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We present a structural smoothing regularization scheme in the context of inversion of marine controlled‐source electromagnetic data. The regularizing hypothesis is that the electrical parameters have a structure similar to that of the elastic parameters observed from seismic data. The regularization is split into three steps. First, we ensure that our inversion grid conforms with the geometry derived from seismic. Second, we use a seismic stratigraphic attribute to define a spatially varying regularization strength. Third, we use an indexing strategy on the inversion grid to define smoothing along the seismic geometry. Enforcing such regularization in the inversion will encourage an inversion result that is more intuitive for the interpreter to deal with. However, the interpreter should also be aware of the bias introduced by using seismic data for regularization. We illustrate the method using one synthetic example and one field data example. The results show how the regularization works and that it clearly enforces the structure derived from seismic data. From the field data example we find that the inversion result improves when the structural smoothing regularization is employed. Including the broadside data improves the inversion results even more, due to a better balancing between the sensitivities for the horizontal and vertical resistivities.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first controlled‐source electromagnetic survey carried out in the German North Sea with a recently developed seafloor‐towed electrical dipole–dipole system, i.e., HYDRA II. Controlled‐source electromagnetic data are measured, processed, and inverted in the time domain to estimate an electrical resistivity model of the sub‐seafloor. The controlled‐source electromagnetic survey targeted a shallow, phase‐reversed, seismic reflector, which potentially indicates free gas. To compare the resistivity model to reflection seismic data and draw a combined interpretation, we apply a trans‐dimensional Bayesian inversion that estimates model parameters and uncertainties, and samples probabilistically over the number of layers of the resistivity model. The controlled‐source electromagnetic data errors show time‐varying correlations, and we therefore apply a non‐Toeplitz data covariance matrix in the inversion that is estimated from residual analysis. The geological interpretation drawn from controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion results and borehole and reflection seismic data yield resistivities of ~1 Ωm at the seafloor, which are typical for fine‐grained marine deposits, whereas resistivities below ~20 mbsf increase to 2–4 Ωm and can be related to a transition from fine‐grained (Holocene age) to unsorted, coarse‐grained, and compacted glacial sediments (Pleistocene age). Interface depths from controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion generally match the seismic reflector related to the contrast between the different depositional environments. Resistivities decrease again at greater depths to ~1 Ωm with a minimum resistivity at ~300 mbsf where a seismic reflector (that marks a major flooding surface of late Miocene age) correlates with an increased gamma‐ray count, indicating an increased amount of fine‐grained sediments. We suggest that the grain size may have a major impact on the electrical resistivity of the sediment with lower resistivities for fine‐grained sediments. Concerning the phase‐reversed seismic reflector that was targeted by the survey, controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion results yield no indication for free gas below it as resistivities are generally elevated above the reflector. We suggest that the elevated resistivities are caused by an overall decrease in porosity in the glacial sediments and that the seismic reflector could be caused by an impedance contrast at a thin low‐velocity layer. Controlled‐source electromagnetic interface depths near the reflector are quite uncertain and variable. We conclude that the seismic interface cannot be resolved with the controlled‐source electromagnetic data, but the thickness of the corresponding resistive layer follows the trend of the reflector that is inclined towards the west.  相似文献   

In marine controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) surveys the subsurface is explored by emitting low‐frequency signals from an electric dipole source close to the sea‐bed. The main goal is often to detect and describe possible thin resistive layers beneath the sea‐bed. To gain insight into how CSEM signals propagate, it is informative to study a stratified model. The electromagnetic field is then given in terms of integrals over TE‐ and TM‐polarized plane‐wave constituents. An asymptotic evaluation of the field integrals for large propagation distances results in explicit spatial expressions for the field components and the derived expressions can be used to analyse how the CSEM signals propagate. There are two major signal pathways in a standard CSEM model. One of these pathways is via the thin resistive layer and the resulting response is accounted for by a pole in the reflection response for the TM mode. The signal is propagating nearly vertically down to the resistor from the source, then guided while attenuated along the reservoir, before propagating nearly vertically up to the receiver. The response is slightly altered by the sea‐bed interface and further modified in shallow water due to multiple reflections between the sea‐surface and sea‐bed at both the source and receiver sides. The other major signal pathway is via the resistive air half‐space, the so‐called airwave. The airwave is generated by the TE mode and interacts with the subsurface via vertically propagating signals reflected between the sea‐surface and subsurface at both the source and receiver sides.  相似文献   

