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Granite magma migration and emplacement along thrusts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the influence exerted by brittle tectonic structures in the emplacement of granite plutons in contractional settings. We address both cases where contractional tectonics and magma intrusion are (1) coeval, to study how active contractional tectonics controls the transport of magma, and (2) diachronous, to study the role of pre-existing structures on the transport of magma. In light of new experimental models, we show that magma can rise along thrusts ramps and flats. This phenomenon occurs for both low-viscosity magma (basalts to andesite) and high-viscosity magma (dry granite). The experimental results also allow the evaluation of the role played by magma viscosity in determining pluton geometries. In addition, a review of literature demonstrates a spatial and causal relationship between granites and thrusts and highlights the geometric control of magma pathways in the pluton final shape. The abundance of subhorizontal and tabular granitic intrusions indicates that the location of inflating granitic sills along thrust flats can be common. We argue that active and pre-existing flats-and-ramps thrusts provide a preferential continuous planar anisotropy susceptible to become a granitic magma migration pathway.  相似文献   

We have used analogue experiments to investigate the effects of surface topography on the curvature of fold-and-thrust belts, under conditions of (1) initial relief, but no erosion, and (2) no initial relief, but differential erosion, sedimentation and transport.In experiments where a 2-layer model lithosphere shortened and thickened in front of an advancing straight piston, the geometry of the developing thrust wedge was very sensitive to variations in surface topography. In models with an initially flat, horizontal surface, and in the absence of erosion and sedimentation, thrusts were straight, propagated forwards, and nucleated at buckle folds far in front of an advancing piston. Around an initial topographic high (plateau or cone), thrusts tended to be arcuate, forming salients towards the foreland. Initial plateaux and cones tended to behave rigidly, while arcuate thrust slices formed around them. To accommodate differential slip, transfer zones developed on both sides of initial highs. Fault blocks rotated about vertical axes and thrusts moved in oblique slip within transfer zones. In models with initially horizontal surfaces, which were subject to differential erosion, sedimentation and transport, thrusts initially were straight, but then progressively rotated around non-eroded, thickened and stronger areas. These worked as indenters, in front of which new thrusts nucleated at curved buckle folds. These thrusts were also curved, their apices being in front of the thickened, non-eroded areas.In nature, arcuate structural patterns are to be found around the Altiplano of the Central Andes and around the Tromen volcanic ridge in the Neuquén Basin of northern Patagonia. We infer that these areas behaved in quasi-rigid fashion, protected as they were by their high elevations, and that differential erosion at the scale of the entire Andes may have contributed to oroclinal bending.  相似文献   

腾冲马鞍山、打鹰山、黑空山火山岩浆来源与演化   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
赵勇伟  樊祺诚 《岩石学报》2010,26(4):1133-1140
本文对马鞍山、打鹰山、黑空山火山岩主微量和Sr、Nd、Pd同位素地球化学研究认为,腾冲火山岩浆源区具有MORB与富集地幔混合之特征,推测为新特提斯俯冲洋壳重新熔融,导致腾冲地区的高钾钙碱性岩浆的火山活动,解释了腾冲在新生代大陆板内构造环境背景下出现岛弧或活动大陆边缘火山岩地球化学特征的现象。马鞍山、打鹰山和黑空山火山高钾钙碱性岩浆经历了岩浆房阶段辉石、钛铁矿的结晶分离作用和岩浆上升过程中斜长石的结晶分离作用,导致岩浆成分从中基性向中酸性演化,火山岩从玄武质粗安岩→粗安岩→粗面质英安岩演化。  相似文献   

