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Regional ecotourism cooperation provides an institutional guarantee that brings together ecological resources development, protection of natural ecologies and regional economic growth, and also is one of the keys to improve the level of China’s ecotourism development. China’s administrative regions are divided by large areas of natural geography, such as vast tracts of land, mountainous areas and bodies of water. Given the structure of China’s administrative system, administrative areas make independent and uncoordinated decisions concerning the use of ecological resources, resulting in low-level ecotourism products and redundant construction projects undertaken by local governments, limiting the further improvement of China's ecotourism level. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a spatial system and a model of regional ecotourism cooperation in line with China's national conditions. This paper adopts an inductive deductive method analyze systematically the connotations and obstacles of China’s regional ecotourism cooperation, and proposes space development and cooperative model. Research shows that the inescapable choice is cross-regional ecotourism cooperation based on natural zonality, cultural similarity, coordinated regional economic development and policy integration. The key existing obstacles include administrative barriers, lack of motivation to cooperate and loose cooperation patterns. Future regional ecotourism cooperation should define the thematic function area, cooperation zones, scenic roads and ecotourist routes, to establish the cross-regional integration development system and realize systematic optimization. This study is of theoretical value for the development of regional ecotourism cooperation and the construction of spatial systems in China.  相似文献   

赵彪  王开泳  王甫园  刘海猛 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2494-2507
行政边界是行政区划的基本要素之一,是国家依法实施有效行政管理的空间基础和重要依据。本研究采用空间分析、基于格网的多元回归分析等方法,对中国县级以上行政边界的特征及其变动趋势进行了研究。结果表明:当前中国仍基本遵循着山川形便与犬牙相入的政区划界原则,总体呈现出行政级别越高,受山川形便的影响越明显,海拔越低,受犬牙相入的影响越明显的基本特征;现有划界方式容易造成生态分割,引发边界争议,行政管理成本较高等问题,不利于区域经济协调发展;山川河流对全国经济社会发展的影响正在减弱,经济社会发展正在逐渐突破行政边界的限制。在未来行政区划调整的过程中,应适时采取跨山跨河的方式设置行政边界,改变犬牙相入的政区设置方式,更加尊重生态环境的完整性和经济社会发展的实际需求。  相似文献   

詹子歆  戴林琳 《地理科学进展》2022,41(12):2271-2285
由于各地资源禀赋差异和各级政府之间的复杂关系,城市群交界地区不可避免地存在经济社会发展上的矛盾和不平衡。已有研究揭示了行政边界效应在省域、城市群等不同尺度均普遍存在,且在不同阶段影响土地利用变化的程度大小不一,但多将行政边界转化为虚拟变量而非空间地理要素,不足以理解中微观尺度各种因素之间的复杂相互作用。论文旨在利用1985—2020年的中国年度土地覆盖数据集,以区县为单元,运用质心迁移、核密度分析和Logistic回归方法,分析京津冀典型城市群交界地区“通州—武清—廊坊(通武廊)地区”不透水面(ISA)的扩张机理并测度行政边界效应的影响。结果显示:(1)不同行政区因资源禀赋和所处发展阶段的不同,城市用地扩张的速度和主要时期存在一定的差异;(2)由于要素的高度流动,地理邻近的行政区城市扩张驱动要素表现出一定的相似性;(3)在不同区域分工水平下,行政界线的边界效应对城市用地扩张的影响表现出一定差异性。通过“强—弱”管控提高通武廊地区各要素协调水平,减少行政边界对地方之间资源整合的负面影响,对于实现京津冀城市群协同发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

基于POI与NPP/VIIRS灯光数据的城市群边界定量识别   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
周亮  赵琪  杨帆 《地理科学进展》2019,38(6):840-850
科学识别城市群边界是城市群精明紧凑发展的关键,也是国家空间治理体系与空间治理能力的重要标志。论文以京津冀、长三角和珠三角3大城市群为研究区域,采用NPP/VIIRS(Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership / Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)夜间灯光影像与POI(Point of Interest)数据,基于密度的曲线阈值法与分形网络演化算法,对3个城市群的实际物理边界和集聚空间范围进行精准识别与空间特征解析。研究结果表明:① 基于POI密度的曲线阈值法与NPP/VIIRS分形网络演化算法识别出城市群边界均小于国家城市群规划的行政边界,识别范围约占规划范围的20.90%~24.40%,识别结果显示3大城市群中长三角城市群发育最好,识别的城市群面积是京津冀和珠三角城市群的2倍左右;② 从POI与NPP/VIIRS灯光数据提取的城市群边界面积非常接近,其中POI数据提取的城市群面积偏大,更大程度上反映的是城市群整体边界轮廓而非内部细节;NPP/VIIRS影像提取的城市群更细碎,能更好地识别城市群聚集中心与关键核心区域,2种方法可以相互比较和验证;③ POI与灯光数据识别的城市群边界叠置分析发现,3大城市群中除了关键核心地带(集聚区)以外,外围还有众多孤立的点状区域(中小城镇),外围的点状区域与城市群集聚中心区空间割裂,一定程度上很难快速有效地接受来自城市群核心区域的辐射带动(涓滴效应)。  相似文献   

