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One of most hotly debated topics concerning the Late Mesozoic evolution of Tethyan and the Tibetan Plateau is the timing of the closure of the Meso-Tethys ocean, which is represented by the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone. The Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Shamuluo Formation, which unconformably overlies the older Mugagangri Group accretionary complex, provides important information on the closure of the Meso-Tethys Ocean. This paper precisely confines the depositional age of the Shamuluo Formation in the western segment of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, extending it from the Late Jurassic to the Albian. Combined with the results of previous studies, we suggest that the Shamuluo Formation in the Awengco–Baerqiong region mainly contains a bathyal Berriasian–Hauterivian subunit and a shallow-marine Albian subunit. Provenance analysis indicates that the Berriasian–Hauterivian subunit was mainly derived from the Jurassic southern Qiangtang magmatic arc, while the Albian subunit was derived from the coeval volcanic rocks and the Upper Carboniferous–Upper Permian strata in the southern Qiangtang terrane. Thus, the two subunits of the Shamuluo Formation have significant distinct sedimentary facies and provenances, indicating that they were deposited in different tectonic settings.Based on the regional geological data, we suggest that the bathyal Berriasian–Hauterivian subunit and the shallow-marine Albian subunit of the Shamuluo Formation should be interpreted as a record of the oceanic arc-continent collision and the Lhasa–Qiangtang soft-collision, respectively. Thus, the closure time of the Meso-Tethys Ocean is at least limited to the Albian.  相似文献   


This study presents new whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry, zircon U–Pb ages, and Hf-isotope compositions for volcanic rocks from the Manketouebo Formation of the central Great Xing’an Range, NE China. These data provide precise ages and information on the petrogenesis and source of the magmas that formed this formation, furthering our understanding of the geodynamic setting of the large-scale late Mesozoic magmatism in the Great Xing’an Range and other areas in NE China. The Manketouebo Formation in the study area is dominated by rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs with minor trachydacites. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that these volcanic rocks formed between 143 and 139 Ma. The volcanic rocks contain high silica (66.70–79.91 wt.%) and total alkali (5.93–9.72 wt.%) concentrations, and low concentrations of MgO (0.08–1.15 wt.%), total FeO (0.68–4.50 wt.%), and CaO (0.10–2.56 wt.%). They are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Rb, Th, and U) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti, and P) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), indicating that they are similar to highly fractionated I-type igneous rocks. All of the magmatic zircons from the analysed samples have high initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.282900–0.283093), positive εHf(t) values (7.48–14.19), and young Hf two-stage model ages (954–344 Ma) that suggest the primary magma that formed the volcanic rocks of the Manketouebo Formation was derived from the partial melting of Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic juvenile crustal material, indicating in turn that significant crustal growth occurred at this time within the Xing’an Terrane. These data, combined with previous research into the spatial–temporal distribution of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in NE China, suggest that the Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Great Xing’an Range was influenced by both the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate and the closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. This was a crucial period in the transformation from the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean to the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regimes. In summary, the early stages of Early Cretaceous magmatism in this area were related to the closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean, whereas the later stages of magmatism in this area and elsewhere in NE China were related to the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

The Tepearasi Formation of the autochthonous Geyikdagi Group in the Central Tauride Belt, SE of Beysehir, is Dogger in age and consists dominantly of massive limestones and greyish dolomites occurring within the middle to upper sections. The total thickness of the dolomitic levels ranges from 100-300 m and laterally extends 500-700 m. Three types of dolomite were distinguished through petrographic analyses: homogeneous, mottled (saddle-crystalline) and joint-filling dolomite, which were interpreted to have formed in two different stages, early diagenetic and late diagenetic. The homogeneous dolomite of the early diagenetic stage is light-coloured and monotonous-textured and shows the form of a dolosparite mosaic. The mottled dolomite formed in the late diagenetic stage is light- to dark-coloured and coarsely granular idiomorphic. The other type of late diagenetic dolomite, described as the joint-filling type, presents a crystal growth pattern from the joint walls towards the centre of the joint space. I  相似文献   

