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We evaluated the relationships between water masses and pico- and nano-phytoplankton and bacterial abundance in the Chukchi Sea. The abundance of picoplankton ranged from 0.01 ~ 103 cells.mL1 (100 m, station R05) to 2.21 x 103 cells.mL-1 (10 m, station R05) and that of nanoplankton ranged from 0.03 x 103 cells.mL-I (100 m, station R07) to 2.21 ~ 104 cells.mLq (10 m, station R05). The lowest abundance of bacteria in the whole water column (0.21 x 106 cells.mLq) was at 100 m at station R17, and the highest (9.61 x 106 cells.mLL) was at 10 m at station R09. Melting sea ice affected the physical characteristics of the Chukchi Sea by reducing salinity of the surface mixed layer, resulting in greater hydrodynamic stability of the water column. These changes were accompanied by increased bacterial abundance. The warm Pacific water brought nutrients into the Chukchi Sea, resulting in greater abundance of bacteria and nano-phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea than in other regions of the Arctic Ocean. However, the abundance of pico-phytoplankton, which was related to chlorophyll a concentration, was higher in Anadyr water than in the other two water masses. The structures ofpico- and nanoplankton communities coupled with the water masses in the Chuk- chi Sea can serve as indicators of the inflow of warm Pacific water into the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

Suspended particle samples were collected at 11 stations on the shelf and slope regions of the Chukchi Sea and the central Arctic Ocean during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (summer 2012). The particle concentration, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and the isotopic composition of the samples were analyzed. The suspended particle concentration varied between 0.56 and 4.01 mg.Ll; the samples collected from the sea ice margin have higher concentrations. The organic matter content is higher in the shelf area (TOC: 9.78%-20.24%; TN: 0.91‰-2.31%), and exhibits heavier isotopic compositions (δ13C: -23.29‰ to -26.33‰ PDB; δ15N: 6.14‰-7.78‰), indicating that the organic matter is mostly marine in origin with some terrigenous input. In the slope and the central Arctic Ocean, the organic matter content is lower (TOC: 8.06%- 8.96%; TN: 0.46%-0.72%), except for one sample (SR15), and has lighter isotopic compositions (δ13C: -26.93‰ to -27.78‰ PDB; δ15N: 4.13‰-4.84‰). This indicates that the organic matter is mostly terrestrially-derived in these regions. The extremely high amount of terrigenous organic matter (TOC: 27.94%; TN: 1.16%; δ13C: -27.43‰ PDB; δ15N: 3.81‰) implies that it was carried by transpolar currents from the East Siberian Sea. Material, including sea ice algae, carried by sea ice are the primary source for particles in the sea ice margins. Sea ice melting released a substantial amount of biomass into the shelf, but a large amount of detrital and clay minerals in the slope and the central Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper determined the abundance of General Aerobic heterotrophic Bacteria(GAB) in surficial sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Canadian basin by using MPN and discussed their geographical distribution.The result shows that the determination percentages of the GAB were high,even till 100 percentage.The abundance range and averages of GAB for 4℃and 25℃ were from 4.00×102 to 2.40×106,1.71×106 ind.·g-1(wet sample) and from 2.40×105 to 2.40×107,1.10×107 ind.·g-1(wet sample) respectively.Not only the abundance range but also the averages of GAB in 25℃ were higher than that in 4℃.The abundance of GAB in sediments show a tendency that it is roughly greater in the lower latitudinal area than in the higher latitudinal area.The abundance of GAB increased from east to west as for the longitudinal distribution.With the water depth increasing,the abundance of GAB at 4℃ decreased,but GBA at 25℃ is not changed obviously with water depth.It seems that warmer circumstantial temperature is more suitable for some GAB.  相似文献   

The sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean has been reducing and hit the low record in the summer of 2007. The anomaly was extremely large in the Pacific sector. The sea level height in the Bering Sea vs. the Greenland Sea has been analyzed and compared with the current meter data through the Bering Strait. A recent peak existed as a consequence of atmospheric circulation and is considered to contribute to inflow of the Pacific Water into the Arctic Basin. The timing of the Pacific Water inflow matched with the sea ice reduction in the Pacific sector and suggests a significant increase in heat flux. This component should be included in the model prediction for answering the question when the Arctic sea ice becomes a seasonal ice cover.  相似文献   

1 Introduction18Oinmarineenvironmentplaysanimportantroleinoceanographicalstudy .Asastableisotopeofoxygen ,18OtogetherwithhydrogenatomsconstituteswatermoleculeH218OandmoveswithalargeamountofH2 Omoleculesinseawater.Sothatδ18Obecomesanidealtracerforthemovemento…  相似文献   

Oceanic heat flux(Fw) is the vertical heat flux that is transmitted to the base of sea ice. It is the main source of sea ice bottom melting. The residual method was adopted to study oceanic heat flux under sea ice. The data acquired by 28 ice mass balance buoys(IMBs) deployed over the period of 2004 to 2013 in the Arctic Ocean were used. Fw values presented striking seasonal and spatial variations. The average summer Fw values for the Canada Basin, Transpolar Drift, and Multiyear Ice area were 16.8, 7.7, and 5.9 W m^-2, respectively. The mean summer F-w for the whole Arctic was 10.1 W m^-2, which was equivalent to a bottom melt of 0.4 m. Fw showed an autumn peak in November in the presence of the near-surface temperature maximum(NSTM). The average Fw for October to December was 3.7 W m^-2. And the average Fw for January to March was 1.0 W m^-2, which was approximately one third of the average Fw in the presence of NSTM. The summer Fw was almost wholly attributed to the incident solar radiation that enters the upper ocean through leads and the open water. Fw calculated through the residual method using IMB data was compared with that calculated through the parameterization method using Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy data. The results revealed that the Fw provided by the two methods were consistent when the sea ice concentration exceeded 70% and mixing layer temperature departure from freezing point was less than 0.15℃. Otherwise, the Fw yielded by the residual method was approximately one third smaller than that provided by the parameterization method.  相似文献   

The compounds of sterols such as C27 ,C2s ,C29 and C30 are recorded from C-8 core of the Chukchi Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5,22 as well as 22-,24-. The compound of sterols such as C27 ,C28 ,C29 are recorded from B2-9 core of the Bering Sea. The double bond position is located at 5-, 5, 22 as well as 22. The composition characteristics of sterols indicate that the substance is mainly contributed by the terrigenous origin and marine silicate organisms. The results are also suggest that the record of abnormal sterols from the surface sediments (2 -0 era)in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea represent the period from 1980s to the late 1990s. The strong signal of the Arctic warming is preserved in the sediments, which indicates the eco - environmental change responding to climatic effect of circumjacent.  相似文献   

As a quasi-conservative tracer, measures of total alkalinity (TA) can be utilized to trace the relative fractions of freshwater and seawater. In this study, based on the TA and related data collected during the third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (JulySeptember 2008, 3rd CHINARE-Arctic) and the fourth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (JulySeptember 2010, 4th CH1NARE-Arctic), fractions of sea-ice meltwater, river runoff, and seawater within the surface water of the western Arctic Ocean were determined using salinil~~ and TA relationships. The largest fraction of seeL-ice meltwater was found around 75~N within the Canada Basin during both surveys, which is located at the ice edge. Generally, it was found that the frac- tion of river runoff was less than that of sea-ice meltwater. The river runoff, composed mainly of contributions from the Yukon River carried by Bering inflow water and the Mackenzie River, was influenced by the currents, leading to two peak areas of its fraction. Our results show that the dilution effect of freshwater carried by Bering inflow water during the 3rd CH1NARE-Arctic in 2008 expedition period may be stronger than that during the 4th CH1NARE-Arctic in 2010 expedition period. The peak area of sea-ice meltwater fraction during the 4th CH1NARE-Arctic was different from that of the 3rd CHINAR-E-Arctic, corresponding to their sea-ice condition.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The shells were collected during several investigations,including the National Comprehensive Oceanic Survey in 1958-1959,and the China-Vietnam Co-Investigation on Marine Resource of the Beibu Gulf during 1959-1962.The morphology of the shell and the radula places the new species of Nassarius within the subgenus Zeuxis.It is named Nassarius(Zeuxis) nanhaiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

