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Meadows of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains of California, USA, support diverse and highly productive wet-meadow vegetation dominated by sedges, rushes, grasses, and other herbaceous species. These groundwater–dependent ecosystems rely on the persistence of a shallow water table throughout the dry summer. Case studies of Bear Creek, Last Chance, and Tuolumne meadow ecosystems are used to create a conceptual framework describing groundwater–ecosystem connections in this environment. The water requirements for wet-meadow vegetation at each site are represented as a water-table-depth hydrograph; however, these hydrographs were found to vary among sites. Causes of this variation include (1) differences in soil texture, which govern capillary effects and availability of vadose water and (2) elevation-controlled differences in climate that affect the phenology of the vegetation. The field observations show that spatial variation of water-table depth exerts strong control on vegetation composition and spatial patterning. Groundwater-flow modeling demonstrates that lower hydraulic-conductivity meadow sediments, higher groundwater-inflow rates, and a higher ratio of lateral to basal-groundwater inflow all encourage the persistence of a high water table and wet-meadow vegetation, particularly at the margin of the meadow, even in cases with moderate stream incision.  相似文献   

The Genesis of Zoned Skarns in the Sierra Nevada, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zoned skarns occur at plutonic-metamorphic contacts, in veinscutting marble, and at contacts between marble and interlayeredamphibolite and biotite-rich rocks. For P = 2 kb, fluid inclusionsand P-T-XCO2 stability relations of calc-silicate assemblagessuggest T< 650 °C and a H2O-rich fluid (XCO2 < 0.1).Small-scale, Ca-rich endoskarns are common near exoskarns. Massbalance calculations suggest that: (a) the formation of exoskarnrequires the influx of solute in an aqueous solution from uncontaminatedmagma in addition to material derived from the endoskarn, (b)some ‘limestone assimilation’ is required to formendoskarns, and (c) skarn formation was essentially a constant-volumeprocess. Applying chromatographic theory, compositional profilesof garnet and pyroxene across zoned skarns suggest that infiltrationmetasomatism was an important process, although diffusion metasomatismappears to have produced local compositional gradients at theinfiltration ‘fronts’. Fluid flow calculations showthat thick exoskarns could readily form by intergranular infiltration of aqueous solutions. Reciprocal diffusional exchangeis suggested as a dominant mechanism in the formation of zonedskarns formed at contacts between interlayered metamorphic lithologies.  相似文献   

Multiple-expert hazard/risk assessments have considerable precedent, particularly in the Yucca Mountain site characterization studies. A certain amount of expert knowledge is needed to interpret the geological data used in a probabilistic data analysis. As may be the situation in science, experts disagree on crucial points. Consequently, lack of consensus in some studies is a sure outcome. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to statistical modeling in volcanic hazard assessment for the Yucca Mountain site. Specifically, we show that the expert opinion on the site disruption parameterp is incorporated into the prior distribution, π(p), based on geological information that is available. Moreover, π(p) can combine all available geological information motivated by conflicting but realistic arguments (e.g., simulation, cluster analysis, structural control, ..., etc.). The incorporated uncertainties about the probability of repository disruptionp eventually will be averaged out by taking the expectation over π(p). We use the following priors in the analysis: (1) priors selected for mathematical convenience: Beta (r,s) for (r,s) = (2, 2), (3, 3), (5, 5), (2, 1),(2, 8), (8, 2), and (1, 1);and (2) three priors motivated by expert knowledge. Sensitivity analysis is performed for each prior distribution. Our study concludes that estimated values of hazard based on the priors selected for mathematical simplicity are uniformly higher than those obtained based on the priors motivated by expert knowledge. And, the model using the prior, Beta (8, 2), yields the highest hazard (=2.97 × 10-2 . The minimum hazard is produced by the “three-expert prior” (i.e., values of p are equally likely for p = 10-3, 10-2,and 10-1 . The estimate of the hazard is 1.39 × 10-3, which is only about one order of magnitude smaller than the maximum value. The term, “hazard, ” is defined as the probability of at least one disruption of a repository at the Yucca Mountain site by basaltic volcanism for the next 10,000 years.  相似文献   