In this study, radioactivity measurements in the environment of Akhisar, Gölmarmara, Gördes and Sindirgi regions in Western Turkey were investigated in order to evaluate the implications of any excess radioactivity in the environment of geological formation. The radioactivity concentrations of 40K, 238U and 232Th radionuclides in the soil samples were measured by a NaI(Tl) gamma spectrometer system, and the radium activity concentrations in the water samples were also analyzed by an ZnS(Ag) alpha counter by the collector chamber method. The radioactivity of 40K, 238U and 232Th in soils ranged 2.80–2,347.77, 9.90–256.19 and 9.66–106.53 Bq kg?1, respectively. The activity of 226Ra in the water samples ranged from 0.03 Bq L?1 (0.89pCi/L) to 0.80 Bq L?1 (21.58pCi/L). In addition, the external terrestrial gamma dose rate in air (nGy h?1), annual effective dose rate (mSv year?1) and radium equivalent activity (Bq kg?1) were calculated and compared with international standard values.  相似文献   

Vast marble deposits occur in a cover sequence of the Menderes Massif, SW Turkey. Four major marble deposits are recognized in Mu?la province based on the stratigraphic levels. These are Permo-Carboniferous aged black marbles (1), Triassic aged marbles (2), Upper Cretaceous aged marbles (3), and Paleocene aged pelagic marbles (4). This study deals with Triassic aged marbles of the southern part of the Menderes Massif. The Triassic marbles from SW Turkey consist of two big marble horizons in the Çayboyu (ÇM) and Kestanecik (KM) regions. The characteristic samples are collected from different stratigraphic levels in marble deposits in the ÇM and KM horizons. Mineralogical and major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) analyses of marble, limestone, and schist were conducted on these samples to reveal their petrographical and geochemical characteristics. The ÇM horizon is represented by calcitic marble layers. Nickel, cobalt, manganese, and iron elements filled in fractures, fissures, and intergranular spaces of calcite crystals and these elements give the pinky colour to the marble from the ÇM horizon. KM marbles were deformed, metamorphosed, and recrystallized under greenschist facies P–T conditions. As a result of the metasomatic reaction of magnesium and manganese rich fluids with marbles, dolomite, and manganese, minerals such as rhodochrosite and pyrolusite have crystallized along vein walls and layers in the KM horizon. Dolomitization was determined in KM marbles, whereas ÇM marbles show the character of limestone. MgO, MnO, Fe2O3, Ni, and Zn contents of marbles from the KM horizon are higher than those of ÇM marbles due to metasomatic reactions. The Sr content in white coloured marbles ranges between 11.20 ppm and 112.20 ppm and this concentration reaches up to 272.70 ppm due to metasomatic reactions and fluid intake. The REE content of Triassic marbles is independent of the abundance of carbonate and the REE enrichment observed due to syn-metamorphic fluid flow. The significant negative Eu anomaly in REE patterns indicates that the protoliths of Triassic marbles are carbonate rocks of sedimentary origin.  相似文献   

