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Climatic trends over sub-Saharan Africa are described using major river flows, European Community Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Coupled Forecast System, global land surface data assimilation and National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis, Global Precipitation Climate Center gauge data, and satellite observations in the period 1995–2010. The Niger and Zambezi rivers reached flow levels last seen in the 1950s (2,000 and 5,000 m3 s?1, respectively), and rainfall across the Congo Basin increased steadily ~+0.16 mm day?1 year?1. Weather events that contributed to flooding are studied and include the Zambezi tropical trough of 4 January 2008 and the Sahelian easterly wave of 19 July 2010. Diurnal summer rainfall increased threefold over the 1995–2010 period in conjunction with a strengthened land–sea temperature contrast, onshore flow, and afternoon uplift. 700 mb zonal winds over East Africa became easterly after 2001, so clean Indian Ocean air was entrained to the Congo, improving convective efficiency. Relationships between the African monsoon circulation and global teleconnections are explored. Zonal wind convergence around the Congo appears related with the tropical multi-decadal oscillation and signals in the Atlantic during the study period.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of climate variability on human migration in South America. Our analyses draw on over 21 million observations of adults aged 15–40 from 25 censuses conducted in eight South American countries. Addressing limitations associated with methodological diversity among prior studies, we apply a common analytic approach and uniform definitions of migration and climate across all countries. We estimate the effects of climate variability on migration overall and also investigate heterogeneity across sex, age, and socioeconomic groups, across countries, and across historical climate conditions. We also disaggregate migration by the rural/urban status of destination. We find that exposure to monthly temperature shocks has the most consistent effects on migration relative to monthly rainfall shocks and gradual changes in climate over multi-year periods. We also find evidence of heterogeneity across demographic groups and countries. Analyses that disaggregate migration by the rural/urban status of destination suggest that much of the climate-related migration is directed toward urban areas. Overall, our results underscore the complexity of environment-migration linkages and challenge simplistic narratives that envision a linear and monolithic migratory response to changing climates.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Rain events can be characterized by rain drop size distribution (DSD) that denotes the number of drops as a function of diameter per unit size interval and per...  相似文献   

This study shows the results from a regional climate simulation of the present-day climate, corresponding to the period 1961–1970 over South America, using the regional Eta Model nested within the HadAM3P model from the UK Hadley Centre. The simulation analysis is focused on assessing the capability of the nested regional model in representing spatial patterns of seasonal mean climate and the annual cycle of precipitation and temperature. The goals of this 10-year run for South America are to verify if the Eta Model can be used in climate-change scenarios and to verify if this model has the ability to generate added value for the South American continent. The Eta Model was chosen because there are few investigations using the Eta Model for long integrations over South America and because the vertical coordinate system used in this model is recommended for use over South America due to the presence of the Andes range. In the present 10-year simulation, the regional model reproduced many of the South American mesoscale climate features and together added new value to the driver model. Value was also added to the driver model by reducing seasonal biases in austral winter relative to austral summer. The regional model also exhibits better performance in the representation of low-level circulation, such as the topographically induced northwesterly flux.  相似文献   

The intermediate water upwelling zone is discovered in November and December in the Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) on the basis of the data of the repeated hydrological section along 132° E. Taking account of the two-layer density field structure obtained from the observational data and applying the corresponding upwelling model [20], its main characteristics are computed. The upwelling zone width amounts to 6.2 km, the stratification destruction time is 69 h, and the vertical speed component is 4.3 × 10−2 cm/s. The upwelling zone is clearly pronounced both at the temperature and salinity fields and at the biogenic element field.  相似文献   

Weather patterns of the cold season in the studied region of the Caspian Sea are quite complicated; ice processes here represent an actual threat for hydrotechnical and other engineering constructions located both on the coast and the Northern Caspian Sea shelf, as well as for the navigation in the ice covered sea. Analysis of the materials obtained from the researches performed in November 2007–March 2008 showed that weather patterns of the 2007–2008 cold season in the Northern Caspian Sea formed under the influence of synoptic processes differed from the multiyear norm. The unusually high frequency of anticyclonic processes (especially, the Siberian anticyclone) defined the low monthly average air temperature in January that was 2–5°C below the climatologic norm over the entire Northern Caspian water area.  相似文献   

Daily mean air temperatures from 81 meteorological stations in Northeast China were analyzed for the spatiotemporal change of the climatic growing season during the period 1960–2009. Our results showed that latitude strongly influenced the spatial patterns of the mean start (GSS), end (GSE), and length (GSL) of the growing season. For the area studied, a significant increasing trend in GSL during 1960–2009 was detected at a significance level of 0.01, especially after the early 1980s. The area-average GSL has extended 13.3 days during the last 50 years, mainly due to the advanced GSS evident in the spring (7.9 days). The variations of GSS and GSE were closely correlated with the monthly mean temperature (T mean) of April and October, respectively, while GSL was closely related to the monthly minimum temperatures (T min) of spring (March to April) and autumn (September to October). The distributions of the trends in growing season parameters (GSS, GSE, and GSL) showed great spatial variability over Northeast China. Significant relationships between altitude and the trend rates of the GSS and GSL were detected, while geographic parameters had little direct effect on the change in GSE. This extended growing season may provide favorable conditions for agriculture and forest, and improve their potential production.  相似文献   