A time-series of tree-ringwidth indices for alpine timberline foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) from the Sierra Nevada of California shows a growth response to summer, late fall, and early winter temperatures that is the inverse of that resulting in the expansion of alpine glaciers. These are correlated with lichen-dated moraines and avalanche deposits that accumulated during subsequent decades. Minima in the ringwidth record, reflecting marked temperature declines occurred at 810, 1470, 1610, 1700 and 1810. Cold periods of lesser extent are also indicated between 1190 to 1400 and suggest that the initial pulses of the Sierran Matthes advances may have begun as early as 1190, or 150 yr earlier than previously dated. The Matthes advances were preceded by a period of pronounced warmth from 900 to 1190 during which timberline rose 10 m to its present elevation. A warm period is also indicated between 1500 and 1580. Recent work extending the tree-ring chronology to 3031 yr B.P. and radiocarbon dating of weathered samples to 6300 yr B.P. suggests that the chronology may ultimately be applicable to the dating of earlier Sierran glacier advances.  相似文献   

Distribution of major and minor elements has been determined for five hornblende-biotite pairs from hornblende-biotite quartz diorite and monzotonalite and for a clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene pair from pyroxene diorite collected from the border zones and centers of zoned plutons in the northern Sierra Nevada, California. The distribution coefficients K d [Mg/Fe] for biotite/hornblende are of the same magnitude (0.61–0.67) for both the mafic border zone and the silicic center.For comparison, K D [Mg/Fe] values for biotite/hornblende from plutonic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada and the southern California batholith were calculated from data published by others. Rocks of the oldest age group (ca. 150 m.y.) in the central Sierra Nevada have an average distribution coefficient, K D , of 0.64, close to the average K D in the study area, where K-Ar dates are 143 to 129 m.y. The intermediate age group has an average K D =0.81, and the youngest group has K D =0.77. K D [Mg/Fe] for biotite/hornblende from the southern California batholith is 0.83, close to the average of the intermediate age group in the central Sierra Nevada. The calculated difference in pressure of crystallization between rocks of the Feather River area and the southern California batholith is 1 kb; the rocks of the Feather River area being crystallized at a higher pressure. This is in good agreement with the low-pressure contact metamorphism in the south (pyroxene hornfels facies), as compared with a medium-pressure metamorphism around the northern plutons, where andalusitesillimanite-cordierite and andalusite-staurolite subfacies of the amphibolite facies indicate pressures of about 4 kb.Trace elements Cr, V, Ni, Co, Ga are distributed equally between biotite and hornblende, whereas Ba and possibly Cu are concentrated in biotite and Sr and Sc and possibly Zr in hornblende.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

In the past decades, the influence of climate change has caused changes in the amount of rainfall in many areas which may affect the flood assessment and mitigation. This research aims to determine amount of rainfall which impacts on changes of the water levels in canals and evaluate the appropriate mitigation measures for floods in the inner Bangkok area, Bangkok Noi and Bangkok Yai districts of Bangkok. The maximum 1-day rainfall during 1997–2010 was determined under different return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year. The MIKE 11 model was then applied to assess changes of the water levels in canals caused by design rainfall events for those return periods. The flood mitigation was also proposed by applying various pumping capacities and initial water levels, incorporating with building dykes and a floodgate. This study has found that the highest flood-risk areas are along Chak Phra and Bangkhunnon canals and the eastern part of Jakthong Canal while the lowest flood-risk area is Bangkok Yai district. Flood caused from the 10-year rainfall can be mitigated by building dykes with the height of 0.75 m [mean sea level (MSL)] and maintaining the initial water level of 0.70 m (MSL). Furthermore, it has also been found that flood caused from the 25-year rainfall can be mitigated by building the floodgate to prevent the flowing back water at Wat Yangsuttharam Canal. However, 50- and 100-year rainfalls seem to cause floods which are too large to mitigate.  相似文献   

