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Eolian dust deposition is intimately related to atmospheric circulation and environmental setting of the source region, and therefore is an invaluable tool for studying the evolutionary history of atmospheric circulation patterns and paleoclimatic change. Identifying the provenance of any eolian deposit is crucial not only for reconstructing the paleoenvironmental history of the dust source region, but also for understanding the paleoclimatic significance of various indices. Loess and paleosol samples from the Garze region on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau(TP) were analyzed for their elemental(major and trace elements) and isotopic(Sm-Nd) geochemistry and compared with those of Northern Chinese(NC) loess formed at the same age. The results show that the geochemical compositions of the Garze loess and paleosol samples are similar to those eolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), and also resemble the average UCC. This indicates that the eolian deposits on the eastern margin of the TP were derived from well-mixed sedimentary protoliths that had undergone numerous upper crustal recycling processes, just as with the CLP loess deposits. However, compared with NC loess, the Garze samples have higher ∑REE, Li, Rb, Zr, Cs, Hf and Bi concentrations, higher TiO2/Al2O3, Hf/Nb, La/Nb, Th/Nb and lower K2O/TiO2, Zr/Hf, Ba/Rb ratios. From the Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry, εNd(0) and 147Sm/144Nd values of Garze loess and paleosol samples are clearly lower than the NC loess. The higher Bi, Zr and Hf concentrations are relevant to the widely distributed acid-magmatic rocks in this region, whereas the higher contents of Li, Cs, Rb are attributed to the high background values of the TP. The geochemical characteristics of the Garze loess and paleosol samples further prove that the local glacial and other Quaternary detrital sediments are predominantly the contributors for the eolian deposits on the eastern margin of the TP. Stable element concentrations and their ratios in the Garze loess and paleosol samples formed at different times have relatively greater variation ranges in comparison with the NC loess, indicating that the source regions for eolian deposits have been unstable since the late Early Pleistocene. We attribute the instability of dust sources to variable earth surface conditions and the changeable TP winter monsoon in direction and intensity, which are in turn related to the uplift of the TP.  相似文献   

This paper presents a set of bulk geochemical and mineralogical data from a paleoweathering profile located in Zunyi District, Northern Guizhou, China. It was formed at the top of the Hanjiadian Formation of the Lower Silurian. A truncated, argillic, gleyed, kryptic paleospodosol is recognized in the paleoweathering profile. Ratios of immobile elements (Ti/Zr, Ti/Al) and their binary (e.g., Nb vs. Zr/TiO2 and Th/Sc vs. Zr/Sc), triangular diagrams (La-Th-Sc, Th-Sc-Zr/10, Zr-Cr-Ga) reflect that the Gaojiayan paleosol is the product of in-situ weathering of gray-green silty mudstone of the underlying Hanjiadian Formation. Mass balance calculations indicate K enrichment and Na enrichment in the upper and lower portions of paleosol, respectively. These findings both are the results of transgression, which brings substantial concentrations of such elements as K, Na, and Sr. In particular, K enrichment is achieved by the illitization of kaolinite. The biological processes of terrestrial vascular plants also enhance K concentration, especially at the top of the paleosol. Na enrichment is a consequence of albitization and/or adsorption by clay minerals through cation exchange. The mass distributions and relative mass changes of rare earth elements (REEs) in the studied profile display characteristics of vertical zonation. Three peaks in total REEs content are observed, indicating two paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental changes. Mineralogical characteristics indicate that the paleoclimate changed first from warm and humid to cold and dry and later, to dry and lightly warmer. The corresponding soil environment varies from weakly acidic to strongly alkaline and later, to weakly acidic. Mass translocation characteristics of REEs and several transition metals suggest that the Gaojiayan paleosol may have undergone top erosion.  相似文献   

