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Studied assemblages of diverse organic-walled microfossils separated from the Arymas and Debengda formations of the Olenek Uplift include several paleobiological groups of microorganisms. Sufficiently large morphotypes of the first group are identified with remains of cyanobacteria. Morphotypes of variable spiral structure, which dwelt in association or in symbiosis with cyanobionts, are attributed to the same bacterial community. The other group includes a series of different acritarch genera whose characters suggest their affinity with green algae of the order Desmidiales. It is very likely that this group coexisted on siliciclastic shoals with large ancestral forms of the present-day brown algae. Several microfossil taxa have been known before from the Neoproterozoic deposits only. With due regard for the relatively gradual accumulation of sedimentary succession lacking large hiatuses and for the regular series of K-Ar dates characterizing three Riphean formations of the Olenek Uplift, it is possible to suggest that there was the Arymas-Debengda-Khaipakh cycle of long-lasted, almost uninterrupted sedimentation within the time span of 1250–900 Ma. It is also admissible that age ranges of some Late Precambrian microfossils are much larger than their distribution intervals postulated formerly.  相似文献   

Structure of the lower subformation of the Khaipakh Formation from the upper portion of the Middle Riphean Olenek Uplift (northern Siberia) is considered. It has been noted for the first time that the glauconite-containing sandy-aleurolitic rocks (hereafter, sandstones and siltstones) in sections of the Khorbusuonka River include glauconitite laminas and siderite lenses that are distinct marker horizons of this stratigraphic interval. It has been shown that the glauconitites are weakly cemented and almost completely composed of glauconite grains and glauconite cement. The paper presents detailed mineralogical and structural-crystallochemical characteristics of Al-glauconite in specimens with different degrees of cementation (solid and loose rocks). The paper discusses genetic features of glauconite grains and their secondary alterations. Comparative characteristics of glauconite from solid and loose rocks from both Khaipakh sections and previously studied terrigenous rocks of the Arymas and Totta formations (Middle Riphean Olenek Uplift and Uchur-Maya region) are given. Suitability of glauconite extracted from the glauconitites for isotope-geochronological investigations is estimated. Literature and original data on glauconitites formed in situ in Precambrian and Phanerozoic sections are compared. It is concluded that their primary macroscopic and microscopic features are very similar.  相似文献   

Clay subfractions (SFs) of <0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.3, 0.3–0.6, 0.6–2 and 2–5 μm separated from Middle Riphean shales of the Debengda Formation are studied using the TEM, XRD, K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic methods. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions in the SFs are studied as well. The low-temperature illite-smectite is dominant mineral in all the SFs except for the coarsest ones. The XRD, chemical and isotopic data imply that two generations of authigenic illite-smectite different in age are mixed in the SFs. The illite crystallinity index decreases in parallel with size diminishing of clay particles. As compared to coarser SFs, illite of fine-grained subfractions is enriched in Al relative to Fe and Mg, contains more K, and reveals higher K/Rb and Rb/Sr ratios. The Rb-Sr age calculated by means of the leachochron (“inner isochron”) method declines gradually from 1254-1272 Ma in the coarsest SFs to 1038-1044 Ma in finest ones, while the K-Ar age decreases simultaneously from 1225–1240 to 1080 Ma. The established positive correlation of δ18O and δD values with dimensions of clay particles in the SFs seems to be also consistent with the mixing systematics. The isotopic systematics along with data on mineral composition and morphology lead to the conclusion that mixedlayer illite-smectite was formed in the Debengda shales during two periods 1211–1272 and 1038–1080 Ma ago. The first period is likely close to the deposition time of sediments and corresponds to events of burial catagenesis, whereas the second one is correlative with the regional uplift and changes in hydrological regime during the pre-Khaipakh break in sedimentation.  相似文献   

