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建立一个二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,用以研究海洋对静止和以不同移速移动的热带气旋的响应。数值试验结果表明,海洋对静止TC的响应,具有不对移性;在TC中心处,抽吸使混合层变浅,在TC最大风速半径处,大风夹卷明显使ML加深和海表温下降;海洋对移动TC的响应,具有右偏性,且随移速加快而加剧。ML深度和SST的变化对TC移速十分敏感,而海流则不同。  相似文献   

建立一个二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,用以研究海洋对静止和以不同移速移动的热带气旋(TC)的响应。数值试验结果表明,海洋对静止TC的响应,具有不对称性;在TC中心处,抽吸使混合层(ML)变浅,在TC最大风速半径处,大风夹卷明显使ML加深和海表温(SST)下降;海洋对移动TC的响应,具有右偏性,且随移速加快而加剧。ML深度和SST的变化对TC移速十分敏感,而海流则不同。  相似文献   

建立二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,采用湍流动能收支参数化风应力产生的垂直混合(夹卷),研究海洋对不同强度和最大风速半径的静止热带气旋(TC)的响应。数值试验结果表明,由于科氏参数随纬度变化,海洋对热带气旋的响应具有不对称性。热带气旋强度对海流,上混合层(UML)深度和海表温(SST)变化量值产生重大影响,并对它们变化范围影响较大。热带气旋最大风速半径对海流、混合层深度和海表温变化量值的影响不明显,但对它们的变化范围有明显影响。  相似文献   

利用中二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,研究海洋在自身不同热力结构下对热带气旋的响应。计算结果表明,初始混合层(ML)深度和层结强度对海表温(SST)和ML深度变化起着十分重要的作用。初始ML深度对海流量值影响较大,层结强度则较小。东海陆架区特殊的海洋热力结构,极易造成SST下降。海洋对7002号台风响应的模拟结果与观测资料较一致。  相似文献   

海洋对热带气旋响应的一种改进模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立一个改进的二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,研究海洋对热带气旋的响应。采用湍流动能收支参数化风应力产生的垂直混合(夹卷),其中考虑了盐度对层结强度的影响。通过海洋对7002号台风响应的数值模拟,结果表明,在引起海表温度下降的各热通量分量中,夹卷约占了83%,余下的海表面热通量占了17%。在台风路径转向的右侧,海洋出现强烈的降温表现出明显的右偏性。降温的幅度、范围和形状均与观测结果较为一致。  相似文献   

利用中二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,研究海洋在自身不同热力结构下对热带气旋的响应。计算结果表明,初始混合层(ML)深度和层强强度对海表温(SST)和ML深度变化起着十分重要的作用。初始ML深度对海流量值影响较大,层结强度则较小。东海陆架区特殊的海洋热力结构,极易造成SST下降。海洋对7002号台风响应的模拟结果与观测资料较一致。  相似文献   

建立一个改进的二层非线性原始方程海洋模式,研究海洋对热带气旋的响应。采用湍流动能收支参数化风应力产生的垂直混合(夹卷),其中考虑了盐度对层结强度的影响。通过海洋对7002号台风响应的数值模拟,结果表明,在引起海表温度下降的各热通量分量中,夹卷约占了83%,余下的海表面热通量占了17%。在台风路径转向的右侧,海洋出现强烈的降温,表现出明显的右偏性。降温的幅度、范围和形状均与观测结果较为一致。  相似文献   

选择了12个个例,分析了冷涡区域海表面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)对热带气旋(tropical cyclone, TC)的响应。在TC的影响下,冷涡区域SST降低的最大值在2.7—9.15℃,冷涡平均降温1.35—5.89℃。冷涡SST降低与TC移动速度有很好的反向关联,移动速度越慢,冷涡SST降低越多。冷涡SST降低与TC平均最大风速有较好的正向关联,最大风速越大,冷涡SST降低越多。TC对冷涡的能量改变起着重要的作用,TC经过冷涡后,冷涡的动能(eddy kinetic energy, EKE)、有效重力位能(available gravitational potential energy, AGPE)有明显增长,并且EKE的增长小于AGPE的增长。TC作用前后EKE、AGPE的增长与冷涡区域SST降低的平均呈正向关联,表明在TC的影响下,冷涡的EKE、AGPE的改变能够反映SST降低的程度,或者说SST降低的多少能够反映冷涡EKE、AGPE改变的程度。  相似文献   

利用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的海温资料和Unisys Weather的热带气旋资料,研究了1960-2008年期间北太平洋上层150 m的热含量分布特征及其与西北太平洋热带气旋发生频次的关系。考虑了纬度的变化对热含量的影响后,北太平洋热含量的高值中心位于10°N左右,与上层海温结构相符,计算结果更加符合物理意义。北太平洋热含量与西北太平洋热带气旋频数年际相关性研究表明在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区和赤道东太平洋热带不稳定波发生区呈现出前期冬季正相关性。此相关性存在显著年代际的变化,在1970-1975年和1984-2008年期间最强,1976-1983年期间较弱。在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区,同期春夏秋季同样存在强正相关。在西太平洋暖池区,同期秋季负相关最为显著。赤道中太平洋区域在夏季呈显著的正相关,秋季减弱。赤道东太平洋海域的相关性前期冬季负相关最为显著,春季负相关性减弱,夏季和秋季无显著相关。  相似文献   

