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In Venezuela, kimberlites have so far only been found in the Guaniamo region, where they occur as high diamond grade sheets in massive to steeply foliated Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks. The emplacement age of the Guaniamo kimberlites is 712±6 Ma, i.e., Neoproterozoic. The Guaniamo kimberlites contain a high abundance of mantle minerals, with greater than 30% olivine macrocrysts. The principal kimberlite indicator minerals found are pyrope garnet and chromian spinel, with the overwhelming majority of the garnets being of the peridotite association. Chrome-diopside is rare, and picroilmenite is uncommon. Chemically, the Guaniamo kimberlites are characterized by high MgO contents, with low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents and higher than average FeO and K2O contents. These rocks have above average Ni, Cr, Co, Th, Nb, Ta, Sr and LREE concentrations and very low P, Y and, particularly, Zr and Hf contents. The Nb/Zr ratio is very distinctive and is similar to that of the Aries, Australia kimberlite. The Guaniamo kimberlites are similar in petrography, mineralogy and mantle mineral content to ilmenite-free Group 2 mica kimberlites of South Africa. The Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics of Guaniamo kimberlites are distinct from both kimberlite Group 1 and Group 2, being more similar to transitional type kimberlites, and in particular to diamondiferous kimberlites of the Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia. The Guaniamo kimberlites form part of a compositional spectrum between other standard kimberlite reference groups. They formed from metasomatised subcontinental lithospheric mantle and it is likely that subduction of oceanic crust was the source of this metasomatised material, and also of the eclogitic component, which is dominant in Guaniamo diamonds.  相似文献   

塔里木地块新元古代冰期事件等时性对比存在争议,获得可靠的新元古代冰碛岩沉积时代意义重大.塔里木地块西北缘阿克苏地区出露2套新元古代冰碛岩沉积,通过对其进行岩石学、同位素年代学、岩石地球化学等分析,明确其沉积物岩石组合特征、限定其沉积时代、讨论其古气候风化条件等.化学蚀变指数(CIA)指示研究区的2套新元古代冰碛岩代表了...  相似文献   

The Kingston Peak Formation of the Pahrump Group in the Death Valley region of the Basin and Range Province, USA, is the thick (over 3 km) mixed siliciclastic–carbonate fill of a long‐lived structurally‐complex Neoproterozoic rift basin and is recognized by some as a key ‘climatostratigraphic’ succession recording panglacial Snowball Earth events. A facies analysis of the Kingston Peak Formation shows it to be largely composed of ‘tectonofacies’ which are subaqueous mass flow deposits recording cannibalization of older Pahrump carbonate strata exposed by local faulting. Facies include siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate turbidites, carbonate megabreccias (olistoliths) and related breccias, and interbedded debrites. Secondary facies are thin carbonates and pillowed basalts. Four distinct associations of tectonofacies (‘base‐of‐scarp’; FA1, ‘mid‐slope’; FA2, ‘base‐of‐slope’; FA3, and a ‘carbonate margin’ association; FA4) reflect the initiation and progradation of deep water clastic wedges at the foot of fault scarps. ‘Tectonosequences’ record episodes of fault reactivation resulting in substantial increases in accommodation space and water depths, the collapse of fault scarps and consequent downslope mass flow events. Carbonates of FA4 record the cessation of tectonic activity and resulting sediment starvation ending the growth of clastic wedges. Tectonosequences are nested within regionally‐extensive tectono‐stratigraphic units of earlier workers that are hundreds to thousands of metres in thickness, recording the long‐term evolution of the rifted Laurentian continental margin during the protracted breakup of Rodinia. Debrite facies of the Kingston Peak Formation are classically described as ice‐contact glacial deposits recording globally‐correlative panglacials but they result from partial to complete subaqueous mixing of fault‐generated coarse‐grained debris and fine‐grained distal sediment on a slope conditioned by tectonic activity. The sedimentology (tectonofacies) and stratigraphy (tectonosequences) of the Kingston Peak Formation reflect a fundamental control on local sedimentation in the basin by faulting and likely earthquake activity, not by any global glacial climate.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1391-1408