Siderite microconcretions in the glauconite-bearing clayey-silty rock member of the lower sub-formation of the Khaipakh Formation (Middle Riphean, Olenek Uplift) are scrutinized for the first time. In two Khorbusuonka River sections located with a spacing of 12 km, the microconcretions occur as lenses and interlayers. Together with glauconitites, they serve as a distinct marker horizon of this stratigraphic interval. Their structures, morphologies, diffraction characteristics, chemical compositions, and isotope data are considered. They were examined comprehensively with modern investigation methods (X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with the application of local microprobe analysis, and others). Structural-morphological types of microconcretions are identified. Calculation of the chemical composition of carbonates based on numerous microprobe analyses made it possible to reveal different degrees of mineral heterogeneity in each type in terms of the distribution of macro- and microlevel isomorphous trace-elements and to refine the character of their secondary alterations at different stages of lithogenesis. The results of oxygen and hydrogen isotopic studies are presented for algal dolomites and limestones from the Middle and Lower Riphean sections in the Olenek Uplift (Debengda, Arymass, and Kyutingda formations). They demonstrated that siderites are similar to limestones and dolomites in terms of the oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O = 17.6–24.8, δ18Oav = 20.0 ± 2.4‰), but are marked by low δ13C values (from ?6.3 to ?12.0‰ (δ13Cav = ?8.6 ± 2.1‰), suggesting the formation of microconcretions during early diagenesis. Siderite microconcretions were formed in the clayey-silty sediment slightly after glauconite, whose grains could serve as crystallization centers and (or) be entrapped during the growth of separate microcrystals. The role of catalyzers during the formation of both glauconite and siderite was played by bacterial communities, whose poorly preserved remnants have been detected not only in the studied member of the lower Khaipakh subformation, but also above and below the section. Separate types of microconcretion could be formed during the replacement of oncolites by siderite.  相似文献   

This work presents results of the complex mineralogical, geochemical, and isotope-geochronological investigation of globular dioctahedral 2: 1 phyllosilicates (GPS) of the illite–glauconite series from the Riphean sequences of the Olenek Uplift. It is established that GPS (glauconite, Al-glauconite, Fe-illite) in deposits of the Arymass, Debengda, and Khaipakh formations are represented by mixed-layer varieties of two types: (1) with relatively low (<10%) and (2) higher (10–20%) contents of expandable layers. Among the mixed-layer varieties are those with disordered alternation of micaceous and smectite layers (R = 0), as well as with tendency to ordering (R ≥ 1). The parameter b of an elementary cell of minerals varies from 9.18 to 9.72 Å. The Rb–Sr age dating of GPS was first carried out in combination with the calculation of theoretical pattern of the cation distribution in the mineral structure and comparison of the calculation results obtained with the Mössbauer and IR spectroscopy data. This approach is based on the assumption that development and evolution of isotope systems in GPS are synchronous with the evolution of the crystalline structure of the mineral at various stages of the geological and geochemical history of the development of sedimentary units. Analysis of the obtained data allows us to state that the structural features of the Riphean GPS from the Olenek section reflect the early diagenetic stages of the formation of the minerals studied. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios in the studied sediments are consistent with the range of variations in this ratio in the Middle Riphean Ocean (0.7049–0.7061). The Rb–Sr and K–Ar ages of the GPS of the Arymass (1305 ± 8 and 1302 Ma, respectively), Debengda (1265 ± 12 and 1284 ± 22 Ma), and Khaipakh (1172 ± 18 and 1112 ± 24 Ma) formations in the Olenek Uplift section are close to the accumulation time of corresponding deposits and, correspondingly, have significance for stratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   

The Vendian–Lower Cambrian tectonomagmatic activation took place in the northeastern Siberian Craton, within the Olenek Uplift and in the Kharaulakh segment of the Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt (the lower reaches of the Lena River). The Early Paleozoic volcanic activity in the Olenek Uplift is expressed in the form of basitic diatremes, small basaltic covers, and doleritic dikes and sills intruding and covering the Upper Vendian carbonate deposits. The material specificity of the Lower Cambrian basites and their mantle sources, jointly with the Vendian–Cambrian sedimentation history, gives reason to consider the Lower Cambrian riftogenesis and the associated magmatism as a consequence of the plume–lithosphere interaction in the northeastern Siberian Craton.  相似文献   

