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As in previous years Norsk Polarinstitutt has carried out mass balance investigations on Storbreen and Hardangerjøkulen in mainland Norway and on Broggerbreen and Lovenbreen in Svalbard. More than 20 years of measurements show that the glaciers both in mainland Norway and in Svalbard are retreating.
Both in 1985 and in 1986 the glaciers in Norway had a negative net balance. At Storbreen the mean annual net balance value 1949-86 is -0.30 m in water equivalents, while on Hardangerjflkulen the mean value 1963-86 is -0.02 m.
The two glaciers measured in Svalbard also had negative net balance in 1985 and in 1986. Both measured glaciers have had negative balance nearly all years since the measurements started in 1966. The mean value is close to -40g/cm2 or -0.4 m on both.  相似文献   

The Tarfala mass balance programme currently comprises seven glaciers distributed in two, one southerly and one northerly, east-west trending profiles. Of the studied glaciers, Storglaciären has the longest record spanning 1945 to present. The purpose of the programme is to study gradients in mass balance parameters across the northern Scandinavian mountains. The measurements of both winter and summer balance are carried out with significant redundancy each year. In order to maintain such a large programme with limited personnel, different measurement techniques and strategies are applied to the different glaciers according to a priority scale. Storglaciären is the most important glacier in the network and is measured with high accuracy and measurement density. Storglaciren is also used as a reference for all other glaciers in the programme. The other glaciers have sparser measurement systems and are sometimes measured using alternative methods such as snow radar. In general, Swedish glaciers are still responding to the major climatic warming around 1910–1920 by retreat, and the effect of very long response times. However, measured volume change indicates that most glaciers are close to or varying around a quasi-steady state.  相似文献   

A number of Norwegian glaciers were selected in the 1960s for long-term mass-balance measurements, to produce necessary hydrological information for hydropower exploitation. Special large-scale glacier maps were produced for field work and data processing, and some glaciers have been mapped more than once. Thus, comparison of glacier maps can be used to calculate changes in glacier volume for some of the glaciers, provided they are of sufficient accuracy.
Conventional mass-balance measurements were carried out on all the selected glaciers. A cumulative calculation of net balances for a series of years is used to indicate the change in a glacier's volume during that period. However, various errors originate in the field, some of which are systematic, particularly on glaciers with large winter accumulation.
The present study indicates that certain errors are difficult to define and determine, For the maritime glacier Ålfotbreen, a cumulative mass-balance calculation gives a positive total balance (+3.4 m water equivalent in the period 1968–88), whereas the map comparison indicates a total negative balance (−5.8 m water equivalent). This indicates a discrepancy between the methods, which must be accounted for.
Determination of errors in mass-balance measurements is difficult. Sinking of stakes in the accumulation area and the use of sounding sticks (steel probes) in heavy snowlayers cause problems.  相似文献   

Glaciers in Svalbard: mass balance, runoff and freshwater flux   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Gain or loss of the freshwater stored in Svalbard glaciers has both global implications for sea level and, on a more local scale, impacts upon the hydrology of rivers and the freshwater flux to fjords. This paper gives an overview of the potential runoff from the Svalbard glaciers. The freshwater flux from basins of different scales is quantified. In small basins (A < 10 km2), the extra runoff due to the negative mass balance of the glaciers is related to the proportion of glacier cover and can at present yield more than 20% higher runoff than if the glaciers were in equilibrium with the present climate. This does not apply generally to the ice masses of Svalbard, which are mostly much closer to being in balance. The total surface runoff from Svalbard glaciers due to melting of snow and ice is roughly 25 ± 5 km3 a−1, which corresponds to a specific runoff of 680 ± 140 mm a−1, only slightly more than the annual snow accumulation. Calving of icebergs from Svalbard glaciers currently contributes significantly to the freshwater flux and is estimated to be 4 ± 1 km3 a−1 or about 110 mm a−1.  相似文献   