Two roof pendants in the Hope Valley area, Alpine County, containabundant calc-silicate assemblages which can be related to univariantor invariant equilibria in the CaO-Al3O3-SiO2-H2O-CO2 system.Such assemblages are considered to represent components of reactionsthat buffered the chemistry of the pore fluid. Through dataobtained from microprobe analysis it is concluded that solidsolution in plagioclase, garnet, and clinozoisite are importantvariables such that on a TXco2 projection each sample had aunique path during metamorphism. Differences in the plagioclasecomposition of nearby samples with assemblages related by thereaction: grossularite(s.s)+quartz = anorthite(s.s.)+wollastonite, suggest unique equilibration temperatures for assemblages inlocal domains. In the Twin Lakes pendant in Fresno County, thereaction: clinohumite+calcite+CO2= 4forsterite+dolomite+H2O, is importantin magnesian marbles. Contrasting parageneses, which are relatedby this equilibrium, are considered to reflect variations influid composition. Constrasting assemblages in calc-silicaterocks, which are linked by the reactions: calcite+quartz= wollastonite+CO2, tremolite+calcite= dolomite+diopside+CO2+H2O, exist down to the scale of a thin section. Variation in Ti contentof idocrase may be an important factor in assemblages linkedby reactions involving this phase. This study suggests that during contact metamorphism of calcareousrocks in the Sierra Nevada, H2O and CO2 behaved as ‘initialvalue components’ (Zen, 1963) whose activities were controlledby reactions withion local systems.  相似文献   

Dextral transtensional deformation is occurring along the Sierra Nevada–Great Basin boundary zone (SNGBBZ) at the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada microplate. In the Lake Tahoe region of the SNGBBZ, transtension is partitioned spatially and temporally into domains of north–south striking normal faults and transitional domains with conjugate strike-slip faults. The normal fault domains, which have had large Holocene earthquakes but account only for background seismicity in the historic period, primarily accommodate east–west extension, while the transitional domains, which have had moderate Holocene and historic earthquakes and are currently seismically active, primarily record north–south shortening. Through partitioned slip, the upper crust in this region undergoes overall constrictional strain.Major fault zones within the Lake Tahoe basin include two normal fault zones: the northwest-trending Tahoe–Sierra frontal fault zone (TSFFZ) and the north-trending West Tahoe–Dollar Point fault zone. Most faults in these zones show eastside down displacements. Both of these fault zones show evidence of Holocene earthquakes but are relatively quiet seismically through the historic record. The northeast-trending North Tahoe–Incline Village fault zone is a major normal to sinistral-oblique fault zone. This fault zone shows evidence for large Holocene earthquakes and based on the historic record is seismically active at the microearthquake level. The zone forms the boundary between the Lake Tahoe normal fault domain to the south and the Truckee transition zone to the north.Several lines of evidence, including both geology and historic seismicity, indicate that the seismically active Truckee and Gardnerville transition zones, north and southeast of Lake Tahoe basin, respectively, are undergoing north–south shortening. In addition, the central Carson Range, a major north-trending range block between two large normal fault zones, shows internal fault patterns that suggest the range is undergoing north–south shortening in addition to east–west extension.A model capable of explaining the spatial and temporal partitioning of slip suggests that seismic behavior in the region alternates between two modes, one mode characterized by an east–west minimum principal stress and a north–south maximum principal stress as at present. In this mode, seismicity and small-scale faulting reflecting north–south shortening concentrate in mechanically weak transition zones with primarily strike-slip faulting in relatively small-magnitude events, and domains with major normal faults are relatively quiet. A second mode occurs after sufficient north–south shortening reduces the north–south Shmax in magnitude until it is less than Sv, at which point Sv becomes the maximum principal stress. This second mode is then characterized by large earthquakes on major normal faults in the large normal fault domains, which dominate the overall moment release in the region, producing significant east–west extension.  相似文献   

