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Vinti’s potential is revisited for analytical propagation of the main satellite problem, this time in the context of relative motion. A particular version of Vinti’s spheroidal method is chosen that is valid for arbitrary elliptical orbits, encapsulating \(J_2\), \(J_3\), and generally a partial \(J_4\) in an orbit propagation theory without recourse to perturbation methods. As a child of Vinti’s solution, the proposed relative motion model inherits these properties. Furthermore, the problem is solved in oblate spheroidal elements, leading to large regions of validity for the linearization approximation. After offering several enhancements to Vinti’s solution, including boosts in accuracy and removal of some singularities, the proposed model is derived and subsequently reformulated so that Vinti’s solution is piecewise differentiable. While the model is valid for the critical inclination and nonsingular in the element space, singularities remain in the linear transformation from Earth-centered inertial coordinates to spheroidal elements when the eccentricity is zero or for nearly equatorial orbits. The new state transition matrix is evaluated against numerical solutions including the \(J_2\) through \(J_5\) terms for a wide range of chief orbits and separation distances. The solution is also compared with side-by-side simulations of the original Gim–Alfriend state transition matrix, which considers the \(J_2\) perturbation. Code for computing the resulting state transition matrix and associated reference frame and coordinate transformations is provided online as supplementary material.  相似文献   

Lunar frozen orbits, characterized by constant orbital elements on average, have been previously found using various dynamical models, incorporating the gravitational field of the Moon and the third-body perturbation exerted by the Earth. The resulting mean orbital elements must be converted to osculating elements to initialize the orbiter position and velocity in the lunar frame. Thus far, however, there has not been an explicit transformation from mean to osculating elements, which includes the zonal harmonic \(J_2\), the sectorial harmonic \(C_{22}\), and the Earth third-body effect. In the current paper, we derive the dynamics of a lunar orbiter under the mentioned perturbations, which are shown to be dominant for the evolution of circumlunar orbits, and use von Zeipel’s method to obtain a transformation between mean and osculating elements. Whereas the dynamics of the mean elements do not include \(C_{22}\), and hence does not affect the equilibria leading to frozen orbits, \(C_{22}\) is present in the mean-to-osculating transformation, hence affecting the initialization of the physical circumlunar orbit. Simulations show that by using the newly-derived transformation, frozen orbits exhibit better behavior in terms of long-term stability about the mean values of eccentricity and argument of periapsis, especially for high orbits.  相似文献   

In this work we consider the Kepler problem with linear drag, and prove the existence of a continuous vector-valued first integral, obtained taking the limit as \(t\rightarrow +\infty \) of the Runge–Lenz vector. The norm of this first integral can be interpreted as an asymptotic eccentricity \(e_{\infty }\) with \(0\le e_{\infty } \le 1\). The orbits satisfying \(e_{\infty } <1\) approach the singularity by an elliptic spiral and the corresponding solutions \(x(t)=r(t)e^{i\theta (t)}\) have a norm r(t) that goes to zero like a negative exponential and an argument \(\theta (t)\) that goes to infinity like a positive exponential. In particular, the difference between consecutive times of passage through the pericenter, say \(T_{n+1} -T_n\), goes to zero as \(\frac{1}{n}\).  相似文献   