For the last thirty years, the mean net balance of two glaciers, Austre Brøggerbreen and Midre Lovénbreen, has been -0.43 and -0.34 m of water equivalent (w.e.). respectively. The mean net balance of Kongsvegen, a tidewater glacier that has been measured since 1987, is 0.11 m w.e. The negative balances of the two first glaciers are driven by the increase in atmospheric temperature which occurred at the end of the Little Ice Age at the beginning of the century. The positive balance of Kongsvegen is due to its higher elevation and larger accumulation area. There is no significant trend in the net balances and no increase of the melting has been detected during the last thirty years.
A correlation coefficient of R = 0.83 has been obtained between the net balance of Lovénbreen and the winter precipitation, together with the summer temperature recorded at the neighbouring station of Ny-Ålesund since 1969. With 14 years of data, the correlation coefficient between the net balance and climatic parameters does not increase consistently by introducing any radiation component, but the coefficient correlation between the summer balance of Austre Brøggerbreen and summer temperature increases from 0.68 to 0.77 when introducing global and long-wave radiation for July and August. Weather conditions and the frequency of their changes influence the balance between global and long-wave radiation and changes in albedo values.  相似文献   

Understanding aspect effects on present-day glaciers provides essential background to the palaeoclimatic interpretation of reconstructed former glaciers or glacial cirques. Several factors influencing glacier mass balance vary with slope aspect: these give more glaciers, lower glaciers and possibly larger glaciers on favoured aspects. Their effects can be measured by either vector analysis of the number of glaciers with each aspect or Fourier regression of glacier altitude or size against aspect. Both approaches are applied here to large data sets from the World Glacier Inventory, for all available regions.Favoured aspect is measured by direction of the resultant vector mean and by the direction of minimum glacier altitude, for 51 regions with a total of 66,084 glaciers. The two directions are broadly consistent in mid-latitudes and in the tropics, but large differences occur in the Arctic and Nepal. Poleward aspects dominate, especially in mid-latitudes: radiation receipt is the major factor, with strong wind effects limited to areas with only moderate relief. Strength of asymmetry is measured by vector strength (from glacier numbers) or by a combination of first Fourier coefficients (from glacier altitudes). Measuring two different facets of degree of asymmetry, they are essentially unrelated. The Fourier measure is the best estimate of local climatic asymmetry, as vector strength is more influenced by topography.  相似文献   

The service seNorge ( http://senorge.no ) provides gridded temperature and precipitation for mainland Norway. The products are provided as interpolated station measurements on a 1 × 1 km grid. Precipitation gauges are predominantly located at lower elevations such as coastal areas and valleys. Therefore, there are large uncertainties in extrapolating precipitation data to higher altitudes, both due to sparsity of observations as well as the large spatial variability of precipitation in mountainous regions. Using gridded temperature and precipitation data from seNorge, surface mass balance was modeled for five Norwegian glaciers of different size and climate conditions. The model accounts for melting of snow and ice by applying a degree‐day approach and considers refreezing assuming a snow depth depended storage. Calculated values are compared to point measurements of glacier winter mass balance. On average for each glacier, modeled and measured surface mass‐balance evolutions agree well, but results at individual stake locations show large variability. Two types of problems were identified: first, grid data were not able to capture spatial mass balance variability at smaller glaciers. Second, a significant increase in the bias between model and observations with altitude for one glacier suggested that orographic enhancement of precipitation was not appropriately captured by the gridded interpolation.  相似文献   

Although Himalayan glaciers are of particular interest in terms of future water supplies, regional climate changes, and sea-level rises, little is known about them due to lack of reliable and consistent data. There is a need for monitoring these glaciers to bridge this knowledge gap and to provide field measurements necessary to calibrate and validate the results from different remote sensing operations. Therefore, glaciological observations have been carried out by the Cryosphere Monitoring Project(CMP) since September 2011 on Rikha Samba Glacier in Hidden valley, Mustang district in western Nepal in order to study its annual mass balance. This paper presents the first results of that study. There are 10 glaciers in Hidden Valley, named G1, G2, G3, up to G10. Of these, G5 is the Rikha Samba Glacier, which has the largest area(5.37 km2) in this valley and the highest and lowest altitudes(6,476 and 5,392 m a.s.l., respectively). The glacier mass balance discussed in this paper was calculated using the glaciological method and the equilibrium line altitude(ELA). The glacier showed a negative annual point mass balance along the longitudinal profile of its lower part from September 10, 2011 to October 3, 2012. Stake measurements from October 4, 2012 to September 30, 2013 indicated a negative areal average of annual mass balance-0.088±0.019 m w.e. for the whole glacier. Based on these observations, the ELA of the Rikha Samba Glacier is estimated at 5,800 m a.s.l. in 2013. This negative balance may be due to rising air temperatures in the region, which have been incrementally rising since 1980 accompanied by little or no significant increase in precipitation in that period. The negative mass balance confirms the general shrinking trend of the glacier.  相似文献   