We use 10Be surface exposure dating to construct a high-resolution chronology of glacial fluctuations in the Sierra Nevada, California. Most previous studies focused on individual glaciated valleys, whereas our study compares chronologies developed throughout the range to identify regional patterns in the timing of glacier response to major climate changes. Sites throughout the range indicate Last Glacial Maximum retreat at 18.8 ± 1.9 ka (2σ) that suggests rather consistent changes in atmospheric variables, e.g., temperature and precipitation, throughout the range. The penultimate glacial retreat occurred at ca 145 ka. Our data suggest that the Sierra Nevada landscape is dominated by glacial features deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 and MIS 6. Deposits of previously recognized glaciations between circa 25 and 140 ka, e.g., MIS 4, Tenaya, early Tahoe, cannot be unequivocally identified. The timing of Sierra Nevada glacial retreat correlates well with other regional paleoclimate proxies in the Sierra Nevada, but differs significantly from paleoclimate proxies in other regions. Our dating results indicate that the onset of LGM retreat occurred several thousand years earlier in the Sierra Nevada than some glacial records in the western US.  相似文献   

Contact metamorphic facies in a large roof remnant within thecomposite Sierra Nevada batholith vary from actinolite hornfelsto pyroxene-hornfels facies. Hornblende-hornfels facies rockssurround most plutons. The pyroxene-hornfels facies, definedby the appearance of hypersthene in mafic rocks, occurs onlywhere two aureoles overlap. The rate of reaction of biotite plus quartz to hypersthene plusK feldspar plus water in the pyroxene-hornfels facies was controlledby the rate of escape of water. The reactants are still presentin the rocks; hypersthene was not stable where water pressurewas as high as load pressure but was able to form locally aswater vapor escaped and water pressure fell below load pressure. The reaction of epidote to andradite took place in the high-gradepart of the hornblende-hornfels facies and in the pyroxene-hornfelsfacies rocks. Hydrothermal experiments show that this reactiontakes place in the range 575 to 600 C at 2,000 bars. The highestcrystallization temperature within the hypersthene-bearing rocksis estimated to have been 750 C. The recrystallization temperatureof the clinopyroxene-bearing mafic hornfelses in the hornblende-hornfelsfacies is estimated to have been 625 to 650C, and that ofthe hornblende-bearing mafic hornfelses to have been 525 to550C. Interpretation of the fabric of the hypersthene rocks suggeststhat most of the heat was transferred to the walls by conductionand radiation. The main effect of hot magmatic vapor was toproduce a retrograde zone at the end of the recrystallizationperiod. The duration of the high-temperature phase of the metamorphismis estimated to be of the order of 105 years.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb geochronology results indicate that the John Muir Intrusive Suite of the central Sierra Nevada batholith, California, was assembled over a period of at least 12 Ma between 96 and 84 Ma. Bulk mineral thermochronology (U–Pb zircon and titanite, 40Ar/39Ar hornblende and biotite) of rocks from multiple plutons comprising the Muir suite indicates rapid cooling through titanite and hornblende closure following intrusion and subsequent slow cooling through biotite closure. Assembly of intrusive suites in the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere over millions of years favors growth by incremental intrusion. Estimated long-term pluton assembly rates for the John Muir Intrusive Suite are on the order of 0.001 km3 a−1 which is inconsistent with the rapid magma fluxes that are necessary to form large-volume magma chambers capable of producing caldera-forming eruptions. If large shallow crustal magma chambers do not typically develop during assembly of large zoned intrusive suites, it is doubtful that the intrusive suites represent cumulates left behind following caldera-forming eruptions.  相似文献   

