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A stratiform manganiferous horizon, up to 4 m thick but localised in aerial extent, occurs 10 km south-east of Inverness in north-east Scotland. It overlies Precambrian Grampian Group schists and is itself overlain by Middle Old Red Sandstone (Devonian) conglomerate, which elsewhere rests unconformably on the schists. The deposit was mined briefly in the early 1920s and is composed principally of fine-grained braunite with minor bustamite. Lower sections of the deposit contain cavities, infilled by late baryte, calcite and rhodochrosite, which resemble stromatactis. This horizon is underlain by a hematite-quartz layer, thought to represent a laterite formed by pre-MORS weathering of the underlying schists. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the manganese ore (enriched in Ag, As, Ba, Bi, Pb, Sb, Sr and Zn) are characteristic of a hydrothermal origin. Such an origin, when considered in conjunction with the outcrop, textures, mineralogy and stratigraphy of the deposit together with the palaeogeography of the region, can only be explained by deposition from hot-springs in a sublacustrine environment. Nearby baryte mineralisation may also have been deposited from the same geothermal system, which had the Caledonian 407 Ma Moy granitoid as heat source. The managanese ore is enriched in gold pathfinder elements and minor detrital gold has been found in the area. Gold mineralisation may therefore have also been deposited in the upper sections of this Devonian geothermal system.  相似文献   

The geotraverse from Yecheng to Shiquanhe, on the western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, totalling 1056 km in length, passes the western Kunlun Mountains and the eastern end of the Karakorum Mountains. The Chinese and French scientists made a joint investigation along the line from July to August, 1989. Based on the outcropped ophiolites, palaeontology, sedimentary facies, magmatism, tectonic deformation and metamorphism, the region involved may be divided from north to south into five terranes and four ophiolitic suture zones. The ages of these terranes have a tendency to become increasingly younger from north to south.  相似文献   

Abstract The geotraverse from Yecheng to Shiquanhe, on the western Qinghai – Tibet Plateau, totalling 1056 km in length, passes the western Kunlun Mountains and the eastern end of the Karakorum Mountains. The Chinese and French scientists made a joint investigation along the line from July to August, 1989. Based on the outcropped ophiolites, palaeontology, sedimentary facies, magmatism, tectonic deformation and metamorphism, the region involved may be divided from north to south into five terranes and four ophiolitic suture zones. The ages of these terranes have a tendency to become increasingly younger from north to south.  相似文献   

The British Geological Survey has recently re-mapped the Isle of Wight at a scale of 1:10,000. This has added to a wealth of geological research already published. Within this paper, we highlight the importance of geology to the heritage of the Isle of Wight and its impacts on everyday life. There is a growing cultural awareness of the variety of landscapes and resources, the geology that underpins them, and the need to manage and understand them in a sensitive and sustainable way. ‘Geodiversity’, which collectively embraces these themes, is defined as “… the natural range (diversity) of geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphological (land form, processes) and soil features …” (Gray, 2004). This paper will focus on the geomorphological features; that is, the link between geology, the landscape it influences, and the human interactions with it. Examples from the Isle of Wight of the influences of geology on landscape include the landslides at Ventnor; geotourism at The Needles, Alum Bay and various dinosaur sites; and the artificial landscapes resulting from resource extraction. The geological issues and examples that we have used are some of the most applicable to everyday life, and therefore ones that many people will be able to relate to, such as geohazards (e.g. landslides), water supply, economic value (e.g. quarrying) and tourism. The paper is aimed at the non-specialist and students but also may provide a contextual element to professionals.  相似文献   

A core, recovered from a water depth of 53 m in Loch Assynt, North-West Scotland, has yielded a 9 m sequence comprising two distinct units, an upper, organic-rich unit (Unit I, ca. 6 m) overlying a sequence of laminated clays, silts and sands (Unit II, ca. 3 m). The upper unit is essentially Holocene in age based upon three bulk AMS radiocarbon dates while a fourth radiocarbon date from Unit II confirms a late-glacial age for that interval and supports a broadly linear age–depth relationship. Distinct variations in the magnetic susceptibility record of the lower unit can be visually correlated to major changes in the Greenland ice core (GISP2), this together with pollen evidence supports the radiocarbon dating suggesting an age of approximately 11,000 to around 17,000 cal. BP for Unit II, with evidence for the Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond) stadial and the Bolling–Allerød climatic phases. Variations in the magnetic susceptibility record of the late-glacial sediments are thought to relate to climatically driven changes in soil cover and erosion rates. The multiproxy record from Loch Assynt indicates relatively continuous, sub-aqueous sedimentation during the last ~17,000 years, providing an approximate age for the initiation of modern Loch Assynt and supporting recent dates of moraine retreat lines in the Loanan Valley from about 14–15 ka BP. Pollen and chironomid sampling provides further insights to the history of this relatively deep water body and compliment existing high-resolution palaeo-precipitation records for the mid to late Holocene interval from speleothem archives within the loch catchment.  相似文献   

