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The Auckland volcanic field is a Quaternary monogenetic basaltic field of 50 volcanoes. Rangitoto is the most recent of these at ~500 year BP and may mark a change in the behaviour of the field as it is the largest by an order of magnitude and is unusual in that it erupted magmas of alkalic then subalkalic basaltic composition in discrete events separated by ≤50 years. Major and trace element geochemistry together with Sr–Nd and U-Th–Ra isotopes provides the basis for modelling the melting conditions that brought about the eruption of two chemically different lavas with very little spatial or temporal change. Sr–Nd isotopes suggest that the source for both eruptions is similar with a slight degree of heterogeneity. The basalts show high 230Th-excess compared with comparable continental volcanic fields. We show that the alkalic basalts give evidence for lower degrees of partial melting, higher amounts of residual garnet, a longer melting column and lower melting and upwelling rates compared with the subalkalic basalts. The low upwelling rates (0.1–1.5 cm/year) modelled for both magmas do not suggest a plume or major upwelling in the mantle region beneath Auckland; therefore, we suggest localised convection due to relict movement from the active subduction system situated 400 km to the southeast. A higher porosity for the initial alkalic basalt is based on 226Ra-excesses, suggesting movement of melt by two different porosities: the initial melt travelling in fast high porosity channels from greater depths preserving a high 230Th-excess and the subsequent subalkalic magma travelling from a shallower depth through lower porosity diffuse channels preserving a high 226Ra-excess; this creates a negative array in (226Ra/230Th) versus (230Th/238U) space previously only seen in mid ocean ridge Basalt data. This mechanism suggests the Auckland volcanic field may operate by the presence of discrete melt batches that are able to move at different depths and speeds giving the field its erratic spatial and temporal pattern of eruptions, a type of behaviour that may have implications for the evolution of other continental volcanic fields worldwide.  相似文献   

In the forests of Thailand there are a number of conifer species from various families. Those growing in mountains have disjunct areas which cannot explain their present occurrence. Fossil evidence is scarce but indicates that in Quaternary the areas were larger. Some species immigrated from the north, others from the south. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Euhedral, post-depositional albite from the Eastern and Western Alps, the western Carpathians and some Greek islands was examined petrographically and geochemically to gain insights into the nature of feldspar reactions in carbonate rocks. This study focuses on coarsely crystalline, homogeneously nucleated albite in order to avoid problems related to the presence of inseparable detrital material in fine-grained albite varieties. All albite samples show a very restricted compositional variability and are typically ≥ 99 mol% Ab component. Unit-cell parameters determined by Rietveld analysis are slightly more variable than previously accepted, but confirm high Al–Si ordering characteristic of low albite. The oxygen isotopic composition of albite ranges from + 19·4‰ to + 28·3‰ VSMOW. There is no direct relationship between the δ18O value and the inferred temperature of albite formation, nor is there one with stoichiometry. The coarse crystal size (up to several millimetres in diameter), petrographic evidence showing albite cross-cutting stylolites, greater abundance of albite in carbonate rocks subject to high-grade diagenetic or weak metamorphic overprinting and available fluid inclusion data suggest that albite precipitation is favoured at higher temperatures in carbonates than in sandstones. Pore fluids were invariably brines, as suggested by the inferred high positive δ18Ofluid values, the common association of albite-bearing carbonates and evaporites and reports of saline fluid inclusions in albite. The presence of authigenic albite may thus be a useful tracer of palaeobrine–carbonate reactions, particularly in deep-burial and incipient metamorphic settings.  相似文献   