From the surface mass accumulation data in year of 1987/88, the distribution and variation of annual mass balance on Mizuho Plateau are discussed. The authors also analyze the effects of shortterm climatic and topographical variations on the mass balance. It is found that there are some differences in spatial distribution and annual average state in the year of 1987/88 and other years. Ia the area at elevation lower than 550 m near the coast, the mass balance appears to be negative. The annual mass balance over 80 km distance from S_(16) to inland is 0.84m snow depth. A low mass balance zone from 80 km site to Mizuho Station, is considered to be only 0.14 m snow depth. It is found from the comparison of mass balances that the mass-balance level on the glaciers in West China is 9 times higher than that on Mizuho Plateau, where the massbalance level appears to be low accumulative and low expensive, but inverse in middle and low latitude regions, such as on glaciers in West China. The effects of short-term  相似文献   

自1997年以来,乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川消融极为强烈,物质平衡呈大幅度亏损,连续12 a都处于强负平衡状态,平均物质平衡达-708 mm,且在2008年物质平衡达到历史最低值-999 mm,然而2009年出现了物质正平衡,物质平衡63 mm,年际变化量达1 062 mm。以2008-2009年物质平衡实测资料为基础,根据该地区的气温和降水资料分析,结果表明,造成这种现象的主要原因是夏季气温(5~8月)的降低,较2008年低1.8℃,致使冰川消融期的开始时间推迟至了7月份,结束时间提前到8月份,大大削弱了冰川的消融强度,其次是2005年以来逐渐增多的连续性降水,增加了冰川的积累量。  相似文献   

Projections of changes in glacier mass balance caused by climate changes involve modelling present mass balance in terms of climate and then perturbing the climate variables to calculate future mass balance. The simplest model involves linear regression of mass balance time series on temperature and precipitation data at stations close to the glacier but we prefer the degree-day model. This model uses temperature and precipitation to calculate snow accumulation, snow and ice melting, and possible refreezing of meltwater at regular altitude intervals on a glacier. Model parameters are still somewhat uncertain and are established for individual glaciers by tuning the model mass balance as a function of altitude to fit observed data. The model has been applied to 37 glaciers in different parts of the world so far and some details are given for Storglaciären to illustrate the approach. The sensitivity of modelled mass balance to a +1°C temperature increase shows a wide range for the 37 glaciers from about 0.1 to 1.3 m water a−1 . Sub-polar glaciers have lower temperature sensitivities, and maritime and tropical glaciers have higher sensitivities.  相似文献   

An energy balance based HBV model was calibrated to the run-off from Bayelva catchment in western Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The model simulated the glacier mass balance, and the results were compared to observations at Austre Brøggerbreen for the period 1971-1997. Even though the model was optimized to observed run-off from a catchment in which the glaciers constitute 50% of the area, and not to the observation of glacier mass balance, the model was able to reconstruct the trends and values of the mass balance found through observations. On average the simulation gave a negative net balance of 696 mm. The observed average is 442 mm. The simulated winter accumulation was in average for the same period 9% lower and the summer ablation 17% higher than the observed. The years 1994-96 show deviations between simulated and observed winter accumulation up to 160%. This can probably be accounted for by extreme rainfall during the winter, leading to thick ice layers which make accurate observations difficult. The higher simulated summer ablation might indicate that the glaciers in the catchment as a whole have a larger negative mass balance than Austre Brøggerbreen. The simulations showed that the glacier mass-balance would be in equilibrium with a summer temperature 1.2°C lower than the average over the last decades or with a 100% increase in the winter (snow) precipitation. These are higher values than former estimates. A combined change of temperature and precipitation showed a synergic effect and thereby less extreme values.  相似文献   