The analysis of relative motion of two spacecraft in Earth-bound orbits is usually carried out on the basis of simplifying assumptions. In particular, the reference spacecraft is assumed to follow a circular orbit, in which case the equations of relative motion are governed by the well-known Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations. Circular motion is not, however, a solution when the Earth’s flattening is accounted for, except for equatorial orbits, where in any case the acceleration term is not Newtonian. Several attempts have been made to account for the \(J_2\) effects, either by ingeniously taking advantage of their differential effects, or by cleverly introducing ad-hoc terms in the equations of motion on the basis of geometrical analysis of the \(J_2\) perturbing effects. Analysis of relative motion about an unperturbed elliptical orbit is the next step in complexity. Relative motion about a \(J_2\)-perturbed elliptic reference trajectory is clearly a challenging problem, which has received little attention. All these problems are based on either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire equations for circular reference motion, or the de Vries/Tschauner–Hempel equations for elliptical reference motion, which are both approximate versions of the exact equations of relative motion. The main difference between the exact and approximate forms of these equations consists in the expression for the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of the rotating reference frame with respect to an inertial reference frame. The rotating reference frame is invariably taken as the local orbital frame, i.e., the RTN frame generated by the radial, the transverse, and the normal directions along the primary spacecraft orbit. Some authors have tried to account for the non-constant nature of the angular velocity vector, but have limited their correction to a mean motion value consistent with the \(J_2\) perturbation terms. However, the angular velocity vector is also affected in direction, which causes precession of the node and the argument of perigee, i.e., of the entire orbital plane. Here we provide a derivation of the exact equations of relative motion by expressing the angular velocity of the RTN frame in terms of the state vector of the reference spacecraft. As such, these equations are completely general, in the sense that the orbit of the reference spacecraft need only be known through its ephemeris, and therefore subject to any force field whatever. It is also shown that these equations reduce to either the Hill–Clohessy–Wiltshire, or the Tschauner–Hempel equations, depending on the level of approximation. The explicit form of the equations of relative motion with respect to a \(J_2\)-perturbed reference orbit is also introduced.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study the dynamics close to the collinear libration point \( L_{2} \) of the radial solar sail circular-restricted three-body problem (RSCRTBP) in the Sun–Jupiter System, where the third massless body is a solar sail. We analyse the qausi-periodic (Lissajous solutions) orbits about the libration point \( L_{2} \). The Lindstedt–Poincaré approximation for the qausi-periodic orbits was used for numerical simulations. We utilized linear quadratic regulator (LQR) to stabilize the full nonlinear model, and linear state-feedback controller was designed to stabilize the trajectory.  相似文献   

The rectilinear elliptic restricted three-body problem (TBP) is the limiting case of the elliptic restricted TBP when the motion of the primaries is described by a Keplerian ellipse with eccentricity \(e'=1\), but the collision of the primaries is assumed to be a non-singular point. The rectilinear model has been proposed as a starting model for studying the dynamics of motion around highly eccentric binary systems. Broucke (AIAA J 7:1003–1009, 1969) explored the rectilinear problem and obtained isolated periodic orbits for mass parameter \(\mu =0.5\) (equal masses of the primaries). We found that all orbits obtained by Broucke are linearly unstable. We extend Broucke’s computations by using a finer search for symmetric periodic orbits and computing their linear stability. We found a large number of periodic orbits, but only eight of them were found to be linearly stable and are associated with particular mean motion resonances. These stable orbits are used as generating orbits for continuation with respect to \(\mu \) and \(e'<1\). Also, continuation of periodic solutions with respect to the mass of the small body can be applied by using the general TBP. FLI maps of dynamical stability show that stable periodic orbits are surrounded in phase space with regions of regular orbits indicating that systems of very highly eccentric orbits can be found in stable resonant configurations. As an application we present a stability study for the planetary system HD7449.  相似文献   

In extending the analysis of the four secular resonances between close orbits in Li and Christou (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 125:133–160, 2016) (Paper I), we generalise the semianalytical model so that it applies to both prograde and retrograde orbits with a one-to-one map between the resonances in the two regimes. We propose the general form of the critical angle to be a linear combination of apsidal and nodal differences between the two orbits \( b_1 \Delta \varpi + b_2 \Delta \varOmega \), forming a collection of secular resonances in which the ones studied in Paper I are among the strongest. Test of the model in the orbital vicinity of massive satellites with physical and orbital parameters similar to those of the irregular satellites Himalia at Jupiter and Phoebe at Saturn shows that \({>}20\) and \({>}40\%\) of phase space is affected by these resonances, respectively. The survivability of the resonances is confirmed using numerical integration of the full Newtonian equations of motion. We observe that the lowest order resonances with \(b_1+|b_2|\le 3\) persist, while even higher-order resonances, up to \(b_1+|b_2|\ge 7\), survive. Depending on the mass, between 10 and 60% of the integrated test particles are captured in these secular resonances, in agreement with the phase space analysis in the semianalytical model.  相似文献   