Rocks of the early Neoproterozoic age of the world have remained in discussion for their unique identity and evolutionary history. The rocks are also present in Sindh province of Pakistan and have been in debate for a couple of years. Yet, these igneous rocks have been studied very poorly regarding U-Pb and Lu-Hf age dating. The early Neoproterozoic rocks located in Nagarparkar town of Sindh have been considered as shoulder of Malani Igneous Suite (MIS) discovered in Southwest of India. The Nagarparkar Igneous Complex (NPIC) rocks are low-grade metamorphosed, mafic and silicic rocks. These rocks are accompanied by felsic and mafic dikes. Two types of granite from NPIC have been identified as peraluminous I-type biotite granites (Bt-granites), of medium-K calc-alkaline rocks series and A-type potash granites (Kfs-granites) of high-K calc-alkaline rocks series. Geochemical study shows that these Kfs-granites are relatively high in K and Na contents and low MgO and CaO. The Bt-granites have positive Rb, Ba, and Sr with negative Eu anomalies rich with HFSEs Zr, Hf, and slightly depleted HREEs, whereas Kfs-granites have positive Rb with negative Ba, Sr, and Eu anomalies and have positive anomalies of Zr and Hf with HREEs. In addition, these rocks possess crustal material, which leads to the enrichment of some incompatible trace elements and depletion of Sr and Ba in Kfs-granites and relatively high Sr and Ba in Bt-granites, indicating a juvenile lower continental crust affinity. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of these granites yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 812.3 ± 14.1 Ma (N = 18; MSWD = 3.7); and 810 ± 7.4 Ma (N = 16; MSDW = 0.36) for the Bt-granites, and 755.3 ± 7.1 Ma (N = 21; MSDW = 2.0); NP-GG-01 and 736.3 ± 4.3 Ma (N = 24; MSWD = 1.05) for Kfs-granites, respectively. The Bt-granites and Kfs-granites have positive zircon εHf(t) values, which specify that they are derived from a juvenile upper and lower continental crust. Based on the geochemical and geochronological data, we suggest that the Bt-granites were formed through lower continental crust earlier to the rifting time, whereas the Kfs-granites were formed via upper continental crust, during crustal thinning caused by Rodinia rifting. These zircon U-Pb ages 812 to 736 Ma, petrographic, and geochemical characteristics match with those of the adjacent Siwana, Jalore, Mount Abu, and Sirohi granites of MIS. Thus, we can suggest that NPIC granites and adjacent MIS can possibly be assumed as a missing link of the supercontinent Rodinia remnants.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis for the Mesoproterozoic clastic sedimentary rocks of the basal Gulcheru Formation of the Cuddapah Basin in the Gugudu-Dadithota-Parnapalle-Palkonda region (extending atleast 40 km) have been performed to highlight their provenance and weathering history. The low K2O/Al2O3 ratios of the representative samples points to the recycled nature of sediments and illite clay in the sediments indicate an overall cold climate (low chemical weathering degree). All the provenance diagrams indicate a mixed source of the Gulcheru sediments with felsic dominancy and Upper continental crust (UCC) signature.  相似文献   


化学风化是地表岩石矿物向土壤释放营养元素同时形成土壤粘粒组分的地球化学过程,这一过程使土壤具有生态环境功能。本文选择采集青藏高原东南缘的雅砻江下游不同地貌部位和植物群落的表土样品并分析其粒度组成和地球化学特征。结果表明:研究区表土粒度组成以粉砂为主(46.68%),其次是砂粒(34.05%)和粘粒(19.28%);元素组成以Si、Al和Fe为主;K、P和Si相对于上陆壳亏损,与区内沉积岩为主的岩石分布特征一致。研究区表土粘粒含量和化学蚀变指数(CIA)存在明显的空间差异:海拔 < 1300 m、坡度较大的南部谷坡地表土粘粒平均含量为6.51%,CIA平均为65,处于脱Ca、Na的中等风化阶段早期;海拔>2400 m、坡度平缓的西部坡地和宽谷地表土粘粒含量达39.21%,CIA平均达86,风化程度较高。母岩、海拔、坡度和土壤总氮含量对表土CIA值的贡献依次是57.34%、23.46%、10.33%和6.87%。显然,母岩性质是控制研究区表土化学风化过程的主要因素,地貌条件(海拔和坡度)是驱动化学风化过程最重要的外部因素,且海拔高度的影响大于坡度;生物作用对CIA值有一定的贡献。本研究可为深入探讨干热河谷地区土壤生物地球化学过程提供基础数据。


