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Thermal history modelling based on zircon‐ and apatite fission track and apatite (U–Th)/He data constrain and refine the near‐surface exhumation of the south‐eastern Tauern Window (Penninic units) and neighbouring Austroalpine basement units in the Eastern Alps. Fast exhumation on both sides of the Penninic/Austroalpine boundary coincides with a period of lateral extrusion and tectonic denudation of the Penninic units in Miocene time (22–12 Ma). The jump to older ages occurs within the Austroalpine unit along the Polinik fault, which therefore defines the boundary between the tectonically denuded units and the hangingwall at that time. According to the different (U–Th)/He ages between the Penninic Hochalm‐ and Sonnblick Domes we demonstrate a differential cooling history of these two domes in the latest Miocene and early Pliocene.  相似文献   

Recent data on He diffusion challenge the temperature sensitivity of apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology: the damage induced by recoil of U and Th decay series during emission of α particles (α-recoil damage) has been proposed to modify He-diffusion properties through time. However, we propose that annealing of these irradiation defects may be an important phenomenon and may be significant in case of slowly-cooled or reheated basement rocks. To test this hypothesis, we developed a quantitative model including an explicit treatment of α-recoil damage, annealing, and their effect on He-diffusion kinetics, and calibrate it against literature data. Our model is based on two hypotheses: (1) helium is in equilibrium between an apatite crystal and its defects and (2) alpha-recoil damage annealing can be described analogously to fission-track annealing. This model has been embedded into a Monte Carlo simulation of helium production/ejection/diffusion and applied to data from the French Massif Central; a complex slowly-cooled terrain with burial reheating, where the thermal history has been constrained by previous fission-track (FT) data including FT length distributions. (U–Th)/He ages are close to the FT ages from the same samples and are generally reproducible among replicates, but some samples present He-age dispersion that is not correlated with crystal size. Our model reproduces the Massif Central data very well except for three samples where He ages are older than corresponding FT ages. We show that annealing of irradiation damage has an important impact on retentivity of helium and that the He content, [He] is only a rough approximation of the damage level. In particular our results show that independence of He ages on crystal sizes, in case of reheated samples, is a clear indication of the higher He retentivity induced by α-recoil defects and that an explicit treatment of defect annealing is required for a correct interpretation of (U–Th)/He ages in such a case. More generally a correlation with the crystal size can bring information on the thermal path only if the age of defects, well represented by the fission-track age, is available, due to the dependence of the partial retention zone on damages. Conversely, in case of rapid cooling or for samples having low U and Th contents, damage effects can be ignored without significant effects on He ages.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential of (U–Th)/He geochronometry and thermochronometry of zircon, we measured He diffusion characteristics in zircons from a range of quickly and slowly cooled samples, (U–Th)/He ages of zircons from the quickly cooled Fish Canyon Tuff, and age-paleodepth relationships for samples from 15 to 18 km thick crustal section of the Gold Butte block, Nevada. (U–Th)/He ages of zircons from the Fish Canyon Tuff are consistent with accepted ages for this tuff, indicating that the method can provide accurate ages for quickly cooled samples. Temperature-dependent He release from zircon is not consistent with thermally activated volume diffusion from a single domain. Instead, in most samples apparent He diffusivity decreases and activation energy (Ea) increases as cycled step-heating experiments proceed. This pattern may indicate a range of diffusion domains with distinct sizes and possibly other characteristics. Alternatively, it may be the result of ongoing annealing of radiation damage during the experiment. From these data, we tentatively suggest that the minimum Ea for He diffusion in zircon is about 44 kcal/mol, and the minimum closure temperature (Tc, for a cooling rate of 10 °C/myr) is about 190 °C. Age–paleodepth relationships from the Gold Butte block suggest that the base of the zircon He partial retention zone is at pre-exhumation depths of about 9.5–11 km. Together with constraints from other thermochronometers and a geothermal gradient derived from them in this location, the age–depth profile suggests a He Tc of about 200 °C for zircon, in reasonable agreement with our interpretation of the laboratory measurements. A major unresolved question is how and when radiation damage effects become significant for He loss from this mineral.  相似文献   

