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结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把天然粘土的变形看作是由结构的破坏引起的。总的变形由结构性粘土的弹性变形、结构面的滑移塑性变形和结构体破损引起的的损伤塑性变形组成。把滑移屈服面看作可以扩大、旋转的运动硬化面,并作为边界面,通过内插塑性模量来描述滑移塑性变形。采用损伤边界面,通过规定加荷或反向加荷产生损伤变形,卸荷不产生损伤变形来描述损伤塑性变形。建立了结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型,并用试验进行了验证。  相似文献   

循环荷载作用下黏土改进边界面模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李剑  陈善雄  姜领发 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):387-392
为克服边界面模型应用不便、不能反映卸载过程中土体的弹塑性性质的缺陷,提出了一个循环荷载作用下可考虑弹塑性加、卸载过程的重塑黏土改进边界面模型。模型采用了简单的边界面形式,可大大简化该模型理论的推导与计算;采取了不预先定义边界面大小的方式,有效地降低了改进边界面模型在应用过程中的经验性;加入边界面胀缩规则,使模型可考虑土样卸载过程中的弹塑性性质,进而可反映土样的滞回特性。通过对重塑黏土进行循环三轴数值模拟试验,并与真实试验结果进行对比分析,验证了改进边界面模型的合理性和有效性。数值验证结果表明,改进边界面模型具有物理意义明确、参数易于确定、形式相对简单的特点,且该模型计算精度较高,计算结果与试验结果吻合得较好。  相似文献   

考虑循环载荷下饱和黏土软化的损伤边界面模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡存  刘海笑  黄维 《岩土力学》2012,33(2):459-466
研究表明,循环载荷作用下饱和黏土将发生软化,其机制主要有两个:一是孔压的积累;二是土体原有结构的不断损伤和新结构的不断重塑。针对上述机制,基于广义各向同性硬化准则建立了考虑饱和黏土循环软化的损伤单面模型。该模型在有效应力空间中引入损伤变量,表征土体结构的损伤和重塑程度,在连续的循环加载下,损伤不断累积,边界面则随着损伤的累积不断收缩,以模拟饱和黏土刚度和强度的软化;以应力反向点作为边界面的广义各向同性硬化中心和映射法则的映射中心,灵活地选择塑性模量的插值公式以模拟塑性变形和孔压的累积以及应力-应变的滞回特性。应用该模型对不排水循环三轴试验进行模拟,并且考查了循环周次、循环应力水平和固结历史对饱和黏土循环软化特性的影响,并与相关试验比较,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

杨召焕  王建华 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):63-71
在临界状态弹塑性力学的框架内,建立了可以考虑循环荷载作用下各向异性对饱和软土力学特性影响的边界面塑性模型。该模型采用非关联的流动法则,引入了反映土体各向异性的内变量,利用该内变量的初始值描述初始各向异性,采用一种理论更为严谨、模型参数确定更为恰当的旋转硬化法则描述循环加载过程中各向异性的演化,利用更新映射中心的径向映射法则和与塑性偏应变路径长度有关的塑性模量插值规律,保证模型能够模拟循环加载时应力-应变响应的非线性、滞回性、应变累积性等基本特性,解释了模型参数的物理意义和确定方法,特别是给出了一种合理确定描述土体初始各向异性状态变量方法。通过文献中等压固结和偏压固结饱和黏土的循环三轴试验结果与模型预测结果的对比验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

胡存  刘海笑 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):2807-2814
天然土体的初始各向异性通常可对其后继循环特性产生显著影响。现有考虑循环载荷作用的土体弹塑性模型,往往采用类似修正剑桥模型的椭圆形屈服面,已有研究表明,该椭圆形屈服面因其拉伸弹性区域偏大,针对天然K0固结状态的土体,其计算精度较差。基于新近提出的广义各向同性硬化准则,在边界面方程中引入初始各向异性张量,并采用空间滑动面破坏准则(SMP)的变换应力法,建立了能考虑饱和黏土初始各向异性的循环边界面塑性模型。分别针对等压和偏压固结的饱和黏土静、动三轴试验进行模拟,结果表明,该模型能合理反映土体的初始各向异性及其后继循环动力特性。  相似文献   