A fully three‐dimensional finite‐element algorithm has been developed for simulating controlled‐source electromagnetic surveys. To exploit the advantages of geometric flexibility, frequency‐domain Maxwell's equations of the secondary electric field were discretised using edge‐based finite elements while the primary field was calculated analytically for a horizontally layered‐earth model. The resulting system of equations for the secondary field was solved using a parallel version of direct solvers. The accuracy of the algorithm was successfully verified by comparisons with integral‐equations and iterative solutions, and the applicability to models containing large conductivity contrasts was verified against published data. The advantages of geometry‐conforming meshes have been demonstrated by comparing different mesh systems to simulate an inclined sheet model. A comparison of the performance between direct and iterative solvers demonstrated the superior efficiency of direct solvers, particularly for multisource problems.  相似文献   

Modelling and inversion of controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) fields requires accurate interpolation of modelled results near strong resistivity contrasts. There, simple linear interpolation may produce large errors, whereas higher‐order interpolation may lead to oscillatory behaviour in the interpolated result. We propose to use the essentially non‐oscillatory, piecewise polynomial interpolation scheme designed for piecewise smooth functions that contains discontinuities in the function itself or in its first or higher derivatives. The scheme uses a non‐linear adaptive algorithm to select a set of interpolation points that represent the smoothest part of the function among the sets of neighbouring points. We present numerical examples to demonstrate the usefulness of the scheme. The first example shows that the essentially non‐oscillatory interpolation (ENO) scheme better captures an isolated discontinuity. In the second example, we consider the case of sampling the electric field computed by a finite‐volume CSEM code at a receiver location. In this example, the ENO interpolation performs quite well. However, the overall error is dominated by the discretization error. The other examples consider the comparison between sampling with essentially non‐oscillatory interpolation and existing interpolation schemes. In these examples, essentially non‐oscillatory interpolation provides more accurate results than standard interpolation, especially near discontinuities.  相似文献   

A multichannel borehole‐to‐surface controlled‐source electromagnetic experiment was carried out at the onshore CO2 storage site of Hontomín (Spain). The electromagnetic source consisted of a vertical electric dipole located 1.5 km deep, and the electric field was measured at the surface. The subsurface response has been obtained by calculating the transfer function between the transmitted signal and the electric field at the receiver positions. The dataset has been processed using a fast processing methodology, appropriate to be applied on controlled‐source electromagnetics (CSEM) data with a large signal‐to‐noise ratio. The dataset has been analysed in terms of data quality and repeatability errors, showing data with low experimental errors and good repeatability. We evaluate if the induction of current along the casing of the injection well can reproduce the behaviour of the experimental data.  相似文献   

We use numerically modelled data sets to investigate the sensitivity of electromagnetic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to spatial receiver sampling. Interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution retrieves the reflection response below the receivers after decomposition of the fields into upward and downward decaying fields and deconvolving the upward decaying field by the downward decaying field. Thereby the medium above the receiver level is replaced with a homogeneous half‐space, the sources are redatumed to the receiver level and the direct field is removed. Consequently, in a marine setting the retrieved reflection response is independent of any effect of the water layer and the air above. A drawback of interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution is a possibly unstable matrix inversion, which is necessary to retrieve the reflection response. Additionally, in order to correctly separate the upward and the downward decaying fields, the electromagnetic fields need to be sampled properly. We show that the largest possible receiver spacing depends on two parameters: the vertical distance between the source and the receivers and the length of the source. The receiver spacing should not exceed the larger of these two parameters. Besides these two parameters, the presence of inhomogeneities close to the receivers may also require a dense receiver sampling. We show that by using the synthetic aperture concept, an elongated source can be created from conventionally acquired data in order to overcome these strict sampling criteria. Finally, we show that interferometry may work under real‐world conditions with random noise and receiver orientation and positioning errors.  相似文献   

Steel well casings in or near a hydrocarbon reservoir can be used as source electrodes in time‐lapse monitoring using grounded line electromagnetic methods. A requisite component of carrying out such monitoring is the capability to numerically model the electromagnetic response of a set of source electrodes of finite length. We present a modelling algorithm using the finite‐element method for calculating the electromagnetic response of a three‐dimensional conductivity model excited using a vertical steel‐cased borehole as a source. The method is based on a combination of the method of moments and the Coulomb‐gauged primary–secondary potential formulation. Using the method of moments, we obtain the primary field in a half‐space due to an energized vertical steel casing by dividing the casing into a set of segments, each assumed to carry a piecewise constant alternating current density. The primary field is then substituted into the primary–secondary potential finite‐element formulation of the three‐dimensional problem to obtain the secondary field. To validate the algorithm, we compare our numerical results with: (i) the analytical solution for an infinite length casing in a whole space, excited by a line source, and (ii) a three‐layered Earth model without a casing. The agreement between the numerical and analytical solutions demonstrates the effectiveness of our algorithm. As an illustration, we also present the time‐lapse electromagnetic response of a synthetic model representing a gas reservoir undergoing water flooding.  相似文献   