(U‐Th)/He ages on apatite obtained in the vicinity of the Têt fault hydrothermal system show a large variability. In the inner damage zone adjacent to the fault core, where fluid flows are concentrated, AHe ages display a large scatter (3–41 Ma) and apatite ageing. Samples from the outer damage zone show young ages with less dispersion (0.9–21.1 Ma) and apatite rejuvenation. Outside the damage zone, ages are consistent with the regional exhumation history between 20 and 12 Ma. The important age dispersion found in the damage zone is interpreted as the result of 4He mobility during fluid infiltration. Our results show that thermochronological data close to a fault should be interpreted with caution, but may offer a new tool for geothermal exploration.  相似文献   

The (U‐Th)/He dating technique has been widely used for several decades to constrain the timing of low temperature geological processes. Recent research has shown that the commonly used reference material (the Durango apatite) often yields dispersed fragment dates that are beyond analytical uncertainties. Here, we report a new apatite (U‐Th)/He dating reference material, MK‐1, which was collected from the Mogok metamorphic belt in Burma. Electron probe microanalysis and backscattered electron images of two randomly selected fragments indicate that this apatite is chemically and structurally homogeneous. We performed single‐grain (U‐Th)/He dating on thirty randomly selected fragments of this material. (U‐Th)/He dating results from multiple laboratories show that fragments of the MK‐1 apatite megacryst yielded reproducible results, with a mean date of 18.0 ± 0.2 Ma. The Th/U ratio of this apatite is homogeneous. Nine randomly selected fragments registered a narrow range of effective uranium (eU) mass fractions (326–354 μg g?1), with a mean value of 336.6 ± 10.3 μg g?1. Twenty‐four in situ (U‐Th)/He dates yielded a mean value of 18.0 ± 0.2 Ma (MSWD = 0.41), indistinguishable from the results obtained by the conventional method. All the results suggest that this apatite has the potential to become a new reference material for (U‐Th)/He geochronology.  相似文献   

The Ligurian Alps segment of the Alpine–Apennine orogen in NW Italy is unconformably covered by Upper Eocene to Holocene sediments in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) and Po Plain. These sediments dip towards the north demonstrating the erosional nature of the southern border of the succession and implying that the adjacent orogenic belt formed the substratum rather than the margin of the sedimentary basin. Apatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronology shows that the orogen first subsided and was buried at >4 km from 30 to 26 Ma and began its exhumation thereafter. From 26 Ma to present, this upward movement was contemporaneous with subsidence in the northern TPB. The couple exhumation in the S and subsidence in the N migrated northwards through time. Vertical movements in the area are similar to those reconstructed in Corsica. In both cases, the onset of exhumation becomes younger away from the Ligurian‐Provençal basin and has little correlation with the opening of the surrounding oceanic basins.  相似文献   

Dating of young (<1 Ma) geological events has long been a challenge for geochronologists. Combining (U‐Th)/He with U‐Pb or U‐Th‐disequilibrium dating methods offers a unique dating tool that can address this important period. We present a new methodology that combines U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS and (U‐Th)/He dating of zircon and use it to date two Pleistocene marker tephras (A1Pm and DPm) from the Omachi Tephra suite (Japan). A1Pm and DPm yield U‐Pb ages in the range of 350–850 and ~140–630 ka, respectively, documenting protracted periods of zircon crystallisation (100's of k.y.) prior to eruption. (U‐Th)/He ages constrain the eruption ages of the A1Pm and DPm tephras to 375 ± 13 and 97.1 ± 7.3 ka, respectively, and are in agreement with published estimates. This study demonstrates the potential of combined zircon U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS and (U‐Th)/He dating to constrain magmatic and eruption events in the critical ~100 ka–1 Ma interval.  相似文献   

