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Understanding heat transport in sedimentary basins requires an assessment of the regional 3D heat distribution and of the main physical mechanisms responsible for the transport of heat. We review results from different 3D numerical simulations of heat transport based on 3D basin models of the Central European Basin System (CEBS). Therefore we compare differently detailed 3D structural models of the area, previously published individually, to assess the influence of (1) different configurations of the deeper lithosphere, (2) the mechanism of heat transport considered and (3) large faults dissecting the sedimentary succession on the resulting thermal field and groundwater flow. Based on this comparison we propose a modelling strategy linking the regional and lithosphere-scale to the sub-basin and basin-fill scale and appropriately considering the effective heat transport processes. We find that conduction as the dominant mechanism of heat transport in sedimentary basins is controlled by the distribution of thermal conductivities, compositional and thickness variations of both the conductive and radiogenic crystalline crust as well as the insulating sediments and by variations in the depth to the thermal lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary. Variations of these factors cause thermal anomalies of specific wavelength and must be accounted for in regional thermal studies. In addition advective heat transport also exerts control on the thermal field on the regional scale. In contrast, convective heat transport and heat transport along faults is only locally important and needs to be considered for exploration on the reservoir scale.The general applicability of the proposed workflow makes it of interest for a broad range of application in geosciences including oil and gas exploration, geothermal utilization or carbon capture and sequestration issues.  相似文献   

I~IOXThe speCiality in gootectonic position and complicity in origin and evolution of the sleuth China Sea (SCS) has aroused particular attention of the geoscientists at home and abroad. The central region, which consists of continental slope, island slope and a deep-sea basin, is an importantarea for the study of the mechanism of origin and evolution of the SCS. In addition to the surveysof bathemetry, gravity and magnetism, seismic surveys have been carried out by domestic andforeign in…  相似文献   

We have sampled particles of native aluminium (Al°) in two sediment cores from the Central Indian Basin (CIB). The cores are geographically separated but are located at the base of two seamounts. The native Al° particles occurring as grains and spherules, have an average Al content of  95% and are associated with volcanogenic–hydrothermal material. Morphologically and compositionally, the specimens are similar to those reported from the East Pacific Rise. After ruling out several processes for the presence of the native Al°, we hypothesize that during progressive melting of magma, a basaltic magma is produced which has high contents of reductants such as methane and hydrogen, and a low oxygen fugacity. During the upward migration of such magma, reduction to metallic aluminium and the formation of native Al° particles takes place.  相似文献   

The petroleum system of the Kunsan Basin in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin is not well known, compared to other continental rift basins in the Yellow Sea, despite its substantial hydrocarbon potential. Restoration of two depth-converted seismic profiles across the Central Subbasin in the southern Kunsan Basin shows that extension was interrupted by inversions in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene that created anticlinal structures. One-dimensional basin modeling of the IIH-1Xa well suggests that hydrocarbon expulsion in the northeastern margin of the depocenter of the Central Subbasin peaked in the Early Oligocene, predating the inversions. Hydrocarbon generation at the dummy well location in the depocenter of the subbasin began in the Late Paleocene. Most source rocks in the depocenter passed the main expulsion phase except for the shallowest source rocks. Hydrocarbons generated from the depocenter are likely to have migrated southward toward the anticlinal structure and faults away from the traps along the northern and northeastern margins of the depocenter because the basin-fill strata are dipping north. Faulting that continued during the rift phase (∼ Middle Miocene) of the subbasin probably acted as conduits for the escape of hydrocarbons. Thus, the anticlinal structure and associated faults to the south of the dummy well may trap hydrocarbons that have been charged from the shallow source rocks in the depocenter since the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

