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The subduction polarity of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere during Jurassic is a controversial topic in relation to the geodynamic evolution of the Alpine–Himalayan system. We present new geological, geochemical and zircon U–Pb data from four different regions of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, a key area of the Alpine–Himalayan system. We discuss the origin of the magmatism and also the existence of an ocean in the eastern Mediterranean region during the Jurassic period. Jurassic intrusions, predominantly gabbro, tonalite and minor diorite, are well exposed in the southern and axial zones of the orogenic belt. Thermobarometry indicates that high-pressure (6–10 kb) crystallization of these intrusions occurred at temperatures of 1183–1250 °C. Zircon U–Pb dating from 10 samples show ages between 195 and 165 Ma, indicating that magmatism occurred between Sinemurian and Callovian time. We characterize the intrusions from electron microprobe, zircon geochronology, and whole rock and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Our data show that the studied intrusions are broadly tholeiitic, except for two calc-alkaline bodies, and formed in an arc-related setting with minimal involvement of older crust or sediment.The most widely accepted model proposes that the ultramafic–mafic rocks exposed between the Pontide arc and the Tauride belt are remnants of a Jurassic Penrose-type and/or suprasubduction zone ophiolite. However, new zircon U–Pb age data from mafic lithologies cutting the Kop ultramafic massif do not support this model and clearly indicate that the ultramafic lithologies are Paleozoic or older in age and are not remnants of a Jurassic ocean that known as ‘’Northern Branch of Neotehtys”.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin has been identified as one of the world's most vulnerable regions to climatic and anthropogenic changes. A methodology accounting for the basin specific conditions is developed to assess the current and future water stress state of this region. The medium-term evolution of water stress is investigated using climatic scenarios and a water-use scenario based on efficiency improvements following the recommendations of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development. Currently, the southern and eastern rims are experiencing high to severe water stress. By the 2050 horizon, a 30–50% decline in freshwater resources is simulated over most of the Mediterranean basin. While total water withdrawals would stabilize, or even decrease (10–40%), in several northern catchments, they would double in southern and eastern catchments. These changes should significantly increase water stress over the Mediterranean basin and exacerbate the disparities between rims.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In the first week of December 2017, a very severe cyclonic storm, namely “OCKHI”, made its landfall over the western coastline of the Indian peninsula. In a...  相似文献   

The bulk salinity cannot be directly obtained from the dissolution temperatures of halite in highly saline fluid inclusions that contain solid, liquid, and vapour at room temperature. At least two of the following independent parameters must be determined to estimate the bulk composition and density of these inclusions: 1. dissolution temperature of halite in the presence of vapour; 2. total homogenization temperature of liquid and vapour; and 3. volume fraction of the vapour phase. A new V m -x diagram for phase stabilities in the H2O-NaCl system has been constructed to obtain these bulk fluid properties from inclusions that homogenize liquid and vapour phase at higher temperatures than dissolution of halite.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the macromolecular properties of biomass combustion residues referred to as black carbon (BC). Pyrolysis-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was performed on: (i) peat from Spain at 400–1200 °C to investigate the effect of charring on pyrolysis fingerprint and (ii) natural charcoal from Laos in order to link molecular information to published chemical and reactivity parameters. Confirming earlier Py-GC/MS studies, the BC in the artificially charred peat and the natural charcoal produced predominantly benzene, toluene, C2-benzenes, PAHs and benzonitriles. Furthermore, some charcoal samples produced significant amounts of phenols, methoxyphenols, carbohydrate markers, n-alkanes and n-alkenes upon pyrolysis, reflecting non-charred and weakly charred biomass. A series of pyrolysis product ratios related to the degree of dealkylation of the pyrolysis products (benzene/toluene, naphthalene/C1-naphthalenes, C1-naphthalenes/C2-naphthalenes, benzofuran/C1-benzofurans and benzonitrile/C1-benzonitrile) increased with increasing artificial charring (peat) and, for the natural charcoal, these ratios were in accordance with established chemical and reactivity parameters related to charring intensity from other methods: proportion of aromatic C obtained from solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), the proportion of charred material as estimated from NMR in conjunction with a molecular mixing model (NMR–MMM) and the resistance to acid dichromate oxidation. The alkyl side chains of aromatic pyrolysis products are probably inherited from short chain aliphatic C chains that cross link the predominantly aromatic building blocks of BC, and these linkages seem to disappear with increasing charring intensity. Thus, the degree of thermal alteration of BC can be discerned from the pyrolysis fragmentation pattern.  相似文献   

