insular were compared to those over mainland slopes. Over insular slopes we found (n-MDS) only four distinct depth assemblages, with significant differences between all depth-adjacent group pairs, except between L1 and L2. Over the mainland slope, two peaks of biomass situated at U (427–660 m) and at L1 (1488–1789 m) were clearly identified, attributable to the echinoid Brissopsis lyrifera and holothurian Molpadia musculus at U and to the synallactid holothurian Mesothuria intestinalis at L1. The distribution of biomass vs. depth on insular slopes did not follow this pattern, showing no significant biomass peak below 1000 m and a total biomass an order of magnitude lower than adjacent to the mainland. After compiling available environmental data over the mainland slope off Barcelona, we found coincidence between the peak biomass of Mesothuria intestinalis and: i) a significant increase of labile OM (%OrgC, C/N, hydrolizable aminoacids–EHAA, and the EHAA/THAA-total hydrolizable aminoacids-ratio) over 1600 m; and ii) an increase of turbidity and T at 1500–1600 m in February 2008. We suggest that such OM inputs must likely be associated to the formation of nepheloid layers close to submarine canyons, probably associated with oceanographic processes in deep water masses in the area. This would explain why aggregations of M. intestinalis were linked to the mainland part of the Balearic basin, with highest densities located south of canyons. If hotspots of biomass as cited here for M. intestinalis are regulated by factors such as river inputs, both natural climatic changes (e.g. changes in rainfall regimes) and human impact (e.g. river damming) may affect deep-Mediterranean communities below 1000 m.  相似文献   

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