The Beishan orogenic zone is a key area to understand evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt that is an accretionary factory well-enough preserved in the Paleozoic. In early Paleozoic, the tectonic mélange zone containing the coherent unit and mélange unit is triggered by the complicated accretionary process of the Beishan area. The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Beishan orogenic zone is investigated in this study using sedimentology and stratigraphic correlations of the lowe Pa...  相似文献   

蒋子堃  王永栋  田宁  张武  郑少林 《地质学报》2016,90(8):1669-1678
木化石在陆地生态系统古气候、古环境和古生态研究方面具有重要的意义。辽西北票地区中晚侏罗世髫髻山组保存有数量丰富、类型多样且解剖构造保存完好的木化石。基于北票木化石树木年轮、树桩直径等数据计算了木材早材与晚材的比率(E/L),并推算了松柏类树木古树高。通过已有测量的树木年轮直径,应用Niklas(1994)和Mosbrugger(1994)两种方法恢复了化石森林中松柏类树木的古树高约为25m。推断中晚侏罗世的裸子植物森林树木生长的环境为以火山岩和湖相沉积为主,降水丰富。推断髫髻山组属于温暖、湿润、季节性明显的亚热带到暖温带气候,有利于植物的生长与发育。木化石木材组织中呈现的特殊解剖构造包括假轮、创伤树脂道、年轮扭曲、虫孔等,也能够揭示辽西北票中晚侏罗世植物生长过程中的古气候与古环境状况。表明辽西北票地区中晚侏罗世古气候虽然有利于植物生长,但生长期间受到了火山喷发、虫害、大风、降温等多种不利气候变化的影响与干扰。  相似文献   

The later Telychian (late Llandovery, Silurian) sea-level highstand was a suitable setting for global carbonate deposition and reef growth in epeiric seas. However, evidence from the northwest margin of Yangtze Platform indicates that small carbonate platforms developed in rapidly-subsiding small basins and were principally controlled by muddy clastic input. In particular, sediments of the Ningqiang Formation, late Telychian, usually more than 2000 m thick, are mostly shales, but eight major units of discontinuous (15 km maximum width) and relatively thin (120 m maximum thickness) reef-bearing carbonates, which developed when the sedimentation rate apparently lessened, occur within a relatively short time interval. This interval is between upper griestonensis to spiralis-grandis graptolite biozones, estimated as a c. 2 Ma duration. More than 30 small- to medium-scale patch reefs occur in several parts of the sequence, but only within the carbonate units. Shelly faunas common throughout the sequence reveal water depth to have been shallow during deposition of the Ningqiang Formation equivalent to BA2–3, which has a depth range from low intertidal to the base of the photic zone. BA3 is interpreted as being no more than 60 m deep (Boucot, 1975), which is above normal wave base, frequently affected by storms (Chen et al., 1996), and is regarded as optimum depth for high diversity of Silurian faunas (Boucot, 1975; Brett, 1991). Thus, the rate of sediment accumulation kept pace with basement subsidence, and was a substantial factor for limiting reef growth. Sharp contacts between carbonate units and shales indicate that carbonate units are constrained by frequent inputs of terrigenous debris, as the major cause for termination of carbonate deposition. Therefore, carbonate platforms, and reefs they contained, formed during times when sediment input to the basin lessened and ended when it increased; present evidence does not allow correlation to modeled dry episodes, and we interpret the control to be principally tectonic. Overall, sedimentation in the region was terminated by the end of Telychian time by tectonic uplift of the Yangtze Platform; the southwestward migration of palaeocoastline shows this progression. Sedimentation ceased until Middle Devonian time. Ludlow marine transgression has been recognized in the offshore area of Ningjiang Bay.  相似文献   

