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This paper focuses on Holocene deposits of the Firenze alluvial plain (Northern Apennines, Italy) and deals with the sedimentary features of chute channels draining the down‐river edges of the meander neck formed by 70 to 100 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep sinuous channels. Two main types of chute channels have been recognized. Type 1 is represented by 3 to 6 m wide and 0·5 to 1 m deep straight channels filled with mud aggregates overlying a basal gravel lag made of reworked caliches. These channels drained the point bar top during floods, and are thought to have been initiated as small rills when a shallow flow overpassed the downstream side of the point bar. Type 2 channels, 3 to 6 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep, are moderately to highly sinuous and filled with well‐stratified sand and gravels sourced from nearby rocky highlands. Type 2 channels were connected to the main river channel also during the base flow stage. The transition from Type 1 to Type 2 channels is documented and is interpreted as the result of the meander cut‐off process. Type 1 chute channels represent the early stage of the cut‐off phase, when a headcut is incised on the down‐river edges of the meander neck. The headcut migrates up‐river across the meander neck during floods, when fast currents shape the chute channels into a straight route. The transition from Type 1 into Type 2 channels is linked to the connection of the up‐river migrating headcut with the main channel and the termination of the cut‐off process. At this stage, the cut‐off channel is drained permanently and receives bedload from the main channel. The progressive shaping of the newly formed channel will convert it into the main channel and lead to the formation of an oxbow lake in the abandoned meander branch. Development of chute channels in the Firenze alluvial plain is thought to have heralded a decrease in sinuosity of the main channels, triggered by a climate‐driven increase in water discharge.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2030-2059
Seismic and sequence stratigraphic analysis of deep-marine forearc basin fill (Great Valley Group) in the central Sacramento Basin, California, reveals eight third-order sequence boundaries within the Cenomanian to mid-Campanian second-order sequences. The third-order sequence boundaries are of two types: Bevelling Type, a relationship between underlying strata and onlapping high-density turbidites; and Entrenching Type, a significantly incised surface marked by deep channels and canyons carved during sediment bypass down-slope. Condensed sections of hemipelagic strata draping bathymetric highs and onlapped by turbidites form a third important type of sequence-bounding element, Onlapped Drapes. Five tectonic and sedimentary processes explain this stratigraphic architecture: (1) subduction-related tectonic tilting and deformation of the basin; (2) avulsion of principal loci of submarine fan sedimentation in response to basin tilting; (3) deep incision and sediment bypass; (4) erosive grading and bevelling of tectonically modified topography by sand-rich, high-density turbidite systems; and (5) background hemipelagic sedimentation. The basin-fill architecture supports a model of subduction-related flexure as the principal driver of forearc subsidence and uplift during the Late Cretaceous. Subduction-related tilting of the forearc and growth of the accretionary wedge largely controlled whether and where the Great Valley turbiditic sediments accumulated in the basin. Deeply incised surfaces of erosion, including submarine canyons and channels, indicate periods of turbidity current bypass to deeper parts of the forearc basin or the trench. Fluctuations in sediment supply likely also played an important role in evolution of basin fill, but effects of eustatic fluctuations were overwhelmed by the impact of basin tectonics and sediment supply and capture. Eventual filling and shoaling of the Great Valley forearc during early Campanian time, coupled with dramatically reduced subsidence, correlate with a change in plate convergence, presumed flat-slab subduction, cessation of Sierran arc volcanism, and onset of Laramide orogeny in the retroarc.  相似文献   

Sediments contained in the river bed do not necessarily contribute to morphological change. The finest part of the sediment mixture often fills the pores between the larger grains and can be removed without causing a drop in bed level. The discrimination between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load, therefore, is of practical importance for morphological predictions. In this study, a new method is proposed to estimate the cut‐off grain size that forms the boundary between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load. The method evaluates the pore structure of the river bed geometrically. Only detailed grain‐size distributions of the river bed are required as input to the method. A preliminary validation shows that the calculated porosity and cut‐off size