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The ideas of ray tracing from geometrical optics and wave propagation in a slowly varying medium are applied to Rossby waves propagating in a barotropic atmosphere.The propagation of low-frequency Rossby waves in a zonally symmetric basic state is compared with that for stationary waves presented by Hoskins and Karoly (1981). These ideas are then used to study the propagation of Rossby waves in a basic state with zonally varying middle latitude or low latitude jets. Conditions which allow cross-equatorial wave propagation are presented. For a zonally varying middle latitude jet, there is weak wave convergence in regions of decreasing jet speed, However, this is not sufficient to explain the enhanced wave amplitude found in numerical-model experiments using a zonally varying basic state.  相似文献   

切变基流中赤道Rossby包络孤立波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple shallow-water model on an equatorialβ-plane is employed to investigate the nonlinear equatorial Rossby solitons in a mean zonal flow with meridional shear by the asymptotic method of multiple scales. The cubic nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS, for short) equation, satisfied for large amplitude equatorial envelope Rossby solitons in shear basic flow, is derived. The effects of basic flow shear on the nonlinear equatorial Rossby solitons are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Under semi geostropical approximation, by means or phase angle function the non-linear ordinary differential equation is derived involving topography and zonal shear basic flow. Conditions for the existence of limited amplitude periodical and isolated wave solutions are directly obtained based on the qualitative theory of the ordinary differentical equation. Analysis is thus made of the influence of topography and zonal shear flow on the existence of wave solution. Finally, explicit wave solutions are determined by function approaching with the result that topogra-phy and zonal shear flow affect not only the existence but also the form of waves, indicating the non-linear features of waves and the effect of topography and shear basic flow on undulation.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional spectral analysis of Topex altimeter data reveals a large meridional component ky of the wavevector k for baroclinic Rossby waves of all timescales. Its existence necessitates some refinements in our estimates of certain basic properties of the Rossby wave field. In particular, by taking into account an actual off-zonal direction of k (often exceeding 70°), one finds that the wavelength, phase speed, and group velocity of mid-latitude Rossby waves (with periods less than 2 years) are much smaller than they appear to be on the assumption of a purely zonal wavenumber vector. Because of a shorter wavelength (yielding kL as high as 0.6, where L is the Rossby radius of deformation), these waves are essentially dispersive. Their group velocity vector may depart from zonal by more than 30°. An important intrinsic feature of the wave spectrum confirmed by our analysis is a broad-band distribution with respect to ky. Some of the dynamical implications of the large ky/kx ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

Through numerical integration, we show that equatorial Rossby waves, like their midlatitude counterparts, decay algebraically in the limit t → ∞ in a linear shear flow. For small times, the growth expected for some components does not translate into any growth of the wave disturbance as a whole when the initial conditions has a broad Fourier spectrum. The conclusion is that Rossby waves will amplify with time only when the mean flow has an inflection point or when the initial eddy field is strongly concentrated in long waves tilted against the shear.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the meridional propagation of a forced Rossby wave packet towards a critical layer in a zonal shear flow by solving the linearized barotropic vorticity equation. The forcing is applied north of the critical layer. Two approaches are employed for solving this problem. First, an analytic solution valid for large time is derived, using Fourier and Laplace transform techniques and asymptotic approximations. This solution exhibits the modification due to the wave packet of the solution obtained by Warn and Warn (1976) [Warn, T., Warn H., 1976. On the development of a Rossby wave critical level. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 2021–2024.] in the monochromatic case. A numerical investigation is then carried out using a finite difference scheme and a time-dependent radiation condition. It is found that the forced wave packet is absorbed at the critical layer and the total momentum transferred to the mean flow as a result of the absorption is observed to be proportional to the length scale of the wave packet. We also consider the case of a north–south mean flow with a longitudinally propagating wave packet forced to the east or west of the critical layer. The monochromatic version of this problem has been used before (Geisler, J.E., Dickinson, R.E., 1975. Critical level absorption of barotropic Rossby waves in a north–south flow. J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3805–3811.) to examine the interaction of western boundary currents and oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   

用1958-2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用涡度源方程、Eliassen-Palm通量(EP通量)和非绝热效应的波能方程,分析了夏季沿西亚急流Rossby波活动(WAJRA)异常的波源、能量传播和转换特征,从大气动力学内部机制上进一步认识WAJRA异常的成因,提高对中高纬大气环流异常机理的理解.研究表明,对流层高层位于地中海和北大西洋-斯堪的纳维亚半岛的负涡度源区和EP通量强辐散区为夏季WAJRA异常的波源区.当波源区位置和强度出现异常时,波源所激发东传的Rossby波活动也出现异常,从而导致WAJRA强弱变化.WAJRA强(弱)年冰岛-斯堪的那维亚半岛(斯堪的那维亚半岛以东)EP通量强辐散区激发Rossby波并沿2条路径向东传播,一支向东传播在乌拉尔山附近转向东南并在里海、咸海-新疆上空进入亚洲副热带西风急流传播增强(减弱),另一支直接向东南方向传播在地中海东部-黑海附近进入亚洲西风急流增强(减弱),此外,地中海上空EP通量辐散也增强(减弱),它们共同作用使得WAJRA增强(减弱).沿西亚地区副热带西风急流(简称西亚急流,指亚洲副热带西风急流的15°-60°E部分)非绝热加热产生扰动有效位能远大于基本气流动能向扰动动能的转换和基本气流有效位能向扰动有效位能的转换.西亚急流Rossby波活动强年(弱年)伊朗高原及其北侧的西亚地区非绝热加热产生的有效位能增强(减弱)显著,是WAJRA增强(减弱)的能量源.  相似文献   