魏诗晏  杨伟  赵亮 《海洋科学》2022,46(4):55-66
荣成是我国重要的海产养殖城市,为掌握荣成外海的海流特征,基于2016年1—10月于荣成外海楮岛岬角南侧布放的浮标观测数据,通过谱分析、调和分析等方法,分析了实测流速时间序列剖面及季节变化,分离出该观测点的潮流和余流并进行定性定量分析,探讨了该海域余流的影响因素.结果表明:1)荣成外海浮标观测点流速东西分量总体大于南北分...  相似文献   

Monitoring of deep-sea disturbances, naturai or man-made, has gained significance due to the associated sediment transport and for the ensuing alterations in environmental conditions. During the Indian Deep-sea Environment Experiment (INDEX), resuspension of deep-sea sediment in the Central Indian Basin (CIB) resulted in an increase and lateral movement of suspended particles, vertical mixing of sediments, changes in sedimentological, biochemical, and geochemical conditions and an overall reduction in benthic biomass. Monitoring the conditions 44 months after the experiment has shown a partial recovery of the benthic ecosystem, with indications of restoration and recolonization.  相似文献   

通过对上海地区高桥G2孔晚第四纪地层中孢粉的研究,将高桥G2孔自下而上划分出了6个孢粉组合带,并结合临近的斜土路2号孔和人民广场钻孔的孢粉研究资料,恢复了该地区植被演替、气候波动的六个阶段,这种气候的波动不仅与世界性气候变化一致,而且其波动曲线与海平面变化曲线也是相吻合的。  相似文献   

Information on the response of nucleic acids (i.e., DNA and RNA) to simulated benthic disturbance was obtained from samples collected from eight sediment cores (0–10 cm) located in the Central Indian Basin (CIB). In general the total sedimentary DNA (DNA) increased with depth (from 380.09 to 408.99 μg·g?1), while total sedimentary RNA (RNA) decreased (from 878.13 to 484.16 μg·g?1). Following the simulated benthic disturbance brought about by the benthic hydraulic disturber, DNA decreased by 10% along the disturbed track while the RNA increased by around 75%. The RNA/DNA ratio decreased nearly 10%. However, the ratio doubled along the disturbed track suggesting that the activity was stimulated at molecular level following artif icial disturbance. The nucleic acid ratio thus shows that the CIB sediments are metabolically active, and with disturbance the activity tends to increase further.  相似文献   

Natural fractures observed within the Lower Jurassic shales of the Cleveland Basin show evidence that pore pressure must have exceeded the lithostatic pressure in order to initiate horizontal fractures observed in cliff sections. Other field localities do not show horizontal fracturing, indicating lower pore pressures there. Deriving the burial history of the basin from outcrop, VR and heat-flow data gives values of sedimentation rates and periods of depositional hiatus which can be used to assess the porosity and pore pressure evolution within the shales. This gives us our estimate of overpressure caused by disequilibrium compaction alone, of 11 MPa, not sufficient to initiate horizontal fractures. However, as the thermal information shows us that temperatures were in excess of 95 °C, secondary overpressure mechanisms such as clay diagenesis and hydrocarbon generation occurred, contributing an extra 11 MPa of overpressure. The remaining 8.5 MPa of overpressure required to initiate horizontal fractures was caused by fluid expansion due to hydrocarbon generation and tectonic compression related to Alpine orogenic and Atlantic opening events. Where horizontal fractures are not present within the Lower Jurassic shales, overpressure was unable to build up as high due to proximity to the lateral draining of pressure within the Dogger Formation. The palaeopressure reconstruction techniques used within this study give a quick assessment of the pressure history of a basin and help to identify shales which may currently have enhanced permeability due to naturally-occurring hydraulic fractures.  相似文献   

