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In the field of seismic interferometry, researchers have retrieved surface waves and body waves by cross‐correlating recordings of uncorrelated noise sources to extract useful subsurface information. The retrieved wavefields in most applications are between receivers. When the positions of the noise sources are known, inter‐source interferometry can be applied to retrieve the wavefields between sources, thus turning sources into virtual receivers. Previous applications of this form of interferometry assume impulsive point sources or transient sources with similar signatures. We investigate the requirements of applying inter‐source seismic interferometry using non‐transient noise sources with known positions to retrieve reflection responses at those positions and show the results using synthetic drilling noise as source. We show that, if pilot signals (estimates of the drill‐bit signals) are not available, it is required that the drill‐bit signals are the same and that the phases of the virtual reflections at drill‐bit positions can be retrieved by deconvolution interferometry or by cross‐coherence interferometry. Further, for this case, classic interferometry by cross‐correlation can be used if the source power spectrum can be estimated. If pilot signals are available, virtual reflection responses can be obtained by first using standard seismic‐while‐drilling processing techniques such as pilot cross‐correlation and pilot deconvolution to remove the drill‐bit signatures in the data and then applying cross‐correlation interferometry. Therefore, provided that pilot signals are reliable, drill‐bit data can be redatumed from surface to borehole depths using this inter‐source interferometry approach without any velocity information of the medium, and we show that a well‐positioned image below the borehole can be obtained using interferometrically redatumed reflection responses with just a simple velocity model. We discuss some of the practical hurdles that restrict the application of the proposed method offshore.  相似文献   

Progress in the imaging of the mantle and core is partially limited by the sparse distribution of natural sources; the earthquake hypocenters are mainly along the active lithospheric plate boundaries. This problem can be approached with seismic interferometry. In recent years, there has been considerable progress in the development of seismic interferometric techniques. The term seismic interferometry refers to the principle of generating new seismic responses by cross‐correlating seismic observations at different receiver locations. The application of interferometric techniques on a global scale could create sources at locations where no earthquakes occur. In this way, yet unknown responses would become available for the application of travel‐time tomography and surface‐wave dispersion studies. The retrieval of a dense‐enough sampling of source gathers would largely benefit the application of reflection imaging. We derive new elastodynamic representation integrals for global‐scale seismic interferometry. The relations are different from other seismic interferometry relations for transient sources, in the sense that they are suited for a rotating closed system like the Earth. We use a correlation of an observed response with a response to which free‐surface multiple elimination has been applied to account for the closed system. Despite the fact that the rotation of the Earth breaks source‐receiver reciprocity, the seismic interferometry relations are shown to be valid. The Coriolis force is included without the need to evaluate an extra term. We synthesize global‐scale earthquake responses and use them to illustrate the acoustic versions of the new interferometric relations. When the sampling of real source locations is dense enough, then both the responses with and without free‐surface multiples are retrieved. When we do not take into account the responses from the sources in the direct neighborhood of the seismic interferometry‐constructed source location, the response with free‐surface multiples can still be retrieved. Even when only responses from sources at a certain range of epicentral distances are available, some events in the Green's function between two receiver locations can still be retrieved. The retrieved responses are not perfect, but the artefacts can largely be ascribed to numerical errors. The reconstruction of internal events – the response as if there was a source and a receiver on (major) contrasts within the model – could possibly be of use for imaging. With modelling it is possible to discover in which region of the correlation panel stationary phases occur that contribute to the retrieval of events. This knowledge opens up a new way of filtering out undesired events and of discovering whether specific events could be retrieved with a given source‐receiver configuration.  相似文献   

Topography and severe variations of near‐surface layers lead to travel‐time perturbations for the events in seismic exploration. Usually, these perturbations could be estimated and eliminated by refraction technology. The virtual refraction method is a relatively new technique for retrieval of refraction information from seismic records contaminated by noise. Based on the virtual refraction, this paper proposes super‐virtual refraction interferometry by cross‐correlation to retrieve refraction wavefields by summing the cross‐correlation of raw refraction wavefields and virtual refraction wavefields over all receivers located outside the retrieved source and receiver pair. This method can enhance refraction signal gradually as the source–receiver offset decreases. For further enhancement of refracted waves, a scheme of hybrid virtual refraction wavefields is applied by stacking of correlation‐type and convolution‐type super‐virtual refractions. Our new method does not need any information about the near‐surface velocity model, which can solve the problem of directly unmeasured virtual refraction energy from the virtual source at the surface, and extend the acquisition aperture to its maximum extent in raw seismic records. It can also reduce random noise influence in raw seismic records effectively and improve refracted waves’ signal‐to‐noise ratio by a factor proportional to the square root of the number of receivers positioned at stationary‐phase points, based on the improvement of virtual refraction's signal‐to‐noise ratio. Using results from synthetic and field data, we show that our new method is effective to retrieve refraction information from raw seismic records and improve the accuracy of first‐arrival picks.  相似文献   