During the northern winter the eastern Pacific is characterized by upper level westerly flow extending from the equator into the midlatitudes of both hemispheres. Theoretical and simple modeling studies suggest that such a region should favor the penetration of Rossby waves into the tropics from higher latitudes. Observational results by Kiladis and Weickmann using 200 mb data indicate that Rossby waves do indeed propagate freely into the tropical eastern Pacific during the northern winter from the Asian jet exit region. They also confirmed that cross-equatorial dispersion of energy from the Northern into the Southern Hemisphere occurs frequently. The present study examines these interactions in climatological runs of two GFDL GCMs. The northern wintertime mean states of these models are characterized by a rather realistically simulated upper level westerly regime in the tropical Pacific. Despite the relative weakness of the Asian jet and wave activity with respect to observations, propagation of Rossby waves into the tropics is present in both models, and these waves are strongly positively tilted as seen in the observations. A momentum budget of the zonal wind and E vector diagnostics over the tropical Pacific indicate that these transients are an important component of the momentum balance of the equatorial westerlies in both the observations and in the models.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Variability, held in Hamburg 7–11 September 1992 under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is L. Dümenil  相似文献   

In this paper,modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations for the amplitude of solitary Rossby waves in stratified fluids with a zonal shear flow are derived by using a weakly nonlinear method.It is found that the coefficients of mKdV equations depend not only on the β effect and the Visl-Brunt frequency,but also on the basic shear flow.  相似文献   

Based on previous observational studies of the mean atmospheric circulation leading to generalized frosts (GF) in central Southern South America, it is possible to establish a hypothesis that specific large scale patterns are associated to the frequency of occurrence of these events through the propagation of Rossby waves remotely excited. This hypothesis is tested here through a teleconnection analysis for austral winters which present an extreme frequency of occurrence of GF in southeastern South America, particularly over the Wet Pampa area in Argentina. Rossby wave propagation regions are identified for two basic states given by the composition of winters with maximum and minimum frequency of GF occurrence, during the 1961–1990 period. The stationary wavenumber K s indicates the regions where the Rossby wave propagation is permitted and those where it will be inhibited (K s = 0), highlighting the importance of the jets as waveguides. Nevertheless, differences exist between both basic states analyzed. These differences indicate that the locations for wave generation and its later evolution are conditioned by the basic state. Results are validated through a baroclinic model, which simulates the Rossby wave patterns responsible for the teleconnection. Numerical experiments confirm that the principal wave activity takes place inside the subtropical and polar jets. In particular, for the basic state with maximum frequency of GF occurrence, the wave trains propagating inside the subtropical and polar waveguides merge just before entering the continent, as shown by the observations prior to the occurrence of GF events. This configuration favors the development of an intense south wind anomaly with large meridional extension which results in the intensification of anticyclonic circulation in southern South America. A conceptual model is presented to summarise all these results.  相似文献   

Observations of a single boundary-layer event — the generation of an atmospheric gravity wave by an unstable shear flow at Haswell, Colorado on November 12, 1971 — are briefly described and discussed. The observations were made using: (a) an acoustic echo sounder, (b) anemometers mounted at two fixed levels on a 150-m tower, (c) an anemometer and a thermometer mounted on a movable carriage on the tower, and (d) a microbarograph array, including one microbarograph mounted atop the tower. The wave phase velocity (–3.5–4.0 m s–1) was found to equal the wind velocity in the middle of the shear flow, as assumed by other authors. The wave-associated vertical fluxes of momentum and energy measured just above the wave critical layer were estimated to be –5 dyn cm–2 and –800 erg cm–2 s–1, respectively. These are large values. The annual average vertical flux of momentum at temperate and high latitudes is –0.25 dyn cm–2, while the average kinetic energy dissipation rate in a unit column of atmosphere is –5 × 103 erg cm–2 s–1. If the region of wave generation was itself propagating horizontally, its propagation velocity was large compared with the horizontal phase speed of the small-scale waves generated. Wave generation appeared to occur over an area large compared with the size of the microbarograph array (i.e., 2 km).  相似文献   

万军 《大气科学》1991,15(2):82-91
本文提出可以用平均限制性变分原理来研究非均匀基流中地形对Rossby波的影响。所得到的结果与用多重尺度法相一致,但却避免了多重尺度法中的冗繁运算,而且物理意义更加清楚,诸如波作用量密度、波能密度等物理量的定义也更自然、合理。  相似文献   