A series of large diameter calcite–muscovite aggregates has been prepared from calcite and muscovite powders, in order to gain a better understanding of how texture develops in impure carbonate rocks. The development of the microstructure and the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO, texture) during the preparation process is described. The synthetic rocks have been fabricated from powders of calcite and muscovite by uniaxial cold-pressing at loads up to 400 MPa and subsequent hot isostatic pressing (HIPping) at pressures of 150 to 170 MPa and a temperature of 670 °C. The resulting textures and microstructures are homogeneous throughout the samples. The calcite CPO is generated by rigid body rotation and twinning during cold-pressing and is not significantly altered by recrystallization during HIPping. Grain growth during HIPping is observed in pure calcite samples, but is inhibited through high porosity and the presence of muscovite in the mixed aggregates. The preferred orientation of the calcite c-axes is found to increase with increasing uniaxial cold pressure, and to be independent of the muscovite content. The magnetic bulk susceptibility of the starting material has been changed by the formation of ferromagnetic impurities during fabrication. Comparison of the samples to natural calcite fabrics from fault zones show the potential of the experiments and fabric analyses presented to analyze and to better understand the deformation mechanisms of fault zones.  相似文献   

Swift, D. A., Sanderson, D. C. W., Nienow, P. W., Bingham, R. G. & Cochrane, I. C. 2010: Anomalous luminescence of subglacial sediment at Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland – a consequence of resetting at the glacier bed? Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 446–458. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00196.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Luminescence has the potential to elucidate glacial geomorphic processes because primary glacial sediment sources and transport pathways are associated with contrasting degrees of exposure to light. Most notably, sediment entrained from extraglacial sources should be at least partially reset, whereas sediment produced by glacial erosion of subglacial bedrock should retain substantial luminescence commensurate with a geological irradiation history. We set out to test the validity of this assumption at Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland using sediment sampled extraglacially and from the glacier bed. Contrary to our expectations, the subglacial samples exhibited natural signals that were substantially lower than those of other sample groups, and further (albeit limited) analyses have indicated no obvious differences in sample‐group luminescence characteristics or behaviour that could account for this observation. For glaciological reasons, we can eliminate the possibilities that the subglacial sediment has been extraglacially reset or exposed in situ to heat or light. We therefore advocate investigation of possible resetting processes related to subglacial crushing and grinding, and speculate that such processes, if more generally present, may enable the dating of subglacially deposited tills using luminescence‐based techniques.  相似文献   

Amphibole, while uncommon as a phenocryst in arc lavas, is increasingly recognized as a key constituent in the petrogenesis of arc magmas. Fractional crystallization of water-saturated arc magmas in the lower crust can yield substantial volumes of amphibole cumulates that, depending on the pressure of crystallization, may also contain garnet. Fractionation of this higher pressure assemblage has been invoked as a possible mechanism in the production of magmas that contain an adakitic signature. This study examines newly dated Late-Oligocene (25.37 ± 0.13 Ma) hypabyssal amphibole-rich andesites from Cerro Patacon in the Panama Canal region. These andesites contain nodules of amphibole cumulates that are ~4–6 cm in diameter and are almost entirely composed of 5–10-mm amphibole crystals (dominantly ferri-tschermakite). Geochemical variations, optical and chemical zoning of the Cerro Patacon amphiboles are consistent with their evolution in a crystal mush environment that had at least one recharge event prior to entrainment in the host andesite. Amphiboles hosted within the cumulate nodules differ from those hosted in the Cerro Patacon andesite and contain consistently higher values of Ti. We suggest these nodules represent the early stages of fractionation from a water-saturated magma. Cerro Patacon andesites have REE concentrations that plot at the most depleted end of Central American Arc magmas and exhibit a distinctive depletion in the middle REE. These geochemical and petrographic observations strongly support significant amphibole fractionation during formation of the Cerro Patacon andesite, consistent with the petrographic evidence. Fractionation of water-saturated magmas is a mechanism by which adakitic compositions may be produced, and the Cerro Patacon andesites do exhibit adakite-like geochemical characteristics (e.g., elevated Sr/Y; 28–34). However, the relatively elevated concentrations of Y and HREE indicate garnet was not stable in the fractionating assemblage during this early stage of arc development.  相似文献   