The rate of regional sea level rise(SLR) provides important information about the impact of human activities on climate change.However,accurate estimation of regional SLR can be severely affected by sea surface height(SSH) change caused by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO-SSH).Here,the PDOSSH signal is extracted from satellite altimeter data by multi-variable linear regression,and regional SLR in the altimeter era is calculated,before and after removing that signal.The results show that PDO-SSH trends are rising in the western Pacific and falling in the eastern Pacific,with the strongest signal confined to the tropical and North Pacific.Over the past 20 years,the PDO-SSH accounts for about 30%-40%of altimeter-observed SLR in the regions 8°-15°N,130°-160°E and 30°-40°N,170°-220°E.Along the coast of North America,the PDO-SSH signal dramatically offsets the coastal SLR,as the sea level trends change sign from falling to rising.  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007. The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the PaCific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent (2000-2006) average. The simulated summer (3 months ) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv, which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20% higher than the recent average. Particularly, the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50% above the 2000-2006 average. The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0 x 1020 Joules of heat into the Arctic, enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea. In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region, contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region. The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September. Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007, likely contributing to up to O. 5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region.  相似文献   

Samples taken from the Chukchi Sea (CS) during the 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition, 2010, were analyzed to determine the content and composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to improve our understanding of the distribution, sources and control factors of the SPM there. The results show that the SPM in the water column is highest in the middle and near the bottom in the south and central-north CS, followed by that off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon. The SPM content is lowest in the central CS. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the SPM in the south and central-north CS is composed mainly of diatoms, but the dominant species in those two areas are different. The SPM off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is composed mainly of terrigenous material with few bio-skeletal clasts. The distribution of temperature and salinity and the correlation between diatom species in SPM indicate that the diatom dominant SPM in the south CS is from the Pacific Ocean via the Bering Strait in summer. The diatom dominant SPM in the central-north CS is also from Pacific water, which reaches the CS in winter. The SPM in the middle and near the bottom of the water column off the Alaskan coast and in Barrow Canyon is from Alaskan coastal water and terrigenous material transported by rivers in Alaska.  相似文献   

339 gas samples above oceanic surface were collected on the cruise of "Xuelong" expeditionary ship and nitrous oxide concentrations were analyzed in the laboratory. Results showed that Atmospheric average N2O concentration was 309 ±3. 8nL/L above the surface of northern Pacific and Arctic ocean. N2O concentrations were significantly different on the northbound and southbound track in the range of the same latitude, 308.0 ±3.5 nL/L from Shanghai harbor to the Arctic and 311.9 ±2.5 nL/L from the Arctic to Shanghai harbor. N2O concentration had a greater changing magnitude on the mid- and high-latitude oceanic surface of northern Pacific Ocean than in the other latitudinal ranges. The correlation between the concentrations of the compositions in the aerosol samples and atmospheric N2 O showed that continental sources had a great contribution on atmospheric N2 O concentration above the oceanic surface. Atmospheric N2O concentration significantly increased when the expeditionary ship approached Shanghai h  相似文献   

Picophytoplankton are responsible for much of the carbon fixation process in the Arctic Ocean, and they play an im- portant role in active microbial food webs. The climate of the Arctic Ocean has changed in recent years, and picophytoplankton, as the most vulnerable part of the high-latitude pelagic ecosystem, have been the focus of an increasing number of scientific studies. This paper reviews and summarizes research on the characteristics of picophytoplankton in the Arctic Ocean, including their abundance, biomass, spatial distribution, seasonal variation, commtmity structure, and factors influencing their growth. The impact of climate change on the Arctic Ocean picophytoplankton community is discussed, and future research directions are considered.  相似文献   

