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魏星  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1811-1816
剑桥模型只适用于正常固结软黏土,不能描述不等向固结土的应力-应变行为的各向异性特性。基于剑桥模型,在其椭圆屈服面中引入各向异性张量和一个形状参数,建立了一个各向异性屈服面,提出了一个适用于等向和不等向固结软黏土的本构模型。各向异性张量的初始值由初始固结应力状态确定,其演化过程由一个与塑性剪应变和塑性体应变都有关的硬化法则描述。形状参数的引入保证了各向异性屈服面的灵活性和适应性。通过对Boston Blue黏土、高岭土和Otaniemi黏土的三轴试验结果的模拟,验证了模型的模拟能力。  相似文献   

魏星  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):43-46
自然土体处于初始应力状态,其强度和应力-应变关系都呈现出各向异性,而以往广泛使用的剑桥模型是建立在重塑土试验结果的基础上的,因此,计算实际问题时有一定缺陷.在总结了一些在修正剑桥模型基础上进行扩展而得到的各向异性模型,尤其是S-CLAY1模型.然后,假定了初始屈服面的倾角为K0线,这样使S-CLAY1的计算更加简单.此外,还编制了相关程序,进行了比较计算.结果表明,该模型简单合理,参数正确,可以在实际工程中应用.  相似文献   

陈波  孙德安  金盼 《岩土力学》2015,36(3):730-738
在深入探讨海相沉积原状软黏土压缩、变形等力学特性和详细分析加载屈服面随荷载情况变化的基础上,确认了海相沉积原状软黏土的强度、变形特性与结构屈服应力密切相关。即当固结压力小于结构屈服应力时,其力学特性与超固结重塑土的力学特性类似;当固结压力大于结构屈服应力时,其力学特性与正常固结重塑土的力学特性类似。为描述海相沉积原状软黏土的上述力学特性,将姚仰平等提出的超固结重塑土本构模型引入到海相沉积软黏土弹塑性本构模型的构建中。在本构模型构建过程中,考虑了海相沉积原状软黏土具有的抗拉强度及其演化规律,软黏土强度包线的特点及其进一步修正的表达式,使模型更符合海相原状软黏土的强度、变形特性。最后,将3种不同海相沉积软黏土固结排水剪切试验得到的应力-应变-体变曲线与模型预测结果进行对比。比较结果显示,本文提出的弹塑性本构模型能很好地描述海相沉积原状软黏土的剪缩硬化、剪胀软化以及变形的应力水平依存性等力学特性。  相似文献   

The paper describes and evaluates an incremental plasticity constitutive model for unsaturated, anisotropic, nonexpansive soils (CMUA). It is based on the modified Cam-Clay (MCC) model for saturated soils and enhances it by introducing anisotropy (via rotation of the MCC yield surface) and an unsaturated compressibility framework describing a double dependence of compressibility on suction and on the degree of saturation of macroporosity. As the anisotropic and unsaturated features can be activated independently, the model is downwards compatible with the MCC model. The CMUA model can simulate effectively: the dependence of compressibility on the level of developed anisotropy, uniqueness of critical state independent of the initial anisotropy, an evolving compressibility during constant suction compression, and a maximum of collapse. The model uses Bishop's average skeleton stress as its first constitutive variable, favouring its numerical implementation in commercial numerical analysis codes (eg, finite element codes) and a unified treatment of saturated and unsaturated material states.  相似文献   

王秋生 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3179-3185
临界状态土力学中孔隙比-平均有效压力 坐标下 压缩线和临界状态线可以简化为平行的直线,倾斜的椭圆屈服面是能够考虑土体各向异性的数学表达最简单的屈服面形式。结合临界状态土力学理论和倾斜的椭圆屈服面方程,给出了轴对称和平面应变情况下 固结软黏土的临界不排水强度比的解析式,通过一些试验数据对这些解析式进行了验证,最后给出了便于工程应用的临界不排水强度比关于有效内摩擦角的简易表达式。  相似文献   