郭春涛  高剑  李忠 《地球科学》2018,43(11):4149-4168
石炭纪-二叠纪南天山洋-塔里木盆地北部陆缘构造演化众说纷纭.选择塔里木盆地内紧靠南天山的四石厂剖面,针对下二叠统康克林组露头,在沉积、碎屑组分、重矿物组合分析基础上,重点通过LA-ICP-MS分析砂岩样品碎屑锆石的原位U-Pb和Lu-Hf同位素特征,解析其年代学、物源特征及构造演化等信息.研究显示,砂岩样品碎屑组分基本都落入陆块物源区和成熟岩石与稳定构架合并处,重矿物组合以稳定重矿物为主,反映稳定的大地构造背景.砂岩碎屑锆石定年结果显示5组年龄:407~501 Ma、755~873 Ma、889~1 129 Ma、1 792~2 079 Ma、2 393~2 496 Ma,主要反映了5期构造热事件.对比潜在物源区,塔里木盆地内古隆起可能为主物源,与西昆仑-阿尔金造山带剥蚀物源相关的塔里木盆地内前二叠纪沉积也可能提供部分再旋回物源.物源特征显示,虽然南天山洋已经闭合,但直到早二叠世阿瑟尔期仍然没有大规模隆升,洋盆闭合事件对塔里木盆地西北缘构造格局和物源体系影响较小.对比前人研究成果认为,早二叠世从阿瑟尔期至萨克马尔期,柯坪地区的物源结构发生重大变化,由盆地内古隆起单一物源转变为盆内和造山带双重物源.已经闭合的南天山洋盆在萨克马尔期开始隆升造山,成为塔里木西北缘的一个重要物源区.   相似文献   

Ancient outwash accumulations, deposited in Pleistocene with complicated sedimentary characteristics, are discovered in the midstream valley of Dadu River, Southwestern China. Their sedimentation characteristics are investigated for gaining a deep insight into the dependency of Paleoclimate changes in this area. This is achieved by means of detailed site investigation, sampling and laboratory tests (grain size distribution and Electron Spin Resonance dating tests) for two representative outwash accumulations. Based on the present study, several main conclusions are drown out as follows: 1) The accumulations are composed mainly of coarse soils (coarse fraction is over 50%) and very coarse soils (coarse fraction is about 20%–35%, and very coarse fraction is over 55%); 2) The coarse soils are sub-rounded well-sorted and sub-stratified to well-stratified, while the very coarse soils exhibit sub-rounded to sub-angular and poorly-sorted; 3) The accumulations are postulated to have been intermittently deposited in three time periods. This is evidenced by two layers of weathered/residual clay, purple to brick red in color; and 4) It is inferred that the temperature in the study area increased over three time periods, i.e., 280 ka B.P. to 120 ka B.P., 110 ka B.P. to 80 ka B.P. and 70 ka B.P. to 25 ka B.P., and declined twice at 120 ka B.P. and 77 ka B.P. respectively.  相似文献   

The granites are exposed at Dubair and Shang respectively in the north and south of Besham, northern Pakistan. The two exposures are very similar in terms of field features, petrographic details, petrogenetically important geochemical parameters and, more importantly, crystallization temperatures and ages. All this strongly suggests that granites at the two locations are co-genetic and represent two widely separated exposures of the same predominantly un-exposed large intrusion. The Dubair-Shang granites are mostly mega-porphyritic; however evenly fine grained massive and foliated to gneissose varieties also occur at places. The studied samples essentially consist of perthitic feldspar, plagioclase and quartz together with substantial quantities of biotite, minor to accessory amphibole, and accessory to trace amounts of ilmenite, apatite, epidote, titanite and zircon. The amphibole is ferro-edenite and ferro-pargasite while the biotite is markedly Fe-rich and thus approaches annite in composition. The Dubair-Shang granites are per-aluminous, magnesian to ferroan and alkali-calcic to alkalic in composition. Variations in major and trace element contents indicate evolution of the Dubair-Shang intrusion through magmatic differentiation involving early fractionation of amphibole, plagioclase, ilmenite and apatite at 850–890 °C temperature, 6–8 kb pressure and low fO2. The relatively higher amounts of SiO2, Th, U, ΣREE, greater LREE/HREE ratios, and higher negative Eu anomaly, lower average MgO, Fe2O3, CaO, TiO2, P2O5, Nb, Sr, Ba in the Shang than Dubair samples indicate that the exposure at Shang largely represents more evolved part of the intrusion. The chemical details of biotite and calcic amphibole, whole-rock major and trace element contents including both HFSE and LILE, higher ΣREE and general REE patterns and high magma temperature (averg. Zr Tsat = 834 ± 24 °C) all endorse A-type affinity of the granites and suggest their solidification from a largely crust-derived melt emplaced during Paleo-Proterozoic at 20−30 km depth in post-orogenic realm.  相似文献   