Events of decadal thermocline variations in the South Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION It has been suggested that interior thermal anomalies that subduct into the subtropics of the North Pacific may propagate to the equatorial region of the Pacific (Russell, 1994; Deser et al., 1996; Gu and Philander, 1997; Huang and Huang an…  相似文献   

Nitrate is considered the nutrient that limits new primary production in the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. Nitrate regenerated through biological nitrification has the potential to significantly support primary production as well. Here we use measurements of the specific rate of water column nitrification in a 1-D ecosystem model to quantify the resupply of nitrate from nitrification in the middle shelf of the southeastern Bering Sea. Model sensitivity studies reveal nitrification rate is an important control on the dominant phytoplankton functional type, and the amount of nitrate in su mer bottom waters and in the winter water column. Evaluation of nitrification using the model supports the hypothesis that increases in late-summer nitrate concentrations observed in the southeastern Bering Sea bottom waters are due to nitrification. Model results for nitrate replenishment exceed previously estimated rates of 20-30% based on observations. The results of this study indicate that nitrification, potentially the source of up to - 38% of the springtime water column nitrate, could support - 24% of the annual primary production.  相似文献   

Deposition of organic carbon forms the final net effect of the ocean carbon sink at a certain time scale. Organic carbon deposition on the Arctic shelves plays a particularly important role in the global carbon cycle because of the broad shelf area and rich nutrient concentration. To determine the organic carbon deposition flux at the northern margin of the Chukchi Sea shelf, the 210pb dating method was used to analyze the age and deposition rate of sediment samples from station R17 of the third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The results showed that the deposition rate was 0.6 mm'aI, the apparent deposition mass flux was 0.72 kg.m2a1, and the organic carbon deposition flux was 517 mmol C.m2.al. It was estimated that at least 16% of the export organic carbon flux out of the euphoric zone was transferred and chronically buried into the sediment, a value which was much higher than the average ratio (-10%) for low- to mid-latitude regions, indicating a highly effective carbon sink at the northern mar- gin of the Chukchi Sea shelf. With the decrease of sea ice coverage caused by warming in the Arctic Ocean, it could be inferred that the Arctic shelves will play an increasingly important role in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

With parameterized wave mixing, the circulation and the tidal current in the Bering Sea were simulated simultaneously using the three-dimensional Princeton Ocean Model. The simulated circulation pattern in the deep basin is relatively stable, cyclonic, and has little seasonal change. The Bering Slope Current between 200-1000 m isobaths was estimated to be 5 Sv in volume transport. The Kamchatka Current was estimated to be 20 Sv off the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Bering shelf circulations vary with season, driven mainly by wind. These features are consistent with historical esti- mates. A counter current was captured flowing southeastward approximately along the 200 m isobath of the Bering Slope, opposite to the northwestward Bering Slope Current, which needs to be validated by observations. An upwelling current is located in the shelf break ( 120-1000 m) area, which may imply the vertical advection of nutrients for supporting the Bering Sea Green Belt seasonal plankton blooms in the breakslope area. The Bering Slope Current is located in a downwelling area.  相似文献   

In this paper, by using ocean surface temperature data (COADS), the study is made of the characteristics of the monthly and annual changes of the SST in the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans, which have important influences on the climate change of the whole globe and the relation between ENSO(E1 Nino-Southern Oscillation) and the Antarctic ice area is also discussed. The result indicates that in the tropical western Pacific and the Indian Oceans the change of Sea Surface Temperture (SST) is conspicuous both monthly and armaully, and shows different change tendency between them. This result may be due to different relation in the vibration period of SST between the two Oceans. The better corresponding relationship is obvious in the annual change of SST in the tropical Indian Ocean with the occurrence El Nino and LaNlra. The change of the SST in the tropical western Pacific and the tropical Indian Oceans has a close relation to the Antarctic ice area, especially to the ice areas in the eastern-south Pole and Ross Sea, and its notable correlative relationship appears in 16 months when the SST of the tropical western Pacific and the Indian Oceans lag back the Antarctic ice area.  相似文献   

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