丁毅 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1955-1968
火山学研究有了长足的进步。笔者总结近些年全球火山学研究各个方面的成果,包括对火山基本概念的新的认识、火山机构、火山的各种分类、火山岩石学和地球化学、火山岩相学、评估火山爆发大小的火山爆发指数、岩石和地球化学分类、各种常量和微量元素区分图、活火山分布与板块构造理论的关系、活火山给人类带来的灾害与利益和活火山的监测、曾经的火山活动与生物毁灭、单成因火山研究等。火山—构造是未来火山学研究的一个方向,通过火山与构造关系的研究以揭示火山的分布和地球的演化。火山喷出的岩浆是其通过地下以岩墙或管道形式为通道运移到地表的结果。中朝边境上的长白山的位置是个特例,应当值得深入的研究。中国分布有许多新生代火山,它们是否为单成因火山、这些火山在成分上是否有演化规律、它们的分布与大地构造的关系等都有待深入和系统的研究。  相似文献   

Two models of pressure source to interpret the crustal deformations associated with volcanic activities are discussed by example. It is pointed that the magma pressure causing the crust to be deformed may sometimes trigger remarkable tectonic earthquakes around volcanoes.  相似文献   

中国大陆新生代典型火山区温室气体释放的规模及其成因   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
火山活动能够将地球深部的碳输送到大气圈,是地质碳排放和深部碳循环的重要形式.火山作用不仅在喷发期能够释放大量温室气体,而且在休眠期也能释放巨量的温室气体.在全球变暖的背景下,定量化地研究火山活动对大气圈温室气体含量增加的贡献具有至关重要的意义.本文利用密闭气室法等该领域国际先进的测试技术,测量并计算了长白山、腾冲、五大连池及青藏高原南部的羊八井等典型火山区的温室气体释放规模.结果显示,我国大陆新生代典型火山区向大气圈输送的温室气体总通量约为8.13×106t·a-1,接近107t·a-1级别,相当于全球火山活动导致的温室气体(主要为CO2)释放总量的6%左右.太平洋构造域火山区的温室气体在释放通量与总量方面均低于特提斯构造域,并且太平洋构造域火山气体的地壳混染程度较低,显示出大洋俯冲带与大陆俯冲带火山区温室气体释放的成因差异.  相似文献   

火山喷发物记录了岩浆的整个活动历史,对火山喷发物的研究可以了解大量的岩浆活动特征信息。本文对腾冲火山区的三座全新世火山——黑空山、马鞍山和打莺山火山熔岩进行了详细的研究,包括熔岩和斑晶的成分、显微结构特征和斑晶的晶体大小分布(CSD)分析。研究发现,黑空山、马鞍山和打莺山火山熔岩以粗安岩为主,三座火山粗安岩中的斑晶成分范围接近,但它们的显微结构特征具有一定的差异,反映了不同的岩浆环境,推测来自不同的岩浆囊。黑空山粗安岩中斜长石斑晶的CSD曲线呈微上凹形,反映了小规模的岩浆混合作用。马鞍山和打莺山粗安岩的微斑晶CSD曲线呈很好的线性关系,说明微斑晶形成时的环境相对稳定,推测这些微斑晶是在岩浆上升过程中,停留在地壳的某处并形成一个小型的岩浆囊后受围岩的冷却作用形成。根据以上的分析,认为腾冲火山区下在横向和纵向上均至少存在两个岩浆囊。  相似文献   

