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We report some main results of multidisciplinary investigations carried out within the framework of the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program in 2002–2003 in the Krishna–Godavari Basin offshore sector, east coast of India, to explore indicators of likely gas hydrate occurrence suggested by preliminary multi-channel seismic reflection data and estimates of gas hydrate stability zone thickness. Swath bathymetry data reveal new evidence of three distinct geomorphic units representing (1) a delta front incised by several narrow valleys and mass flows, (2) a deep fan in the east and (3) a WNW–ESE-trending sedimentary ridge in the south. Deep-tow digital side-scan sonar, multi-frequency chirp sonar, and sub-bottom profiler records indicate several surface and subsurface gas-escape features with a highly resolved stratification within the upper 50 m sedimentary strata. Multi-channel seismic reflection data show the presence of bottom simulating reflections of continuous to discrete character. Textural analyses of 76 gravity cores indicate that the sediments are mostly silty clay. Geochemical analyses reveal decreasing downcore pore water sulphate (SO4 2−) concentrations (28.7 to <4 mM), increasing downcore methane (CH4) concentrations (0–20 nM) and relatively high total organic carbon contents (1–2.5%), and microbial analyses a high abundance of microbes in top core sediments and a low abundance of sulphate-reducing bacteria in bottom core sediments. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates were identified in some cores. Combined with evidence of gas-escape features in association with bottom simulating reflections, the findings strongly suggest that the physicochemical conditions prevailing in the study area are highly conducive to methane generation and gas hydrate occurrence. Deep drilling from aboard the JOIDES Resolution during 2006 has indeed confirmed the presence of gas hydrate in the Krishna–Godavari Basin offshore.  相似文献   

During the India National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01 in 2006 significant sand and gas hydrate were recovered at Site NGHP-01-15 within the Krishna–Godavari Basin, East Coast off India. At the drill site NGHP-01-15, a 5–8 m thick interval was found that is characterized by higher sand content than anywhere else at the site and within the KG Basin. Gas hydrate concentrations were determined to be 20–40% of the pore volume using wire-line electrical resistivity data as well as core-derived pore-fluid freshening trends. The gas hydrate-bearing interval was linked to a prominent seismic reflection observed in the 3D seismic data. This reflection event, mapped for about 1 km2 south of the drill site, is bound by a fault at its northern limit that may act as migration conduit for free gas to enter the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and subsequently charge the sand-rich layer. On 3D and additional regional 2D seismic data a prominent channel system was imaged mainly by using the seismic instantaneous amplitude attribute. The channel can be clearly identified by changes in the seismic character of the channel fill (sand-rich) and pronounced levees (less sand content than in the fill, but higher than in surrounding mud-dominated sediments). The entire channel sequence (channel fill and levees) has been subsequently covered and back-filled with a more mud-prone sediment sequence. Where the levees intersect the base of the GHSZ, their reflection strengths are significantly increased to 5- to 6-times the surrounding reflection amplitudes. Using the 3D seismic data these high-amplitude reflection edges where linked to the gas hydrate-bearing layer at Site NGHP-01-15. Further south along the channel the same reflection elements representing the levees do not show similarly large reflection amplitudes. However, the channel system is still characterized by several high-amplitude reflection events (a few hundred meters wide and up to ~ 1 km in extent) interpreted as gas hydrate-bearing sand intervals along the length of the channel.  相似文献   