于小军  施建勇  徐杨斌 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3307-3312
以大量试验结果为依据,运用物理意义明确、获取简便快捷、经济实用的土电阻率结构指标进行软黏土扰动变量的表征和测定。以三轴试验与电阻率测试结果为基础,进行了扰动函数的构建。在软黏土扰动状态描述中,引入旋转硬化因子,用以考虑应力诱发各向异性,进而构建了考虑各向异性的软黏土扰动状态概念本构模型。模型从一定程度上克服了传统扰动变量获取方法的弊端,克服了传统借用数学演绎手段建立扰动函数的不足,提高了模型应用的适用性。在模型构建中,融入初始应力各向异性的影响,从而使模型能更好地反映软土实际工程情况。三轴排水剪切试验验证结果表明,该模型可较好反映软黏土受荷下的结构变化情况和受力特性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new viscohypoplastic model for soft clays accounting for their typical features—strength anisotropy and rate dependency. The model is based on the hypoplastic model for clays enhanced by the anisotropic shape of the asymptotic state boundary surface. It has been shown that if the surface is skewed, the model predicts different ultimate strength in compression and in extension. Additional enhancement makes the tensor L bilinear in the strain rate, which more realistically predicts the stress paths of K0 consolidated samples. The new model has been evaluated by simulating laboratory experiments on soft marine clays (Singapore and Bangkok clays). The model can be easily calibrated using only undrained triaxial and odometer tests. The model is subsequently enhanced by the rate effects. The resulting viscohypoplastic model has been evaluated using experiments of remolded kaolin clay and St. Herblain clay. It is shown that the enhanced model can predict important features of soil viscous behavior, such as rate dependency of strength and preconsolidation pressure, relaxation, and creep.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of constitutive models have been proposed to describe mathematically the mechanical response of natural clays. Some of these models are characterized by complex formulations, often leading to non‐trivial problems in their numerical integration in finite elements codes. The paper describes a fully implicit stress‐point algorithm for the numerical integration of a single‐surface mixed isotropic–kinematic hardening plasticity model for structured clays. The formulation of the model stems from a compromise between its capability of reproducing the larger number of features characterizing the behaviour of structured clays and the possibility of developing a robust integration algorithm for its implementation in a finite elements code. The model is characterized by an ellipsoid‐shaped yield function, inside which a stress‐dependent reversible stiffness is accounted for by a non‐linear hyperelastic formulation. The isotropic part of the hardening law extends the standard Cam‐Clay one to include plastic strain‐driven softening due to bond degradation, while the kinematic hardening part controls the evolution of the position of the yield surface in the stress space. The proposed algorithm allows the consistent linearization of the constitutive equations guaranteeing the quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence in the global‐level Newton–Raphson iterative procedure. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the proposed algorithm are evaluated with reference to the numerical simulations of single element tests and the analysis of a typical geotechnical boundary value problem. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

上海软土各向异性弹塑性模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据同济大学真三轴仪所做的上海典型软土的排水试验、Kirkgard和Lade真三轴仪所做的旧金山湾淤泥的不排水试验资料,以及日本太田—关口(0hta—Sikiguchi)模型,提出上海各向异性弹塑性模型(简称上海软土模型),该模型包括形状函数、屈服函数、应力—应变关系。为了证明模型的合理性,从理论和试验中对形状函数和屈服函数进行了检验。最后,提供了上海软土模型的有关参数。  相似文献   

结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把天然粘土的变形看作是由结构的破坏引起的。总的变形由结构性粘土的弹性变形、结构面的滑移塑性变形和结构体破损引起的的损伤塑性变形组成。把滑移屈服面看作可以扩大、旋转的运动硬化面,并作为边界面,通过内插塑性模量来描述滑移塑性变形。采用损伤边界面,通过规定加荷或反向加荷产生损伤变形,卸荷不产生损伤变形来描述损伤塑性变形。建立了结构性粘土的边界面砌块体模型,并用试验进行了验证。  相似文献   

李潇旋  李涛  李舰  张涛 《岩土力学》2020,41(4):1153-1160
非饱和黏土的结构性能够显著影响其力学特性。基于非饱和土经典模型BBM(Barcelona basic model)和一种可描述循环塑性的硬化法则,引入体积破损率的作为标准土体结构破损的参数,建立了一个描述常吸力下非饱和结构性黏土静态及动态力学特性的弹塑性双面模型。模型在应力空间中包含与重塑非饱和土屈服面几何相似的结构性边界面和加载面,采用径向映射法则和可移动的记忆中心原理,通过结构性边界面和加载面在应力空间中的演化来反映循环加载过程中非饱和结构性黏土的循环塑性特征和结构损伤过程。通过与相关非饱和黏土控制吸力试验数据的比较,表明该模型能够较好地反映静态加载下非饱和结构性黏土的力学特性,而模型预测的循环荷载下的应力?应变特征也具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   

SANISAND is the name of a family of bounding surface plasticity constitutive models for sand within the framework of critical state theory, which have been able to realistically simulate the sand behavior under conventional monotonic and cyclic loading paths. In order to incorporate the important role of evolving fabric anisotropy, one such model was modified within the framework of the new anisotropic critical state theory and named SANISAND-F model. Yet the response under continuous stress principal axes rotation requires further modification to account for the effect of ensuing noncoaxiality on the dilatancy and plastic modulus. This modification is simpler than what is often proposed in the literature, since it does not incorporate an additional plastic loading mechanism and/or multiple dilatancy and plastic modulus expressions. The new model named SANISAND-FN is presented herein and is validated against published data for loading that includes drained stress principal axes rotation on Toyoura sand.  相似文献   

