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The internal structure of coastal foredunes from three sites along the north Norfolk coast has been investigated using ground‐penetrating radar (GPR), which provides a unique insight into the internal structure of these dunes that cannot be achieved by any other non‐destructive or geophysical technique. Combining geomorphological and geophysical investigations into the structure and morphology of these coastal foredunes has enabled a more accurate determination of their development and evolution. The radar profiles show the internal structures, which include foreslope accretion, trough cut and fill, roll‐over and beach deposits. Foredune ridges contain large sets of low‐angle cross‐stratification from dune foreslope accretion with trough‐shaped structures from cut and fill on the crest and rearslope. Foreslope accretion indicates sand supply from the beach to the foreslope, while troughs on the dune crest and rearslope are attributed to reworking by offshore winds. Bounding surfaces between dunes are clearly resolved and reveal the relative chronology of dune emplacement. Radar sequence boundaries within dunes have been traced below the water‐table passing into beach erosion surfaces. These are believed to result from storm activity, which erodes the upper beach and dunes. In one example, at Brancaster, a dune scarp and erosion surface may be correlated with erosion in the 1950s, possibly the 1953 storm. Results suggest that dune ridge development is intimately linked to changes in the shoreline, with dune development associated with coastal progradation while dunes are eroded during storms and, where beaches are eroding, a stable coast provides more time for dune development, resulting in higher foredune ridges. A model for coastal dune evolution is presented, which illustrates stages of dune development in response to beach evolution and sand supply. In contrast to many other coastal dune fields where the prevailing wind is onshore, on the north Norfolk coast, the prevailing wind is directed along the coast and offshore, which reduces the landward migration of sand dunes.  相似文献   

Beach ridges in macrotidal environments experience strong multi‐annual to multi‐decennial fluctuations of tidal inundation. The duration of tide flooding directly controls the duration of sediment reworking by waves, and thus the ridge dynamics. Flume modelling was used to investigate the impact of low‐frequency tidal cycles on beach ridge evolution and internal architecture. The experiment was performed using natural bioclastic sediment, constant wave parameters and low‐frequency variations of the mean water level. The morphological response of the beach ridge to water level fluctuations and the preservation of sedimentary structures were monitored by using side‐view and plan‐view photographs. Results were compared with the internal architecture of modern bioclastic beach ridges in a macrotidal chenier plain (Mont St. Michel Bay, France) surveyed with ground‐penetrating radar. The experimentally obtained morphologies and internal structures matched those observed in the field, and the three ridge development stages identified in ground‐penetrating radar profiles (early transgressive, late transgressive and progradational) were modelled successfully. Flume experiments indicate that flat bioclastic shapes play a key role in sediment sorting in the breaker zone, and in sediment layering in the beach and washover fans. Water level controls washover geometry, beach ridge evolution and internal structure. Low water levels allow beach ridge stabilization and sediment accumulation lower on tidal flats. During subsequent water level rise, accumulated sediment becomes available for deposition of new washover units and for bayward extension of the beach ridges. In the field, low‐frequency water level fluctuations are related to the 4·4 year and 18·6 year tidal cycles. Experimental results suggest that these cycles may represent the underlying factor in the evolution of the macrotidal chenier coast at the multi‐decadal to centennial time scale.  相似文献   

