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A Study of Devonian Reefs from Southern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three Devonian reefs (bioherms) from Yunnan and Guangxi, southern China, are studied in detail. Six microfacies types are differentiated. Colonial rugose corals (Columnaria, Disphyllum and Hexagonaria) at Qujing, tabulate corals (Alveolites) with massive stromatoporoids (Actinostroma and Stromatoporella) and sponges at Panxi, and massive stromatoporoids (Actinostroma, Trupetostroma and Stromatoporella) at Yangshuo belong to the most important reef builders. All the three reefs studied clearly reveal a successive evolution history. They developed on the carbonate banks, shallow carbonate platforms and platform margins in the Late Givetian and terminated in the Frasnian due to sea-level falls related to local uplifts of platforms. This coincides with a eustatic fall of relative sea level at the Frasnian/Famennian transition.  相似文献   

引言肾形藻(Renalcis)是A.G.Vologdin发现并命名的一种钙质微体化石,在广义上归属于蓝绿藻(Pratt,1984)。肾形藻通常发育在寒武纪、早奥陶世、泥盆纪和早石炭世的碳酸盐岩地层中。就其形态来说,在漫长的地质年代中没有什么变化,不同形态的肾形藻可出现在不同时代的地层中,各种类型的肾形藻又可共生一处,因此常被认为没有什么时代意义。尽管如此,肾形藻的生长常局限于比较窄的生态和环境范围,又在某些建隆,特别在泥丘中是主要的骨架构筑成分,因而对于沉积微相的研究和细分具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Existing facies models for Devonian reef systems can be divided into high‐energy and low‐energy types. A number of assumptions have been made in the development of these models and, in some cases, criteria that distinguish important aspects of the models are poorly defined. The Upper Devonian Alexandra Reef System contains a variety of reef fabrics from different depositional environments and is ideal for studying the range of environments in which stromatoporoids thrived and the facies from these different environments. A wide variety of stromatoporoid growth forms including laminar, tabular, anastamosing laminar and tabular, domal, bulbous, dendroid, expanding conical, concave‐up whorled‐laminar, concave‐up massive tabular and platy‐multicolumnar are present in the Alexandra Reef System. The whorled‐laminar and massive tabular concave‐up growth forms are virtually undocumented from other Devonian reefs but were common in the reef front of the Alexandra, where they thrived in a low‐energy environment around and below fair‐weather wave base. In contrast, high‐energy parts of the reef margin were dominated by bioclastic rubble deposits with narrow ribbon‐like discontinuous bodies of laminar stromatoporoid framestone. In the lagoon, laminar stromatoporoids formed steep‐sided sediment‐dominated bioherms in response to sea‐level rise and flooding. Relying mostly on the different reef facies in the Alexandra system, a new classification scheme for Devonian reef fabrics has been developed. Devonian reef fabrics can be classified as being: (i) sediment‐laden metazoan dominated; (ii) metazoan–microbial dominated (boundstone); (iii) metazoan dominated (framestone); or (iv) metazoan–marine cement dominated. Distinction of these fabrics carries important sedimentary and palaeoecological implications for reconstructing the depositional environment. With examples from the Alexandra Formation, it is demonstrated that reef facies accumulated in a range of depositional environments and that the simple observation of massive stromatoporoids with or without microbial deposits does not automatically imply a high‐energy reef margin, as otherwise portrayed in a number of the existing facies models for these systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The depositional organization and architecture of the middle–late Devonian Yangdi rimmed carbonate platform margin in the Guilin area of South China were related to oblique, extensional faulting in a strike‐slip setting. The platform margin shows two main stages of construction in the late Givetian to Frasnian, with a bioconstructed margin evolving into a sand‐shoal system. In the late Givetian, the platform margin was rimmed with microbial buildups composed mainly of cyanobacterial colonies (mostly Renalcis and Epiphyton). These grew upwards and produced an aggradational (locally slightly retrogradational) architecture with steep foreslope clinoforms. Three depositional sequences (S3–S5) are recognized in the upper Givetian strata, which are dominated by extensive microbialites. Metre‐scale depositional cyclicity occurs in most facies associations, except in the platform‐margin buildups and upper foreslope facies. In the latest Givetian (at the top of sequence S5), relative platform uplift (± subaerial exposure) and associated rapid basin subsidence (probably a block‐tilting effect) caused large‐scale platform collapse and slope erosion to give local scalloped embayments along the platform margin and the synchronous demise of microbial buildups. Subsequently, sand shoals and banks composed of ooids and peloids and, a little later, stromatoporoid buildups on the palaeohighs, developed along the platform margin, from which abundant loose sediment was transported downslope to form gravity‐flow deposits. Another strong tectonic episode caused further platform collapse in the early Frasnian (at the top of sequence S6), leading to large‐scale breccia release and the death of the stromatoporoid buildups. Siliceous facies (banded cherts and siliceous shales) were then deposited extensively in the basin centre as a result of the influx of hydrothermal fluids. The platform‐margin sand‐shoal/bank system, possibly with gullies on the slope, persisted into the latest Frasnian until the restoration of microbial buildups. Four sequences (S6–S9), characterized by abundant sand‐shoal deposits on the margin and gravity‐flow and hemipelagic deposits on the slope, are distinguished in the Frasnian strata. Smaller‐scale depositional cyclicity is evident in all facies associations across the platform–slope–basin transect. The distinctive depositional architecture and evolution of this Yangdi Platform are interpreted as having been controlled mainly by regional tectonics with contributions from eustasy, environmental factors, oceanographic setting, biotic and sedimentary fabrics.  相似文献   

