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滇西保山地块新生代岩浆岩是理解印度-欧亚板块斜向碰撞带新生代构造演化和动力学背景的窗口。本文对保山地块铁厂地区中新世二云母花岗岩和含电气石二云母花岗岩开展了岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素组成研究。结果表明二云母花岗岩和含电气石二云母花岗岩的岩浆锆石U-Pb年龄分别为18.1±0.1Ma和16.9±0.2Ma, 反映岩浆岩形成于中新世。两类花岗岩具有高硅(SiO2=73.7%~74.2%), 富钾(K2O=6.3%~6.7%, K2O/Na2O>1), 且相对高碱(K2O+Na2O=8.8%~9.3%)的特征, 属钾玄岩系列, 为强过铝质S型花岗岩。两类花岗岩的CaO/Na2O比值介于0.25~0.39, 具有低Sr(56×10-6~79×10-6)、低Ba(155×10-6~211×10-6)、高Rb/Sr比值(4.6~6.2)特征。二云母花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值为-12.1~-1.5。这些特征表明铁厂中新世花岗岩是变泥质岩脱水部分熔融的产物。结合同时代西南三江地区崇山剪切带淡色花岗岩和喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩的对比分析, 表明铁厂中新世花岗岩可能形成于伸展构造环境。 相似文献
位于华北克拉通东部的辽东地区广泛出露古元古代花岗岩,为更准确地认识辽东地区古元古代构造演化过程,本文选取大顶子二长花岗岩、五磊山似斑状花岗岩、四门子二长花岗岩和顾家堡正长花岗岩进行了系统研究。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究表明,大顶子岩体年龄为1869±16Ma,五磊山岩体年龄为1830.5±5.9Ma,四门子岩体年龄为2157±14Ma,顾家堡岩体年龄为2169±11Ma。大顶子岩体富硅,低钾,高镁,表现为钙碱性特征的S型花岗岩;五磊山和四门子岩体富硅,低钾,高镁,表现为钙碱性特征的Ⅰ型花岗岩;顾家堡岩体富硅,高钾,高镁,表现为高钾钙碱性特征的Ⅰ型花岗岩。大顶子、五磊山、四门子岩体富集K、Rb、Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、P、Ti等高场强元素;顾家堡岩体亏损Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素。四个岩体锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值为-3.6~7.9,对应的单阶段Hf模式年龄t_(DM)为2115~2548Ma,集中于古元古代,两阶段Hf模式年龄t_(DM)~C为2323~3084Ma,集中于中太古代。综上,大顶子、五磊山、四门子和顾家堡岩体可能与岩石圈拆沉、地幔热上涌使新生地壳熔融有关。四门子和顾家堡岩体可能处于活动大陆边缘构造背景,大顶子和五磊山岩体可能是地块拼合或者裂谷闭合后区域由挤压转为伸展构造背景。本次获得的辽东古元古代岩浆构造活动与华北板块东西陆块的拼合时代基本吻合,也是我国华北东部对全球\"Columbia\"超大陆拼合作用的响应。 相似文献
保山地块上的中-新生代岩浆活动以蚌渺岩体和桦桃林岩体为代表,蚌渺岩体岩石类型为石英二长岩、二长花岗岩,锆石U-Pb年龄为83~85Ma,桦桃林岩体为二云母花岗岩,锆石U-Pb年龄为60~66 Ma,表明该地区在晚白垩世和古新世发生了两次不同的岩浆作用。蚌渺岩体和桦桃林岩体都以全碱含量高为特征,K 2O/Na 2O>1,桦桃林岩体属于高钾钙碱性系列,蚌渺岩体更加倾向于钾玄岩系列。它们的铝饱和指数A/CNK的值均大于1.1,属铝过饱和系列。这两个岩体岩石总体上富集大离子亲石元素和Pb,亏损高场强元素。蚌渺岩体较桦桃林岩体明显富集轻稀土元素[(La/Yb) N=65.2~67.2],而桦桃林岩体较蚌渺岩体显示明显的负Eu异常( δEu=0.17~0.35)。2个岩体中3件样品41个测点的锆石 εHf( t)值变化范围较大(-15.8~-1.1),蚌渺岩体和桦桃林岩体的Hf同位素地壳模式年龄分别集中于2.0~1.2Ga和2.0~1.5Ga。全岩锆饱和温度蚌渺高于桦桃林,说明这两个岩体源区岩石的熔融程度不同。这些地球化学特征指示中-新生代花岗岩类为S型花岗岩,主要来源于古元古代-中元古代地壳物质的重熔,并不同程度地混入了幔源物质。保山地块、腾冲地块和拉萨地体在中-新生代存在几乎同期的岩浆活动,但保山地块与拉萨地体由于岩石地球化学特征不同,不存在对比性,而与腾冲地块存在共同点。保山地块与腾冲地块上的中-新生代岩浆作用与新特提斯洋的闭合和印欧大陆的碰撞息息相关。 相似文献
梅仙花岗岩体位于幕阜山复式花岗岩基西南部,其成岩时代、岩石成因对湘东北地区新元古代花岗岩带成因研究以及其构造背景有着重要的指示意义。本次研究对梅仙岩体中粗粒、细粒两种结构的黑云母花岗岩分别开展了LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年、锆石Hf同位素和全岩地球化学测试。分析结果显示,中粗粒和细粒花岗岩年龄分别为819. 6±4. 6 Ma和810. 4±4. 7 Ma,证实梅仙岩体形成于新元古代,代表江南造山带中段新元古代构造- 岩浆活动高峰的结束。梅仙岩体的中粗粒花岗岩εHf (t)=5. 4~10. 1, tDM2=1. 31~1. 04 Ga,细粒花岗岩εHf (t)=5. 0~9. 9, tDM2=1. 33~1. 06 Ga。梅仙花岗岩具有正的εHf (t)值,且其Hf二阶段模式年龄接近冷家溪群碎屑锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄峰值(1. 4~1. 0 Ga),暗示其母岩浆有新生地壳物质的参与。梅仙花岗岩具有富硅铝、高钠、中低钾、弱过铝质,较富集Rb、Th、U、Li、LREE等元素,亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、Sm等元素的特征,以及复杂的Eu异常(δEu=0. 58~1. 61)特征,属于或近似于火山弧花岗岩。梅仙花岗岩的Mg#值(45~59)明显高于地壳熔体的Mg#值(17~38),又暗示其母岩浆可能混入一定比例幔源物质。结合前人研究,本文认为梅仙花岗岩应是幔源岩浆底侵导致新生火成岩地壳部分熔融形成的非典型I型、I- S型花岗岩,其形成于扬子- 华夏板块陆陆碰撞后期,江南造山带构造背景由挤压向伸展转换的特殊时期。 相似文献
