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Existing facies models of tide‐dominated deltas largely omit fine‐grained, mud‐rich successions. Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the exceptionally well‐preserved Late Eocene Dir Abu Lifa Member (Western Desert, Egypt) aims to bridge this gap. The succession was deposited in a structurally controlled, shallow, macrotidal embayment and deposition was supplemented by fluvial processes but lacked wave influence. The succession contains two stacked, progradational parasequence sets bounded by regionally extensive flooding surfaces. Within this succession two main genetic elements are identified: non‐channelized tidal bars and tidal channels. Non‐channelized tidal bars comprise coarsening‐upward sandbodies, including large, downcurrent‐dipping accretion surfaces, sometimes capped by palaeosols indicating emergence. Tidal channels are preserved as single‐storey and multilateral bodies filled by: (i) laterally migrating, elongate tidal bars (inclined heterolithic strata, 5 to 25 m thick); (ii) forward‐facing lobate bars (sigmoidal heterolithic strata, up to 10 m thick); (iii) side bars displaying oblique to vertical accretion (4 to 7 m thick); or (iv) vertically‐accreting mud (1 to 4 m thick). Palaeocurrent data show that channels were swept by bidirectional tidal currents and typically were mutually evasive. Along‐strike variability defines a similar large‐scale architecture in both parasequence sets: a deeply scoured channel belt characterized by widespread inclined heterolithic strata is eroded from the parasequence‐set top, and flanked by stacked, non‐channelized tidal bars and smaller channelized bodies. The tide‐dominated delta is characterized by: (i) the regressive stratigraphic context; (ii) net‐progradational stratigraphic architecture within the succession; (iii) the absence of upward deepening trends and tidal ravinement surfaces; and (iv) architectural relations that demonstrate contemporaneous tidal distributary channel infill and tidal bar accretion at the delta front. The detailed facies analysis of this fine‐grained, tide‐dominated deltaic succession expands the range of depositional models available for the evaluation of ancient tidal successions, which are currently biased towards transgressive, valley‐confined estuarine and coarser grained deltaic depositional systems.  相似文献   

The Eocene rocks exposed in the Fayum Area, Egypt, are well known for their fossil vertebrates but in recent times the sharks and rays have been largely neglected. Extensive surface collecting, supplemented with bulk samples, has produced large collections from the Midawara, Gehannam, Birket Qarun and Qasr el-Sagha formations, spanning the Bartonian and Priabonian stages and from palaeoenvironments varying from open muddy shelf to very shallow estuarine systems. In total about 90 species of sharks and rays are recorded, many of them previously unrecognised, resulting in some of the most diverse fossil chondrichthyan assemblages known from the Tertiary. Teeth of these species suggest that they occupied a wide range of ecological niches from top predator to tiny benthic invertebrate feeder to planktivore. Many of the species are limited in their stratigraphical range and show potential to be used, at least locally, as biostratigraphical indicators for stratigraphically poorly constrained vertebrate sites elsewhere in North Africa. Distinctly different faunas from different sedimentary environments indicate a strong environmental control on the distribution of many species.  相似文献   

Deltas are commonly classified according to their plan‐view morphology as either river‐dominated, tide‐dominated or wave‐dominated. However, most deltas form under the mixed influence of these processes, commonly with laterally varying process regimes. It has also become clear that there is a mismatch between the plan‐view morphology and internal facies composition in some deltas. Combined outcrop and subsurface data from the Eocene Battfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, provide an example of ancient shelf deltas that formed under mixed influence. Internally, these shelf deltas are characterized by wave‐dominated facies that are normally associated with strike‐extensive, nearly linear shoreline sandstones. However, the formation comprises partially overlapping sandstone bodies of limited lateral extent (<20 km in any direction). This stacking pattern is attributed to frequent autogenic lobe switching that caused localized and rapid transgressions. Such processes typify fluvial‐dominated deltas and occur less commonly in wave‐dominated ones. Thus, there is an apparent mismatch between inferred plan‐view morphology and internal facies composition. It is argued that the Battfjellet deltas were flood‐dominated and prograded mainly during periods of high fluvial discharge. However, reworking of the fluvial‐flood facies by fair‐weather and storm waves, as well as longshore currents, resulted in a wave‐dominated facies character. Delta lobes undergoing auto‐retreat were particularly prone to reworking by basinal processes, including tidal currents. It is suggested that repeated delta progradation from inner shelf settings towards the outer shelf and shelf edge was aided by high sediment supply rather than relative falls in sea‐level as previously suggested. This interpretation is supported by: (i) the lack of major facies dislocations and extensive sub‐aerial unconformities; and (ii) an overall relative rise in sea‐level as evidenced by an overall low‐angle (0·8 to 1·2°) ascending shoreline trajectory. The latter results from the combined effect of basin subsidence, eustatic highstand and sediment compaction.  相似文献   

