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The validity of the thermodynamic cBΩ model is tested in terms of the experimentally determined diffusion coefficients of He in a natural Fe-bearing olivine (Fo90) and a synthetic end-member forsterite (Mg2SiO4) over a broad temperature range (250–950 °C), as reported recently by Cherniak and Watson (Geochem Cosmochim Acta 84:269–279, 2012). The calculated activation enthalpies for each of the three crystallographic axes were found to be (134 ± 5), (137 ± 13) and (158 ± 4) kJ mol?1 for the [100], [010] and [001] directions in forsterite, and (141 ± 9) kJ mol?1 for the [010] direction in olivine, exhibiting a deviation of <1 % with the corresponding reported experimental values. Additional point defect parameters such as activation volume, activation entropy and activation Gibbs free energy were calculated as a function of temperature. The estimated activation volumes (3.2–3.9 ± 0.3 cm3 mol?1) of He diffusion in olivine are comparable with other reported results for hydrogen and tracer diffusion of Mg cations in olivine. The pressure dependence of He diffusion coefficients was also determined, based on single experimental diffusion measurements at 2.6 and 2.7 GPa along the [001] direction in forsterite at 400 and 650 °C.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between the karst aquifers and the Hérault River (southern France) as a function of hydrologic conditions. The combination of major and trace element, and Sr and Pb isotopes determined on dissolved load in karstic springs makes it possible to identify a dynamic scheme of the hydrology of the karstic area.In the headwaters part of this area, the Sourcettes Spring is fed by an interrupted stream that infiltrates at the basement-sedimentary cover contact. Internal geochemical processes are also pointed out: (1) water–rock interactions during underground circulation, and (2) water originating from different layers of the aquifer may show different chemistry depending on the hydrological conditions. The Vernède Spring, is fed by a second water supply during high flows (previously considered as unconnected). Finally, the Cent-Fonts Springs have been confirmed to be fed by the Buège interrupted stream.Pb isotopes on the dissolved and particulate loads of the river samples make it possible to discriminate the natural (local rocks) versus anthropogenic (mining district and road traffic) Pb sources. The Pb isotope investigations on karstic water make it possible to differentiate between neighboring springs presenting identical Sr isotope and element ratios, and to point out different underground circulation.
Resumen Este artículo trata de la relación río-acuífero kárstico en la cuenca de Hérault (Francia), en función de las condiciones hidrológicas. La combinación de elementos principales, elementos traza, e isótopos de estroncio y plomo en muestras de manantiales kársticos permite construir un esquema dinámico de la zona.El manantial de Sourcettes, en la parte alta de la región, está alimentado por una corriente interrumpida que se infiltra a través la cubierta sedimentaria del lecho. También, se apunta a los procesos internos geoquímicos: (1) interacciones roca-acuífero, (2) aguas procedentes de capas diferentes del acuífero, dependiendo de las condiciones hidrológicas. El manantial de Vernède, en el sector oriental de la cuenca, se nutre de una segunda fuente de agua en períodos de aguas altas, que anteriormente se consideraba desconenctada. Finalmente, se ha confirmado que los manantiales de Cent-Fonts captan las aguas del curso interrumpido del Buège.Los isótopos de plomo, tanto en fase disuelta como en suspensión de muestras de río, permiten discriminar entre orígenes naturales (rocas naturales) y antrópicos (minería y tráfico) de este elemento. Las investigaciones en aguas kársticas llevan a diferenciar entre manantiales vecinos que tienen relaciones de isótopos de estroncio idénticas, así como a proponer circulaciones distintas en el acuífero por drenaje o por mineralización no diseminada del plomo.

Résumé Cet article s'intéresse à la relation entre le karst et une rivière dans le bassin de l'Hérault (France), en fonction des conditions hydrologiques. La combinaison des éléments majeurs, des traces et des isotopes de Sr et Pb déterminés dans la charge dissoute de sources karstiques permet de construire un schéma dynamique de la région karstique.Dans la partie la plus haute de cette région, la source des Sourcettes est alimentée par un cours d'eau qui s'infiltre au contact de la série sédimentaire sur le socle. Des processus géochimiques sont également mis en évidence: (1) des interactions eau-roche au cours du trajet souterrain, (2) de l'eau provenant de différents niveaux de l'aquifère en fonction des conditions hydrologiques. Dans la partie orientale du bassin, la source Vernède reçoit une seconde alimentation lors des fortes crues, précédemment considérée comme n'étant pas connectée. Finalement, on confirme que la source des Cent-Fonts est alimentée par les pertes de la rivière de la Buèges.Les isotopes du Pb dans les charges dissoute et solide des échantillons de rivières ont conduit à faire la distinction entre les sources naturelle (roches locales) et anthropique (mines et trafic routier). Les études sur les isotopes du Pb dans les eaux karstiques permettent de différencier les sources voisines présentant des rapports d'éléments et de signatures isotopiques du Sr identiques, et à distinguer différentes circulations souterraines drainant ou non des minéralisations disséminées de Pb.