Weekly topographic profile measurements across a southward migrating recurved-spit complex throughout a summer period have revealed three different mechanisms of berm development, each reflected by a distinctive sedimentary sequence. Each mechanism dominates berm widening along certain sections of the active spit with transition zones separating each one. Along the straight beach sections where a net longshore transport is well developed, sand accumulates at the distal high-tide swash mark during neap tide. These sandy accumulations are neap berms which are later redistributed over the main berm by swash occurring at spring high water. The main berm grows vertically and horizontally as a result. To the south, along the middle portion of the recurved spit, swash bars or ridge-and-runnel systems actively develop, migrate, and weld onto the established berms. This is the second method of berm widening and results from an excess of sand carried into this portion of the spit due to the steadily decreasing transport of the longshore current system. Berm-ridges develop along the southernmost portion of the active recurved spit and represent the third and most rapid form of beach progradation. Wide, broad swash bars build nearly up to the spring high tide level. At neap high tide, the swash cannot extend over this feature. Wave energy is expended on the seaward margin of the swash bar initially developing a low-angle beach face. Rapidly, this beach face steepens and a new berm (beach face and berm top) is developed on top of the swash bar. This berm structure still retains much of its swash bar or ridge appearance, hence the term‘berm-ridge'. Numerous trenches dug into the beach provide data to model the distribution of primary sedimentary structures in recurved spits. Berm-ridges are the most important features along rapidly accreting spits, and structures associated with these features are volumetrically the most significant. Berm-ridges also develop arcuate, vegetated ridges separated by low lying, marsh-infilled swales. These features are commonly seen within barrier islands and designate former inlets.  相似文献   

Physical stratigraphy, architecture and evolution of barrier systems in hypertidal environments (tidal range above 6 m) are understudied, and depositional controls are poorly understood compared with wave-dominated barrier systems and barrier spits in microtidal, mesotidal and macrotidal settings. Based on vibracores, ground-penetrating radar, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence age data, the formation and evolution of the hypertidal barrier system of Pointe du Banc, north-western France has been reconstructed. The study shows that the barrier spit has a complex composite sedimentary architecture consisting of wave-dominated and tide-dominated sedimentary bodies. A morpho-sedimentary model is presented that demonstrates how barrier-spit progradation resulting from littoral drift was the main manner of spit elongation, whereas sediment convergence caused by landward migration of swash bars and seaward migration of tidal dunes caused the spit terminus to grow in height and width. These results suggest that long-term accretion rates varied considerably in response to changes in sediment supply. Variations in storminess together with the large-scale topography of the coast controlled the sediment supply and thus the evolution of the barrier system during latest Holocene. Despite architectural complexity, hypertidal barrier systems preserve records of past climate changes.  相似文献   

Spit systems are seldom recognized in the pre‐Quaternary sedimentary record compared to their common occurrence along present‐day coasts and in Quaternary successions. This lack of recognition may partly be due to the lack of widely accepted depositional models describing the facies characteristics of spit systems and their subaqueous platforms in particular. The Skagen spit system is a large active system that began to form 7150 yr bp and from 5500 bp to Recent times it has prograded 4 m year?1 and accumulated 3·5 × 109 m3 of sand. The spit system provides a unique opportunity for establishing a well‐constrained depositional model because uplift and erosion have made large windows into the preserved facies, while active spit‐forming processes can be examined at the young prograding end of the same system. The depositional model presented here thus builds on excellent outcrops, surface morphology, a well‐defined palaeogeography and detailed C14 age control supplemented with observations from continuous well cores and profiles obtained by ground‐penetrating radar and transient electromagnetic surveys. The factors that have governed the development of the spit system, such as relative sea‐level change, wave and current climate, tidal range, sediment transport and depositional rates are also well‐understood. The sedimentary facies of the spit system are grouped into four principal units consisting from below of thick storm sand beds, dune and bar‐trough deposits, beach deposits and peat beds. These four units form a coarsening and shallowing upward sand‐dominated succession, up to 32 m thick, which overlies offshore silt with a transition zone and is topped by a diastem overlain by young aeolian dune sand. The sedimentary structures and depositional processes are described in detail and integrated into a depositional model, which is compared to other spit systems and linear shoreface models.  相似文献   