We report the abundant occurrence of authigenic Fe-rich carbonate, high Mg-calcite (HMC) and low Mg-calcite from 11 cores recovered from the Krishna–Godavari Basin (K–G Basin), Bay of Bengal. The cores were collected as part of the Indian gas hydrate exploration program on board R/V Marion Dufresne (MD-161: May, 2007) in different environments, including mounds (mud diapirs), mass flows, and hemipelagic sediments over a range of water depths from 647 to 2079 m. Authigenic carbonates range in size from 1 mm to 12 cm and display various morphologies like roundish or platy (micro-) nodules and tube-like forms. From the cores, 173 carbonate samples have been investigated for their depth distribution, mineralogy, geochemical and stable isotopic composition. The stable carbon isotopic composition of 46 out of 88 measured carbonate samples are around −50‰ which allows the differentiation into methane-related carbonates (HMC), especially at Sites 8 and 15, but also in low abundance at Sites 1, 5, 9 and 12. Results indicate that the carbonates at Site 8 and 15 represent paleo methane seepage locations. The Fe-rich carbonates occur abundantly at many sites in the K–G Basin. Their varying carbon isotopic composition indicates that probably not only sulfate reduction through organic matter degradation but also methanogenesis are the responsible processes for their formation.  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1768-1778
During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01, a series of well logs were acquired at several sites across the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin. Electrical resistivity logs were used for gas hydrate saturation estimates using Archie’s method. The measured in situ pore-water salinity, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradients were used to determine the baseline pore-water resistivity. In the absence of core data, Arp’s law was used to estimate in situ pore-water resistivity. Uncertainties in the Archie’s approach are related to the calibration of Archie coefficient (a), cementation factor (m) and saturation exponent (n) values. We also have estimated gas hydrate saturation from sonic P-wave velocity logs considering the gas hydrate in-frame effective medium rock-physics model. Uncertainties in the effective medium modeling stem from the choice of mineral assemblage used in the model. In both methods we assume that gas hydrate forms in sediment pore space. Combined observations from these analyses show that gas hydrate saturations are relatively low (<5% of the pore space) at the sites of the KG Basin. However, several intervals of increased saturations were observed e.g. at Site NGHP-01-03 (Sh = 15–20%, in two zones between 168 and 198 mbsf), Site NGHP-01-05 (Sh = 35–38% in two discrete zone between 70 and 90 mbsf), and Site NGHP-01-07 shows the gas hydrate saturation more than 25% in two zones between 75 and 155 mbsf. A total of 10 drill sites and associated log data, regional occurrences of bottom-simulating reflectors from 2D and 3D seismic data, and thermal modeling of the gas hydrate stability zone, were used to estimate the total amount of gas hydrate within the KG Basin. Average gas hydrate saturations for the entire gas hydrate stability zone (seafloor to base of gas hydrate stability), sediment porosities, and statistically derived extreme values for these parameters were defined from the logs. The total area considered based on the BSR seismic data covers ∼720 km2. Using the statistical ranges in all parameters involved in the calculation, the total amount of gas from gas hydrate in the KG Basin study area varies from a minimum of ∼5.7 trillion-cubic feet (TCF) to ∼32.1 TCF.  相似文献   

Increased oil and gas exploration activity has led to a detailed investigation of the continental shelf and adjacent slope regions of Mahanadi, Krishna–Godavari (KG) and Cauvery basins, which are promising petroliferous basins along the eastern continental margin of India. In this paper, we analyze the high resolution sparker, subbottom profiler and multibeam data in KG offshore basin to understand the shallow structures and shallow deposits for gas hydrate exploration. We identified and mapped prominent positive topographic features in the bathymetry data. These mounds show fluid/gas migration features such as acoustic voids, acoustic chimneys, and acoustic turbid layers. It is interesting to note that drilling/coring onboard JOIDES in the vicinity of the mounds show the presence of thick accumulation of subsurface gas hydrate. Further, geological and geochemical study of long sediment cores collected onboard Marion Dufresne in the vicinity of the mounds and sedimentary ridges shows the imprints of paleo-expulsion of methane and sulfidic fluid from the seafloor.  相似文献   

Pelotas Basin has the largest gas hydrate occurrence of the Brazilian coast. The reserves are estimated in 780 trillion cubic feet, covering an area of 45,000 km2. In this work we apply spectral decomposition technique in order to better understand a gas hydrate deep water system, performing a continuous time–frequency analysis of seismic trace, where frequency spectrum is the output for each time sample of the seismic trace. This allows a continuous analysis on the effects of the geologic structures and lithology over frequency content of the seismic wave. Spectral anomalies found were interpreted as variations of hydrates concentration inside the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone (GHSZ), as well free gas accumulations beneath and Below the GHSZ and gas chimneys. We concluded that this technique has a good potential to assist seismic study of structures associated with gas hydrates accumulations.  相似文献   

