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本文记述了河南省义马县中侏罗世地层中首次发现的大型兽脚类恐龙足印。该足印虽然与发现于下—中侏罗统的张北足印类似,但是又不完全相同,从而命名为该属的一新种:徐氏张北足印(新足迹种):Changpeipus xuianainchnosp. nov.。它具有以下特征:足印的长度与宽度的比率约为1.9,第Ⅱ趾长度稍短于第Ⅳ趾的长度;第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ趾之间的夹角约为25°;第Ⅲ和第Ⅳ趾之间的夹角约为32°,足印的后部具有蹠骨所留下的印痕。徐氏张北足印的发现,不仅为我国中侏罗世恐龙足印增加了新的成员,而且为将来在该地区中侏罗世的地层中发现大型兽脚类恐龙骨骼化石提供确凿的依据。  相似文献   

A new mamenchisaurid dinosaur, Eomamenchisaurus yuanmouensis gen et sp. nov. is erected based on an incomplete skeleton from the Zhanghe Formation, the Middle Jurassic of Yuanmou, Yunnan Province. The new taxon is characterized by absence of pleurocoels in dorsal vertebrae and the dorsal verterbrae with slightly convex anterior articular surfaces, moderately concave posterior articular surfaces; the fourth trochanter is developed posteromedially on the femur; length ratio of the tibia to the femur is approximately 0.64; and the shaft of the ischium is rod-like. Two fused centra of the posterior dorsal vertebrae (the presumed 9th and the 10th dorsal vertebrae) are similar to those in other mamenchisaurid dinosaurs, including Mamenchisaurus hochuanesis, M. youngi and Chuanjiesaurus anaensis. Therefore, fusion of centra of the ninth and the tenth dorsal vertebrae can be recognized as a synapomorphic character of the Mamenchisauridae.  相似文献   

A new theropod dinosaur,Shidaisaurusjinae gen.et sp.nov.,has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton.The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation(early Middle Jurassic)in Yunnan,China.It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan.Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase,axis,and pelvic girdle.The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China.Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described;a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   

A new theropod dinosaur, Shidaisaurus jinae gen. et sp. nov., has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton. The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation (early Middle Jurassic) in Yunnan, China. It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan. Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase, axis, and pelvic girdle. The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China. Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described; a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   

Ceratodus is a form genus of ceratodontid lungfishes. Until now, only 14 specimens have been reported from the Mesozoic of China. Detailed measurements and characteristic comparisons based on 15 well-preserved lungfish tooth plates of Ceratodus type, uncovered from the upper member of the Upper Jurassic Shaximiao Formation at Luojiashan, Qianfeng District, Guang''an, Sichuan Province in 2019, allow us to establish a new species, Ceratodus guanganensis sp. nov., on the basis of its small swollen irregular triangular tooth plate with four low and swollen radial crests on the occlusal surface without denticles. Other specimens from the same locality can be referred to C. szechuanensis and C. youngi. This is the first discovery of Ceratodus in the Guang''an region and represents the fifth Ceratodus fossil site in the Sichuan Basin. The discovery indicates that the climate was hot and arid in the Sichuan Basin during the Late Jurassic, and reveals a tectonic paleogeographic relationship between the Yangtze block in southwestern China and the Kola Basin in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

A new basal neoceratopsian dinosaur, Helioceratops brachygnathus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Quantou Formation (late Early Cretaceous or early Late Cretaceous) in the Liufangzi locality (Jilin province, China). Helioceratops differs from other basal neoceratopsians with its deep dentary ramus, its steeply-inclined ventral predentary facet, its heterogeneous dentary crowns, and by the denticles and secondary ridges asymmetrically distributed on either side of the primary ridge on its dentary teeth. Along with Auroraceratops and Yamaceratops, Helioceratops represents one of the most derived non-coronosaurian neoceratopsians. The palaeogeographical distribution of basal neoceratopsians appears limited to northern China and southern Mongolia in the current state of our knowledge. It is therefore probable that this region constituted the birthplace for more advanced, Late Cretaceous Coronosauria.  相似文献   