In this study (U‐Th)/He dating of the Penglai zircons, which occur as abundant megacrysts in Neogene alkaline basalts in northern Hainan Province, south‐eastern China, was undertaken. A weighted mean age of 4.06 ± 0.35 Ma (2s) with a mean square weighted deviation (MSWD) of 1.79 was obtained from eighteen fragments of four zircon megacrysts using single‐crystal laser fusion He determinations and the U‐Th isotope dilution (ID) method. The (U‐Th)/He ages are consistent, homogeneous and systematically slightly younger than the preferred 206Pb/238U age of 4.4 ± 0.1 Ma (95% confidence interval) determined by ID‐TIMS and subsequently published U‐Pb results. The U‐Pb isotopic system in zircon has a high closure temperature of ~ 900 °C, and the preferred U‐Pb age may record both the time since eruption and the zircon residence time in the magma chamber. In contrast, the closure temperature of the zircon (U‐Th)/He system is ~ 190 °C and the zircon megacrysts were brought quickly to the surface by the host basaltic magma. Thus, the (U‐Th)/He age represents the timing of the eruption. Based on the unlimited quantity, large grain size, mostly weak broad zoning, rapid cooling and homogenous (U‐Th)/He ages, we consider the Penglai zircons suitable for use as a reference material in (U‐Th)/He isotope geochronology.  相似文献   

Zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He thermochronometric data are used to reconstruct the Cenozoic exhumation history of the South China continental margin. A south to north sample transect from coast to continental interior yielded ZFT ages between 116.6 ± 4.7 Ma and 87.3 ± 4.0, indicating that by the Late Cretaceous samples were at depths of 5–6 km in the upper crust. Apatite FT ages range between 60.9 ± 3.6 and 37.3 ± 2.3 Ma with mean track lengths between 13.26 ± 0.16 µm and 13.95 ± 0.19 µm whilst AHe ages are marginally younger 47.5 ± 1.9–15.3 ± 0.5 Ma. These results show the sampled rocks resided in the top 1–1.5 km of the crust for most of the Cenozoic. Thermal history modeling of the combined FT and (U–Th)/He datasets reveal a common three stage cooling history which differed systematically in timing inland away from the rifted margin. 1) Initial phase of rapid cooling that youngs to the north, 2) a period of relative (but not perfect) thermal stasis at ~ 70–60 °C which increases in duration from the south to the north; 3) final-stage cooling to surface temperatures that initiated in all samples between 15 and 10 Ma. The timing and pattern of rock uplift and erosion does not fit with conventional passive margin landscape models that require youngest exhumation ages to be concentrated at or close to the rifted margin. The history of South China margin is more complex aided by weakened crust from the active margin period that immediately preceded rifting and opening of the South China Sea. This rheological inheritance created a transition zone of steeply thinned crust that served as a flexural filter disconnecting the northern margin of the South China block and site of active rifting to the south. Consequently whilst the South China margin displays many features of a rifted continental margin its exhumation history does not conform to conventional images of a passive margin.  相似文献   

A laser-ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique was developed to measure U, Th, and Ce zonation in polished sections of apatite for assessing the consequences of parent zonation for (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. The technique produces concentration maps with an averaging length-scale of ∼20 μm, comparable to the α-stopping distance, and a precision of ∼5% down to few ppm concentration levels. A model was developed to transform the measured concentration distribution into a simplified representation for use in spherical-geometry He production-diffusion models. To illustrate these methods, 30 sections of apatite from a single granite (GC863) were mapped. Every analyzed apatite from GC863 is zoned, with most grains having variable thickness rims and terminations that are enriched in U and Th by about a factor of three over the grain cores.Parent zonation has three independent effects on (U-Th)/He He ages: it influences the α ejection correction, the 4He concentration profile which governs diffusive loss, and, via radiation damage trap accumulation, spatial variability of diffusivity within the crystal. If the observed zonation is typical of the apatite population in GC863, use of the standard homogenous α ejection correction would cause He ages to be on average 3% too young, and with a large amount of grain-to-grain variability (9% too young in the most rim-enriched case to 6% too old in a core-enriched case). Independent of the ejection correction, the concentration profile modifies the effective closure temperature of the apatites by placing more (or less) 4He near the grain edge. The parent zonation in GC863 apatites causes closure temperatures to range from four degrees lower (rim-enriched case) to two degrees higher (core-enriched case) than applies in the homogenous case. Alpha ejection and concentration profile effects on He age are additive and of the same sense. In the case of typical grains in GC863 cooled between 1 and 10 °C/Ma, the two effects are roughly equal in magnitude. The effects of intracrystalline variations in radiation damage trap accumulation become apparent at slow cooling rates (1 °C/Ma). For example, in rim-enriched GC863 grains cooled at 1 °C/Ma, preferential accumulation of radiation damage traps near the grain rim almost compensates for the higher loss rate expected of 4He also located preferentially near the rim. Under some circumstances strong rim-enrichment may actually increase the effective closure temperature of an apatite. Zonation at the level observed in GC863 modifies the 4He/3He spectra substantially from that expected from a uniform distribution. Measured 4He/3He spectra are strikingly similar to predictions based on the mapped eU distributions of the very same crystals, supporting the overall validity of the analytical and interpretive approach presented here.The magnitude and style of U, Th zonation documented in GC863 is one possible source of frequently observed over-dispersion of apatite (U-Th)/He ages as well as anomalous 4He/3He spectra.  相似文献   