At times when attention on climate issues is strongly focused on the assessment of potential impacts of future climate change due to the intensification of the planetary greenhouse effect, it is perhaps pertinent to look back and explore the consequences of past climate variability. In this article we examine a large disruption in global climate that occurred during 1877–1878, when human influence was negligible. The mechanisms explaining this global disturbance are not well established, but there is considerable evidence that the major El Niño episode that started by the end of 1876 and peaked during the 1877–1878 boreal winter contributed significantly to it. The associated regional climate anomalies were extremely destructive, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, where starvation due to intense droughts in Asia, South-East Asia and Africa took the lives of more than 20 million people. In South America regional precipitation anomalies were typical of El Niño events, with rainfall deficit and droughts in the northern portion of the continent as well as in northeast Brazil and the highlands of the central Andes (Altiplano). In contrast, anomalously intense rainfall and flooding episodes were reported for the coastal areas of southern Ecuador and Northern Perú, as well as along the extratropical West coast of the continent (central Chile, 30° S–40° S), and in the Paraná basin in the southeast region. By far the most devastating impacts in terms of suffering and loss of life occurred in the semiarid region of northeast Brazil where several hundreds of thousands of people died from starvation and diseases during the drought that started in 1877.  相似文献   

Complex topography, special geographical location and sea-land-air interactions lead to high interannual variability of summer precipitation in the east of Southwest China (ESWC). However, the contributions, influencing factors and mechanisms of remote and local evaporation remain to be further investigated. Using clustering analysis and Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory version 5 model, we analyze the contributions of remote moisture transport and local evaporation to summer precipitation in the ESWC and their causes. There are mainly five remote moisture channels in the ESWC, namely the Arabian Sea channel, Bay of Bengal channel, western Pacific channel, Northwest channel 1 and Northwest channel 2. Among the five channels, the western Pacific channel has the largest number of trajectories, while the Bay of Bengal channel has the largest contribution rate of specific humidity (33.33%) and moisture flux (33.14%). The amount of regional average precipitation is close to that of the precipitation caused by remote moisture transport, and both are considerably greater than the rainfall amount caused by local evaporation. However, on interannual time scales, precipitation recirculation rates are negatively correlated to regional average precipitation and precipitation caused by remote moisture transport but are consistent with that caused by local evaporation. An apparent "+ ? +" wave train can be found on the height anomaly field in East Asia, and the sea surface temperature anomalies are positive in the equatorial Middle-East Pacific, the South China Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. These phenomena cause southwest-northeast moisture transport with strong updrafts, thereby resulting in more precipitation in the ESWC.  相似文献   

Reducing large-scale deforestation in commodity frontiers remains a key challenge for climate change mitigation and the conservation of biodiversity. Public and private anti-deforestation policies have been shown to effectively reduce forest loss, but the conditions under which such policies get adopted are rarely examined. Here we propose a set of conditions that we expect to be associated with the adoption of effective anti-deforestation policies in commodity frontiers. We then examine whether these conditions have influenced policy adoption in South America’s major soy-and-cattle frontiers: the Brazilian Amazon, the Cerrado, the Chaco, the Chiquitano, and Paraguay’s Atlantic Forest. By collating empirical data from diverse sources, including literature review, extensive expert interviews, and analysis of primary and secondary data, we show that the Cerrado, the Chaco, and the Chiquitano differ from the Brazilian Amazon in multiple ways that might have inhibited adoptions of effective anti-deforestation instruments. These conditions include: a higher importance of the agricultural sector within the respective countries, lower carbon stocks and species richness, higher prevalence of private land tenure, and higher baseline compliance with forest reserve regulations on private lands. We also observe that the adoption of the most effective private anti-deforestation instrument, commodity moratoria, may respond to similar conditions as those influencing the adoption of public instruments. Incentivizing public and private actors to adopt effective anti-deforestation policies in the Cerrado, Chaco, and the Chiquitano will likely be more challenging than it has been in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