Two types of mafic enclaves occur in the Dinkey Creek pluton:ubiquitous microgranular enclaves, and rare gabbroic enclaves.Common petrographic features of the microgranular enclaves are:(1) fine grain-size, (2) abundant acicular apatite, and (3)plagioclase zoned from bytownitic cores to andesine-labradoriterims, with sharp boundaries between these main zones. Subordinateoscillatory variations are commonly superimposed on both coresand rims. It has been found by secondary ion mass spectrometrythat the rims are identical in major and trace element compositionto plagioclase in the tonalite, which suggests crystallizationfrom the same or similar magmas. The gabbroic enclaves are composedpredominantly of hornblende (50–85%) and appear to bemagmatic segregations. The microgranular enclaves and host rocks display two convergingtrends on silica variation diagrams for Fe2O3, TiO2, Al2O3,Zn, and Zr. The dominant trend is defined by small microgranularenclaves, by samples from a large (20 m?30 m) microgranularenclave, and by the Dinkey Creek tonalites and granodiorites.The subordinate trend covers tholeiltic dikes and tonalitich and converges with the Dinkey Creek host rocks at 61 wt.%SiO2 Alkali and alkaline earth elements exhibit greater variabilitythan the above constituents and appear to be either enrichedor depleted as required for equilibrium with the host rocks.Low CaO and Sr concentrations in small enclaves (<30 cm)apparently reflect a lower modal abundance of calcic plagioclaseand more sericitization of this feldspar as compared with theplagioclase of the large microgranular enclave. The large enclaveis also richer in MgO than the small enclaves. With the exceptionof the alkali elements, the major element compositions of themicrogranular enclaves approach high-Al basaltic to andesiticcom positions. In one analyzed microgranular enclave, low La/Cerelative to chondrites and more abundant HREE than in othermicrogranular samples suggest that it may also contain minorcumulus hornblende. The petrographic and whole-rock geochemical relations, and theplagioclase compositions in the microgranular enclaves and theirhost rocks, indicate that the microgranular enclaves representmixtures of quenched basalts and Dinkey Creek tonalites. Itappears that dikes of high-alumina basalt were intruded intothe lower, tonalitic portions of the Dinkey Creek pluton, wherethey were partially quenched along an interface with overlyingtonalitic magma. Large portions of residual liquid in the partiallyquenched basalts permitted mixing with the overlying magma toform a hybrid zone. This zone was then disaggregated, yieldingthe enclaves, and they were dispersed throughout the upper partof the Dinkey Creek magma chamber. Subsequent crystallizationof tonalitic melt within the enclaves produced the zoned plagioclaseand re-equilibrated hornblende and biotite in the enclaves tothe Dinkey Creek magmatic conditions. Scouring disrupted hornblende-richmagmatic segregations and produced the gabbroic enclaves.  相似文献   

Gold-silver mineralization in the Nelson area of southern Nevada was controlled by structures associated with intrusion of an east-west oriented pluton. Flatlying breccias formed during intrusion have allowed passive flooding of highly permeable zones and deposition of mineralized quartz and calcite. Steep fractures were formed in the pluton and immediate country rock during cooling, and later reactivated by north-south extension. These fractures have channelled fluids, and some have been the sites of hydrothermal eruptions which produced further brecciation and deposition of mineralized quartzcalcite veins. The mineralizing fluid was water which was boiling at or near 100 °C. The calcite deposited by this water has 13C = –5.4 to –7.1, and 18O = +5.8 to +11.3, and the water was probably meteoric in origin. Mineralization had an epithermal style, with strong local structural control, rather than deep-sourced regional detachment-related hydrothermal origin.  相似文献   