Storm surges generated by tropical cyclones have been considered a primary process for building coarse‐sand beach ridges along the north‐eastern Queensland coast, Australia. This interpretation has led to the development of palaeotempestology based on the beach ridges. To better identify the sedimentary processes responsible for these ridges, a high‐resolution chronostratigraphic analysis of a series of ridges was carried out at Cowley Beach, Queensland, a meso‐tidal beach system with a >3 m tide range. Optically stimulated luminescence ages indicate that 10 ridges accreted seaward over the last 2500 to 2700 years. The ridge crests sit +3·5 to 5·1 m above Australian Height Datum (ca mean sea‐level). A ground‐penetrating radar profile shows two distinct radar facies, both of which are dissected by truncation surfaces. Hummocky structures in the upper facies indicate that the nucleus of the beach ridge forms as a berm at +2·5 m Australian Height Datum, equivalent to the fair‐weather swash limit during high tide. The lower facies comprises a sequence of seaward‐dipping reflections. Beach progradation thus occurs via fair‐weather‐wave accretion of sand, with erosion by storm waves resulting in a sporadic sedimentary record. The ridge deposits above the fair‐weather swash limit are primarily composed of coarse and medium sands with pumice gravels and are largely emplaced during surge events. Inundation of the ridges is more likely to occur in relation to a cyclone passing during high tide. The ridges may also include an aeolian component as cyclonic winds can transport beach sand inland, especially during low tide, and some layers above +2·5 m Australian Height Datum are finer than aeolian ripples found on the backshore. Coarse‐sand ridges at Cowley Beach are thus products of fair‐weather swash and cyclone inundation modulated by tides. Knowledge of this composite depositional process can better inform the development of robust palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from the ridges.  相似文献   

A coincidence of the Beeswax galleon shipwreck (ca. A.D. 1650–1700) and the last Cascadia earthquake tsunami and coastal subsidence at ∼A.D. 1700 redistributed and buried wreck artifacts on the Nehalem Bay spit, Oregon, USA. Ground‐penetrating radar profiles (∼7 km total distance), sand auger probes, trenches, cutbank exposures (29 in number), and surface cobble counts (49 sites) were collected from the Nehalem spit (∼5 km2 area). The field data demonstrate (1) the latest prehistoric integrity of the spit, (2) tsunami spit overtopping, and (3) coseismic beach retreat since the A.D. 1700 great earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone. Wreck debris was (1) initially scattered along the spit ocean beaches, (2) washed over the spit by nearfield tsunami (6–8 m elevation), and (3) remobilized in beach strandlines by catastrophic beach retreat. Historic recovery of the spit (150 m beach progradation) and modern foredune accretion (>5 m depth) have buried both the retreat scarp strandlines and associated wreck artifacts. The recent onshore sand transport might re‐expose heavy ship remains in the offshore area if the wreck grounded in shallow water (<20 m water depth of closure). © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mixed‐sand‐and‐gravel beaches are a distinctive type of coarse‐clastic beach. Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) and photographic records of previous excavations are used to investigate the stratigraphy and internal sedimentary structure of mixed‐beach deposits at Aldeburgh in Suffolk, south‐east England. The principles of radar stratigraphy are used to describe and interpret migrated radar reflection profiles obtained from the study site. The application of radar stratigraphy allows the delineation of both bounding surfaces (radar surfaces) and the intervening beds or bed sets (radar facies). The deposits of the main backshore berm ridge consist of seaward‐dipping bounding surfaces that are gently onlapped by seaward‐dipping bed sets. Good correspondence is observed between a sequence of beach profiles, which record development of the berm ridge on the backshore, and the berm ridge's internal structure. The beach‐profile data also indicate that backshore berm ridges at Aldeburgh owe their origin to discrete depositional episodes related to storm‐wave activity. Beach‐ridge plain deposits at the study site consist of a complex, progradational sequence of foreshore, berm‐ridge, overtop and overwash deposits. Relict berm‐ridge deposits, separated by seaward‐dipping bounding surfaces, form the main depositional element beneath the beach‐ridge plain. However, the beach ridges themselves are formed predominantly of vertically stacked overtop/overwash units, which lie above the berm‐ridge deposits. Consequently, beach‐ridge development in this progradational, mixed‐beach setting must have occurred when conditions favoured overtopping and overwashing of the upper beachface. Interannual to decadal variations in wave climate, antecedent beach morphology, shoreline progradation rate and sea level are identified as the likely controlling factors in the development of such suitable conditions.  相似文献   