It is shown that a number of superfast, with periods \(< 2\) d, exoplanets revolve around parent stars with periods, near-commensurate with \(P_{E}\) and/or \(2 P_{E} / \pi\), where the exoplanet resonance timescale \(P_{E}=9603(85)\) s agrees fairly well with the period \(P_{0}= 9600.606(12)\) s of the so-called “cosmic oscillation” (the probability that the two timescales would coincide by chance is near \(3 \times10^{-4}\); the \(P_{0}\) period was discovered first in the Sun, and later on—in other objects of Cosmos). True nature of the exoplanet \(P_{0}\) resonance is unknown.  相似文献   

We aim to probe the dynamic structure of the extended Solar neighborhood by calculating the radial metallicity gradients from orbit properties, which are obtained for axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric potential models, of red clump (RC) stars selected from the RAdial Velocity Experiment’s Fourth Data Release. Distances are obtained by assuming a single absolute magnitude value in near-infrared, i.e. \(M_{Ks}=-1.54\pm0.04\) mag, for each RC star. Stellar orbit parameters are calculated by using the potential functions: (i) for the MWPotential2014 potential, (ii) for the same potential with perturbation functions of the Galactic bar and transient spiral arms. The stellar age is calculated with a method based on Bayesian statistics. The radial metallicity gradients are evaluated based on the maximum vertical distance (\(z_{max}\)) from the Galactic plane and the planar eccentricity (\(e_{p}\)) of RC stars for both of the potential models. The largest radial metallicity gradient in the \(0< z_{max} \leq0.5\) kpc distance interval is \(-0.065\pm0.005~\mbox{dex}\,\mbox{kpc}^{-1}\) for a subsample with \(e_{p}\leq0.1\), while the lowest value is \(-0.014\pm0.006~\mbox{dex}\,\mbox{kpc}^{-1}\) for the subsample with \(e_{p}\leq0.5\). We find that at \(z_{max}>1\) kpc, the radial metallicity gradients have zero or positive values and they do not depend on \(e_{p}\) subsamples. There is a large radial metallicity gradient for thin disc, but no radial gradient found for thick disc. Moreover, the largest radial metallicity gradients are obtained where the outer Lindblad resonance region is effective. We claim that this apparent change in radial metallicity gradients in the thin disc is a result of orbital perturbation originating from the existing resonance regions.  相似文献   

Satellite orbits around a central body with arbitrary zonal harmonics are considered in a relativistic framework. Our starting point is the relativistic Celestial Mechanics based upon the first post-Newtonian approximation to Einstein’s theory of gravity as it has been formulated by Damour et al. (Phys Rev D 43:3273–3307, 1991; 45:1017–1044, 1992; 47:3124–3135, 1993; 49:618–635, 1994). Since effects of order \((\mathrm{GM}/c^2R) \times J_k\) with \(k \ge 2\) for the Earth are very small (of order \( 7 \times 10^{-10}\,\times \,J_k\)) we consider an axially symmetric body with arbitrary zonal harmonics and a static external gravitational field. In such a field the explicit \(J_k/c^2\)-terms (direct terms) in the equations of motion for the coordinate acceleration of a satellite are treated first with first-order perturbation theory. The derived perturbation theoretical results of first order have been checked by purely numerical integrations of the equations of motion. Additional terms of the same order result from the interaction of the Newtonian \(J_k\)-terms with the post-Newtonian Schwarzschild terms (relativistic terms related to the mass of the central body). These ‘mixed terms’ are treated by means of second-order perturbation theory based on the Lie-series method (Hori–Deprit method). Here we concentrate on the secular drifts of the ascending node \(<\!{\dot{\Omega }}\!>\) and argument of the pericenter \(<\!{\dot{\omega }}\!>\). Finally orders of magnitude are given and discussed.  相似文献   