values agree well with experimental data. Application of the new cut‐off size method to the river Rhine demonstrates that the estimated cut‐off size decreases in a downstream direction from about 2 to 0·05 mm, covariant with the downstream fining of bed sediments. Grain size fractions that are pore‐filling load in the upstream part of the river thus gradually become bed‐structure load in the downstream part. The estimated (mass) percentage of pore‐filling load in the river bed ranges from 0% in areas with a unimodal river bed, to about 22% in reaches with a bimodal sand‐gravel bed. The estimated bed porosity varies between 0·15 and 0·35, which is considerably less than the often‐used standard value of 0·40. The predicted cut‐off size between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load (Dc,p) is fundamentally different from the cut‐off size between wash‐load and bed‐material load (Dc,w), irrespective of the method used to determine Dc,p or Dc,w. Dc,w values are in the order of 10?1 mm and mainly dependent on the flow characteristics, whereas Dc,p values are generally much larger (about 100 mm in gravel‐bed rivers) and dependent on the bed composition. Knowledge of Dc,w is important for the prediction of the total sediment transport in a river (including suspended fines that do not interact with the bed), whereas knowledge of Dc,p helps to improve morphological predictions, especially if spatial variations in Dc,p are taken into account. An alternative to using a spatially variable value of Dc,p in morphological models is to use a spatially variable bed porosity, which can also be predicted with the new method. In addition to the morphological benefits, the new method also has sedimentological applications. The possibility to determine quickly whether a sediment mixture is clast‐supported or matrix‐supported may help to better understand downstream fining trends, sediment entrainment thresholds and variations in hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

Multi‐proxy analysis of sediment cores from five key locations in hypersaline, alkaline Lake Bogoria (central Kenya Rift Valley) has allowed reconstruction of its history of depositional and hydrological change during the past 1300 years. Analyses including organic matter and carbonate content, granulometry, mineralogical composition, charcoal counting and high‐resolution scanning of magnetic susceptibility and elemental geochemistry resulted in a detailed sedimentological and compositional characterization of lacustrine deposits in the three lake basins and on the two sills separating them. These palaeolimnological data were supplemented with information on present‐day sedimentation conditions based on seasonal sampling of settling particles and on measurement of physicochemical profiles through the water column. A new age model based on 210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dating captures the sediment chronology of this hydrochemically complex and geothermally fed lake. An extensive set of chronological tie points between the equivalent high‐resolution proxy time series of the five sediment sequences allowed transfer of radiometric dates between the basins, enabling interbasin comparison of sedimentation dynamics through time. The resulting reconstruction demonstrates considerable moisture‐balance variability through time, reflecting regional hydroclimate dynamics over the past 1300 years. Between ca 690 and 950 AD , the central and southern basins of Lake Bogoria were reduced to shallow and separated brine pools. In the former, occasional near‐complete desiccation triggered massive trona precipitation. Between ca 950 and 1100 AD , slightly higher water levels allowed the build‐up of high pCO 2 leading to precipitation of nahcolite still under strongly evaporative conditions. Lake Bogoria experienced a pronounced highstand between ca 1100 and 1350 AD , only to recede again afterwards. For a substantial part of the time between ca 1350 and 1800 AD , the northern basin was probably disconnected from the united central and southern basins. Throughout the last two centuries, lake level has been relatively high compared to the rest of the past millennium. Evidence for increased terrestrial sediment supply in recent decades, due to anthropogenic soil erosion in the wider Bogoria catchment, is a reason for concern about possible adverse impacts on the unique ecosystem of Lake Bogoria.  相似文献   

