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The well‐known asymptotic fractional four‐parameter traveltime approximation and the five‐parameter generalised traveltime approximation in stratified multi‐layer transversely isotropic elastic media with a vertical axis of symmetry have been widely used for pure‐mode and converted waves. The first three parameters of these traveltime expansions are zero‐offset traveltime, normal moveout velocity, and quartic coefficient, ensuring high accuracy of traveltimes at short offsets. The additional parameter within the four‐parameter approximation is an effective horizontal velocity accounting for large offsets, which is important to avoid traveltime divergence at large offsets. The two additional parameters in the above‐mentioned five‐parameter approximation ensure higher accuracy up to a given large finite offset with an exact match at this offset. In this paper, we propose two alternative five‐parameter traveltime approximations, which can be considered extensions of the four‐parameter approximation and an alternative to the five‐parameter approximation previously mentioned. The first three short‐offset parameters are the same as before, but the two additional long‐offset parameters are different and have specific physical meaning. One of them describes the propagation in the high‐velocity layer of the overburden (nearly horizontal propagation in the case of very large offsets), and the other characterises the intercept time corresponding to the critical slowness that includes contributions of the lower velocity layers only. Unlike the above‐mentioned approximations, both of the proposed traveltime approximations converge to the theoretical (asymptotic) linear traveltime at the limit case of very large (“infinite”) offsets. Their accuracy for moderate to very large offsets, for quasi‐compressional waves, converted waves, and shear waves polarised in the horizontal plane, is extremely high in cases where the overburden model contains at least one layer with a dominant higher velocity compared with the other layers. We consider the implementation of the proposed traveltime approximations in all classes of problems in which the above‐mentioned approximations are used, such as reflection and diffraction analysis and imaging.  相似文献   

Diffractions carry valuable information about local discontinuities and small‐scale objects in the subsurface. They are still not commonly used in the process of geological interpretation. Many diffraction imaging techniques have been developed and applied for isotropic media, whereas relatively few techniques have been developed for anisotropic media. Ignoring anisotropy can result in low‐resolution images with wrongly positioned or spurious diffractors. In this article, we suggest taking anisotropy into account in two‐dimensional post‐stack domain by considering P‐wave non‐hyperbolic diffraction traveltime approximations for vertical transverse isotropy media, previously developed for reflection seismology. The accuracy of the final images is directly connected to the accuracy of the diffraction traveltime approximations. We quantified the accuracy of six different approximations, including hyperbolic moveout approximation, by the application of a post‐stack diffraction imaging technique on two‐dimensional synthetic data examples.  相似文献   

Considering horizontally layered transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis and all types of pure‐mode and converted waves we present a new wide‐angle series approximation for the kinematical characteristics of reflected waves: horizontal offset, intercept time, and total reflection traveltime as functions of horizontal slowness. The method is based on combining (gluing) both zero‐offset and (large) finite‐offset series coefficients. The horizontal slowness is bounded by the critical value, characterised by nearly horizontal propagation within the layer with the highest horizontal velocity. The suggested approximation uses five parameters to approximate the offset, six parameters to approximate the intercept time or the traveltime, and seven parameters to approximate any two or all three kinematical characteristics. Overall, the method is very accurate for pure‐mode compressional waves and shear waves polarised in the horizontal plane and for converted waves. The application of the method to pure‐mode shear waves polarised in the vertical plane is limited due to cusps and triplications. To demonstrate the high accuracy of the method, we consider a synthetic, multi‐layer model, and we plot the normalised errors with respect to numerical ray tracing.  相似文献   

Acoustic transversely isotropic models are widely used in seismic exploration for P‐wave processing and analysis. In isotropic acoustic media only P‐wave can propagate, while in an acoustic transversely isotropic medium both P and S waves propagate. In this paper, we focus on kinematic properties of S‐wave in acoustic transversely isotropic media. We define new parameters better suited for S‐wave kinematics analysis. We also establish the travel time and relative geometrical spreading equations and analyse their properties. To illustrate the behaviour of the S‐wave in multi‐layered acoustic transversely isotropic media, we define the Dix‐type equations that are different from the ones widely used for the P‐wave propagation.  相似文献   