The paths and sources of moisture supplied to South China during two periods of the presummer rainy season (April–June) of 1979–2014, i.e., before and after the onset of the summer monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS), are investigated by using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. During the premonsoon-onset period, the moisture transport trajectories are clustered into 6 groups, with four ocean-originating paths providing 83.9% and two continent-originating paths (originating over Lake Baikal and the Persian Gulf) contributing the remaining 16.1% of the total moisture. The two Pacific-originating paths, from the western Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, combined account for about 46%, the SCS-originating path contributes about 24.3%, while the Bay of Bengal-originating path accounts for 13.6% of the total moisture over South China. The trajectories during the postmonsoon-onset period are clustered into 4 groups, with three southwesterly paths (from the Arabian Sea, the central Indian Ocean, and the western Indian Ocean, respectively) accounting for more than 76% and the sole Pacific-originating path accounting for 23.8% of the total moisture. The formation of the moisture transport trajectories is substantially affected by the topography, especially the Tibetan Plateau and the Indian and Indo–China Peninsulas. The SCS region contributes the most moisture during both periods (35.3% and 31.1%). The Pacific Ocean is ranked second during the former period (about 21.0%) but its contribution is reduced to 5.0% during the latter period, while the contribution from the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean combined increases from 17.1% to 43.2%.  相似文献   

Several studies show that the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an important factor in determining interannual rainfall variability in South America. This signal is detected in the region including Northeastern Argentina, Uruguay and part of southern Brazil, in the form of excessive rains and big floods in the regional rivers. To check that this relationship was similar in the past the objectives of this paper were to construct a time series of large floods in the Paraná River region from documentary records, during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, and to evaluate the relationship between that historical record of extreme floods, the ENSO documentary evidence (Ortlieb, The Documented Historical Record of El Niño Events in Perú: An Update of the Quinn Record (Ortlieb, sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, Diaz and Markgraf, (eds.), El Niño and the southern oscillation. Multiscale variability and global and regional Impacts. Cambridge University Press, pp. 207–295, 2001; Quinn and Neal, The historical record of El Niño events, Bradley and Jones (eds.), Climate since a.d. 1500, Routledges, pp. 623–648, 1992) and the temperature index of the Pacific Ocean (Mann ME et al., Global temperature patterns in past centuries: an interactive presentation, IGBP pages/world data center for paleoclimatology data contribution series #2000-075. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA, 2000). Considering that the period 1904–2000, where 11 out of 16 floods occurred during El Niño events, it can be concluded that the proportion of years with exceptional flow volume in the Paraná River in years with El Niño events in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was relatively lower than that of the twentieth century. The reason for this difference is discussed.  相似文献   

Quality controlled and recently homogenised mean sea level pressure records for the South Pacific are used to specify the location and variability of the South Pacific convergence zone (SPCZ) during the austral warm season (November–April). The SPCZ is the world’s largest rainfall band during the austral summer, when it dominates the climate of the South Pacific. A new index called the South Pacific convergence zone index (SPCZI) is derived, and is shown to be coherent with changes in low level wind convergence associated with the SPCZ. This index replaces the earlier SPCZ position index because it uses higher quality mean sea level pressure data than the superseded index and extends the time series further forward in time. The SPCZI allows interannual to decadal variability in the climate of the South Pacific to be tracked for more than a century from 1910/1911 to 2011/2012. During El Niño episodes the SPCZ is displaced by about 1°–3° east, and La Niña events 1°–3° west of the mean position on average. The index indicates a striking movement eastward for the period 1977/78–1998/99, compared with 1944/45–1976/77 in association with the Interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO). The eastward movement of the SPCZ in the late twentieth century is related to significant precipitation trends in the South Pacific region. Since 1998/99 the SPCZ has regressed westward with the negative phase change of the IPO. The long-term trend in the SPCZI is very small relative to the interannual to decadal variability and is not statistically significant, suggesting that there has been little overall change in the mean position of the SPCZ over the past century.  相似文献   


Based on a series of experiments conducted by two regional climate models (RCA4 and LMDZ) with and without soil moisture-atmosphere coupling, we investigate the role of soil moisture on the occurrence of surface air temperature extremes and its persistence in Southeastern South America. Our analysis reveals that both factors, soil moisture-atmosphere coupling and relatively drier soil conditions, enhance the temperature extremes. In addition, the existence of soil-atmosphere coupling and the associated soil moisture variability is crucial for the development of the extremes in SESA. The key role of soil-atmosphere coupling is also reflected in the intrinsic persistence of hot days, which is greater in simulations with interactive soil moisture than in those with prescribed soil conditions. In the absence of soil-atmosphere coupling, the imprint of the anomalous dry (and also wet) soil conditions on the intensity and persistence of hot days is weaker.


Summary Composite time series combining the results of total ozone measurements taken at Dobson stations located within the latitude band 30°N–60°N, in Europe, and North America, have been examined in order to detect any trends. Various regression trend models were used to identify any trend variations over the regions during the period 1970–1990. The results of fitting the models to the data imply that the model which assumes a linear trend provides precise information about the long-term ozone trends (trends during the period 1970–1990). The study identifies short-term summer trends in the 1980s that are evidently more strongly negative than trends that occur in the 1970s (the differences are statistically significant at the 2 level). The year-round loss (in all analyzed regions) and the winter loss in total ozone (the belt 30°N–60°N) N. America, during the 1980s are about 2–3 times higher than the losses during the 1970s (the differences are statistically significant at the 1 level).With 1 Figure  相似文献   

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