对引发赤潮的3株硅藻——1株尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzshia pungens)和2株中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)的5.8SrDNA和ITS(internal transcribed spacers)序列进行了PCR扩增、克隆和序列测定,并分析了硅藻门10株赤潮藻(7株从GenBank获得)的系统进化关系.研究结果表明,尖刺拟菱形藻的ITS和5.8SrDNA的长度为693bp,SK-1(分离自东海赤潮暴发区)测序得到715bp,除ITS和5.8SrDNA外,还包含部分18SrDNA和28SrDNA;SK-2(分离自青岛养殖场)的ITS和5.8SrDNA的长度为331bp,尖刺拟菱形藻与从GenBank中获得的2株尖刺拟菱形藻相似程度最高,为100%,与该属的多列拟菱形藻相似程度稍低,为82.9%.SK-2的ITS序列与SK-1的相似程度很低,只有51%,但与拟中肋骨条藻的ITS序列相似程度高,为95.5%.SK-1的ITS序列与拟中肋骨条藻的相似程度也低,为56.7%.系统进化树反映的结果与相似性反映的结果一致.研究的该株尖刺拟菱形藻从根据ITS序列研究的结果与形态鉴定的结果看是一致的;SK-2可能属于拟中肋骨条藻;SK-1比较特殊,有待于用其他的方法进一步研究确定其分类地位.  相似文献   

全球变暖与东北地区气温变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高锋  王宝书 《海洋预报》2008,25(1):25-30
本文利用东北地区1951~2002年气温资料,分析了东北地区平均气温年和各季的气温变化.结果表明:在全球气候变暖的背景下,东北地区的气温也在升高,而且从90年代以来增温十分明显.东北地区1951~2000年50年的平均气温以0.38℃/10a的倾向率上升,1991~2000年气温上升加剧,倾向率达到0.55℃/10a,明显高于全国平均水平.  相似文献   

Based on the interpretation of high resolution 2D/3D seismic data,sedimentary filling characteristics and fullfilled time of the Central Canyon in different segments in the Qiongdongnan Basin of northwestern South China Sea have been studied.The research results indicate that the initial formation age of the Central Canyon is traced back to 11.6 Ma(T40),at which the canyon began to develop due to the scouring of turbidity currents from west to east.During the period of 11.6–8.2 Ma(T40–T31),strong downcutting by gravity flow occurred,which led to the formation of the canyon.The canyon fillings began to form since 8.2 Ma(T31) and were dominated by turbidite deposits,which constituted of lateral migration and vertical superposition of turbidity channels during the time of8.2–5.5 Ma.The interbeds of turbidity currents deposits and mass transport deposits(MTDs) were developed in the period of 5.5–3.8 Ma(T30–T28).After then,the canyon fillings were primarily made up of large scale MTDs,interrupted by small scale turbidity channels and thin pelagic mudstones.The Central Canyon can be divided into three types according to the main controlling factors,geomorphology-controlled,fault-controlled and intrusionmodified canyons.Among them,the geomorphology-controlled canyon is developed at the Ledong,Lingshui,Songnan and western Baodao Depressions,situated in a confined basin center between the northern slope and the South Uplift Belt along the Central Depression Belt.The fault-controlled canyon is developed mainly along the deep-seated faults in the Changchang Depression and eastern Baodao Depression.Intrusion-modified canyon is only occurred in the Songnan Low Uplift,which is still mainly controlled by geomorphology,the intrusion just modified seabed morphology.The full-filled time of the Central Canyon differs from west to east,displaying a tendency of being successively late eastward.The geomorphology-controlled canyon was completely filled before3.8 Ma(T28),but that in intrusion-modified canyon was delayed to 2.4 Ma(T27) because of the uplifted southern canyon wall.To the Changchang Depression,the complete filling time was successively late eastward,and the canyon in eastern Changchang Depression is still not fully filled up to today.Difference in full-filled time in the Central Canyon is mainly governed by multiple sediment supplies and regional tectonic activities.Due to sufficient supply of turbidity currents and MTDs from west and north respectively,western segment of the Central Canyon is entirely filled up earlier.Owing to slower sediment supply rate,together with differential subsidence by deep-seated faults,the full-filled time of the canyon is put off eastwards gradually.  相似文献   