2020年梅雨持续时间长,雨量偏多;暴雨范围广、过程雨量大;雨带南北摆动大,但强降雨落区重叠度高。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,针对行星尺度环流系统演变进行分析发现,梅雨期内,亚欧中高纬维持稳定的阻塞形势,环流经向度大,冷空气活动频繁并向江淮流域渗透。同时西太平洋副高(简称副高)显著偏强偏西,副高引导的水汽向江淮流域输送明显偏强;季风爆发后,来自孟加拉湾和南海的西南气流携带充沛的水汽往江淮流域的输送也较强。此外,副高北跳偏晚,冷暖空气在江淮流域长时间交汇,致使梅雨锋偏强,降雨明显偏多。6—7月,南亚高压和副高存在频繁的南北摆动,造成雨带南北摆动大,但主流业务模式在中期时效内对副高的预报偏差仍然较大。目前集合预报模式对500 hPa大尺度环流系统的可用预报时效大约5 d;而200 hPa环流系统的可用预报时效能达到9 d左右。因此在中长期预报中,应更关注高层系统的演变和调整,及时抓住预报信号。


The direction of Rossby wave breaking at the onset of large-scale atmospheric blocking events is shown to relate closely to its position relative to the location of the climatological storm tracks. Using ERA-Interim reanalysis data from October 1989 to March 2009 and a dynamically-based blocking index, Rossby wave breaking is shown to occur preferentially cyclonically to the north, and anticyclonically to the south of the average storm tracks location. Therefore the results support existing theory on the relation between Rossby wave breaking direction and barotropic shear of the background wind. The further away from the storm tracks the breaking occurs, the stronger this preference in breaking direction. Regional differences can also be explained. For the European region on average 70?% of the detected blocking took place after anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking event that occurred on average 6° south of the climatological storm tracks position. Over Western Pacific wave breaking prior to blocking occurs predominantly cyclonically and on average 6° north of the storm tracks. Differences in blocking duration and intensity are found to be within estimated error margins at most longitudes, except for the Atlantic-Europe sector where the blocking events following anticyclonic blocking are also the strongest.  相似文献   

In Part I (1975), a linear stability analysis with respect to the formation of longitudinal vortex rolls was given for aturbulent boundary layer of the atmosphere. However, that analysis investigated the effect of inflection point instability only; therefore it is applicable only to the case of neutral stratification. In Part II presented here, the analysis is extended to include the combined effect of inflection point instability and instability due to heating from below. In contrast with the result in Part I, the main result is that in considering both these effects, longitudinal vortex rolls can develop only if the boundary layer has an unstable stratification. Another important result is that the structure of developing vortex rolls and their growth-rates are universal in a boundary layer with Rossby-number similarity, i.e., they are independent of any external parameter. The same is true for the orientation of the vortex rolls: the angle between the axis of the rolls and the surface stress is independent of external parameters. The only quantity which is not universal is the phase speed, which indicates the speed with which the rolls move in a direction perpendicular to the vortex axis; this phase speed depends on the geostrophic wind and on the roughness-length. Paper presented at the XIIIth Biennual Fluid Dynamics Symposium 5–10 September, 1977, Olsztyn, Poland.  相似文献   

A horizontal shear flow having a Rossby number, Ro, greater than unity on a rotating plane can become unstable when its shear value is less than −f, the Coriolis frequency. In this paper, this instability is investigated for an O(10 km) submesoscale, sinusoidal shear flow in a thin homogeneous fluid layer as in an oceanic mixed layer or a shallow sea. The most unstable mode is shown by a linear analysis to occur in a narrow localized region centered around the maximum anticyclonic current shear. However, nonlinear numerical calculations show that the instability can grow to encompass both unstable and stable regions of the current. A consequence of this finite-amplitude evolution is the formation of surface convergence/shear fronts. The possibility that inertial instability mechanism is a source of some surface convergence/shear features seen in remote sensing images of the sea surface is discussed. A comparison is made with the shear-flow instability that can occur concurrently in a sinusoidal shear current, and inertial instability is shown to be the dominant instability mechanism in the immediate range above Ro=2.  相似文献   

基于T-N波作用通量以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比分析了2016年1月广西一次强冷空气过程前后两个阶段中大尺度环流以及Rossby波的调制作用.结果 表明,冷空气活动过程前后阶段大气环流存在明显差异.第一阶段中欧亚中高纬地区阻塞形势明显,低纬度地区环流平直.第二阶段中欧亚低纬地区环流经向度增大,南支槽发展活跃;...  相似文献   

Remote sensing of the lower planetary boundary layer in the vicinity of a meteorological tower on many occasions reveals the existence of shear instability (Kelvin-Helmholtz) waves. In general, such waves are found within shallow strata which are marked by strong thermal stability and large vertical wind shear. The independent and concurrent measurements of the vector wind and temperature, made on a 152-m high tower, allow the construction of wind and temperature profiles. From such measurements, the Richardson number profile is constructed as well as the instability regime according to Drazin's criterion. The results show that regions of shear-instability waves as depicted by the remote sensor (an acoustic sounder) agree well with Drazin's instability regime, and that within such regions the Richardson number is indeed 0.25.  相似文献   

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