This paper presents a linear predictor (LP)‐based lossless sensor data compression algorithm for efficient transmission, storage and retrieval of seismic data. Auto‐Regressive with eXogenous input (ARX) model is selected as the model structure of LP. Since earthquake ground motion is typically measured at the base of monitored structures, the ARX model parameters are calculated in a system identification framework using sensor network data and measured input signals. In this way, sensor data compression takes advantage of structural system information to maximize the sensor data compression performance. Numerical simulation results show that several factors including LP order, measurement noise, input and limited sensor number affect the performance of the proposed lossless sensor data compression algorithm concerned. Generally, the lossless data compression algorithm is capable of reducing the size of raw sensor data while causing no information loss in the sensor data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We developed a new marine controlled‐source electromagnetic receiver for detecting methane hydrate zones and oil and gas reservoirs on the seafloor, which is not imaged well by seismic reflection surveys. To determine the seafloor structure, the electromagnetic receiver should have low noise, power consumption, clock drift error, and operating costs while being highly reliable. Because no suitable receiver was available in our laboratory, we developed a new marine controlled‐source electromagnetic receiver with these characteristics; the receiver is equipped with acoustic telemetry modem and an arm‐folding mechanism to facilitate deployment and recovering operations. To demonstrate the applicability of our new receiver, we carried out a field experiment offshore of Guangzhou in the South China Sea, where methane hydrates have been discovered. We successfully obtained controlled‐source electromagnetic data along a profile about 13 km long. All six new receivers were recovered, and high‐quality electromagnetic data were obtained. Relatively high apparent resistivity values were detected. The results of the offshore field experiment support the claim that the electromagnetic data obtained using the new receiver are of sufficient quality for the survey target.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model‐based state observer to perform high‐definition response estimation in partially instrumented building structures. The proposed estimator is verified in a simulated five‐story shear‐building structure and validated using measurements from a seven‐story reinforced concrete building slice tested at the NEES‐University of California at San Diego shake table. In both cases the proposed estimator yielded satisfactory results by estimating the time history of shear forces, bending moments, displacements, and strains at various points/sections of interest. The proposed algorithm can be used in instrumented buildings for various practical applications such as post‐earthquake damage assessment, structural control, and building code calibration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Planar waves events recorded in a seismic array can be represented as lines in the Fourier domain. However, in the real world, seismic events usually have curvature or amplitude variability, which means that their Fourier transforms are no longer strictly linear but rather occupy conic regions of the Fourier domain that are narrow at low frequencies but broaden at high frequencies where the effect of curvature becomes more pronounced. One can consider these regions as localised “signal cones”. In this work, we consider a space–time variable signal cone to model the seismic data. The variability of the signal cone is obtained through scaling, slanting, and translation of the kernel for cone‐limited (C‐limited) functions (functions whose Fourier transform lives within a cone) or C‐Gaussian function (a multivariate function whose Fourier transform decays exponentially with respect to slowness and frequency), which constitutes our dictionary. We find a discrete number of scaling, slanting, and translation parameters from a continuum by optimally matching the data. This is a non‐linear optimisation problem, which we address by a fixed‐point method that utilises a variable projection method with ?1 constraints on the linear parameters and bound constraints on the non‐linear parameters. We observe that slow decay and oscillatory behaviour of the kernel for C‐limited functions constitute bottlenecks for the optimisation problem, which we partially overcome by the C‐Gaussian function. We demonstrate our method through an interpolation example. We present the interpolation result using the estimated parameters obtained from the proposed method and compare it with those obtained using sparsity‐promoting curvelet decomposition, matching pursuit Fourier interpolation, and sparsity‐promoting plane‐wave decomposition methods.  相似文献   