The pegmatite province of the Southeastern Desert (SED) is part of a pegmatite district that extends from Egypt (extends to 1200 km2). Rare metal pegmatites are divided into (1) unzoned, Sn-mineralized; (2) zoned Li, Nb, Ta and Be-bearing; and (3) pegmatites and pegmatites containing colored, gem-quality tourmaline. The Rb/Sr data reflect a crustal origin for the rare metal pegmatites and indicate that the original SED magma was generated during the peak of regional metamorphism and predates the intrusion of post-tectonic leucogranites. These bodies developed an early border zone consisting of coarse to very coarse muscovite quartz alkali feldspar, followed by an intermediate zone of dominant quartz feldspar muscovite rock. Garnet, tourmaline, beryl, galena, pyrite, amblygonite, apatite and monazite are rare accessories in both zones. Cassiterite tends to concentrate in replacement zones and along fractures in albite quartz muscovite-rich portions. The highest concentrations of cassiterite occur in irregular greisenized zones which consist dominantly of micaceous aggregates of green Li-rich muscovite, quartz, albite and coarse-grained cassiterite. The different metasomatic post-solidification alterations include sodic and potassic metasomatism, greisenization and tourmalinization. Geochemically, the pegmatite-generating granites have a metaluminous composition, showing a differentiation trend from coarse-grained, unfractionated plagioclase-rich granite towards highly fractionated fine- to medium-grained, local albite-rich rock. Economically important ore minerals introduced by volatile-rich, rare metal-bearing fluids, either primarily or during the breakdown of the primary mineral assemblages, are niobium-tantalum oxides, Sn-oxides (cassiterite), Li-silicates (petalite, spodumene, euctyptite, and pollucite), Li-phosphates (amblygonite, montebrasite and lithopilite) and minor REE-minerals (Hf-zircon, monazite, xenotime, thorian, loparite and yttrio-fluorite). The pollucite is typically associated with spodumene, petalite, amblygonite, quartz and feldspar. The primary pollucite has Si/Al (at) ratios of 2.53-2.65 and CRK of 79.5- 82.2. Thorian loparite is essentially a member of the loparite (NaLREETi2O6)-lueshite (NaNbO3)-ThTi2O6-ThNb4O12 quaternary system with low or negligible contents of other end-member compositions. The mineral compositionally evolved from niobian loparite to niobian thorian and thorian loparite gave rise to ceriobetafite and belyankinite with high ThO2 contents. Thorian loparite is metamict or partly metamict and upon heating regains a structure close to that of synthetic loparite NaLaTi2O6.  相似文献   

Partially turbid alkali feldspars from hydrothermally altered Tertiary granites on the Isle of Skye (the Red Hills granites) were studied using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopies, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Limpid cores and turbid rims of individual crystals were compared to determine the causes of the turbidity. The limpid cores were cryptoperthitic, with lamellar widths of 0.1–0.3 μm. In contrast, the turbid rims contained K-rich and Narich areas coarsened to >0.5 μm. Turbid regions contained abundant inclusions, whereas limpid regions did not. Two generations of turbidity were recognized. Feldspars from the Beinn an Dubhaich granite, a granite with near-normal values for 18O/16O possessed limpid cores surrounded by turbid rims that cast a reddish-brown hue in transmitted light. When viewed in darkfield light microscopy, the regions with the reddish-brown turbidity were blue. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the cloudy appearance of these turbid regions arises from the scattering of light by micrometerto submicrometer-sized inhomogeneities in refractive index caused by fluid-filled cavities. Feldspars from the Loch Ainort granite, a granite with low values for 18O/16O possessed limpid and reddish-brown-turbid cores surrounded by turbid rims that cast a blackish hue in transmitted light. Ion thinning of the turbid areas produced an abundance of small holes (≤1–2 μm) apparently the remains of fluid inclusions. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that some holes from regions of reddish-brown turbidity contained non-feldspar material, including halite and metal-rich phases of various compositions. In contrast, blackish turbid regions contained cavities filled with alteration products, such as kaolinite. Hence, the feldspars from granites on the Isle of Skye apparently record interactions with at least two fluids: a saline fluid (possibly a late-stage magmatic fluid) and a meteoric fluid.  相似文献   

