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滑带土强度特性研究现状   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
刘小丽  邓建辉  李广涛 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1849-1854
滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性研究和滑坡防治工程设计具有重要意义。通过回顾国内外一些代表性工作,总结了其主要研究内容、研究方法和成果。研究内容包括5种特征强度:峰值抗剪强度、残余抗剪强度、完全软化强度、滑坡启动强度、长期抗剪强度以及相应的微观结构特征;研究方法以现场与室内试验为主,理论分析和反演分析为辅;研究成果主要反映在各种特征强度及其相互关系、剪切引起的微观结构变化特征方面。重点介绍了残余强度研究成果,包括其影响因素和数值估算。最后指出了研究工作中应该加强的几个方面,如特殊滑带土的研究(如砾质滑带土)、新的测试技术和研究方法的发展以及反分析法的正确运用等。  相似文献   

Landslides occur frequently in China. Especially, in the western part of China, large-scale landslides are notable for their scale, complex formation mechanism, and serious destruction. This paper presents some typical large-scale landslides that occurred in the southwest of China since the beginning of the twentieth century but were rarely reported worldwide. These cases represent different geological conditions and different triggering factors and mechanisms. The analysis shows that about 80% of large-scale landslides occurred in the first slope-descending zone along the eastern margin of Tibet Plateau, which is tectonically very active. The intensive interactions between the endogenic and epigenetic geological process cause serious dynamic change on the high steep slope and then result in the development of large-scale landslides. Strong earthquakes are also common in this area, and repetitive seismic activities make the slopes unstable and more vulnerable to failures. Besides earthquake, the area also experiences high rainfall, which is also responsible for triggering some of the large landslides.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed numerical study of the retrogressive failure of landslides in sensitive clays. The dynamic modelling of the landslides is carried out using a novel continuum approach, the particle finite element method, complemented with an elastoviscoplastic constitutive model. The multiwedge failure mode in the collapse is captured successfully, and the multiple retrogressive failures that have been widely observed in landslides in sensitive clays are reproduced with the failure mechanism, the kinematics, and the deposition being discussed in detail. Special attention has been paid to the role of the clay sensitivity on each retrogressive failure as well as on the final retrogression distance and the final run‐out distance via parametric studies. Moreover, the effects of the viscosity of sensitive clays on the failure are also investigated for different clay sensitivities.  相似文献   

滑带土的蠕变特性对低速缓动滑坡的形成演化过程起着控制性作用。本文选取典型的低速缓动滑坡—二庄科北区滑坡的滑带土为研究对象,在不同正应力水平作用下,通过对该滑带土的饱和试样进行直剪蠕变试验,研究了它的剪切蠕变特性。结果表明:该滑带土具有明显的蠕变特性,均包括瞬时变形、衰减蠕变和稳态蠕变3个阶段;随着剪切荷载的增大,衰减蠕变阶段及瞬时变形阶段的变形量均增大,衰减蠕变持续时间更长;其等时应力—应变曲线呈现出非线性特征,且曲线具有明显拐点;在长期荷载作用下出现强度损失,且正应力越大,强度损失越大;随着时间增大,衰减蠕变阶段的剪应变率越来越小,且剪应力越大,剪应变率越大;在蠕变破坏前的阶段,剪应变率随正应力增大而减小,即滑坡埋深越深,滑速越慢。  相似文献   

Hazard analysis of seismic submarine slope instability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the risk associated with a submarine landslide, one must estimate the probability of slope failure and its consequences. This paper proposes a procedure to estimate the probability of earthquake-induced submarine slope failure (hazard) based on probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, ground response analyses and advanced laboratory tests. The outcomes from these analyses are treated in a probabilistic framework, with analytical simulations using mathematical techniques such as the first-order reliability method, Monte Carlo simulation and Bayesian updating. Fragility curves of slope failure during the earthquake (co-seismic) and after the earthquake (post-seismic) were developed in this study, and were shown to provide a clear and well-organized procedure to estimate the annual failure probability of a submarine slope under earthquake loading.  相似文献   