伊朗扎格罗斯造山带是世界上最年轻的造山带之一,前人对其构造演化历史的研究尚存争议。前陆盆地蕴藏着丰富的造山带热史信息,为研究造山带的隆升和剥露历史提供了重要途径。本研究选取位于扎格罗斯前陆盆地前缘中部的Kuh-E Bedush向斜和Kuh-E Murdeh向斜翼部出露的第三纪陆相红层(Agha Jari组)为研究对象,共采集11个粗砂岩样品进行磷灰石(U-Th)/He测试分析。11个样品共得到38个单颗粒年龄,年龄区间为0.8~79.9Ma。大部分样品的单颗粒年龄比较分散,表明这些样品没有发生完全热重置。相反,位于Murdeh向斜剖面最底部的样品,(U-Th)/He年龄小于其对应的地层年龄,并且集中分布在8.3~6.8Ma,表明该样品发生了完全重置并记录了最后一次剥露事件的时间。因此,我们认为扎格罗斯前陆盆地于晚中新世~7.5 Ma经历了一期快速剥露事件。此外,我们发现未重置的(U-Th)/He年龄大致分布在四个时间段:晚白垩纪—早古新世、早—中始新世、渐新世、早—中中新世。根据所得热年龄并结合前人研究设定了三种不同的热史,正演模拟结果与实际样品拟合较好,由此推断出前陆中部Agha J...  相似文献   

The dating of volcanic tephras forms a critical cornerstone of chronostratigraphy and is paramount for the resolution of the geological timescale. (U‐Th[‐Sm])/He dating is an emerging tool in Quaternary tephrochronology and ideally suited to date tephras <1 Ma. We present zircon, magnetite and apatite (U‐Th[‐Sm])/He combined with zircon U‐Pb data for a Pleistocene tephra in syn‐rift strata of the Woodlark Rift in Papua New Guinea. The results reveal a young He age mode (~0.5 to 0.8 Ma), consistent with an autocrystic zircon U‐Pb crystallisation age of 0.8 ± 0.1 Ma, as well as a broad range of older (U‐Th[‐Sm])/He (~1.6 to 10.2 Ma) and U‐Pb (~4.4 to 107 Ma) ages. These data demonstrate the potential of integrated U‐Pb and (U‐Th[‐Sm])/He multi‐method chronometry for dating the youngest coherent age mode, detecting contaminant grains and evaluating the isotopic systematics of these techniques.  相似文献   