Fine-grained sediments usually suffer post-depositional compression (compaction), which reduces bed thickness and lowers the elevations of sample positions and marker horizons. This reduction has been calculated for two general cases using geotechnical theory, and a correction (decompaction factor) is presented that can be applied to many field situations. Its use is illustrated by two examples from the clay sediments of the Claret Formation of the Forth valley. In the first, the correction is calculated for 14C samples from the Bothkennar research site near Grangemouth, and the effect on the reconstruction of water depths is discussed. In the second example, corrections are obtained for published sea-level index points from former shorelines in the Forth valley, using a method for a postiori estimation of geotechnical data. General conclusions are drawn between the size of the correction and the sample position relative to the local depocentre. Some applications to palaeotidal modelling are also suggested. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sedimentary dykelets in the Dolomitic Formation of Islay have been rotated relative to bedding during the primary deformation, which imposed a penetrative, slaty cleavage on the dolomitic lithologies. The dykelets have been used to determine the principal strain ratios in two dimensions and, by a new method these results have been combined to define the three-dimensional finite strain state. The results show that the shortening normal to the cleavage is in the range 33–66%, and the maximum extension within the cleavage is in the range 25–157%. The deformation is predominantly of the flattening type (1 > k 0).  相似文献   

The arable soils from two multiperiod settlements were analyzed to identify changes in agricultural methods over time. The settlement middens were also analyzed to determine whether potential fertilizers were discarded unused. Results suggest that in the Neolithic period (˜4000–2000 B.C. in the UK) the arable soils at Tofts Ness, Orkney, and Old Scatness, Shetland, were created by flattening and cultivating the settlements' midden heaps in situ. The arable area at Tofts Ness was expanded in the Bronze Age (˜2000–700 B.C. in the UK), and the new land was improved by the addition of ash, nightsoil, and domestic waste. Cultivation continued briefly after the fields were buried in windblown sand in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age, but by the Early Iron Age cultivation ceased and organic‐rich material was allowed to accumulate within the settlement. By contrast, at Old Scatness, arable production was increased in the Iron Age (˜700 B.C.–A.D. 550 in Scotland) by the intensive use of animal manures. The results indicate that during the lifespan of the two settlements the arable soils were fertilized to increase production, which was intensified over time. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Gold Bar is one of several Carlin-type gold mining districts located in the Battle Mountain–Eureka trend, Nevada. It is composed of one main deposit, Gold Bar; five satellite deposits; and four resources that contain 1.6 Moz (50 t) of gold. All of the deposits and resources occur at the intersection of north-northwest- and northeast-trending high-angle faults in slope facies limestones of the Devonian Nevada Group exposed in windows through Ordovician basin facies siliciclastic rocks of the Roberts Mountains allochthon. Igneous intrusions and magnetic anomalies are notably absent. The Gold Bar district contains a variety of discordant and stratabound jasperoid bodies, especially along the Wall Fault zone, that were mapped and studied in some detail to identify the attributes of those most closely associated with gold ore and to constrain genetic models. Four types of jasperoids, J0, J1, J2, and J3, were distinguished on the basis of their geologic and structural settings and appearance. Field relations suggest that J0 formed during an early event. Petrographic observations, geochemistry, and δ18O values of quartz suggest it was overprinted by the hydrothermal event that produced ore-related J1, J2, and J3 jasperoids and associated gold deposits. The greater amount of siliciclastic detritus present in J0 jasperoids caused them to have higher δ18O values than J1,2,3 jasperoids hosted in underlying limestones. Ore-related jasperoids are composed of main-ore-stage replacements and late-ore-stage open-space filling quartz with variable geochemistry and an enormous range of δ18O values (24.5 and −3.7‰). Jasperoids hosted in limestones with the most anomalous Au, Ag, Hg, ±(As, Sb, Tl) concentrations and the highest δ18O values are associated with the largest deposits. The 28‰ range of jasperoid δ18O values is best explained by mixing between an 18O-enriched fluid and an 18O-depleted fluid. The positive correlation between the sizes of gold deposits and the δ18O composition of jasperoids indicates that gold was introduced by the 18O-enriched fluid. The lowest calculated δ18O value for water in equilibrium with late-ore-stage quartz at 200°C (−15‰) and the measured δD value of fluid inclusion water extracted from late-ore-stage orpiment and realgar (−116‰) indicate that the 18O-depleted fluid was composed of relatively unexchanged meteoric water. The source of the 18O-enriched ore fluid is not constrained. The δ34S values of late-ore-stage realgar, orpiment, and stibnite (5.7–15.5‰) and barite (31.5–40.9‰) suggest that H2S and sulfate were derived from sedimentary sources. Likewise, the δ13C and δ18O values of late-stage calcite (−4.8 to 1.5‰ and 11.5 to 17.4‰, respectively) suggest that CO2 was derived from marine limestones. Based on these data and the apparent absence of any Eocene intrusions in the district, Gold Bar may be the product of a nonmagmatic hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