A new basal neoceratopsian dinosaur, Helioceratops brachygnathus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Quantou Formation (late Early Cretaceous or early Late Cretaceous) in the Liufangzi locality (Jilin province, China). Helioceratops differs from other basal neoceratopsiaus with its deep dentary ramus, its steeply-inclined ventral predentary facet, its heterogeneous dentary crowns, and by the denticles and secondary ridges asymmetrically distributed on either side of the primary ridge on its dentary teeth. Along with Auroraceratops and Yamaceratops, Helioceratops represents one of the most derived non-coronosaurian neoceratopsians. The palaeogeographical distribution of basal neoceratopsians appears limited to northern China and southern Mongolia in the current state of our knowledge. It is therefore probable that this region constituted the birthplace for more advanced, Late Cretaceous Coronosauria.  相似文献   

以川中地区钻井岩心及露头剖面样品的镜下岩石学特征为基础,对川中中侏罗统凉高山组-下沙溪庙组储层进行了研究,认为储层类型主要为孔隙-裂缝型,而次生溶蚀孔及裂缝提供了最主要的储集空间。储层的发育主要受到沉积微相、物源方向、成岩作用、溶蚀作用以及构造破裂作用等因素控制。其中沉积微相和物源方向是储层发育的物质基础;溶蚀作用及构造破裂作用是储层改善的关键因素;而压实、压溶、胶结、交代等成岩作用则对储层的发育是不利的。  相似文献   

恐龙足迹化石是重建鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗纪恐龙动物群的重要途径。在野外地质调查和室内研究的基础上,对陕西甘泉中侏罗世直罗组发现的恐龙足迹群进行了简要记述。初步研究结果表明,甘泉恐龙足迹群具有较强的多样性,足迹类型包括了兽脚类、蜥脚类、可能的鸟脚类及龟鳖类足迹;兽脚类足迹呈现高度多样化,包括大型、中型和小型的三趾型足迹和大型的四趾型足迹;蜥脚类足迹可归入雷龙足迹;可能的鸟脚类足迹保存较差,难以归入到具体属种;可能的龟鳖类足迹为鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系的首次记录。甘泉恐龙足迹群的发现,扩大了中国恐龙足迹的地理分布,对于重建鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗纪恐龙动物群及古生态、古地理、古环境等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王康明  龙斌等 《地质通报》2002,21(7):421-427
在川滇金沙江-哀牢山结合带以东,从未发现过海相侏罗纪地层。笔者最近在其以东数百公里的四川省木里县瓦厂地区的甘孜-理塘结合带以东发现广泛分布的含层孔Claodocoropsis mirabilis,珊瑚Thecosmilia cf。Weberi Regny,Pratethmos of.discus,水螅Spongiomorpha cf.robusta等生物群的海相侏罗纪地层。此套地层下部为陆源碎屑岩,上部为富产层孔虫、珊瑚、水螅的正常广海台地相碳酸盐岩,底部以底砾岩与下伏晚三叠世曲嗄寺组平行不整合接触。其岩性、生物组合均可与西藏昌都地块侏罗纪地层对比。本区侏罗纪沉积盆 地是在晚三叠世古特提斯洋闭合的基础上,随新特提斯洋开合而发展演化的,消亡于古近纪初期。  相似文献   

中国辽西中侏罗世地层发现船颌翼龙新属新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据不完整的化石骨架,建立船颌翼龙一新属新种:李氏凤凰翼龙.它产自辽西中侏罗世的髫髻山组.具有以下特征:上颌有11对以上牙齿,最后一枚牙齿位置靠后,位于眶前孔后下角的下方.翼掌骨长度大约为肱骨的55%.凤凰翼龙的发现不但增加了船颌翼龙的新成员,而且对船颌翼龙的古地理分布提供了重要信息.它代表目前为止最早的船颌翼龙类.为我们了解船颌翼龙的起源和演化具有重要意义.  相似文献   