The Beypazar? granitoid has been studied with respect to multi-radiometric dating and oxygen isotopic geothermometry. Radiometric dating of the granitoid yields zircon U-Pb isochron ages ranging from 72.5 ± 12.6 to 78.6 ± 4.7, and K-Ar ages of 71.4 ± 2.8 to 74.9 ± 2.9 and 59.5 ± 2.2 to 75.4 ± 2.9 Ma for hornblende and biotite, respectively. Oxygen isotope thermometry for the granitoid gives temperatures of 550 ± 25°C to 605 ± 30, 390 ± 15 to 540 ± 25°C, and 481 ± 5 to 675 ± 10°C, for hornblende, biotite, and K-feldspar, respectively, when paired with quartz. The systematic differences among ages according to different techniques used on different minerals are used to reconstruct the cooling history of the granite. The results yield rapid cooling rates of 33.3°C/Ma from 800°C to 550°C, and slow cooling rates of about 15 ± 0.5°C/Ma from 550 to 300°C. Rapid subsolidus cooling between 600°C and 550°C is documented by 40Ar/39Ar ages on amphibole and biotite between 71.4 ± 2.8 and 75.4 ± 2.9 Ma. Younger ages on biotites from two samples (59.5 ± 2.2 and 64.4 ± 2.5) are probably caused by loss of Ar. The reason for this possible Ar loss can be interpreted as slower subsolidus cooling (~375°C) ages. There is an apparent spatial and temporal relationship between the intrusion-cooling of the Beypazar? granitoid and the evolution of the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean belonging to the northern Neo-Tethyan ocean domain.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous succession outcropping in the Anamas–Akseki Autochton, consists of approximately 500 m thick purely platform carbonate sediments. It begins with Cenomanian limestones intercalated with limestone breccias (Unit-1) containing mainly Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudonummoloculina heimi, Spiroloculina cretacea (Assemblage I) and unconformably overlies the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) limestones with Vercorsella laurentii, Praechrysalidina infracretacea and Salpingoporella hasi. The Cenomanian limestones include foraminiferal packstone–wackestone, peloidal packstone–wackestone and mudstone microfacies deposited in restricted platform conditions. The Cenomanian succession is truncated by an unconformity characterised by locale bauxite deposits. Immediately above the unconformable surface, dolomitic limestones and rudistid limestones (Unit-2) are assigned to the upper Campanian based on the benthic foraminiferal assemblage (Assemblage II) comprising mainly Murciella gr. cuvillieri, Pseudocyclammina sphaeroidea, Accordiella conica, Scandonea samnitica and Fleuryana adriatica (smaller-sized populations). The upper Campanian limestones composed of dominantly foraminiferal-microbial packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow water environment with low energy, restricted circulation. The following limestones of the Unit-2 is characterised by sporadic intercalation of “open shelf” Orbitoides, Omphalocyclus, Siderolites assemblage (Assemblage III), assigned to the Maastrichtian, in addition to pre-existing “restricted platform” species. In the upper part of this biozone, the Rhapydionina liburnica/Fleuryana adriatica concurrent range subzone (Assemblage IIIb) is distinguished by the presence of Valvulina aff. triangularis, Loftusia minor as well as the nominal species. The Maastrichtian limestones with sporadically open marine influence consist of bioclastic (rudist-bearing) packstone–floatstone, foraminiferal packstone–wackestone with rudist fragments and peloidal/intraclastic packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow subtidal–subtidal (lagoonal) environments. The Upper Cretaceous succession passes upwardly into 70 m thick limestones and clayey limestones (Unit-3) which do not contain rudists and pre-existing foraminiferal assemblage with one exception Valvulina aff. triangularis. Variable amounts of ostracoda, discorbids, miliolids, dasycladacean algae and Stomatorbina sp. (Assemblage IV) occur into mud-rich microfacies suggesting restricted conditions with low water energy. A probable Danian age is proposed for the Unit-3 based on the occurrence of Valvulina aff. triangularis and Stomatorbina sp. which were previously recorded from Danian of peri-Tethyan platforms.  相似文献   