We present a new, reliably dated Mesoproterozoic paleopole for Siberia, based on a combined geochronological and paleomagnetic study of mafic rocks within the Mesoproterozoic Sololi Group of the Olenek Uplift in northern Siberia. Ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb analysis yields crystallisation ages of 2036 ± 11 Ma for zircon from a basement granite and 1473 ± 24 Ma for baddeleyite from a large dolerite sill within the Kyutingde Formation. The baddeleyite result indicates that the lower Sololi Group is significantly older than was suggested by previous K–Ar results. Paleomagnetic analysis of the dolerite sill and related mafic intrusive rocks yields a paleopole at 33.6°N, 253.1°E, A95 = 10.4°. A positive baked-contact test between the Kyutingde sill and sedimentary country rocks shows that the magnetisation is primary. Comparison of this paleopole with coeval results for Laurentia provides a revised reconstruction between Siberia and Laurentia, and implies that these two continents were parts of a single Mesoproterozoic supercontinent since at least 1473 Ma. We argue that Siberia, Laurentia, and Baltica belonged to the same supercontinent between 1473 Ma and mid-Neoproterozoic time.  相似文献   

Structures and textures of the peloidal wackestones, as well as size, shape, and composition of peloidal grains, from the Mesoproterozoic (Middle Riphean) Sukhaya Tunguska carbonate platform in the Turukhansk Uplift (Siberia) are considered. It is shown that these grains formed in the course of diagenesis were closely associated with the microsparitic replacement and the formation of molar tooth (MT) structures. Diagenetic transformations of rocks were related to the activity of anaerobic microbial communities inside the buried carbonate silt layers. The microbial activity during diagenesis was governed by the carbonate sediment composition and conservation mechanism of the high-molecular organic matter of primary producers therein, since this organic matter was the nutritious substrate for the primary anaerobe communities.  相似文献   

A new way of formation of the problematic Molar Tooth (MT) structures, which, along with stromatolites, could be considered as a “visiting card” of the Riphean, was examined on the example of carbonate sediments of the Riphean Sukhaya Tunguska Formation from the Turukhansk Uplift, Siberia. These structures were formed due to the consequent replacement of oozy constituent of carbonate sediments with calcitic microsparite in the course of diagenesis with substantial shift of the dynamic equilibrium toward the solution in the sediment—porous solution—microsparite system. An excess of soluble magnesium significantly hampering precipitation of crystal cores of the future calcitic microsparite could be one of the possible causes of the shift. It is suggested that magnesium mole fraction of the porous solutions was related to the early dissolution of the metastable high-Mg calcite of the silty sediment brought from the areas of active stromatolite formation. The facies occurrence of the MT-structures indicates that they occurred in descending trails of the most productive zones of carbonate platforms tapering toward the basin. The synchronism of stratigraphic trends of the MT-structures and stromatolites in the Precambrian resulted from the evolution of carbonate-productive microbe-mineral systems which were the immediate suppliers of fine-grained carbonate sediment into external zones of carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