A sedimentary formation perturbated by supercritical CO2 reacts by dissolving primary minerals and forming new secondary phases. In this process CO2 may be trapped in stable carbonate minerals and may thereby be immobilized for long time spans. The potential for mineral trapping can be estimated by solving kinetic expressions for the reservoir minerals and possible secondary phases. This is, however, not trivial as kinetic data are uncertain or even lacking for the minerals of interest. Here, the rate equations most commonly used for CO2 storage simulations have been solved, and the rate parameters varied, to obtain sensitivity on the total amount of CO2 stored as mineral carbonate. As various expressions are in use to estimate growth rates of secondary carbonates, three formulations were compared, including one taking into account mineral nucleation preceding growth. The sensitivity studies were done on two systems, the Utsira Sand being representative for a cold quartz-rich sand (37 °C, 100 bar CO2), and the Gulf Coast Sediment, being representative for a medium temperature quartz–plagioclase-rich system (75 °C, 300 bar CO2).The simulations showed that the total predicted CO2 mineral storage is especially sensitive to the choice of growth rate model and the reactive surface area. The largest sensitivity was found on α, fraction of total surface area available for reactions, with a reduction of one order of magnitude for all reacting phases leading to 3–4 times lower predicted CO2 mineral storage. Because the reactive surface area is highly uncertain for natural systems, the range in predicted results may be even larger. The short-term predictions (<100–1000 a), such as the onset of carbonate growth, were highly sensitive to nucleation and growth rates. Moreover, the type of carbonate minerals formed was shown to be model dependent, with the simplest model predicting an unlikely carbonate assemblage at low temperature (i.e., formation of dolomite at 37 °C). Therefore, to use kinetic models to upscale short-term (<months) laboratory experiments in time, to identify the past reactions and physical conditions of natural CO2 storage analogues, and finally to predict the potential for CO2 trapping in existing and future storage projects, more knowledge has to be collected, especially on the reactive surface area of CO2 storage reservoirs, and on the rate of secondary carbonate nucleation and growth.  相似文献   

We present a model that may explain deep crustal earthquakes observed, in particular, in several areas of highly reflective (laminated) lower continental crust. We combine observations from earthquake seismology, crustal reflection seismics and tectonic-rheological concepts. The study concentrates on parts of the northern Alpine foreland where many earthquakes occur inside the laminated lower crust, which is generally considered to be warm and weak. Thin mafic/ultramafic, sill-like intrusions and invisible dykes are assumed to form a corset-like network with high strength. This model can explain the observed strong and multiple reflections and the occurrence of rupture inside a stable structure within a weak lower crust. Tectonic stress transfer (from the Alpine collision zone or/and the Upper Rhine Graben) and its release may follow classical friction concepts. In addition, the heterogeneity of the laminated lower crust may also favour various viscous instabilities.  相似文献   

The Marnoso‐arenacea Formation in the Italian Apennines is the only ancient rock sequence where individual submarine sediment density flow deposits have been mapped out in detail for over 100 km. Bed correlations provide new insight into how submarine flows deposit sand, because bed architecture and sandstone shape provide an independent test of depositional process models. This test is important because it can be difficult or impossible to infer depositional process unambiguously from characteristics seen at just one outcrop, especially for massive clean‐sandstone intervals whose origin has been controversial. Beds have three different types of geometries (facies tracts) in downflow oriented transects. Facies tracts 1 and 2 contain clean graded and ungraded massive sandstone deposited incrementally by turbidity currents, and these intervals taper relatively gradually downflow. Mud‐rich sand deposited by cohesive debris flow occurs in the distal part of Facies tract 2. Facies tract 3 contains clean sandstone with a distinctive swirly fabric formed by patches of coarser and better‐sorted grains that most likely records pervasive liquefaction. This type of clean sandstone can extend for up to 30 km before pinching out relatively abruptly. This abrupt pinch out suggests that this clean sand was deposited by debris flow. In some beds there are downflow transitions from turbidite sandstone into clean debrite sandstone, suggesting that debris flows formed by transformation from high‐density turbidity currents. However, outsize clasts in one particular debrite are too large and dense to have been carried by an initial turbidity current, suggesting that this debris flow ran out for at least 15 km. Field data indicate that liquefied debris flows can sometimes deposit clean sand over large (10 to 30 km) expanses of sea floor, and that these clean debrite sand layers can terminate abruptly.  相似文献   

The large, extensive tufa deposits of the semi‐arid Naukluft Mountains, Namibia are potentially important palaeoenvironmental indicators in an area with few proxy records. Tufas are reliable indicators of increased moisture availability, and have been shown to be amenable to 234U–230Th dating, although two challenges are detrital contamination and open‐system behaviour. Densely cemented tufa facies are good candidates for dating, minimising these problems. We report attempts to date five densely‐cemented units, which are only found rarely within the Naukluft deposits. We applied a detailed methodology using multiple subsample analysis, measurement of insoluble residues, application of ‘isochron’ mixing lines, and attempted open‐systems modelling, alongside observations of micromorphology and cathodoluminescence in order to assess the validity of any obtained dates. Surprisingly, densely cemented tufas were found not always to be suitable for dating. Two units contained detrital contamination, which could not be corrected for using a single leachate correction or ‘isochron’ methods. Two units contained ‘excess 230Th’. This could result under a closed‐system if initial (234U/238U) was sufficiently high. Alternatively this may be the result of open‐system behaviour, and loss of uranium, or incorporation of initial unsupported 230Th, which render samples unsuitable for 234U–230Th dating. Micromorphological appearance and cathodoluminescence behaviour are used to explore these possibilities. This study exemplifies the need for careful sample selection, and highlights the importance of analysing multiple subsamples from any tufa sample. The detailed methodology applied proves to be a powerful tool for identifying the range of problems that can be encountered when selecting suitable candidate samples for successful dating. It also shows that semi‐arid tufa sequences may contain very little material suitable for dating. A reliable age of c 80 ka was obtained for a banded unit within a large fluvial barrage, with less reliable dates suggesting tufa deposition during times since >350 ka through to the late Holocene. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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