We present a simple and feasible approach to analyse and identify two‐dimensional effects in central loop transient electromagnetic sounding data and the correspondingly derived quasi two‐dimensional conductivity models. The proposed strategy is particularly useful in minimising interpretation errors. It is based on the calculation of a semi‐synthetic transient electromagnetic tipper at each sounding and for each observational transient time point. The semi‐synthetic transient electromagnetic tipper is derived from the measured vertical component of the induced voltage and the synthetically calculated horizontal component. The approach is computationally inexpensive and involves one two‐dimensional forward calculation of an obtained quasi two‐dimensional conductivity section. Based on a synthetic example, we demonstrate that the transient electromagnetic tipper approach is applicable in identifying which transient data points and which corresponding zones in a derived quasi two‐dimensional subsurface model are affected by two‐dimensional inhomogeneities. The one‐dimensional inversion of such data leads to false models. An application of the semi‐synthetic transient electromagnetic tipper to field data from the Azraq basin in Jordan reveals that, in total, eight of 80 investigated soundings are affected by two‐dimensional structures although the field data can be fitted optimally using one‐dimensional inversion techniques. The largest semi‐synthetic tipper response occurs in a 300 m‐wide region around a strong lateral resistivity contrast. The approach is useful for analysing structural features in derived quasi two‐dimensional sections and for qualitatively investigating how these features affect the transient response. To avoid misinterpretation, these identified zones corresponding to large tipper values are excluded from the interpretation of a quasi two‐dimensional conductivity model. Based on the semi‐synthetic study, we also demonstrate that a quantitative interpretation of the horizontal voltage response (e.g. by inversion) is usually not feasible as it requires the exact sensor position to be known. Although a tipper derived purely from field data is useful as a qualitative tool for identifying two‐dimensional distortion effects, it is only feasible if the sensor setup is sufficiently accurate. Our proposed semi‐synthetic transient electromagnetic tipper approach is particularly feasible as an a posteriori approach if no horizontal components are recorded or if the sensor setup in the field is not sufficiently accurate.  相似文献   

Non‐point source (NPS) pollution from agricultural land is increasing exponentially in many countries of the world, including India. A modified approach based on the conservation of mass and reaction kinetics has been derived to estimate the inflow of non‐point source pollutants from a river reach. Two water quality variables, namely, nitrate (NO3) and ortho‐phosphate (o‐PO4), which are main contributors as non‐point source pollution, were monitored at four locations of River Kali, western Uttar Pradesh, India, and used for calibration and validation of the model. Extensive water quality sampling was done with a total of 576 field data sets collected during the period from March 1999 to February 2000. Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to obtain land use/land cover of the region, digital elevation model (DEM), delineation of basin area contributing to non‐point source pollution at each sampling location and drainage map. The results obtained from a modified approach were compared with the existing mass‐balance equations and distributed modelling, and the performances of different equations were evaluated using error estimation viz. standard error, normal mean error, mean multiplicative error and correlation statistics. The developed model for the River Kali minimizes error estimates and improves correlation between observed and computed NPS loads. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To advance and optimize secondary and tertiary oil recovery techniques, it is essential to know the areal propagation and distribution of the injected fluids in the subsurface. We investigate the applicability of controlled‐source electromagnetic methods to monitor fluid movements in a German oilfield (Bockstedt, onshore Northwest Germany) as injected brines (highly saline formation water) have much lower electrical resistivity than the oil within the reservoir. The main focus of this study is on controlled‐source electromagnetic simulations to test the sensitivity of various source–receiver configurations. The background model for the simulations is based on two‐dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data gathered across the oil field and calibrated with resistivity logs. Three‐dimensional modelling results suggest that controlled‐source electromagnetic methods are sensitive to resistivity changes at reservoir depths, but the effect is difficult to resolve with surface measurements only. Resolution increases significantly if sensors or transmitters can be placed in observation wells closer to the reservoir. In particular, observation of the vertical electric field component in shallow boreholes and/or use of source configurations consisting of combinations of vertical and horizontal dipoles are promising. Preliminary results from a borehole‐to‐surface controlled‐source electromagnetic field survey carried out in spring 2014 are in good agreement with the modelling studies.  相似文献   

Scattered ground roll is a type of noise observed in land seismic data that can be particularly difficult to suppress. Typically, this type of noise cannot be removed using conventional velocity‐based filters. In this paper, we discuss a model‐driven form of seismic interferometry that allows suppression of scattered ground‐roll noise in land seismic data. The conventional cross‐correlate and stack interferometry approach results in scattered noise estimates between two receiver locations (i.e. as if one of the receivers had been replaced by a source). For noise suppression, this requires that each source we wish to attenuate the noise from is co‐located with a receiver. The model‐driven form differs, as the use of a simple model in place of one of the inputs for interferometry allows the scattered noise estimate to be made between a source and a receiver. This allows the method to be more flexible, as co‐location of sources and receivers is not required, and the method can be applied to data sets with a variety of different acquisition geometries. A simple plane‐wave model is used, allowing the method to remain relatively data driven, with weighting factors for the plane waves determined using a least‐squares solution. Using a number of both synthetic and real two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) land seismic data sets, we show that this model‐driven approach provides effective results, allowing suppression of scattered ground‐roll noise without having an adverse effect on the underlying signal.  相似文献   

