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The analysis of geographical information is compared with other production processes in which a user can only accept an end-product if it meets certain quality requirements. Whereas users are responsible for defining the levels of quality they need to use the results of the analyses of geographical information systems in their work, database managers, experts and modellers could greatly assist users to achieve the quality of results they seek by formalizing information on: (1) data collection, level of resolution and quality; (2) the use of the basic analytical functions of the geographical information system; and (3) the data requirements, sensitivity and error propagation in models. These meta-data could be incorporated in a knowledge base alongside the geographical information system where, together with procedures for on-line error propagation, a user could be advised on the best way to achieve a desired aim. If the analysis showed that the original constellation of data, methods and models could not achieve the aim with the desired quality, the intelligent geographical information system would present a range of alternative strategies—better methods, more data, different data, better models, better model calibration, or better spatial resolution—and their costs by which the user's aims could reasonably be achieved.  相似文献   


The characteristics of a soil information system based on the fuzzy relational database model as defined by Zemankova-Leech and Kandel are presented. The proposed system maintains all the advantages of the more conventional relational implementations but enhances them in two ways: (1) the system can cope with incomplete or even imprecise data; and (2) the users are allowed to express their subjective view of the stored data. The retrieval and processing of data approximately resemble the way that humans think and reason. The INGRES relational database management system was used for the implementation of the system.  相似文献   

Much of the information stored on the web contains geographical context, but current search engines treat such context in the same way as all other content. In this paper we describe the design, implementation and evaluation of a spatially aware search engine which is capable of handling queries in the form of the triplet of ?theme??spatial relationship??location?. The process of identifying geographic references in documents and assigning appropriate footprints to documents, to be stored together with document terms in an appropriate indexing structure allowing real‐time search, is described. Methods allowing users to query and explore results which have been relevance‐ranked in terms of both thematic and spatial relevance have been implanted and a usability study indicates that users are happy with the range of spatial relationships available and intuitively understand how to use such a search engine. Normalised precision for 38 queries, containing four types of spatial relationships, is significantly higher (p<0.001) for searches exploiting spatial information than pure text search.  相似文献   


Progress in technical database management systems offers alternative strategies for the design and implementation of databases for geographical information systems. Desirable extensions in the user data types and database management are reviewed. A prototype geographical database tool-kit, SIRO-DBMS, which provides some spatial data types and spatial access methods as external attachments to a kernel relational database management system, is described. An ability to fragment a large set of entities into several relations while retaining the ability to search the full set as a logical unit is provided. Implementation of the geometric data types is based on mapping the types of data into a set of attributes of the atomic types supported by the kernel and specifying the relational designs for the set of atomic attributes.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of linking temporal and spatial information into a GIS database structure to investigate the land‐use changes in a rural‐urban region over a thirty‐five‐year period. More specifically, it describes the application of a programming package developed to build temporal topology in an historical land‐use GIS database to efficiently perform spatiotemporal queries. The program was created within the MapInfo environment using MapBasic language. Different types of information, such as the rate of change, the relationship between the change of land use and zoning regulations, and land‐use succession were extracted from the database. A user‐friendly interface was also developed to easily address spatiotemporal queries to the database. This approach represents a flexible and performing tool for scientists and planners who need to efficiently capture essential spatiotemporal information required for geographical inquiry and decision‐making.  相似文献   


Growth in the available quantities of digital geographical data has led to major problems in maintaining and integrating data from multiple sources, required by users at differing levels of generalization. Existing GIS and associated database management systems provide few facilities specifically intended for handling spatial data at multiple scales and require time consuming manual intervention to control update and retain consistency between representations. In this paper the GEODYSSEY conceptual design for a multi-scale, multiple representation spatial database is presented and the results of experimental implementation of several aspects of the design are described. Object-oriented, deductive and procedural programming techniques have been applied in several contexts: automated update software, using probabilistic reasoning; deductive query processing using explicit stored semantic and spatial relations combined with geometric data; multiresolution spatial data access methods combining poini, line, area and surface geometry; and triangulation-based generalization software that detects and resolves topological inconsistency.  相似文献   


Representations historically used within GIS assume a world that exists only in the present. Information contained within a spatial database may be added-to or modified over time, but a sense of change or dynamics through time is not maintained. This limitation of current GIS capabilities has recently received substantial attention, given the increasingly urgent need to better understand geographical processes and the cause-and-effect interrelationships between human activities and the environment. Models proposed so-far for the representation of spatiotemporal data are extensions of traditional raster and vector representations that can be seen as location- or feature-based, respectively, and are therefore best organized for performing either location-based or feature-based queries. Neither form is as well-suited for analysing overall temporal relationships of events and patterns of events throughout a geographical area as a temporally-based representation.