We have used sandbox experiments to investigate and to illustrate the effects of topography upon the development of arcuate thrust belts. In experiments where a sand pack shortened and thickened in front of an advancing rectilinear piston, the geometry of the developing thrust wedge was highly sensitive to variations in surface topography. In the absence of erosion and sedimentation, the surface slope tended to become uniform, as predicted by the theory of critical taper. Under these conditions, the wedge propagated by sequential accretion of new thrust slices. In contrast, where erosion or sedimentation caused the topographic profile to become irregular, thrusts developed out of sequence. For example, erosion throughout a hinterland caused underlying thrusts to remain active and inhibited the development of new thrusts in the foreland. Where initial topography was irregular in plan view, accreting thrusts tended to be arcuate. They were convex towards the foreland, around an initially high area; concave towards the foreland, around an initially low area. Initial plateaux tended to behave rigidly, while arcuate thrust slices accreted to them. Thrust motions were radial with respect to each plateau. Within transfer zones to each side, fault blocks rotated about vertical axes and thrust motions were oblique-slip. At late stages of deformation, the surface slope of the thrust wedge tended towards a uniform value. Initial mountains of conical shape (representing volcanoes) also escaped deformation, except at depth, where they detached. Arcuate thrust slices accreted to front and back. Where a developing thrust wedge was subject to local incision, accreting thrust slices dipped towards surrounding areas of high topography, forming Vs across valleys.Arcuate structural patterns are to be found around the three highest plateaux on Earth (Tibet, Pamirs and Altiplano) and around the Tromen volcanic ridge in the Neuquén Basin of northern Patagonia. We infer that these areas behaved in quasi-rigid fashion, protected as they were by their high topography.  相似文献   

We report quantitative results from three brittle thrust wedge experiments, comparing numerical results directly with each other and with corresponding analogue results. We first test whether the participating codes reproduce predictions from analytical critical taper theory. Eleven codes pass the stable wedge test, showing negligible internal deformation and maintaining the initial surface slope upon horizontal translation over a frictional interface. Eight codes participated in the unstable wedge test that examines the evolution of a wedge by thrust formation from a subcritical state to the critical taper geometry. The critical taper is recovered, but the models show two deformation modes characterised by either mainly forward dipping thrusts or a series of thrust pop-ups. We speculate that the two modes are caused by differences in effective basal boundary friction related to different algorithms for modelling boundary friction. The third experiment examines stacking of forward thrusts that are translated upward along a backward thrust. The results of the seven codes that run this experiment show variability in deformation style, number of thrusts, thrust dip angles and surface slope. Overall, our experiments show that numerical models run with different numerical techniques can successfully simulate laboratory brittle thrust wedge models at the cm-scale. In more detail, however, we find that it is challenging to reproduce sandbox-type setups numerically, because of frictional boundary conditions and velocity discontinuities. We recommend that future numerical-analogue comparisons use simple boundary conditions and that the numerical Earth Science community defines a plasticity test to resolve the variability in model shear zones.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2002,146(1-2):91-104
Steep thrusts are usually interpreted as oblique-slip thrusts or inverted normal faults. However, recent analogical and numerical models have emphasised the influence of surface mass-transfer phenomena on the structural evolution of compressive systems. This research points to sedimentation and erosion during deformation as an additional explanation for the origin of steeply dipping thrusts. The present study uses both field observations and analogue modelling to attempt to isolate critical parameters of syntectonic sedimentation that might control the geometry of the upper part of thrust systems.A field study of thrust systems bounding two compressive intermountain Tertiary basins of the Iberian Chain is first briefly presented. We describe the surface geometry of thrusts surrounding the Montalbán Basin and the Alto Tajo Syncline at the vicinity of deposits of Oligocene–Early Miocene alluvial fans at the footwall of faults. Field observations suggest that synthrusting sedimentation should influence the structure of thrusts. Indeed, the faults are steeper and splitted at the edge of the syntectonic deposits.Effects of sedimentation rate on footwall of thrusts, and of its change along fault strike are further investigated on two-layer brittle-ductile analogue models submitted to compression and syntectonic sediment supply. Two series of experiments were made corresponding to two end-members of depositional geometries. In the first series, the sedimentation was homogeneously distributed on both sides of the relief developed above the thrust front. In the second series, deposits were localised on a particular area of the footwall of thrust front. In all experiments, the sedimentation rate controls the number and the dip of faults. For low sedimentation rates, a single low-angle thrust develops; whereas for high sedimentation rates, a series of steeper dipping thrust is observed. In experiments with changing sedimentation rate along fault strike, the thrust geometry varies behind the areas with the thickest sediment pile.  相似文献   

