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为研究台风过程对广西红树林净生态系统碳交换的影响,利用北海红树林生态观测试验站涡度相关系统观测的红树林碳通量和气象观测数据,分析台风"韦帕"登陆前后红树林净生态系统碳交换变化特征及其与气象因子的响应关系.结果表明:(1)红树林净生态系统碳交换碳汇峰值在台风登陆前递增并达到极值,台风登陆时碳汇峰值迅速降低,而在台风登陆后...  相似文献   

The maximum rate of carboxylation(Vcmax) is a key photosynthetic parameter for gross primary production(GPP) estimation in terrestrial biosphere models. A set of observation-based Vcmax values, which take the nitrogen limitation on photosynthetic rates into consideration, are used in version 4.5 of the Community Land Model(CLM4.5). However, CLM4.5 with carbon-nitrogen(CN) biogeochemistry(CLM4.5-CN) still uses an independent decay coefficient for nitrogen after the photosynthesis calculation. This means that the nitrogen limitation on the carbon cycle is accounted for twice when CN biogeochemistry is active. Therefore, to avoid this double nitrogen down-regulation in CLM4.5-CN, the original Vcmax scheme is revised with a new one that only accounts for the transition between Vcmax and its potential value(without nitrogen limitation). Compared to flux towerbased observations, the new Vcmax scheme reduces the root-mean-square error(RMSE) in GPP for mainland China by 13.7 g C m-2 yr-1, with a larger decrease over humid areas(39.2 g C m-2 yr-1). Moreover, net primary production and leaf area index are also improved, with reductions in RMSE by 0.8% and 11.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

在华北玉米生育期观测的16 m高度CO2浓度及通量特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用中国气象局固城农业气象生态试验站2004年玉米生育期通量观测资料,分析了CO2浓度和通量随玉米生长的变化,并估算了玉米生育期陆地与大气CO2净交换量。结果表明:CO2浓度变化对农户活动和作物生长极其敏感;浓度在整个生育期始终有明显的日变化规律,峰值(谷值)出现在日出(日落)前后,通量仅在7月中旬至10月上旬之间出现明显的日变化特点,且位相超前于浓度,开花期通量最大;玉米播种期、苗期和成熟后地面向大气净排放碳, 拔节至成熟前地面从大气净吸收碳;开花期碳吸收最强,其后依次为吐丝-乳熟期和拔节期。比较分析了目前流行的通量计算方法对碳吸收估计的影响,结果显示不同计算方法能产生高达160%的碳吸收估计偏差,应当引起重视。生态系统碳平衡分析结果表明,玉米地在生长季表现为弱碳汇(大约660 kg/hm2),但这一结果可能低估了实际的碳汇强度,低估程度有待研究。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, the terrestrial carbon uptake has been characterized by interannual variations, which are mainly determined by interannual variations in gross primary production (GPP). Using an ensemble of seven-member TRENDY (Trends in Net Land–Atmosphere Carbon Exchanges) simulations during 1951–2010, the relationships of the interannual variability of seasonal GPP in China with the sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric circulations were investigated. The GPP signals that mostly relate to the climate forcing in terms of Residual Principal Component analysis (hereafter, R-PC) were identified by separating out the significant impact from the linear trend and the GPP memory. Results showed that the seasonal GPP over China associated with the first R-PC1 (the second R-PC2) during spring to autumn show a monopole (dipole or tripole) spatial structure, with a clear seasonal evolution for their maximum centers from springtime to summertime. The dominant two GPP R-PC are significantly related to Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variability in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean during spring to autumn, implying influences from the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The identified SST and circulation factors explain 13%, 23% and 19% of the total variance for seasonal GPP in spring, summer and autumn, respectively. A clearer understanding of the relationships of China’s GPP with ocean–atmosphere teleconnections over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean should provide scientific support for achieving carbon neutrality targets.  相似文献   