海西—印支期上扬子地块发育稳定型的碳酸盐岩大台地,在碳酸盐岩台地南缘台地边缘沉积体系发育,主要包括4种沉积类型:台地边缘滩,台地边缘礁、台地前缘斜坡、滩(礁)间海。据海西—印支期台缘沉积发育及分布特征,可分为4个沉积演化阶段:中泥盆世—晚泥盆世(SS1),台缘沿弥勒—师宗—晴隆—南丹—河池一线呈带状分布,台缘礁滩发育;早石炭世—早二叠世早期(SS2-SS3),台缘沿晴隆—六盘水—安顺呈带状分布,台缘生屑滩发育;早二叠世晚期—晚二叠世(SS4),沿贞丰—紫云—罗店—河池—柳州—娄底呈带状分布,台缘滩、台缘礁交互发育;早三叠世—中三叠世(SS5),沿贞丰—镇宁—贵阳—福泉一线呈带状分布,早三叠世主要发育台缘鲕粒滩,中三叠世台缘礁占优势。这4个阶段的台缘沉积特征表明:台地边缘礁滩沉积体系垂向演化受海平面变化控制,横向迁移主要受同沉积断裂控制,不同类型生物的出现和绝灭控制台缘生物礁滩的类型及特征。  相似文献   

为了探究苏吉组基性岩岩浆的起源和演化,对华北板块北缘中段土牧尔台地区苏吉组玄武安山岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和岩石地球化学研究,并用此来制约该地区的构造演化历史。苏吉组玄武安山岩中的锆石形态较好,均为自形—半自形,具有明显的震荡环带,且Th/U值为0.61~1.06,反映其为典型的岩浆成因。测年结果显示,苏吉组玄武安山岩形成于早二叠世((279.0±2.1)Ma)。地球化学特征表明,苏吉组玄武安山岩贫硅(49.0%~55.2%)和HFSEs,富铝(15.70%~17.80%)、镁(Mg#=49.84~67.02)和LILEs,具有较低的稀土元素总量和较平缓的稀土分配方式,显示了岛弧火山岩的地球化学特征,加之本组安山岩具有高镁安山岩的属性,所以该组火山岩源区应为受俯冲板片流体交代的亏损地幔楔。综上,笔者认为苏吉组安山岩形成于俯冲的构造背景下,在早二叠世古亚洲洋未闭合。  相似文献   