川西坳陷在上侏罗统蓬莱镇组沉积期,地形平缓、气候干旱,湖平面频繁变化,发育了一套以浅水三角洲-漫湖为主的沉积体系。基于高分辨率层序地层学理论,通过对野外露头、岩心、分析化验和钻井资料的综合利用,阐明了发育在湖平面频繁变化背景下的浅水漫湖沉积特征,总结了砂体垂向叠置关系和平面分布规律,建立了浅水漫湖沉积体系砂体叠置模式。(1)分流河道和滩坝是研究区内浅水漫湖沉积体系的主要微相类型;(2)分流河道垂直于湖岸线分布,滩坝平行于湖岸线分布,在高频层序发育过程中,由于湖浪淘洗、河流进积等因素的改造,浅水漫湖沉积砂体经历了沉积-破坏-再沉积的过程,在平面上表现为分流河道切割多期平行于湖岸线的滩坝砂;(3)多种成因砂体叠置模式可以分为4种,分别为同期同相自旋回叠置模式、同期异相自旋回叠置模式、不同期同相异旋回叠置模式和不同期不同相异旋回叠置模式。  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous sections in northern Sinai are composed of the Risan Aneiza (upper Barremian-middle Albian) and the Halal (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) formations. The facies reflect subtle paleobathymetry from inner to outer ramp facies. The inner ramp facies are peritidal, protected to open marine lagoons, shoals and rudist biostrome facies. The inner ramp facies grade northward into outer ramp deposits. The upper Barremian-lower Cenomanian succession is subdivided into nine depositional sequences correlated with those recognized in the neighbouring Tethyan areas. These sequences are subdivided into 19 medium-scale sequences based on the facies evolution, the recorded hardgrounds and flooding surfaces, interpreted as the result of eustatic sea level changes and local tectonic activities of the early Syrian Arc rifting stage. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set that constituted the transgressive systems tracts and an upper progradational parasequence set that formed the highstand systems tracts. Nine rudist levels are recorded in the upper Barremian through lower Cenomanian succession at Gabal Raghawi. At Gabal Yelleg two rudist levels are found in the Albian. The rudist levels are associated with the highstand systems tract deposits because of the suitability of the trophic conditions in the rudist-dominated ramp.  相似文献   

Coal-bearing source rocks of the Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Depression comprise an important material basis of oil and gas resources in the East China Sea Basin.Based on drilling core observation results combined with the analysis and test results of macerals,trace/rare earth elements,and rock pyrolysis,the geochemical characteristics and sedimentary control of coal-bearing source rocks formation are discussed in a high-frequency sequence framework.The results indicate that the macerals composition of the coal-bearing source rocks of the Eocene Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Depression is dominated by vitrinite,with low-medium abundance of exinite and almost no inertinite.The coals and carbonaceous mudstones display higher amounts of total organic carbon(TOC)(14.90%-65.10%),S1+S2(39.24-136.52 mg/g),and IH(191-310 HC/g TOC)respectively,as compared to the mudstones.Organic matter is plotted in typeⅢkerogens and partially in typeⅡ;it is mainly in the low maturity stage.The trace elements results imply that the samples were deposited in a weakly reducing to weakly oxidizing environment and were occasionally affected by seawater.The coal-bearing source rocks were deposited in a relatively oxygen-containing environment.The coal-bearing source rocks development is jointly controlled by the coal accumulation environment,the water conditions affected by ocean currents in offshore basins in China,oxidation-reduction cycles of aqueous media and paleoclimate evolution in a high-frequency sequence framework.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute to the data set of granulometric studies of sediments by measuring the sedimentary structure and texture, along with statistical parameters, of cold and arid lake systems. The palaeolake sequence along the River Indus on the western fringe of the Tibetan Plateau in Ladakh sector was selected in order to shed light on depositional environmental changes within the lake from post‐last glacial maximum to 5 ka. The River Indus was blocked by Lamayuru dam burst during the deglaciation, after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the subsequent increase in water level led to the formation of the Saspol–Khalsi palaeolake. This lake was ca 55 km in length, extending from Nimo to Khalsi, had a surface area of 370 km2 and was in existence until 5 ka. Two sections (Saspol and Khalsi) separated by an aerial distance of 35 km show a similar trend in sediment character due to their deposition in the same lake system. Grain‐size studies show a polymodal nature of sediments for both of the sections. However, sediments of the lower/downstream section (Khalsi) show a poorer degree of sorting, and coarser grain size and high energy depositional condition as compared with the sediments of Saspol section (positioned upstream) due to the location of the sections within the lake system. It was noted that, in high‐altitude arid regions, the sedimentological characteristics of large‐sized valley lakes may vary greatly, horizontally as well as vertically, owing to local stream input, inflow intensity from the catchment, outflow velocity of water channels, lithology and valley widths at the different sites.  相似文献   

