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The extent to which the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is influenced by changes in the ocean state is an issue that has attracted much recent attention. Although there have been counter claims, the weight of evidence clearly suggests that forcing by the ocean of year-to-year changes in the NAO is a weak influence by comparison with atmospheric internal variability. The NAO is thus very different in character to the Southern Oscillation (SO), and its predictability—at least on seasonal-to-interannual timescales—is almost certainly much lower.Although weak, the influence of the ocean on the NAO is not negligible. In a previous study we found that wintertime North Atlantic climate, including the NAO, was significantly influenced by a tripole pattern of North Atlantic SST anomalies. Here we report the results of experiments to further elucidate the nature of this influence. We show that the tripole pattern induces a significant response both in the tropical Atlantic and at mid-to-high latitudes. The low latitude response is forced by the low latitude SST anomalies, but the high latitude response is influenced by the extratropical SST anomalies as well as those in the tropics. Furthermore, we find evidence of nonlinear interaction between the influence of the tropical and extratropical SST anomalies. Lastly, we investigate the feedback from the atmosphere onto the SST tripole. We find that the expected negative feedback is significantly modified at low latitudes by the dynamical response of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

August Sea Surface Temperatures (aSSTs) based on fossil diatom assemblages are generated with 2?year average resolution from a 230-year-long sediment core (Rapid 21-12B), from the Reykjanes Ridge in the subpolar North Atlantic. The results indicate a warming trend of ~0.5°C of the surface waters at the Reykjanes Ridge for the last 230?years. Superimposed on this warming trend there is a multidecadal to decadal aSST variability of up to 1°C. The interval from the 1770s to the 1830s represents the coldest period, whereas ~1860?C1880 represents the warmest period during the last 230?years. The last 25?years is characterized by a warming trend showing strong decadal aSST variability with several warm years, but also the coldest years since the 1820s. The time of these cold years in the mid-1970s, -1980s and -1990s correspond with the documented great salinity anomalies (GSA) in the North Atlantic suggesting increased fluxes of cold, low-salinity waters from the Arctic during the last decades. The aSST record and the August North Atlantic Oscillation (aNAO) index show similar multidecadal-scale variability indicating a close coupling between the oceanic and atmospheric patterns. The aSST record shows a negative correlation with the aNAO indicating cold aSST during the positive aNAO trend and vice versa. Results suggest that the wind driven variation in volume fluxes of the North Atlantic surface waters could be the major mechanism behind the observed relationship.  相似文献   

The sea-ice concentration in the Northern Hemisphere, 500 hPa height, sea-level pressure and 1000-500 hPa thickness of monthly mean data are examined for the period 1953-1989, with emphasis on the winter season.Relationships between large-scale patterns of atmospheric variability and sea-ice variability are investigated, making use of the correlation method. The analysis is conducted for the Atlantic sectors. In agreement with earlier studies based upon monthly mean data on sea-ice concentration, the strongest sea-ice pattern is composed of a dipole with opposing centers of action in the Davis Straits / Labrador Sea region and the Greenland and Barents Seas. Its temporal variability is strongly coupled to the atmospheric North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The relationship between the two patterns is strongest with the atmosphere leading the ocean. The polarity of the NAO is associated with Greenland blocking episodes, during which the influence of the atmosphere is strong enough to temporarily halt the c  相似文献   

Study of the Optimal Precursors for Blocking Events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The precursors of dipole blocking are obtained by a numerical approach based upon a quasi-geostrophic barotropie planetary- to synoptic-scale interaction model without topography and with a localized synopticscale wave-maker. The optimization problem related to the precursors of blocking is formulated and the nonlinear optimization method is used to examine the optimal synoptic-scale initial field successfully. The results show that the prominent characteristics of the optimal synoptic-scale initial field are that the synoptic-scale wave train structures exist upstream of the incipient blocking. In addition, the large-scale low/high eddy-forcing pattern upstream of the incipient blocking is an essential precondition for the onset of dipole blocking.  相似文献   

Short-termClimaticFluctuationsinNorthAtlanticOscillationandFrequencyofCyclonicDisturbancesoverNorthIndianOceanandNorthwestPac...  相似文献   