程成  李双应  赵万为  彭亮 《地质学报》2016,90(6):1208-1219
安徽宿松坐山剖面中二叠世地层发育,栖霞组、孤峰组和武穴组连续出露,为下扬子地区中二叠统的典型剖面之一。其中栖霞组主要为碳酸盐岩,其次为硅质岩和碎屑岩。栖霞组碳酸盐岩中共识别出9种微相类型,分别可以与Flügel整理的7种标准微相对比。栖霞组主要为斜坡沉积,其次为台地沉积,而斜坡相又可以进一步分为上斜坡相和下斜坡相。其中,上斜坡相主要出现在臭灰岩段的中部,该层位以产砾屑灰岩为特征,微相类型以MF3为主。其次出现在本部灰岩段的中偏上部,该处微相类型为MF3、MF8和MF9。此外,顶部灰岩上部发育灰岩砾石的层位中的微相类型主要为MF3和MF9,也属于上斜坡相。下斜坡相主要发育于上、下硅质岩段和本部灰岩段的顶部,主要特征为发育薄层硅质岩或长条状硅质结核,微相类型主要为MF4和MF5。台地相主要出现在本部灰岩中下部,其次出现在臭灰岩段的下部和上部及顶部灰岩段的下部,且其微相类型以MF1为主,其次为MF2、MF6和MF7,表明台地相整体属于开阔海台地。微相分析表明栖霞组整体形成于一个海侵过程中,期间经历了4次较明显的海退。黏土矿物分析显示栖霞组碳酸盐岩的黏土矿物以伊利石为主(平均含量为61.97%),高岭石次之(平均含量为27.25%),伊蒙混层(平均含量为9.43%)和绿泥石(平均含量为1.36%)较少。高岭石/(伊利石+绿泥石)的比值与伊利石的相对含量变化共同表明栖霞期由早期的相对干冷变为晚期的相对暖湿,期间发生了3次较为明显的气候变化周期。同时,栖霞期气候整体变暖湿、海平面整体上升的趋势与晚古生代冰川(LPIA)消融的时间对应,则暗示古气候变化导致的冰川消融事件控制了栖霞期的整体海平面变化。而沉积相变化所反映的栖霞期4次相对海平面变化与3次明显的气候波动能够较好的吻合,则显示出气候对海平面变化和沉积记录的控制作用。表现在气候变暖湿导致冰体融化,海平面上升,风化指数(WI)升高,主要发育碳酸盐斜坡相。气候变干冷、冰体增大导致海平面和风化指数(WI)的下降,以碳酸盐台地沉积为主。  相似文献   

Newly-acquired seismic data reveal widespread carbonate deposits covering a large part of the northwestern South China Sea margin.Three carbonate platforms are identified to have developed on the topographic highs inherited from tectonic deformation and volcanic accretion.Across the carbonate platforms,the Miocene strata are characterized by high-amplitude seismic reflections and distinct platform architecture that overlaps older strata.The Guangle and Xisha carbonate platforms grew on faulted blocks due to South China Sea continental rifting,while the Zhongjian carbonate platform developed on a structural high induced by early Miocene volcanism.During the late Miocene,partial drowning resulted in the inhibition of platform growth,eventual platform drowning and termination of most carbonate deposition.The drowning of the Guangle and Zhongjian carbonate platforms is shown by the supply of siliciclastic sediments during the late Miocene and seems to be closely linked to late Neogene volcanic activity,whilst the drowning of the Xisha carbonate platform is primarily related to relative eustatic changes.Our results imply that tectonic activity,volcanism and eustasy are the dominant controls on the evolution of carbonate platforms on the northwestern margin of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

理塘第四纪盆地以河湖相沉积为主,其形成于747ka,消亡于179~180ka。盆地内不同地点的沉积物的时空分布,揭示出古湖泊演化属于一种不连续的扩展型,在其演化过程中存在着多次的消失或萎缩时期;盆地内孢粉组合表明,其形成于一种温热湿润的气候环境,当时的海拔高度在2000m左右,以后高原气候由热变温;冰川发育加剧了古无量河的溯源侵蚀作用,最终切穿盆地,致使湖水外泄,湖泊消亡。理塘盆地的演化历程为研究青藏高原的古气候变化提供了重要证据。  相似文献   

