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十年的改革,触及了社会生活的各个领域,对社会经济活动的空间区域也产生巨大影响。本文拟对近十年来区域开发的一些主要成绩与不足等作简要探讨,并对今后区域开发的主要方向进一管见,以就教于同行专家学人。  相似文献   

从分析影响区域产业结构的条件出发,探讨了区域产业结构的基本特征,并指出了区域产业结构的研究方法。  相似文献   

地域分异特征对区域研究与开发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
骆高远 《山地学报》2002,20(6):765-768
区域研究与开发,是地理工作者服务于社会的立足点。而搞好区域研究与开发,是以掌握区域特征及其变化规律和形成原因为前提的。本文从地域分异规律和自然区域特征及其形成原因着手,提出掌握区域特征及其及布规律的方法,并总结区域研究的思路和步骤,对搞好区域研究与开发具有较大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国贫困地区类型划分及开发研究提要报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从区域的角度,将我国贫困地区划分为6大类21个区,并对各类地区的特点,问题和发展方向进行了分析,为我国贫困地区的经济开发规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

中国区域开发模式的选择   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文通过资本流动对中国区域开发的作用研究,概括了中国传统区域发模式——“内陆均富”和“沿海先富”及其存在问题,运用西方现代区域发展理论构造了一个以城市为主体的新型区域开发模式.  相似文献   

我国国土资源区域开发利用现状及对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我国土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源开发利用的区域特征已形成,但在空间布局,扫发挥区域资源比较优势、区域国土资源综合利用等方面仍存在一些问题。因此,应该在国土资源调查评价、规划、参与世界经济分工协作、法制建设、技术进步等方面采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

区域认知是地理学科的四大核心素养之一,其对培养学生的生活实践和科学研究本领具有重要作用。本文通过“流域整治与开发”中田纳西河流域案例学习,尝试构建高中地理区域认知学习模型,引导学生掌握分析流域整治开发问题的思路。  相似文献   

随着塔里木河流域进入大规模开发时期,区域开发活动对该流域生态环境的演变产生了重大的影响,虽然绿洲内部产出大幅度增加,但整体生态环境趋向恶化,制约了区域社会经济的可持续发展。以塔里木河中下游尉犁县为例,从分析区域开发活动入手,总结了区域开发对区域生态环境影响的有利与不利方面,进而,讨论了区域生态环境恢复与重建的对策。  相似文献   

农业区域开发为建设地理研究与农业生产实践相结合提供了新的领域。建设地理研究通过对农业区域开发的自然资源评价,为开展区域选择、项目布局、工程设计与实施提供定性、定量、定位的依据,从其研究的特有角度增强农业开发规划与布局的区域特色,直接参与农业开发项目的工程设计和实施,以地理学的方法切实解决农业区域开发过程中一般农业研究和工程设计所不能解决的问题。根据南方山区农业区域开发实践,建设地理应注重研究地理环境的微(小)地域分异、荒地资源的改造利用和生态环境建设等问题。  相似文献   

区域开发与区域划分:中国古代的历史经验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈述彭  曾杉 《地理科学》1997,17(2):97-104
中国人很早以前就有区域发异的概念,由此产生的中持续发展思维成功地运用到三角洲的开发和三角洲文明的形成之中。在以海岸带为基线,面向内陆和面向海洋的区域开发与区域交往的漫长历程中,古代留下众多历史启示。古往今来,区域划分一直是中国区域开发的重要组成部分。5000年文明成功的经验与失败的教训,锤炼出区域划分的目标:寻求区域内部的向心力和亲和力,保持中央集权与地方分权的最佳临界状态,分级处理模糊边界。  相似文献   