Guichen Bay on the south‐east coast of South Australia faces west towards the prevailing westerly winds of the Southern Ocean. The bay is backed by a 4 km wide Holocene beach‐ridge plain with more than 100 beach ridges. The morphology of the Guichen Bay strandplain complex shows changes in the width, length, height and orientation of beach ridges. A combination of geomorphological interpretation, shallow geophysics and existing geochronology is used to interpret the Holocene fill of Guichen Bay. Six sets of beach ridges are identified from the interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs. The ridge sets are distinguished on the basis of beach‐ridge orientation and continuity. A 2·25 km ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) profile across the beach ridges reveals the sedimentary structures and stratigraphic units. The beach ridges visible in the surface topography are a succession of stabilized foredunes that overlie progradational foreshore and upper shoreface sediments. The beach progrades show multiple truncation surfaces interpreted as storm events. The GPR profile shows that there are many more erosion surfaces in the subsurface than beach ridges on the surface. The width and dip of preserved beach progrades imaged by GPR shows that the shoreface has steepened from around 2·9° to around 7·5°. The changes in beach slope are attributed to increasing wave energy associated with beach progradation into deeper water as Guichen Bay was infilled. At the same time, the thickness of the preserved beach progrades increases slightly as the beach prograded into deeper water. Using the surface area of the ridge sets measured from the orthophotography, and the average thickness of upper shoreface, foreshore and coastal dune sands interpreted from the GPR profile, the volume of Holocene sediments within three of the six sets of beach‐ridge accretion has been calculated. Combining optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages and volume calculations, rates of sediment accumulation for Ridge Sets 3, 4 and 5 have been estimated. Linear rates of beach‐ridge progradation appear to decrease in the mid‐Holocene. However, the rates of sediment accumulation calculated from beach volumes have remained remarkably consistent through the mid‐ to late Holocene. This suggests that sediment supply to the beach has been constant and that the decrease in the rate of progradation is due to increasing accommodation space as the beach progrades into deeper water. Changes in beach‐ridge morphology and orientation reflect environmental factors such as changes in wave climate and wind regime.  相似文献   