The present research deals with the geochemical characteristics of the Holocene sediments from Alamdanga area, Chuadanga district, Bangladesh. Main goals of the study are to delineate source rock characteristics, degree of chemical weathering and sorting processes and behavior of redox conditions during deposition of the sediments. Geochemical characteristics of the sediments show comparatively a wide variation in accordance with stratigraphy in their major element contents (e.g. SiO2 69.46-82.13, A1203 2.28-8.88 in wt%), reflecting the distinctive provenance and in part an unstable period in terms of tectonic activity. Geochemical classification of the sediments shows mostly sub-arkose with few sub-litharenites. Some major and trace elements display comprehensible correlation with A1203 confirming their possible hydraulic fraetionation. The chemical index of alteration (CIA*), W* index, index of compositional variability (ICV), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA*) values and the ratio of SIO2/Al2O3, suggest low degrees of chemical weathering in the source areas as well as immature to moderately mature the sediments. The sediments suggest semi-arid climatic trends within oxic deltaic depositional conditions during the Holocene, at 3-12 ka. Whole rock geochemistry and discrimination diagrams demonstrate the continental signature derivatives, which might have been derived from the felsic to intermediate igneous rocks (granitic plutonic rocks) as well as from quartzose sedimentary/metamorphic provenance. These typical sources are present in a vast region of the Himalayan belt and catchment areas of Ganges. The tectonic setting of the sediments demarcates typically passive margin with slightly continental arc system.  相似文献   

Voluminous Neoproterozoic mafic–ultramafic, felsic, and alkaline intrusions are found in the northern Yangtze Block, South China. Here, we present whole-rock major and trace element, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions, together with zircon U–Pb ages, for syenite and gabbro samples from the Shuimo–Zhongziyuan alkaline intrusive complex in the Micang Mountains region at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block. Zircon U–Pb dating yields crystallization ages for the Na- and K-rich Shuimo syenites of 869 ± 4 (MSWD = 0.85, 2σ) and 860 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.47, 2σ), respectively, and for the Zhongziyuan gabbros of 753 ± 4 Ma (MSWD = 0.23, 2σ), indicating that the syenites and gabbros represent different stages of magmatism. The syenites include both Na- and K-rich types and have high values of the Rittman index (σ), and high SiO2 and Na2O + K2O contents. These syenites are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), but depleted in high-field-strength elements (HFSE), with high (La/Yb)N values and small negative and positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.74–1.17). In contrast, the gabbros have lower SiO2 and Na2O + K2O contents, are only slightly enriched in LREEs, are enriched in LILE but depleted in HFSEs, and have small negative and positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.86–1.37). The syenites have low initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.703340) and ?Nd(t) values (+1.9 to +7.7). The gabbros have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.703562–0.704933) and positive ?Nd(t) values (+1.6 to +4.5). These data suggest that the syenites and gabbros are isotopically similar and were largely derived from melts of depleted mantle. The syenites underwent significant fractional crystallization and small amounts of crustal contamination during magma evolution. In contrast, the gabbros were formed by partial melting (>15%) of a garnet lherzolite source and might also have experienced crustal assimilation. Taking into account the geochemical signatures and magmatic events, we propose that the Shuimo syenites formed in an intra-arc rifting setting, however, the Zhongziyuan gabbros were most likely produced in a subduction-related, continental margin arc setting during the Neoproterozoic, thus suggesting that the alkaline intrusive complex were formed by the arc-related magmatism in the Micang Mountains.  相似文献   