Regional tourism and South-South economic cooperation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional tourism within developing countries is a growing phenomenon. Yet this aspect has been largely neglected in social science research as well as tourism planning. This paper highlights the general nature, scale and economic significance of regional tourism in three leading regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The topic is especially timely as economic self-reliance and cooperation are increasingly reiterated in the context of the emergence of regional groupings. A key question addressed is whether regional tourism development represents any new and viable prospects for regional economic improvement and partnership, especially compared to international tourism centred on attracting visitors from industrialized countries. Based on a critical assessment of the experiences of three regional blocs (ASEAN – the Association of South-East Asian Nations; SADC – the Southern African Development Community; and Mercosur – a common market comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with Chile being an associated member), the paper suggests that a basic appreciation of the prospects of regional tourism is not enough to produce perceptible benefits. Regional tourism development is occurring in a haphazard manner, with little attention to managing existing socio-economic inequalities and centre-periphery relations. The paper is based primarily on the review of secondary literature readily available to the author combined with a few documents obtained directly from different regional organizations or through Internet search. A small amount of material, especially concerning emerging tourism trends and outcomes, is drawn from a research project on national mass tourism in developing countries coordinated by the author at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that: (1) Since the 1990s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable. (2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India. (3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that:(1) Since the 1990 s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable.(2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India.(3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   

In 1983 the General Assembly of the United Nations called for the setting up of a World Commission on Environment and Development. The Commission's ambitious tasks were described by its Chairman, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, as: (1) to propose long‐term environmental strategies for achieving sustainable developments by the year 2000 and beyond; (2) to recommend ways concern for the environment could be translated into greater cooperation among developing countries and between countries at different stages of economic and social development; (3) to consider ways and means by which the international community could deal more effectively with environmental concerns; and (4) to help define shared perceptions of long‐term environmental issues and the appropriate efforts needed to deal successfully with problems of protecting and enhancing the environment. The Commission's Report, Our common future,was published in 1987.  相似文献   

近年来,我国ICT产业频频出现了核心技术被西方国家“卡脖子”的现象,由此有必要对我国ICT产品对外贸易的时空格局和演变进行研究。选取联合国商品贸易数据库中2000—2018年的ICT产品贸易数据,从ICT总产品和分产品的进出口两个方面分析中国ICT产品国际贸易的空间格局及其演变特征。研究结果表明:①从时间格局看,我国ICT的进出口贸易均为快速发展,但出口贸易发展快于进口;进口结构中以电子元件为主,出口结构中逐渐以通信设备为主。②从空间格局看,中国ICT贸易伙伴逐年增加,进出口贸易主要集中在少数国家或地区,且近20年变化不大,ICT进口来源国(地区)更为集中,我国与20个贸易伙伴交往较为密切;与进口相比,我国ICT出口国(地区)较为分散,主要集中在30个国家或地区。基于研究结果,提出了促进我国ICT贸易以及数字经济贸易发展的对策建议。  相似文献   


In the past 10 years, geographic information systems (GIS) have been widely used in urban and regional planning in the developed countries in Australia, North America and Europe. However, the use of GIS in urban and regional planning in the developing countries is limited and still at an early stage of development. This paper examines the current use of GIS in urban and regional planning in the developing countries in Asia. The major hindrances in the use of GIS in the developing countries is related not so much to the technology of GIS but more to data availability, leadership, organization structure and planning practice. For GIS to be more useful to urban and regional planning in the developing countries the development of a sustainable strategy in developing GIS and staff training is needed. International assistance agencies and GIS software companies can play an active role in making GIS available and usable to the planners in the developing countries.  相似文献   

中印城镇化区域差异及城镇体系空间演化比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国和印度作为两个正在崛起的大国,发展历程较为相似,但发展路径和模式差异较大。两个国家政治制度、经济体系、发展环境等的显著差异已经吸引了学者的广泛关注,本文将从地理学视角出发,重点关注两国城镇化及城镇体系的区域差异和空间演化过程。以人口普查和联合国城市人口数据为基础,采用空间分析、参数估计、非参数估计等多种方法,对中印两国城镇化和城镇体系的空间特征进行系统的比较分析,结果表明:① 20世纪90年代以来,中国城镇化的区域差异由南北差异转变为沿海—内部差异,而印度南北差异的格局则基本稳定;② 从省(邦)级空间尺度来看,中国和印度的人口密度和城镇化率都呈现正相关关系,当城镇化率超过50%后,两者的相关性更为显著,但是近年来中国人口密度与城镇化率的相关性不断增强,而印度则呈现降低的趋势;③ 现阶段中印两国以大中城市为主的城镇体系符合位序—规模分布的特征,但是经济改革对于两个国家城镇体系空间演化的影响差异明显,改革使得中国城镇发展的主要驱动力由地理历史因素向经济系统空间结构转变,而印度城镇发展的驱动力始终是地理历史因素,经济改革甚至降低了经济系统空间结构对城镇发展的影响。  相似文献   

