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Gediz Graben is an important area for geothermal activity in Turkey. Menderes Massif rocks consisting of gneisses, schists, marbles and granodiorite, comprise the aquifers of the geothermal systems. Neogene terrestrial sediments made up mainly of sandy and clayey conglomerates cap the systems. Gediz Graben geothermal areas are physically divided into seven main groups: Turgutlu-Urganl, Sart-Çamur, Caferbeyli, Üfürük, Kurunlu, Kavakldere-Sazdere and Alaehir geothermal areas. The third highest aquifer in Turkey temperature (182 °C) after Kzldere (242 °C) and Germencik (232 °C) was discovered in the Kavakldere-Sazdere area. The thermomineral waters of the Gediz Graben geothermal areas have outlet temperatures of 2595 °C and an electrical conductivity of 874–6020 S/cm. Mineralization is mostly dominated by Na+ (188–2027 ppm) and HCO3 (544–2950 ppm). Kavakldere-Sazdere area shows the highest boron content among the entire geothermal aquifers of Turkey. Major geochemical processes for thermomineral waters are carbonate and silicate dissolution and mixing.  相似文献   

Ridge subduction is an inescapable plate tectonic process, but has only been documented in modern circum‐Pacific environments and not yet been recognized from suture zones associated with supercontinent assembly, likely because its imprint is obliterated by later collision. The formation of the Pan‐African Damara Belt of central Namibia involved northward subduction of the Khomas Sea underneath the Congo Craton, prior to final suturing of the Congo and Kalahari Cratons. The accretionary history of the Belt is preserved in the Southern and Southern Marginal Zones, which consist of turbiditic metasedimentary and intercalcated mafic rocks with MORB affinity. Two localities in the Kuiseb and Gaub canyons reveal that aluminous metapelites contain a fabric‐defining assemblage of fine‐grained muscovite, chlorite, biotite, quartz and graphite that is overprinted by randomly oriented porphyroblasts and poikiloblasts of garnet, staurolite, kyanite and biotite. Associated metamafic rocks consist of hornblende, chlorite, epidote, rutile and quartz, with actinolite cores preserved in amphibole porphyroblasts. Metamorphic conditions for the fabric‐defining assemblage are estimated at ~10 kbar and 540–560 C, whereas peak metamorphism likely occurred at 10–10.5 kbar and 600 C. Consequently, these rocks preserve a two‐stage prograde metamorphic history, where initial tectonic burial was followed by relatively rapid, near‐isobaric heating without attendant deformation to peak metamorphic conditions. We propose that initial burial occurred through subduction and underplating to the accretionary prism, before ridge subduction and opening of a slab window heated the rocks to peak metamorphic conditions. The exceptional preservation of the tectono‐thermal imprint of the accretionary orogenic stage is due to the relatively soft, largely aborted collision that characterized the Damara orogeny, which can be attributed to the confined extent of the Khomas Sea.  相似文献   

The Afyon stratovolcano exhibits lamprophyric rocks, emplaced as hydrovolcanic products, aphanitic lava flows and dyke intrusions, during the final stages of volcanic activity. Most of the Afyon volcanics belong to the silica-saturated alkaline suite, as potassic trachyandesites and trachytes, while the products of the latest activity are lamproitic lamprophyres (jumillite, orendite, verite, fitztroyite) and alkaline lamprophyres (campto-sannaite, sannaite, hyalo-monchiquite, analcime–monchiquite). Afyon lamprophyres exhibit LILE and Zr enrichments, related to mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(5-6):277-288
A close relationship between formation of approximately upright folds with axes normal to the extension direction and ramp/flat extensional geometries is established for well exposed Neogene syn-extensional rocks on the presently low-angle Gediz detachment fault, along the southern margin of the Gediz Graben region of western Anatolia, Turkey. Three unconformity-bounded sedimentary sequences and several metamorphic extensional allochthons were mapped in the upper-plate of the Gediz detachment. The oldest sedimentary sequence consists of deformed and folded strata of sandstones and conglomerates that are regarded as being deposited in a supra-detachment basin during the Miocene–Early Pliocene. This unit rests unconformably on the extensional allochthonous, but directly in fault contact with the lower-plate mylonitic rocks. The younger slightly tilted Late Pliocene–Pleistocene sedimentary sequences are post-detachment units that are controlled by EW-trending high-angle normal faults. The youngest alluvium comprises the undeformed present-day basin fill of the Gediz Graben. The supra-detachment sedimentary rocks contain a number of kilometric-scale longitudinal folds that are nearly parallel to the east-west-trending fault system of the Gediz Graben. The folds have a steeply inclined bisecting surface, an interlimb angle of 130–150°, and a plunge of <10°. These folds may be interpreted to form as a result of bending in the underlying Gediz detachment fault. The bending may have an alternation of ramp and flat geometries on which a hanging-wall syncline and rollover anticline formed, respectively. This study again shows the importance of local geology in understanding of some spectacular structures of the extensional basins.  相似文献   