In the current paper, a new spatio-temporal data model is proposed that is based on time as its organizational basis, and is thereby intended to facilitate analysis of temporal relationships and patterns of change through time. This model is named the Event-based Spatio Temporal Data Model (ESTDM). It is shown that temporally-based queries relating to locations can be implemented in an efficient and conceptually straightforward manner using ESTDM by describing algorithms for three fundamental temporally-based retrieval tasks based on this model: (1) retrieving location(s) that changed to a given value at a given time, (2) retrieving location(s) that changed to a given value over a given temporal interval, and (3) calculation of the total area that has changed to a given value over a given temporal interval. An empirical comparison of the space efficiency of ESTDM and compressed and uncompressed forms of the ‘snapshot’ model is also given, showing that ESTDM is also a compact representation of spatio-temporal information.  相似文献   

Many geographical applications access data from multiple disparate repositories such as file systems, Geographical Information Systems and database management systems which contain data able to be interrelated. Existing approaches that either built a single repository that contain all the required data or simply interconnect these repositories have not been well received. In this paper, we present the design of the Virtual GIS, a system for distributed spatial data processing in heterogeneous environments. The Virtual GIS is an integrated system that provides all the essential facilities for integrating and retrieving data from multiple component systems.The system isparticularly aimed at extensibility and scalability through distributing the processing load across the component systems and a global frontend. The object-oriented data model is adopted as a common data model to ensure meaningful data sharing. We also employ the fivelevel schema architecture of Sheth and Larson as the framework for system integration. Finally, queries are processed using a five-phase query processing approach.  相似文献   


Research on time and data models for Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has focused mainly in the representation of temporal geographical entities and implementation of temporal databases. Many temporal GIS database structures have been proposed but most of them just provide principles, not the recipe for the design. Owing to the manipulation of the large quantity of geographical information and the slow response time, few implementations exist. This paper presents a relational method of storing and retrieving spatial and temporal topologies. Two-level state topologies are proposed: a state topology for a set of geographical entities and a state topology for a single geographical entity.

From a temporal perspective, these two-level state topologies may also be viewed as two-level time topologies: a time topology for all geographical entities in a GIS database and a time topology for a single geographical entity. Based on these state and time topologies, a detailed storage approach for historical geographical information is provided.  相似文献   


Individual activity patterns are influenced by a wide variety of factors. The more important ones include socioeconomic status (SES) and urban spatial structure. While most previous studies relied heavily on the expensive travel-diary type data, the feasibility of using social media data to support activity pattern analysis has not been evaluated. Despite the various appealing aspects of social media data, including low acquisition cost and relatively wide geographical and international coverage, these data also have many limitations, including the lack of background information of users, such as home locations and SES. A major objective of this study is to explore the extent that Twitter data can be used to support activity pattern analysis. We introduce an approach to determine users’ home and work locations in order to examine the activity patterns of individuals. To infer the SES of individuals, we incorporate the American Community Survey (ACS) data. Using Twitter data for Washington, DC, we analyzed the activity patterns of Twitter users with different SESs. The study clearly demonstrates that while SES is highly important, the urban spatial structure, particularly where jobs are mainly found and the geographical layout of the region, plays a critical role in affecting the variation in activity patterns between users from different communities.  相似文献   

Data modelling is a critical stage of database design. Recent research has focused upon object-oriented data models, which appear more appropriate for certain applications than either the traditional relational model or the entity-relationship approach. The object-oriented approach has proved to be especially fruitful in application areas, such as the design of geographical information systems which have a richly structured knowledge domain and are associated with multimedia databases. This article discusses the key concepts in object-oriented modelling and demonstrates the applicability of an object-oriented design methodology to the design of geographical information systems. In order to show more clearly how this methodology may be applied, the paper considers the specific object-oriented data model IFO. Standard cartographic primitives are represented using IFO, which are then used in the modelling of some standard administrative units in the United Kingdom. The paper concludes by discussing current research issues and directions in this area.  相似文献   