The Linok Formation is made up of clayey and carbonate strata, 180–300 m thick, formed at the terminal Middle Riphean on the northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform. In the modern structure, it is exposed in the lower part of the Turukhansk Uplift section. The sediments accumulated in the distal part of the epiplatformal basin as a symmetrical transgressive–regressive cycle. Its lower part represents a deep-water basin environment with the mixed carbonate–clayey sedimentation, whereas the upper part reflects the origination and evolution of a carbonate platform. Microstructures discussed in this work suggest not only the ancient existence of benthic microbial assemblages (mats) but their active influence upon the facies pattern of sediments as well. The influence was determined by the ability of mat-forming communities to produce carbonate sediments under certain environmental conditions. The analysis of the facies succession suggested the absence of an appreciable influx of carbonate material to the basin from other sources. Based on the carbonate generation ability, one can distinguish three (carbonate-free, low-productive, and high-productive) groups of microbial communities. Groups 1 and 2 represent deep-water basin mats, whereas group 3 represents relatively shallow-water platformal microbial–mineral systems. The carbonate productivity of communities is inversely proportional to the depth of their dwelling and the relative rate of clayey sedimentation. The morphological reconstruction of microbiolite structures showed that the structures in basins and platforms greatly differed in terms of the size of elements. The ability of microbial communities to generate carbonate could be realized only within large ecosystems.  相似文献   

The structural peculiarities of voids in Riphean dolomite are considered. Their filtration and capacitive properties are controlled by a system of fractures and caverns, i.e., by secondary voids. The development of caverns results in a significant increase of the effective volume that is available for hydrocarbons. The study was carried out via the method of penetrant testing of 5-cm samples of a cubic shape.  相似文献   

The Bezymyannyi Formation is a thick (up to 900 m) terrigenous rock complex that formed in the distal part of the ciliciclastic shelf with the storm-influenced sedimentation settings. The barrier belt of coarse-grained sandy sediments divided different-depth zones of the outer and inner shelf that included spacious areas populated by mat-forming communities. Development peculiarities of these communities and their relationship with erosion–flow structures are considered in detail. Microbial mat domains represented transient zones that both determined the internal sedimentation patterns and influenced sediment flows in the entire basin. The model explaining peculiarities of the Precambrian terrigenous sedimentation by the influence of intrabasin factor (wide development of matground microbial communities) is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper presents the first detailed mineralogical, structural, and crystal-chemical characteristics of the mixed-layer corrensite-chlorites from the glauconitic sandy-clayey rocks that make up the bottom (0.10 m) of a basal member (1.50 m) of the lower subformation of the Yusmastakh Formation (Riphean, Anabar Uplift, North Siberia). Like the overlying mudstones (1.40 m) in the basal member, these rocks are generally transformed up to the deep catagenesis level and included in a thick dolomite sequence. In mudstones represented by the dioctahedral micas, the corrensite-type minerals are observed as traces.  相似文献   

Silicified carbonates of the latest Mesoproterozoic Sukhaya Tunguska Formation, northwestern Siberia, contain abundant and diverse permineralized microfossils. Peritidal environments are dominated by microbial mats built by filamentous cyanobacteria comparable to modern species of Lyngbya and Phormidium. In subtidal to lower intertidal settings, mat-dwelling microbenthos and possible coastal microplankton are abundant. In contrast, densely woven mat populations with few associated taxa characterize more restricted parts of tidal flats; the preservation of vertically oriented sheath bundles and primary fenestrae indicates that in these mats carbonate cementation was commonly penecontemporaneous with mat growth. Eoentophysalis mats are limited to restricted environments where microlaminated carbonate precipitates formed on or just beneath the sediment surface. Most microbenthic populations are cyanobacterial, although eukaryotic microfossils may occur among the simple spheroidal cells interpreted as coastal plankton. Protists are more securely represented by large (up to 320 micrometers in diameter) but poorly preserved acritarchs in basinal facies. The Sukhaya Tunguska assemblage contains 27 species in 18 genera. By virtue of their stratigraphic longevity and their close and predictable association with specific paleoenvironmental conditions, including substrates, Proterozoic cyanobacteria support a model of bacterial evolution in which populations adapt rapidly to novel environments and, thereafter, resist competitive replacement. The resulting evolutionary pattern is one of accumulation and stasis rather than the turnover and replacement characteristic of Phanerozoic plants and animals.  相似文献   