Through the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan and the Vardar oceans suture zones, convergence between the Eurasian and African plates played a key role in controlling Palaeogene magmatism in northwestern Anatolia, northern Aegean, and eastern Balkans. LA-ICP-MS dating of U and Pb isotopes on zircon separates from the tuffs of the Harmankaya Volcanic Rocks, which are inter-fingered with the lower-middle Eocene deposits of the Gaziköy Formation to the north of the Ganos Fault and the Karaa?aç Formation in the Gelibolu Peninsula, yielded a late Ypresian (51 Ma) age. The chemical characteristics suggest that the lavas and tuffs of the Harmankaya Volcanic Rocks are products of syn- or post-collision magmas. These volcanic rocks show also close affinities to the subduction-related magmas. In addition to the already known andesitic volcanic rocks, our field observations in Gökçeada Island indicate also the existence of granitic and rhyolitic rocks (Marmaros Magmatic Assemblage). Our U–Pb zircon age data has shown that the newly discovered Marmaros granitic plutons intruded during late Oligocene (26 Ma) into the deposits of the Karaa?aç Formation in Gökçeada Island. LA-ICP-MS dating of U and Pb isotopes on zircon separates from the Marmaros rhyolitic rocks yielded a late Oligocene (26 Ma) crystallization age. Geochemical characteristics indicate that the more-evolved Oligocene granitic and rhyolitic rock of the Marmaros Magmatic Assemblage possibly assimilated a greater amount of crustal material than the lower Eocene Harmankaya Volcanic Rocks. Geochemical features and age relationships suggest increasing amounts of crustal contamination and a decreasing subduction signature during the evolution of magmas in NW Turkey from the early Eocene to the Oligocene. The magmatic activity developed following the northward subduction of the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan oceanic lithosphere and the earliest Palaeocene final continental collision between the Sakarya and Anatolide–Tauride zones.  相似文献   

Since the coexistence of the Cretaceous and Palaeocene was ascertained in the Hengyang Basin of Hunan in the middle of the 1960's, the Cretaceous and Tertiary boundary has been discussed in several papers, but it still remains controversal. The points at issue are the connotation, stratigraphical position and lateral correlation of the Dongtang (or Chejiang) Formation.  相似文献   


Field studies on the Neogene successions in south of ?zmir reveal that subsequent Neogene continental basins were developed in the region. Initially a vast lake basin was formed during the early-Middle Miocene period. The lacustrine sediments underwent an approximately N-S shortening deformation to the end of Middle Miocene. A small portion of the basin fill was later trapped within the N-S-trending, fault-bounded graben basin, the Çubukluda? graben, opened during the Late Miocene. Oblique-slip normal faults with minor sinistral displacement are formed possibly under N–S extensional regime, and controlled the sediment deposition. Following this the region suffered a phase of denudation which produced a regionwide erosional surface suggesting that the extension interrupted to the end of Late Miocene–Early Pliocene period. After this event the E–W-trending major grabens and horsts of western Anatolia began to form. The graben bounding faults cut across the Upper Miocene–Pliocene lacustrine sediments and fragmented the erosional surface. The Çubukluda? graben began to work as a cross garden between the E–W grabens, since that period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(1-3):45-55
Field studies on the Neogene successions in south of İzmir reveal that subsequent Neogene continental basins were developed in the region. Initially a vast lake basin was formed during the Early–Middle Miocene period. The lacustrine sediments underwent an approximately N–S shortening deformation to the end of Middle Miocene. A small portion of the basin fill was later trapped within the N–S-trending, fault-bounded graben basin, the Çubukludağ graben, opened during the Late Miocene. Oblique-slip normal faults with minor sinistral displacement are formed possibly under N–S extensional regime, and controlled the sediment deposition. Following this the region suffered a phase of denudation which produced a regionwide erosional surface suggesting that the extension interrupted to the end of Late Miocene–Early Pliocene period. After this event the E–W-trending major grabens and horsts of western Anatolia began to form. The graben bounding faults cut across the Upper Miocene–Pliocene lacustrine sediments and fragmented the erosional surface. The Çubukludağ graben began to work as a cross graben between the E–W grabens, since that period.  相似文献   

