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根据地质资料,分析了下沟煤矿泾河下特厚煤层大面积综放开采的地质特点,为实现水体下安全回采,确定了在各工作面间留设一定宽度隔离煤柱的开采方案。通过相似材料模拟试验,分析了改本区地质条件下各综放工作面间留设一定宽度隔离煤柱对覆岩破坏的影响。研究证实,隔离煤柱对覆岩破坏起到有效的控制作用。根据试验得出的单工作面最大裂采比,通过最小防水安全煤岩柱垂高的计算,认为地质条件满足泾河下安全回采的要求。且研究成果成功指导了5个工作面安全回采,可为该区及类似条件其他矿井的开采提供参考 相似文献
侧向支承压力分布、资源回收率以及煤柱和巷道的稳定性是大采高综放面区段煤柱宽度留设要兼顾的因素,为了确定大采高综放面区段煤柱宽度,以某矿8103面为工程背景,首先,采用理论计算和现场应力监测等方法确定大采高综放工作面倾向支承压力分布规律,得出应力降低区宽度约为8 m,原岩应力区为巷帮侧28 m外。其次,采用工程类比方法确定大采高综放工作面巷帮外侧煤体严重破裂区宽度约为4 m。最后,采用FLAC3D数值软件分析了下区段工作面回采时窄煤柱(6、8 m)和宽煤柱(28、30 m)的应力场、位移场及塑性区特征,获得不同煤柱宽度时巷道和煤柱力学特征。研究表明:当煤柱宽度6 m和8 m时,在采动支承压力下煤柱几乎无承载能力,且巷道变形量较大;当煤柱宽度28 m和30 m时,在采动支承压力下煤柱中央仍有一定的弹性核,煤柱保持稳定且巷道变形量较小。综合考虑资源回收、巷道稳定性、次生灾害控制等因素,确定大采高综放工作面区段煤柱宽度为28 m。 相似文献
根据综放面巷道自燃环境及条件,提出自然发火预测思路,预测方法,以及煤层自然特性参数和现场参数的定量测算方法,建立了巷道煤层自燃危险程度和最短发火期的预测模型,最后通过东淮矿4308综放面沿空轨顺的实际模拟及预测,证明其预测精度达90%以上。 相似文献
论喀斯特塌陷的水动力因素 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
对覆盖喀斯特区的塌陷形成模式的研究,得出塌陷的过程是潜蚀、吸蚀、气爆3种力的作用过程。引起塌陷的机理应是巨厚灰岩Ⅲ水动力带喀斯特管流水水动力场的变化,从而研究预防和治理措施也必须从这一主要方面入手,才能达到治本的效果。 相似文献
针对特厚煤层大采高工作面,将超前支承压力作用的煤体分为破裂区、塑性区和弹性区。考虑支架护帮阻力等因素,建立了支承压力作用的煤体变形破坏及煤壁片帮分析力学模型。通过摩尔-库仑准则和非关联弹塑性分析,推导出了煤壁水平位移量及破裂区和塑性区半径解析表达式,分析了影响煤壁片帮的主要因素。理论结果与现场实测结果误差仅为15.6%,验证了模型的正确性。研究表明,随支承压力集中系数的增大、机采高度的增加以及支架护帮阻力的减小,煤壁水平位移量明显增大,煤壁片帮程度严重。工程实践表明,提高支架工作阻力,减缓煤壁处压力,控制合理采高以及增大支架护帮阻力,可有效缓解大采高综放工作面煤壁片帮程度。 相似文献
基于阳湾沟煤矿地质资料,应用极限平衡理论计算得到合理的煤柱尺寸为25m;采用FLAC3D数值模拟分析了不同宽度护巷煤柱的垂直应力和弹塑性区分布规律,得到合理的煤柱尺寸为25~30m;最终确定阳湾沟煤矿合理护巷煤柱宽度不小于25m。针对回风顺槽顶板不同的围岩状态,设计了支护方案,通过数值模拟得到不同支护条件下的围岩应力状态和位移分布,结果表明,支护方案是合理的,能够有效的控制围岩的变形与破坏。 相似文献
Jin-wang Zhang Jia-chen Wang Wei-jie Wei Yi Chen Zheng-yang Song 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(5):96
Steep coal seam mining activities will frequently occur during the next few decades in China. In this study, both experimental and numerical methods are employed to investigate the coal drawing from thick steep seam with longwall top coal caving mining. A series of analyses is performed to investigate the features of the drawing body, the distribution of top coal recovery ratio and the shape of the rock flow under steep conditions. The results indicate that the drawing body of top coal develops prior to upper side of the panel face obviously, and the top coal in the central part of the panel has a higher recovery ratio than that in the lower and upper parts in steep coal seam with caving mining method. The flow paths of the fragmented top coal are nearly straight lines moving towards the drawing window, and the fastest path maintains a constant angle with the plumb line. The spatial shape of the rock flow indicates “bidirectional asymmetry,” which results from the presence of the shield beam and dip angle of the coal seam; thus, this is the root cause of the appearance of the drawing body’s prior development towards the upper side of the panel. The field observation data indicates the same distribution of top coal recovery as that in the physical experiment and numerical simulation. Furthermore, suggested measurements are proposed to improve top coal recovery in steep seam mining based on the engineering practice of Dayuan coal mine. 相似文献
Mehmet Ali Hindistan Abdullah Erhan Tercan Bahtiyar Ünver 《International Journal of Coal Geology》2010,81(3):139-150
The coal quality is an important aspect of coal mine planning. This paper presents a case study in which an underground coal mine is faced with severe penalty cost because it does not consider in situ coal quality control at all. To help short term planning of the coal production the mean calorific values of the blocks inside the production panels are estimated by kriging. The estimated calorific values are compared with those obtained from actual production. The ratio of the calorific values of actual production to estimated values is found to be 0.73 in average due to adverse effect of dilution on the quality of run-of-mine coal. This study reveals the importance of geostatistical block modelling in short term mine planning. 相似文献