Analysis of 75 vibracores from the backbarrier region of Kiawah Island, South Carolina reveals a complex association of three distinct stratigraphic sequences. Beach ridge progradation and orientation-controlled backbarrier development during the evolution of Kiawah Island, and resulted in deposition of: (1) a mud-rich central backbarrier sequence consisting of low marsh overlying fine-grained, tidal flat/lagoonal mud; (2) a sandy beach-ridge swale sequence consisting of high and low marsh overlying tidal creek channel and point bar sand, and foreshore/shoreface; and (3) a regressive sequence of sandy, mixed, and muddy tidal flats capped by salt marsh that occurs on the updrift end of the island. Central backbarrier deposits formed as a result of the development of the initial beach ridge on Kiawah Island. Formation of this beach ridge created a backbarrier lagoon in which fine-grained estuarine and tidal flat mud accumulated. Washovers, oyster mounds, and tidal creek deposits form isolated sand and/or shell-rich lenses in the lagoon. Spartina alterniflora low marsh prograded into the lagoon as the tidal flats aggraded. Barrier progradation and sediment bar-bypassing at Stono Inlet created digitate beach ridges on the northeast end of Kiawah Island. Within the beach-ridge swales, tidal flats were disconformably deposited on shoreface and foreshore sand of the older beach ridges. Tidal creek drainage systems evolved to drain the swales. These rapidly migrating creeks reworked the tidal flat, foreshore, and shoreface sediments while redepositing a fining-upward sequence of channel lag and point bar deposits, which served as a substrate for salt marsh colonization. This resultant regressive sedimentary package marks the culmination of barrier island development and estuary infilling. Given enough time and sedimentation, the backbarrier sequence will ultimately prograde over the barrier island, reworking dune, beach, and foreshore sediments to form the upper sand-rich bounding surface of the barrier lithosome. Preservation of the regressive sequence is dependent upon sediment supply and the relative rate of sea-level rise, but the reworking of barrier islands by tidal inlets and migrating tidal creeks greatly alter and complicate the stratigraphic sequence.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons and beach ridges are genetically independent, though non‐continuous, sedimentary archives. We here combine the results from two recently published studies in order to produce an 8000‐year‐long record of Holocene relative sea‐level changes on the island of Samsø, southern Kattegat, Denmark. The reconstruction of the initial mid‐Holocene sea‐level rise is based on the sedimentary infill from topography‐confined coastal lagoons (Sander et al., Boreas, 2015b). Sea‐level index points over the mid‐ to late Holocene period of sea‐level stability and fall are retrieved from the internal structures of a wide beach‐ridge system (Hede et al., The Holocene, 2015). Data from sediment coring, georadar and absolute dating are thus combined in an inter‐disciplinary approach that is highly reproducible in micro‐tidal environments characterised by high sediment supply. We show here that the commonly proximate occurrence of coastal lagoons and beach ridges allows us to produce seamless time series of relative sea‐level changes from field sites in SW Scandinavia and in similar coastal environments.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and landscape evolution of the Lodbjerg coastal dune system record the interplay of environmental and cultural changes since the Late Neolithic. The modern dunefield forms part of a 40 km long belt of dunes and aeolian sand‐plains that stretches along the west coast of Thy, NW Jutland. The dunefield, which is now stabilized, forms the upper part of a 15–30 m thick aeolian succession. The aeolian deposits drape a glacial landscape or Middle Holocene lake sediments. The aeolian deposits were studied in coastal cliff exposures and their large‐scale stratigraphy was examined by ground‐penetrating radar mapping. The contact between the aeolian and underlying sediments is a well‐developed peaty palaeosol, the top of which yields dates between 2300 BC and 600 BC . Four main aeolian units are distinguished, but there is some lateral stratigraphic variation in relation to underlying topography. The three lower aeolian units are separated by peaty palaeosols and primarily developed as 1–4 m thick sand‐plain deposits; these are interpreted as trailing edge deposits of parabolic dunes that moved inland episodically. Local occurrence of large‐scale cross‐stratification may record the head section of a migrating parabolic dune. The upper unit is dominated by large‐scale cross‐stratification of various types and records cliff‐top dune deposition. The nature of the aeolian succession indicates that the aeolian landscape was characterized by alternating phases of activity and stabilization. Most sand transported inland was apparently preserved. Combined evidence from luminescence dating of aeolian sand and radiocarbon dating of palaeosols indicates that phases of aeolian sand movement were initiated at about 2200 BC , 700 BC and AD 1100. Episodes of inland sand movement were apparently initiated during marked climate shifts towards cooler, wetter and more stormy conditions; these episodes are thought to record increased coastal erosion and strong‐wind reworking of beach and foredune sediments. The intensity, duration and areal importance of these sand‐drift events increased with time, probably reflecting the increasing anthropogenic pressure on the landscape. The formation of the cliff‐top dunes after AD 1800 records the modern retreat of the coastal cliffs.  相似文献   

The processes resulting in the formation of a coarse‐grained sand beach ridge plain at Cowley Beach, north‐east Australia have been questioned by Tamura et al. (2018). These authors now acknowledge the conclusions by Nott et al. (2009) and Nott (2014) that the dominant depositional mechanisms here are waves and inundations generated during tropical cyclones. The Tamura et al. (2018) new ground penetrating radar data highlights that scarping of incipient ridges is a common feature and occurs regularly under non‐storm conditions. The upper sedimentary units deposited during storms are not scarped and demonstrate the high preservation potential and usefulness of these deposits for reconstructing long‐term records of tropical cyclones. Tamura et al. (2018) question the robustness of the methodology used by Nott & Hayne (2001), Nott (2003) and Nott et al. (2009) in estimating the magnitude of the storms responsible for these sedimentary deposits. These supposed issues though have been dealt with in detail in a series of publications over the past nearly two decades. The shortcomings of the Tamura et al. (2018) criticisms are explained in detail here.  相似文献   