沉积岩的微量元素及稀土元素蕴含了大量的地质信息,它对沉积环境的水文变化有着较高的敏感度,是研究沉积物沉积时的古气候、古环境的有效手段。选取四川盆地西缘地区中侏罗统上、下沙溪庙组的17件样品进行了详细的微量元素及稀土元素的测定,应用了能够敏感反应沉积环境的微量元素指标及特征微量元素、稀土元素比值,对四川盆地西缘地区中侏罗统上、下沙溪庙组沉积时期的古环境、古气候进行了研究。结果表明:研究区上、下沙溪庙组Sr/Ba比值均小于1,说明沙溪庙组沉积期湖水为淡水;V、U、Mo、V/Cr、Ni/Co、U/Th、(Cu+Mo)/Zn、V/(V+Ni)、δCe、δEu、∑REE、La/Yb微量元素及稀土元素特征值及比值,说明整个沙溪庙组沉积时期湖泊底层水体总体上为中等分层的含氧环境;根据Sr/Cu比值及前人研究成果认为下沙溪庙组沉积期整体表现为温暖干旱,局部时期转凉,此后上沙溪庙组沉积期又转变为类似于下沙溪庙沉积期的温暖干旱的气候环境,且干旱程度逐渐加强。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Sauropod dinosaurs were group of gigantic quadrupedal herbivores. This group includes the largest terrestrial animals ever to have existed. More than 120 genera have been proposed, however, many of these are now considered to be of dubious validity. Currently, approximately 100 genera are accepted as valid (Upchurch et al., 2004a). The sauropod dinosaur described herein was collected from Jiangyi (Fig. 1), Yuanmou County of Yunnan Province by the Yunnan Provincial Institute…  相似文献   

赣东北早中侏罗世地层研究新进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
黄其胜  卢宗盛 《地层学杂志》1998,22(1):65-72,T001
上饶县清水乡林山组、罗坳组剖面出露完好、化石丰富、顶底齐全、地层连续,是赣东北新发现的一条下中侏罗统最佳剖面,有13个化石层位,划分成7个岩性段。野外进行了接触关系、沉积特征、古气候特征资料搜集,室内进行了植物、双壳与叶肢介化石详细鉴定,确认1—5段含Ptilo-phylum-Coniopteris植物组合、Pseudocardinia-Tutuela双壳组合的含煤地层为林山组,时代为早侏罗世中晚期,6—7段含自流井真叶肢介动物群的杂色砂页岩为罗坳组,时代为中侏罗世。  相似文献   

福建省闽清县池园地区早、中侏罗世地层新发现   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
福建中部闽清池园—上莲一带晚侏罗世南园组火山岩地层之下覆盖着一套沉积 -火山岩 ,原划归晚侏罗世长林组 ,通过对该地区 1∶ 50 0 0 0区调 ,依岩性组合特征、同位素地质年龄值、古生物化石及接触关系等资料 ,重新厘定划分为梨山组、藩坑组、漳平组。早侏罗世藩坑组的发现为福建中部火山岩基底地质构造研究、火山岩区找矿提供新的线索。  相似文献   