通过岩相学、锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Lu-Hf同位素等多种手段,系统对比松潘-甘孜地块巴颜喀拉山南口地区和中部达日地区的花岗质岩体岩石学和地球化学特征,拟查明其岩石成因、岩浆源区和基底属性。巴颜喀拉山南口和达日地区花岗质岩石岩浆锆石U-Pb年龄为(212.0±2.2)Ma和(213.3±1.7)Ma、(217.0±1.9)Ma和(215.4±6.4)Ma。主量、微量元素研究表明,前者属于高钾钙碱性过铝质I型花岗闪长岩,而后者属于钾玄岩和高钾钙碱性、过铝质S型石英二长岩和花岗岩。巴颜喀拉山南口和达日地区花岗质岩石微量元素特征表现均为富集Rb、Th、U等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素,且具有轻微的Zr、Hf负异常,但前者Nb、Ta等元素亏损程度明显高于后者,Eu异常也更为明显。巴颜喀拉山南口和达日地区花岗质岩石均为轻稀土富集型的稀土元素配分模式,但达日地区样品轻、重稀土含量均高于巴颜喀拉山样品。锆石Hf同位素数据显示,巴颜喀拉山地区花岗质岩石ε Hf(t)值为-3.62~2.92,平均值为-0.54,锆石Hf二阶段模式年龄为1.07~1.48 Ga... 相似文献
位于滇西特提斯构造带保山地块的平河岩体,岩石类型主要为花岗岩、二长花岗岩,其次有少量的花岗闪长岩。4件样品的锆石U-Pb年龄变化于480~486Ma,表明这些花岗岩类侵位于早奥陶世。平河花岗岩类的K2O/Na2O值大于1,铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为1.07~1.1,属高钾钙碱性过铝质花岗岩。岩石总体上富集大离子亲石元素和Pb,亏损高场强元素。明显富集轻稀土元素[(La/Yb)N=4.33~7.05],显示明显的负Eu异常(δEu=0.25~0.48)。4件样品58个测点的锆石εHf(t)值变化范围较大(主要集中于-12.4~-3.0之间),对应的Hf同位素地壳模式年龄集中于2.2~1.7Ga。这些地球化学特征指示平河花岗岩类为S型花岗岩,主要来源于古老地壳物质(如砂屑岩)的重熔,并不同程度地混入了幔源物质。平河花岗岩类与出露于中部拉萨地体的变质酸性火山岩存在可比性,可能代表了早古生代冈瓦纳大陆原特提斯边缘岩浆弧的一部分。 相似文献
腾冲地块梁河地区芒东和青木寨花岗岩是新特提斯洋演化过程中重要的壳源岩浆活动产物。岩石形成年龄为48~51Ma,属于早始新世,与腾冲地块西缘盈江地区大量的酸性和基性侵入岩的形成年龄相近。梁河地区的早始新世花岗岩具有高硅、钾的特征,属于准铝质-强过铝质高钾钙碱性S型花岗岩。这些花岗岩具有高的初始~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值和富集的Nd同位素组成,Nd模式年龄显示源岩应为中元古代的地壳岩石。同时,芒东花岗岩具有高的CaO/Na_2O和相对低的Al_2O_3/TiO_2、Rb/Sr和Rb/Ba比值,说明源区为变质杂砂岩。而青木寨花岗岩具有低的CaO/Na_2O和Al_2O_3/TiO_2、相对高的Rb/Sr和Rb/Ba比值,指示其源岩以变泥质岩为主。结合区域内中-新生代岩浆活动特征,我们认为芒东和青木寨花岗岩是印度-亚洲大陆东向初始碰撞或同碰撞时期挤压背景下,腾冲地块中下地壳成熟度较低的杂砂岩以及成熟度较高的泥岩在高温条件下部分熔融的产物。 相似文献
秦岭晚中生代花岗岩主要发育于秦岭北部的华北地块南缘和北秦岭,南秦岭仅有零星出露。本文报道了3个晚中生代大岩体的年代学和其中2个岩体的地球化学和同位素数据,并系统收集了发表的相关资料,对秦岭晚中生代花岗岩进行了初步总结。华北地块南缘蓝田花岗岩的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为133±1Ma, εNd( t)=-11.8~-18.3, 锆石 εHf( t)=-37.7~-5.7。 北秦岭构造带中牧护关花岗岩的锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为 150±1Ma, εNd( t)=-7.6~-11.4, 锆石 εHf( t)=-7.3~-17.4;蟒岭花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为149±2 Ma。 依据收集到的26个锆石U-Pb和3个黑云母Ar-Ar年代学资料, 秦岭晚中生代花岗岩浆的演化可分为2个阶段:第一阶段为160~130Ma(晚侏罗世-早白垩世), 以I-型花岗岩为主, 主要发育于华北地块南缘和北秦岭,在南秦岭仅零星分布;第二阶段为120~100Ma(早白垩世中晚期), 以I-A过渡型和A-型花岗岩为主,主要分布在华北地块南缘的东部和北秦岭,出露面积比第一阶段小。第一阶段(160~130Ma)花岗岩主要形成于古老地壳物质的部分熔融,并有年轻幔源组分的参与,形成于挤压向伸展转换的构造环境。第二阶段(120~100Ma)花岗岩的形成除了古老地壳物质的部分熔融外,有更多的年轻幔源组分加入,发育于陆内伸展环境。花岗岩的同位素特征显示,从华北地块南缘到南秦岭,底基物质中年轻组分有增加的趋势,花岗岩的物源受深部地壳物质组成特征的控制。 相似文献
西天山伊犁地块南缘特克斯县东的达根别里花岗岩具有高硅SiO2=76.22%~76.86%)、富碱(ALK=7.07~7.93)、贫钙镁(CaO=0.95%~1.21%, MgO=0.10%~0.20%)、弱过铝质(ACNK=1.03~1.08)的特征;稀土元素含量中等, 具有强烈的Eu负异常;原始地幔标准化蛛网图上显示其具有较高的Rb、Th、Sm、Ga、Nb和较低的Ba、Ti、Sr含量;锆石饱和温度平均为759℃, 固结指数为1.07~2.14, 分异指数为89.98~92.11, 总体显示弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列的高分异S型花岗岩的特征。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年法获得其形成时代为(942.5±2.6)Ma。岩体中Nb/Ta值接近上地壳, Mg#值为4.52~7.33, 锆石Hf同位素研究显示其εHf(t)值为较低的正值或负值(-0.41~+4.34), 二阶段模式年龄TDM2=1.41~1.66 Ga, 表明该花岗岩岩浆可能是中元古代地壳和新生地壳混合源区部分熔融的产物, 同时也暗示了伊犁地块具有形成年龄不小于1.7 Ga的中元古代结晶基底。结合天山地区及塔里木周边地块新元古代岩浆热事件, 认为伊犁地块发育与天山造山带各地一样的新元古代花岗岩, 这为西天山前寒武纪基底曾经响应过全球Rodinia超大陆汇聚事件, 提供了进一步证据。 相似文献