各向异性TI介质qP反射波走时层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震走时层析成像是反演地层各向异性参数分布的有效方法, 但是关于地震各向异性介质走时层析成像的研究并不多, 其技术远远没有达到成熟的阶段.在野外数据采集时, 地表反射波观测方式相对井间和垂直地震剖面观测方式的成本更低, 利用qP反射波走时反演各向异性参数具有更加广泛的实用价值.本文实现的TI介质地震走时层析成像方法结合了TI介质反射波射线追踪算法、走时扰动方程和非线性共轭梯度算法, 它可以对任意强度的TI介质模型进行反演, 文中尝试利用qP反射波走时重建TI介质模型的参数图像.利用qP反射波对层状介质模型和块状异常体模型进行走时反演, 由于qP波相速度对弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数的偏微分不同, 所以可以分别反演弹性模量参数和Thomsen参数.数值模拟结果表明:利用qP反射波可以反演出TI介质模型的弹性模量参数与Thomsen参数, 不同模型的走时迭代反演达到了较好的收敛效果, 与各向同性介质走时反演结果相比较, 各向异性介质走时反演结果具有较好的识别能力.  相似文献   

Imaging diffracted waves can provide useful information about complex subsurface geology and fracture networks. Separation of diffractions from typically more intensive reflected events can be done based on specularity, which measures deviation from Snell’s law. Here, we analyze two formulations of specularity and their applicability to diffraction processing in the presence of anisotropy. We show that the most common definition of specularity, originally introduced for pure modes in isotropic media, remains valid for both pure and converted waves in arbitrarily anisotropic models. The other formulation operates directly with the difference between the slowness projections onto the reflector for the incident and reflected waves. Testing on a VTI (transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis) diffraction ramp model demonstrates that both formulations produce satisfactory results for anisotropic media with appropriate tapering of the specularity gathers. Then separation and imaging of diffractions is performed for the structurally complex VTI Marmousi model. We also analyze the sensitivity of diffractions in the specularity gathers to errors in the symmetry-direction velocity and anellipticity parameter η.  相似文献   

The complex‐valued first‐arrival traveltime can be used to describe the properties of both velocity and attenuation as seismic waves propagate in attenuative elastic media. The real part of the complex‐valued traveltime corresponds to phase arrival and the imaginary part is associated with the amplitude decay due to energy absorption. The eikonal equation for attenuative vertical transversely isotropic media discretized with rectangular grids has been proven effective and precise to calculate the complex‐valued traveltime, but less accurate and efficient for irregular models. By using the perturbation method, the complex‐valued eikonal equation can be decomposed into two real‐valued equations, namely the zeroth‐ and first‐order traveltime governing equations. Here, we first present the topography‐dependent zeroth‐ and first‐order governing equations for attenuative VTI media, which are obtained by using the coordinate transformation from the Cartesian coordinates to the curvilinear coordinates. Then, we apply the Lax–Friedrichs sweeping method for solving the topography‐dependent traveltime governing equations in order to approximate the viscosity solutions, namely the real and imaginary parts of the complex‐valued traveltime. Several numerical tests demonstrate that the proposed scheme is efficient and accurate in calculating the complex‐valued P‐wave first‐arrival traveltime in attenuative VTI media with an irregular surface.  相似文献   

In recent years, wave‐equation imaged data are often presented in common‐image angle‐domain gathers as a decomposition in the scattering angle at the reflector, which provide a natural access to analysing migration velocities and amplitudes. In the case of anisotropic media, the importance of angle gathers is enhanced by the need to properly estimate multiple anisotropic parameters for a proper representation of the medium. We extract angle gathers for each downward‐continuation step from converting offset‐frequency planes into angle‐frequency planes simultaneously with applying the imaging condition in a transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI) medium. The analytic equations, though cumbersome, are exact within the framework of the acoustic approximation. They are also easily programmable and show that angle gather mapping in the case of anisotropic media differs from its isotropic counterpart, with the difference depending mainly on the strength of anisotropy. Synthetic examples demonstrate the importance of including anisotropy in the angle gather generation as mapping of the energy is negatively altered otherwise. In the case of a titled axis of symmetry (TTI), the same VTI formulation is applicable but requires a rotation of the wavenumbers.  相似文献   