基于临界状态土力学框架,建立了一个适用于往返循环荷载作用的砂土边界面本构模型。采用无纯弹性域假设,认为受到反向荷载的瞬时土体就产生塑性变形,砂土的弹性区域退化为一个点。屈服面为倒子弹头型,由于砂土孔隙比与压力之间不存在惟一对应的关系,使得屈服面大小无法与体积应变直接耦合,故采用塑性偏应变而不是剑桥模型那种塑性体应变作为硬化参数。流动法则采用加入状态参数的修正的Rowe应力剪胀关系,体现了依赖状态的剪胀思想。屈服面大小的比值 反映了塑性模量的演化,并推导了 的表达式。只用1套参数,该模型就能合理地模拟砂土在不同密度和固结压力下循环荷载的应力-应变关系曲线。  相似文献   

冶小平  孙强  王媛媛  李厚恩  薛雷 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1099-1102
简要地介绍了Herle和Kolymbas针对黏土建立的亚塑性本构模型的方法。结合黏土的特性以及对响应包络线的分析,详细地列出了HK模型几个尚未解决的问题,并对该模型3个参数分别进行了改进,建立了改进后的HK亚塑性公式以及参数的确定方法。改进后的模型继承了HK模型参数少、易确定以及公式简洁等特点,使HK模型不仅具有严密的数学和力学基础,而且具有较好的实际意义。  相似文献   

祝恩阳  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3101-3110
在描述重塑土的统一硬化模型(UH模型)基础上,以动态地移动正常固结线(MNCL)代替静态的正常固结线(NCL)作为参考线来确定参考应力,将土的结构性衰减体现在MNCL的演化中,从而把UH模型扩展为可考虑土结构性的结构性土UH模型。结构性土UH模型可以合理地并连续光滑地描述结构性土的等向压缩规律、应变硬化、应变软化、剪切体积收缩、剪切体积膨胀、不排水剪切减压软化以及结构性和密度耦合影响等力学特性。相比于UH模型,结构性土UH模型新增3个参数,分别用于描述结构性的程度、衰减速度、以及塑性流动规律。通过3种天然土的试验结果与模型预测对比验证了结构性土UH 模型的合理性。  相似文献   

A unified constitutive model for unsaturated soils is presented in a critical state framework using the concepts of effective stress and bounding surface plasticity theory. Consideration is given to the effects of unsaturation and particle crushing in the definition of the critical state. A simple isotropic elastic rule is adopted. A loading surface and a bounding surface of the same shape are defined using simple and versatile functions. The bounding surface and elastic rules lead to the existence of a limiting isotropic compression line, towards which the stress trajectories of all isotropic compression load paths approach. A non‐associated flow rule of the same general form is assumed for all soil types. Isotropic hardening/softening occurs due to changes in plastic volumetric strains as well as suction for some unsaturated soils, enabling the phenomenon of volumetric collapse upon wetting to be accounted for. The model is used to simulate the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated speswhite kaolin subjected to three triaxial test load paths. The fit between simulation and experiment is improved compared to that of other constitutive models developed using conventional Cam‐Clay‐based plasticity theory and calibrated using the same set of data. Also, the model is used to simulate to a high degree of accuracy the stress–strain behaviour observed in unsaturated Kurnell sand subjected to two triaxial test load paths and the oedometric compression load path. For oedometric compression theoretical simulations indicate that the suction was not sufficiently large to cause samples to separate from the confining ring. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑循环软化特性的饱和软土弹塑性本构关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程星磊  王建华 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):786-794
将软化指数关系与非等向硬化模量场理论相结合,研究了可描述循环荷载作用下饱和软土软化特性的增量弹塑性模型。该模型借助硬化模量的插值和映射中心的移动,在偏应力空间中构造硬化模量的演化规则;通过在弹塑性模量插值函数中引入初始弹塑性模量软化系数,模拟循环荷载作用下软土的刚度软化特性;通过引入硬化模量调整系数,增强循环加载时应力-应变曲线的滞回特性;再通过引入反映应变累积速率和大小的模型参数,描述循环加载时软土的应变累积特性。利用Idriss提出的指数关系式近似拟合软化系数随应力循环次数的变化关系,并通过引入循环应力参数建立了循环软化系数与静应力水平和循环应力水平的关系。阐述了确定模型参数的方法,并利用模型预测了相关试验结果,通过预测结果与试验结果的对比,验证了该模型描述循环荷载作用下软土软化特性的可行性。  相似文献   