自泥盆纪埃姆斯期, 广西受陆内裂陷影响, 形成碳酸盐台地与台沟间列的构造格局.吉维特期开始, 六景及相邻的黎塘一带逐渐形成孤立台地的沉积背景.吉维特期, 六景剖面的民塘组为以竹节石为特色的礁前斜坡生态系, 尽管目前没有出露生物礁, 从礁前角砾岩可以恢复曾经存在的礁生态系.而黎塘一带塘家湾组为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.弗拉斯期, 六景剖面的谷闭组则为少量珊瑚、腕足、层孔虫为特色的局限-半开放台地生态系.黎塘一带的桂林组仍为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.六景、黎塘地区自法门期开始发生生态系突变, 六景剖面的融县组和黎塘一带的东村组发育藻礁丘或藻席为特色的藻生态系.该生态系的突变是F-F生物群集绝灭造成的生物类群突变的结果.生态系的特征也与吉维特-弗拉斯期烃源岩的形成、演化密切相关.   相似文献   

An analysis of the development of Late Devonian reefs in a number of regions worldwide shows that reef formation decreased gradually and discontinuously during the second half of the Frasnian and was completely terminated in some places. These events were associated with regression stages. The final Frasnian regression and Kellwasser event, which led to the biotic crisis, resulted, first, in the quantitative reduction of reef formation in the Famennian and, second, in the change of the frame reef formation by the formation of microbial mud mounds in the Famennian.  相似文献   

Devonian reef complexes were well developed in Western Australia and South China, but no detailed direct comparison has been made between reef building in the two regions. The regions differ in several respects, including tectonic, stratigraphic and palaeoceanographic–palaeogeographic settings, and the reef building styles reflect minor differences in reef builders and reef facies. Similarities and differences between the two reef complexes provide insights into the characteristics of platform margins, reef facies and microbial carbonates of both regions. Here we present a comparison of platform margin types from different stratigraphic positions in the Late Devonian reef complex of the Canning Basin, Western Australia and Middle and Late Devonian margin to marginal slope successions in Guilin, South China. Comparisons are integrated into a review of the reefal stratigraphy of both regions. Reef facies, reef complex architecture, temporal reef builder associations, 2nd order stratigraphy and platform cyclicity in the two regions were generally similar where the successions overlap temporally. However, carbonate deposition began earlier in South China. Carbonate complexes were also more widespread in South China and represent a thicker succession overall. Platforms in the Canning Basin grew directly on Precambrian crystalline basement or early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, but in South China, carbonate complexes developed conformably on older Devonian siliciclastic strata. Pre-Frasnian reef facies in South China had more abundant skeletal frameworks than in Canning Basin reefs of equivalent age, and Famennian shoaling margins containing various microbial reefs may have been more common and probably more diverse in South China. However, Late Devonian platform margin types have been documented more completely in the Canning Basin. Deep intra-platform troughs (deep depressions containing non-carbonate pelagic sediments — Nandan-type successions) that developed along syndepositional faults characterize Devonian carbonate platforms in South China, but have no equivalent on the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin where inter-reef areas were more shallow. The South China platform-to-depression pattern was generally continuous from the Lower to Upper Devonian, indicating that many pre-Devonian tectonic features continued to exercise considerable effect through deposition. Localized, fault-controlled subsidence was an important factor in both regions, but similarities in 2nd order aggradation–progradation cycles suggest that eustasy was also an important control on the larger scale stratigraphic development of both regions.  相似文献   