Clastic, depositional strandplain systems have the potential to record changes in the primary drivers of coastal evolution: climate, sea‐level, and the frequency of major meteorological and oceanographic events. This study seeks to use one such record from a southern Brazilian strandplain to highlight the potentially‐complex nature of coastal sedimentological response to small changes in these drivers. Following a 2 to 4 m highstand at ca 5·8 ka in southern Brazil, falling sea‐level reworked shelf sediment onshore, forcing coastal progradation, smoothing the irregular coastline and forming the 5 km wide Pinheira Strandplain, composed of ca 500 successive beach and dune ridges. Sediment cores, grab samples and >11 km of ground‐penetrating radar profiles reveal that the strandplain sequence is composed of well‐sorted, fine to very‐fine quartz sand. Since the mid‐Holocene highstand, the shoreline prograded at a rate of ca 1 to 2 m yr?1 through the deposition of a 4 to 6 m thick shoreface unit; a 1 to 3 m thick foreshore unit containing ubiquitous ridge and runnel facies; and an uppermost beach and foredune unit. However, the discovery of a linear, 100 m wide barrier ridge with associated washover units, a 3 to 4 m deep lagoon and 250 m wide tidal inlet within the strandplain sequence reveals a period of shoreline transgression at 3·3 to 2·8 ka during the otherwise regressive developmental history of the plain. The protected nature of Pinheira largely buffered it from changes in precipitation patterns, wave energy and fluvial sediment supply during the time of its formation. However, multiple lines of evidence indicate that a change in the rate of relative sea‐level fall, probably due to either steric or ice‐volume effects, may have affected this coastline. Thus, whereas these other potential drivers cannot be fully discounted, this study provides insights into the complexity of decadal‐scale to millennial‐scale coastal response to likely variability in sea‐level change rates.  相似文献   

The coastline constitutes a very sensitive geomorphic domain constantly subjected to dynamic coastal processes. The study of its ever-changing physiography and stratigraphy provides a wealth of information on its history and evolution, in many cases at decadal and annual scales. The present study was carried out on the Modwa beach complex between Rawal Pir and Modwa, about 10 km east of Mandvi on the northern coast of the Gulf of Kachchh. The Modwa spit is a 7-km long WNW-ESE trending prograding amalgamated beach ridge complex that is about 0.5 km wide at its western end and 1.5 km wide at its eastern end. This Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey delineated a variety of the radar surfaces and radar facies which reflects not only large scale sedimentary architecture, but depositional facies of the beach ridge complex. These are bounding surfaces separating the radar facies outline beach ridge (br), washover (wo), coastal dune (cd) and swale (sw) depositional environments. The internal sedimentary structures like tangential, parallel, concave and convex upward stratifications could also be visualized from the GPR profiles. The architecture suggests the formation of this complex due to a combined process of eastward littoral drift of locally derived sediments and its onshore deposition by storms and eolian activities.  相似文献   

Tidal-shelf sedimentation: an example from the Scottish Dalradian   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Jura Quartzite, a formation of probably late Precambrian metasediments over 5 km thick from the Caledonian belt in Southwest Scotland, has been divided into a coarse and three fine facies. The former comprises cross-bedded sands with some laminated sands and silt horizons, interpreted as the deposits of shallow marine tidal dunes and other bedforms together with some beach units. Deposition from suspension of silt and sand formed climbing dunes while largescale erosion produced flat or channelled surfaces. The fine facies comprise laterally persistent, parallel and cross-laminated sand units from millimetres to decimetres thick, interbedded with muds. The coarse and fine facies can be finely interbedded, the former sometimes filling decimetre deep, straight channels, cut in the latter. The fine facies exhibit structures indicative of deposition from decelerating currents and are interpreted as shallow marine storm deposits. The facies are compared with a model developed from published observations on modern shelf areas. Zones of erosion, large and small dunes, flat bedded sand and mud are considered to be the end product of a wide spectrum of tidal and storm conditions. During severe storms the fair weather tidal dunes may be modified or washed out, new dunes may be initiated downcurrent of the normal dune field while storm-sand layers are deposited in the distal zones. Hence, the nature of the preserved sediment blanket reflects the rare severe storm event rather than normal tidal conditions. The Jura Quartzite was deposited in a tidal gulf intimately connected with an ocean basin. The north-northeast directed palaeocurrent modes are probably roughly parallel to the coastline.  相似文献   