为了更好地了解华夏地块加里东期构造事件,对武夷山—井冈山地区加里东期块状花岗岩和片麻状花岗岩进行锆石U-Pb年代学和Lu-Hf同位素研究。片麻状花岗岩的结晶年龄在415~440 Ma,块状花岗岩的结晶年龄为430~449 Ma。锆石εHf(t)值在-20~0之间(n=247),绝大多数在-10以下。二阶段Hf模式年龄tDMC在1.5~2.8 Ga。结合前人资料,两类花岗岩在形成时代、锆石Hf同位素和二阶段Hf模式年龄tDMC组成上相近,物质来源主要为不同时代地壳物质的再循环,没有显著的地幔物质加入。华夏地块加里东期构造热事件形成于陆内造山环境,430 Ma左右可能是加里东期造山带构造体制转换的时间,片麻状构造是同造山或后造山构造变形的结果。 相似文献
The Dongliushuquanzi magmatism contains two units: granitic intrusion and multiple intrusive dioritic veins. LA-ICP-MS zircon dating results have revealed that the magmatism developed in two distinct episodes: the first episode, which occurred in the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian, is characterized by the main granitic intrusion and the Phase I dioritic veins, Phase II dioritic veins developed during the second magmatic episode in the late Early Permian. The analysing results of major and trace elements indicate that the granitic intrusion are enriched in light rare earth elements and large-ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Ba, K, but depleted in high-field-strength elements, such as Nb, Ta, P, and Ti. These geochemical signatures, in addition to their weak negative Eu anomalies, are similar to those of continental arc magmatic rocks. The main body of the granitic intrusion and the Phase I dioritic veins are characterized by negative and inhomogeneous ε Hf (t) values (include ε Hf (t) < −10 and −10 < ε Hf (t) < −5 two subgroups), they were derived from mixture of decompression melting basaltic juvenile lower crustal materials and partial melting ancient materials in middle-upper crust. Phase II dioritic veins are characterized by positive and homogeneous zircon ε Hf(t) values (~ + 10), record predominantly juvenile crustal sources, formed by partial melting of basaltic juvenile lower crustal materials. The two magmatic episodes are in response to slab rollback, slab break-off and final amalgamation of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean. The ages of inherited zircons record ~499 and ~365 Ma magmatic activity, imply that there also exist Cambrian and Devonian magmatism in the west section of the northern margin of the North China Craton. 相似文献
本文通过对扬子陆块北缘上两地区二长花岗岩年代学、Hf同位素及地球化学研究,限定其形成时代、物质来源以及所处的大地构造环境。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明上两地区二长花岗岩形成于新元古代早期,年龄为909±5Ma。锆石Hf同位素显示二长花岗岩的ε_(Hf)(t)既有正值也有负值,在-6~+3.4之间,变化较大。tDM2变化于1570~2156Ma,平均值为1802Ma,当ε_(Hf)(t)为最小负值-6.0时,tDM2为2156Ma。表明其物源主要是约1800Ma新生地壳的部分熔融,混染了部分古老地壳。地球化学显示,二长花岗岩的SiO_2含量较高,平均值达75.46%,均属亚碱性系列,且均为铝质过饱和(A/CNK=0.93~1.29);轻稀土富集,微量元素原始地幔蛛网图中显示富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)、具有明显的Nb、Ta负异常,并具有与上部陆壳非常相似的蛛网图曲线,在花岗岩的构造环境判别图解中落入弧花岗岩区,其应是扬子陆块北缘大陆边缘弧岩浆的产物。 