Complex flow-like landslides (CFLLs) are important geomorphic agents of Late Quaternary mountain evolution in the Flysch Belt of the Outer Western Carpathians. The CFLLs are characterised by the upper section of deep-seated, retrogressive landslide of structurally unfavourably oriented rocks and lower sections composed of earthflows originated due to liquefaction of material accumulated from the upper slopes. Radiocarbon dating of organic matter incorporated into landslide debris or related deposits suggests that most of the CFLLs collapsed repeatedly throughout the Holocene with typical recurrence intervals of approximately 1–2 ka. Catastrophic landslides that occurred during extreme hydrometeorological events in recent decades displayed evidence of Holocene activity. Most of the CFLLs dammed and steepened adjacent valleys. Our chronological dataset is biased by erosion of older landforms, but most of the dated reactivations correlate to regional increases in humidity identified by previous paleoenvironmetal studies.  相似文献   

边坡渐进破坏的动态强度折减法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈国庆  黄润秋  周辉  许强  李天斌 《岩土力学》2013,34(4):1140-1146
边破的变形破坏是量变积累到质变的渐进发生过程,由坡体内部潜在滑动面的逐渐破损并扩展至整体滑面。基于强度折减法思想,提出模拟边坡渐进破坏的动态强度折减法。该方法利用屈服接近度指标YAI确定边坡的破损区域,将YAI<0.2的区域定为破损区,通过不断动态折减局部破损坡体的强度参数,使边坡潜在滑动面渐进演化至贯通,边坡达到极限平衡状态。算例计算表明,该方法可有效解决强度折减法中折减范围的问题,克服整体强度折减法破损区过大的缺陷,获得的位移变化趋势与破损区演化过程也具有良好的一致性。动态强度折减法真实再现了边坡渐进失稳过程,为强度折减法更有效地应用于边坡稳定性定量评价提供有效途径。  相似文献   

李荣年  滕延京 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3214-3220
通过10个基础模型试验,研究了钢筋混凝土扩展基础的冲剪破坏特征和破坏规律。试验结果表明,当基础宽度大于柱宽加两倍基础有效高度时,将发生冲切破坏;当基础宽度小于或等于柱宽加两倍基础有效高度时,若基础底板只配置抗弯钢筋时,基础将发生剪切破坏;当基础板按梁式配筋时,基础将发生弯曲破坏,在基础尺寸、底面纵筋相同时,柱下条形基础按基础梁配筋与按板式配筋相比,基础的延性性能和承载力都将有较大提高。建议在柱下条形基础设计时按基础梁的形式进行配筋,以避免基础发生脆性的剪切破坏。  相似文献   

膨胀土的抗剪强度是膨胀土地区路基、边坡设计的重要依据,其参数选取一直是膨胀土研究领域的重要课题.结合南阳地区膨胀土的抗剪强度研究,对其现场剪切试验的试样制备及试验方法进行探讨,提出了膨胀土抗剪强度的修改计算公式.通过反算证明,文中的现场剪切试验方法及抗剪强度的计算公式是合理的.  相似文献   

坡面形态对边坡动力变形破坏影响的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何刘  吴光  赵志明 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):111-117
采用自主制作的单向振动试验台,对不同坡面形态土质边坡进行了失稳破坏过程的模型试验研究。试验设计了凹面坡、凸面坡和凹凸面组合型3类边坡共8个模型,通过单向振动试验台施加初始位移,触发模型边坡失稳破坏,利用摄像机对模型边坡破坏过程进行跟踪记录,并对变形破坏特征进行分析。试验表明:凹面坡主要由坡面上形成的横向裂隙带动整个坡体发生破坏,而凸面坡则是由于坡顶上形成的横向裂隙带动整个坡体发生变形破坏,凹凸面组合型边坡的破坏则是受坡面凸起部位所控制;进一步研究发现,凹凸程度越强的边坡越容易发生变形破坏,其变形破坏的程度越大。研究成果有助于了解不同形态坡面边坡的破坏特征,为工程边坡设计提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高速公路中红砂岩滑坡特征及整治   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
袁从华  倪俊 《岩土力学》2004,25(5):745-748
高速公路中红砂岩切方边坡失稳普遍存在。通过对两条高速公路边坡的调查研究和整治设计可以看出,边坡失稳主要与砂岩层面顺坡向、风化及节理发育程度有关外,还与地表形态、地表水下渗条件等密切有关。分析这些因素,为以后类似边坡工程积累经验,减少边坡开挖造成滑坡,对从事类似工程的设计施工,监理人员有参考作用。  相似文献   