Hai Lin  Zhiwei Wu 《Climate Dynamics》2012,39(1-2):303-311
Previous studies have shown that climate anomalies over the North Atlantic–Europe (NAE) can influence the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) variability. It is, however, still an outstanding question whether the latter has a significant impact on the former. In this study, observational evidences indicate that the interannual variability of ISM is closely linked to the climate anomalies over NAE. A strong ISM is often associated with significant above normal precipitation over most of western Europe. Meanwhile, positive surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies are usually observed over the Mediterranean, accompanied by below normal SAT in Western Europe during a strong ISM summer. The situation is just opposite during a weak ISM summer. A global primitive equation model is utilized to assess the mechanism of the above observed connection.  相似文献   

年代际环球遥相关型(ID-CGT)是夏季北半球大气环流年代际变化的主导模态,其位相的时间演变与大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)基本同步。本研究利用5个大气环流模式的敏感性试验,研究给定AMO型的海表面温度异常能否强迫出ID-CGT型响应。结果显示,5个模式中的2个模拟出了沿西风急流分布的波列状响应,表明ID-CGT至少部分是由AMO型的海温异常所激发。此外,模式模拟的结果显示,在年代际尺度上,AMO可能通过ID-CGT影响夏季北半球陆表气温。  相似文献   

Observations indicate that the Atlantic zonal mode influences El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific, as already suggested in previous studies. Here we demonstrate for the first time using partial coupled experiments that the Atlantic zonal mode indeed influences ENSO. The partial coupling experiments are performed by forcing the coupled general circulation model (ECHAM5/MPI-OM) with observed sea surface temperature (SST) in the Tropical Atlantic, but with full air-sea coupling allowed in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The ensemble mean of a five member simulation reproduces the observational results well. Analysis of observations, reanalysis, and coupled model simulations all indicate the following mechanism: SST anomalies associated with the Atlantic zonal mode affect the Walker Circulation, driving westward wind anomalies over the equatorial Pacific during boreal summer. The wind stress anomalies increase the east-west thermocline slope and enhance the SST gradient across the Pacific; the Bjerknes positive feedback acts to amplify these anomalies favouring the development of a La Ni?a-like anomalies. The same mechanisms act for the cold phase of Atlantic zonal mode, but with opposite sign. In contrast to previous studies, the model shows that the influence on ENSO exists before 1970. Furthermore, no significant influence of the Tropical Atlantic on the Indian Monsoon precipitation is found in observation or model.  相似文献   

Interdependencies between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Indian monsoon (IM) phenomena are investigated from data over the period of 1871-2013. Along with the bivariate analysis of directional couplings between ENSO, NAO, and IM, their trivariate analysis was carried out. To detect the seasonal features of directional couplings using Wiener-Granger causality, various temporal resolutions of the data ranging from a month to a half-year are used. Taking into account the seasonality of the processes, the influence of ENSO on NAO is detected which has different signs in winter and summer. The influence of NAO on ENSO is revealed only in the trivariate analysis. The strongest couplings are observed between ENSO and IM. All the detected couplings can be divided into two groups: the "fast" (with the characteristic time from a month to several months) and "slow" (with the characteristic time of a half-year or longer) ones. The fast couplings include bidirectional couplings between IM and ENSO in summer and autumn when the summer pattern of NAO influences the patterns of ENSO and IM in the next season. The slow couplings include the effects of ENSO on NAO and on the winter pattern of IM as well as the influence of IM on the summer pattern NAO.  相似文献   

Many forest pest species strongly depend on temperature in their population dynamics, so that rising temperatures worldwide as a consequence of climatic change are leading to increased frequencies and intensities of insect-pest outbreaks. In the Mediterranean area, the climatic conditions are strongly linked to the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The aim of this work is to analyze the dynamics of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), a severe pest of Pinus species in the Circunmediterranean, throughout a region of southern Spain, in relation to NAO indices. We related the percentage of forest plots with high defoliation by pine processionary moth each year with NAO values for the present and the three previous winters, using generalized linear models with a binomial error distribution. The time series is 16-year long, and we performed analyses for the whole database and for the five main pine species separately. We found a consistent relationship between the response variable and the NAO index. The relationship is stronger with pine species living at medium-high altitudes, such as Aleppo (P. halepensis), black (P. nigra), and Scots (Pinus sylvestris) pine, which show the higher defoliation intensities up to 3?years after a negative NAO phase. The results highlight, for the first time, the usefulness of using global drivers in order to understand the dynamics of pest outbreaks at a regional scale, and they open the window to the development of NAO-based predictive models as an early-warning signal of severe pest outbreaks.  相似文献   