Natural levées of the Columbia River near Golden, British Columbia, were investigated to identify the mechanisms that control levée development and morphology. Topographic profiles of 12 levée pairs were surveyed, and measurements of water-surface elevation, flow velocity, flow direction and turbidity were obtained during an average magnitude flood (1·2 years recurrence interval). Sedimentation rates and grain-size distributions were measured from sediment traps placed along levée-to-floodbasin transects. Results show that water and sediment exchange between the channel and floodbasin was mainly by advection. During flooding, local floodbasins behave more as efficient water pathways than water storage features, resulting in down-valley floodbasin flows capable of limiting basinward growth of levées. Levée shape results primarily from two independent factors: (1) maximum channel water stage, which limits levée height; and (2) floodbasin hydraulics, which control width. In the Columbia River, the competence of floodbasin flows results in relatively narrow and steep levées. Natural levées grow under two general conditions of deposition as governed by flood-stage elevation relative to levée-crest elevation: front loading and back loading. During large floods when crests are inundated, front loading preferentially aggrades the proximal portions of levées with sediment directly from the channel, thus increasing levée slope. During average or below-average floods when many levée crests are not overtopped, back loading preferentially aggrades the distal levée areas and floodbasin floor, reducing levée slope. In the study area, a balance between front and back loading sustains these narrow and steep levée shapes for long periods, reflecting an equilibrium between hydraulic regime, floodplain morphology and deposition.  相似文献   

The area of coastal rivers with a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes is defined as the fluvial to marine transition zone and can extend up to several hundreds of kilometres upstream of the river mouth. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of sediment distribution and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone using a comprehensive dataset of channel bed sediment samples collected from the Mekong River delta. Six sediment types were identified and were interpreted to reflect the combined action of fluvial and marine processes. Based on sediment‐type associations, the Mekong fluvial to marine transition zone could be subdivided into an upstream tract and a downstream tract; the boundary between these two tracts is identified 80 to 100 km upstream of the river mouth. The upstream tract is characterized by gravelly sand and sand and occasional heterolithic rhythmites, suggesting bed‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by fluvial processes with subordinate tidal influence. The downstream tract is characterized by heterolithic rhythmites with subordinate sand and mud, suggesting suspended‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by tidal processes with subordinate fluvial influence. Sediment distributions during wet and dry seasons suggest significant seasonal changes in sediment dynamic and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone. The upstream tract shows strong fluvial depositional processes with subordinate tidal influence during the wet season and no deposition with weak fluvial and tidal processes during the dry season. The downstream tract shows strong coexisting fluvial and tidal depositional processes during the wet season and strong tidal depositional processes with negligible fluvial influence during the dry season. Turbidity maxima are present along the downstream tract of the fluvial to marine transition zone during both wet and dry seasons and are driven by a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a multiproxy investigation including volume magnetic susceptibility (κ), mineral and pollen analyses of Late Glacial sediments from Lake Lautrey (Jura, France). Small‐scale lithological variations have been identified with high stratigraphic resolution in order to establish lithostratigraphic correlations between cores. κ measurements, combined with mineralogical analyses, provide information on past sedimentary processes. This combined approach reflects major changes in terrestrial habitats and soil processes which may relate to the climatic events characterising the Late Glacial climatic warming and cooling phases. During warm intervals, the record indicates increased lake productivity via carbonate precipitation and decreased input of detrital material. In contrast, cooler intervals show reduced lake productivity, catchment area instability and increased detrital inputs. Several short interruptions in reforestation and in soil stabilisation can be identified and linked with abrupt colder events occurring through the Bølling. A general trend of warming is recorded from the coldest part of the Younger Dryas. Three tephra layers were also detected. The mineral composition analyses show that the upper tephra layer corresponds to the Laacher See eruption (Eifel, Germany) while the lower ones may relate to the volcanic activity of the Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France) around 13 000 cal. yr BP. These two events, recognised for the first time outside the Massif Central region, may provide additional chronostratigraphic markers for the Late Glacial sedimentary records of the Jura mountains and northern Alps. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute to the data set of granulometric studies of sediments by measuring the sedimentary structure and texture, along with statistical parameters, of cold and arid lake systems. The palaeolake sequence along the River Indus on the western fringe of the Tibetan Plateau in Ladakh sector was selected in order to shed light on depositional environmental changes within the lake from post‐last glacial maximum to 5 ka. The River Indus was blocked by Lamayuru dam burst during the deglaciation, after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the subsequent increase in water level led to the formation of the Saspol–Khalsi palaeolake. This lake was ca 55 km in length, extending from Nimo to Khalsi, had a surface area of 370 km2 and was in existence until 5 ka. Two sections (Saspol and Khalsi) separated by an aerial distance of 35 km show a similar trend in sediment character due to their deposition in the same lake system. Grain‐size studies show a polymodal nature of sediments for both of the sections. However, sediments of the lower/downstream section (Khalsi) show a poorer degree of sorting, and coarser grain size and high energy depositional condition as compared with the sediments of Saspol section (positioned upstream) due to the location of the sections within the lake system. It was noted that, in high‐altitude arid regions, the sedimentological characteristics of large‐sized valley lakes may vary greatly, horizontally as well as vertically, owing to local stream input, inflow intensity from the catchment, outflow velocity of water channels, lithology and valley widths at the different sites.  相似文献   

This paper presents a lake‐level record for the Holocene at Lake Cerin (Jura Mountains, eastern France). It is based on a range of sedimentological techniques validated in previous studies, with a combination of systematic lithostratigraphic investigations of the infillings accumulated in the lacustrine basin, and sediment analyses of two selected cores. The chronology is based on 10 radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphy. On a millennial scale, the Cerin lake‐level record shows three distinct successive phases characterised by higher lake‐level conditions until ca. 9000 cal. a BP, followed by a maximal lowering at ca. 9000–8500 cal. a BP, and a progressive rise until the present. This rise was punctuated by centennial‐scale fluctuations, with major events around 4000, 2800 and after 1500 cal. a BP. Considered on a multimillennial scale, the general pattern of palaeohydrological changes reconstructed at Cerin reflects the impact of orbitally driven summer insolation. This is in agreement with other regional and extra‐regional palaeoclimatic records, although every record shows peculiarities in timing and shape depending on the proxy used for reconstruction. In this general context, centennial to multicentennial oscillations appear to have been second‐order events in comparison with the major influence of the orbital factor. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary landscape development along the Rancho Marino coastal range front in the central‐southern Pacific Coast Ranges of California has been documented using field mapping, surveying, sedimentary facies analysis and a luminescence age determination. Late Quaternary sediments along the base of the range front form a single composite marine terrace buried by alluvial fans. Marine terrace sediments overlie two palaeoshore platforms at 5 m and 0 m altitude. Correlation with the nearby Cayucos and San Simeon sites links platform and marine terrace development to the 125 ka and 105 ka sea‐level highstands. Uplift rate estimates based on the 125 ka shoreline angle are 0.01–0.09 m ka?1 (mean 0.04 m ka?1), and suggest an increase in regional uplift along the coast towards the NW where the San Simeon fault zone intersects the coastline. Furthermore, such low rates suggest that pre‐125 ka uplift was responsible for most of the relief generation at Rancho Marino. The coastal range front landscape development is, thus, primarily controlled by post 125 ka climatic and sea‐level changes. Post 125 ka sea‐level lowering expanded the range front piedmont area to a width of 7.5 km by the 18 ka Last Glacial Maximum lowstand. This sea‐level lowering created space for alluvial fan building along the range front. A 45 ± 3 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age provides a basal age for alluvial fan building or marks the time by which distal alluvial fan sedimentation has reached 300 m from the range front slope. Fan sedimentation is related to climatic change, with increased sediment supply to the range front occurring during (1) glacial period cold stage maxima and/or (2) the Late Pleistocene–Holocene transition, when respective increases in precipitation and/or storminess resulted in hillslope erosion. Sea‐level rise after the 18 ka lowstand resulted in range front erosion, with elevated localised erosion linked to the higher relief and steeper slopes in the SE. This study demonstrates that late Quaternary coastal range front landscape development is driven by interplay of tectonics, climatic and sea‐level change. In areas of low tectonic activity, climatic and sea‐level changes dominate coastal landscape development. When the sea‐level controlled shoreline is in close proximity to the coastal range front, localised patterns of sedimentation and erosion are passively influenced by the pre‐125 ka topography. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seacliff exposure at San Simeon, California, contains graphite‐schist blocks in a shale‐matrix, an undocumented lithology within the Franciscan mélange. Thirty graphite‐schist blocks were studied to discover all the varieties in this classic locality of mélange. Based on their mineralogical assemblage and composition, and textural characteristics the graphite‐schists in San Simeon are subdivided into two main types (Type I and II) with two subdivisions each (A and B). Type IA and IIA blocks are the most abundant. Type IA graphite‐schists are siltstone/fine greywacke‐like, preserve sedimentary textures, and lack lawsonite. Type IB graphite‐schists are mineralogical and texturally similar to Type IA schists, but are finer grained siltstone and shale. Type IIA graphite‐schists are compositionally layered and contain quartz‐ and albite‐rich layers and dark graphite‐ and intergrown mica/chlorite‐rich layers. Nine out of the 15 Type IIA blocks contain lawsonite. Two Type IIA blocks also contain aragonite (+calcite) in veins. Type IIB graphite‐schists are mostly composed of quartz and minor graphite, intergrown chlorite and white mica, and white mica pseudomorphs after lawsonite. The phengite content of mica in Type IIA blocks is higher than that of mica in Type IA graphite‐schists, confirming they were metamorphosed under high‐P/low‐T conditions. Type IA blocks were recrystallized between 200 and 250 °C at <~3 kbar; whereas, Type IIA blocks were metamorphosed under higher pressure conditions, probably at 250–300 °C and 3–5 kbar. Most likely both types of graphite‐schists were derived from a similar layered siltstone/fine greywacke/shale protolith. Organic matter‐rich sediments deposited in the trench axis were subducted along with oceanic crust during Franciscan subduction. Type I graphite‐schists were subducted to depths <10 km, whereas Type II graphite‐schists were subducted to depths ~15 km where they were underplated under high‐P conditions. The graphitic metasedimentary rocks were juxtaposed with mafic lithologies from the subducted oceanic crust that were metamorphosed to blueschist facies and retrograded to greenstone as they returned to the surface in the subduction channel shear zone.  相似文献   

Lake Towuti on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, is located within the heart of the Indo‐Pacific Warm Pool. This tropical lake is surrounded by ultramafic (ophiolitic) rocks and lateritic soils that create a unique ferruginous depositional setting. In order to understand modern sediment deposition in Lake Towuti, a set of 84 lake surface sediment samples was collected from across the entirety of the lake and samples were analyzed for their physical, chemical, mineralogical and biological constituents. End‐member analyses were carried out to elucidate modern sediment origin, transport and depositional processes. This study found that allochthonous sediment, characterized by the concentrations of the elements Mg, Fe, Si and Al, as well as the clay and serpentine minerals, is dominated by fluvial supply from five distinct source areas. Granulometric data and the occurrence of organic matter of a terrestrial origin suggest that, in the southern and north‐eastern parts of the lake the near‐shore sediments may additionally be influenced by mass wasting. This is due at least partly to the particularly steep slopes in these areas. Furthermore, sediment composition suggests that sediment transport into deeper parts of the lake, particularly in the northern basin, is partly controlled by gravitational and density‐driven processes such as turbidity currents. Directional sediment transport by persistent lake currents, in contrast, appears to be less important. Organic matter deposition in the ultra‐oligotrophic lake, albeit limited, is dominated by autochthonous production, but with some contribution of fluvial and gravitational supply. Biogenic silica deposition, primarily from diatom frustules and sponge spicules, is very limited and is concentrated in only a few areas close to the shoreline that are characterized by shallow waters, but away from the areas of high suspension loads at the mouths of the major inlets. The results of this study build upon current and published work on short piston cores from Lake Towuti. Conversely, the results will support the interpretation of the depositional history and past climatic and environmental conditions derived from the composition of much longer records, which were obtained by the Towuti Drilling Project in May 2015 and are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Sandstone bodies in the Sunnyside Delta Interval of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, previously considered as point bars formed in meandering rivers and other types of fluvial bars, are herein interpreted as delta mouth‐bar deposits. The