The identification of reservoir oil–gas–water layers is a fundamental task in petroleum exploration and exploitation, but is difficult, especially in cases of complex hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. In such cases, hydrocarbon remigration and dysmigration take place very commonly, leading to the presence of residual or paleo-oil accumulations and layers, which cannot be easily identified or misinterpreted as oil layers by conventional logging and geophysical data. In this paper, based on a case study in the Luxi area of the central Junggar Basin, NW China, we seek to characterize such layers in terms of organic geochemistry. We suggest specific indicator parameters of organic geochemistry such as the chloroform bitumen content of reservoir extracts, which is usually >1.0% in oil layers. We explore the application of grains containing oil inclusions (GOI) (the ratio of mineral grains containing oil inclusions to the total number of mineral grains) for the identification of oil–gas–water layers in the Junggar Basin for the first time; this method has been used elsewhere. The maximum GOI values for the oil layers, oil–water layers, water layers and dry layers are >11%, 7%–11%, 6%–7% and <6%, respectively. In addition, gas layers and heavy-oil layers that are difficult to identify by conventional organic geochemical parameters were identified using biomarkers. The typical characteristics of the soluble reservoir bitumen in the gas layers include a much greater abundance of tricyclic terpanes (two times in general) relative to pentacyclic terpanes and a tricyclic terpane distribution of C20 > C21 > C23. In contrast, the typical characteristic of the heavy-oil layers is the presence of 25-norhopanes in reservoir bitumen extracts. These specific indicators can be applied in the Junggar Basin and in similar settings elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mass-transport-deposits (MTDs) and hemipelagic mud interbedded with sandy turbidites are the main sedimentary facies in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, offshore Korea. The MTDs show similar seismic reflection characteristics to gas-hydrate-bearing sediments such as regional seismic blanking (absence of internal reflectivity) and a polarity reversed base-reflection identical to the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). Drilling in 2007 in the Ulleung Basin recovered sediments within the MTDs that exhibit elevated electrical resistivity and P-wave velocity, similar to gas hydrate-bearing sediments. In contrast, hemipelagic mud intercalated with sandy turbidites has much higher porosity and correspondingly lower electrical resistivity and P-wave velocity.At drill-site UBGH1-4 the bottom half of one prominent MTD unit shows two bands of parallel fractures on the resistivity log-images indicating a common dip-azimuth direction of about ∼230° (strike of ∼140°). This strike-direction is perpendicular to the seismically defined flow-path of the MTD to the north-east. At Site UBGH1-14, the log-data suggest two zones with preferred fracture orientations (top: ∼250°, bottom: ∼130°), indicating flow-directions to the north-east for the top zone, and north-west for the bottom zone. The fracture patterns may indicate post-depositional sedimentation that gave rise to a preferred fracturing possibly linked to dewatering pathways. Alternatively, fractures may be related to the formation of pressure-ridges common within MTD units.For the interval of observed MTD units, the resistivity and P-wave velocity log-data yield gas hydrate concentrations up to ∼10% at Site UBGH1-4 and ∼25% at Site UBGH1-14 calculated using traditional isotropic theories such as Archie's law or effective medium modeling. However, accounting for anisotropic effects in the calculation to honor observed fracture patterns, the gas hydrate concentration is overall reduced to less than 5%. In contrast, gas hydrate was recovered at Site UBGH1-4 near the base of gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Log-data predict gas hydrate concentrations of 10–15% over an interval of 25 m above the base of GHSZ. The sediments of this interval are comprised of the hemipelagic mud and interbedded thin sandy turbidites, which did contain pore-filling gas hydrate as identified from pore-water freshening and core infra-red imaging. Seismically, this unit reveals a coherent parallel bedding character but has overall faint reflection amplitude. This gas-hydrate-bearing interval can be best mapped using a combination of regular seismic amplitude and seismic attributes such as Shale indicator, Parallel-bedding indicator, and Thin-bed indicator.  相似文献   