使用1982—2014年美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)最优插值(1/4)°逐日海温分析资料、美国国家海洋数据中心(National Oceanographic Data Center,NODC)提供的海洋上层700 m热含量数据和美国联合台风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)最佳路径资料,分析西北太平洋地区(0°~30°N,105°~155°E)TC活动的时空分布特征,探讨TC与海洋上层热状态之间的关系。结果表明:TC频数具有显著的年代际变化特征:1982—1992年和2003—2014年皆为低频期,而1993—2002年则为高频期,33年来TC发生频数表现为缓慢增加—快速增加—减少的特征。最近15年(2000—2014年),TC数量呈现明显下降的趋势。在西北太平洋,TC有3个明显的源地,分别为源地1(10°~22°N、110°~120°E);源地2(8°~20°N、125°~145°E);和源地3(5°~20°N、145°~155°E)。源地1、源地2的频数呈上升趋势,而源地3呈下降趋势。海洋上层热状态的变化给TC带来的影响是多方面的,TC频数对上层热含量(heat content)的响应较明显,而海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)不是影响TC数量变化的主要因素。伴随着海洋上层的增暖,TC的年持续时间有减少趋势,TC强度正在增强。在全球变暖背景下,TC活动给西北太平洋沿岸国家带来的潜在威胁极有可能加剧。  相似文献   

张志伟 《海洋通报》2019,38(5):562-568
基于数字台风网、欧洲中心ERA-Interim、美国国家海洋与大气局以及中国Argo实时资料中心的资料研究了西北太平洋上层海洋对台风"奥鹿"的响应。研究结果表明,当"奥鹿"移动速度在2 m/s以下时,强风应力产生的Ekman泵是上层海洋响应的主要机制,移动速度越慢,Ekman抽吸速率(EPV)越大,海表温度(SST)降温持续时间短,冷尾迹出现在台风中心位置处。当"奥鹿"移动速度达到6 m/s以上时,持续风应力驱动的惯性泵是主导机制,SST降温持续时间长,冷尾迹出现在台风路径的右侧。惯性泵比Ekman泵持续的时间长,但Ekman泵影响深度比惯性泵大得多。在"奥鹿"经过西北太平洋时,混合层深度(MLD)变浅并伴随着"冷抽吸"作用的出现。上层海洋中"冷抽吸"现象较"热泵"现象影响深度深,持续时间长,在"奥鹿"过境后可持续20天以上。  相似文献   

基于台风最佳路径资料和20a的Argo浮标资料,采用一种合成分析方法,得到了西北太平洋上层海洋的温度、盐度、溶解氧等三维要素场对台风的平均响应特征,结果表明:台风移动路径右侧海表面温度呈明显的负异常,即具有"右偏性",次表层在"热泵"和"冷抽吸"共同影响下,温度异常呈正负相间的分布,次表层以下大部区域以温度负异常为主,但"右偏性"已不明显;表层至1 000 m深度,各层占主导的盐度异常值呈"正-负-正"的垂向分布,次表层以下,各层的盐度异常在平行和垂直于台风路径方向上的分布较为均匀,不具有明显的各向性差异;表层至1 000 m深度层,溶解氧浓度呈"小-大-小"的垂向分布,各层的平面分布特征较为相似,均在平行于台风路径-2~2 R50范围存在一带状高值区域;温度、盐度、溶解氧浓度等要素对台风的平均响应深度可达到1 000 m以上.  相似文献   

利用Argo剖面浮标分析上层海洋对台风“布拉万”的响应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
In situ observations from Argo profiling floats combined with satellite retrieved SST and rain rate are used to investigate an upper ocean response to Typhoon Bolaven from 20 through 29 August 2012. After the passage of Typhoon Bolaven, the deepening of mixed layer depth(MLD), and the cooling of mixed layer temperature(MLT) were observed. The changes in mixed layer salinity(MLS) showed an equivalent number of increasing and decreasing because the typhoon-induced salinity changes in the mixed layer were influenced by precipitation, evaporation, turbulent mixing and upwelling of thermocline water. The deepening of the MLD and the cooling of the MLT indicated a significant rightward bias, whereas the MLS was freshened to the left side of the typhoon track and increased on the other side. Intensive temperature and salinity profiles observed by Iridium floats make it possible to view response processes in the upper ocean after the passage of a typhoon. The cooling in the near-surface and the warming in the subsurface were observed by two Iridium floats located to the left side of the cyclonic track during the development stage of the storm, beyond the radius of maximum winds relative to the typhoon center. Water salinity increases at the base of the mixed layer and the top of the thermocline were the most obvious change observed by those two floats. On the right side of the track and near the typhoon center when the typhoon was intensified, the significant cooling from sea surface to a depth of 200×104 Pa, with the exception of the water at the top of the thermocline, was observed by the other Iridium float. Owing to the enhanced upwelling near the typhoon center, the water salinity in the near-surface increased noticeably. The heat pumping from the mixed layer into the thermocline induced by downwelling and the upwelling induced by the positive wind stress curl are the main causes for the different temperature and salinity variations on the different sides of the track. It seems that more time is required for the anomalies in the subsurface to be restored to pretyphoon conditions than for the anomalies in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