During late Early to Late Cretaceous, the Peruvian coastal margin underwent fast and oblique subduction and was characterized by important arc plutonism (the Peruvian Coastal Batholith) and formation of volcanosedimentary basins known as the Western Peruvian Trough (WPT). We present high-precision U–Pb ages and initial Hf isotopic compositions of zircon from conformable volcanic and crosscutting intrusive rocks within submarine volcanosedimentary strata of the WPT hosting the Perubar massive sulfide deposit. Zircons extracted from both the volcanic and intrusive rocks yield concordant U–Pb ages ranging from 67.89±0.18 Ma to 69.71±0.18 Ma, indicating that basin subsidence, submarine volcanism and plutonic activity occurred in close spatial and temporal relationship within the Andean magmatic arc during the Late Cretaceous. Field observations, satellite image interpretation, and plate reconstructions, suggest that dextral wrenching movements along crustal lineaments were related to oblique subduction. Wrench tectonics is therefore considered to be the trigger for the formation of the WPT as a series of pull-apart basins and for the emplacement of the Coastal Batholith. The zircon initial Hf values of the dated magmatic rocks fall between 5.5 and 7.4, and indicate only very subordinate influence of a sedimentary or continental component. The absence of inherited cores in the zircons suggest a complete lack of old basement below the WPT, in agreement with previous U–Pb and Sr isotopic data for batholithic rocks emplaced in the WPT area. This is supported by the presence of a most likely continuous block of dense (~3.0 g/cm3) material observed beneath the WPT area on gravimetric crustal cross sections. We suggest that this gravimetric anomaly may correspond to a piece of lithospheric mantle and/or oceanic crust inherited from a possible Late Permian–Triassic rifting. Such young and mafic crust was the most probable source for arc magmatism in the WPT area.  相似文献   

The major, trace and rare earth element (REE) contents of metapelite (MPL), metapsammite (MPS) and metamarl (MM) samples from the Cambro-Ordovician Seydi?ehir Formation were analyzed to investigate their provenance and tectonic setting. The MPS, MPL, and MM samples have variable SiO2 concentrations, with average values of 72.36, 55.54, and 20.95 wt%, moderate SiO2/Al2O3 ratios (means of 6.88, 3.23, and 3.80), moderate to high Fe2O3 + MgO contents (means of 5.14, 9.55, 3.56 wt%), and high K2O/Na2O ratios (means of 3.26, 3.64, 2.90), respectively. On average, the chemical index of alteration (CIA) values of the MPS and the MPL are 65.87 and 71.96, respectively, while the chemical index of weathering (CIW) values are 74.54 and 85.09, respectively. These data record an intermediate to high degree of alteration (weathering) of plagioclase to illite/kaolinite in the samples’ provenance. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of all the sample groups are similar and are characterized by subparallel light rare earth elements (LREE)-enriched, relatively flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns with pronounced Eu anomalies (mean of 0.69) and moderate fractionation [average (La/Yb)N = 8.7]. Plots of sediments in ternary diagrams of La, Th, Sc and elemental ratios (La/Sc, Th/Sc, Cr/Th, Eu/Eu*, La/Lu, Co/Th, La/Sc and Sc/Th), which are critical for determining provenance, and REE patterns indicate that the metaclastic units of the Seydi?ehir Formation were derived dominantly from felsic to intermediate magmatic rocks and not from a mafic source. The La–Sc–Th and Th–Sc–Zr/10 ternary diagrams of the Seydi?ehir Formation are typical of continental island arc/active continental margin tectonic settings. The geologic location and geochemistry of the Seydi?ehir Formation suggest that it was deposited in an Andean-type retroarc foreland basin during the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician period. The Neoproterozoic intermediate to felsic magmatic rocks and metaclastic sediments with felsic origins of the Sand?kl?–Afyon Basement Complex (SBC) and their equivalent units, which are thought to be overlain by the younger units in the study area, may be the dominant source rocks for the Seydi?ehir Formation.  相似文献   