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe Wulonggou area in the Eastern Kunlun Orogen (EKO) in Northwest China is characterized by extensive granitic magmatism, ductile faulting, and orogenic gold mineralizations. The Shidonggou granite is located in the central part of the Wulonggou area. This study investigated the major as well as trace-element compositions, zircon U–Pb dates, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the Shidonggou granite. Three Shidonggou granite samples yielded an average U–Pb zircon age of 416 Ma (Late Silurian). The Late Silurian Shidonggou granite is peraluminous, with high alkali contents, high Ga/Al ratios, high (K 2O + Na 2O)/CaO ratios, and high Fe 2O 3T/MgO ratios, suggesting an A-type granite. The Shidonggou granite samples have zircon εHf( t) values ranging from ?7.1 to +4.4. The Hf isotopic data suggest that the Late Silurian granite was derived from the partial melting of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic juvenile mantle-derived mafic lower crust. Detailed geochronological and geochemical data suggest that the Late Silurian granite was emplaced in a post-collisional environment following the closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Combining data of other A-type granitic rocks with ages of Late Early Silurian to Middle Devonian, such post-collisional setting related to the Proto-Tethys Ocean commenced at least as early as ~430 Ma (Late Early Silurian), and sustained up to ~389 Ma (Middle Devonian) in the EKO. 相似文献
利用LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定技术,在扬子西缘滇中东川地区古元古界阿不都组流纹质玻屑熔结凝灰岩中发现了1颗冥古宙锆石,锆石具有明显的核-幔-边结构,其核部的207 Pb/206 Pb年龄为3890±47 Ma,此年龄被解释为岩浆结晶,Th/U比值为0.34;变质边的207 Pb/206 Pb年龄为3561±... 相似文献
A set of granite porphyry (grnt-porphyry) and sub-rhyolite porphyry (rhy-porphyry) with specific blue quartz phenocrysts was disintegrated in the northern Kongling terrane, China. Geochemical and isotopic analyses were performed on samples from Kongziqiao (KZQ) and Baizhuping (BZP). In terms of major elements, both are rich in silicon and alkalis, but depleted in calcium and magnesium. Their trace element contents are also similar, exhibiting negative anomalies for large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) such as K, Rb and Sr but positive anomalies for high-field-strength elements (HFSEs) such as Hf, Ce and Lu. Other elements such as Nb, Ti, P, Sm, Ho, Y and Yb show negative anomalies; however, the KZQ grnt-porphyry is characterized by positive Ba and negative Zr anomalies; whereas the BZP sub rhy-porphyry has negative Ba, U and Ta anomalies. The overall geochemistry is characteristic of A-type granite formed in an extensional environment (A 2-type). Yield ages of the KZQ grnt-porphyry are (2,239 Ma) and that of the BZP (1,895 Ma) sub rhy-porphyry are Paleoproterozoic. Analysis