柯文前  陈伟  杨青 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1832-1847
在“流空间”理论的影响下,强调要素连接性和空间关联性的城市网络成为指示区域空间关系的核心视角,探讨城市网络空间结构将能为区域发展政策制定提供科学依据。以江苏省2014年日平均的高速公路流数据为依托,刻画城市网络的宏观格局与层级特征,利用社区发现算法对城市网络进行空间剖分并挖掘潜在的关联结构。研究发现:① 江苏城市网络宏观格局的空间构造呈现出类似围棋的“金角、银边、草肚皮”的分散性特征,可大致辨别内部发育出多个不同的子网络系统;② 城市节点和联系轴线具有明显的层级结构,城市等级的重要性与节点本身的社会经济属性、地理区位等具有一定的空间耦合性,轴线层级与地理距离具有明显的空间交互叠加作用;③ 社区发现算法对网络的空间剖分共识别出包括苏锡常社区、宁镇扬泰社区、通盐社区、连云港社区、宿淮社区和徐州社区等6个在空间上相连且边界清晰的“城市社区”,具有一体化效应、邻域效应、行政区效应、袭夺效应和置换效应等五个具有典型性的区域效应;④ 依据社区间的空间交互作用,可凝练出双核—多核交叉型、双核—单核交叉型、单核—多核交叉型、单核—单核集中型、双核—多点分岔型、单核—多点分散型和多核—多点分散型等7类空间关联结构。  相似文献   

The integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS) is a promising but challenging topic to solve problems in construction industry. However, loading and rendering rich BIM geometric data and large-scale GIS spatial information in a unified system is still technologically challenging. Current efforts mainly simplify the geometry in BIM models, or convert BIM geometric data to a lower level of detail (LOD). By noticing that only exterior features of BIM models are visible from outdoor observation points, culling BIM interior facilities can dramatically reduce the computational burden when visualizing BIM models in GIS. This study explores the outline detection problem and presents the OutDet algorithm, which selects representative observation points, transforms & projects the BIM geometric data into the same coordinate system, and detects the visible facilities. Empirical study results show that OutDet can cull a large portion of unnecessary features when rendering BIM models in GIS. The use of outlines of BIM models is not an alternative but rather a supplementary approach for current solutions. Jointly using LOD and outer surface can help improve the efficiency of integrated BIM-GIS visualization.Because OutDet retains BIM geometry and semantics, it can be applied to more BIM-GIS applications..  相似文献   