In this study, natural and artificial radionuclide activity concentrations in surface soils of Kücük Menderes Basin have been measured using gamma spectroscopy. The soil samples were collected from agricultural lands in the Kücük Menderes Basin in Turkey. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in the soils were found to be range of 12.63 ± 2.28–72.51 ± 11.23, 11.45 ± 2.4–58.12 ± 4.76, 234.8 ± 14.85–1058.52 ± 24 Bq kg?1 dw and 2.31 ± 0.18–7.75 ± 1.14 Bq kg?1, respectively. The natural gamma radioactivity of the terrestrial radionuclides in soil samples and the gamma absorbed dose rate, the annual effective dose equivalent, the radium equivalent activity, the external hazard index, were calculated and compared with the international recommended values.  相似文献   

The Altos Cuchumatanes Range is made up of a core of igneous and metamorphic rocks, surrounded by lower Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary strata. These units constitute the westernmost exposure of basement rocks in Guatemala and represent some of the most important crustal units in the Maya Block. New laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U-Pb zircon geochronology allows better definition of their igneous ages, inheritance and petrologic evolution. The Altos Cuchumatanes magmatism occurred during the Middle Ordovician (461 Ma) and lower Pennsylvanian (312–317 Ma), replicating similar age trends present in southern Mexico (Acatlán Complex) and the Maya Block, from Chiapas to central Guatemala (Rabinal-Salamá area) and Belize (Maya Mountains). The U-Pb inheritance from cores of the studied zircons makes it possible to decipher the pre-magmatic history of the area. During the Late Ordovician to Permo-Carboniferous, the Altos Cuchumatanes and Maya Block were located adjacent to northeastern Mexico, near the Mixteco terrane, where Ordovician megacrystic granites intruded a passive-margin sedimentary sequence. The Ordovician granites present at the southern limit of the Maya Block, in the Altos Cuchumatanes, in central Guatemala and in Belize, are the result of partial crustal melting during the initial opening of the Rheic Ocean, when both Maya and Mixteco terranes would have lain close to NW Gondwana until the closure of that ocean. The crystallization of the early Pennsylvanian granites seems to be the result of an E-dipping subduction zone that accommodated convergence between Laurentia and Gondwana.  相似文献   