利用一个基于过程的动态植被模型LPJ DGVM(Lund Potsdam Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model),模拟了中国区域潜在植被分布,考察了1981~1998年中国区域净初级生产〖JP〗力(NPP)、异养呼吸(Rh)和净生态系统生产力(NEP)的年际变化。模拟结果表明,在LPJ模型提供的植被功能类型(PFT)划分的条件下,中国区域除了分布裸土外,主要分布了6种潜在植被功能类型,即热带常绿阔叶林带、温带常绿阔叶林带、温带夏绿阔叶林带、北方常绿针叶林带、北方夏绿针叶林带和温带草本植物。在所考察的时间段内,中国区域总NPP从2.91 Gt · a-1(C)(1982年)变化到3.37 Gt · a-1(C)(1990年),平均每年增加0.025 Gt(C),其平均增长率为096%。中国区域总Rh从2.59 Gt · a-1(C)(1986年)变化到3.19 Gt · a-1(C)(1998年),具有105% 的平均年增长率,即平均每年增加0.025 Gt(C),并且中国区域温带草本植物相比其他植被功能类型,其NPP和Rh线性增加的趋势最为显著。研究结果还表明,LPJ模型在引入火灾机制后,中国区域总NEP的变化范围更加合理,即每年总NEP在-0.06 Gt · a-1(C)(1998年)和0.34 Gt · a-1(C)(1992年)之间变化,其平均值为0.12 Gt · a-1(C)。该结果表明,在所考察的时间段内,中国区域的陆地生态系统是碳汇。上述结果与其他研究结果基本一致,因而此模型模拟中国区域潜在植被分布和碳循环是有效的。    相似文献   

In this study, the sensitivities of net primary production (NPP), soil carbon, and vegetation carbon to precipitation and temperature variability over China are discussed using the state-of-the-art Lund-Potsdam-Jena dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ DGVM). The im- pacts of the sensitivities to precipitation variability and temperature variability on NPP, soil carbon, and vegeta- tion carbon are discussed. It is shown that increasing pre- cipitation variability, representing the frequency of ex- treme precipitation events, leads to losses in NPP, soil carbon, and vegetation carbon over most of China, espe- cially in North and Northeast China where the dominant plant functional types (i.e., those with the largest simu- lated areal cover) are grass and boreal needle-leaved for- est. The responses of NPP, soil carbon, and vegetation carbon to decreasing precipitation variability are opposite to the responses to increasing precipitation variability. The variations in NPP, soil carbon, and vegetation carbon in response to increasing and decreasing precipitation variability show a nonlinear asymmetry. Increasing pre- cipitation variability results in notable interannual variation of NPP. The sensitivities of NPP, soil carbon, and vegetation carbon to temperature variability, whether negative or positive, meaning frequent hot and cold days, are slight. The present study suggests, based on the LPJ model, that precipitation variability has a more severe impact than temperature variability on NPP, soil carbon, and vegetation carbon.  相似文献   

The upper-troposphere water vapor (UTWV) band brightness temperature (BT) dataset derived from the High-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) channel 12 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admini-stration (NOAA) polar satellites from 1979 to 1995 is used to analyze the seasonal and interannual variations for the global monsoon regions. Results show that (i) there are three major regions where the UTWV band BT varies significantly with season, i.e., South Asia, the western coastal South-North America tropical region and the low-lati-tude African region; (ii) UTWV band BT clearly reveals the water vapor temporal / spatial features as well as the at-mospheric circulation structure over the low-latitude during the monsoon onset; and (iii) there is a remarkable rela-tionship between the interannua] variation of the UTWV band BT over the monsoon regions and the sea surface tem-perature anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