Natural Hazards - Flooding and water logging possess severe hazards to human population in many parts of the world. Mumbai, the study area, is one of the cities in India and has been frequently...  相似文献   

As the diversion dike of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project (MRSNWTP), the water quality and water quantity of Danjiangkou Reservoir is critical to the project. At present, the rates of industrial wastewater treatment and sewage discharge, which belongs to Chinese State Standard in the districts near the reservoir except Shiyan city, are less than 60% and 40% respectively. The point source pollutants will be controlled because of the project after some time, but the non-point source pollutants caused by vegetation degradation and water-soil erosion will not be controlled effectively in a long time. Water samples were collected from the Danjiangkou Reservoir during 2004 and 2005 and analyzed for trace metals, i.e., silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), bismuth (Bi), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), potassium (K), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), sodium (Na), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), silicon (Si), strontium (Sr), vanadium (V), zinc (Zn), chemicophysical parameters and nutrients, i.e., temperature (T), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS), nitrate/ammonia/ammonium-nitrogen (NO3^-/NH3/NH4^+-N), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), total phosphorus (TP), potassium permanganate index (IMn), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved inorganic carbon (HCO3^-). Our results are water quality belongs to Chinese standard level II, trace metals are low, but they are accumulating, and many of which, i.e., As, Pb, will endanger reservoir water security.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Building resilient infrastructure is one of the major challenges faced by cities due to increasing urbanization rates and climate change. Furthermore, the application of...  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe Tarim basin, one of the most developed and important areas of marine Cretaceous-Tertiary in China except for south Tibet, is very rich in oil and gas, such as Kekeya oilfield in southwestern Tarim and Kela2 gas field in northeastern Tarim. Because of the expansion, subduction of the oceanic crust of the Tethys and the collision between the India plate and the Eurasia plate during the Cretaceous-Tertiary, the Tethys transgressed into the Tarim basin from west to east fr…  相似文献   

The ore body “T” is the newly discovered massive-pyrite type one which is located in the central part of the Bor copper mine. The main copper minerals are chalcocite-digenite, covellite and enargite. Small amounts of colusite are frequently present in the ore-body. It mostly occurs as the distinct exsolutions in digenite and, associating with enargite and covellite. Composition of the studied colusite shows enriched Sn content, giving an empirical formula from Cu24.7V1.8Fe0.2As5.1Sb0.2Sn0.8S32 to Cu26.7V2.0Fe0.3As3.0Sb0.3Sn3.5S32. This colusite represents a solid solution between colusite and nekrasovite within a range of 14–54 mol % nekrasovite. Most of the analyses show content of <50 mol % nekrasovite corresponding to the Sn-bearing colusite variety, while one analysis shows content of 54 mol % nekrasovite corresponding to the As-bearing nekrasovite.  相似文献   

Sheikh  Vahedberdi  Kornejady  Aiding  Ownegh  Majid 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(3):1335-1365
Natural Hazards - This study is aimed at producing an improved ranking method by coupling the technique for the order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and Mahalanobis distance...  相似文献   

Three dimensional (3D) photorealistic models of geological outcrops have the potential to enhance the teaching of earth sciences by providing scale models in a virtual reality environment. These models can be run on low-cost desktop computers. Photorealistic models for geological outcrops are a digital illustration of outcrop photographs with either a point cloud representation or Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) mesh of the outcrop surface. The level of detail for these models is dependent on the target resolutions (physical and optical) that were used during data acquisition. In addition, the technique in which the data is rendered as a digital model affects the level of detail that can be observed by the geologists. A colored point cloud representation is suitable for large-scale features, but fine details are lost when the geologist zooms in to view the model close up. In contrast, a photorealistic model that is constructed from photographs draped onto a triangle mesh surface derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds provides a level of detail that is restricted only by the resolution of the photographs.  相似文献   