of Hf isotopes shows that both have negative ε Hf (t) values, but the ε Hf (t) value of the KZQ grnt-porphyry is slightly more positive (minimum −12.4; mean − 8.8) and its depleted mantle model age (T DM1 = 2.85–3.06 Ga, mean 2.92 Ga) is slightly older than the BZP sub rhy-porphyry (minimum ε Hf (t) = −17.1, mean − 14.9; T DM1 = 2.79–2.92 Ga, mean 2.85 Ga). This suggests that they are derived from partial melting of different generations of ancient crustal material, which implies significant stratification in the Archean crust. The ε Nd (t) values of two samples of each rock type also indicate that both were derived from Ca. 2.9 Ga ancient crust (ε Nd (t) KZQ = −5.58, −4.74; ε Nd (t) BZP = −8.55, −8.22). The petrogenesis of both rock types is related to deep crustal extensional collapse caused by post-orogenic extension before 2.2 Ga and after 1.9 Ga. The formation of two porphyries represents the changes in tectonic system of the Yangtze Block, and this tectonic evolution may have contributed to the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. 相似文献
ABSTRACTPalaeozoic intrusions in Eastern Tianshan are important for understanding the evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The Sanchakou intrusions situated in Eastern Tianshan (southern CAOB), are mainly quartz diorite and granodiorite. A comprehensive study of zircon U–Pb ages, zircon trace elements, whole-rock geochemistry, and Lu–Hf isotopes were carried out for the Sanchakou intrusive rocks. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating yielded crystallization ages of 439.7 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.63, n = 21) for the quartz diorite, and 430.9 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.21, n = 21) and 425.5 ± 2.7 Ma (MSWD = 0.04; n = 20) for the granodiorites. These data, in combination with other Silurian ages reported for the intrusive suites from Eastern Tianshan, indicate an early Palaeozoic magmatic event in the orogen. In situ zircon Hf isotope data for the Sanchakou quartz diorite shows ε Hf( t) values of +11.2 to +19.6, and the two granodioritic samples exhibit similar ε Hf( t) values from +13.0 to +19.5. The Sanchakou plutons show metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, arc-type geochemical and low-K tholeiite affinities, and display trace element patterns characterized by enrichment in K, Ba, Sr, and Sm, and depletion in Nb, Ta, Pb, and Ti. The geochemical and isotopic signatures indicate that the Sanchakou dioritic and granodioritic magmas were sourced from a subducted oceanic slab, and subsequently underwent some interaction with peridotite in the mantle wedge. Combined with the regional geological history, we suggest the Sanchakou intrusions formed due to the northward subduction of the Palaeo-Tianshan Ocean beneath the Dananhu–Tousuquan arc during early Silurian time. 相似文献