This present study describes the elemental geochemistry of fluvial sediments in the Kurigram (upstream) to Sirajganj–Tangail (downstream) section of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River, Bangladesh, with the aim of evaluating their provenance, weathering and tectonic setting. Petrographically, the sediments are rich in quartz (68%), followed by feldspars (8.5%) and lithic grains (7%). The bulk sediment chemistry is influenced by grain size. Concentrations of TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Nb, Cr, V, Y, and, Ce, Th and Ga slightly decrease with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting clay matrix control. In contrast, concentrations of CaO, Na2O, Sr and Pb increase with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting residence of these substances in feldspar. Decrease in Zr as grain size increases is likely controlled both by clay matrix and heavy minerals. In addition, heavy minerals' sorting also influences Ce, Th, Y and Cr abundances in some samples. The sediments are predominantly quartzose in composition with abundant low-grade metamorphic and sedimentary lithics, low feldspars and trace volcanic detritus, indicating a quartzose recycled orogen province as a source of the sediments. Discriminant diagrams together with immobile element ratio plots show that, the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are mostly derived from rocks formed in an active continental margin. Moreover, the rare earth element ratios as well as chondrite-normalized REE patterns with flat HREE, LREE enrichment, and negative Eu anomalies indicate derivation of the sediments of Brahmaputra–Jamuna River from felsic rock sources of upper continental crust (UCC). The chemical indices of alteration suggest that Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are chemically immature and experienced low chemical weathering effects. In the A–CN–K ternary diagram, most of the samples close to the plagioclase–K-feldspar join line and to the UCC plot, and in the field of various lithologies of Higher Himalayan Crystalline Series, suggesting that rocks in these series are likely source rocks. Therefore, the elemental geochemistry of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments is controlled mostly by mechanical breakdown of lithic fragments and subsequent preferential attrition of muscovite > albite > quartz.  相似文献   

化学蚀变指数(chemicalindexofalteration)最早作为判别源岩区化学风化程度的指标而提出,随后又应用于对沉积物沉积环境的判定。化学蚀变指数的表达式为CIA=n(Al2O3)/[n(Al2O3)+n(CaO)+n(Na2O)+n(K2O)]×100。CaO代表硅酸盐中的CaO,n(CaO)=n(CaO)-n(CO2,方解石)-0.5·n(CO2,白云石)-10/3·n(P2O5)。化学蚀变指数研究样品的选取极为重要,最佳岩性为细碎屑岩,需要清除成岩过程中钾交代作用的影响。用成分变异指数(ICV)来判别沉积再循环作用和沉积物成分被改造的程度。用A—CN—K三角图解来判别物源区的源岩性质和样品钾交代的特征及其风化趋势。宜昌三斗坪地区南华系CIA研究表明该区南华系下统莲沱组下部的CIA值在50~65之间(干燥寒冷),上部为65~75之间(温暖潮湿)和顶部为55~60之间(干燥寒冷);南华系上统南沱组的CIA值基本在60~65之间(干燥寒冷),近顶部两个样品的CIA值达70(温暖潮湿)。上述CIA值变化表明本区南华纪经历自老到新由冰期干燥寒冷—间冰期温暖潮湿—冰期干燥寒冷沉积环境的变化过程。本文据此提出了新的扬子古陆南华系新的划分和对比方案。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地巴楚隆起西缘的同1井(TX1)在寒武系之下钻遇一套火山岩,本文对该套火山岩的岩石类型、形成时代、岩石成因及构造环境进行了详细研究。结果显示,这套火山岩可分为上下两段,分别为杏仁状辉石安山岩和角闪石英安岩,属于钙碱性系列火山岩,形成于大陆边缘弧构造环境。安山岩锆石U-Pb年龄(747±12Ma)表明该岩浆弧发育时代为新元古代。同1井钻揭的火山岩与卡塔克隆起上塔参1井(TC1)钻揭的闪长岩(744.0±9.3Ma~790.0±22.1Ma)和花岗闪长岩(757.4±6.2Ma)成岩时代一致、形成环境相同,表明横亘塔里木盆地中部的古隆起带(巴楚隆起-卡塔克隆起-古城虚隆起)起源于一条新元古代陆缘岩浆弧,塔里木盆地的基底是由新元古代造山作用拼合的基底。以中央隆起带为界,南、北塔里木的基底性质和成盆演化过程可能有所差异。  相似文献   

The Itombwe Synclinorium in the Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo contains a Neoproterozoic succession of greenschist facies metasedimentary rocks defined as the Itombwe Supergroup, dated between 1020 ± 50 and 575 ± 83 Ma. The Itombwe Supergroup unconformably overlies the Mesoproterozoic Kibaran belt and is subdivided into the Upper and Lower Kadubu Groups which are separated by a faulted tectonic contact. Graded, rhythmically repeated sequences of sandstones, greywackes, phyllites and shales indicate deposition as turbiditic sediment-gravity flows. Periods of basin anoxia are indicated by the presence of graphitic black shales. The Lower and Upper Kadubu Groups contain three stratigraphic levels of diamictites and lonestone-bearing iron-rich sedimentary rocks interpreted as glaciogenic strata, which broadly correlate with other Neoproterozoic glacial sequences in the Central African region and elsewhere around the world. Current stratigraphic and geochronological knowledge of these beds is insufficient to provide more accurate correlations.  相似文献   