The Cwm Llwyd Outlier of Namurian Middle Shales in the central part of the Black Mountain escarpment of South Wales is an unusual structure. It occupies a topographic depression located more than 2 km from the main outcrop of the Middle Shales and has a stratigraphic discordance with its wall‐rocks of more than 300 m. Previous interpretations advocating a karstic origin imply that this is the deepest known subsidence in Great Britain. However, although the outlier lies among some of the finest epikarst landforms in the country, several factors indicate that the subsidence was not caused by a karstic mechanism. These include the amount of stratigraphic displacement in contrast to the depth of available vertical space in the putative host Carboniferous Limestone, the relatively simple form of the outlier, and the absence of brecciation, marginal solution residues and associated palaeoendokarst features in the adjacent wall‐rocks. The outlier is re‐interpreted here as the product of faulting which occurred during a Variscan strike‐slip or transpressive tectonic regime, producing local sinistral transtension that may have been re‐activated in the Palaeogene period. Remapping the outlier at a scale of 1:2 500 indicates that the present structure is related principally to a left‐stepping offset between the Cwm Llwyd and Llwyn Celyn faults. Analogies are drawn with the Cainozoic pull‐apart structures in Southwest England. Near‐surface reddening and kaolinization of the beds probably represent pre‐Pleistocene weathering. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The inherited localization model for shear zone development suggests that ductile deformation in the middle and lower continental crust is localized on mechanical anisotropies, like fractures, referred to as shear zone brittle precursors. In the Neves area (Western Tauern Window, Eastern Alps), although the structural control of these brittle precursors on ductile strain localization is well established, the relative timing of the brittle deformation and associated localized fluid flow with respect to ductile deformation remains in most cases a matter of debate. The present petrological study, carried out on a brittle precursor of a shear zone affecting the Neves metagranodiorite, aims to determine whether brittle and ductile deformations are concomitant and therefore relate to the same tectonic event. The brittle precursor consists of a 100–500 µm wide recrystallized zone with a host mineral‐controlled stable mineral assemblage composed of plagioclase–garnet–quartz–biotite–zoisite±white mica±pyrite. Plagioclase and garnet preserve an internal compositional zoning interpreted as the fingerprint of Alpine metamorphism and fluid–rock interactions concomitant with the brittle deformation. Phase equilibrium modelling of this garnet‐bearing brittle precursor shows that metamorphic garnet and plagioclase both nucleated at 0.6 ± 0.05 GPa, 500 ± 20°C and then grew along a prograde path to 0.75 ± 0.05 GPa, 530 ± 20°C. These amphibolite facies conditions are similar to those inferred from ductile shear zones from the same area, suggesting that both brittle and ductile deformation were active in the ductile realm above 500°C for a depth range between 17 and 21 km. We speculate that the Neves area fulfils most of the required conditions to have hosted slow earthquakes during Alpine continental collision, that is, coupled frictional and viscous deformation under high‐fluid pressure conditions ~450°C. Further investigation of this potential geological record is required to demonstrate that slow earthquakes may not be restricted to subduction zones but are also very likely to occur in modern continental collision settings.  相似文献   