辽西柏杖子金矿是冀东−辽西成矿带上较大规模的金矿之一,其金成矿与中生代岩浆作用形成的花岗质岩体关系密切。在野外调研的基础上,将柏杖子花岗质岩体划分为黑云母二长花岗岩、含黑云母二长花岗岩、二长花岗岩及花岗斑岩脉,同时开展了岩石学、岩石地球化学、年代学及Hf同位素研究。研究结果显示,花岗斑岩脉的锆石U−Pb年龄为231.0 ± 1.3 Ma和231.7 ± 2.7 Ma,形成于晚三叠世。花岗质岩体的主量元素均表现出高钾钙碱性、准铝到弱过铝质花岗岩的特征,微量元素表现出相对富集Rb、Th、U、K、Hf元素,相对亏损Ba、Ta、Nb、P、Ti元素,无明显Eu、Ce异常,相对富集轻稀土元素而亏损重稀土元素的特征,在构造环境判别图解中均落入后碰撞环境。哈克图解及微量元素协变图显示,从黑云母二长花岗岩到花岗斑岩脉具有I型花岗岩的演化趋势,并经历了黑云母、钾长石、磷灰石、钛铁矿、榍石等矿物的分离结晶。花岗斑岩脉的锆石Hf同位素显示εHf(t)值为−9.02~−5.62(平均−7.43),二阶段Hf模式年龄TMD2为1592~1810 Ma(平均1710 Ma),表明岩浆源区为古元古代晚期大陆地壳物质部分熔融形成。由锆石微量元素计算得到花岗斑岩脉的△FMQ为−1.23~4.65。花岗斑岩脉富碱、高氧逸度及中等演化程度的特征都有利于金成矿,具有较好的成矿潜力。 相似文献
日多地区米忍岩体位于冈底斯南带东段,2件锆石U-Pb测年样品显示其形成年龄为54.9±1.6Ma和48.6±0.5Ma,岩石SiO_2含量为60.18%~71.53%,全碱含量为5.85%~7.49%,K_2O/Na_2O值为0.58~1.05,里特曼指数在1.79~2.30之间,属钙碱性岩石,A/CNK值为0.85~0.95,投图显示为准铝质岩石,具有I型花岗岩的特征。岩石轻稀土元素及大离子亲石元素(Rb、K、Ba、Th、U)相对富集,重稀土及高场强元素(Nb、P、Hf、Ti)相对亏损,弱负Eu异常,具火山弧岩浆岩地球化学特征。176Hf/177Hf平均值为0.282945,Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄较年轻(613~719Ma),εHf(t)值为2.74~10.47,表明其岩浆源区以新生地壳的部分熔融为主或有地幔物质参与了成岩过程,据C/MF-A/MF投图分析,可能为基性或铁镁质岩浆底侵,导致中下地壳的物质发生熔融,这些特征均表明,日多地区始新世花岗闪长岩的形成可能与新特提斯洋板片的回转、断离有关。 相似文献
The Jinchuan deposit, which is located in the Longshoushan uplift (LU) on the southwest margin of the Alxa Block (AB), is the third largest Ni‐Cu deposit in the world. There are igneous rocks in the LU that widely developed in ~830 Ma, which include ore‐bearing ultramafic rock and ore‐poor mafic‐ultramafic rocks. These rocks were produced in an intracontinental extension‐rift environment, which is likely related to the Rodinia supercontinent (RS) breakup. However, contemporary magmatic rocks are absent in the AB, except the ~830 Ma igneous rocks in the LU. In this study, we present two types of metamorphic mafic‐ultramafic rocks at the border of Jinchuan II and IV mineral areas, which is inside the F 17 fault zone. One type is a red‐coloured altered rock formed by ultramafic rock oxidation; there are a small number of zircons with multiple ages in the rock, which are considered to be inherited and metamorphic (hydrothermal) zircons. The other type is a chlorite tremolite schist formed by the metamorphism of fault clastics; there are a large number of zircons developed in this rock, which are mostly magmatic zircons with ages between 900 and 800 Ma and a few hydrothermal zircons. Analysis of the trace elements, the 900–800 Ma zircons, have high (Sm/La) N, low Ce/Ce*, and high Th/U values, which fit the characteristics of typical magmatic zircons. There are also high Y, U, HREE, Nb, and Ta values, which indicates that the host rocks were mostly larvikite and dolerite, and high Y, Ce, Yb, Th, Gd, and Er values indicate a within‐plate basaltic origin. All these 900–800 Ma zircons have a εHf (t) in the range of −2 to −7, which is similar to the Jinchuan ore‐bearing ultramafic rock with a partial