王龙  吴海  张瑞  李昌伟 《地质论评》2018,64(1):62-76
随着对现代碳酸盐沉积环境的系统调查和解释、以及对碳酸盐沉积原理认识的深化,自20世纪60年代,一系列碳酸盐沉积相模式得以建立,其中最引人注目的是Wilson和Tucker的工作。但在镶边陆棚及缓坡模式得到了广泛认可和使用的同时,对陆表海和淹没台地型沉积未能予以足够的重视。与过去相比,现今的海平面是相对较低的,因而没有出现陆表海广泛发育的情况。但在漫长的地质历史时期,陆表海曾经覆盖了广泛的克拉通区域,是碳酸盐沉积最重要的场所之一。本文在系统总结前人成果的基础上,将用于描述大尺度碳酸盐岩沉积环境的碳酸盐台地分为镶边陆棚、缓坡、陆表海、孤立台地和淹没台地5种类型分别描述,并重点强调了陆表海和淹没台地的沉积模式。华北地台寒武系大面积分布的潮坪沉积、鲕粒滩相灰岩和竹叶状风暴砾屑灰岩,以及频繁出现的台地淹没事件,为阐明陆表海和淹没台地的沉积提供了绝佳实例。这些实例和研究表明了碳酸盐沉积环境的多样性和沉积过程的复杂性,以及将今论古的困难性,从而为碳酸盐沉积原理的认识和沉积环境的解释提供新认识和新思路。  相似文献   

近年来,混合沉积显示的沉积环境和油气地质意义越来越受到学界的重视。羌塘盆地是目前国内油气勘探最重要的战略选区之一,具有良好的油气勘探远景。研究区侏罗系广泛发育陆源碎屑与碳酸盐的混合沉积。综合前人研究成果、区域地质资料和室内样品分析,笔者对研究区广泛分布混合沉积的岩石学特征、沉积环境、成岩作用进行了详细地研究。研究发现:区内中侏罗统混合沉积表现为混积岩、混积层系两种形式;对岩性、层系及组合特征进行观察发现,它们主要形成于滨岸、碳酸盐岩缓坡、潮坪沉积环境,把混合沉积划分为4个三级地层层序,提高了地层划分的精度,建立了研究区中侏罗世雀莫错期、布曲期、夏里期的岩相古地理格局;混积岩中最显著的成岩作用类型有压实-压溶、胶结、破裂和溶蚀作用,其中以破裂作用、溶蚀作用最为发育,有利于形成优质储层,可为沉积储层预测及研究区的石油普查评价提供重要参考。  相似文献   

通过对长江中游和尚洞HS-2号石笋的沉积特征及C、O同位素Mg、Sr微量元素相结合分析,利用U系法定年,获取了长江中游19.0ka~6.9ka的古气候、古环境信息(平均分辨率为17a,局部分辨率达到7a).得出如下结论(1)19.0~16.6ka, C、O同位素偏轻,气候冷湿;(2)16.6~11.1ka, C、O同位素偏重, 气温上升,降水偏少;(3)11.1~10.3ka 干热时期中的突然回冷事件对应于新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event);(4)10.3~6.9 ka B.P δ18O及δ13C值逐渐变轻,而Mg/Sr比继续增大,表现为气温上升,降雨量较大.反映了历史时期湿冷、干热、湿暖交替变化的气候趋势,得出了长江中游千年级和百年级的一些气候变化趋势,特别是发现了新仙女木事件在长江中游洞穴石笋中完整的记录,说明新仙女木事件是全球性气候突变与环境灾变事件  相似文献   