2013年1月华北平原重霾成因模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
2013年1月华北平原出现了罕见的重污染天气过程,并引发连续多天大范围重霾现象。利用中华人民共和国环境保护部公布的空气污染指数日值数据和气象常规观测数据,结合区域空气质量模式系统RAMS-CMAQ的模拟结果,对1月10~15日污染过程的气象要素和关键气溶胶物种时空分布特征进行了详细分析,并对灰霾成因进行了探讨。结果表明,受本次污染过程影响的区域主要分布在北京-天津-唐山、河北省中南部和山东省大部。这些地区细颗粒物(即PM2.5)日均质量浓度超过120μg m–3,且基本被灰霾覆盖,日均能见度在5~8 km之间。其中在北京、天津、石家庄和济南市及周边地区细颗粒物日均质量浓度可达250~300μg m–3,部分市区可超过300μg m–3,而日均能见度则可下降至3 km以下,形成重度灰霾。此外,对气象场的分析显示,本次污染过程期间华北平原大部分地区水平风速较多年平均值偏小约20%,且有明显逆温层覆盖,北京-天津-唐山、河北省南部和山东省北部的相对湿度则较多年平均值偏高达10%~40%。这样的气象条件不仅造成污染物易于堆积,而且有利于吸湿性粒子消光效应的快速增长,使能见度明显下降,是引发灰霾的重要因素之一。在北京地区引发灰霾的主要气溶胶物种为硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐,这3种无机盐对近地面的消光贡献比率达到50%以上。其中硝酸盐的消光贡献比率最高,可达总体效应的1/4,表明在这次污染过程中除相关工业源排放外,交通源排放也是北京地区主要的污染源之一。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to better understand the impacts of the additional sources of nitrous acid (HONO) on visibility, which is an aspect not considered in current air quality models. Simulations of HONO contributions to visibility over the North China Plain (NCP) during August 2007 using the fully coupled Weather Research and Forecasting/Chemistry (WRF/Chem) model were performed, including three additional HONO sources: (1) the reaction of photo-excited nitrogen dioxide (NO~) with water vapor; (2) the NO2 heterogeneous reaction on aerosol surfaces; and (3) HONO emissions. The model generally reproduced the spatial patterns and diurnal variations of visibility over the NCP well. When the additional HONO sources were included in the simulations, the visibility was occasionally decreased by 20%-30% (3-4 km) in local urban areas of the NCP. Monthly-mean concentrations of NO3, NH+, SO]- and PM2.5 were increased by 20%-52% (3-11μg m-3), 10%-38%, 6%-10%, and 6%-11% (9-17 μg m-3), respectively; and in urban areas, monthly-mean accumulation- mode number concentrations (AMNC) and surface concentrations of aerosols were enhanced by 15%-20% and 10%-20%, respectively. Overall, the results suggest that increases in concentrations of PM2.5, its hydrophilic components, and AMNC, are key factors for visibility degradation. A proposed conceptual model for the impacts of additional HONO sources on visibility also suggests that visibility estimation should consider the heterogeneous reaction on aerosol surfaces and the enhanced atmospheric oxidation capacity due to additional HONO sources, especially in areas with high mass concentrations of NOx and aerosols.  相似文献   

朱志鹍  马耀明  李茂善  仲雷 《高原气象》2007,26(6):1300-1304
采用涡度相关法,对珠穆朗玛峰北坡高寒草甸生长季与非生长季(2005年5~7月、10月、11月及2006年2月、3月)的CO2通量进行了观测.分析结果表明,在生长季,CO2通量存在明显的日变化,08:00~19:00(北京时,下同)为CO2净吸收,20:00~09:00为C02净排放.6月,CO2通量峰值出现在11:00左右为-0.61g·m-2·h-1;而7月,CO2通量峰值出现在14:00,达到-0.86g·m-2·h-1.从月变化来看,5月为CO2净排放,月总量为89g·CO2·m-2,6月和7月均为CO2净吸收阶段,月吸收总量分别为70g·CO2·m-2和104g·CO2·m-2;而10月,植物枯黄,生态系统转为碳排放,月排放量约为50g·CO2·m-2,与次年3月份月总量(52g·Co2·m-2)接近,而11月份与次年2月份的月排放量接近(分别是23g·CO2·m-2,25g·CO2·m-2).非生长季(2月)CO2通量日变化振幅很小,除14:00~19:00少量的CO2净排放外(0.14g·m-2·h-1左右),其余时间CO2接近零.  相似文献   