Digital map data are currently available based on a variety of data structures, depending on the uses to which the data are to be put Within the major categories of vector and raster data, as well as other structures, there is a multiplicity of data formats. Further to this, data for digital map coordinates are frequently stored in a different way from attribute data pertaining to points, lines and polygons. Given these problems, this paper investigates the possibility of handling different kinds of data structures, as well as both coordinate and attribute information within a unified conceptual scheme. This scheme is expressed in terms of the design of an integrated geographical information system called GEO VIEW, which can be implemented in a relational data base environment. The structure of the tables in the data base is outlined, together with the methodology for coding different kinds of data structure into a standard form. Examples of queries are provided, using the SQL query language, to indicate how the system might be used and problems in optimizing spatial searching on a data base of this kind are addressed.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of linking temporal and spatial information into a GIS database structure to investigate the land-use changes in a rural-urban region over a thirty-five-year period. More specifically, it describes the application of a programming package developed to build temporal topology in an historical land-use GIS database to efficiently perform spatiotemporal queries. The program was created within the MapInfo environment using MapBasic language. Different types of information, such as the rate of change, the relationship between the change of land use and zoning regulations, and land-use succession were extracted from the database. A user-friendly interface was also developed to easily address spatiotemporal queries to the database. This approach represents a flexible and performing tool for scientists and planners who need to efficiently capture essential spatiotemporal information required for geographical inquiry and decision-making.  相似文献   


A great deal of recent work in computer science applies itself to temporal database design. Designers of geographical information systems (GIS) can build on this work to create a temporal GIS capability to trace geographical change and understand geographical processes. This paper reviews temporal research in information processing, contrasts various proposed temporal database designs and summarizes the problems of adapting it to GIS requirements.  相似文献   


Attempts have been made by different organizations in India to organize data in order to develop a suitable information system. These attempts were oriented towards specific uses, such as natural resources, data management, thematic mapping and the like. In some attempts software has been developed for some specific purpose. It is not an easy task to develop an information system for a country such as India. Its extent in latitude and longitude is well above average. There are federal and state agencies for the collection of data and the preparation of maps. The geographical information concerning India is available from the following sources: the administrative areas of states, union territories, districts, sub-districts and villages; survey sheets; remote sensing images; aerial photographs; and thematic base maps of the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation. There are other map series available which have been used for socio-economic mapping. By the end of 1987 the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite will be launched and then remotely-sensed data will be readily available. Considering the geographical bases available in the country, five levels can be identified for developing an information system for India. Some of the thematic maps at 1:1000 000 scale can be used for initiating such a geographical information system.  相似文献   


We present a model for describing the visibility of a polyhedral terrain from a fixed viewpoint, based on a collection of nested horizons. We briefly introduce the concepts of mathematical and digital terrain models, and some background notions for visibility problems on terrains. Then, we define horizons on a polyhedral terrain, and introduce a visibility model, that we call the horizon map. We present a construction algorithm and a data structure for encoding the horizon map, and show how it can be used for solving point visibility queries with respect to a fixed viewpoint.  相似文献   


An Australian standard for Spatial Data Transfer modelled on the draft American standard is likely to be introduced in 1993. The spatial data model is not accommodated by existing DBMS such as relational systems. Using this model as an example, the suitability of object–oriented database systems for geographical databases is demonstrated. Some initial performance figures obtained with the ONTOS system on an example database are given.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):285-295

The purpose of this article is to describe a capstone course in undergraduate student geographical research in which GIS and other geospatial tools were used to teach undergraduate students basic geographical principles. The course uses the “cooperative learning” pedagogical approach to address one of a number of client-supplied research projects, chosen on the basis of logistical difficulty, time, student ability, and project importance. In the connection of primary data with existing data, students confronted a number of important research issues such as mapping ethics, database design and management, time management, group dynamics, and research limitations.  相似文献   

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