The tectonic and thermal history of Cenozoic rocks from four wells (Asri-1, NE Ria-1, Hariet-1 and Yani-2) in the Sunda–Asri basin has been reconstructed using apatite fission track (AFT) analysis combined with modelling of previously determined vitrinite reflectance (VR) measurements. The wells all penetrate Recent to middle Eocene successions, in which only the Eocene to Oligocene successions have been subjected to temperatures suitable for partial annealing, due to rapid late Miocene to Recent burial. With respect to organic thermal maturities, the zone of minimum annealing coincides with undermature heating and records provenance AFT ages, whilst the zone of partial annealing agrees well with mature heating suitable for generation of hydrocarbons. The integrated AFT and VR data suggest that the Sunda–Asri basin continues subsiding, probably due to extension initiated in the late Eocene, and the successions near the base of the wells were recently exposed to the high present-day temperatures. The recent heating of rocks is consistent with up to 800 m of Plio–Pleistocene burial. Both the AFT and VR results indicate that geothermal gradients remained relatively constant through the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Independent geochronological and thermal modelling approaches are applied to a biostratigraphically exceptionally well‐controlled borehole, Alcsútdoboz‐3 (Ad‐3), in order to constrain the age of Cenozoic geodynamic events in the western Pannonian Basin and to test the efficacy of the methods for dating volcanic rocks. Apatite fission track and zircon U–Pb data show two volcanic phases of Middle Eocene (43.4–39.0 Ma) and Early Oligocene (32.72 ± 0.15 Ma) age respectively. Apatite (U–Th)/He ages (23.8–14.8 Ma) and independent thermal and subsidence history models reveal a brief period of heating to 55–70 °C at ~17 Ma caused by an increased heat‐flow related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling. Our results demonstrate that, contrary to common perception, the apatite (U–Th)/He method is likely to record ‘apparent’ or ‘mixed’ ages resulting from subsequent thermal events rather than ‘cooling’ or ‘eruption’ ages directly related to distinct geological events. It follows that a direct conversion of ‘apparent’ or ‘mixed’ (U‐Th)/He ages into cooling, exhumation or erosion rates is incorrect.  相似文献   

中国东北的那丹哈达岭地区位于中亚造山带最东部,它的中新生代热演化史是认识陆内造山活动的关键,但该地区相关研究比较薄弱,其中—新生代的热演化史缺乏有效的约束.因此本文应用磷灰石裂变径迹、锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He等多种低温热年代学方法,对东北那丹哈达岭地区的侵入岩开展构造热演化历史研究.热年代学数据和热史模拟结果表明,该地区存在早白垩世晚期—晚白垩世(110~80Ma)、古新世—始新世(60~40 Ma)两期快速冷却事件,其冷却速率分别为3.42~4.81℃/Ma和1.43~1.83℃/Ma.结合区域构造和应力分析,我们认为两期冷却事件均受构造活动控制.第一期快速冷却事件是古太平洋板块北西向俯冲引发的构造叠加到鄂霍特莫茨克地块并与东亚大陆边缘碰撞引起;而第二期快速冷却事件是古太平洋俯冲的板片后撤使东亚陆缘处于伸展环境,造成东北大面积的剥露作用引起.这次研究增强了对东亚陆缘中新生代构造-热演化历史的认识,对于理解大陆内部造山带的构造变形过程与机理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This study uses apatite fission track (FT) analysis to constrain the exhumation history of bedrock samples collected from the Altai Mountains in northern Xinjiang, China. Samples were collected as transects across the main structures related to Palaeozoic crustal accretion events. FT results and modeling identify three stages in sample cooling history spanning the Mesozoic and Tertiary. Stage one records rapid cooling to the low temperature part of the fission track partial annealing zone circa 70 ± 10 °C. Stage two, records a period of relative stability with little if any cooling taking place between 75 and 25–20 Ma suggesting the Altai region had been reduced to an area of low relief. Support for this can be found in the adjacent Junngar Basin that received little if any sediment during this interval. Final stage cooling took place in the Miocene at an accelerated rate bringing the sampled rocks to the Earth's surface. This last stage, linked to the far field effects of the Himalayan collision, most likely generated the surface uplift and relief that define the present-day Altai Mountains.  相似文献   