Barrier‐island system evolution is controlled by internal and external forcing mechanisms, and temporal changes in these mechanisms may be recorded in the sedimentary architecture. However, the precise role of individual forcing mechanisms is rarely well understood due to limited chronological control. This study investigates the relative role of forcing conditions, such as antecedent topography, sea‐level rise, sediment supply, storms and climate changes, on the evolution of a Holocene wave‐dominated barrier‐island system. This article presents temporal reconstruction of the depositional history of the barrier‐island system of Rømø in the Wadden Sea in unprecedented detail, based on ground‐penetrating radar profiles, sediment cores, high‐resolution dating and palynological investigations, and shows that ca 8000 years ago the barrier island formed on a Pleistocene topographic high. During the initial phase of barrier evolution, the long‐term sea‐level rise was relatively rapid (ca 9 mm year−1) and the barrier was narrow and frequently overwashed. Sediment supply kept pace with sea‐level rise, and the barrier‐island system mainly aggraded through the deposition of a ca 7 m thick stack of overwash fans. Aggradation continued for ca 1700 years until sea‐level rise had decreased to <2 mm year−1. In the last ca 6000 years, the barrier prograded 4 to 5 km through deposition of a 10 to 15 m thick beach and shoreface unit, despite a long‐term sea‐level rise of 1 to 2 mm year−1. The long‐term progradation was, however, interrupted by a transgression between 4000 years and 1700 years ago. These results demonstrate that the large‐scale morphology of the Danish Wadden Sea shoreline influences the longshore sediment transport flux and the millennial‐scale dispersal of sediment along the shoreline. On decadal to centennial timescales, major storms induced intense beach and shoreface erosion followed by rapid recovery and progradation which resulted in a highly punctuated beach and shoreface record. Major storms contributed towards a positive sediment budget, and the sustained surplus of sediment was, and still is, instrumental in maintaining the aggradational–progradational state of the barrier island.  相似文献   

Turbidites within Holocene lacustrine sediment cores occur worldwide and are valued deposits that record a history of earthquakes or storms. Without sedimentary architecture, however, interpretation of the cause, provenance and behaviour of their parent turbidity currents are speculative. Here, these interpretations are made from two‐dimensional ground‐penetrating radar images of ‘shore to shore’ architecture beneath three, previously cored lakes within the low seismicity New England (USA ) region. Shallow depths, low water and sediment conductivities, and signal sensitivity to density contrasts uniquely provided up to 30 m of sediment signal penetration. Core comparisons and signal analysis reveal that most horizons represent multidecimetre‐thick clusters of Holocene turbidites, which are denser than their organic‐rich silt matrix. Some horizons also represent erosional unconformities and sediment bypass interfaces. The key, common, architectural consequences of turbidity current activity include limited foreset progradation, conformably pinched or unconformable layers of organic‐rich sediment onlapped against slopes beneath 5 to 6 m of water, and mounded stratified sediments beneath rises. These features indicate that turbidity currents repeatedly bypassed the same slope without deposition and regardless of dip, and then simultaneously armoured and bypassed inter‐turbidite sediment along rises and basins to provide basinward, generally age‐conformable accumulation. The mounding precludes significant basinward focusing. Variable horizon amplitude suggests metre‐scale changes in armouring density. Unconformities localized near breaks in dip beneath slopes suggest erosive hydraulic jumps. One lake shows evidence of historically maintained channels associated with specific deltas. Shelf strata indicating inland current generation, similar key architecture in other, uncored lakes, countable, lake‐wide horizons, and absent slumps, slides and faults are consistent with storm‐driven turbidity currents, and with previous, core‐based conclusions that severe, Holocene storms were episodic throughout this region. The results generalize marine bypass and armouring to lacustrine settings, and so probably occur worldwide in lakes subject only to storms, including lakes where ground‐penetrating radar may locate core sites.  相似文献   