In the Kinnerasani area in southeastern India, the terrain boundary between the Archean Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt and the Proterozoic Pakhal Supergroup overlying the Dharwar-Bastar cratons can be observed. We analyzed the mesoscopic and microscopic structural features of the highly deformed pebbles in the basal conglomerate bed of the Pakhal Supergroup that occurs at the terrain boundary. The results of the analysis of the pebbles suggest that: 1) deformation of pebbles resulted from ductile deformation during peak metamorphism 2) the mode of strain is plane strain to constrictive and maximum elongation located to be vertical and 3) the apparent stretch of the pebbles is up to 300%.In the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt, quartz grains constituting the quartz layer of the feldspathized gneiss folded by the last-phase deformation also show vertical maximum stretching in constrictive strain. This observation suggests that the deformational features, at least the mode of strain, during the last-phase deformation is comparable to the deformation forming elongated pebbles of the Pakhal conglomerate. The last-phase deformation structures of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt are well observed near the terrain boundary. This indicates that the Pakhal deformation overprinted the rocks of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt near the boundary, and that their tectonic juxtaposition occurred during or before this deformation period. Because the Pakhal deformation took place during or soon after the peak metamorphism of the Pakhal Supergroup, which is known to be 1000 Ma, and the last metamorphism of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt in the Khammam area were reported to be 1100 Ma. The tectonic juxtaposition between the Pakhal Supergroup and Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt was around 10001100 Ma.  相似文献   

Petrological, geochemical and radiogenic isotopic data on ophiolitic‐type rocks from the Marlborough terrane, the largest (~700 km2) ultramafic‐mafic rock association in eastern Australia, argue strongly for a sea‐floor spreading centre origin. Chromium spinel from partially serpentinised mantle harzburgite record average Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.4 with associated mafic rocks displaying depleted MORB‐like trace‐element characteristics. A Sm/Nd isochron defined by whole‐rock mafic samples yields a crystallisation age of 562 ± 22 Ma (2σ). These rocks are thus amongst the oldest rocks so far identified in the New England Fold Belt and suggest the presence of a late Neoproterozoic ocean basin to the east of the Tasman Line. The next oldest ultramafic rock association dated from the New England Fold Belt is ca530 Ma and is interpreted as backarc in origin. These data suggest that the New England Fold Belt may have developed on oceanic crust, following an oceanward migration of the subduction zone at ca540 Ma as recorded by deformation and metamorphism in the Anakie Inlier. Fragments of late Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere were accreted during progressive cratonisation of the east Australian margin.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Ougda magmatic complex occurs within platformal carbonate rocks in the western part of the Pan-African fold belt of the Tuareg shield (NW Africa). It is composed of - 800 Ma old, relatively high P-T (i.e., Grt + Cpx-bearing: P > 5 kbar; T≈900'Q, tholeiitic mafic/ultramafic cumulates and related rocks intruded by intermediate to mafic calcalkali plutons (e.g., Cpx+Hbl-bearing gabbro) and dikes. Apparent contrasts in structural level of crystallization indicate that the calc-alkali rocks are significantly younger than the tholeiites, which temporally correlate with a period of regional extension in this part of Africa. Intrusion of the calc-alkali rocks may have occurred during the formation of an arc after the tholeiitic rocks had been (diapirically?) emplaced within the shelf carbonates, and prior to (> 630 Ma) the Pan-African orogeny. Data reported herein indicate that the Ougda complex records the inception and demise of a Neoproterozoic ocean basin. Similar crustal sections have been described from collisional (e.g., Aleutian islands) and extensional (e.g., Ivreä-Verbano zone) settings, indicating that processes operating in both environments can generate nearly indistinguishable igneous suites; the prevalence of shallow-level calc-alkali rocks in both settings may mask the presence of more mafic, tholeiitic rocks at depth.  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了中国地层表(2014)中—新元古界尚存的地层学问题,并以十多年来有关专家及本课题组地层年代学成果为基础,结合地质事件的时空发育和对比关系,重点研究了中元古界底界、中元古界待建系、中—新元古代过渡时期地层关系、成冰系底界的划分及震旦系罗圈冰期的时代归属。在此基础上提出了中—新元古代地层划分和对比方案建议,并进一步讨论和对比了中国华北、扬子和塔里木三大陆块中—新元古代地质特征异同。研究表明:中国中元古界以1800 Ma(或1780 Ma)为底界,比1600 Ma更合理;中元古界待建系虽在华北陆块北缘和南缘、扬子陆块北缘和南缘均发育,但以扬子陆块北缘神农架地区神农架群最佳,建议暂以神农架群为待建系候选层型进行重点研究;华北胶辽徐淮吉豫的原青白口纪地层很可能跨越了1000 Ma界线,有一部分地层属于中元古界;建议与国际接轨,原南华系与成冰系对应(720~635 Ma);青白口系以820 Ma构造面为界两分,下部称青白口系下统(1000~820 Ma),上部称青白口系上统(820~720 Ma),待以后证据更充分时再决定是否分为两个系;华北陆块南缘以罗圈冰川为代表的罗圈组及相应地层...  相似文献   