内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区首次发现中侏罗世蝌蚪化石   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
中国中生代的两栖类化石十分稀少,已报道的有尾两栖类仅见产于河北丰宁县凤山炮樟沟晚侏罗世的东方塘螈(Laccotriton subsolanus)、凤山中华螈(Sinerpeton fengshanensis)、辽宁葫芦岛市水口子早白垩世的钟健辽西螈(Liaoxitriton zhongjiani)、内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区中侏罗世的天义初螈(Chunerpeton tianyiensis)和奇异热河螈(Jeholotriton paradoxus),以及辽西早白垩世热河生物群中的无尾两栖类葛氏辽蟾(Liaobatrachus grabaui)、三燕丽蟾(Callobatrachus sanyanensis)北票中蟾(Mesophryne beipiaoensis)。本文记述了一件采自内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区中侏罗世的蝌蚪化石,这在中国乃至亚洲尚属首次报道,不仅填补了中国中侏罗世无尾两栖类化石分布的空白,而且进一步丰富了燕辽生物群的内容,对早期蛙类的地理分布、形态发生、生存环境等研究具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘高头窑地区中侏罗世植物群的发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葛玉辉  孙春林  刘茂修 《世界地质》2004,23(2):107-111,117
系统研究了鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘高头窑一带的中侏罗统延安组植物化石,18属31种。其组成特征表明,当前植物群属于典型的Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis植物群,其时代为中侏罗世。与植物群伴生的昆虫化石的研究提供了一致的时代意见。  相似文献   

西藏羌南坳陷中侏罗统夏里组硅化木的发现及意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘建清  杨平  陈文斌  陈文西  付修根 《地质通报》2007,26(12):1692-1696
首次在羌南地区的地层中发现了硅化木化石,对硅化木的基本特征进行了描述,根据孢粉组合特征,将地层定为中侏罗统夏里组,硅化木初步定为南洋杉。同时,孢粉组合的特征反映出该区中侏罗世具干旱古气候特点。结合前人晚三叠世硅化木的发现,对羌塘盆地的性质及演化提出了新的思考。  相似文献   

中国中侏罗世哺乳动物研究新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
季强  袁崇喜 《地球学报》2008,29(3):377-384
本文介绍了中国北方东部地区发现的几种中侏罗世哺乳动物:纤细辽兽、獭形狸尾兽、远古翔兽和粗壮假碾磨齿兽,除纤细辽兽发现于辽宁凌源房身九龙山组外,其他3种哺乳动物化石均发现于内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区的髫髻山组.这些哺乳动物化石的发现不仅丰富了我国中侏罗世生物群的组成,加深了人们对于中侏罗世哺乳动物多样性的认识,而且为解决我国北方东部地区晚中生代地层的划分和对比提供了可靠的古生物证据.  相似文献   

川西地区在晚侏罗世遂宁期处于稳定坳陷阶段,构造活动相对较弱,主要沉积一套稳定的鲜紫红色泥(页)岩夹长石岩屑细-粉砂岩地层,构成了一个相对独立和完整的沉积旋回。根据不同级次基准面旋回分析,川西遂宁组可划分出1个长期层序、3个中期层序(对应于遂宁组的3个岩性段)和十余个短期层序。以各中期层序的上升和下降相域为编图单元编制的沉积相图表明:遂宁期川西地区以广泛发育被湖湾分隔的曲流河三角洲沉积体系为特征,并形成各自相对独立的储、盖组合和油气聚集成藏条件。遂宁期沉积演化具明显受基准面旋回控制的继承性,遂宁期早期(遂宁组一段沉积时期),基准面不断上升,沉积作用以进积→加积为主,沿龙门山前缘发育有小型冲积扇或带状剥蚀区,向前分别在丰谷、新都、回龙镇各发育1套大且稳定的三角洲;遂宁期中期(遂宁组二段沉积时期),随着基准面由缓慢上升转为下降,沉积作用由加积→退积→加积演化,遂宁期早期形成的3个三角洲分裂成4~5个发育较均衡的三角洲;遂宁期晚期(遂宁组三段沉积时期),随着基准面不断下降,沉积作用由加积→进积演化,三角洲不断向湖推进,同时,由于受陆源物质供给不均衡的影响,该时期川西地区三角洲发育有较大变化,除在德阳发育1个较稳定的三角洲外,在新都发育的三角洲逐渐消亡,而在新津则由浅湖沉积逐渐演变为大型三角洲沉积。  相似文献   

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