Following the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction, which eliminated most skeletal reef-building fauna, the early Famennian reefs of the Canning Basin were constructed primarily by reef-framework microbial communities. In the Napier and Oscar Ranges, the Famennian reef complexes had high-energy, reef-flat depositional environments on a reef-rimmed platform that transitioned into low-energy, deep-water reefs growing in excess of 50 m below sea level. High-energy, reef-flat depositional environments contain doming fenestral stromatolites that grade into porous thrombolites and are associated with coarse-grained sandstones and grainstones. The reef-margin subfacies contains mounds of microdigitate thrombolites, which are more delicate than the reef-flat thrombolites and locally contain abundant red algae, Girvanella, renalcids and sediment-filled tubes. Within the thrombolites, the red algae are in upright growth positions, suggesting that the thrombolites are largely composed of carbonate that precipitated in situ. Reefal-slope environments are dominated by Wetheredella and Rothpletzella with locally abundant Girvanella, renalcids and Uralinella. In reefal-slope strata, delicate fans and microdigitate stromatolites of Wetheredella and Rothpletzella are often oriented horizontal or diagonal to bedding and are interpreted as syndepositionally toppled over. Most mesoscale microbial community structures contain several species of microbial fossils, and no single microbial species appears to have controlled the morphology of the community structure. Therefore, the depositional environment must have determined the distribution and morphology of the stromatolites, thrombolites and other microbial community structures. The adaptability of microbial communities to various reef environments allowed them to fill ecological niches opportunistically after the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction.  相似文献   

泥盆系弗拉阶/法门阶之交事件沉积和海平面变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
龚一鸣  李保华 《地球科学》2001,26(3):251-257
在华南板块南部被动大陆边缘和西伯利亚板块南部活动大陆边缘弗拉阶/法门阶之交识别出7种物理事件相: 细粒钙屑浊积岩相、钙质角砾岩相、软变形灰岩相、含微球粒的粒泥灰岩相、凝灰质砾岩相、黑色页岩相和火山喷溢相.它们在法门阶下Palmatolepis triangularis带底部和/或上Palmatolepis rhenana带底部具有广泛的分布, 可能是两次陨击事件记录, 是良好的高分辨率年代地层对比标志.弗拉期/法门期之交的海平面变化不具有同步性和一致性, 可分辨出2种型式(阶跃型和渐进型) 和5种状态(弗拉期最末期下降→法门期最初期上升、弗拉期最末期上升→法门期最初期下降、弗拉期最末期上升→法门期最初期上升、弗拉期最末期下降→法门期最初期下降、弗拉期最末期与法门期最初期海平面变化不明显).弗拉阶/法门阶之交生物的阶梯状绝灭可能与从上Palmatolepis rhenana带底部至Palmatolepis crepida带不均匀分布的6次陨击事件密切相关.   相似文献   

Devonian sediments of the Malaguide Complex potentially could include the Frasnian–Famennian boundary, one of the five greatest Phanerozoic biotic crises. Conodont biofacies and microfacies of carbonate clasts from a pebbly mudstone underlying Tournaisian radiolarites allows identification, for the first time in the Malaguide Complex, of Devonian shallow marine environments laterally grading to deeper realms. The clasts yielded Frasnian conodont associations of the falsiovalis to rhenana biozones, with six biofacies that reveal different environmental conditions in their source areas. Source sediments were dismantled and redeposited within the pebbly mudstone, whose origin is tentatively related to one of the events that are associated worldwide with the Frasnian–Famennian crisis. The latter is recorded, in two equivalent Malaguide pelagic successions, by stratigraphic discontinuities, and it was, probably, tectonically and/or eustatically controlled, as in other Alpine‐Mediterranean Paleotethyan margins.  相似文献   