Mounting evidence indicates that large, world-class cities have expanded their spatial markets well beyond the regional urban systems in which they are located. This has led many observers to conclude that in the contemporary economy, interdependence, interaction, and connectivity are no longer fundamental characteristics of hierarchical urban systems. Virtually all research, however, deals exclusively with the changing role of large cities, while the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities comprising an urban system have been ignored. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate whether the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities in an urban hierarchical system continue to display a systematic relationship with city size, or whether they also reveal the absence of connection, or integration, with the regional system. The analysis uses survey data collected from 480 producer service firms located in an urban hierarchy comprising 15 midwestern cities of the United States. The results indicate that the spatial market of the largest city (Chicago) extends well beyond the Midwest urban hierarchy, while the spatial markets of smaller-sized cities are more integrated within the hierarchical system.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) spatial information models are increasingly being adopted to help communicate the spatial dimensions of complex built environments. Land administration practices in multi-owned developments include the subdivision, registration and management of legal interests associated with private, communal and public properties, which are often located along the vertical dimension. The spatial structure of each legal interest is normally composed of invisible spaces, defined as the inside and outside of multi-owned developments, as well as physically built structures. Additionally, a wide variety of legal boundary types mark out the spatial limits of the individual parts of each legal interest. These legal boundaries are typically delineated by either relying on fixed surveying measurements or referencing physically existent objects. This article provides a critical assessment of 3D spatial information models in terms of their capabilities for modelling legal interests and legal boundaries defined in the Victorian jurisdiction. We classify these models into three categories: purely legal, purely physical and integrated. This assessment provides the basis for developing a new 3D spatial information model, which would subsequently support a pathway towards realising the Victorian land administration system in a 3D digital environment.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence indicates that large, world-class cities have expanded their spatial markets well beyond the regional urban systems in which they are located. This has led many observers to conclude that in the contemporary economy, interdependence, interaction, and connectivity are no longer fundamental characteristics of hierarchical urban systems. Virtually all research, however, deals exclusively with the changing role of large cities, while the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities comprising an urban system have been ignored. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate whether the spatial markets of medium- and smaller-sized cities in an urban hierarchical system continue to display a systematic relationship with city size, or whether they also reveal the absence of connection, or integration, with the regional system. The analysis uses survey data collected from 480 producer service firms located in an urban hierarchy comprising 15 midwestern cities of the United States. The results indicate that the spatial market of the largest city (Chicago) extends well beyond the Midwest urban hierarchy, while the spatial markets of smaller-sized cities are more integrated within the hierarchical system.  相似文献   

Rule interchange between information systems is expanding as new interoperable rule formats are emerging from research. However, existing spatial inference systems generally operate on locally stored data with an internal rule format. Consequently, their design offers little support or facilities for rule interchange. This article presents the requirements, components and design for a spatial inference system with rule interchange. Computational efficiency and overall functionality of the design are considered separately, with the latter demonstrated using encoded agricultural legislation and data. A spatial inference system with rule interchange is based on three primary components: rule representation, spatial functionality and data integration. Of these, the interoperable rule representation and data integration distinctly differ from existing spatial inference systems. The presented inference system combines a spatial superset of the W3C Rule Interchange Format (RIF) with full Open Geospatial Consortium simple feature access (OGC SFA) functionality and on-demand data integration utilising Resource Deception Framework (RDF). The design was found to be effective with a computational efficiency depending predominantly on the spatial operations. This design could be further adapted to implement spatial extensions for existing inference systems. Considerable benefits were also discovered when RIF was used as the native language for the inference engine, thereby removing the need for rule transformations and facilitating on-demand data integration with the GML.  相似文献   

A scientific delineation of geographical boundaries reflects the cognitive level of scientific abstraction and systematic analysis of the spatial variation of geographical objects and is a basic scientific issue of geography. From the perspective of earth system science, this study first explicates the core issues (e.g., basic concepts, scientific contents, and basic properties) of geographical boundaries. Based on the principles of scientificity and systematicness, we then classify geographical boundaries in terms of intrinsic mechanisms, extrinsic appearance and scientific attributes. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the mathematical connotation and representation methods of geographical boundaries, discusses the characteristics of and differences between traditional and modern methods for geographical boundary delineation. Finally, we present a framework for a “geographical boundary model” with an integration of qualitative, quantitative, and positioning methods. Focusing on geographical boundary (a basic theoretical problem in geography), this study engaged in concept definition and method analysis, with the findings enriching the theory and methodology of geographical information science.  相似文献   

Existing urban boundaries are usually defined by government agencies for administrative, economic, and political purposes. However, it is not clear whether the boundaries truly reflect human interactions with urban space in intra- and interregional activities. Defining urban boundaries that consider socioeconomic relationships and citizen commute patterns is important for many aspects of urban and regional planning. In this paper, we describe a method to delineate urban boundaries based upon human interactions with physical space inferred from social media. Specifically, we depicted the urban boundaries of Great Britain using a mobility network of Twitter user spatial interactions, which was inferred from over 69 million geo-located tweets. We define the non-administrative anthropographic boundaries in a hierarchical fashion based on different physical movement ranges of users derived from the collective mobility patterns of Twitter users in Great Britain. The results of strongly connected urban regions in the form of communities in the network space yield geographically cohesive, nonoverlapping urban areas, which provide a clear delineation of the non-administrative anthropographic urban boundaries of Great Britain. The method was applied to both national (Great Britain) and municipal scales (the London metropolis). While our results corresponded well with the administrative boundaries, many unexpected and interesting boundaries were identified. Importantly, as the depicted urban boundaries exhibited a strong instance of spatial proximity, we employed a gravity model to understand the distance decay effects in shaping the delineated urban boundaries. The model explains how geographical distances found in the mobility patterns affect the interaction intensity among different non-administrative anthropographic urban areas, which provides new insights into human spatial interactions with urban space.  相似文献   