When the Norwegian State Power Board decided to plan an extensive water power development in the mountainous areas southeast of Narvik in northern Norway, a large mapping project was started. Detailed maps were constructed at a scale of 1:10 000 from aerial photographs taken in 1960. Several hydrometric stations were installed, and three glaciers were selected for mass balance observations. Storsteinsfjellbreen was the largest of these, and a special glacier map with 10 m contours was printed in four colours, to be used in the field work. Mass balance studies were carried out initially during one 5-year period (1964–68), and also later during another 5-year period (1991–95).
Results from these periods are compared with similar data from the Swedish glacier Storglaciären, about 45 km to the southeast. For all the years except one (1968), the net balance of these glaciers shows a similar pattern: positive years and negative years are synchronous.
A new glacier map was made from a special aerial survey in 1993 at the same scale and of similar accuracy as the first map, so a comparison could be made to calculate the change in glacier volume from 1960 to 1993. From digital terrain models it could be shown that the glacier surface had dropped more than 60 m vertically on the tongue, while the thickness increased above the equilibrium line by up to 20 m. The overall mass loss amounted to 16.8×106 m3 water during 33 years, which corresponds to an extra 2.6 l·s−1·km−2 (litres per sec. per sq. km) delivered to the river, in addition to the "normal" discharge
due to annual precipitation, which is 36 l·s−1·km−2 in the area.
A copy of the new glacier map is enclosed with this article.  相似文献   

Water balance investigations in Svalbard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews and summarizes all known previous water balance studies in Svalbard. An updated water balance computation was then done for the three water catchments with the best data: Bayelva, De Geerdalen and Isdammen/Endalen for 10 hydrological years 1990-2001. The computations were based on the best available data and correction methods. Special emphasis was put on correction of precipitation data, both for catch errors and gradients in precipitation. Areal precipitation in the three catchments is more than two times the measured precipitation at the closest meteorological station: 548 mm/year in De Geerdalen, 486 mm/year in Endalen/Isdammen and 890 mm/year in Bayelva. Compared to this, average measured precipitation is only 199 mm/year at Svalbard Airport, close to Endalen/Isdammen and De Geerdalen, and 426 mm/year in Ny-Ålesund, close to Bayelva. Evaporation is not well understood in Svalbard; the best estimates indicate an average annual evaporation of ca. 80 mm/year from glacier-free areas, and no net evaporation from glaciers. Glacial mass balance has in general been negative in Svalbard during the last 40 years, leading to a significant contribution to the water balance, on the order of 450 mm/year on average. Annual runoff ranges from 545 mm in Endalen/Isdammen, 539 mm/year in De Geerdalen up to 1050 mm/year in Bayelva. Runoff computed from water balance compares well with observed runoff, and average error in water balance is less than ±30 mm/year in all three catchments.  相似文献   

During the 2005 Arctic Yellow River Station expedition, the research on monitoring the movement and mass balance of two glaciers around Ny-lesund, Austrelovénbreen and Pedersenbreen, which were selected in the 2004 Yellow River Station expedition were conducted. This paper analyzes the feasibility and advantage in using GPS method to monitor the Arctic glaciers' movement, estimates the precision of first time measured GPS data and discusses the relevant problems in surveying on the Arctic Glaciers with GPS.  相似文献   

Mean net annual balance and the related spatio-temporal variations have been determined on the basis of well-dated artificial layers in shallow ice cores (Chernobyl, 1986, and atmospheric thermonuclear tests, mainly in 1961-62 in Novaya Zemlya). Seventy ice cores from 13 Svalbard glaciers have been analysed. On each glacier, in its accumulation area and at the highest elevation, one ice core was recovered down to about 40 m and sampled for radioactivity measurements to determine the 1986 and 1962-63 layer (1954 was the initial date of the nuclear tests). For each glacier, at least five complementary ice cores from the accumulation area were analysed to determine the Chernobyl reference layer. Six ice cores exhibit both the Chernobyl and nuclear tests layers and are of special interest in this study.
This work provides new data on the deposition rates of natural and artificial radioisotopes. Using ice cores samples from the Arctic glaciers, even with superimposed ice accumulation, it is possible to distinguish between the Chernobyl and the nuclear tests fallouts. This work also shows that the mean annual net balance did not significantly change for at least five ice core locations in the Svalbard glaciers for the two periods extending from 1963 to 1986 to the recent date of drilling.  相似文献   