Proxy and instrumental records reflect a quasi-cyclic 50–80-year climate signal across the Northern Hemisphere, with particular presence in the North Atlantic. Modeling studies rationalize this variability in terms of intrinsic dynamics of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation influencing distribution of sea-surface-temperature anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean; hence the name Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). By analyzing a lagged covariance structure of a network of climate indices, this study details the AMO-signal propagation throughout the Northern Hemisphere via a sequence of atmospheric and lagged oceanic teleconnections, which the authors term the “stadium wave”. Initial changes in the North Atlantic temperature anomaly associated with AMO culminate in an oppositely signed hemispheric signal about 30?years later. Furthermore, shorter-term, interannual-to-interdecadal climate variability alters character according to polarity of the stadium-wave-induced prevailing hemispheric climate regime. Ongoing research suggests mutual interaction between shorter-term variability and the stadium wave, with indication of ensuing modifications of multidecadal variability within the Atlantic sector. Results presented here support the hypothesis that AMO plays a significant role in hemispheric and, by inference, global climate variability, with implications for climate-change attribution and prediction.  相似文献   

Summary Climatological responses of winter (DJFM) precipitation at 78 stations of Turkey to variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) were investigated for the period 1930–2001. The analysis was performed with respect to relationships between precipitation and three different NAO indices (NAOIs) and composite precipitation changes corresponding to the extreme phases of the NAOIs, and individual wet conditions and drought events linked to the extreme NAOI events. Main conclusions of the study can be evaluated as follows:(a) The Ponta Delgada–Reykjavik (PD–R) NAOI is superior among the three NAOIs compared, followed by the Lisbon–Stykkisholmur/Reykjavik NAOI, with regards to its ability to control year-to-year variability in winter precipitation series and composite precipitation conditions corresponding to the extreme NAOI phases in Turkey. (b) Variability of winter precipitation at most stations in Turkey is significantly correlated with variability of the three NAOIs. Negative relationships are stronger over the Marmara, the Mediterranean Transition and the Continental Central Anatolia regions, and the Aegean part of the Mediterranean region. (c) Composite precipitation analysis exhibited an apparent opposite anomaly pattern at the majority of stations between the weak and strong phases of the NAOIs. Composite precipitation means corresponding to the weak NAOI phase are explained mostly by wetter than long-term average conditions, whereas composite precipitation responses to the strong NAOI phase mostly produce drier than long-term average conditions. (d) Composite wet (dry) conditions during the weak (strong) phase of the NAOI are significant at about 32% (69%) of 78 stations for the PD–R NAOI, and about 38% (55%) for the L–S(R) NAOI. The dry signals from the strong NAO phases are stronger and show a larger spatial coherence over Turkey. The significant signals are evident in the west, centre and south of the country. (g) Widespread severe droughts in 1943, 1957, 1973, 1974, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994, and widespread strong wet conditions in 1940–1942, 1956, 1963, 1966, 1969 and 1970 were linked to the extreme high- and low-index events of at least two NAOIs, respectively.  相似文献   

The occurrence of first hurricane in early summer signifies the onset of an active Atlantic hurricane season. The interannual variation of this hurricane onset date is examined for the period 1979-2013. It is found that the onset date has a marked interannual variation. The standard deviation of the interannual variation of the onset day is 17.5 days, with the climatological mean onset happening on July 23.A diagnosis of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis potential index (GPI) indicates that the major difference between an early and a late onset group lies in the maximum potential intensity (MPI). A further diagnosis of the MPI shows that it is primarily controlled by the local SST anomaly (SSTA). Besides the SSTA, vertical shear and mid-tropospheric relative humidity anomalies also contribute significantly to the GPI difference between the early and late onset groups.It is found that the anomalous warm (cold) SST over the tropical Atlantic, while uncorrelated with the Niño3 index, persists from the preceding winter to concurrent summer in the early (late) onset group. The net surface heat flux anomaly always tends to damp the SSTA, which suggests that ocean dynamics may play a role in maintaining the SSTA in the tropical Atlantic. The SSTA pattern with a maximum center in northeastern tropical Atlantic appears responsible for generating the observed wind and moisture anomalies over the main TC development region. A further study is needed to understand the initiation mechanism of the SSTA in the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Past changes in the density and momentum structure of oceanic circulation are an important aspect of changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and consequently climate. However, very little is known about past changes in the vertical density structure of the ocean, even very extensively studied systems such as the North Atlantic. Here we exploit the physical controls on the settling depth of the dense Mediterranean water plume derived from the Strait of Gibraltar to obtain the first robust, observations-based, probabilistic reconstruction of the vertical density gradient in the eastern North Atlantic during the last 30,000?years. We find that this gradient was weakened by more than 50%, relative to the present, during the last Glacial Maximum, and that changes in general are associated with reductions in AMOC intensity. However, we find only a small change during Heinrich Event 1 relative to the Last Glacial Maximum, despite strong evidence that overturning was substantially altered. This implies that millennial-scale changes may not be reflected in vertical density structure of the ocean, which may be limited to responses on an ocean-overturning timescale or longer. Regardless, our novel reconstruction of Atlantic density structure can be used as the basis for a dynamical measure for validation of model-based AMOC reconstructions. In addition, our general approach is transferrable to other marginal sea outflow plumes, to provide estimates of oceanic vertical density gradients in other locations.  相似文献   

Influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on tropical Pacific SST anomalies is examined. Both summer and winter North Atlantic SST anomalies are negatively related to central-eastern tropical Pacific SST anomalies in the subsequent months varying from 5 to 13?months. In particular, when the North Atlantic is colder than normal in the summer, an El Ni?o event is likely to be initiated in the subsequent spring in the tropical Pacific. Associated with summer cold North Atlantic SST anomalies is an anomalous cyclonic circulation at low-level over the North Atlantic from subsequent October to April. Corresponded to this local response, an SST-induced heating over the North Atlantic produces a teleconnected pattern, similar to the East Atlantic/West Russia teleconnection. The pattern features two anticyclonic circulations near England and Lake Baikal, and two cyclonic circulations over the North Atlantic and near the Caspian Sea. The anticyclonic circulation near Lake Baikal enhances the continent northerlies, and strengthens the East-Asian winter monsoon. These are also associated with an off-equatorial cyclonic circulation in the western Pacific during the subsequent winter and spring, which produces equatorial westerly wind anomalies in the western Pacific. The equatorial westerly wind anomalies in the winter and spring can help initiate a Pacific El Ni?o event following a cold North Atlantic in the summer.  相似文献   

With the Zebiak-Cane model and a parameterized stochastic representation of intraseasonal forcing, the impact of the uncertainties of Madden–Jullian Oscillation (MJO) on the “Spring Predictability Barrier (SPB)” for El Ni?no–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) prediction is studied. The parameterized form of MJO forcing is added physically to the Zebiak-Cane model to obtain the so-called Zebiak-Cane-MJO model and then the effects of initial error, stochastic model error, and their joint error mode on the SPB associated with El Ni?no prediction are estimated. The results show that the model errors caused by stochastic MJO forcing could hardly lead to a significant SPB while initial errors can do; furthermore, the joint error mode of initial error and model error associated with the stochastic MJO forcing can also lead to a significant SPB. These demonstrate that the initial error is probably the main error source of the SPB, which may provide a theoretical foundation of data assimilation for ENSO forecasts.  相似文献   

Annual tree ring δ 18O and δ 13C chronologies from 1790 to 2008 were established using Tianshan spruce (Picea schrenkiana) in the central Tianshan Mountains of northwestern China. Temperature has a positive effect on tree ring δ 18O and δ 13C in the study area, while precipitation and relative humidity have negative effects. The standardized precipitation–evapotranspiration index (SPEI) considered all of these effects and was significantly negatively correlated with tree ring δ 18O and δ 13C. We combined the tree ring δ 18O and δ 13C series to reconstruct the past 192 years of SPEI, which accounted for about 46 % of the total variance of SPEI from 1950 to 2006. The reconstruction showed good spatial agreement with gridded data in Palmer Drought Severity Index and precipitation and an inverse relationship with temperature. Our SPEI reconstruction reveals several wet and dry periods over the past 192 years and has good agreement with other drought records. Wavelet analysis showed quasi-periodic 10-, 20-, 30-, and 70-year fluctuations in the reconstruction. The 10-, 20-, and 30-year periodicities may reflect the potential influence of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Overall, this study indicates that the SPEI is a potential drought index, and the winter NAO affects regional moisture conditions in the long term.  相似文献   

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