sandstone bodies have been examined in a 2300 m long cliff section along the Argyle and Nine Mile Canyons at the southern margin of the Uinta lake basin. The sandstone bodies occur in three stratigraphic intervals, separated by lacustrine mudstone and limestone. Together these stratigraphic intervals form a regressive‐transgressive sequence. Individual sandstone bodies are texturally sharp‐based towards mudstone substratum. In proximal parts, the mouth‐bar deposits only contain sandstone, whereas in frontal and lateral positions mudstone drapes separate mouth‐bar clinothems. The clinothems pass gradually into greenish‐grey lacustrine mudstone at their toes. Horizontally bedded or laminated lacustrine mudstone onlaps the convex‐upward sandstone bars. The mouth‐bar deposits are connected to terminal distributary channel deposits. Together, these mouth‐bar/channel sandstone bodies accumulated from unidirectional jet flow during three stages of delta advance, separated by lacustrine flooding intervals. Key criteria to distinguish the mouth‐bar deposits from fluvial point bar deposits are: (i) geometry; (ii) bounding contacts; (iii) internal structure; (iv) palaeocurrent orientations; and (v) the genetic association of the deposits with lacustrine mudstone and limestone.  相似文献   

The Late Cenozoic basins in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben, North China Craton are delineated by northeast-striking faults. The faults have, since a long time, been related to the progressive uplift and northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau. To show the relation between the basins and faults, two Pliocene–Pleistocene stratigraphic sections(Chengqiang and Hongyanangou) in the southern part of the Nihewan Basin at the northernmost parts of the graben are studied herein. Based on the sedimentary sequences and facies, the sections are divided into three evolutionary stages, such as alluvial fan-eolian red clay, fan delta, and fluvial, with boundaries at ~2.8 and ~1.8 Ma. Paleocurrent indicators, the composition of coarse clastics, heavy minerals, and the geochemistry of moderate–fine clastics are used to establish the temporal and spatial variations in the source areas. Based on features from the middlenorthern basin, we infer that the Nihewan Basin comprises an old NE–SW elongate geotectogene and a young NW–SE elongate subgeotectogene. The main geotectogene in the mid-north is a half-graben bounded by northeast-striking and northwest-dipping normal faults(e.g., Liulengshan Fault). This group of faults was mainly affected by the Pliocene(before ~2.8–2.6 Ma) NW–SE extension and controlled the deposition of sediments. In contrast, the subgeotectogene in the south was affected by northwest-striking normal faults(e.g., Huliuhe Fault) that were controlled by the subsequent weak NE–SW extension in the Pleistocene. The remarkable change in the sedimentary facies and provenance since ~1.8 Ma is possibly a signal of either weak or strong NE–SW extension. This result implies that the main tectonic transition ages of ~2.8–2.6 Ma and ~1.8 Ma in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben are affected by the Tibetan Plateau in Pliocene–Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This study investigated Holocene tree‐line history and climatic change in the pre‐Polar Urals, northeast European Russia. A sediment core from Mezhgornoe Lake situated at the present‐day alpine tree‐line was studied for pollen, plant macrofossils, Cladocera and diatoms. A peat section from Vangyr Mire in the nearby mixed mountain taiga zone was analysed for pollen. The results suggest that the study area experienced a climatic optimum in the early Holocene and that summer temperatures were at least 2°C warmer than today. Tree birch immigrated to the Mezhgornoe Lake area at the onset of the Holocene. Mixed spruce forests followed at ca. 9500–9000 14C yr BP. Climate was moist and the water level of Mezhgornoe Lake rose rapidly. The hypsithermal phase lasted until ca. 5500–4500 14C yr BP, after which the mixed forest withdrew from the Mezhgornoe catchment as a result of the climate cooling. The gradual altitudinal downward shift of vegetation zones resulted in the present situation, with larch forming the tree‐line. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The first detailed investigation of a deep, coastal, sedimentary basin in Orkney reveals a complex Holocene history of back‐barrier morphodynamics. At Scapa Bay, the sea flooded a freshwater marsh after ca. 9400 yr BP at ca. ?5.4 m OD. Before ca. 7800 BP, abundant sediment from nearby cliffs was mobilised inland into a series of gravel barriers across the valley mouth. By ca. 7500 BP, direct marine influence was restricted in the back‐barrier area, although saltmarsh persisted until ca. 5900 BP. By then, at least four gravel ridges had enclosed the backing lagoon, where freshwater inputs became dominant. As terrestrial sediments filled the basin, another freshwater marsh developed. The multiple barrier complex demonstrates progradation resulting from continuous