melting origin of enriched mantle. The absence of detrital zircon age peaks in the Neoproterozoic indicates that the AB has been separated from the North China Craton since the Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic. The detrital zircons in the Yangtze Block (YB) strata with Neoproterozoic ages are slightly younger than those in the AB, with more depleted εHf (t) values, which is similar to the zircons from the Jiangnan Orogen igneous rocks. All this evidence indicates that the AB may have experienced at least 100 Myr of intracontinental extension‐rift environment from 900 to 800 Ma during the Neoproterozoic and participated in the breakup of the RS. However, the location of the AB during the Rodinia may not have been beside the YB. 相似文献
The North Qinling Orogen underwent subduction and collision processes during the Palaeozoic, but the tectonic framework remains unclear. To investigate the tectonic evolution of the North Qinling Orogen, we selected the Devonian granites from the northeastern margin of the North Qinling Terrane. Integrated petrographic, geochemical, and geochronological studies, as well as Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic analyses, were carried out on the newly identified Devonian granites from the Hengjian area in the northeastern North Qinling Terrane, Qinling Orogenic Belt. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb dating reveals that these granites were crystallized at 396–387 Ma. The granite samples are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous (A/CNK = Al 2O 3/(CaO+Na 2O+K 2O) = 0.86 to 1.12), with high SiO 2 (60.6–76.5 wt%) and high total alkaline (Na 2O + K 2O = 8.45–11.0 wt%) contents. The granites are enriched in Th, rare-earth element, Zr, and Hf and depleted in Sr, Nb, Ta, P, Eu, and Ti. They are characterized by high Zr + Nb + Ce + Y contents (511–990 ppm) and 10,000*Ga/Al ratios (2.71–3.32), as well as high zircon-saturation temperatures ( TZr = 819–885°C, average = 845°C), which indicate that they are typical A-type granites. The granites have low Y/Nb (0.39–0.67) and Yb/Ta (0.56–0.83) ratios, resembling those of the A 1-type granite, which indicates that they are formed in anorogenic settings. They also have low ( 87Sr/ 86Sr) i ratios (0.7055–0.7071) and negative ε Nd( t) values (−10.1 to −8.40) and variable zircon ε Hf( t) values (−8.46 to +14.7), with the two-stage model ages of 2.0–1.8 Ga and 1.9–0.4 Ga, respectively. These geological features suggest that the granites of the Hengjian area were most likely generated by partial melting of mafic lower crust induced by asthenospheric ascent. The A-type granites were generated in a continental rift environment during 396–387 Ma, corresponding to the closure of the Shangdan Ocean and the opening of the Palaeo-Tethyan Ocean during the Early Devonian. 相似文献