新疆金坝金矿成矿作用的地质和流体包裹体证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金坝金矿作为额尔齐斯构造成矿带的典型金矿,人们对其构造蚀变特征、成矿流体演化以及成矿热液来源还缺乏深入研究,区内岩浆活动与金坝金矿之间的关系尚不明确.在矿床地质特征研究基础上,详细分析矿化蚀变特征,使用扫描电镜阴极发光(SEM-CL)分析石英显微结构,通过流体包裹体研究和S-D-O同位素分析对成矿流体和矿质来源进行探讨.区内黄铁矿化、绢云母化、硅化普遍发育,是重要的找矿标志.矿区斜长花岗岩和闪长岩的钻孔样品由矿化中心向外蚀变及矿化逐渐减弱,变化明显.SEM-CL显示石英微结构具有热液石英特征的穿插结构和重结晶结构,表明变形变质作用强烈.热液成矿分为4个阶段:磁铁矿-石英阶段、金-黄铁矿-石英阶段、金-多金属硫化物-石英阶段和石英-碳酸盐化阶段.金坝金矿的流体包裹体多以水溶液包裹体为主,并有CO2-H2O包裹体及碳质流体包裹体.成矿温度主峰为260~280 ℃和380~400 ℃,盐度范围在0.88%~13.72% Nacleqv,流体密度为0.90~0.95 g/cm3.表明成矿流体体系为中高温热液、中低盐度、中低密度的H2O-NaCl-CO2体系.成矿流体有从中高温富CO2向低温盐水溶液演化的特点.矿床硫质来源具有深源硫特征.流体包裹体中δDH2O值为-78.0‰~-80.5‰,成矿溶液的δ18OH2O值为1.49‰~5.31‰,表明成矿热液流体由成矿早期的岩浆水向晚期成矿流体的大气降水演化.   相似文献   

The Uitkomst complex in eastern Transvaal, South Africa, is a mineralized, layered ultrabasic to basic intrusion of Bushveld complex age (2.05–2.06 Ga) that intruded into the sedimentary rocks of the Lower Transvaal Supergroup. The complex is situated 20 km north of Badplaas. It is elongated in a northwesterly direction and is exposed over a total distance of 9 km. The intrusion is interpreted to have an anvil-shaped cross-section with a true thickness of approximately 800 m and is enveloped by metamorphosed and, in places, brecciated country rocks. Post-Bushveld diabase intrusions caused considerable vertical dilation of teh complex.The complex consists of six lithological units (from bottom to top): Basal Gabbro, Lower Harzburgite, Chromitiferous Harzburgite, Main Harzburgite, Pyroxenite and Gabbronorite. The Basal Gabbro Unit, developed at the base of the intrusion and showing a narrow chilled margin of 0.2 to 1.5 m against the floor rocks, has an average thickness of 6 m and grades upwards into the sulphide-rich and xenolith-bearing sequence of the Lower Harzburgite Unit. The latter unit averages 50 m in thickness and is gradationally overlain by the chromite-rich harzburgite of the Chromitiferous Harzburgite Unit (average thickness 60 m). Following on from the Chromitiferous Harzburgite Unit is the 330 m thick Main Harzburgite Unit. The Pyroxenite and Gabbronorite Units (total combined thickness of 310 m) form the uppermost formations of the intrusion. The three lower lithological units, Basal Gabbro to Chromitiferous Harzburgite, are highly altered by late magmatic, hydrothermal processes causing widespread serpentinization, steatitization, saussuritization and uralitization.Field relations, petrography and mineral and whole rock chemistry suggest the following sequence of events, The original emplacement of magma took place from northwest to southeast. The intrusion was bounded between two major fracture zones that gave rise to an elongated body, which acted as a conduit for later magma heaves. The first magma pulses, forming the chilled margin of the intrusion, show chemical affinities to a micropyroxenite described from the Bushveld complex. The Lower Harzburgite and Chromitiferous Harzburgite Units, judged from the abundance of xenoliths, originated by crystal settling from a contaminated basic magma. The Main Harzburgite crystallized from a magma of constant, probably also basic, composition, which flowed through the conduit after formation of the lower three lithological units. At a late stage of emplacement, after replenishment in the conduit came to a standstill, closed system conditions developed in the upper part of the complex, resulting in a magma fractionation trend of increasing incompatible elements contents towards the top of the intrusion.The mineralization in the lower three rock units and at the base was most probably caused by a segregating sulphide liquid forced to precipitate by the oxidative degassing of dolomite. Sulphur isotope ratios indicate various degrees of contamination of the magma by the enveloping sedimentary rocks, which provided the necessary amounts of S to reach S saturation.  相似文献   