A close relationship between formation of approximately upright folds with axes normal to the extension direction and ramp/flat extensional geometries is established for well exposed Neogene syn-extensional rocks on the presently low-angle Gediz detachment fault, along the southern margin of the Gediz Graben region of western Anatolia, Turkey. Three unconformity-bounded sedimentary sequences and several metamorphic extensional allochthons were mapped in the upper-plate of the Gediz detachment. The oldest sedimentary sequence consists of deformed and folded strata of sandstones and conglomerates that are regarded as being deposited in a supra-detachment basin during the Miocene-Early Pliocene. This unit rests unconformably on the extensional allochthonous, but directly in fault contact with the lower-plate mylonitic rocks. The younger slightly tilted Late Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences are post-detachment units that are controlled by EW-trending high-angle normal faults. The youngest alluvium comprises the undeformed present-day basin fill of the Gediz Graben. The supra-detachment sedimentary rocks contain a number of kilometric-scale longitudinal folds that are nearly parallel to the east-west-trending fault system of the Gediz Graben. The folds have a steeply inclined bisecting surface, an interlimb angle of 130–150°, and a plunge of <10°. These folds may be interpreted to form as a result of bending in the underlying Gediz detachment fault. The bending may have an alternation of ramp and flat geometries on which a hanging-wall syncline and rollover anticline formed, respectively. This study again shows the importance of local geology in understanding of some spectacular structures of the extensional basins. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The Menderes Massif is a major polymetamorphic complex in Western Turkey. The late Neoproterozoic basement consists of partially migmatized paragneisses and metapelites in association with orthogneiss intrusions. Pelitic granulite, paragneiss and orthopyroxene-bearing orthogneiss (charnockite) of the basement series form the main granulite-facies lithologies. Charnockitic metagranodiorite and metatonalite are magnesian in composition and show calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic affinities. Nd and Sr isotope systematics indicate homogeneous crustal contamination. The zircons in charnockites contain featureless overgrowth and rim textures representing metamorphic growth on magmatic cores and inherited grains. Charnockites yield crytallization age of ~590 Ma for protoliths and they record granulite-facies overprint at ~ 580 Ma. These data indicate that the Menderes Massif records late Neoproterozoic magmatic and granulite-facies metamorphic events. Furthermore, the basement rocks have been overprinted by Eocene Barrovian-type Alpine metamorphism at ~42 Ma. The geochronological data and inferred latest Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian palaeogeographic setting for the Menderes Massif to the north of present-day Arabia indicate that the granulite-facies metamorphism in the Menderes Massif can be attributed to the Kuunga Orogen (600–500 Ma) causing the final amalgamation processes for northern part of the Gondwana.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the nature of giant micas occurring at the contact between the ?zvatan (foid-bearing) syenites and the metamorphic basement in Central Anatolia. The studied micas are dark greenish-black in color and crystallized within vein shape like bodies as a narrow lens. The origin and processes responsible for the formation of these independent crystals of the giant micas were investigated by mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical analyses with the use of Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRS), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Polarized Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (PED-XRF) and Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA). According to XRD, CRS, FTIR and EPMA data, the giant micas are phlogopite. EPMA results reveal that studied mica minerals represent the products of re-equilibrated primary mica characterized by high MgO and FeO and low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents. The trace element concentrations of the giant micas display similar patterns with the upper crust. The giant micas are crystallized within small cubicles from an alkaline magma and their composition is possibly modified by a mixing event between the crust- and mantle-derived magmas and contaminated at varying extent by the basement metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Holocene relative sea level (RSL) changes have been investigated by analysing and dating isolation sequences from five lakes near Sisimiut in south‐western Greenland. The transitions between marine and lacustrine sediments were determined from elemental analyses and analyses of macroscopic plant and animal remains. Radiocarbon dating was used to provide minimum ages for the transitions and to construct a RSL curve. Dating of a shell of the marine bivalve Macoma balthica indicates that deglaciation of the lowlands occurred in the early Holocene, at around 10 900 cal a BP. The RSL curve shows initial rapid regression from the marine limit at around 140 m, implying strong glacio‐isostatic rebound. We suggest that the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet was located at the shelf break during the Last Glacial Maximum. Frequent remains of the ostracode Sarcypridopsis aculeata, which is a thermophilous brackish water species that is unknown from the extant fauna of Greenland, in one of the basins around 8500 cal a BP may mark the beginning of the Holocene thermal maximum in the region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data obtained from low‐temperature thermochronometers such as apatite fission‐track and (U‐Th)/He are combined with morphometric information extracted from digital elevation models. This combination shows several geomorphological effects that are caused by the migration of the Nazca Ridge along the Peruvian Coastal margin. Offshore, the depth of the deep‐sea trench decreases by ~1500 m where the Nazca Ridge collides with the continental South American Plate. Onshore the ridge causes an uplift of at least 800 m in the Coastal Cordillera. This uplift results in a westward shift of the coastline thereby focusing and increasing erosion in the uplifted areas. At the trailing edge, the shelf subsides and the coastline retreats eastwards, producing at least part of the indentation observed between Paita and Pisco. The Ridge acts therefore like a wave uplifting the Andean margin as it traverses inland and southwards leaving a clear fingerprint on the topographic evolution of the Peruvian coastal margin.  相似文献   