国土空间规划:人口和城乡布局单幅总图的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
戚伟  刘盛和  周侃  齐宏纲 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2473-2485
研制人口与城乡布局是编制空间规划的必然要求和重点任务之一,旨在促进人口及城乡布局与资源环境承载能力相匹配,形成与“三区三线”相适应的人口和城乡布局,推进人口和城乡可持续发展。本研究提出一套“自上而下”与“自下而上”集成的人口与城乡布局研制方法。首先,总量控制,采用队列要素法、联合国法等完成基于行政区划单元的人口与城镇化水平预测;其次,因地制宜,以栅格为基本评价单元,实现城乡人口空间化,根据国土空间规划“三区三线”底图,核算现状超载和新增承载人口;最后,弹性集成人口与城镇化水平空间集疏态势以及地方国民经济发展诉求,划分人口增长地域类型、城镇增长类型、城镇规模等级等,完成人口与城乡布局。在此基础上,本研究以省级空间规划试点福建省为案例,将研制方法与研制实践相结合,实现福建省空间规划的人口与城乡布局总图绘制。以期为各尺度国土空间规划中的人口与城乡布局研制提供参考。  相似文献   

地学数据集成的理论基础与集成体系   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
地球空间数据 (简称地学数据 )来源的拓宽、更新手段的发展和应用领域的扩大使数据集成或集成使用的研究和实用化成为必需。简单地理解 ,地学数据集成是指不同来源、不同性状数据在相同环境下的使用。地学数据是对地理现象和过程及过程时空特征认知基础上的表达 ,地学数据集成的基础主要表现在 :地理现象和过程的空间和时间统一性、地学过程时空过程的连续性、地学现象和过程的层次性、地学数据认知的一致性、依赖于元数据的地学数据的透明性、数据内容和形式的相对独立性等 ;在此基础上 ,作者在论文中描述了基于地学知识和地理信息系统功能的地学数据集成概念模型和过程 ,并对地学数据集成过程中涉及到的问题进行了说明。  相似文献   

As geospatial researchers' access to high-performance computing clusters continues to increase alongside the availability of high-resolution spatial data, it is imperative that techniques are devised to exploit these clusters' ability to quickly process and analyze large amounts of information. This research concentrates on the parallel computation of A Multidirectional Optimal Ecotope-Based Algorithm (AMOEBA). AMOEBA is used to derive spatial weight matrices for spatial autoregressive models and as a method for identifying irregularly shaped spatial clusters. While improvements have been made to the original ‘exhaustive’ algorithm, the resulting ‘constructive’ algorithm can still take a significant amount of time to complete with large datasets. This article outlines a parallel implementation of AMOEBA (the P-AMOEBA) written in Java utilizing the message passing library MPJ Express. In order to account for differing types of spatial grid data, two decomposition methods are developed and tested. The benefits of using the new parallel algorithm are demonstrated on an example dataset. Results show that different decompositions of spatial data affect the computational load balance across multiple processors and that the parallel version of AMOEBA achieves substantially faster runtimes than those reported in related publications.  相似文献   

宗会明  吕瑞辉 《地理科学》2020,40(5):760-767
采用2007、2012和2017年中国百强物流企业网络数据,运用世界城市网络研究的链锁网络模型方法,分析中国城市网络的等级结构、空间分异、空间联系及其演变特征。研究表明:基于物流企业数据的中国城市网络具有明显的层级特征,并呈现“两主多中心”的区域空间结构,网络联系的离散水平逐渐降低,其稳定性和均衡性有所增加,等级结构趋于合理;各节点城市组织能力空间分异明显,京津冀、长三角、珠三角的组织能力和介中心性始终处于较高水平,城市间物流联系逐渐增强,并有协同发展的趋势;城市网络联系中,长江沿线城市物流网络联系地位上升,上海为中心的T字型空间结构替代以北京为中心的核心网络结构,在全国尺度形成以胡焕庸线为界线,物流联系网络呈中东部密集、西部相对稀疏的空间格局,其演变过程呈现由等级网络联系特征向等级性与空间近邻性网络联系特征转变趋势。  相似文献   