Sediments exposed at low tide on the transgressive, hypertidal (>6 m tidal range) Waterside Beach, New Brunswick, Canada permit the scrutiny of sedimentary structures and textures that develop at water depths equivalent to the upper and lower shoreface. Waterside Beach sediments are grouped into eleven sedimentologically distinct deposits that represent three depositional environments: (1) sandy foreshore and shoreface; (2) tidal‐creek braid‐plain and delta; and, (3) wave‐formed gravel and sand bars, and associated deposits. The sandy foreshore and shoreface depositional environment encompasses the backshore; moderately dipping beachface; and a shallowly seaward‐dipping terrace of sandy middle and lower intertidal, and muddy sub‐tidal sediments. Intertidal sediments reworked and deposited by tidal creeks comprise the tidal‐creek braid plain and delta. Wave‐formed sand and gravel bars and associated deposits include: sediment sourced from low‐amplitude, unstable sand bars; gravel deposited from large (up to 5·5 m high, 800 m long), landward‐migrating gravel bars; and zones of mud deposition developed on the landward side of the gravel bars. The relationship between the gravel bars and mud deposits, and between mud‐laden sea water and beach gravels provides mechanisms for the deposition of mud beds, and muddy clast‐ and matrix‐supported conglomerates in ancient conglomeratic successions. Idealized sections are presented as analogues for ancient conglomerates deposited in transgressive systems. Where tidal creeks do not influence sedimentation on the beach, the preserved sequence consists of a gravel lag overlain by increasingly finer‐grained shoreface sediments. Conversely, where tidal creeks debouch onto the beach, erosion of the underlying salt marsh results in deposition of a thicker, more complex beach succession. The thickness of this package is controlled by tidal range, sedimentation rate, and rate of transgression. The tidal‐creek influenced succession comprises repeated sequences of: a thin mud bed overlain by muddy conglomerate, sandy conglomerate, a coarse lag, and capped by trough cross‐bedded sand and gravel.  相似文献   

滩坝作为发育于滨岸带非常重要的沉积储集层类型之一,已成为隐蔽油气藏勘探的目标。为进一步明确峡山湖东岸滨浅湖滩坝沉积模式,以现代沉积考察为基础,结合探地雷达技术和粒度分析资料,对东岸研究区滩坝砂体的沉积特征以及控制因素进行详细分析。结果表明: 峡山湖东岸主要发育风成沙丘及滩坝2种沉积体系。早期风成沉积物以发育连续性好的大型板状交错层理细砂为主,分选较好,粒度概率曲线以两段式为特征;滩坝沉积物以发育连续性差的板状交错层理、平行层理中砂为主,主要为反粒序或者复合粒序,具冲刷构造,岩性较混杂并以砂泥薄互层为特征,发育大量植物根系,粒度概率曲线以三段式为主,跳跃组分分为2段,分选较好。探地雷达资料表明研究区下部主要以厚层层状反射结构砂体为主,与风成沙丘沉积反射特征较为一致,环境敏感粒度组分对滩坝沉积较强的水动力作用有较好的指示。总体上,风力作用控制了风成砂体的沉积发育并且改变了古地貌条件,风浪作用冲刷改造了早期砂体,为滩坝的发育提供了物源,控制了滩坝发育的规模和地理位置,可概括为“风运—湖改”滩坝沉积模式,可为滩坝体系的识别和有利储集层预测提供指导。  相似文献   

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