The Dniepr-Donets Basin (DDB) hosts a multi-source petroleum system with more than 200 oil and gas fields, mainly in Carboniferous clastic rocks. Main aim of the present study was to correlate accumulated hydrocarbons with the most important source rocks and to verify their potential to generate oil and gas. Therefore, molecular and isotopic composition as well as biomarker data obtained from 12 oil and condensate samples and 48 source rock extracts was used together with USGS data for a geological interpretation of hydrocarbon charging history.Within the central DDB, results point to a significant contribution from (Upper) Visean black shales, highly oil-prone as well as mixed oil- and gas-prone Serpukhovian rocks and minor contribution from an additional Tournaisian source. Devonian rocks, an important hydrocarbon source within the Pripyat Trough, have not been identified as a major source within the central DDB. Additional input from Bashkirian to Moscovian (?) (Shebelinka Field) as well as Tournaisian to Lower Visean rocks (e.g. Dovgal Field) with higher contents of terrestrial organic matter is indicated in the SE and NW part, respectively.Whereas oil–source correlation contradicts major hydrocarbon migration in many cases for Tournaisian to Middle Carboniferous reservoir horizons, accumulations within Upper Carboniferous to Permian reservoirs require vertical migration up to 4000 m along faults related to Devonian salt domes.1-D thermal models indicate hydrocarbon generation during Permo-Carboniferous time. However, generation in coal-bearing Middle Carboniferous horizons in the SE part of the basin may have occurred during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Eocene–Oligocene dolomite concretions and beds from the Grybów and Dukla units of the Polish Outer Carpathians were studied. These rocks occur in the organic carbon-rich, marine and fine-grained deposits of hemipelagic or turbiditic origin. Mineralogic, elemental and stable C and O isotopic composition of the dolomites was determined. Results indicate that the rocks were formed by precipitation of predominantly Fe-rich dolomite cement close to the sediment-water interface prior to significant compaction. The main source of bicarbonate for dolomite formation was bacterial methanogenesis as evidenced by the high δ13C values up to 16.6‰. The main source of alkalinity was probably weathering of silicate minerals which might have also liberated Ca and Mg ions for the dolomites to form. The distribution of these dolomites indicates that microbial methane production was widespread in the Silesian basin. Moreover, formation of some dolomites in the Eastern part of the Dukla unit was probably associated with gas hydrates as suggested by the elemental and oxygen isotopic composition of dolomitic matrix. Therefore, the dolomites may serve as a proxy of areas where biogenic methane was produced, where the rocks had high hydrocarbon potential, and where hydrates could have existed.Detailed mineralogic and petrographic analyses allowed for the reconstruction of the diagenetic sequence and the evolution of pore fluids. Textural relationships between successive cement generations indicate that the central parts of the composite dolomite crystals experienced corrosion and that the latest ankerite cement filled the secondary intragranular cavities within those crystals. This observation shows that reconstructions of pore fluid evolution based on core-to-rim analyses of such composite crystals may lead to wrong interpretations. Septarian cracks developed in the dolomites are often filled with multistage cements. The earliest generations are ferroan dolomite and ankerite cements which precipitated within the cracks simultaneously to the ferroan dolomite and ankerite cements from the matrix of the dolomitic rocks which shows that septarian cracking occurred very early, during the final stages of concretionary formation. These cements were followed by the late-diagenetic precipitates, mainly quartz, kaolinite and blocky calcite. This calcite is commonly associated with bitumen which shows that it precipitated during or after oil migration in the decarboxylation zone.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional hydrodynamic and particle tracking model was used to estimate the dispersion and retention of barnacle larvae from their possible spawning sites in a tropical monsoon-influenced estuarine system (central west coast of India). Validation of the hydrodynamic simulations yielded a good match with field measurements. The pattern of larval dispersal in the region varied with the winds and currents. The seasonal changes in abundance could be attributed to physical forcing and weather conditions. The extent of barnacle larval dispersal from spawning sites varied from 10 to 78 km for different sites and seasons. During a 24-h cycle, the larval abundance showed one to two peaks in the estuarine area. The increased larval abundance is favored by the flood currents, pushing the larvae into the estuary. Physical forcing in the region helps in transport of the larvae from their spawning sites hugging to the coast and contributing to the population within the estuary. Field observations and numerical experiments suggest the occurrence of higher larval abundance in the estuary during post-monsoon. The dispersal pattern indicated that the barnacle population present in the estuary is well mixed, and with a seasonally changing pattern.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The goal of this study is to identify the properties of the rock–fluid system in the subduction zone of lithospheric plates using the example of...  相似文献   