sediment supply in a sheltered embayment. The progressively rising height of the barrier crests seawards probably resulted from a combination of factors such as barrier morphodynamics, increased storminess and long‐term rising relative sea levels. The dominant vegetation surrounding Scapa Bay changed from open grassland to scrub ca. 9400 BP, then to deciduous woodland ca. 7800 BP, and to dwarf‐shrub heath ca. 2600 BP, the latter probably a response to a combination of climate change and human activity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A thick Maastrichtian‐Ypresian succession, dominated by marine siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of the regionally recognized Nile Valley and Garra El‐Arbain facies associations, is exposed along the eastern escarpment face of Kharga Oasis, located in the Western Desert of Egypt. The main objectives of the present study are: (i) to establish a detailed biostratigraphic framework; (ii) to interpret the depositional environments; and (iii) to propose a sequence stratigraphic framework in order to constrain the palaeogeographic evolution of the Kharga sub‐basin during the Maastrichtian‐Ypresian time interval. The biostratigraphic analysis suggests the occurrence of 10 planktonic zones; two in the Early Maastrichtian (CF8b and CF7), four in the Palaeocene (P2, P3, P4c and P5) and four in the Early Eocene (E1, E2, E3 and E4). Recorded zonal boundaries and biostratigraphic zones generally match with those proposed elsewhere in the region. The stratigraphic succession comprises seven third‐order depositional sequences which are bounded by unconformities and their correlative conformities which can be correlated within and outside Egypt. These depositional sequences are interpreted as the result of eustatic sea‐level changes coupled with local tectonic activities. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set bounded above by a marine‐flooding surface and an upper progradational parasequence set bounded above by a sequence boundary. Parasequences within parasequence sets are stacked in landward‐stepping and seaward‐stepping patterns indicative of transgressive and highstand systems tracts, respectively. Lowstand systems tracts were not developed in the studied sections, presumably due to the low‐relief ramp setting. The irregular palaeotopography of the Dakhla Basin, which was caused by north‐east to south‐west trending submerged palaeo‐highs and lows, together with the eustatic sea‐level fluctuations, controlled the development and location of the two facies associations in the Kharga Oasis, the Nile Valley (open marine) and Garra El‐Arbain (marginal marine).  相似文献   

Eruption records in the terrestrial stratigraphy are often incomplete due to erosion after tephra deposition, limited exposure and lack of precise dating owing to discontinuity of strata. A lake system and sequence adjacent to active volcanoes can record various volcanic events such as explosive eruptions and subaqueous density flows being extensions of eruption triggered and secondary triggered lahars. A lacustrine environment can constrain precise ages of such events because of constant and continuous background sedimentation. A total of 71 subaqueous density flow deposits in a 28 m long core from Lake Inawashiro‐ko reveals missing terrestrial volcanic activity at Adatara and Bandai volcanoes during the past 50 kyr. Sedimentary facies, colour, grain size, petrography, clay mineralogy, micro X‐ray fluorescence analysis and chemistry of included glass shards characterize the flow event deposits and clarify their origin: (i) clay‐rich grey hyperpycnites, extended from subaerial cohesive lahars at Adatara volcano, with sulphide/sulphate minerals and high sulphur content which point to a source from hydrothermally altered material ejected by phreatic eruptions; and (ii) clay‐rich brown density flow deposits, induced by magmatic hydrothermal eruptions and associated edifice collapse at Bandai volcano, with the common presence of fresh juvenile glass shards and low‐grade hydrothermally altered minerals; whereas (iii) non‐volcanic turbidites are limited to the oldest large slope failure and the 2011 Tohoku‐oki earthquake events. The high‐resolution chronology of volcanic activity during the last 50 kyr expressed by lacustrine event deposits shows that phreatic eruption frequency at Adatara has roughly tripled and explosive eruptions at Bandai have increased by ca 50%. These results challenge hikers, ski‐fields and downstream communities to re‐evaluate the increased volcanic risks from more frequent eruptions and far‐reaching lahars, and demonstrate the utility of lahar and lacustrine volcanic density flow deposits to unravel missing terrestrial eruption records, otherwise the recurrence rate may be underestimated at many volcanoes.