洛带遂宁组气藏为新发现气藏,已提交天然气探明储量上百亿立方米。洛带遂宁组沉积环境以季节性浅水湖为主,发育进积型三角洲前缘亚相沉积,有利的沉积微相是三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口砂坝和席状砂。物源来自川西坳陷西侧的龙门山,其中坳陷东坡的新都—洛带地区处于中部的砂泥岩互层的三角洲相带,在斜坡带上形成了大型的遂宁组岩性圈闭。洛带地区遂宁组具有多套储盖组合,又靠近下伏烃源岩,对天然气的富集和保存十分有利。通过合成记录的标定、Jason反演表明,遂宁组含气砂岩的地震响应模式为“强波谷、中—强波峰,低波阻抗”模式;砂泥互层型的地震响应是“强中弱”。该大型岩性气藏的发现,说明川西地区浅层气仍然具有大的勘探前景,遂宁组气藏将是浅层扩展评价勘探和风险勘探的重要目标。  相似文献   

研究伊犁盆地南缘洪海沟地区主力含铀层系--中侏罗统西山窑组上段的沉积特征,为该区下一步铀矿地质勘查提供理论依据。根据沉积结构、岩性组合、沉积韵律、沉积构造、测井曲线等特征,认为西山窑组上段在洪海沟地区主要发育曲流河沉积。根据连井剖面特征,以及砂体厚度、砂地比等沉积特征在平面上的变化,洪海沟地区西山窑组上段沉积相的平面分布规律明显,中间为沿北西-南东向展布的曲流河道,河道南部为河漫沼泽,北部为河漫滩。综合研究区岩性、构造、铀源等成矿条件,西山窑组上段赋存的铀矿体主要受河道砂体展布方向、河道砂体厚度、砂体粒度、砂体中的泥岩夹层、地层产状等因素控制。  相似文献   

The beach‐bar reservoir play has become an important exploration target within the Bohai Bay Basin, especially in the Boxing Sag within the Dongying Depression, where a large‐scale lacustrine beach‐bar oil pool has been discovered recently. The sedimentary characteristics, distribution patterns and formation mechanisms of beach‐bar sand bodies in the upper fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4s) in the Boxing Sag were studied in detail based on seismic, well log data and core data. The Es4s in the Boxing Sag is composed of a third‐order sequence consisting of three systems tracts, i.e. a lowstand systems tract, a transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract. Beach‐bar sand bodies were deposited widely in the basin during the lowstand systems tract period. The sandy beach‐bars are characterized by siltstones, fine‐grained silty sandstones interbedded with thin mudstone units. The presence of well‐developed sedimentary structures, such as swash bedding, parting lineation, parallel bedding, ellipsoidal mud clasts, ripples, terrestrial plant debris and vertical burrows, suggests that beach‐bars were deposited in a relatively shallow water environment under the influence of strong hydrodynamics. Laterally, the sandy beach facies occurred as a more continuous sheet‐like body around the sandy bar in most parts of the sag. Stratigraphically, beach‐bars were distributed mainly in the lowstand systems tract and they were less well‐developed in the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract. Several factors were probably responsible for the occurrence of the large‐scale beach‐bars during the lowstand systems tract period, including: (i) a gentle palaeoslope and relatively weak structural activities; (ii) a shallow‐water condition with a strong hydrodynamic environment; (iii) high‐frequency oscillations of the lake level; and (iv) an abundant terrigenous clastic feeding system with multiple‐point and linear sediment sources.  相似文献   