Plateau icefields are a common form of mountain ice mass, frequently found in mid‐latitude to high‐arctic regions and increasingly recognized in the Quaternary record. Their top‐heavy hypsometry makes them highly sensitive to changes in climate when the equilibriaum line altitude (ELA) lies above the plateau edge, allowing ice to expand significantly as regional ELAs decrease, and causing rapid recession as climate warms. With respect to future climate warming, it is important to understand the controls on plateau icefield response to climate change in order to better predict recession rates, with implications for water resources and sea‐level rise. Improving knowledge of the controls on glacier recession may also enable further palaeoclimatic information to be extracted from the Quaternary glacial record. We use the distribution of moraines to examine topographic controls on Younger Dryas icefield recession in Scotland. We find that overall valley morphology influences the style of recession, through microclimatic and geometric controls, with bed gradient affecting moraine spacing. Ice mass reconfiguration may occur as recession progresses because ice divide migration could alter the expected response based on hypsometric distribution. These results add to a growing body of research examining controls on glacier recession and offer a step towards unravelling non‐linear ice mass behaviour. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ian S. Sanders 《Lithos》1978,11(1):15-22
Aluminous clinopyroxenite is described from an exposure in the Eastern Lewisian metamorphic complex at Glenelg in NW Scotland. One specimen (S527) has exsolution lamellae of Ca-rich garnet in an omphacitic host, while another specimen (S526) contains Ca-Tschermakitic augite and green hercynitic spinel with reaction rims of garnet. Garnet exsolution is attributed to cooling to about 600°C at eclogite-stabilizing pressure, and is shown to depend on the Ca + Na content of the pyroxene. Pyroxene stoichiometry is questioned. Originally the pyroxenite was probably a high-pressure cumulate which crystallized and cooled within an eclogite-facies environment. Alternatively, it may have formed during an early phase of very high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron-activation analysis for the determination of Th and U in rocks is superior to the delayed-neutron method when a low-power reactor is used. Results using these methods on pelitic rocks from the Dalradian of Scotland indicate Th values higher and U values lower than sediments from elsewhere. There is no evidence of Th or U movement during metamorphism and the areal variations found are due to the different provenance of the rocks.  相似文献   

Twelve samples of Nigerian laterites were obtained from Ilorin, a rapidly growing urban center, and capital of Kwara State, Nigeria. Three varieties of laterites (clay, gravel and crust) were identified and subjected to mineralogical, chemical and geotechnical analyses which included: identification of clay and non-clay minerals by X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques; chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis; pH of soil in water; moisture contents and specific gravity determinations, grain size analysis; compaction test by Harvard Compaction Apparatus and unconfined compressive strength determination.The laterite soil samples are composed of kaolinite and illite clay minerals with some quartz and feldspar. They were found to be rich in SiO2 (45%) Fe2O3, (16%) and Al203 (10%).These soils yielded maximum strength when compacted on the dry side of their optimum moisture content (OMC).The soils are not expected to perform very well as concrete aggregates since they contain high amounts of SiO2 and Fe2O3. These oxides are known to have deleterious effects on construction materials, particularly concrete aggregates.  相似文献   

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