An extensive dataset of vitrinite reflectance, FTIR parameters on organic matter, illite content in mixed layers illite‐smectite, apatite fission tracks and U‐Th/He dating has been used to reconstruct the stepwise propagation of the Eastern Sicily fold‐and‐thrust belt during Late Palaeogene and Neogene times. The results indicate that the fold‐and‐thrust belt is divisible into two levels of thermal maturity. These levels consist of a less evolved level of thermal maturity that records limited sedimentary burial and minor heating, and a more evolved level of thermal maturity that indicates tectonic burial and exhumation at different times. Deformation and exhumation of shallowly buried units are linked to wedge forward propagation by low‐angle thrusts, whereas the evolution of deeply buried units is associated with tectonic imbrications by duplex formation and steep thrusts. The two tectonic styles alternate during evolution of the fold‐and‐thrust belt under low erosion rates.  相似文献   

The terminology of structures in thrust belts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of structures and geometric relationships recognized in thrust belts is presented. A thrust is defined as any contractional fault, a corollary being that thrusts must cut up-section in their transport direction. ‘Flats’ are those portions of a thrust surface which were parallel to an arbitrary datum surface at the time of displacement and ‘ramps’ are those portions of thrusts which cut across datum surfaces. Ramps are classified on the basis of their orientation relative to the thrust transport direction and whether they are cut offs in the hangingwall or footwall of the thrust. Lateral variations in the form of staircase trajectories are joined by oblique or lateral ramps which have a component of strike-slip movement.An array of thrusts which diverge in their transport direction may form by either of two propagation models. These are termed ‘piggy-back’ propagation, which is foreland-directed, and ‘overstep’ propagation which is opposed to the thrust transport direction. An array of thrust surfaces is termed an ‘imbricate stack’ and should these surfaces anastamose upwards a ‘duplex’ will result; the fault-bounded blocks are termed ‘horses’. A duplex is bounded by a higher, ‘roof’ thrust and a lower, ‘floor’ thrust. The intersection of any two thrust planes is termed a ‘branch line’.Thrusts can be classified on the basis of their relationship to asymmetric fold limbs which they cut. A further classification arises from whether a particular thrust lies in the hangingwall or footwall of another one.The movement of thrust sheets over corrugated surfaces, or the local development of thrust structures beneath, will fold higher thrust sheets. These folds are termed ‘culminations’ and their limbs are termed ‘culmination walls’. Accommodation of this folding may require movement on surfaces within the hangingwall of the active thrust. These accommodation surfaces are termed ‘hangingwall detachments’ and they need not root down into the active thrust. This category of detachment includes dip-slip ‘hangingwall drop faults’ which are developed by differential uplift of duplex roofs, and ‘out-of-the-syncline’ thrusts which develop from overtightened fold hinges. Back thrusts, as well as forming as hangingwall detachments, may also form due to layer-parallel shortening above a sticking thrust or by rotation of the hangingwall above a ramp.  相似文献   

The northern part of the Moine Thrust Zone as exposed around the valley of Srath Beag, Sutherland was developed by thrusts propagating in the tectonic transport direction. Deformation on any particular thrust surface evolved from dominantly ductile to dominantly brittle with time.The foreland has been progressively accreted onto the overriding Moine thrust sheet by duplex formation, a process which has continuously folded the roof thrust and the rocks above its hanging-wall. Fold culminations and depression can be related to lateral ramps which may give the rocks above the hanging-wall a complex history of extensional and compressional strains normal to the transport direction.Folds within the thrust zone are laterally independent because they are controlled by short lived variations in deformation style on an evolving thrust footwall topography. Therefore there may be no correlation between structures across or along the thrust zone. This variation limits the construction of balanced cross sections as structure cannot be projected onto particular section lines.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper shows that although volcanoes can be aligned along transcurrent faults, their growth can in reality be controlled by secondary structures that have a different orientation and kinematics. Assessing the relationships between local structures and volcano growth can be very useful for the evaluation of volcanic hazards and for economic purposes such as geothermal and hydrogeological exploration. In the north-western Bicol Volcanic Arc (Luzon, Philippines) the Quaternary Labo and Caayunan volcanoes are aligned with the NW-striking transcurrent Philippine Fault System. They are exceptional examples of composite volcanoes mostly comprising lava domes, where regional tectonic structures and hydraulic radial fracturing have alternated to control volcano growth. Field data and analogue modelling demonstrate that apical depressions affecting the domes reflect the geometry of magma-feeding fractures. These data, together with alignments of domes and hot springs and other structural information, suggest that magma rose at depth along the NW-striking transcurrent faults, but that in the uppermost crust magma rose along NE-striking fractures parallel to the greatest principal stress.  相似文献   