Granitic metapegmatites of two crystalline units of the western Bohemian massif, the Zone of Erbendorf-Vohenstrauss in Germany (ZEV), and the Zone of Teplá-Doma?lice in the Czech Republic (ZTD) have been dated by means of U–Pb and Rb–Sr methods. Ages interpreted to reflect emplacement and crystallisation of the pegmatites were found consistently to be approximately 480?Ma, as constrained by U–Pb analyses of primary magmatic zircon, monazite, garnet and columbite, and by Rb–Sr analyses of large pegmatitic muscovites. Later Devonian amphibolite-facies metamorphism caused ductile shearing of the pegmatites, leading to partial recrystallisation of pegmatitic material. A metamorphic, fine-grained generation of muscovite yielded consistent Rb–Sr ages of 371–376?Ma for both the ZEV and the ZTD, interpreted as dating the end of deformational activity. The Rb–Sr system of the large pegmatitic muscovites turned out to remain closed up to metamorphic temperatures of >600?°C. Deformation at elevated temperatures is identified as the dominant mechanism for opening of the Rb–Sr system of primary muscovites: apparent ages grade towards Devonian ages as the muscovites become more deformed and fragmented. The data derived from the metapegmatites point to a similar or common tectonometamorphic evolution for the ZEV and the ZTD since the Ordovician. Furthermore, the magmatic formation of granitic pegmatites implies an upper crustal position of the intruded rocks in Lower Ordovician times, clearly documenting the existence of two distinct metamorphic cycles. In contrast to this, in the neighbouring part of the Moldanubian, only unmetamorphosed granitic pegmatites with intrusion ages around 320?Ma are observed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the occurrence of dolostone and the mechanism of dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Gölbo?az? Formation in the allochthonous Taurus Mountains Alada? unit in Turkey. The Upper Devonian Gölbo?az? Formation carbonates, with dominant ostracod-bearing mudstone and wackestone, formed tidal and subtidal environments, and some of these rocks were dolomitized from shallow to deep burial. On the basis of the field, the petrographic and geochemical features, four different replaceable and cement dolostone phases have been recognized. The replacive dolostones contain (1) very fine to fine crystalline planar-s dolostone (df1), (2) medium to coarse crystalline planar-s to planar-e dolostone (df2), (3) coarse to very coarse crystalline non-planar-a dolostone (df3), and (4) coarse to very coarse crystalline planar dolostone cement (df4). The replacive dolostones are disordered to moderate the ordered and calcium-rich. They are non-stoichiometric and have 46–59 mol% CaCO3 and 41–54 mol% MgCO3 total contents. The df1 dolostones have MgCO3 contents of 41–54 mol%, the df2 dolostones have 41–53 mol%, the df3 dolostones have 49 mol%, and the df4 dolostones have 49–50 mol%, respectively. The Gölbo?az? dolostones have δ18O values of ?9.44 to ?2.20‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) and δ13C values of ?1.58 to +2.52 VPDB. Sr, Na, Mn, and Fe concentrations of replacive dolostones are 74–184, 148–593, below detection level (bdl)–619, and 1049–9233 ppm, respectively. The petrographic and geochemical data demonstrate that the replacive dolostones occurred prior to the chemical compaction at shallow to intermediate burial depths from Late Devonian seawater and/or seawater lightly modified by water–rock interaction process and later recrystallized by basinal brines at increasing burial depths and temperature. The North American Shale Composite-normalized rare earth element values of both limestone and dolostone show very similar rare earth element patterns characterized by slightly or considerably negative cerium (Ce) anomalies and a clear depletion in all rare earth element species. The dedolomitization observed in the Gölbo?az? Formation is thought to occur by the oxidizing effect of the meteoric water in the shallow burial environment during the telodiagenesis.  相似文献   

The western Anatolian volcanic province formed during Eocene to Recent times is one of the major volcanic belts in the Aegean–western Anatolian region. We present new chemical (whole-rock major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopes) and new Ar/Ar age data from the Miocene volcanic rocks in the NE–SW-trending Neogene basins that formed on the northern part of the Menderes Massif during its exhumation as a core complex. The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are classified as high-K calc-alkaline (HKVR), shoshonitic (SHVR) and ultrapotassic (UKVR), with the Late Miocene basalts being transitional between the early-middle Miocene volcanics and the Na-alkaline Quaternary Kula volcanics (QKV). The early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks are strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), have high 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.70631–0.71001), low 143Nd/144Nd(i) (0.512145–0.512488) and high Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.838–19.148; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.672–15.725; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.904–39.172). The high field strength element (HFSE) ratios of the most primitive early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks indicate that they were derived from a mantle source with a primitive mantle (PM)-like composition. The HFSE ratios of the late Miocene basalts and QKV, on the other hand, indicate an OIB-like mantle origin—a hypothesis that is supported by their trace element patterns and isotopic compositions. The HFSE ratios of the early-middle Miocene volcanic rocks also indicate that their mantle source was distinct from those of the Eocene volcanic rocks located further north, and of the other volcanic provinces in the region. The mantle source of the SHVR and UKVR was influenced by (1) trace element and isotopic enrichment by subduction-related metasomatic events and (2) trace element enrichment by “multi-stage melting and melt percolation” processes in the lithospheric mantle. The contemporaneous SHVR and UKVR show little effect of upper crustal contamination. Trace element ratios of the HKVR indicate that they were derived mainly from lower continental crustal melts which then mixed with mantle-derived lavas (~20–40%). The HKVR then underwent differentiation from andesites to rhyolites via nearly pure fractional crystallization processes in the upper crust, such that have undergone a two-stage petrogenetic evolution.  相似文献   

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