台地泥质组分沉积记录了源—汇过程和环境演化等沉积学领域信息,可作为古气候和古环境重建的重要载体。然而,利用沉积物中的泥质组分进行古气候和古环境恢复时仍存在相当大的复杂性和局限性。鉴于此,笔者以上寺剖面中二叠统茅口组为例,通过研究该层位富泥质组分灰岩—泥灰岩韵律的宏微观形貌学和矿物学特征,发现其泥质组分主要由成岩黏土矿物海泡石构成,其次为少量滑石和蒙脱石。基于前人认识,进一步运用电子探针和激光原位元素地球化学分析手段,综合认为海泡石中镁元素来源于继承海水的孔隙水以及亚稳定矿物的转化释放,硅元素可能来源于上扬子台地的同沉积期断裂热液。此外,滑石主要形成于海泡石埋藏过程中的成岩转化,蒙脱石可能也具有类似成因,但不排除有少量蒙脱石来源于火山物质的海底改造。结合区域资料,华南中二叠统浅水碳酸盐台地上广泛发育自生成因(早期成岩作用和埋藏成岩作用)泥质组分。因此,在利用泥质组分来恢复古环境的时候,需要谨慎识别其成因,这将有利于提高沉积旋回识别和环境解释的准确性;另一方面,对自生成因泥质组分进行专门研究,在成岩过程以及成岩地球化学信号识别上也具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Five samples of muscovite from mylonites of the earlier Tanlu ductile shear zone on the eastern margin of the Dabie Mountains yield 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 178 Ma to 196 Ma. Three of them have reliable plateau ages of 188.7±0.7 Ma, 189.7±0.6 Ma and 192.5±0.7 Ma respectively, which indicates a syn-orogenic, sinistral strike-slip thermal event. This displacement movement derived from the continent-continent collision of the North and South China blocks took place in the Early Jurassic and after uplifting of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure slabs to the mid-crust. It is suggested that during the collision the Tanlu fault zone was an intracontinental transform fault caused by differential subduction speeds. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of mylonite whole-rock and muscovite from the later Tanlu ductile shear zone suggest another sinistral strike-slip cooling event at 128 Ma. During this strike-slip faulting, large-scale intrusion and doming uplift occurred in the eastern part of the Dabie orogenic belt. Data o  相似文献   

A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes, Pot 1 (depth of 193 m) and Pot 3 (depth of 344 m), showed that element abundances like boron (B), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr), uranium (U), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are much higher than average than in the upper continental crust (UCC). Chemical composition indicates at least two sources: (i) Mesozoic ophiolites occurring in the north of the investigated area, and (ii) dacito-andesitic pyroclastics (Mesozoic to Cenozoic). Lopare Basin sedimentation was influenced by strong evaporation resulting in a partly hypersaline lake, which formed during a warm climatic period, probably during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. A brief episode of humid climate conditions resulted in the basin filling-up and deposition of felsic sediments enriched in thorium (Th). Organic geochemistry shows that the majority of studied sediments contains predominantly immature to marginally mature algal organic matter (OM). The biomarker patterns are generally in agreement with the geological history of the Lopare Basin and inorganic and mineralogical data. Conversely, the molecular distribution of n-alkanes as reliable climatic and δ-MTTC as paleosalinity indicators do not support this conclusion.  相似文献   

刘鹤  颜丹平  魏国庆 《地质学报》2008,82(4):464-474
碧口地块位于秦岭—大别、松潘—甘孜造山带与扬子板块的交汇部位。根据碧口地区各套地层构造变形样式的不同,将地层自下而上划分为三个构造地层单元:①新元古界基底杂岩,主要由新元古界碧口群火山岩系和横丹群浊积岩系组成,杂岩体核部变形较弱,边部发育韧性剪切变形,并以一条由超糜棱岩带组成的基底拆离断层为顶界,与上覆地层分隔。基底杂岩经历了蓝片岩相到硬柱石-钠长石-绿泥石相的变质作用。②古生界中间韧性流变层,由志留系—泥盆系的糜棱岩或千糜岩组成,岩层中发育多期构造面理(S1、S2、S3)和典型的固态流变构造,变质程度普遍达中绿片岩相。③中生界沉积盖层,包括碧口地块以北的三叠系关家沟组和小面积出露的侏罗系—白垩系,以脆性破碎带和小型脆性断层构造为主。拆离断层与各套构造地层中的韧性剪切和流变构造一同反映了区域性上盘向SSE剪切的几何学和运动学特征,证实了碧口地区中生代206~154Ma伸展垮塌事件的存在,从而建立了碧口地块的隆升模式。研究结果表明,松潘—甘孜在中生代造山作用后的区域伸展作用下形成了拆离断层和中地壳韧性流变层,造成了地层缺失和地壳减薄,基底杂岩在造山带的腹陆隆升并露出地表。  相似文献   

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