Summary The paper describes theoretical andin situ studies of tunnel deformation in longwall coal mining. It develops a method to predict tunnel convergence profiles from the faceline in longwall mining. The method accounts for the effect of panel width, extracted seam height, deformation moduli of the goaf material and coal pillar, depth of cover,in situ structural defects, tunnel shape and tunnel size in addition to the strength characteristics of surrounding strata. The analytical technique has been validated by reference toin-situ deformation measurements in 26 face-access tunnels in Cape Breton Coalfield mines. Based on this method a series of vertical convergence profiles for different depths and extracted panel widths have been presented. 相似文献
桂林市岩溶塌陷的基本特征和防治对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
桂林市岩溶塌陷的分布主要受地貌因素、地层岩性、地质构造、地下水运动和人为因素的影响。其成因类型可分为自然塌陷和人为塌陷。人为塌陷主要是由抽取地下水、工业废水排放、加载或振动因素引起。在论述桂林市岩溶塌陷的基本特征基础上,提出了岩溶塌陷地质灾害的防治对策。 相似文献
振动放顶煤技术机理研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
详细介绍了振动放顶煤技术的原理和机理。通过实验室试验揭示了在重力自然放煤方式下,当顶煤块度达到放煤口宽度的1/3左右时,块裂顶煤在放落过程中极易形成铰接拱,而使后续顶煤难以放落。验证了振动放顶煤技术原理及其机构的可行性,证明了采用振动放顶煤技术可有效地提高顶煤采出率和降低混矸率。 相似文献
The paper presents an innovative numerical approach to simulate progressive caving of strata above a longwall coal mining panel. A proposed Trigon logic is incorporated within UDEC to successfully capture the progressive caving of strata which is characterized by fracture generation and subsequent propagation. A new damage index, D, is proposed that can quantify regions of both compressive shear and tensile failure within the modelled longwall. Many features of progressive caving are reproduced in the model and found to fit reasonably well with field observations taken from a case study in the Ruhr coalfield. The modelling study reveals that compressive shear failure, rather than tensile failure, is the dominant failure mechanism in the caved strata above the mined-out area. The immediate roof beds act like beams and can collapse in beam bending when vertical stress is dominant or in beam shear fracture when horizontal stress is dominant. The proposed numerical approach can be used to guide the design of longwall panel layout and rock support mechanisms. 相似文献
The fractured zones caused by mining were studied in the overburden of the Torezko-Snezhnyanskaya area, Ukraine, through the change in natural gas emission from these zones during longwall coal excavation. Zones of interconnected fractures and separate horizontal fractures were studied with vertical wells drilled from the ground surface down to active underground workings. The maximum heights of the zone of interconnected fractures and separate horizontal fractures may reach 19–41 and 53–92 times the thickness of the coal seam respectively. It was found that the ratio between the maximum height of the zone of interconnected fractures and the thickness of the extracted coal seam increases with the increasing number of rock layer interfaces and decreases with the increasing stiffness of immediate roof. It is shown that the growth of the zone of interconnected fractures occurred during 17–39 days at an average rate of 0.94–1.97 m day?1 and it was accompanied by increasing methane emission from overburden. Observation shows that the formation of separate horizontal fractures began only 11–49.5 days after the height of the zone of interconnected fractures reached its maximum value. Formation of separate horizontal fractures in overburden over the longwall excavation occurred as a stepped process from lower to upper sandstone–sandy shale layer interfaces in the direction of the ground surface. 相似文献
C.J. Booth 《Environmental Geology》2006,49(6):796-803
Groundwater impacts are a common reason for opposition to longwall mining. Most impacts are due to subsidence-related fracturing.
Although upper aquifers are protected from drainage to the mine by a confining zone, water levels decline due to fracture
dilation, and drawdown expands outward a few hundred meters. Recovery of water levels is common. 相似文献
应用覆岩空间结构学术观点对孤岛顶煤综放采场冲击矿压机制及其控制技术进行研究。根据覆岩关键层的岩性、层位、范围等因素,覆岩关键层空间结构分为覆岩空间大结构和基本顶有限矿压结构。孤岛顶煤采场冲击矿压发生机制:①孤岛顶煤综放采场 ? 型空间大结构形成过程是集中压力逐渐增加的过程,是该时间段发生冲击矿压的力源;②采场基本顶形成最下位 ? 型空间结构后,随着工作面推进,基本顶块体产生滑落失稳,造成工作面冲击矿压现象。通过对分段来压理论、基本顶结构失稳理论和坚硬顶板预断裂理论对覆岩关键层空间结构运动的控制作用研究,提出采用覆岩空间结构理论分析、分阶段降低放煤率、坚硬覆岩预爆泄压技术、覆岩坚硬岩层破裂的微地震监测技术等方式方法预防冲击矿压的发生。 相似文献