内蒙东部晚第四纪火山活动与新构造   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
本文所指的晚第四纪包括晚更新世和全新世。内蒙东部晚第四纪火山活动强烈,北起大兴安岭北部的鄂伦春诺敏河火山群、经阿尔山-柴河、锡林浩特-阿巴嘎火山群,南抵察右后旗乌兰哈达火山群,断续延伸约1000km,分布着约390余座大小不一、形态各异的火山,构成了内蒙东部壮观的北北东向第四纪火山喷发带。火山类型包括玛珥式、夏威夷式、斯通博利式、亚布里尼式和冰岛式,以斯通博利式最为发育。爆破式火山作用包括射汽、射汽-岩浆爆发和岩浆爆发。火山岩类型主要为碱性玄武岩及其火山碎屑物(岩),火山岩具初期裂谷构造属性。火山活动主体受北北东向基底断裂控制,但就具体火山群而言,又多处于北东和北西向基底深断裂交会处。区内新构造与火山活动密切相关,深部岩浆的上侵,可能是控制本区新构造活动的主因。尤其是全新世火山的空间展布,显示了内蒙东部新构造的活动性。  相似文献   

Mainland SE Asia is composed of a number of continental fragments and volcanic arcs, separated by oceanic suture zones, which were accreted to the growing Asian continent during the Triassic Indosinian orogeny. The evolution of this orogeny has always been quite controversial. Indeed, the effects of this orogeny in Thailand have often been interpreted without considering the detailed tectonic evolution of the portion of the Indochina Block’s margin formed by Khao Khwang Platform area of the Saraburi Group, in central Thailand. This area is unusual because: (1) an extensive area representing a thin-skinned fold and thrust belt is well-exposed due to quarrying; and, (2) the fold and thrust belt displays a series of E–W and WNW–ESE striking thrusts and associated folds that are not easily explained in the context of the traditional interpretation where the terranes have been accreted broadly along N–S striking collisional zones. Detailed structural observations in numerous quarries around Highway 21 in a 13 km long dip-direction traverse have revealed that overall the thrust belt is composed of several large thrusts with an approximately northwards transport direction. In the southern part of the area, south-verging structures are present. Although the dominant structural trend is northwards-verging, interference structures, and late strike-slip faults indicate there is more than one phase of structural development present.  相似文献   

Tengchong Cenozoic volcanics that have record key information on the tectonic evolution and mantle features of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau are of great importance because of its unique eruption history spanning the entire Quaternary period. Magma origin and evolution of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were studied on the basis of Nd-Sr-Pb isotope and major and trace element data from different eruptions in the Ma’anshan area. Different samples within one eruption show relative identical lithologies, chemical and isotopic compositions. However, the geochemical features for the five eruptions are distinct from each other. These volcanic rocks show low Mg# values (<45), moderate to high fractionation of LREEs and HREEs, and enrichment of Pb and Ba and depletion of Nb. Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were derived from an enriched mantle based on Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic studies. And lines of evidence show that crustal contamination should be involved before the eruption of different periods of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Older subducted components may be responsible for adakite recycling at various stages of evolution, which results in the origin of the enriched mantle source magma accounting for the isotopic features of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Segregated primitive magma pulsating injected into magma chamber, fractional crystallized and contaminated with crust component. Finally, magmas with distinct chemical and isotopic compositions for each eruption formed. The extension of the northeast segment of the Yingjiang tectonic belt triggered the pulsating eruption of the Cenozoic volcanics in the Tengchong area.  相似文献   