Geochemical compositions of mafic igneous rocks in the Katangan basin in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, hereafter Congo, and Zambia) provide the basis for the geodynamic interpretation of the evolution of this Neoproterozoic basin located between the Congo and Kalahari cratons. The Katangan basin is subdivided into five major tectonic units: the Katangan Aulacogen, the External Fold and Thrust Belt, the Domes Region, the Synclinorial Belt and the Katangan High. The metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks investigated occur in the Katangan Aulacogen, the External Fold and Thrust Belt and the Domes Region. The earliest magmatic activity produced continental tholeiites emplaced on Paleoproterozoic crust during the early stages of intraplate break-up. This continental tholeiite magmatism was followed by an association of alkaline and tholeiitic basalts emplaced in the Katangan continental rift and then by tholeiitic basalts with E-MORB affinity marking a young oceanic crust. These volcanic associations mark different stages of evolution from pre-rift continental break-up up to a continental rift similar to the East African rift system and then to a Red Sea type incipient oceanic rift. A similar evolution occurs in the Damaran basin in southwestern Africa, although no pre-rift continental tholeiites have been recorded in this segment of the Pan-African belt system.  相似文献   

<正>Neoproterozoic rifting-related mafic igneous rocks are widely distributed both in the northern and southern margins of the Tarim Block,NW China.Here we report the geochronology and systematic whole-rock geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic mafic dykes and basalts along the southern margin of Tarim.Our zircon U-Pb age,in combination with stratigraphic constraint on their emplacement ages,indicates that the mafic dykes were crystallized at ca.802 Ma,and the basalt, possibly coeval with the ca.740 Ma volcanic rocks in Quruqtagh in the northern margin of Tarim. Elemental and Nd isotope geochemistry of the mafic dykes and basalts suggest that their primitive magma was derived from asthenospheric mantle(OIB-like) and lithospheric mantle respectively,with variable assimilation of crustal materials.Integrating the data supplied in the present study and that reported previously in the northern margin of Tarim,we recognize two types of mantle sources of the Neoproterozoic mafic igneous rocks in Tarim,namely the matasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) in the northern margin and the long-term enriched lithospheric mantle and asthenospheric mantle in the southern margin.A comprehensive synthesis of the Neoproterozoic igneous rocks throughout the Tarim Block led to the recognition of two major episodes of Neoproterozoic igneous activities at ca.820-800 Ma and ca.780-740 Ma,respectively.These two episodes of igneous activities were concurrent with those in many other Rodinian continents and were most likely related to mantle plume activities during the break-up of the Rodinia.  相似文献   

Conodont colour alteration index (CAI) values have been used for the assessment of the thermal history of Lower Palaeozoic strata in the southwestern margin of the Malopolska Massif, along the contact with the Upper Silesian Massif. The CAI data provide no evidence for a previously suggested greenschistgrade regional metamorphism in the Cracow-Myszkow zone during the Caledonian epoch. Near Zarki, the Silurian rocks display a relatively uniform thermal overprint (CAI values of 4) resulting from sedimentary burial during the early Late Carboniferous. The estimated maximum temperatures of 200–220°C can be explained by an elevated heat flow associated with the Cracow Fault system. This thermal maturation level was locally enhanced (CAI values up to 8) after the Westphalian, due to the magmatic activity caused by the Variscan regional extension.  相似文献   

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