2013年1月华北地区重雾霾过程及其成因的模拟分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
2013年1月11~14日,华北地区经历重雾霾过程。为了探讨其形成原因,利用大气化学模式系统Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)-Chem模拟2013年1月华北地区气溶胶的时空变化。模拟的能见度、气象要素(温度、湿度、降水、风速和风向)以及细颗粒物(PM2.5,大气中直径≤2.5μm的颗粒物)地表浓度的时间变化与近地面观测值都较为吻合。模拟结果表明,1月11~14日,细颗粒物高值分布于河北省南部和东部、天津地区以及北京地区,其日均值约为400~500μg m–3。通过与历史气候数据比较发现,2013年1月10~15日华北地区的气象条件表现为较大的相对湿度正距平(20%~40%)以及风速的负距平(-1 m s–1)。北京站点的探空数据还表明,在1月11~13日期间,垂直方向上,1 km以下的大气中存在明显的逆温层,并且湿度保持较高的值(80%~90%)。模拟结果表明,1月11~14日,近地面南向风和东向风将水汽输送到华北地区,上层大气(850hPa)的西北风则将沙尘输送到华北地区。以上气象条件有利于气溶胶的吸湿增长和浓度的聚集。硝酸盐的收支分析表明,在北京地区,与1~9日相比,10~14日夜间化学生成和传输的显著增加都贡献于硝酸盐浓度,是重雾霾形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

气溶胶与云的垂直分布特征是气溶胶间接气候效应关注的重点。基于2018年7—8月华北中部6架次飞机观测数据,研究气溶胶和云滴的垂直和水平分布特征。结果表明:华北中部780~5687 m高度内气溶胶数浓度( Na )平均值为821.36 cm-3,最大量级可达到104 cm-3,云中气溶胶数浓度(Nacc)占总颗粒浓度的80%以上,表明细颗粒占大多数,气溶胶粒子算术平均直径( Dm )平均值为0.12~0.52 μm;大气层结对气溶胶垂直分布影响较大,逆温阻挡气溶胶垂直输送,高空(高度2000 m以上) Dm 的垂直分布受到相对湿度影响较大; Na 和 Dm 在垂直方向波动较大,水平方向波动较小;低层云中云滴数浓度(Nc)较大、液态水含量(L)较小,而中层和高层云中Nc较小、L较大,Nc和云滴有效半径(Re)的概率密度函数均为双峰型分布,L的概率密度函数为单峰型分布;气溶胶数浓度谱基本呈现多峰型分布,而云滴数浓度谱多呈现单峰型分布。  相似文献   

在耦合模式WRF/Noah-MP中加入考虑地下水过程的动态灌溉方案,设计两组试验(分别为考虑和不考虑地下水灌溉),连续模拟10 a(2001—2010年),来研究华北平原地下水灌溉的区域气候效应。结果表明,地下水灌溉导致华北平原地下水位下降,在少雨的季节灌溉量大,水位下降较快。在灌溉期(3—9月),灌溉引起的土壤湿度升高影响了地表能量的分配(潜热增加,感热减少),导致2 m气温显著降低0.6—1.0℃,同时也降低了灌溉区夏季模拟偏高的气温。灌溉对灌溉区边界层大气有升高湿度和冷却降温的作用,对春季的影响局限在边界层内,而夏季的影响持续到5000 m以上。夏季灌溉对降水的影响远强于春季,灌溉的升高湿度和冷却效应分别对夏季降水产生正反馈和负反馈,共同影响灌溉区的降水变化。灌溉通过对水汽输送的影响,引起非灌溉区降水的变化,而长江中下游流域夏季降水的增多可能与高空西风急流轴位置南移有关。   相似文献   