We formulate the Kirchhoff‐Helmholtz representation theory for the combination of seismic interferometry signals synthesized by cross‐correlation and by cross‐convolution in acoustic media. The approach estimates the phase of the virtual reflections from the boundary encompassing a volume of interest and subtracts these virtual reflections from the total seismic‐interferometry wavefield. The reliability of the combination result, relevant for seismic exploration, depends on the stationary‐phase and local completeness in partial coverage regions. The analysis shows the differences in the phase of the corresponding seismic interferometry (by cross‐correlation) and virtual reflector (by cross‐convolution) signals obtained by 2D and 3D formulations, with synthetic examples performed to remove water layer multiples in ocean bottom seismic (OBS) acoustic data.  相似文献   

We present a modified interferometry method based on local tangent‐phase analysis, which corrects the cross‐correlated data before summation. The approach makes it possible to synthesize virtual signals usually vanishing in the conventional seismic interferometry summation. For a given pair of receivers and a set of different source positions, a plurality of virtual traces is obtained at new stationary projected points located along the signal wavefronts passing through the real reference receiver. The position of the projected points is estimated by minimizing travel times using wavefront constraint and correlation‐signal tangent information. The method uses mixed processing, which is partially based on velocity‐model knowledge and on data‐based blind interferometry. The approach can be used for selected events, including reflections with different stationary conditions and projected points with respect to those of the direct arrivals, to extend the interferometry representation in seismic exploration data where conventional illumination coverage is not sufficient to obtain the stationary‐phase condition. We discuss possible applications in crosswell geometry with a velocity anomaly and a time lapse.  相似文献   

Seismic interferometry is a relatively new technique to estimate the Green's function between receivers. Spurious energy, not part of the true Green's function, is produced because assumptions are commonly violated when applying seismic interferometry to field data. Instead of attempting to suppress all spurious energy, we show how spurious energy associated with refractions contains information about the subsurface in field data collected at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. By forming a virtual shot record we suppress uncorrelated noise and produce a virtual refraction that intercepts zero offset at zero time. These two features make the virtual refraction easy to pick, providing an estimate of refractor velocity. To obtain the physical parameters of the layer above the refractor we analyse the cross‐correlation of wavefields recorded at two receivers for all sources. A stationary‐phase point associated with the correlation between the reflected wave and refracted wave from the interface identifies the critical offset. By combining information from the virtual shot record, the correlation gather and the real shot record we determine the seismic velocities of the unsaturated and saturated sands, as well as the variable relative depth to the water‐table. Finally, we discuss how this method can be extended to more complex geologic models.  相似文献   

Cross-correlation of random fields: mathematical approach and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Random field cross‐correlation is a new promising technique for seismic exploration, as it bypasses shortcomings of usual active methods. Seismic noise can be considered as a reproducible, stationary in time, natural source. In the present paper we show why and how cross‐correlation of noise records can be used for geophysical imaging. We discuss the theoretical conditions required to observe the emergence of the Green's functions between two receivers from the cross‐correlation of noise records. We present examples of seismic imaging using reconstructed surface waves from regional to local scales. We also show an application using body waves extracted from records of a small‐scale network. We then introduce a new way to achieve surface wave seismic experiments using cross‐correlation of unsynchronized sources. At a laboratory scale, we demonstrate that body wave extraction may also be used to image buried scatterers. These works show the feasibility of passive imaging from noise cross‐correlation at different scales.  相似文献   