普拉姆岛(Plum island)是美国东北部缅因湾最大的障壁海岸,岛内向陆一侧为新英格兰地区最大潟湖和沼泽区,它们是晚第四纪末次冰期冰川作用和冰后期海岸作用的沉积响应。通过普拉姆岛研究区上更新统—全新统160个钻孔描述,识别出8种沉积物: 泥炭、冰川黏土、黏土、粉砂、细砂、中粗砂、砾、坠石。根据沉积物类型及其组合特征,结合沉积环境,共划分出8种沉积微相: 障壁沙丘、滨岸沙、水下临滨沙、河道、潮汐水道、潟湖、潮坪、沼泽。研究区在晚第四纪末次冰盛期(MIS2)被劳伦斯蒂德冰盖(Laurentide Ice Sheet)覆盖,发育冰川地貌,冰川泥覆盖在基岩之上,形成底层沉积; 冰后期(MIS1),冰盖消融,海平面发生变化,在冰川地貌鼓丘附近形成沙坝,最终沉积演化为障壁岛—潟湖环境,潟湖通过潮汐水道与广海相连通。  相似文献   

研究区属北羌塘盆地,上三叠统巴贡组呈NW向带状分布于长江源各拉丹冬地区南北两侧(以往南部称土门格拉组),夹于金沙江缝合带南侧和中央隆起带之间,南部土门格拉一带产Cardium(Tulongocardium)martini-Trigonia(Kumatrigonia)huhxilensis组合,北部雀莫错一带产Halobia superbescens-Halobia disperseinsecta组合和Amonotis togtonheensis-Cardium(Tulongocardium)xizangensis组合,反映的地质时代为诺利期,但南北部双壳类组合优势种明显不同。本文从物源区、沉积岩石类型及其组合、高频旋回沉积和古盐度、古水深、古气候及岩石地球化学和古生物特征角度,探讨南北巴贡组沉积古地理格局和双壳类组合的古生态,提出南部双壳类组合生活在盐度较低、氧化、干热、弱碱性浅水环境并繁盛于海泛晚期-海退期层位中,陆源物质供应充分而物种分异度不高;北部双壳类生活在盐度稍高、弱还原、温暖潮湿的较深水环境并繁盛于海侵-高水位期层位中,生物群面貌上的差异是同一地质时期南北不同的沉积环境造成的。  相似文献   

The effect of changing palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment on human evolution during the Pleistocene is debated, but hampered by few East African records directly associated with archaeological sites prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits on the shoreline of eastern Lake Victoria preserve abundant vertebrate fossils and Middle Stone Age arte‐facts associated with riverine tufas at the base of the deposits, which are ideal for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. New data from tufas identified on Rusinga Island and on the mainland near Karungu, Kenya are provided from outcrop, thin sections, mineralogical, stable isotopic and U‐series dating analyses. Tufa is identified in four sites: Nyamita (94·0 ± 3·3 and 111·4 ± 4·2 ka); Kisaaka, Aringo (455 ± 45 ka); and Obware. The age ranges of these tufa deposits demonstrate that spring‐fed rivers were a recurrent, variably preserved feature on the Pleistocene landscape for ca 360 kyr. Poor sorting of clastic facies from all sites indicates flashy, ephemeral discharge, but these facies are commonly associated with barrage tufas, paludal environments with δ13C values of ca 10‰ indicative of C3 plants and fossil Hippopotamus, all of which indicate a perennial water source. Other tufa deposits from Nyamita, Obware and Aringo have a mixed C3/C4 signature consistent with a semi‐arid C4 grassland surrounding these spring‐fed rivers. The δ18O values of tufa from Nyamita are on average ca 1‰ more negative than calcite precipitated from modern rainfall in the region, suggesting greater contribution of depleted monsoonal input, similar to the Last Glacial Maximum. Microdebitage and surface‐collected artefacts indicate that early modern humans were utilizing these spring‐fed rivers. The presence of spring?fed rivers would have afforded animals a reliable water source, sustaining a diverse plant and animal community in an otherwise arid environment.  相似文献   