A study on the bulk distributions and molecular structures of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in organic matter of the sediments from the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern and Central Indian Basins was undertaken. The former two regions represent areas characterised by “normal” sedimentation while the third one mainly represents a region of “active tectonism”. Content of the hydrocarbons in the sediments of “normal” sedimentation ranges between 4.6 and 10.5 μg/g and aromatic hydrocarbons ranges between 0 and 0.38 μg/g. n-Alkanes in the sediments of the northern deep part of the Bay of Bengal consist mostly of long-chain structures (total C25–C33 up to 70%) with a high carbon preference index (CPI=3.01–3.43), indicating a large contribution of organic matter from terrigenous sources. The sediments from the Eastern Indian Basin have n-alkane distributions in which the long-chain components did not exceed 52.5% and the CPI was 1.7–1.90, indicating that the hydrocarbons are mostly derived from marine sources. Sharp increases of hydrocarbons are found in the vicinity of the tectonically active region of the Central Indian Basin, particularly in the sediments collected from the fracture zone. The total concentration of hydrocarbons increase to 170 μg/g and the aromatic hydrocarbons fraction to 156.3 μg/g. The proportion of short-chain n-alkanes increases up to 70%, CPI decreases to 0.76–1.12, and high concentrations of n-C16 (16–40%) occur, all of which are absent in the other samples. The molecular content of PAH includes the unsubstituted individual structures: biphenyl, fluorene, pyrene, perylene, benzo(ghi)perylene, and the groups of homologues of naphthalene, benzofluorene, phenanthrene and chrysene. The association of the PAH and composition of paraffin hydrocarbons in the surficial sediments of deformation zone indicate that these are the resultant products of hydrothermal processes. It is, therefore, suggested that the association and composition of the hydrocarbons in sediments can be utilised as a paleoceanographic parameter to decipher the history of tectonism of an area.  相似文献   


The granulometry of 21 box core sediments from five selected sites in the Central Indian Basin (CIB) have been studied to understand the sediment size characteristics in the Pioneer area before the benthic disturbance experiment. The sediments are predominantly clayey silt. Statistical parameters were determined to understand the control and variations in the grain size. The mean grain size (Mzφ) ranged from 7.0 to 8.6 for the surface and from 6.6 to 8.6 for the subsurface sediments, indicating deposition of very fine fractions during the Neogene period. The sediments were poorly sorted as revealed from the higher ρ1 values (2.7 to 2.9). Higher and negative values of skewness (SK1) indicated a winnowing action of prevailing currents in the area. Average kurtosis (KG) values for the surface (0.4 to 0.8) and subsurface (0.5 to 1.2) showed that sediments were very platykurtic and leptokurtic. Clay mineralogical studies showed that smectite had a wider range (from 6% to 55%) and decreased southward because of its terrigenous origin. The terrigenous influence of the sediments could be documented as far as 12°S. Smectite and kaolinite increased eastward and chlorite decreased southward. This observation positively correlated with the mean current direction in the area. However, the influence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the area could be predicted from the southward increase in chlorite content.  相似文献   