Scattered ground roll is a type of noise observed in land seismic data that can be particularly difficult to suppress. Typically, this type of noise cannot be removed using conventional velocity‐based filters. In this paper, we discuss a model‐driven form of seismic interferometry that allows suppression of scattered ground‐roll noise in land seismic data. The conventional cross‐correlate and stack interferometry approach results in scattered noise estimates between two receiver locations (i.e. as if one of the receivers had been replaced by a source). For noise suppression, this requires that each source we wish to attenuate the noise from is co‐located with a receiver. The model‐driven form differs, as the use of a simple model in place of one of the inputs for interferometry allows the scattered noise estimate to be made between a source and a receiver. This allows the method to be more flexible, as co‐location of sources and receivers is not required, and the method can be applied to data sets with a variety of different acquisition geometries. A simple plane‐wave model is used, allowing the method to remain relatively data driven, with weighting factors for the plane waves determined using a least‐squares solution. Using a number of both synthetic and real two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) land seismic data sets, we show that this model‐driven approach provides effective results, allowing suppression of scattered ground‐roll noise without having an adverse effect on the underlying signal.  相似文献   

地球背景噪声干涉应用研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对地震台记录到的长时间的地球背景噪声进行互相关处理,得到的互相关函数可以近似地表征这两个台站之间的格林函数,这种数据处理方法被称为背景噪声干涉.近年来,背景噪声干涉研究在理论和实践上都有了长足进展,并被广泛用于地下波速结构及其演化规律的研究.本文首先简单介绍了背景噪声干涉研究的概念和理论依据,进而重点介绍了针对噪声源性质、互相关函数的波形到时和振幅特性的应用研究.通过对这三个方面研究的回顾,分析总结了该研究领域的新进展及需要解决的问题,并对背景噪声干涉研究的新特点进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   

We present the theory and numerical results for interferometrically interpolating 2D and 3D marine surface seismic profiles data. For the interpolation of seismic data we use the combination of a recorded Green's function and a model‐based Green's function for a water‐layer model. Synthetic (2D and 3D) and field (2D) results show that the seismic data with sparse receiver intervals can be accurately interpolated to smaller intervals using multiples in the data. An up‐ and downgoing separation of both recorded and model‐based Green's functions can help in minimizing artefacts in a virtual shot gather. If the up‐ and downgoing separation is not possible, noticeable artefacts will be generated in the virtual shot gather. As a partial remedy we iteratively use a non‐stationary 1D multi‐channel matching filter with the interpolated data. Results suggest that a sparse marine seismic survey can yield more information about reflectors if traces are interpolated by interferometry. Comparing our results to those of f‐k interpolation shows that the synthetic example gives comparable results while the field example shows better interpolation quality for the interferometric method.  相似文献   

We present the results of a seismic interferometry experiment in a shallow cased borehole. The experiment is an initial study for subsequent borehole seismic surveys in an instrumented well site, where we plan to test other surface/borehole seismic techniques. The purpose of this application is to improve the knowledge of the reflectivity sequence and to verify the potential of the seismic interferometry approach to retrieve high‐frequency signals in the single well geometry, overcoming the loss and attenuation effects introduced by the overburden. We used a walkaway vertical seismic profile (VSP) geometry with a seismic vibrator to generate polarized vertical and horizontal components along a surface seismic line and an array of 3C geophones cemented outside the casing. The recorded traces are processed to obtain virtual sources in the borehole and to simulate single‐well gathers with a variable source‐receiver offset in the vertical array. We compare the results obtained by processing the field data with synthetic signals calculated by numerical simulation and analyse the signal bandwidth and amplitude versus offset to evaluate near‐field effects in the virtual signals. The application provides direct and reflected signals with improved bandwidth after vibrator signal deconvolution. Clear reflections are detected in the virtual seismic sections in agreement with the geology and other surface and borehole seismic data recorded with conventional seismic exploration techniques.  相似文献   