The accurate estimation of sub‐seafloor resistivity features from marine controlled source electromagnetic data using inverse modelling is hindered due to the limitations of the inversion routines. The most commonly used one‐dimensional inversion techniques for resolving subsurface resistivity structures are gradient‐based methods, namely Occam and Marquardt. The first approach relies on the smoothness of the model and is recommended when there are no sharp resistivity boundaries. The Marquardt routine is relevant for many electromagnetic applications with sharp resistivity contrasts but subject to the appropriate choice of a starting model. In this paper, we explore the ability of different 1D inversion schemes to derive sub‐seafloor resistivity structures from time domain marine controlled source electromagnetic data measured along an 8‐km‐long profile in the German North Sea. Seismic reflection data reveal a dipping shallow amplitude anomaly that was the target of the controleld source electromagnetic survey. We tested four inversion schemes to find suitable starting models for the final Marquardt inversion. In this respect, as a first scenario, Occam inversion results are considered a starting model for the subsequent Marquardt inversion (Occam–Marquardt). As a second scenario, we employ a global method called Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis and sequentially incorporate it with Marquardt inversion. The third approach corresponds to Marquardt inversion introducing lateral constraints. Finally, we include the lateral constraints in Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis optimization, and the results are sequentially utilized by Marquardt inversion. Occam–Marquardt may provide accurate estimation of the subsurface features, but it is dependent on the appropriate conversion of different multi‐layered Occam model to an acceptable starting model for Marquardt inversion, which is not straightforward. Employing parameter spaces, the Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis approach can be pertinent to determine Marquardt a priori information; nevertheless, the uncertainties in Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis optimization will introduce some inaccuracies in Marquardt inversion results. Laterally constrained Marquardt may be promising to resolve sub‐seafloor features, but it is not stable if there are significant lateral changes of the sub‐seafloor structure due to the dependence of the method to the starting model. Including the lateral constraints in Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis approach allows for faster convergence of the routine with consistent results, furnishing more accurate estimation of a priori models for the subsequent Marquardt inversion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the asymptotic behaviour of the electromagnetic fields received on the sea‐bed (target response), as well as the fields distributed inside a thin resistive target, generated by a horizontal electric dipole above the sea‐bed in marine controlled‐source electromagnetics for hydrocarbon exploration. It is found that the guided wave supported by a thin resistive target can be expressed as a single‐mode exponential function. A simple closed‐form expression is derived to relate the single‐mode wavenumber of the guided wave to the model parameters: the resistivity and thickness of the target layer, the sea‐bed resistivity and the frequency. When the air‐wave is removed, the guided wave is dominant among the fields received on the sea‐bed at far offset. Hence the wavenumber of the guided wave can be calculated from the fields measured on the sea‐bed. The closed‐form expression can then be used to invert the target property from the calculated wavenumber and hence, can be considered as a hydrocarbon indicator.  相似文献   

The study presents a fast imaging technique for the very low‐frequency data interpretation. First, an analytical expression was derived to compute the vertical component of the magnetic field at any point on the Earth's surface for a given current density distribution in a rectangular block on the subsurface. Current density is considered as exponentially decreasing with depth, according to the skin depth rule in a particular block. Subsequently, the vertical component of the magnetic field due to the entire subsurface was computed as the sum of the vertical component of the magnetic field due to an individual block. Since the vertical component of the magnetic field is proportional to the real part of very low‐frequency anomaly, an inversion program was developed for imaging of the subsurface conductors using the real very low‐frequency anomaly in terms of apparent current density distribution in the subsurface. Imaging results from the presented formulation were compared with other imaging techniques in terms of apparent current density and resistivity distribution using a standard numerical forward modelling and inversion technique. Efficacy of the developed approach was demonstrated for the interpretation of synthetic and field very low‐frequency data. The presented imaging technique shows improvement with respect to the filtering approaches in depicting subsurface conductors. Further, results obtained using the presented approach are closer to the results of rigorous resistivity inversion. Since the presented approach uses only the real anomaly, which is not sensitive to very small isolated near‐surface conducting features, it depicts prominent conducting features in the subsurface.  相似文献   

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