Distinctive, metre‐scale antiformal structures are well developed in a Famennian carbonate platform in the Chedda Cliffs area of the Lennard Shelf reef complexes. The structures are distinguished by chevron‐shaped crests and thickened cores and contain abundant non‐skeletal allochems (ooids/pisoids, peloids and intraclasts) of silt to pebble size and variably developed laminations and fenestrae. The internal morphology and pervasive occurrence of fenestral clotted and wavy laminated fabrics suggest that these structures are microbial mounds composed of agglutinated stromatolites and thrombolites. Microbial fabrics most probably originated through sediment trapping and binding by microbial mats with early lithification involving microbial calcification and cementation of trapped sediment. The facies and stratigraphic context of the mounds support a shallow subtidal, transitional backreef to reef‐flat setting; however, alone these mounds do not provide unequivocal environmental information. Other large antiformal structures in Famennian platforms on the Lennard Shelf, previously described as tepee structures, show morphological similarities to the Chedda Cliffs mounds, which suggests that these other structures may also be microbial mounds. The presence of microbial mounds in platform successions further highlights the importance of microbial communities in the Lennard Shelf reef complexes.  相似文献   

Stacked stromatoporoid‐dominated biostromes of the Ludlow‐age Hemse Group (Silurian) in eastern Gotland, Sweden, are 0·5–5 m thick and a few tens of metres to >1 km in lateral extent. They form one of the world's richest Palaeozoic stromatoporoid deposits. This study compiles published and new data to provide an overall facies model for these biostromes, which is assessed in relation to possible modern analogues. Some biostromes have predominantly in‐place fossils and are regarded as reefs, but lack rigid frameworks because of abundant low‐profile non‐framebuilding stromatoporoids; other biostromes consist of stromatoporoid‐rich rudstones interpreted here as storm deposits. Variation between these two `end‐members' occurs both between interlayered biostromes and also vertically and laterally within individual biostromes. Such variation produces problems of applying established reef classification terms and demonstrates the need for the development of terminology that recognizes taphonomic destruction of reef fabrics. An approach to such terminology is found in all four categories of a recent biostrome classification scheme that are easily recognized in the Hemse biostrome facies: autobiostromes (>60% in place); autoparabiostromes (a mixture of in‐place and overturned reef‐building organisms, 20–60% in place); parabiostromes (builders are overturned and damaged, <20% in place); and allobiostromes (transported and detrital reef material, nothing in place). These categories provide a broad taphofacies scheme for the Hemse biostromes, which are mostly autoparabiostrome to allobiostrome. The biostromes developed on crinoidal grainstone sheets and expanded laterally across relatively flat substrates in a marine setting of low siliciclastic input. Planar erosion surfaces commonly terminate biostrome tops. Three broadly similar modern analogues are identified, each of which has elements in common with the Hemse biostromes, but none of which is an exact equivalent: (a) laterally expanded and coalesced back‐barrier patch reefs behind the Belize barrier, an area influenced by limited accommodation space; (b) a hurricane‐influenced shelf, interpreted for Grand Cayman, where reef cores consist of rubble and lack substantial framework; the wide distribution of rounded pebbles and cobbles of stromatoporoids in the Hemse biostromes most probably resulted from hurricanes; (c) coral carpets in 5–15 m water depth of the northern Red Sea, where lateral expansion of low‐diversity frames dominated by Porites coral has produced low‐profile biostromes up to 8 m thick and several km long. Such carpets accumulated large amounts of carbonate, with little export, as in the Hemse biostromes, although the latter did not build frameworks because of the nature of growth of the stromatoporoids. The notable lack of algae in the Hemse biostrome facies is also a feature of Red Sea coral carpets; nevertheless, coral carpets are ecologically different. Hemse biostromes lack evidence of a barrier reef system, although this may not be exposed; the facies assemblage is consistent with either a storm/hurricane‐influenced mid‐ to upper ramp or back‐barrier system.  相似文献   

Recognition of palaeokarst in the oldest exposed Devonian (Givetian ‐ lower Frasnian) platform successions of the Canning Basin reef complexes has eluded investigators for over forty years. The first evidence for palaeokarst, developed on microbial mud‐mounds in a single stratigraphic horizon, is documented and records an episode of exposure during early carbonate platform development. Surface palaeokarst features are scalloped surfaces, solution pits and a pipe, underlain by fenestral limestone with sediment‐filled fossil moulds and vugs. The platform succession has variably developed metre‐scale cycles which are composed predominantly of shallowing‐upward subtidal facies, with some cycles having fenestral peloidal mudstone caps. Changes in facies type and stratigraphic arrangement up the succession define two deepening‐upward units (~70 and 180 m thick), with the palaeokarst surface representing emergence following rapid shallowing at the top of the lower unit. The stratigraphic position of the palaeokarst between these two units suggests it may represent a sequence boundary. This may have been caused by a low‐magnitude eustatic fall or footwall‐uplift event superimposed on a rapidly subsiding basin margin.  相似文献   