我国气候对植被分布和净初级生产力影响的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
基于0.5°×0.5°经纬网格分辨率的一个全球植被动态模式,利用全国676个雨量站点1961~2000年日资料在0.5°×0.5°网格上插值得到的降水和气温资料作为模式气候强迫,模拟研究了中国区域近40年来的植被动态变化,估算了当前中国区域陆地植被净初级生产力,并分析气候与植被净初级生产力的相关性。结果表明:模拟的植被分布时空格局与实际观测的对应关系良好,模拟与观测的叶面积指数总体上比较一致;植被初级生产力空间分布及总量(约为4.64×1015g.a-1(C))的模拟比较理想。对模拟结果分析显示降水是影响净初级生产力的主要气候因子,而在干旱、半干旱地区温度与植被净初级生产力存在显著负相关关系。研究表明该模式能够比较合理地模拟气候对植被年际动态和生产力变化的影响,对于进一步深入研究气候与植被相互作用是有意义的。  相似文献   

In this study, the diurnal and seasonal variations of CO2 fluxes in a subtropical mixed evergreen forest in Ningxiang of Hunan Province, part of the East Asian monsoon region, were quantified for the first time. The fluxes were based on eddy covariance measurements from a newly initiated flux tower. The relationship between the CO2 fluxes and climate factors was also analyzed. The results showed that the target ecosystem appeared to be a clear carbon sink in 2013, with integrated net ecosystem CO2exchange(NEE), ecosystem respiration(RE), and gross ecosystem productivity(GEP) of-428.8, 1534.8 and1963.6 g C m-2yr-1, respectively. The net carbon uptake(i.e. the-NEE), RE and GEP showed obvious seasonal variability,and were lower in winter and under drought conditions and higher in the growing season. The minimum NEE occurred on12 June(-7.4 g C m-2d-1), due mainly to strong radiation, adequate moisture, and moderate temperature; while a very low net CO2 uptake occurred in August(9 g C m-2month-1), attributable to extreme summer drought. In addition, the NEE and GEP showed obvious diurnal variability that changed with the seasons. In winter, solar radiation and temperature were the main controlling factors for GEP, while the soil water content and vapor pressure deficit were the controlling factors in summer. Furthermore, the daytime NEE was mainly limited by the water-stress effect under dry and warm atmospheric conditions, rather than by the direct temperature-stress effect.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionWindprofilewiththerelevantlow--leveljet(LLJ)isoneofthemostimportantfactorsthatcharacterizethestructureoftheatmosphericboundarylayer.TheLLJswerereportedinEurope(SladkovicandKanter,1977;Krausetal.,1985),Africa(Anderson,1976;Hart,etal.,1978),NorthAmerica(Stull,1988;Arrittetal.,1997),Australia(MalcherandKraus,1983;Garratt,1985)andEastAsia(Wangetal.,1996;ChenandHsu,1997).DifferentinvestigatorsuseddifferentcriteriaforidentifyingtheLLJs.SomerequiredwindspeedgreaterthanaParti…  相似文献   