新疆库车坳陷克拉苏冲断带白垩系巴什基奇克组一、二段是一套由细砂岩、中粗砂岩、含砾砂岩、粉砂岩及泥岩组成的碎屑岩组合。通过30余口钻井(包括6口新取心井)的岩心、测井、录井、薄片及粒度等资料的分析, 结合区域地质资料, 确认克拉苏冲断带巴什基奇克组一、二段发育砂质辫状河三角洲沉积。其岩性以岩屑砂岩为主;粒度概率曲线具有牵引流特征;砂体中发育楔状交错层理及冲刷、充填构造等丰富的强水动力沉积构造及间断正韵律;砂体延伸远、面积大展布稳定, 砂地比值高;发育水下分流河道、分流间湾等微相。据三角洲砂体的岩性、沉积构造及沉积序列等特征, 建立了三角洲沉积模式。稳定的构造背景、开阔的盆地、丰富的物源供给使得研究区辫状河三角洲前缘沉积非常发育, 其以水下分流河道沉积为主体, 物性好, 砂体延伸远, 可向盆地中央方向推进35~60km, 砂体纵横叠置, 为岩性油气藏的形成提供了有利的储集空间。  相似文献   

The widely distributed late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) have a geodynamic interest as they represent significant addition of material into the ANS juvenile crust in a short time interval (∼630–590 Ma). The Deleihimmi granitoids in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert are, therefore, particularly interesting since they form a multiphase pluton composed largely of late‐collisional biotite granitoids enclosing granodiorite microgranular enclaves and intruded by leuco‐ and muscovite granites. Geochemically, different granitoid phases share some features and distinctly vary in others. They display slightly peraluminous (ASI = 1–1.16), non‐alkaline (calc‐alkaline and highly fractionated calc‐alkaline), I‐type affinities. Both biotite granitoids and leucogranites show similar rare earth element (REE) patterns [(La/Lu)N = 3.04–2.92 and 1.9–1.14; Eu/Eu* = 0.26–0.19 and 0.11–0.08, respectively) and related most likely by closed system crystal fractionation of a common parent. On the other hand, the late phase muscovite granites have distinctive geochemical features typical of rare‐metal granites. They are remarkably depleted in Sr and Ba (4–35 and 13–18 ppm, respectively), and enriched in Rb (381–473 ppm) and many rare metals. Moreover, their REE patterns show a tetrad effect (TE1,3 = 1.13 and 1.29) and pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.07 and 0.08), implying extensive open system fractionation via fluid–rock interaction during the magmatic stage. Origin of the calc‐alkaline granitoids by high degree of partial melting of mafic lower crust with subsequent crystal fractionation is advocated. The broad distribution of late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern ANS is related most likely to large areal and intensive lithospheric delamination subsequent to slab break‐off and crustal/mantle thickening. Such delamination caused both crustal uplift and partial melting of the remaining mantle lithosphere in response to asthenospheric uprise. The melts produced underplate the lower crust to promote its melting. The presence of microgranular enclaves, resulting from mingling of mantle‐derived mafic magma with felsic crustal‐derived liquid, favours this process. The derivation of the late‐phase rare‐metal granites by open system fractionation via fluid interaction is almost related to the onset of extension above the rising asthenosphere that results in mantle degassing during the switch to post‐collisional stage. Consequently, the switch from late‐ to post‐collisional stage of crustal evolution in the northern ANS could be potentially significant not only geodynamically but also economically. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷东营凹陷古近系孔店组一段—沙河街组四段下亚段(Ek1-Es4x)沉积时期发育了规模巨大的红层—膏盐层沉积。通过对红层—膏盐层沉积构造、碎屑颗粒粒度和沉积物垂向叠加样式等分析,表明红层沉积具有水上沉积作用和水下沉积作用共存、重力流沉积作用与牵引流沉积作用并存的特征。红层—膏盐层在盆地的不同位置具有明显不同的垂向叠加样式。通过地球化学特征分析和泥岩颜色分析,结合前人研究表明,红层—膏盐层沉积时期沉积环境以干旱为主,呈现干湿频繁交替的特征。气候相对潮湿时期,湖盆盐度较低,以沉积砂泥岩为主;气候干旱时期,湖盆盐度高,以沉积膏盐岩为主。红层—膏盐层沉积早中期为低水位振荡性湖泊,沉积晚期为高水位振荡性湖泊,两者沉积作用存在较为明显的差别。  相似文献   