随着全球火山研究的深入,地质学家在大多数火山群中均发现了特殊成因的玛珥式火山。以低平火山口和低矮锥体著称的玛珥式火山主要由具有爬升层理、平行层理、大型低角度交错层理等结构构造的基浪堆积物组成,是火山喷发演化过程研究的重要对象。近年来,在内蒙古东部的诺敏河、阿尔山-柴河和阿巴嘎火山群中也先后发现了典型的玛珥式火山及基浪堆积物。本文从野外火山地质特征着手,以火山学与火山地质学理论为指导,结合国内外玛珥式火山的研究成果,对内蒙古东部晚第四纪玛珥式火山的分布、产物和结构构造等火山地质特征进行了归纳总结,将其大致划分为3个喷发期次,分别是以基浪堆积物为主的射汽-岩浆爆发、以降落-溅落堆积物为主的岩浆喷发和以碱性橄榄玄武岩为主的岩浆溢流期次。复合火山的活动时代总体属于晚更新世,其中玛珥式火山的形成时代为晚更新世早中期。通过分析研究区的地层、火山产物和区域断裂构造等地质特征,推断射汽-岩浆爆发的深度较浅,并进一步探讨了玛珥式火山的成因机制,模拟其喷发演化过程,认为玛珥式火山与斯通博利式、夏威夷式等类型火山具有继承性演化关系。  相似文献   

We investigate the internal deformation of orogenic wedges growing by frontal accretion with a two-dimensional numerical model. Our models are limited to crustal deformation and assume a horizontal detachment as observed for various natural orogens (e.g. Alaska and Costa Rica). The model wedges develop as a result of convergence of a brittle sediment layer in front of a strong backstop. We find that our reference model develops in-sequence forward-thrusts which propagate upward from the basal detachment. For this reference model we investigate the sensitivity of shear zone activity to surface processes and strain softening. Model results show that diffusive or slope dependent erosion enhances material transport across the wedge and slows down forward propagation of the deformation front. Frictional strain softening focuses deformation into narrow shear zones and enhances displacement along them. This has also been postulated for natural thrusts such as the Glarus thrust in the Swiss Alps and the Moine thrust in the Scottish Caledonides. A second series of models investigates the effects of regularly spaced weak inclusions within the sediment layer which simulate remnants of previous deformation phases. These inclusions facilitate and focus internal deformation, influence the thrust dip and thrust vergence and enable thrust reactivation in the internal part of the wedge. Our results show that inactive thrusts in the internal part of the wedges may be reactivated in models with diffusive surface processes, strain softening or weak inclusions. Thrust reactivation occurs as models seek to maintain their critical taper angle. First order characteristics of our numerical models agree well with natural orogenic wedges and results from other numerical and analogue models.  相似文献   

The Indonesian island of Sumatra, located in one of the most active zones of the Pacific Ring of Fire, is characterized by a chain of subduction‐zone volcanoes which extend the entire length of the island. As a group of volcanic geochemists, we embarked upon a five‐week sampling expedition to these exotic, remote, and in part explosive volcanoes (SAGE 2010; Sumatran Arc Geochemical Expedition). We set out to collect rock and gas samples from 17 volcanic centres from the Sumatran segment of the Sunda arc system, with the aim of obtaining a regionally significant sample set that will allow quantification of the respective roles of mantle versus crustal sources to magma genesis along the strike of the arc. Here we document our geological journey through Sumatra's unpredictable terrain, including the many challenges faced when working on active volcanoes in pristine tropical climes.  相似文献   

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