浙江地区引发滑坡的降雨强度-历时关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于独特的地理位置,复杂的地质、地形和气候背景,浙江成为中国降雨型滑坡(土体和岩体滑动,也包括泥石流和崩塌等)最频发的地区之一。为评价浙江地区的滑坡灾害,本文对该地区1990年至2003年雨量站记录的降雨数据进行了详细分析,确定了引发土体滑坡-泥石流的降雨强度―历时下限。  相似文献   

Development of a probabilistic approach for rock wedge failure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
For rock slope engineering, uncertainty and variability are inherent in data collected on orientation and strength of discontinuities, yielding a range of results. Unfortunately, conventional deterministic analysis based on the factor of safety concept, requires a fixed representative value for each parameter without regard to the degree of uncertainty involved. Therefore, the deterministic analysis fails to properly represent uncertainty and variability, so common in engineering geology studies. To overcome this shortcoming, the probabilistic analysis method was proposed and used for more than a decade in rock slope stability analysis. However, most probabilistic analyses included a deterministic model as part of the analysis procedure causing subsequent problems, which went uncorrected. The objectives of this paper are to develop a solution for these difficulties in probabilistic analyses and to propose an appropriate simulation procedure for the probabilistic analysis of rock wedge failures. As part of the solution, probability of kinematic instability and probability of kinetic instability are evaluated separately to provide a proper, combined evaluation for failure probability. To evaluate the feasibility of this new probabilistic approach, the procedure is applied to a practical example, a major, highway rock cut in North Carolina, USA. Results of the probabilistic approach are compared to those of the deterministic analysis; findings are significantly different, indicating that the deterministic analysis does not depict rock slope variations, particularly where significant scatter in parameter data occurs.  相似文献   

三类边坡失稳判据的统一性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将热力学理论中材料破坏的能量机制引入边坡工程中,推导了强度折减过程中边坡的能量方程,利用FLAC3D二次开发了能量的计算程序,并应用于某经典边坡算例中。通过与Spencer法的计算结果对比发现:强度折减法中边坡的稳定性与能量变化关系紧密,由此提出了4种新的失稳判据--能量突变失稳判据,且4种能量突变失稳判据理论上是统一的。通过对比发现:动能突变判据与数值计算收敛性判据、重力势能降突变判据与特征点垂直位移突变判据、耗散能增量突变判据与塑性区贯通判据分别存在对应关系,证明了常见的3类失稳判据也是统一的。通过算例试算发现,3类判据判定结果不相等主要是由收敛标准和网格精度等人为因素造成的,本质上是因为数值计算是一种近似解。工程应用中,可通过3类失稳判据判定结果的一致性来自评安全系数的计算精度,一致性越好,精度越高。提高计算精度的根本办法是严格收敛标准和精细网格划分,但应同时兼顾数值计算的时长,从而实现计算效率最大化。  相似文献   

Data from three‐dimensional experiments performed on sand in true triaxial equipment have been reviewed to sort out apparent disarray resulting from their interpretation. This has been done based on analyses made possible by recent developments and understanding of factors influencing sand behaviour: occurrence of shear banding, boundary conditions and/or specimen slenderness ratio, cross‐anisotropy, and stability of experimental technique. These factors are reviewed and test data from the literature are evaluated. Experimental data are divided into three groups in which: (a) homogeneous behaviour controls the sand strength; (b) shear banding affects the shape of the three‐dimensional failure surface in the midrange of values of b=(σ23)/(σ13), and (c) the data has been misinterpreted. Appropriate interpretation of three‐dimensional strength data for sand exhibiting isotropic, homogeneous behaviour is represented by a smoothly rounded triangular failure surface expressible in terms of the first and third stress invariants. Shear banding effects will cause the failure surface to be ‘indented’ in the midrange of b‐values in all sectors of the octahedral plane. Effects of cross‐anisotropy will result in lower strengths in sector III than in sector I of the octahedral plane, and the failure surface will appear as rotated around the stress origin in principal stress space. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