The moveout approximations play an important role in seismic data processing. The standard hyperbolic moveout approximation is based on an elliptical background model with two velocities: vertical and normal moveout. We propose a new set of moveout approximations based on a perturbation series in terms of anellipticity parameters using the alternative elliptical background model defined by vertical and horizontal velocities. We start with a transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis. Then, we extend this approach to a homogeneous orthorhombic medium. To define the perturbation coefficients for a new background, we solve the eikonal equation with horizontal velocities in transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis and orthorhombic media. To stabilise the perturbation series and improve the accuracy, the Shanks transform is applied for all the cases. We select different parameterisations for both velocities and anellipticity parameters for an orthorhombic model. From the comparison in traveltime error, the new moveout approximations result in better accuracy comparing with the standard perturbation‐based methods and other approximations.  相似文献   

Transverse isotropy with a vertical axis of symmetry is a common form of anisotropy in sedimentary basins, and it has a significant influence on the seismic amplitude variation with offset. Although exact solutions and approximations of the PP-wave reflection coefficient for the transversely isotropic media with vertical axis of symmetry have been explicitly studied, it is difficult to apply these equations to amplitude inversion, because more than three parameters need to be estimated, and such an inverse problem is highly ill-posed. In this paper, we propose a seismic amplitude inversion method for the transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry based on a modified approximation of the reflection coefficient. This new approximation consists of only three model parameters: attribute A, the impedance (vertical phase velocity multiplied by bulk density); attribute B, shear modulus proportional to an anellipticity parameter (Thomsen's parameter ε−δ); and attribute C, the approximate horizontal P-wave phase velocity, which can be well estimated by using a Bayesian-framework-based inversion method. Using numerical tests we show that the derived approximation has similar accuracy to the existing linear approximation and much higher accuracy than isotropic approximations, especially at large angles of incidence and for strong anisotropy. The new inversion method is validated by using both synthetic data and field seismic data. We show that the inverted attributes are robust for shale-gas reservoir characterization: the shale formation can be discriminated from surrounding formations by using the crossplot of the attributes A and C, and then the gas-bearing shale can be identified through the combination of the attributes A and B. We then propose a rock-physics-based method and a stepwise-inversion-based method to estimate the P-wave anisotropy parameter (Thomsen's parameter ε). The latter is more suitable when subsurface media are strongly heterogeneous. The stepwise inversion produces a stable and accurate Thomsen's parameter ε, which is proved by using both synthetic and field data.  相似文献   

多层垂直对称轴横向各向同性介质精确走时计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐巍  李磊 《地震学报》2008,30(4):367-376
给出了计算多层垂直对称轴横向各向同性(VTI)介质精确射线路径和走时的方法,所用的体波相速度公式、群速度公式和Snell定律都是严格的显式解析公式. 任意基本波的射线路径和走时计算问题都可以转化成一个等效的透射问题,再用文中的公式来计算,具体实现方法用一个多次波和一个首波的实例给出. 最后分别用精确公式和Thomsen近似公式计算了相同模型相同基本波的走时曲线. 比较两者计算结果可发现, 近似公式反复使用会使误差积累,同时揭示了近似公式适用范围的局限性,强调了使用近似公式需要注意其适用范围的重要性.   相似文献   

An approach to calculate the accurate ray paths and traveltimes in multi-layered VTI media (transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis) is proposed. The expressions of phase velocity, group velocity and Snell’s law used for computation are all explicit and exact. The calculation of ray paths and traveltimes for a given ele-mentary wave is equivalent to that of a transmission problem which is much easier to be treated with the formulae proposed. In the section of numerical examples, the proce...  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion in transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis provides an opportunity to better match the data at the near and far offsets. However, multi-parameter full waveform inversion, in general, suffers from serious cycle-skipping and trade-off problems. Reflection waveform inversion can help us recover a background model by projecting the residuals of the reflected wavefield along the reflection wavepath. Thus, we extend reflection waveform inversion to acoustic transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis utilizing the proper parameterization for reduced parameter trade-off. From a radiation patterns analysis, an acoustic transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis is better described by a combination of the normal-moveout velocity and the anisotropic parameters η and δ for reflection waveform inversion applications. We design a three-stage inversion strategy to construct the optimal resulting model. In the first stage, we only invert for the background by matching the simulated reflected wavefield from the perturbations of and δ with the observed reflected wavefield. In the second stage, the background and η are optimized simultaneously and the far-offset reflected wavefield mainly contribute to their updates. We perform Born modelling to compute the reflected wavefield for the two stages of reflection waveform inversion. In the third stage, we perform full waveform inversion for the acoustic transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis to delineate the high-wavenumber structures. For this stage, the medium is described by a combination of the horizontal velocity , η and ε instead of , η and δ. The acoustic multi-parameter full waveform inversion utilizes the diving waves to improve the background as well as utilizes reflection for high-resolution information. Finally, we test our inversion algorithm on the modified Sigsbee 2A model (a salt free part) and a two-dimensional line from a three-dimensional ocean bottom cable dataset. The results demonstrate that the proposed reflection waveform inversion approach can recover the background model for acoustic transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis starting from an isotropic model. This recovered background model can mitigate the cycle skipping of full waveform inversion and help the inversion recover higher resolution structures.  相似文献   