A geotransect across the south‐western Alps from the Pelvoux Massif (external French Alps) to the Dora‐Maira massif (internal Italian Alps), through the Monviso ophiolitic complex, was investigated in the framework of the ‘Géo‐France 3D Alpes’ programme. A new interpretative crustal‐scale section across the south‐western Alps is proposed, combining geological and geophysical 2D/3D data. The Apulian mantle (i.e. the Ivrea body) might be divided into two rigid pieces separated by the downward prolongation of the Penninic frontal thrust. These mantle indenters drive the decoupling of the European crust. Beneath the high to ultra‐high pressure metamorphic nappes, the deep structure results from the stacking of crustal slices extracted from the European lithosphere. The proposed structural model provides a basis for discussing the evidence of the crustal‐scale partitioning of the current strain pattern as well as the location of the seismicity.  相似文献   

This paper presents two dinoflagellate cyst records from the south‐western shelf of the Black Sea. A new site, MAR05‐13, from the Sakarya shelf is described and placed into context with site MAR02‐45, ~250 km distant on the Thracian shelf. The records provide a centennial resolution of surface water conditions in the Holocene. Analysis of the data suggests that the surface salinity of the south‐western shelf increased in a gradual and progressive manner. In the period ~11 000–9000 cal a BP the assemblages suggest surface‐water salinities between 7–13 psu. The initial arrival of euryhaline species, ~8100 cal a BP, is linked to the reconnection of the Black Sea and Marmara Sea. The suggested surface water changes related to the reconnection took approximately 1000 years. Following this initial change in assemblages, a further increase in the number of euryhaline species is noted between 5000 and 4000 cal a BP. This is linked to the establishment of more saline surface‐water conditions, close to present‐day values. The record for MAR05‐13 highlights the complexity of the changes in cyst assemblages during the mid‐Holocene. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Isolated outcrops of ophiolitic rocks, termed the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, are found as allochthonous bodies in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, that represent the metamorphosed passive northern edge of the Tauride–Anatolide Platform, central Turkey. In terms of pseudostratigraphic relationships of the magmatic units and their chemical designation, the Central Anatolian Ophiolites exhibit a supra‐subduction zone (fore‐arc) setting within the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of the Neotethys. The epi‐ophiolitic sedimentary cover of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites is generally characterized by epiclastic volcanogenic deep‐sea sediments and debris flows intercalated with pelagic units. The richest and most significant planktonic foraminiferal association recorded from the lowest pelagic members infer a formation age of early–middle Turonian to early Santonian. K/Ar ages of post‐collisional granitoids (81–65 Ma) intruding the basement rocks as well as the Central Anatolian Ophiolites suggest a post‐early Santonian to pre‐middle Campanian emplacement age. The marked high volume of epiclastic volcanogenic sediments intercalated with the pelagics of the Central Anatolian Ophiolite is suggestive of rifting in a marginal sea adjacent to a volcanic arc. Penecontemporaneous tectonism is reflected in repetitions in the stratigraphy and in debris flows, which result from major slides and mass‐gravity reworking of pre‐existing units and of arc‐derived volcanics and sediments. Correlating the rock units and formation/obduction ages of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites with further supra‐subduction zone type ophiolites in the eastern (Turkey) and western (Greece) parts of the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of Neotethys we conclude that the intraoceanic subduction in the east is definitely younger and the closure history of this segment is more complex than previously suggested. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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