Time reversal mirrors can be used to backpropagate and refocus incident wavefields to their actual source location, with the subsequent benefits of imaging with high‐resolution and super‐stacking properties. These benefits of time reversal mirrors have been previously verified with computer simulations and laboratory experiments but not with exploration‐scale seismic data. We now demonstrate the high‐resolution and the super‐stacking properties in locating seismic sources with field seismic data that include multiple scattering. Tests on both synthetic data and field data show that a time reversal mirror has the potential to exceed the Rayleigh resolution limit by factors of 4 or more. Results also show that a time reversal mirror has a significant resilience to strong Gaussian noise and that accurate imaging of source locations from passive seismic data can be accomplished with traces having signal‐to‐noise ratios as low as 0.001. Synthetic tests also demonstrate that time reversal mirrors can sometimes enhance the signal by a factor proportional to the square root of the product of the number of traces, denoted as N and the number of events in the traces. This enhancement property is denoted as super‐stacking and greatly exceeds the classical signal‐to‐noise enhancement factor of . High‐resolution and super‐stacking are properties also enjoyed by seismic interferometry and reverse‐time migration with the exact velocity model.  相似文献   

A new filtering technique for single‐fold wide‐angle reflection/refraction seismic data is presented. The technique is based on the wavelet decomposition of a set of adjacent traces followed by coherence analysis. The filtering procedure consists of three steps. In the first, a wavelet decomposition of traces into different detail levels is performed. In the second, the coherence attributes for each level are evaluated by calculating cross‐correlation functions of detail portions contained in a space–time moving window. Finally, the filtered traces are obtained as a weighted reconstruction of the trace details. Each weight is obtained from the coherence‐attributes distribution estimated in a proper interval. A sequence of tests is then conducted in order to select possible optimum or unsuitable wavelet bases. The efficiency of the filter proposed was assessed by calculating some properly designed parameters in order to compare it with other standard de‐noising techniques. The proposed method produced a clear signal enhancement in high‐density wide‐angle seismic data, thus proving that it is a useful processing tool for a reliable correlation of seismic phases.  相似文献   

基于逆虚折射干涉法有效提取近地表弱地震信号   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在地震勘探中,地形起伏和近地表速度的剧烈变化会导致地震波旅行时的扰动,通常会通过折射波信息来估算和消除这些扰动.本文在虚折射的基础上提出了逆虚折射干涉法,通过虚折射波场和原始折射波场的互相关,并对所有位于固定相位点上的检波点进行叠加,重构出逆虚折射波场.通过逆虚折射与超级虚折射的叠加,保证了不同偏移距下折射波振幅恢复的一致性,显著提高折射波的信噪比,有效提取弱信号.同时,本文采用反褶积干涉法来压制由于互相关和褶积产生的子波旁瓣的影响,弥补低频和高频能量的损失,改善恢复的折射波场的稳定性和分辨率.该新方法不需要知道近地表复杂速度模型的信息,可以将虚折射的勘探孔径恢复到原始地震记录的最大孔径.合成资料和实际资料的计算结果表明,基于反褶积的逆虚折射干涉法能够从低信噪比的资料中,有效恢复出折射波信息.  相似文献   

In studies on heavy oil, shale reservoirs, tight gas and enhanced geothermal systems, the use of surface passive seismic data to monitor induced microseismicity due to the fluid flow in the subsurface is becoming more common. However, in most studies passive seismic records contain days and months of data and manually analysing the data can be expensive and inaccurate. Moreover, in the presence of noise, detecting the arrival of weak microseismic events becomes challenging. Hence, the use of an automated, accurate and computationally fast technique for event detection in passive seismic data is essential. The conventional automatic event identification algorithm computes a running‐window energy ratio of the short‐term average to the long‐term average of the passive seismic data for each trace. We show that for the common case of a low signal‐to‐noise ratio in surface passive records, the conventional method is not sufficiently effective at event identification. Here, we extend the conventional algorithm by introducing a technique that is based on the cross‐correlation of the energy ratios computed by the conventional method. With our technique we can measure the similarities amongst the computed energy ratios at different traces. Our approach is successful at improving the detectability of events with a low signal‐to‐noise ratio that are not detectable with the conventional algorithm. Also, our algorithm has the advantage to identify if an event is common to all stations (a regional event) or to a limited number of stations (a local event). We provide examples of applying our technique to synthetic data and a field surface passive data set recorded at a geothermal site.  相似文献   

Seismic interferometry deals with the generation of new seismic responses by crosscorrelating existing ones. One of the main assumptions underlying most interferometry methods is that the medium is lossless. We develop an ‘interferometry‐by‐deconvolution’ approach which circumvents this assumption. The proposed method applies not only to seismic waves, but to any type of diffusion and/or wave field in a dissipative medium. This opens the way to applying interferometry to controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) data. Interferometry‐by‐deconvolution replaces the overburden by a homogeneous half space, thereby solving the shallow sea problem for CSEM applications. We demonstrate this at the hand of numerically modeled CSEM data.  相似文献   