n-Alkane biomarker distributions in sediments from Swamp Lake (SL), in the central Sierra Nevada of California (USA), provide evidence for an increase in mean lake level ~ 3000 yr ago, in conjunction with widespread climatic change inferred from marine and continental records in the eastern North Pacific region. Length distributions of n-alkane chains in modern plants growing at SL were determined and compared to sedimentary distributions in a core spanning the last 13 ka. As a group, submerged and floating aquatic plants contained high proportions of short chain lengths (< nC25) compared to emergent, riparian and upland terrestrial species, for which chain lengths > nC27 were dominant. Changes in the sedimentary n-alkane distribution over time were driven by variable inputs from plant sources in response to changing lake level, sedimentation and plant community composition. A shift toward shorter chain lengths (nC21, nC23) occurred between 3.1 and 2.9 ka and is best explained by an increase in the abundance of aquatic plants and the availability of shallow-water habitat in response to rising lake level. The late Holocene expansion of SL following a dry mid-Holocene is consistent with previous evidence for increased effective moisture and the onset of wetter conditions in the Sierra Nevada between 4.0 and 3.0 ka.  相似文献   

Quantifying crustal deformation is important for evaluating mass balance, material transfer, and the interplay between tectonism and magmatism in continental arcs. We present a dataset of >650 finite strain analyses compiled from published works and our own studies with associated structural, geochronologic, and geobarometric information in central and southern Sierra Nevada, California, to quantify the arc crust deformation. Our results show that Mesozoic tectonism results in 65% arc-perpendicular bulk crust shortening under a more or less plane strain condition. Mesozoic arc magmatism replaced ∼80% of this actively deforming arc crust with plutons requiring significantly greater crustal thickening. We suggest that by ∼85 Ma, the arc crust thickness was ∼80 km with a 30-km-thick arc root, resulting in a ∼5 km elevation. Most tectonic shortening and magma emplacement must be accommodated by downward displacements of crustal materials into growing crustal roots at the estimated downward transfer rate of 2–13 km/Myr. The downward transfer of crustal materials must occur in active magma channels, or in “escape channels” in between solidified plutons that decrease in size with time and depth resulting in an increase in the intensity of constrictional strain with depth. We argue that both tectonism and magmatism control the thickness of the crust and surface elevation with slight modification by surface erosion. The downward transported crustal materials initially fertilize the MASH zone thus enhancing to the generation of additional magmas. As the crustal root grows it may potentially pinch out and cool the mantle wedge and thus cause reduction of arc magmatism.  相似文献   

This study presents Sr and Pb isotopic ratios and Rb, Sr, U, Th, and Pb concentrations of an ultrapotassic basaltic suite and related rocks from the central Sierra Nevada, California. The ultrapotassic suite yields a narrow range of Sr and Pb isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr=0.70597–0.70653; 206Pb/ 204Pb=18.862–19.018; 207Pb/204Pb=15.640–15.686; 208Pb/ 204Pb=38.833–38.950). Associated basalts containing ultramafic nodules have less radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86=0.70430–0.70521) and generally higher Rb/Sr ratios than the ultrapotassic suite. Leucitites from Deep Springs Valley, California, contain high 87Sr/86Sr (71141–0.71240) and low 206Pb/204Pb (17.169–17.234) ratios, reflecting contamination by crustal granulite.The isotopic relationships support an origin of the ultrapotassic basaltic suite by partial melting of an enriched upper mantle source. Dehydration of a gently inclined oceanic slab beneath the Sierra Nevada may have provided Ba, K, Rb, Sr, and H2O, which migrated into the overlying upper mantle lithosphere. The end of subduction 10 m.y. ago allowed increased asthenospheric heat flow into the upper mantle lithosphere. The increased heat flow enhanced fluid movement in the upper mantle and contributed towards isotopic homogenization of the upper mantle source areas. Continued heating of the enriched upper mantle caused partial melting and subsequent eruption of the ultrapotassic lavas.  相似文献   