We consider a Yukawa-type gravitational potential combined with the Poynting-Robertson effect. Dust particles originating within the asteroid belt and moving on circular and elliptic trajectories are studied and expressions for the time rate of change of their orbital radii and semimajor axes, respectively, are obtained. These expressions are written in terms of basic particle parameters, namely their density and diameter. Then, they are applied to produce expressions for the time required by the dust particles to reach the orbit of Earth. For the Yukawa gravitational potential, dust particles of diameter \(10^{ - 3}\) m in circular orbits require times of the order of \(8.557 \times 10^{6}\) yr and for elliptic orbits of eccentricities \(e =0.1, 0.5\) require times of \(9.396 \times 10^{6}\) and \(2.129 \times 10^{6}\) yr respectively to reach Earth’s orbit. Finally, various cases of the Yukawa potential are studied and the corresponding particle times to reach Earth’s are derived per case along with numerical results for circular and various elliptical orbits.  相似文献   

In this study, we present CCD UBV photometry of poorly studied open star clusters, Dolidze 36, NGC 6728, NGC 6800, NGC 7209, and Platais 1, located in the first and second Galactic quadrants. Observations were obtained with T100, the 1-m telescope of the TÜB?TAK National Observatory. Using photometric data, we determined several astrophysical parameters such as reddening, distance, metallicity and ages and from them, initial mass functions, integrated magnitudes and colours. We took into account the proper motions of the observed stars to calculate the membership probabilities. The colour excesses and metallicities were determined independently using two-colour diagrams. After obtaining the colour excesses of the clusters Dolidze 36, NGC 6728, NGC 6800, NGC 7209, and Platais 1 as \(0.19\pm0.06\), \(0.15\pm0.05\), \(0.32\pm0.05\), \(0.12\pm 0.04\), and \(0.43\pm0.06\) mag, respectively, the metallicities are found to be \(0.00\pm0.09\), \(0.02\pm0.11\), \(0.03\pm0.07\), \(0.01\pm0.08\), and \(0.01\pm0.08\) dex, respectively. Furthermore, using these parameters, distance moduli and age of the clusters were also calculated from colour-magnitude diagrams simultaneously using PARSEC theoretical models. The distances to the clusters Dolidze 36, NGC 6728, NGC 6800, NGC 7209, and Platais 1 are \(1050\pm90\), \(1610\pm190\), \(1210\pm150\), \(1060\pm90\), and \(1710\pm250\) pc, respectively, while corresponding ages are \(400\pm100\), \(750\pm150\), \(400\pm100\), \(600\pm100\), and \(175\pm50\) Myr, respectively. Our results are compatible with those found in previous studies. The mass function of each cluster is derived. The slopes of the mass functions of the open clusters range from 1.31 to 1.58, which are in agreement with Salpeter’s initial mass function. We also found integrated absolute magnitudes varying from ?4.08 to ?3.40 for the clusters.  相似文献   

We investigate the parameters of global solar p-mode oscillations, namely damping width \(\Gamma\), amplitude \(A\), mean squared velocity \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\), energy \(E\), and energy supply rate \(\mathrm{d}E/\mathrm{d}t\), derived from two solar cycles’ worth (1996?–?2018) of Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) time series for harmonic degrees \(l=0\,\mbox{--}\,150\). We correct for the effect of fill factor, apparent solar radius, and spurious jumps in the mode amplitudes. We find that the amplitude of the activity-related changes of \(\Gamma\) and \(A\) depends on both frequency and harmonic degree of the modes, with the largest variations of \(\Gamma\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(31\le l \le60\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(26.6\pm0.3\%\) and of \(A\) for modes with \(2400~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\le\nu\le 3300~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\) and \(61\le l \le100\) with a minimum-to-maximum variation of \(27.4\pm0.4\%\). The level of correlation between the solar radio flux \(F_{10.7}\) and mode parameters also depends on mode frequency and harmonic degree. As a function of mode frequency, the mode amplitudes are found to follow an asymmetric Voigt profile with \(\nu_{\text{max}}=3073.59\pm0.18~\upmu\mbox{Hz}\). From the mode parameters, we calculate physical mode quantities and average them over specific mode frequency ranges. In this way, we find that the mean squared velocities \(\langle v^{2}\rangle\) and energies \(E\) of p modes are anticorrelated with the level of activity, varying by \(14.7\pm0.3\%\) and \(18.4\pm0.3\%\), respectively, and that the mode energy supply rates show no significant correlation with activity. With this study we expand previously published results on the temporal variation of solar p-mode parameters. Our results will be helpful to future studies of the excitation and damping of p modes, i.e., the interplay between convection, magnetic field, and resonant acoustic oscillations.  相似文献   