Mikhailova  N. V.  Bayankina  T. M.  Sizov  A. A. 《Oceanology》2021,61(4):443-449
Oceanology - The paper examines the influence of the main mode of interannual variability of the North Atlantic climate system—the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)—on the hydrophysical...  相似文献   

Air–sea gas transfer velocities are estimated for one year using a 1-D upper-ocean model (GOTM) and a modified version of the NOAA–COARE transfer velocity parameterization. Tuning parameters are evaluated with the aim of bringing the physically based NOAA–COARE parameterization in line with current estimates, based on simple wind-speed dependent models derived from bomb-radiocarbon inventories and deliberate tracer release experiments. We suggest that A = 1.3 and B = 1.0, for the sub-layer scaling parameter and the bubble mediated exchange, respectively, are consistent with the global average CO2 transfer velocity k. Using these parameters and a simple 2nd order polynomial approximation, with respect to wind speed, we estimate a global annual average k for CO2 of 16.4 ± 5.6 cm h?1 when using global mean winds of 6.89 m s?1 from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 1954–2000. The tuned model can be used to predict the transfer velocity of any gas, with appropriate treatment of the dependence on molecular properties including the strong solubility dependence of bubble-mediated transfer. For example, an initial estimate of the global average transfer velocity of DMS (a relatively soluble gas) is only 11.9 cm h?1 whilst for less soluble methane the estimate is 18.0 cm h?1.  相似文献   

Variation of freshwater components in the Canada Basin during 1967–2010   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a conservative tracer, oxygen isotopes in seawater are widely used for water mass analysis, along with temperature and salinity. In this study, seawater oxygen-18 datasets in the Canada Basin during 1967–2010 were obtained from the four cruises of the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(1999, 2003, 2008, and 2010) and the NASA database. Fractions of sea ice meltwater and river runoff were determined from the salinity-18O system. Our results showed that the river runoff decreased from the south to the north in the Canada Basin. The enhanced amount of river runoff observed in the southern Canada Basin may originate from the Mackenzie River, transported by the Beaufort Gyre. The river runoff component showed maximum fractions during 1967–1969, 1978–1979, 1984–1985, 1993–1994, and 2008–2010, indicating the refresh time of the river runoff was 5.0–16.0 a in the Canada Basin. The temporal variation of the river runoff was related to the change of the Arctic Oscillation(AO) index, suggesting the freshwater stored in the Canada Basin was affected by surface sea ice drift and water mass movement driven by atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

I.M.L. Ridge 《Ocean Engineering》2009,36(9-10):650-660
An earlier paper by the author discussed the behaviour of helically spun wire ropes when subject to axial load [Ridge, I.M.L., 2008. Torsional characterization of ropes used offshore. Journal of Strain Analysis 43(2), 121–139.]. The response of the rope varied, depending upon the rope's construction and whether the end of the rope was free to rotate or was fixed. This paper presents the results of an extensive research programme which highlight the practical implications of the torsional fatigue behaviour of ropes with especial reference to their use in offshore applications. The results are also relevant to a much broader range of rope applications where long lengths of rope are employed such as deep mine hoisting and reversible aerial cableways. The torque which may be generated in the various components used offshore may have serious effects in both handling and installation, as well as in the longer term service (fatigue) performance.  相似文献   