The nature of PGE-Re (PGE = Pt, Pd, Os, Ir, Ru) behavior in subcontinental lithospheric mantle was investigated using new, high precision PGE-Re abundance measurements and previously published Re-Os isotopic analyses of peridotite xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada and Mojave Province, California. Ru/Ir ratios and Ir concentrations are constant over a wide range in S content and major-element fertility indices (e.g., Mg/(Mg+Fe)), indicating that Ru and Ir are not only compatible during partial melting, but also that their partitioning behaviors may not be controlled entirely by sulfide. Pt/Ir, Pd/Ir, Os/Ir, and Re/Ir ratios range from slightly superchondritic to distinctly subchondritic for all xenoliths except for one anomalous sample (1026V), which is characterized by radiogenic 187Os/188Os, low Re/Os ratio, and large enrichments in Cu, Os, Pt, Pd, and S relative to Ir (COPPS metasomatism). Assuming chondritic initial relative abundances, the magnitudes of some of the depletions in Pt, Pd, Os, and Re relative to Ir and Ru require incompatible behavior or substantial secondary loss. In detail, some samples, which are otherwise characterized by fertile major-element indices, exhibit low S contents and subchondritic Os/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios, indicating that depletions in Pd and Os relative to Ir are not simple functions of the degree of melting as inferred from major elements. Possible mechanisms for depleting Pt, Pd, Os, and Re relative to Ir and Ru include partitioning into chromian spinels and alloys, partitioning between sulfide and sulfide liquids, mobilization by aqueous fluids, or secondary loss associated with late-stage sulfide breakdown. However, it is not possible to explain all of the depletions in Pt, Pd, Os, and Re by any single mechanism.The preferential enrichment in Os over Re and Ir in sample 1026V is somewhat paradoxical because this sample’s radiogenic 187Os/188Os requires a metasomatic agent, originating from a source with a high time-integrated Re/Os ratio. The abundant garnet websterite xenoliths may be a suitable source because they have high Re/Os ratios, radiogenic Os, and abundant garnet, which may sequester Re over Os during partial melting. However, their extremely low Os contents require the processing of large amounts of garnet websterite to concentrate enough Os into the metasomatic sulfides needed to enrich sample 1026V in Os. The homogeneity in 187Os/188Os ratio in the remaining xenoliths suggest that their Os isotopic compositions were not significantly affected by PGE metasomatism. The singular nature of 1026V’s composition emphasizes the rarity of COPPS metasomatism.  相似文献   

Ultrapotassic basaltic lavas erupted 3.4–3.6 m.y. ago(K/Ar) in the central Sierra Nevada and originated by partialmelting of a phlogopite-enriched, garnet-bearing upper mantlesource. Ultrapotassic basanites (K2O: 5–9 per cent), whichare spatially related to contemporaneous potassic olivine basalts(K2O: 3–5 per cent) and alkali olivine basalts (K2O: 1–3per cent), contain the K2O-bearing minerals phlogopite, sanidine,and leucite as well as olivine, diopside, apatite, magnetite,and pseudobrookite. The presence and modal abundance of theK2O-bearing minerals closely reflects the east to west increasein K2O throughout the basaltic suite. Many lines of evidence support the derivation of the ultrapotassicbasanites and the related basalts from an upper mantle source:TiO2 in phlogopite phenocrysts and groundmass crystals, 2–3and 7–9 per cent respectively, support phlogopite phenocrystcrystallization at high pressure, whole rock Mg values (100Mg/Mg + 0.85 Fe) range from 66–78, phlogopite-rich pyroxeniticand periodotitic nodules are included in some flows, and geobarometriccalculations indicate depths of generation at 100–125km. Also, model calculations show that the major, rare earth,and trace elements, except for Ba, Rb, and Sr, can be accuratelygenerated by 1.0–2.5 per cent melting of a phiogopite-and garnet-bearing clinopyroxene-rich upper mantle source. Partialmelting occurred after a general upper mantle enrichment beneaththe Sierra Nevada, the phlogopite- and clinopyroxene-rich sourceof the ultrapotassic lavas being the extreme result of the enrichmentprocess. Clinopyroxene enrichment of the upper mantle probablyoccurred by introduction of a partial melting fraction intothe upper mantle source areas. Enrichment of the upper mantlein the alkali and alkali-earth elements was not accomplishedby a partial melt, but resulted from influx of a fluid phaserich in Ba, K, Rb, Sr, and, probably, H2O The continuous rangein K2O of the erupted lavas implies that the upper mantle enrichmentis a cumulative process. The inverse relationship in the SierraNevada between uplift and the K2O content of the erupted basaltsimplies that a critical relationship may exist between upliftand upper mantle enrichment.  相似文献   