基于细观分析的黏土本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐辉  王靖涛  张光永  钱勤 《岩土力学》2007,28(11):2297-2302
根据黏性土在固结排水条件下的加、卸载变形特征,分析了孔隙水,固体骨架在不同变形阶段的力学响应行为,按照细观力学分析中的自洽方法,建立了在固结排水条件下的黏土损伤本构模型。模型中考虑了孔隙水和固体骨架在加、卸载阶段的不同特性,认为在损伤阶段整体剪切模量的降低是由固体骨架颗粒接触面滑移而引起,与骨架中滑动相的体积百分比和滑动相的剪切模量有关,并给出了求解整体变形模量的解析方法,最后将模型预测与不同初始固结压力,不同应力路径的排水试验结果作了比较,证明该模型是合理的。  相似文献   

祝恩阳  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1915-1922
在孔隙比与应力半对数坐标中,重塑土等向压缩线通常从正常固结线(NCL)下方逐渐趋近于NCL,整个过程中压缩线切线斜率大小单调增大。而对结构性土进行等向压缩时,因结构性的存在,压缩线会首先越至NCL之上,而后再从上方逐渐趋近于NCL,整个过程中压缩线切线斜率先增大后减小。重塑土与结构性土压缩线切线斜率演化在单调性方面的差异,可通过数学上增量函数构造的方法加以实现。如果在平面直角坐标系中以一水平线作为参考线,描述一过原点的函数曲线,使其上任意一处的切线斜率由该处函数值与参考线函数值的差决定,则参考线是否移动决定了所描述函数切线斜率演化的单调性。受此启发,在孔隙比与应力半对数坐标中提出移动正常固结线(MNCL)的概念。用MNCL代替NCL作为参考线,结合统一硬化模型(UH模型)的理论框架,建立了结构性土压缩变形的本构描述。  相似文献   

结构性粘土的堆砌体模型   总被引:50,自引:18,他引:50  
天然粘土一般都具有结构性, 其变形过程必然伴随着结构的破坏。 提出了一种新型的堆砌体模型, 用以描述这种结构破坏现象。 这一模型把变形过程中的结构性土看作不同大小土块的集合体, 总的变形将由土块的弹性变形、土块之间滑动引起的塑性变形和土块破碎引起的损伤变形三部分组成。 塑性变形常用屈服函数描述, 损伤变形则可以引入一种类似的损伤函数加以描述。推导了相应的应力应变关系式并提出了模型参数的测定方法。  相似文献   

A bounding surface model is formulated to simulate the behavior of clays that are subject to an anisotropic consolidation stress history. Conventional rotational hardening is revisited from the perspective of thermodynamics. As the free energy cannot be accumulated infinitely upon critical state failure, the deviatoric back stress must vanish. This requires the rotated yield surface to be turned back to eventually align on the hydrostatic axis in the stress plane. Noting that most of the previous propositions violate this restriction, an innovative rotational hardening rule is formulated that is thermodynamically admissible. The bounding surface framework that employs the modified yield surface is applied to simulate elastoplastic deformations for overconsolidated clays, with which the overprediction of strength on the “dry” side can be greatly improved with reasonable results. Other important features, including contractive or dilative response and hardening or softening behavior, can also be well-captured. It has been shown that the model can simulate three types of reconstituted clays that are sheared with initial conditions over a wide range of anisotropic consolidation stress ratios and overconsolidation ratios under both triaxial undrained and drained conditions. Limitations and potential improvement of the model regarding the fabric anisotropy at critical state have been discussed.  相似文献   