台风条件下朗缪尔环流对上层海洋混合的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
回顾了近10年来台风条件下朗缪尔环流影响上层海洋混合的研究进展,朗缪尔致湍流对海洋上混合层的形成和加深的重要作用已形成了基本共识,但对于朗缪尔致湍流对海洋上混合层的混合作用机制和程度仍然存在诸多不确定性。观测表明台风条件下台风眼附近的混合层平均湍流动能受到了较强的抑制,可能与台风不同位置朗缪尔致湍流的特征变异有关;台风条件下,现有的朗缪尔致湍流参数化方案在上层混合过程模拟中还有显著误差。在今后研究中,通过改进斯托克斯漂流剖面的计算方法,优化表征台风条件下海面状况的朗缪尔致湍流参数化计算方案,是进一步揭示台风条件下朗缪尔环流对海洋上层混合的影响机理的必要途径。  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Hurricane is an extremely high wind event, which injects momentum into the oceanic mixed layer along its passage for a very short duration. If our interest is not at the surface, but in a depth away from the imme-diate surface wave influenc…  相似文献   

The observation data for 5 d at a station in the South China Sea is presented.After brief analysis of the wind speed,air temperature from the ship-borne meteorological instruments and temperature and salinity profiles from the CTD (conductivity,temperature,depth recorder) data,the authors find that the CTD casts are too sparse for us to understand the diurnal evolution of the thermal structure in the upper ocean.A one-dimensional (1D) numerical code based on Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure model is used to reconstruct the upper ocean thermal structure,utilizing the atmospheric forcing data from ship-borne weather station.The simulation results show good agreement with the observational data;the significance of breaking waves is also briefly discussed.The evolution of turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and the contribution from shear production and buoyancy production are discussed respectively.Finally,several possible factors which might influence the numerical results are briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

在模拟2009年登陆我国东部沿海的台风"莫拉克"的基础上,利用AVHRR/AMSR和SODA再分析数据和模拟结果,初步评估了GRAPES-ECOM海-气耦合模式(上海台风研究所基于GRAPES-TCM区域台风模式和ECOM海洋模式开发而成)模拟台风期间海洋响应的能力,并分析了台风期间台湾岛周围海域的海温、上升流、中尺度冷涡等的变化特点。分析结果表明,GRAPES-ECOM耦合模式较好地模拟了表层海温对台风的响应,与深水海洋响应比较,揭示了近海对台风响应的一些新特征:(1)在台湾以东海域,台风活动改变了黑潮海域海水的垂直运动,诱导黑潮南部沿岸上升流,而北部先于台风存在的上升流减弱,导致不同水深海温的最大降温位置都出现在路径左侧,与深海偏向路径右侧不同;(2)位于台湾岛东北面的彭佳屿冷涡因其形成与大陆架和黑潮有关,当台风在台湾以东洋面活动时,冷涡位于台风右前方,黑潮表层海水辐合流向大陆架,冷涡中心温度上升,强度减弱,当台风转折北上,冷涡位于台风东南侧,表层海水辐散,加强底层冷水上涌,从而增强了该冷涡的强度;(3)台风不仅加深了台湾海峡的混合层深度,还使得海水的垂直热力结构改变,并使整层海温趋于一致。  相似文献   

Extreme sea levels associated with severe cyclonic storms are common occurrences along the east coast of India. The coastal districts of Orissa have experienced major surges in the past. The recent Paradip super cyclone is one of the most severe cyclones, causing extensive damage to property and loss of lives. Extreme sea levels are major causes for coastal flooding in this region. Damages can be minimized if the extreme sea levels are forecast well in advance. In the present study, we develop a location specific, fine resolution model for the Orissa coast on the lines similar to that of IIT-D storm surge model (Dube et al. 1994). The model runs on a personal computer. The bathymetry for the model is extracted from very fine resolution naval hydrographic charts for the region extending from the south of Orissa to south of West Bengal. A simple drying scheme has also been included in the model in order to avoid the exposure of land near the coast due to strong negative sea surface elevations. An attempt was made in this study to simulate extreme sea levels along the Orissa coast using the data of past severe cyclones. The model results reported in the present study are in good agreement with available observations or estimates.  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

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