The detailed mineralogical and structural-crystal-chemical characteristics are reported for the first time for glauconite grains extracted from the fine-platy silty-sandy dolomites at the roof of the lower subformation of the Yusmastakh Formation (Riphean, Anabar Uplift, North Siberia). Based on the complex study (X-ray diffraction, classical chemical analysis, microprobe analysis, IR-spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy with microprobe analysis, and Mössbauer spectroscopy), it was demonstrated that the studied glauconite sample is characterized by unique chemical and structural heterogeneity.The mineral structure consists of micaceous (90%), smectite (6%), and di-trioctahedral chlorite (4%) layers. Mica is classed with Al-glauconite (Al > Fe3+) with elevated Mg content. The elevated Mg mole fraction of the mineral is caused by the presence of Mg-bearing brucite-type interlayers of di-trioctahedral chlorite and the high Mg content in the octahedral sheets of 2: 1 layers. It was first discovered that glauconites are characterized by the heterogeneous distribution of cations over the available trans- and cis-octahedra due to the coexistence of trans- and cis-vacant octahedra and small trioctahedral clusters in octahedral sheets. The distribution of isomorphic cations over the accessible octahedral sites is also heterogeneous due to the tendency of Fe, Mg and Al, Mg cations to segregation and formation of corresponding domains.It was found that structure of the studied glauconite has a specific stacking defect: in addition to the predominant subsequent layers of similar azimuthal orientation according to 1M type (~77%), some layer fragments are rotated at 180° (~15%) and ±120° (8%). The structural-crystal-chemical heterogeneity of the mineral is explained by the fact that its microcrystals grew in the dolomitic sediment under nonequilibrium conditions of the reduction zone of a shallow-water basin with a sufficiently high content of Mg cations, which significantly contributed to the glauconite formation.  相似文献   

l.IntroductionIn1978,YinLeimingandLiZaipingreportedonProterozoicmicroplansinsouthwestChina.Alt-houghmostwerefoundinmacerationofsiliclasticsandcarbonates,thinsectionsoftheDoushantuochertfromtheTianzhushandistrictnearChangyang(samples#TianR.l9and#TianR.29,inL.YinandLi,l978)containedtwolargespinosespeciesfAs-lerocaPsoidessinensis(upto325Umindiameter)andTianzhushaniasPinosa(45opmindiameter).Subsequentst-UdiesoftheDoushantuoFormationindicatethatthemicrofossilsintheDoushantuochertandphosph…  相似文献   

It is shown that globular phyllosilicates subjected to deep categenesis are abundant in Middle Riphean sandstones and siltstones (lower subformation of the Arymas Formation) of the Olenek High. Their detailed structural-crystallochemical characteristics are given. Secondary alterations of globules and the associated pelletal minerals at different stages of lithogenesis (illitization, chloritization, ferrugination, disintegration, and so on) are considered. Structural-crystallochemical characteristics of Fe-illite and Fe2+-Mg-chlorite in globules, pellets, separate clayey strata among glauconite-bearing sandstones and siltstones (hereafter, sandy-silty rocks), and mudstone interlayers are also presented. Possible mechanisms of the formation of these minerals are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf fragments of Herbifolia antiqua A. Frolov et Enushchenko gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (Eastern Siberia, Russia) are reported. The following features are characteristic of H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.: the presence of leaf sheaths, linear smooth-edged leaves with parallel venation, anastomoses between the veins, anomocytic stomata, rhomb-shaped ordinary epidermal cells. Such a combination of characters is widespread in modern monocotyledonous plants and is absent in fossil and modern cryptogam and gymnosperms. Due to the lack of evidence of an enclosed ovule in H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.we attribute it to a typological angiosperm, based on its unique leaf structure characteristic of monocotyledons. The leaf epidermal structure of Herbifolia gen. nov. is most similar to those of modern Asparagales and Liliales.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - Lithological characteristics and results of the lithofacies analysis of carbonate deposits in the most complete section of the Upper Uk Subformation of the Riphean...  相似文献   

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