四川西北部的岩关阶   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 四川西北部早石炭世地层,前人作过不少研究,侯德封、杨敬之(1939)在北川、绵竹、平武及江油一带进行地质调查,将下石炭统划分为杜内阶及维宪阶。朱森等人(1939)将下石炭统命为总长沟系,分上、下两部分,分别代表维宪阶及杜内阶。范影年(1980)依据珊瑚类化石,将原总长沟系的下部划分为两部分,下部称长滩子段,上部称马角坝段,并将  相似文献   

As a result of early Variscan tectonic movements and of differential subsidence, a platform and basin topography was created along the northern margin of the Sahara Craton during the late Devonian. In the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Mountains, the Tafilalt Platform is an approximately N-S running ridge which developed since the late Middle Devonian. It separated a slowly subsiding shallow basin in the east (Tafilalt Basin) from a rapidly subsiding furrow in the west (Mader Basin). Platform deposits are characterized by highly reduced thicknesses, shallow subtidal to supratidal deposits in the late Frasnian and by unconformities at the Lower/Upper Frasnian and the Frasnian/Famennian boundaries. After a local transgression over emergent areas in the north, water depth probably never reached more than several tens to about 100 m in the lower Famennian. Cephalopod limestones of this age, deposited on the platform, represent a very diverse facies pattern comprising quartz-rich brachiopod coquinas, crinoidal limestones, thick-bedded cephalopod limestones and nodular limestones. Sedimentation rates ranged from 1 to 5 mm/ 1000 yr. In the late Famennian more uniform marl and nodular limestone facies suggest slightly deeper environments. Platform margins are characterized by higher rates of subsidence, debris flow deposits and slump structures. In the relatively shallow Tafilalt Basin, marls with intercalated nodular limestones were deposited. In the Mader Basin, sandy and calcareous turbidites suggest deeper water conditions in the late Devonian. During the Strunian/Tournaisian the whole area was overwhelmed by a thick deltaic sequence. The general facies distribution is in agreement with depositional models of other Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous cephalopod limestones in the European Variscan orogenic belts. In all these cases, condensed cephalopod limestones occupy a distinct palaeogeographic position in predictable facies sequences that reflect pre-orogenic phases in the Variscan geodynamic cycle. Moreover, close parallels exist with condensed sequences in the Triassic and Jurassic that occur in a very similar position within the Alpine orogenic cycle.  相似文献   

广西东北部泥盆系发育良好,化石丰富,对研究中国华南地区泥盆纪生物地层具有重要意义。对广西全州地区东山剖面上泥盆统佘田桥组、锡矿山组和孟公坳组进行了系统的化石采集及室内分析,共获得104枚牙形石化石和34件腕足类化石。经鉴定,牙形石共21属19种,腕足类化石共6属9种。根据化石种属在东山剖面上的分布,自下而上可划分出8个牙形石带:Icriodus brecis带,Schmidtognathus hermanni-Polygnathus cristatus带,Schmidtognatus wittekindtii带,Palmatolepis linguiformis带,Palmatolepis triangularis带,Palmatolepis rhomboidea带,Icriodus cornutus带和Palmatolepis gracilis manca-Rhodalepis polylophodontiformis带,指示研究区内佘田桥组、锡矿山组、孟公坳组分别对应国际年代地层单位的弗拉斯阶上部、法门阶下部和法门阶中上部,并通过Palmatolepis triangularis的首现确立了该地区弗拉斯阶和法门阶(F-F)的界线;在东山剖面共划分出2个腕足类组合带:弓石燕(Cyrtospirifer)组合带和云南贝(Yunnanella)-帐幕石燕(Tenticosififer)组合带,它们分别与东山剖面中牙形石Palmatolepis falsiovalis-Palmatolepis linguiformis带、Palmatolepis rhomboidea-Palmatolepis marginifera带对应。  相似文献   