卡鲁雄曲是喜马拉雅that坡唯一具有长期常规水文气象观测资料的冰川流域.根据中国冰川水文和气候的分布特征,可推导出一组以水文、气象观测数据计算流域冰川平均物质平衡的公式.据此恢复了1983-2006年卡鲁雄曲流域冰川平均物质平衡各分量的逐年值序列,并用SPSS软件对计算结果进行r统计分析.结果表明:1983-2006年的24 a里,卡鲁雄曲流域的冰川消融逐步加剧:多年平均值为-136.3 mm/a,前12 a(1983-1994年)多年平均值为-83.61 mm/a,后12 a(1995-2006年)多年平均值为-188.98 mm/a,且1986、1998和2005年出现较大的波动,冰川物质平衡值分别为:149.19mm、-654.36 mm和-316.43 mm.通过对影响冰川物质平衡动态变化的影响因素进行分析,发现冰川物质平衡变化主要由强烈消融期(5-9月)的平均温度决定,二者的相关系数达到-0.786,并具有很好的线性关系:MB=-331.8T_(5-9)+2683.5.  相似文献   

人类活动与天山现代冰川退缩   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在系统分析了中亚天山山两个长期进行物质平衡监测的乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和图尤克苏冰川的资料,并引用其他研究成果后,发现中亚天山现代冰川1970年-1990年比1930年-1970年明显的退化。近20年多来,中亚天山冰川加速退缩,解体,与被工业排放污染了大气有关。  相似文献   

北极斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川大多数属于亚极地型(sub-polar)或多热型(polythermal)。Austre Br(?)ggerbreen和Midre Lovénbreen冰川(<10km~2)长时间系列物质平衡研究显示,自小冰期结束以来几乎所有的观测年中夏季消融比冬季积累更大,导致冰体稳定地减小;而面积更大、海拔高度更高的冰川如Kongsvegen冰川(105km~2)则更加接近稳定态的平衡。斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川流动速率一般较低,但跃动相当频繁,控制跃动型冰川空间分布的因素包括冰川长度、基底岩性和多热场。可通过冰川水文特征、钻孔温度测量和无线电回波探测获取斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川热场的信息。斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川的低流速和多热性结构对冰川上的排水系统相当重要,整个群岛淡水径流的四个主要来源分别是冰川消融、雪融化、夏季降雨和冰崩解,经验回归方法和模式方法用于计算淡水径流量。因夏季融水渗浸作用、采样分辨率低和化学成分分析有限,早期斯瓦尔巴群岛冰芯的准确定年受到严重影响,但最近的研究显示,来自斯瓦尔巴群岛冰帽的冰芯数据仍然能够提供重要的气候和环境信息。通过我国北极黄河站2005年度科学考察,我们已初步建立了Austre Lovénbreen冰川和Pedersenbreen冰川监测系统,并计划在Austre Lovénbreen冰川进行钻孔温度测量、冰川气象要素观测、冰川前缘水文观测以及冰川厚度和内部结构测量,重点开展斯瓦尔巴群岛冰川基本特征和发育条件、冰川表面能量和物质平衡、冰川波动与气候变化关系、淡水径流年际和季节性变化和气/雪/冰界面过程等方面的研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes the recent evolution of Italian glaciers through an analysis of all available terminus fluctuation data that the authors have entered in a glaciers database (named GLAD) containing 883 records collected on glaciers from 1908 to 2002. Furthermore, a representative subset of data (249 glaciers located in Lombardy) was analysed regarding surface area changes. For the analysis of terminus fluctuations, the glaciers were sorted by size classes according to length. The data showed that during the 20th century Italian Alpine glaciers underwent a generalized retreat, with one distinct and well documented readvance episode that occurred between the 1970s and mid‐1980s, and a poorly documented one around the early 1920s. The rates of terminus advance and retreat have changed without significant delays for the larger glaciers with respect to the smaller ones. However, the smaller the glacier, the more limited the advance (if any) during the 1970s and early 1980s. The behaviour of glaciers shorter than 1 km appears to have changed in the last decade, and between 1993 and 2002 they retreated at a very high rate. The analysis of the subset of data led to a quanti‐fication of surface reduction of c. 10% from 1992 to 1999 for glaciers in Lombardy. Small glaciers proved to contribute strongly to total area loss: in 1999, 232 glaciers (c. 90% of the total) were smaller than 1 km2, covering 27.2 km2 (less than 30% of the total area), but accounted for 58% of the total loss in area (they had lost 7.4 km2).  相似文献   

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