Abstract The main porphyroblastic minerals in schists and phyllites of the Foothills terrane, Western Metamorphic Belt, central Sierra Nevada, California, are cordierite and andalusite (mostly chiastolite). Less commonly, biotite, muscovite, chlorite, garnet or staurolite are also present as porphyroblasts. The variety of porphyroblast and matrix microstructures in these rocks makes them suitable for testing three modern hypotheses on growth and deformation of porphyroblasts: (1) porphyroblast growth is always syndeformational; (2) porphyroblasts nucleate only in low-strain, largely coaxially deformed, quartz-rich (Q) domains of a crenulation foliation and are dissolved in active high-strain, non-coaxially deformed, mica-rich (M) domains, the spacing between which limits the size of the porphyroblasts; and (3) porphyroblasts generally do not rotate, with respect to geographical coordinates, during deformation, provided they do not deform internally, so that they may be used as reliable indicators of the orientation of former regional structural surfaces, even on the scale of orogenic belts. Some porphyroblast–matrix relationships in the Foothills terrane are inconsistent with hypotheses 1 and 2, and others are equivocal. For example, in many rocks it cannot be determined whether the porphyroblasts grew where the strain had already been partitioned into M and Q domains, whether the porphyroblasts caused this partitioning, or both. Although most porphyroblasts appear to be syndeformational, as predicted by hypothesis 1, observations that do not support the general application of hypotheses 1 and 2 to rocks of the Foothills terrane include: (a) lack of residual crenulations in many strain-shadows and alternative explanations where they are present; (b) absence of porphyroblasts smaller than the distance between nearest mica-rich domains; (c) nucleation of crenulations on existing porphyroblasts, rather than nucleation of porphyroblasts between existing crenulations; (d) presence of micaceous ‘arcs’in an undifferentiated matrix against some porphyroblasts, suggesting static growth; (e) absence of crenulations in porphyroblastic rocks showing sedimentary bedding; and (f) porphyroblasts with very small, random inclusions, which are probably pre-deformational. Similarly, porphyroblasts that have overgrown sets of crenulations and porphyroblasts with micaceous ‘arcs’are probably post-deformational, at least on the scale of a large thin section and probably over much larger areas, judging from mesoscopic structural evidence. Some porphyroblasts in rocks of the Foothills terrane do not appear to have rotated, with respect to geographical coordinates, during matrix deformation, in accordance with hypothesis 3, at least on the scale of a large thin section. However, other porphyroblasts evidently have rotated. In some instances, this appears to be due to mutual interference, but many apparently rotational porphyroblasts are too far apart to have interfered with each other, which indicates that the rotation was associated with deformation of the matrix. The occurrence of planar bedding surfaces adjacent to porphyroblasts about which bedding and/or foliation surfaces are folded suggests rotation of the porphyroblasts during non-coaxial flow parallel to bedding, rather than crenulation of the matrix foliation around static porphyroblasts. It appears that porphyroblasts may rotate during deformation if the matrix is relatively homogeneous, so that the strain is effectively non-coaxial. This may occur after homogenization of a matrix in response to the strongest degree of crenulation folding, whereas the same porphyroblasts may have been inhibited from rotating previously, when strain accumulation was partitioned in the matrix.  相似文献   

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