The antiquated and undemocratic rules operating in the United Nations Security Council do not reflect and serve today’s integrated global society, nor does the institution adequately represent the diversity of member states. Despite General Assembly discussions that have lasted a quarter-century, no result has materialized on the expansion issue. The author concludes that regional rivalries, the veto, the onerous Charter amendment process, and the failure to devise a truly representative model are responsible for the lack of progress. A model with eighteen rotating seats, based on population, area, and regional position, and four elected seats deserves consideration as an alternative. Key Words: metageography, political geography, population and area ratings, United Nations Security Council.  相似文献   

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) launched at the end of 2016 a decade-long (2016-2025) flagship programme on Climate, Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CEL), with the aim to assist developing countries in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate targets while protecting their ecosystems and improving the livelihoods of their people. The CEL programme is a major initiative supported by China and other developing countries to promote long-term South-South cooperation, led by the United Nations Environment Programme International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP). This article presents the conceptual framework and implementation strategy of the CEL programme, which were proposed through consultations between UN Environment, Chinese and international experts. Within the conceptual framework, the CEL programme will 1) focus its work on the nexus of climate change, ecosystem services and sustainable livelihoods as the primary priority; 2) encourage cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder cooperation, enhance interdisciplinary research, and strive for breakthroughs that cross disciplinary boundaries; 3) provide four types of services and products—monitoring and assessment, capacity building, technology demonstration, and science for policy through mainly South-South cooperation; and 4) have far-reaching impacts on delivering SDGs and climate targets in vulnerable developing countries. The CEL programme is going to be implemented in a strategic way through a set of related projects and initiatives. More particularly, it will 1) focus on fragile ecosystems like drylands, mountains, river basins and coastal zones in Asia, Africa and other key regions along the Belt and Road, in the early stage and expand to include some other regions at a later stage; 2) take a three-phase approach, including Phase I, Kick -off (2016-2018), Phase II, Development (2019-2021), and Phase III, Scaling-up (2022-2025); and 3) draw on the globally relevant knowledge, expertise and other resources of a substantial network of partners. So far, UNEP-IEMP has developed more than twenty projects and initiatives in the regions along the Belt and Road, especially in Africa and the Greater Mekong Subregion, which lay a solid foundation for the implementation of CEL programme in its first phase.  相似文献   

The Beautiful China Initiative(BCI)is a plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation as well as for China to fulfill the United Nations’2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.The Chinese government’s“five-in-one”approach provides strategic arrangements for developing the BCI,and President Xi Jinping proposed a timetable and“road map”for the BCI at the National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection.Nevertheless,the theoretical basis,evaluation index system,evaluation criteria and effectiveness of the BCI are currently unclear.This paper begins by exploring the basic content of the BCI from narrow and broad perspectives.It regards the theory of human-nature harmonious coexistence and the five-in-one beauty theory as the core theoretical bases of the BCI and constructs a five-element BCI evaluation index system(ecological environment,green development,social harmony,system perfection and cultural heritage)and utilizes the assessment method of the United Nations’Human Development Index to assess scientifically the effectiveness of the BCI in 341 prefecture-level cities.The results show the average BCI index(the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beauty Index)score to be 0.28,which is quite low,while the average scores for the individual element indexes of the ecological environment index,green development index,social harmony index,system perfection index and cultural heritage index are 0.6,0.22,0.29,0.22 and 0.07,respectively.All of these are relatively low values,with relatively large discrepancies in regional development,indicating that progress in the BCI is generally slow and unbalanced.To realize the BCI’s timetable and roadmap to a high quality and high standard,it is suggested that a common system for evaluating the progress of the BCI is developed and promulgated so that dynamic monitoring and phased evaluations can take place;BCI technical assessment standards are compiled and published;BCI comprehensive zoning is undertaken;pilot projects adapted to local conditions are launched in BCI sample areas;and BCI results are incorporated into performance indicators at all levels of government.  相似文献   

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