滑坡变形预测与失稳预报问题的几点讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
滑坡问题的研究关系到水利、交通、能源等基本工程建设,并与人们生命财产安全、生态环境保护及可持续发展问题相关,因此一直备受关注。滑坡是一个复杂的地质体,影响滑坡稳定的内外各种因素多种多样,影响程度各异,并且各因素又是动态变化的,决定了滑坡变形机制与变形特点十分复杂,因此滑坡变形预测与失稳预报十分困难。文章认为,变形突变预测、失稳时间预报及失稳判据是滑坡预测预报的3个核心问题,变形突变预测是为了预测出滑坡从匀速变形阶段进入加速变形阶段的特征点或时间,是回答滑坡能否失稳的关键,是提高预测结果可靠性及提高预测研究水平的基础。分析了目前各种预测模型的特点及可靠性情况,模型的优缺点。探讨了变形突变难以预测的实质,并指出采用多因素预测模型进行探索性研究。文章还对失稳时间预报的预报尺度、预测误差的计算、滑坡空间预测及多测点协同预测等问题进行分析,并对可能的解决办法提出了建议或展望。  相似文献   

Modeling of progressive development of zones of large inelastic shear deformation (shear band) that results from strain‐softening behavior of sensitive clays could explain the failure mechanisms of large landslides. Because of toe erosion, a shear band can be initiated and propagated upward (inward) from the river bank. On the other hand, upslope surcharge loading could generate shear bands that might propagate down towards the river bank. In the present study, upward and downward propagation of shear bands and failure of sensitive clay slopes are modeled using the Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian approach in Abaqus finite element (FE) software. It is shown that the formation and propagation of shear bands are significantly influenced by kinematic constraints that change with displacements of the soil masses, and therefore the propagation of an existing shear band might be stopped and new shear bands could be formed. The main advantages of the present FE modeling are: (i) extremely large strains in the shear bands can be successfully simulated without numerical issues, (ii) a priori definition of shearing zones is not required to tackle severe strains; instead, the FE program automatically identifies the critical locations for shear band formation and propagation. Toe erosion could significantly increase the slope failure potential because of upslope surcharge loading. FE analyses with a thick and thin sensitive clay layers show that the global failure could occur at lower surcharge loads in the former as compared to the latter cases. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

岩石变形破坏的熵突变过程与破坏判据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周翠英  张乐民 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2506-2510
在岩石的变形破坏过程中,当进入不稳定的破裂发展阶段之后,系统不断调整结构抵抗外力的扰动,裂纹向局域集中的有序方向发展,应变能不断耗散,并以应变能的耗散为媒介,使系统与外扰动所追加的负熵流产生能量流通,也使系统熵值和系统的维数逐次降低,这一阶段岩石系统远离平衡态,岩石的破坏是系统熵的突变过程。基于这一认识,并在验证应变能分布与结构块度分布模式的一致性的基础上,推导出包含了结构因素和能量分布的熵表达式;对熵表达式进行平衡分析获得局部突变的分岔集,得到了岩石局部破坏的熵折迭突变破坏准则;同时,探讨了熵表达式所表征的结构有序度的尖点突变性,解出岩石系统的分岔集,这个分岔集就是岩石系统熵突变的整体破坏准则。  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用传感器对滑坡实施监测是一种有效的监测预警手段,但由于受一些因素的限制,在实验室进行滑坡监测技术有效性的研究方面仍有一定的难度。本文以振弦式传感器为例,提出了传感器辅助机械工装以完成传感器在实验室实现滑坡监测数据模拟采集的设计思路,并通过对模拟数据进行多次测量演算了传感器及其辅助装置的可靠性。同时,为便于对监测数据进行及时有效的管理和分析,还采用VC++语言所编制的管理程序对获取的监测数据实施有效的管理和分析。结果表明,对给定信号的监测效果好,响应快,误差小,能较好地模拟滑坡现场监测。  相似文献   

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