Regional seismic risk assessments and quantification of portfolio losses often require simulation of spatially distributed ground motions at multiple intensity measures. For a given earthquake, distributed ground motions are characterized by spatial correlation and correlation between different intensity measures, known as cross‐correlation. This study proposes a new spatial cross‐correlation model for within‐event spectral acceleration residuals that uses a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and geostatistics. Records from 45 earthquakes are used to investigate earthquake‐to‐earthquake trends in application of PCA to spectral acceleration residuals. Based on the findings, PCA is used to determine coefficients that linearly transform cross‐correlated residuals to independent principal components. Nested semivariogram models are then fit to empirical semivariograms to quantify the spatial correlation of principal components. The resultant PCA spatial cross‐correlation model is shown to be accurate and computationally efficient. A step‐by‐step procedure and an example are presented to illustrate the use of the predictive model for rapid simulation of spatially cross‐correlated spectral accelerations at multiple periods.  相似文献   

We apply interferometric theory to solve a three‐dimensional seismic residual statics problem to improve reflection imaging. The approach calculates the static solutions without picking the first arrivals from the shot or receiver gathers. The static correction accuracy can be significantly improved by utilising stacked virtual refraction gathers in the calculations. Shots and receivers may be placed at any position in a three‐dimensional seismic land survey. Therefore, it is difficult to determine stationary shots and receivers to form the virtual refraction traces that have identical arrival times, as in a two‐dimensional scenario. To overcome this problem, we use a three‐dimensional super‐virtual interferometry method for residual static calculations. The virtual refraction for a stationary shot/receiver pair is obtained via an integral along the receiver/shot lines, which does not require knowledge of the stationary locations. We pick the maximum energy times on the interferometric stacks and solve a set of linear equations to derive reliable residual static solutions. We further apply the approach to both synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon production and fluid injection affect the level of subsurface stress and physical properties of the subsurface, and can cause reservoir‐related issues, such as compaction and subsidence. Monitoring of oil and gas reservoirs is therefore crucial. Time‐lapse seismic is used to monitor reservoirs and provide evidence of saturation and pressure changes within the reservoir. However, relative to background velocities and reflector depths, the time‐lapse changes in velocity and geomechanical properties are typically small between consecutive surveys. These changes can be measured by using apparent displacement between migrated images obtained from recorded data of multiple time‐lapse surveys. Apparent displacement measurements by using the classical cross‐correlation method are poorly resolved. Here, we propose the use of a phase‐correlation method, which has been developed in satellite imaging for sub‐pixel registration of the images, to overcome the limitations of cross‐correlation. Phase correlation provides both vertical and horizontal displacements with a much better resolution. After testing the method on synthetic data, we apply it to a real dataset from the Norne oil field and show that the phase‐correlation method can indeed provide better resolution.  相似文献   

径向时频峰值滤波算法是一种有效保持低信噪比地震勘探记录中反射同相轴的随机噪声压制方法,但该算法对空间非平稳地震勘探随机噪声压制效果不理想.本文研究空间非平稳地震勘探随机噪声,即各道噪声功率不同的地震勘探随机噪声,其在径向滤波轨线上表征近似脉冲噪声,在径向时频峰值滤波过程中干扰相邻道滤波结果.为了减小空间非平稳随机噪声的影响,本文提出一种基于绝对级差统计量(ROAD)的径向时频峰值滤波随机噪声压制方法.该方法首先根据径向轨线上信号的绝对级差统计量检测空间非平稳地震勘探随机噪声,然后结合局部时频峰值滤波和径向时频峰值滤波压制地震勘探记录中的随机噪声.将ROAD径向时频峰值滤波方法应用于合成记录和实际共炮点地震记录,结果表明ROAD径向时频峰值滤波方法可以压制空间非平稳地震勘探随机噪声且不损害有效信号,有效抑制随机噪声空间非平稳对滤波结果的影响.与径向时频峰值滤波相比,ROAD径向时频峰值滤波方法更适用于空间非平稳地震勘探随机噪声压制.  相似文献   

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