We study the phase space of eccentric coplanar co-orbitals in the non-restricted case. Departing from the quasi-circular case, we describe the evolution of the phase space as the eccentricities increase. We find that over a given value of the eccentricity, around 0.5 for equal mass co-orbitals, important topological changes occur in the phase space. These changes lead to the emergence of new co-orbital configurations and open a continuous path between the previously distinct trojan domains near the \(L_4\) and \(L_5\) eccentric Lagrangian equilibria. These topological changes are shown to be linked with the reconnection of families of quasi-periodic orbits of non-maximal dimension.  相似文献   

In this note a study of the convergence properties of some starters \( E_0 = E_0(e,M)\) in the eccentricity–mean anomaly variables for solving the elliptic Kepler’s equation (KE) by Newton’s method is presented. By using a Wang Xinghua’s theorem (Xinghua in Math Comput 68(225):169–186, 1999) on best possible error bounds in the solution of nonlinear equations by Newton’s method, we obtain for each starter \( E_0(e,M)\) a set of values \( (e,M) \in [0, 1) \times [0, \pi ]\) that lead to the q-convergence in the sense that Newton’s sequence \( (E_n)_{n \ge 0}\) generated from \( E_0 = E_0(e,M)\) is well defined, converges to the exact solution \(E^* = E^*(e,M)\) of KE and further \( \vert E_n - E^* \vert \le q^{2^n -1}\; \vert E_0 - E^* \vert \) holds for all \( n \ge 0\). This study completes in some sense the results derived by Avendaño et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 119:27–44, 2014) by using Smale’s \(\alpha \)-test with \(q=1/2\). Also since in KE the convergence rate of Newton’s method tends to zero as \( e \rightarrow 0\), we show that the error estimates given in the Wang Xinghua’s theorem for KE can also be used to determine sets of q-convergence with \( q = e^k \; \widetilde{q} \) for all \( e \in [0,1)\) and a fixed \( \widetilde{q} \le 1\). Some remarks on the use of this theorem to derive a priori estimates of the error \( \vert E_n - E^* \vert \) after n Kepler’s iterations are given. Finally, a posteriori bounds of this error that can be used to a dynamical estimation of the error are also obtained.  相似文献   