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the metamorphic aureole of the Eureka Valley‐Joshua Flat‐Beer Creek (EJB) pluton in the White‐Inyo Range, California, reveal the compositions and origin of fluids that were present during variable recrystallization of quartzite with sedimentary grain shapes to metaquartzite with granoblastic texture. Metamorphosed sedimentary formations, including quartzites, marbles, calcsilicates and schists, became ductile and strongly attenuated in the aureole during growth of the magma chamber. The microstructures of quartzites have an unusual distribution in that within ~250 m from the pluton, where temperatures exceeded 650 °C, they exhibit relict sedimentary grain shapes, only small amount of grain boundary migration (GBM), and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) dominated by <a> slip. At distances >250 m, quartzites were completely recrystallized by GBM and CPOs are indicative of prism [c] slip, characteristics that are typically associated with H2O‐assisted, high‐T recrystallization. The lack of extensive GBM in the inner aureole can be attributed to rapid replacement of H2O by CO2 produced by reaction of quartz grains with calcite cement that also produced interstitial wollastonite. Fluid inclusions in the inner aureole generally occur in margins of quartz grains and are either wholly aqueous (Type 1) or also contain H2S, CO2 and CH4 (Type 2). Type 2 inclusions occur only in some stratigraphic layers. In both inclusion types, NaCl and CaCl2, in variable proportions, dominate the solutes in the aqueous phase, whereas FeCl2 and KCl are less abundant solutes. The solutes indicate attainment of a degree of equilibrium with carbonates and schists that are interbedded with the quartzites. Some Types 1 and 2 inclusions in the inner aureole show evidence of decrepitation due to high amounts of strain and/or heating suffered by the host rocks, which suggests that they represent pore fluids that existed in the rocks prior to contact metamorphism. In addition to Type 1 inclusions, outer aureole quartzites also contain inclusions that contain CO2 vapour bubbles in addition to aqueous phase (Type 3). These inclusions only occur in interiors of granoblastic quartz that was produced by large amounts of GBM. The aqueous phase has identical ranges of first melting and final ice melting temperatures as Type 1 inclusions, suggesting that they have the same solute compositions. These inclusions are thought to represent the interstitial pore H2O that promoted recrystallization of quartz and reacted with graphite to produce CO2. Absence of significant amounts of CH4 in Type 3 inclusions is attributed to elevated fO2 that was buffered by mineral assemblages in interbedded schists. As opposed to the large amount of CO2 that was produced by the wollastonite‐forming reaction in the inner aureole to inhibit GBM, the amount of CO2 produced in the outer aureole by reaction between H2O and graphite was apparently insufficient to inhibit recrystallization of quartz.  相似文献   

The molybdenum-nickel deposits in Shuidong District of Nayong County (Guizhou Province, Southwest China) are found mainly in black shale series of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, which is another Mo-Ni-rich region besides Zunyi District (Guizhou province). Our systematic study on the Mo-Ni deposits in Tangjiaba of Nayong reveals that layered coarse-grained limestones, spherical beaded limestones concretions are hosted at the lower seam of the Mo-Ni deposits. Its strong negative carbon isotope anomaly (the carbon isotope value of the coarse-grained limestones varies from ?2.148‰ to 8.223‰) is similar to that in the modern submarine black smoker chimney. The carbon in the coarse-grained limestones from black rock series of Nayong County might be deep source inorganic carbon. The seams, coarse-grained limestones, ore-bearing coarse-grained limestones and the roof and floor of the deposits are characterized by co-variation on the trace element spider diagram, showing good homology. The extraordinary enrichment of Ag, As and Sb resembles hydrothermal sedimentation. Pro-Earth's core elements Se is strongly enriched in Ni-Mo ore-bearing coarse-grained limestones. The ore-bearing rock series has an extremely low Th/U value (0.012–0.19); in the logU-logTh Cartesian Coordinates, the samples of the roof and floor of the deposits and ore-bearing coarse-grained limestones are found in the East Pacific tise; and the samples of coarse-grained limestones are found between the paleo-hydrothermal dedimentary area and the East Pacific tise. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns of the Ni-Mo deposits show LREE enrichment, Ce negative anomaly, and Eu negative anomaly (which is supposed to be influenced by the deep magmatic processes in an extensional environment) resembles the rare earth element distribution patterns of the fluid and its sediments in modern submarine hydrothermal system. It proves that coarse-grained limestones is characterized by typical hydrothermal limestones, being closely related with the genesis of Mo-Ni deposits in Nayong County, which provides new evidence for hydrothermal sedimentary genesis of Mo-Ni deposit and negative carbon anomaly in the basal Cambrian on a global scale.  相似文献   

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