The paper presents a strainhardening constitutive model for unsaturated soil behaviour based on energy conjugated stress variables in the framework of superposed continua. The proposed constitutive law deals with hydro‐mechanical coupling phenomena. The main purpose is to develop within a consistent framework a model that can deal with possible mechanical instabilities occurring in partially saturated materials. The loss of capillary effects during wetting processes can, in fact, play a central role in unstable processes. Therefore, it will be shown that the bonding effects due to surface tensions can be described in a mathematical framework similar to that employed for bonded geomaterials to model weathering or diagenesis effects, either mechanically or chemically induced. The results of several simulations of common laboratory tests on partially saturated soil specimens are shown. The calculated behaviour appears to be in good qualitative agreement with that observed in the laboratory. In particular it is shown that volumetric collapse phenomena due to hydraulic debonding effects can be successfully described by the model. Finally, it will be highlighted the ability of the model to naturally capture the transition to a fully saturated condition and to deal with possible mechanical instabilities in the unsaturated regime. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑渐近状态特性的超固结土本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗汀  侯伟  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):683-688
基于超固结土的UH模型,结合渐近状态概念,将适用于饱和砂土的渐近状态本构模型推广为考虑渐近状态特性的超固结土本构模型,用于描述土的超固结性和渐近状态特性。通过采用变换应力方法实现了模型的三维化。新提出的本构模型简单、参数较少,与剑桥模型相比,仅增加了一个材料参数,即伏斯列夫面斜率。该模型能够合理反映超固结土的硬化、软化、临界状态、剪缩、剪胀、应力路径依赖性、渐近状态等特性。  相似文献   

软粘土的各向异性和小应变条件下的本构模型(ASM)   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
以能量方程为基础推导出各向异性和小应变条件下弹塑性的本构方程,并将屈服面与修正桥模型和试验测得的屈服面进行了对比,表明新的屈服面比修正剑桥模型更接近试验结果,采用从初始应力到状态边界面的距离为参数的系数来修正硬化准则以模拟土体小应谱条件下的应力-应变特征。将新的本构模型编入有限元程序,对小应变试验进行了计算分析,计算结果表明,新的模型比修正剑桥模型能更好地反映土体的主要力学特性。  相似文献   

徐杰  周建  罗凌晖  余良贵 《岩土力学》2020,41(2):469-476
完善的渗透各向异性模型有助于指导地下建筑施工期和运营期的排水注浆方案的选定,为了建立完善的渗透各向异性模型,利用三轴渗透仪对高岭-蒙脱混合黏土开展一系列渗透试验,并从宏观和微观两个角度尝试建立渗透各向异性模型。研究结果表明:随着膨润土掺入量增加,混合黏土中小孔隙含量不变,中孔隙含量增多,而大孔隙含量减少;随着固结应力的增大,混合黏土中孔隙均减少,且孔隙最大孔径减小;宏观参数孔隙比和液限孔隙比与渗透各向异性比之间的规律性较弱,说明孔隙比和液限孔隙比不是决定渗透各向异性比的关键参数;用微观参数表述的渗透各向异性模型有较强的规律性,说明从微观角度探究渗透各向异性模型不仅可行,而且更能揭示混合黏土渗透各向异性的本质,且微观参数模型中,用能反映较大孔隙变化的孔径指数 ~ 表述的渗透各向异性模型相关性最好。  相似文献   

It is well known that soil is inherently anisotropic and its mechanical behavior is significantly influenced by its fabric anisotropy. Hypoplasticity is increasingly being accepted in the constitutive modeling for soils, in which many salient features, such as nonlinear stress-strain relations, dilatancy, and critical state failure, can be described by a single tensorial equation. However, within the framework of hypoplasticity, modeling fabric anisotropy remains challenging, as the fabric and its evolution are often vaguely assumed without a sound basis. This paper presents a hypoplastic constitutive model for granular soils based on the newly developed anisotropic critical state theory, in which the conditions of fabric anisotropy are concurrently satisfied along with the traditional conditions at the critical state. A deviatoric fabric tensor is introduced into the Gudehus-Bauer hypoplastic model, and a scalar-valued anisotropic state variable signifying the interplay between the fabric and the stress state is used to characterize its impact on the dilatancy and strength of the soils. In addition, fabric evolution during shearing can explicitly be addressed. Modifications have also been undertaken to improve the performance of the undrained response of the model. The anisotropic hypoplastic model can simulate experimental tests for sand under various combinations of principle stress direction, intermediate principal stress (or mode of shearing), soil densities, and confining pressures, and the associated drastic effect of different principal stress orientations in reference to the material axes of anisotropy can be well captured.  相似文献   

深埋隧道层状岩体弹塑性本构模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
共和隧道围岩为薄层状灰岩,岩样试件单轴压缩全过程曲线表现为明显的各向异性,且隧道现场监测发现围岩屈服破坏也具有明显的方向性。据此选择合适的屈服准则及其强度参数随岩层倾角(与最大主应力的夹角)变化规律。结合各向异性弹性本构方程,获得横观各向同性弹塑性本构关系并利用C++语言实现。利用该本构模型对共和隧道进行数值模拟,计算结果与破坏特征基本吻合,验证了该模型的正确性,可以用于该隧道支护设计及稳定性分析。  相似文献   

The numerical predictions obtained with the Melanie and MIT-E3 models are compared. Firstly, the performance of the constitutive models is checked against undrained triaxial tests. The models are then used to replicate the behaviour of an embankment built on soft clay. The numerical results are compared with the field data in terms of settlements, lateral displacements and excess pore pressures. Additionally, the numerical predictions are also analysed in terms of yield area, contours of vertical effective stresses, horizontal effective stresses and shear stresses and in terms of effective stress paths.  相似文献   

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