The Junggar Alatau forms the northern extent of the Tian Shan within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) at the border of SE Kazakhstan and NW China.This study presents the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic post-collisional thermo-tectonic history of this frontier locality using an integrated approach based on three apatite geo-/thermochronometers:apatite U-Pb,fission track and(U-Th)/He.The apatite U-Pb dates record Carboniferous-Permian post-magmatic cooling ages for the sampled granitoids,reflecting the progressive closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.The apatite fission track(AFT) data record(partial)preservation of the late Palaeozoic cooling ages,supplemented by limited evidence for Late Triassic(~230-210 Ma) cooling and a more prominent record of(late) Early Cretaceous(~150-110 Ma) cooling.The apatite(U-Th)/He age results are consistent with the(late) Early Cretaceous AFT data,revealing a period of fast cooling at that time in resulting thermal history models.This Cretaceous rapid cooling signal is only observed for samples taken along the major NW-SE orientated shear zone that dissects the study area(the Central Kazakhstan Fault Zone),while Permian and Triassic cooling signals are preserved in low-relief areas,distal to this structure.This distinct geographical trend with respect to the shear zone,suggests that fault reactivation triggered the Cretaceous rapid cooling,which can be linked to a phase of slab-rollback and associated extension in the distant Tethys Ocean.Similar conclusions were drawn for thermochronology studies along other major NW-SE orientated shear zones in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,suggesting a regional phase of Cretaceous exhumation in response to fault reactivation at that time.  相似文献   

Polymetamorphic garnet micaschists from the Austroalpine Saualpe Eclogite Unit (Kärnten, Austria, Eastern Alps) display complex microstructural and mineral–chemical relationships. Automated scanning electron microscopy routines with energy dispersive X‐ray (EDX) spectral mapping were applied for monazite detection and garnet mineral–chemical characterization. When the Fe, Mg, Mn and Ca element wt% compositions are used as generic labels for garnet EDX spectra, complex zonations and porphyroblast generations can be resolved in complete thin sections for selective electron‐microprobe analyses. Two garnet porphyroblast generations and diverse monazite age populations have been revealed in low‐Ca and high‐Al‐metapelites. Garnet 1 has decreasing Mn, constant Ca and significantly increasing Mg from cores to rims. Geothermobarometry of garnet 1 assemblages signals a crystallization along a M1 prograde metamorphism at ~650 °C/6–8 kbar. Sporadic monazite 1 crystallization started at c. 320 Ma. Subsequent pervasive 300–250 Ma high‐Y and high‐Gd monazite 1 formation during decompression coincided with the intrusion of Permian and Early Triassic pegmatites. Monazite 1 crystallized along the margin of garnet 1. Coronas of apatite and allanite around the large 320–250 Ma monazite signal a retrogressive stage. These microstructures suggest a Carboniferous‐to‐Early‐Permian age for the prograde M1 event with garnet 1. Such a M1 event at an intermediate‐P/T gradient has not yet been described from the Saualpe, and preceded a Permo‐Triassic low‐P stage. The M2 event with garnet 2 postdates the corona formation around Permian monazite. Garnet 2 displays first increasing XCa at decreasing XMg, then increasing XCa and XMg, and finally decreasing XCa with increasing XMg, always at high Ca and Mg, and low Mn. This records a P–T evolution which passed through eclogite facies conditions and reached maximum temperatures at ~750 °C/14 kbar during decompression‐heating. A monazite 2 population (94–86 Ma) with lower Y and Gd contents crystallized at decreasing pressure during the Cretaceous (Eo‐Alpine) metamorphism M2 at a high‐P/T gradient. The Saualpe Eclogite Unit underwent two distinct clockwise metamorphic cycles at different P–T conditions, related to continental collisions under different thermal regimes. This led to a characteristic distribution pattern of monazite ages in this unit which is different from other Austroalpine basement areas.  相似文献   

This study presents the first suite of apatite fission‐track (AFT) ages from the SE part of the Western Sudetes. AFT cooling ages from the Orlica‐?nie?nik Dome and the Upper Nysa K?odzka Graben range from Late Cretaceous (84 Ma) to Early Palaeocene–Middle Eocene (64–45 Ma). The first stage of basin evolution (~100–90 Ma) was marked by the formation of a local extensional depocentre and disruption of the Mesozoic planation surface. Subsequent far‐field convergence of European microplates resulted in Coniacian–Santonian (~89–83 Ma) thrust faulting. AFT data from both metamorphic basement and Mesozoic sedimentary cover indicate homogenous Late Cretaceous burial of the entire Western Sudetes. Thermal history modeling suggests that the onset of cooling could be constrained between 89 and 63 Ma with a climax during the Palaeocene–Middle Eocene basin inversion phase.  相似文献   

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