Due to deficient water resources in the Loess Plateau, watershed management plays a very important role, not only for ecological and environmental protection but also for the social development of the region. To better understand the hydrological and water resource variations in the typical watershed of the Loess Plateau and the Qinghe River Basin, the influences of land cover and climate change were analysed, and a SWAT model was built to simulate the response of the hydrological situation to land cover changes that have occurred over the past 30 years. The results demonstrated that the main land cover change occurring in the Qinghe River Basin was the conversion of land cover from grassland to woodland and farmland from the late 1980s to 2010. Woodland and farmland took 87.36 and 10.55%, respectively, from the overall area transferred over 20 years and more than 18% of the total watershed area. Hydrological simulation results indicated that land cover played a predominant role in the hydrological variation of the Qinghe River Basin, although the effects of climate change should not be discounted. The significant changes in land cover could be superimposed by policy orientation and economic requirements. Although it is hard to evaluate the land cover changes and the corresponding hydrological responses in a simple language, related analyses have demonstrated an increasing trend of runoff in the dry season, while there is a somewhat decreasing trend during the flood season in the river basin. There results could be significant and provide a positive influence on both future flood control and the conservation of water and soil.  相似文献   

In direct continuation with the acquired knowledge of ecosystem approach for the presence of mercury in the Amazon, we have launched in 2001 the NSERC-supported pan-Canadian COMERN project. This Collaborative Mercury Research Network addresses the urgent need for the development of a framework enabling researchers, political stakeholders, and communities concerned by the mercury question to evolve towards an interdisciplinary association capable of synergistically combining our knowledge on Hg into an original synthesis. We are presenting a simple integrated indicator representative of the specific susceptibility of an ecosystem to Hg bioaccumulation and subsequent transfer to humans. This indicator includes three concepts: (1) the sensitivity to bioaccumulation, induced and influenced by factors such as the Hg loading, the different transport and methylation processes, and human activities; (2) the vulnerability of the populations exposed to Hg through consumption of local and market fish; and (3) the adaptability of the ecosystem and the people living into it, an evaluation of its resilience, or its capacity to recover and/or to cope with the contamination, taking into account the social and political resources within the communities impacted.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor plain, Iran, using a ??panel-data?? model. Panel-data analysis endows regression analysis with both spatial and temporal dimensions. The spatial dimension pertains to a set of cross-sectional units of observation. The temporal dimension pertains to periodic observations of a set of variables characterizing these cross-sectional units over a particular time span. Firstly, the available observation wells in the Neishaboor plain were clustered according to their fluctuation behavior using the ??Ward?? method, which resulted in six areal zones. Then, for each cluster, an observation well was selected as its representative, and for each zone, values of monthly precipitation and temperature, as independent variables, were estimated by the inverse-distance method. Finally, the performance of different panel-data regression models such as fixed-effects and random-effects models were investigated. The results showed that the two-way fixed-effects model was superior. The performance indicators for this model (R 2?=?0.97, RMSE?=?0.05?m and ME?=?0.81?m) reveal the effectiveness of the method. In addition, the results were compared with the results of an artificial-neural-network (ANN) model, which demonstrated the superiority of the panel-data model over the ANN model.  相似文献   

A model of the cooling history of tin-bearing granitic magma forming the Schellerhau granites (Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany) is shown on the basis of quartz textures. Similar grain size, similar grain habit and correlatable growth textures of phenocrysts in different granite varieties give proof of a common crystallization history before the melts of the Schellerhau granite varieties were intruded. Four nucleation events occurred during crystallization in different crustal levels between about 20 and 1 km depth. The parental melt of the Schellerhau granites is interpreted to have contained<2.5 wt% H2O originally. The water content of the melt during the subvolcanic intrusion stage amounted to more than 5 wt% and characterizes highly evolved residual melts that enable the formation of tin deposits. This study contributes to a better understanding of the development and behaviour of fractionated tin-bearing granitic melts, and links quartz cathodoluminescence (CL) with microanalytical studies. Received: 28 October 1998 / Accepted: 18 August 1999  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean tsunami (IOT) of December 2004 has demonstrated that the coasts of Australia are vulnerable to tsunami flooding. As a consequence of the IOT, the Australian Federal Treasurer announced in 2005 that the Bureau of Meteorology and Geoscience Australia will jointly develop and implement the Australian Tsunami Warning System. Effective response to tsunami warnings is highly dependent on public awareness and perception of tsunami hazard and risk. At present, no efforts have been made to investigate and publish public awareness of tsunami hazard and risk and as such, emergency managers have little idea of the likely challenges to effecting appropriate tsunami risk management. We develop a short questionnaire survey instrument and trial that instrument in order to investigate its suitability for generating information about the perceptions of tsunami hazard and risk in the Sydney region. We found that the design, layout and format of the questionnaire were suitable for our purpose and should be useful for generating information appropriate to emergency management agencies tasked with the responsibility of developing tsunami education campaigns and risk mitigation strategies in Australia. However, certain limitations, such as individual question design and format, should be considered before a much larger survey of various stakeholders is conducted.  相似文献   

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