Taking the anisotropy of velocity and attenuation into account, we investigate the wavefield simulation of viscoacoustic waves in 3D vertical transversely isotropic attenuating media. The viscoacoustic wave equations with the decoupled amplitude attenuation and phase dispersion are derived from the fractional Laplacian operator and using the acoustic approximation. With respect to the spatially variable fractional Laplacian operator in the formulation, we develop an effective algorithm to realize the viscoacoustic wavefield extrapolation by using the arbitrary-order Taylor series expansion. Based on the approximation, the mixed-domain fractional Laplacian operators are decoupled from the wavenumbers and fractional orders. Thus, the viscoacoustic wave propagation can be conveniently implemented by using a generalized pseudospectral method. In addition, we perform the accuracy and efficiency analyses among first-, second- and third-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral methods with different quality factors. Considering both the accuracy and computational cost, the second-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral method can generally satisfy the requirements for most attenuating media. Numerical modelling examples not only illustrate that our decoupled viscoacoustic wave equations can effectively describe the attenuating property of the medium, but also demonstrate the accuracy and the high robustness of our proposed schemes.  相似文献   

Subsurface rocks (e.g. shale) may induce seismic anisotropy, such as transverse isotropy. Traveltime computation is an essential component of depth imaging and tomography in transversely isotropic media. It is natural to compute the traveltime using the wavefront marching method. However, tracking the 3D wavefront is expensive, especially in anisotropic media. Besides, the wavefront marching method usually computes the traveltime using the eikonal equation. However, the anisotropic eikonal equation is highly non‐linear and it is challenging to solve. To address these issues, we present a layer‐by‐layer wavefront marching method to compute the P‐wave traveltime in 3D transversely isotropic media. To simplify the wavefront tracking, it uses the traveltime of the previous depth as the boundary condition to compute that of the next depth based on the wavefront marching. A strategy of traveltime computation is designed to guarantee the causality of wave propagation. To avoid solving the non‐linear eikonal equation, it updates traveltime along the expanding wavefront by Fermat's principle. To compute the traveltime using Fermat's principle, an approximate group velocity with high accuracy in transversely isotropic media is adopted to describe the ray propagation. Numerical examples on 3D vertical transverse isotropy and tilted transverse isotropy models show that the proposed method computes the traveltime with high accuracy. It can find applications in modelling and depth migration.  相似文献   

Existing and commonly used in industry nowadays, closed‐form approximations for a P‐wave reflection coefficient in transversely isotropic media are restricted to cases of a vertical and a horizontal transverse isotropy. However, field observations confirm the widespread presence of rock beds and fracture sets tilted with respect to a reflection boundary. These situations can be described by means of the transverse isotropy with an arbitrary orientation of the symmetry axis, known as tilted transversely isotropic media. In order to study the influence of the anisotropy parameters and the orientation of the symmetry axis on P‐wave reflection amplitudes, a linearised 3D P‐wave reflection coefficient at a planar weak‐contrast interface separating two weakly anisotropic tilted tranversely isotropic half‐spaces is derived. The approximation is a function of the incidence phase angle, the anisotropy parameters, and symmetry axes tilt and azimuth angles in both media above and below the interface. The expression takes the form of the well‐known amplitude‐versus‐offset “Shuey‐type” equation and confirms that the influence of the tilt and the azimuth of the symmetry axis on the P‐wave reflection coefficient even for a weakly anisotropic medium is strong and cannot be neglected. There are no assumptions made on the symmetry‐axis orientation angles in both half‐spaces above and below the interface. The proposed approximation can be used for inversion for the model parameters, including the orientation of the symmetry axes. Obtained amplitude‐versus‐offset attributes converge to well‐known approximations for vertical and horizontal transverse isotropic media derived by Rüger in corresponding limits. Comparison with numerical solution demonstrates good accuracy.  相似文献   

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