Bioherms are common in the St George Group, a sequence of shallow-water carbonate rocks deposited on the western continental shelf of Iapetus Ocean. They range from small heads and metre-sized mounds to extensive banks and complexes many metres thick and hundreds of metres in lateral extent. The cores of these bioherms are principally composed of thrombolites (unlaminated, branching, columnar stromatolites), structures quite distinct from laminated stromatolites which are common in intertidal beds. Associated with thrombolites is a diverse fauna of burrowing invertebrates, trilobites, nautiloids, pelmatozoans, brachiopods, gastropods, rostroconchs and archaeoscyphiid sponges. On the basis of framework-building components, three main bioherm types are distinguished: (1) thrombolite mounds, (2) thrombolite-Lichenaria or -sponge mounds and (3) thrombolite-Lichenaria-Renalcis reef complexes. The framework of the last is the most complex, with abundant cavities and a demonstrably uneven growth surface of thrombolites, corals and free-standing Renalcis heads, walls and roofs. Some cavities were active sediment conduits while others were protected, their roofs draped with Renalcis and their walls coated by cryptalgal laminites. These bioherms possess the attributes of shallow-water ecologic reefs. They span a critical time gap in the development of reefs, the transition period from algal-dominated bioherms of the Precambrian and Cambrian to the metazoan-dominated bioherms of the Middle Ordovician and remaining Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Caiziyan Middle and Upper Devonian boundary section is located approximately 30 km northeast of Guilin. It hosts relatively abundant benthic and common–rare pelagic fossils, including brachiopods, corals, tentaculites, and conodonts, which may serve as a better suitable section for pelagic and neritic stratigraphic correlation. In this section, 10 “standard” conodont zones are recognized across the Givetian–Frasnian boundary, including, in descending order, the Lower hassi Zone, punctata Zone, transitans Zone, the Upper falsiovalis Zone, the Lower falsiovalis Zone, disparilis Zone, the Upper hermanni–cristatus Zone, the Lower hermanni–cristatus Zone, the Upper varcus Zone, and the Middle varcus Zone, all of which are defined by the first occurrence of their defining conodont species. The Middle–Upper Devonian (Givetian–Frasnian) boundary is defined by the first occurrence of Ancyrodella pristina in accordance with the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), which is assigned at 6.2m above the base of bed 19 in the Caiziyan section.  相似文献   

贵州独山中泥盆统生物礁中同生滑塌构造及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州独山泥盆系是典型的浅海碳酸盐岩台地相沉积。独山鸡窝寨村中泥盆统鸡窝寨组下部发育由障积岩、粘结岩、骨架岩和生物砾灰岩等所构成的小型丘状生物礁,造礁生物主要为层孔虫和珊瑚。礁体内发育小型褶皱和小型断层等变形构造,褶皱以平卧褶皱和紧密褶皱为主,且转折端多以尖棱状和圆弧状为主,而小型断层则主要为小型的逆断层和分布于褶皱转折端的小型张性断层。礁体内的变形构造特征以及正常沉积的钙质泥岩基底和灰岩盖层共生表明,该生物礁形成过程中曾发生过可能与中泥盆世吉维特期黔桂海火山活动相关的同生变形滑塌,且可能与吉维特期黔贵海处较为频繁的火山活动相关。  相似文献   

Carbonate buildups in the Flinders Ranges of mid-Early Cambrian age grew during a period of high archaeocyath diversity and are of two types: (1) low-energy, archaeocyath-sponge-spicule mud mounds, and (2) high-energy, archaeocyath-calcimicrobe (calcified microbial microfossil) bioherms. Mud mounds are composed of red carbonate mudstone and sparse to abundant archaeocyath floatstone, have a fenestral fabric, display distinct stromatactis, contain abundant sponge spicules and form structures up to 150m wide and 80 m thick. Bioherms are either red or dark grey limestone and occur as isolated small structures 2–20 m in size surrounded by cross-bedded calcarenites and calcirudites or as complexes of mounds and carbonate sands several hundreds of metres across. Red bioherms comprise masses of white Epiphyton with scattered archaeocyaths and intervening areas of archaeocyath-rich lime mudstone. Grey bioherms are complex intergrowths of archaeocyaths, encrusting dark grey Renalcis and thick rinds of fibrous calcite cement. The bioherms were prone to synsedimentary fracturing and exhibit large irregular cavities, up to 1.5 m across, lined with fibrous calcite. The buildups are isolated or in contiguous vertical succession. Mud mounds occur alone in low-energy, frequently nodular, limestone facies. Individual bioherms and bioherm complexes occur in high-energy on-shelf and shelf-margin facies. The two types also form large-scale, shallowing-upward sequences composed of basal (deep water) mud mounds grading upward into archaeocyath-calcimicrobe bioherm complexes and bioherms in cross-bedded carbonate sands. The uppermost sequence is capped by ooid grainstone and/ or fenestral to stromatolitic mudstone. The calcimicrobe and metazoan associations form the two major biotic elements which were to dominate reefs throughout much of subsequent Phanerozoic time.  相似文献   

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