As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0–10 cm) have a shear strength of 0–1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312–577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm3. Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Dengying Formation is maximum buried carbonate reservoir in the Sichuan Basin. Reservoir types are thought to be dominated by sedimentary facies or karst controlled. Precursory sedimentary fabrics have been intensively superimposed by medium-to coarse-grained dolomite in most areas. Dolomitized intervals contain planar and saddle dolomite, quartz, and few hydrothermal replacive minerals. Fluid inclusion analyses of dolomite suggests that rocks are formed at temperatures ranging from 132.6°C to 218.7°C in the presence of dense brines, while the dolomite phases are demonstrated by negative δ18O and δ13C VPDB values. Strontium isotopes enriched in 87Sr, and the fluid source could support the conclusion. The dolomites of the Dengying Formation in central Sichuan Basin that formed around basement-rooted wrench faults, in turn mainly oriented towards the North-South and East-West strike-slip faults, are detectable. Lastly, the grabens take the form of negative flower structures-the result of an intra-cratonic rift that took place during the Sinian and early Cambrian period through tensional faulting.Our primary contention is that basement fault, which resulted in the magmatic or deep clastic fluids migration, was key for the formation of the obvious high-temperature coarse dolomite and saddle dolomite replacement. Subsequently, hot fluids that circulated within the matrix dolomite were aided by fractures or vugs and (1) leached into the dolomite, producing vugs and pores; (2) precipitated saddle dolomite, and (3) led to hydrofracturing, fractures enlargement, and further brecciation. The dolomite eventually formed porous hydrocarbon reservoirs through diagenesis. This model better illustrates how fluids that originated from deep basin migration along strike-slip transfer faults and fractures flowed out to structures in Precambrian basement-rooted faults, inheriting the rift in the Cambrian. The data involved offers a fresh perspective pertinent to deep hydrocarbon exploration of dolomite reservoirs in Southwestern China.  相似文献   

针对遥感资料与实况观测融合重构三维海温场的问题,改进了最优插值中的先验统计信息估计,并研究了背景场和观测项的各自影响机制。在最优插值中,将背景场分别取为平均气候场(静态方案)和遥感合成场(动态方案);在最优融合前,用后验诊断方法迭代优化了背景误差和观测误差协方差;融合完成后,用观测空间诊断误差和模式格点指标对比分析两种方案。主要结论:(1)动态方案相对于静态方案分析误差减小的绝对量值由二者的观测误差之差决定、减小的相对程度由二者的背景误差之比决定;(2)背景场的调整作用在中高纬占优势、在赤道海域与观测项调整作用相当,是由协方差相关尺度的准纬向分布特征决定的;(3)动态分析场的中尺度信号谱能量整体比静态分析场高1~3个量级,但在热带海域相当;(4)遥感资料通过分辨实况观测所无法分辨出来的海温中尺度特征,达到减小误差、提高有效分辨率的效果。  相似文献   

本文首次利用海面温度、海面高度异常和表面漂流浮标数据等多元观测资料定量比较了获取的涡旋特征要素。结果表明:虽然不同数据源得出的涡旋统计特征具有一定的差异,但具有相似的分布特征。在此基础上,还发现该研究区域存在异常涡旋(逆时针旋转的暖涡和顺时针旋转的冷涡)。  相似文献   

In the highly productive region off central Chile, the structure and temporal and spatial variability of planktonic assemblages, and the factors that determine changes in this structure are poorly understood. In the region, wind-driven upwelling, heating by solar radiation and freshwater inputs are highly seasonal processes, which, together with higher frequency events, can promote changes in the planktonic communities, especially in the upper layer. This study focuses on the structure of nano- through to micro-planktonic assemblages (2-200 μm) of unicellular organisms (protists) in surface waters (0-30 m) during different hydrographic conditions. Samples were taken from a fixed shelf station off Concepción (COPAS time series Station 18) on eight occasions between September 2003 and August 2004. The nano-plankton flagellate-dominated fraction was numerically important during the whole period. Maxima in flagellate abundance and biomass occurred during the upwelling period (November-April samplings) but these maxima appear to be unrelated to the degree of water column stratification. The micro-plankton diatom-dominated fraction was usually the largest component in terms of biomass during the study period and the diatoms made important numerical contributions during the upwelling period, with maxima in abundance and biomass when water column stability was lowest. The dominant genera and morphotypes in each functional group were found throughout the study period, with maxima in abundance and biomass co-occurring under similar environmental upwelling conditions. The mean macro-nutrient concentrations (nitrate and silicate) were relatively high in the top 30 m during both upwelling and non-upwelling periods, and did not explain the maxima in plankton or functional group replacements. The persistence of the dominant taxa in the planktonic assemblages suggests a high degree of flexibility, though probably not at the specific level, to withstand the highly variable environmental conditions in this upwelling area.  相似文献   

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