汤国安  李吉龙  熊礼阳  那嘉明 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2841-2852
地理边界的科学界定体现着对地理对象空间分异规律科学抽象与系统分析的认知水平,是地理学的基础科学问题。本文从地球系统科学的视角,首先阐述了地理边界的基本概念、科学内涵与基本属性等核心概念问题,基于科学性、系统性的基本原则,以内在机理、外在表现以及科学属性等视角为核心依据,对地理边界进行了系统分类。论文分析了地理边界的数学内涵与表达方法,比较了传统地理边界划分法和现代地理边界定量划分方法的特点与差异性,提出了集定性、定量、定位为一体的“地理边界模型”的研究架构。该研究盼在地理边界这个地理学基础理论问题上进行概念辨析与方法分析,丰富地理信息科学的理论与方法。  相似文献   

The use of multi-perspective and multi-scalar city networks has gradually developed into a range of critical approaches to understand spatial interactions and linkages. In particular, road linkages represent key characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, and are of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at the regional scale. Therefore, based on highway passenger flow data between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper attempted to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of city networks in China, and to further explore the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen our understanding of city network structures and to provide new cognitive perspectives for ongoing research. The research results lead to four key conclusions. First, city networks that are based on highway flows exhibit strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, to a large extent spatially coupled with the distributions of major megaregions in China. These phenomena are a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scales as well as core-periphery structure. Second, 19 communities that belong to an important type of spatial configuration are identified through community detection algorithm, and we suggest they are correspondingly urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors include the administrative region economy, spatial spillover effects of megaregions, and core-periphery structure. Third, each community possesses a specific city network system and exhibits strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged as the result of multi-level, dynamic, and networked characteristics. Fourth, adopting a morphology-based perspective, the regional city network systems can be basically divided into monocentric, dual-nuclei, polycentric, and low-level equilibration spatial structures, while most are developing monocentrically.  相似文献   

Studies of land-use change often require the combination of socioeconomic survey data with spatially continuous maps of land-cover change. One approach is to define maps of land ownership, assuming that all land-use change can be attributed to the owners or managers of each parcel of land. Unfortunately, records of administrative boundaries between towns and villages are commonly unavailable in developing countries and prohibitively costly or time consuming to map for individual projects. However, point locations of the settlements themselves can be obtained easily from existing maps or remotely-sensed imagery. In this paper we compare three methods – circular buffers, unweighted Voronoi polygons (sometimes referred to as Thiessen polygons) and multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons – for estimating boundaries between villages in an agricultural landscape in West Africa. The benefits and limitations of each approach are discussed, and their accuracy assessed using 98 independently collected GPS coordinates of village boundaries. We present a novel method for generating and optimising weights for multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons using survey data of village sizes from a subset of villages. By using both spatial information and survey data from villages, we show that multiplicatively weighted Voronoi polygons outperform other methods of predicting village boundaries, and increase the correlation coefficient between surveyed village area and mapped areas from 0.18 to 0.68 compared with more commonly used unweighted Voronoi polygons. Our method of weighting Voronoi polygons can be implemented with data and software commonly available to researchers and non-governmental organisations.  相似文献   

The use of multi-perspective and multi-scalar city networks has gradually developed into a range of critical approaches to understand spatial interactions and linkages. In particular, road linkages represent key characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, and are of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at the regional scale. Therefore, based on highway passenger flow data between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper attempted to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of city networks in China, and to further explore the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen our understanding of city network structures and to provide new cognitive perspectives for ongoing research. The research results lead to four key conclusions. First, city networks that are based on highway flows exhibit strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, to a large extent spatially coupled with the distributions of major megaregions in China. These phenomena are a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scales as well as core-periphery structure. Second, 19 communities that belong to an important type of spatial configuration are identified through community detection algorithm, and we suggest they are correspondingly urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors include the administrative region economy, spatial spillover effects of megaregions, and core-periphery structure. Third, each community possesses a specific city network system and exhibits strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged as the result of multi-level, dynamic, and networked characteristics. Fourth, adopting a morphology-based perspective, the regional city network systems can be basically divided into monocentric, dual-nuclei, polycentric, and low-level equilibration spatial structures, while most are developing monocentrically.  相似文献   

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