Most existing hydromechanical models for unsaturated soils are not able to fully capture the nonlinearity of stress–strain curves at small strains (less than 1%). They cannot therefore, for example, accurately predict ground movements and the performance of many earth structures under working conditions. To tackle this problem, a state‐dependent bounding surface plasticity model has been newly developed. Particularly, the degradation of shear modulus with strain at small strains ranging from 0.001% to 1% is focused. The proposed model is formulated in terms of mean average skeleton stress, deviator stress, suction, specific volume and degree of saturation. Void ratio‐dependent hydraulic hysteresis is coupled with the stress–strain behaviour. Different from other elastoplastic models for unsaturated soils, plastic strains are allowed inside bounding surfaces. In this paper, details of model formulations and calibration procedures of model parameters are presented. To evaluate the capability of the new model, it is applied to simulate a series of triaxial compression tests on compacted unsaturated silt at various suctions. Effects of suction, drying and wetting as well as net stress on unsaturated soil behaviour are well captured. The model shows good predictions of the degradation of shear modulus with strain over a wide range of strains from 0.001% to 1%. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

堆石料三维边界面模型在FLAC3D中的开发与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶惠  陈育民  肖杨  刘汉龙 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1801-1808
堆石料三维边界面模型结合了统一非线性强度准则,可以反映三维应力空间堆石料的应变硬化、软化以及体积收缩和剪胀等传统本构模型难以反映的力学特性。基于三维边界面模型的基本理论,通过FLAC3D提供的二次开发平台,在VC++环境下实现了三维边界面本构模型的二次开发,并给出基于FLAC3D程序的边界面本构模型开发的关键步骤、编程要点和调试方法。利用开发的本构模型,开展了三轴压缩试验的数值模拟计算,并与理论值进行了对比分析。结果表明,嵌入在FLAC3D中的三维边界面本构模型能够较好地反映设定试验条件下的材料性能,而且三维边界面本构模型模型参数简单,都可从常规三轴试验获得,从而验证了三维边界面模型二次开发程序的优越性与合理性。  相似文献   

考虑土体结构性的弹塑性软化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾军军  卢廷浩 《岩土力学》2007,28(6):1091-1094
采用在原料土中掺入水泥的方法,人工制备试样模拟天然大孔隙结构性土。根据人工制备试样在不同应力路径下等应力比压缩试验结果,确定出结构性土体初始屈服面和初始屈服后塑性应变增量方向;另外,根据三轴排水剪切试验结果建立了土体屈服后硬化规律。在此基础上,提出了一个能够反映土体结构性的弹塑性应变软化模型,并用试验进行了验证。结果表明,所建模型能够较好地反映结构性土体的应力变形规律。  相似文献   

In this paper, a phenomenological constitutive model is proposed to simulate the stress–strain behaviours of intact rocks with shear failure mode. The model captures a wide range of behaviours of rock material such as elastic, plastic, strain softening, ‘Class II’, strain localization, elastic modulus degradation, etc. The sensitivity of the stress–strain relation on the parameters is also investigated. Typical results obtained by testing a number of granite and marble specimens are used to validate the proposed model. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hypoplastic constitutive model for clays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new constitutive model for clays. The model is developed on the basis of generalized hypoplasticity principles, which are combined with traditional critical state soil mechanics. The positions of the isotropic normal compression line and the critical state line correspond to the Modified Cam clay model, the Matsuoka–Nakai failure surface is taken as the limit stress criterion and the non‐linear behaviour of soils with different overconsolidation ratios is governed by the generalized hypoplastic formulation. The model requires five constitutive parameters, which correspond to the parameters of the Modified Cam clay model and are simple to calibrate on the basis of standard laboratory experiments. This makes the model particularly suitable for practical applications. The basic model may be simply enhanced by the intergranular strain concept, which allows reproducing the behaviour at very small strains. The model is evaluated on the basis of high quality laboratory experiments on reconstituted London clay. Contrary to a reference hypoplastic relation, the proposed model may be applied to highly overconsolidated clays. Improvement of predictions in the small strain range at different stress levels is also demonstrated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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