本文阐述了吐哈盆地十红滩铀矿区岩石地球物理参数特征,并利用综合测井资料深人研究了地层划分、岩性识别,进行了沉积环境分析,对可地浸砂岩型铀矿找矿具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

江陵凹陷位于江汉盆地西南部,在其次级洼陷资福寺洼陷和梅槐桥洼陷南部新沟咀组下段(新下段)沉积了一套膏盐岩层。通过钻井、测井和岩心资料的分析,明确了研究区含膏盐岩系地层的岩性、电性及物理性质特征。在此基础上,结合三维地震剖面资料及正演模拟结果,确定了研究区主要岩性组合的地震响应特征:膏盐岩与泥岩互层表现为强振幅;砂泥岩互层表现为中振幅;质纯的泥岩振幅最弱。应用井点预测与均方根振幅预测相结合的方法,对新下段膏盐岩层的分布规律进行预测,结果表明,新下段膏盐岩层在平面上的分布较为局限,相对于沙市组具有明显的向南迁移萎缩的趋势,物源、构造和沉积环境3种因素的综合作用是造成这种差异性的主要原因。  相似文献   

珠江口盆地西部文昌B凹陷晚始新-早渐新世构造沉积充填演化复杂,受珠三南断裂持续活动影响发育多期次、多点物源的扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲沉积,具有纵向频繁叠置、横向非均质性强的复杂特点。由构造-沉积演化历史研究入手,分析断裂活动时间和差异性对沉积格局、物源注入和储层展布的影响,从而与沉积内幕表现出的复杂性结合来分析垂向相序变化和平面储层展布规律,并开展低渗成因的定量化剖析与探讨,在此基础上对优质储层和有利勘探区带的预测促进了本区油气新发现,也进一步提升了中深层的评价价值。研究得出,文昌B凹陷在文昌组发育两大物源体系,分别形成陡坡带以酸性喷出岩为母岩的扇三角洲和缓坡带以花岗岩为母岩的辫状河三角洲沉积,且后者受母岩类型差异、牵引流为主的沉积机制以及构造挤压应力变弱等因素影响储层物性明显偏好。恩平组纵向上可识别出4期扇三角洲,自下而上呈现多期朵叶体频繁迁移摆动迹象,其中沉积水动力条件和南断裂带差异活动是影响平面储层非均质性的重要因素。因此,在厘定沉积机制和岩相变化为储层物性影响的先决条件这一认识背景下,最终确定以地震相差异与沉积相、岩相的细致对比分析为核心来多角度深入剖析沉积内幕与低渗成因机制应是适合本区中深层的技术体系,并进一步精准预测了"甜点"储层的探寻方向。而在此认识基础上的油气成藏条件再认识,能更成功地指导珠江口盆地西部油气勘探新层系的发现,坚定了文昌B凹陷中深层继续向北拓展勘探的信心。  相似文献   

黄程  沈宇葳  文馨 《古地理学报》2021,23(6):1094-1109
泥盆纪吉维特期—弗拉期(G-F)之交的环境突变拉开了晚泥盆世生物大灭绝的序幕。然而,不同学者对于该时期环境变化的认识仍存在争议。为了解泥盆纪G-F之交的环境变化特征,通过对四川广元清风峡剖面泥盆系观雾山组中6套风暴岩的详细沉积学研究,识别出了典型的风暴沉积标志,如底面侵蚀构造、粗粒滞留沉积、粒序层理、丘状交错层理等。根据风暴沉积构造的组合特征,建立了3种近源风暴沉积序列: 序列Ⅰ,底部为具侵蚀构造的砾屑灰岩,顶部为块状泥晶灰岩;序列Ⅱ,底部为具侵蚀构造的砾屑灰岩,顶部为具粒序层理的砂屑灰岩;序列Ⅲ,底部为具侵蚀构造的砾屑灰岩,中部为具粒序层理的介壳灰岩,上部为具丘状交错层理的颗粒泥晶灰岩,顶部为具波状层理和水平层理的泥晶灰岩。牙形石生物组合分析显示,风暴岩形成于晚泥盆世弗拉期初期。基于现代风暴成因分析,认为弗拉期初期全球低纬度地区广泛分布的风暴岩与气候变暖和快速海侵密切相关。研究区风暴岩的发现对认识上扬子地区晚泥盆世沉积环境、古地理、古气候均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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