Nantgarw phosphatic (bone-ash) porcelain (ca. 1813–1820) is renowned for its translucency and the high quality of its enamel decoration. However, only a small proportion of its wares (perhaps 10%) were successfully fired due to sagging (body distortion) and other problems. This indicates that: (1) In terms of its potential for generating a minimum melt, the Nantgarw paste had an unusually fertile composition, or (2) Nantgarw's staff had difficulties in controlling kiln temperatures, so that its wares tended to be overfired. This issue has been addressed using analytical data for sherds excavated from the factory site. Detailed modal, petrographic, and geochemical data demonstrate that extensively sagged wasters contain a high proportion (∼43–63 vol %) of a former melt phase but are surprisingly porous (7–25 vol % pores). In terms of minimum melt generation, the sagged samples have a more fertile bulk composition than their successfully fired counterparts. Most of the wasters contain subsolidus anorthite (∼An95) enclosed by a melt phase with (once corrected for entrained silica polymorph crystallites) a eutectic (minimum melt) composition. The anorthite, however, was completely resorbed by the melt in some of the sagged samples, which subsequently crystallized liquidus anorthite that displays a quenched morphology. These samples were therefore fired above (Tmax <1430°C, as estimated from melt compositions) the eutectic (T∼1290°C) in the anorthite–tricalcium phosphate–silica system. The fact that other wasters contain subsolidus anorthite and a minimum melt shows that firing at the eutectic did not guarantee a successful firing, regardless of the melt fertility of the paste. It is likely that the duration of firing near Tmax and character of the object (i.e., flatware vs. hollow-ware) were also important variables in this regard. In addition to producing their well-known phosphatic wares, Nantgarw's proprietors apparently also experimented with silicious pastes with compositions akin to true porcelain. Some of silicious sherds found at the site have a lead-bearing (∼15 wt % PbO) glaze, indicating that they survived an early, high temperature biscuit firing, after which they were fired at lower temperature in the glost kiln (i.e., a “soft-paste type” firing sequence). Evidence that the Nantgarw kiln could achieve temperatures in the order of 1400°C further suggests that these silicious sherds are b.f. wasters. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In modern marine ecosystems, sea‐grass and chlorophyte meadows play an important ecological role by serving as a carbon sink. Despite their generally limited areal distribution, the high productivity of sea‐grass meadows makes them an efficient assimilator of CO2. During the early Palaeozoic, complex life was virtually confined to the marine environment, with algae being one of the common carbon‐fixers, alongside abundant calcifying cyanobacteria, rhodophytes, chlorophytes and charophytes, as well as non‐skeletal dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Fossil and molecular data indicate that marine thallophytic algae first appeared in the Early Proterozoic and became widespread in the Palaeozoic, although their fossil record is sporadic because of their soft‐bodied nature; in the absence of angiosperm sea grass and mangroves and poorly understood phytoplankton biomass, thallophytic algae were probably major primary producers. In this article, we suggest that thallophytic algae may have played a significant role as a carbon sink in the Early Silurian, analogous to modern sea‐grass meadows or kelp forests, based on the well‐preserved Early Silurian thallophytic algal meadow from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada.  相似文献   

The large, extensive tufa deposits of the semi‐arid Naukluft Mountains, Namibia are potentially important palaeoenvironmental indicators in an area with few proxy records. Tufas are reliable indicators of increased moisture availability, and have been shown to be amenable to 234U–230Th dating, although two challenges are detrital contamination and open‐system behaviour. Densely cemented tufa facies are good candidates for dating, minimising these problems. We report attempts to date five densely‐cemented units, which are only found rarely within the Naukluft deposits. We applied a detailed methodology using multiple subsample analysis, measurement of insoluble residues, application of ‘isochron’ mixing lines, and attempted open‐systems modelling, alongside observations of micromorphology and cathodoluminescence in order to assess the validity of any obtained dates. Surprisingly, densely cemented tufas were found not always to be suitable for dating. Two units contained detrital contamination, which could not be corrected for using a single leachate correction or ‘isochron’ methods. Two units contained ‘excess 230Th’. This could result under a closed‐system if initial (234U/238U) was sufficiently high. Alternatively this may be the result of open‐system behaviour, and loss of uranium, or incorporation of initial unsupported 230Th, which render samples unsuitable for 234U–230Th dating. Micromorphological appearance and cathodoluminescence behaviour are used to explore these possibilities. This study exemplifies the need for careful sample selection, and highlights the importance of analysing multiple subsamples from any tufa sample. The detailed methodology applied proves to be a powerful tool for identifying the range of problems that can be encountered when selecting suitable candidate samples for successful dating. It also shows that semi‐arid tufa sequences may contain very little material suitable for dating. A reliable age of c 80 ka was obtained for a banded unit within a large fluvial barrage, with less reliable dates suggesting tufa deposition during times since >350 ka through to the late Holocene. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In November 2015, China government announced that the national carbon emissions trading market is expected to start in 2017. Carbon emission trading system is a raising concern...  相似文献   

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