A study of cluster characteristics and internal kinematical structure of the middle-aged Pleiades open star cluster is presented. The individual star apexes and various cluster kinematical parameters including the velocity ellipsoid parameters are determined using both Hipparcos and Gaia data. Modern astrometric parameters were taken from the Gaia Data Release 1 (DR1) in combination with the Radial Velocity Experiment Fifth Data Release (DR5). The necessary set of parameters including parallaxes, proper motions and radial velocities are used for \(n=17\) stars from Gaia DR1+RAVE DR5 and for \(n=19\) stars from the Hipparcos catalog using SIMBAD data base. Single stars are used to improve accuracy by eliminating orbital movements. RAVE DR5 measurements were taken only for the stars with the radial velocity errors not exceeding \(2~\mbox{km}/\mbox{s}\). For the Pleiades stars taken from Gaia, we found mean heliocentric distance as \(136.8 \pm 6.4\) pc, and the apex position is calculated as: \(A_{CP}=92^{\circ }.52\pm 1^{\circ }.72\), \(D_{CP}=-42^{\circ }.28\pm 2^{\circ }.56\) by the convergent point method and \(A_{0}=95^{\circ }.59\pm 2^{\circ }.30\) and \(D_{0}=-50^{\circ }.90\pm 2^{\circ }.04\) using AD-diagram method (\(n=17\) in both cases). The results are compared with those obtained historically before the Gaia mission era.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the possibility of accreting primordial black holes as the source of heating for the collapsing gas in the context of the direct collapse black hole scenario for the formation of super-massive black holes (SMBHs) at high redshifts, \(z\sim \) 6–7. One of the essential requirements for the direct collapse model to work is to maintain the temperature of the in-falling gas at \(\approx \)10\(^4\) K. We show that even under the existing abundance limits, the primordial black holes of masses \(\gtrsim \)10\(^{-2}M_\odot \), can heat the collapsing gas to an extent that the \(\mathrm{H}_2\) formation is inhibited. The collapsing gas can maintain its temperature at \(10^4\) K till the gas reaches a critical density \(n_{{c}} \,{\approx }\, 10^3~\hbox {cm}^{-3}\), at which the roto-vibrational states of \(\mathrm{H}_2\) approaches local thermodynamic equilibrium and \(\mathrm{H}_2\) cooling becomes inefficient. In the absence of \(\mathrm{H}_2\) cooling, the temperature of the collapsing gas stays at \(\approx \)10\(^4\) K even as it collapses further. We discuss scenarios of subsequent angular momentum removal and the route to find collapse through either a supermassive star or a supermassive disk.  相似文献   

We find that element abundances in energetic ions accelerated by shock waves formed at corotating interaction regions (CIRs) mirror the abundances of the solar wind modified by a decreasing power-law dependence on the mass-to-charge ratio \(A\)/\(Q\) of the ions. This behavior is similar in character to the well-known power-law dependence on \(A\)/\(Q\) of abundances in large gradual solar energetic particles (SEP). The CIR ions reflect the pattern of \(A\)/\(Q\), with \(Q\) values of the source plasma temperature or freezing-in temperature of 1.0?–?1.2 MK typical of the fast solar wind in this case. Thus the relative ion abundances in CIRs are of the form \((A\mbox{/}Q)^{a}\), where \(a\) is nearly always negative and evidently decreases with distance from the shocks, which usually begin beyond 1 AU. For one unusual historic CIR event where \(a \approx 0\), the reverse shock wave of the CIR seems to occur at 1 AU, and these abundances of the energetic ions become a direct proxy for the abundances of the fast solar wind.  相似文献   

In this paper, computation of the halo orbit for the KS-regularized photogravitational circular restricted three-body problem is carried out. This work extends the idea of Srivastava et al. (Astrophys. Space Sci. 362: 49, 2017) which only concentrated on the (i) regularization of the 3D-governing equations of motion, and (ii) validation of the modeling for small out-of-plane amplitude (\(A_z =110000\) km) assuming the third-order analytical approximation as an initial guess with and without differential correction. This motivated us to compute the halo orbits for the large out-of-plane amplitudes and to study their stability analysis for the regularized motion. The stability indices are described as a function of out-of-plane amplitude, mass reduction factor and oblateness coefficient. Three different Sun–planet systems: the Sun–Earth, Sun–Mars and the Sun–Jupiter are chosen in this study. Stable halo orbits do not exist around the \(L_{1}\) point, however, around the \(L_{2}\) point stable halo orbits are found for the considered systems.  相似文献   

We study planar central configurations of the five-body problem where three bodies, \(m_1, m_2\) and \(m_3\), are collinear and ordered from left to right, while the other two, \(m_4\) and \(m_5\), are placed symmetrically with respect to the line containing the three collinear bodies. We prove that when the collinear bodies form an Euler central configuration of the three-body problem with \(m_1=m_3\), there exists a new family, missed by Gidea and Llibre (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 106:89–107, 2010), of stacked five-body central configuration where the segments \(m_4m_5\) and \(m_1m_3\) do not intersect.  相似文献   

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