The optical and radiative properties of aerosols during a severe haze episode from 15 to 22 December 2016 over Beijing, Shijiazhuang, and Jiaozuo in the North China Plain were analyzed based on the ground-based and satellite data, meteorological observations, and atmospheric environmental monitoring data. The aerosol optical depth at 500 nm was < 0.30 and increased to > 1.4 as the haze pollution developed. The Ångström exponent was > 0.80 for most of the study period. The daily single-scattering albedo was > 0.85 over all of the North China Plain on the most polluted days and was > 0.97 on some particular days. The volumes of fine and coarse mode particles during the haze event were approximately 0.05–0.21 and 0.01–0.43 μm3, respectively—that is, larger than those in the time without haze. The daily absorption aerosol optical depth was about 0.01–0.11 in Beijing, 0.01–0.13 in Shijiazhuang, and 0.01–0.04 in Jiaozuo, and the average absorption Ångström exponent varied between 0.6 and 2.0. The aerosol radiative forcing at the bottom of the atmosphere varied from –23 to –227,–34 to –199, and –29 to –191 W m–2 for the whole haze period, while the aerosol radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere varied from –4 to –98, –10 to –51, and –21 to –143 W m–2 in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, and Jiaozuo, respectively. Satellite observations showed that smoke, polluted dust, and polluted continental components of aerosols may aggravate air pollution during haze episodes. The analysis of the potential source contribution function and concentration-weighted trajectory showed that the contribution from local emissions and pollutants transport from upstream areas were 190–450 and 100–410 μg m–3, respectively.  相似文献   

Impacts of the South China Sea Throughflow (SCST) on seasonal and interannual variations of the Indonesian Throughflow are studied by comparing outputs from ocean general circulation model (OGCM) experiments with and without the SCST. The observed subsurface maximum in the southward flow through the Makassar Strait is simulated only when the SCST, which is driven by the large-scale wind, is allowed in the model. The mean volume and heat transport by the Makassar Strait Throughflow are reduced by 1.7 Sv and 0.19 PW, respectively, by the existence of the SCST in the model. The difference is particularly remarkable during boreal winter when the SCST reaches its seasonal maximum. Furthermore, the SCST is strengthened during El Niño, leading to the weakening in the southward volume and heat transport through the Makassar Strait by 0.37 Sv and 0.05 PW, respectively. These findings from the OGCM experiments suggest that the SCST may play an important role in climate variability of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

基于ERA5的逐小时100 m风场数据,利用时间序列K-means聚类方法,将中国沿海冬季风能年际变化划分为四个区域,分别为北中国海(North China Sea,NCS)、东海(East China Sea,ECS)、南海北部(Northern South China Sea,NSCS)及南海南部(Southern South China Sea,SSCS)。四个区域风能的年际变化受不同气候模态的影响,其中NCS风能的年际变化与北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)有关;ECS风能的年际变化与中部型ENSO及西伯利亚高压有关;SSCS和NSCS的年际变化则和东部型ENSO及大陆高压的南北位置存在联系。鉴于影响各区域风能年际变化的气候模态具有较高的可预测性,进一步评估了多个气候模式对中国沿海风能年际变化的预测技巧。结果表明,气候模式对南中国海的风能年际变化预测技巧更高,这与气候模式对ENSO的高预测技巧有关。气候模式对北方海域风能年际变化的预测技巧较差,这和气候模式不能较好地预测AO和西伯利亚高压有关。  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau, located in northern China, has a significant impact on the climate and ecosystem evolvement over the East Asian continent. In this paper, the preliminary autumn daily characteristics of land surface energy and water exchange over the Chinese Loess Plateau mesa region are evaluated by using data collected during the Loess Plateau land-atmosphere interaction pilot experiment (LOPEX04), which was conducted from 25 August to 12 September 2004 near Pingliang city, Gansu Province of China. The experiment was carried out in a region with a typical landscape of the Chinese Loess Plateau, known as "loess mesa". The experiment's field land utilizations were cornfield and fallow farmland, with the fallow field later used for rotating winter wheat. The autumn daily characteristics of heat and water exchange evidently differed between the mesa cornfield and fallow, and the imbalance term of the surface energy was large. This is discussed in terms of sampling errors in the flux observations-footprint; energy storage terms of soil and vegetation layers; contribution from air advections; and low and high frequency loss of turbulent fluxes and instruments bias. Comparison of energy components between the mesa cornfield and the lowland cornfield did not reveal any obvious difference. Inadequacies of the field observation equipment and experimental design emerged during the study, and some new research topics have emerged from this pilot experiment for future investigation.  相似文献   

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