The distribution of the fugacity of CO2 ( $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) and air–sea CO2 exchange were comprehensively investigated in the outer estuary to offshore shallow water region (lying adjacent to the Sundarban mangrove forest) covering an area of ~2,000 km2 in the northern Bay of Bengal during the winter. A total of ten sampling surveys were conducted between 1 December, 2011 and 21 February, 2012. Physico-chemical variables like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, pH, total alkalinity (TAlk), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and in vivo chlorophyll-a along with atmospheric variables were measured in order to study their role in controlling the CO2 flux. Surface water $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ranged between 111 and 459 μatm which correlated significantly with the SST (r = 0.71, p < 0.001, n = 62). Neither DIC nor TAlk showed any linear relationship with varying salinity in the estuarine mixing zone, demonstrating the significant presence of non-carbonate alkalinity. An overall net biological control on the surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ distribution was established during the study, although no significant correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ (water). The shallow water region studied was mostly under-saturated with CO2 and acted as a sink for atmospheric CO2. The difference between surface water and atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ( $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) ranged from ?274 to 69 μatm, with an average seaward flux of ?10.5 ± 12.6 μmol m?2 h?1. The $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ and hence the air–sea CO2 exchange was primarily regulated by the variation in sea surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ , since atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ varied over a comparatively narrow range of 361.23–399.05 μatm.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies on shallow marine gas/fluid systems from across the globe indicate their abundance throughout geological epochs. However, these episodic events have not been fully integrated into the fundamental concepts of continental margin development, which are thought to be dictated by three elements: tectonics, sedimentation and eustasy. The current study focuses on the passive sector of the Levant Basin on the eastern Mediterranean continental margin where these elements are well constrained, in order to isolate the contribution of gas/fluid systems. Single-channel, multichannel and 3D seismic reflection data are interpreted in terms of variance, chaos, envelope and sweetness attributes. Correlation with the Romi-1 borehole and sequence boundaries constrains interpretation of seismic stratigraphy. Results show a variety of fluid- or gas-related features such as seafloor and subsurface pockmarks, volumes of acoustic blanking, bright spots, conic pinnacle mounds, gas chimneys and high sweetness zones that represent possible secondary reservoirs. It is suggested that gas/fluid migrate upwards along lithological conduits such as falling-stage systems tracts and sequence boundaries during both highstands and lowstands. In all, 13 mid-late Pleistocene sequence boundaries are accompanied by independent evidence of 13 eustatic sea-level drops. Whether this connection is coincidental or not requires further research. These findings fill gaps between previously reported sporadic appearances throughout the Levant Basin and margin and throughout geological time from the Messinian until the present day, and create a unified framework for understanding the system as a whole. Repetitive appearance of these features suggests that their role in the morphodynamics of continental margins is more important than previously thought and thus may constitute one of the key elements of continental margin development.  相似文献   

Seismic coherency measures, such as similarity and dip of maximum similarity, were used to characterize mass transport deposits (MTDs) in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, offshore Korea. Using 2-D and 3-D seismic data several slope failure masses have been identified near drill site UBGH1-4. The MTDs have a distinct seismic character and exhibit physical properties similar to gas hydrate bearing sediment: elevated electrical resistivity and P-wave velocity. Sediments recovered from within the MTDs show a reworked nature with chaotic assemblage of mud-clasts. Additionally, the reflection at the base of MTDs is polarity reversed relative to the seafloor, similarly to the bottom-simulating reflector commonly used to infer the presence of gas hydrates. The MTDs further show regional seismic blanking (absence of internal reflectivity), which is yet another signature often attributed to gas hydrate bearing sediments. At the drill site UBGH1-4, no gas hydrate was recovered in sediment-cores from inside a prominent MTD unit. Instead, pore-filling gas hydrate was recovered only within thin turbidite sand layers near the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. With the analysis of seismic attributes, the seismic character of the prominent MTD (Unit 3) was investigated. The base of the MTD unit exhibits deep grooves interpreted as gliding tracks from either outrunner blocks or large clasts that were dragged along the paleo-seafloor. Similar seismic features were identified on the seafloor although the length of the gliding tracks on the seafloor is much shorter (a few hundred meters to ∼1 km), compared to over 10 km long tracks at the base of the MTD. The seismic coherency attributes allowed to estimate the volume of the failed sediment as well as the direction of the flow of sediment. Tracking the MTD and extrapolating its spatial extent from the 3-D seismic volume to adjacent 2-D seismic profiles, a possible source region of this mass failure was defined ∼50 km upslope of Site UBGH1-4.  相似文献   

 On the southwestern Barents Sea shelf, sediments containing gas hydrates that overlie free gas have been inferred from multichannel seismic data. The volume of suspected gas hydrate is tentatively estimated to about 1.9×108 m3. The gas hydrate zone probably formed from thermogenic gas leaking from a deeper source. The hydrate zone may have thickened during the Neogene by including gas originally trapped as free gas below the hydrate following a significant downward migration of the isotherms caused by erosion and/or subsidence. Within the present oceanographic conditions, gas hydrate is suspected to be stable or slowly decomposing. Received: 20 December 1996 / Revision received: 20 August 1997  相似文献   

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