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Over the past few years the world of free and open source geospatial software has experienced some major changes. For instance, the website FreeGIS.org currently lists 330 GIS‐related projects. Besides the advent of new software projects and the growth of established projects, a new organisation known as the OSGeo Foundation has been established to offer a point of contact. This paper will give an overview on existing free and open source desktop GIS projects. To further the understanding of the open source software development, we give a brief explanation of associated terms and introduce the two most established software license types: the General Public License (GPL) and the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). After laying out the organisational structures, we describe the different desktop GIS software projects in terms of their main characteristics. Two main tables summarise information on the projects and functionality of the currently available software versions. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of open source software, with an emphasis on research and teaching, are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper offers a teaching strategy for incorporating TIGER/Line files into introductory GIS courses where IDRISI and OSUMAP are the primary software packages. TIGER/Line files present a valuable database for teaching GIS. The TIGER data structure aids in teaching concepts related to topological data structures, geocoding and address matching, and the files themselves provide an excellent database for laboratory exercises that incorporate census information along with environmental and natural resource data. Lack of support by commonly-used educational software packages to import TIGER/Line files directly has been a serious impediment in an instructional context. This paper presents software developed to convert TIGER/Line files into simple polygon vector files acceptable by IDRISI and OSUMAP for three alternative census geographic units (tracts, block groups and blocks). The resulting vector files are plotted for visual examination and graphical output. The vector files generated can also be imported into other GIS or computer mapping software packages.  相似文献   

在总结前人研究成果的基础上,全面系统地分析了诱发招远市金矿区崩塌的自然和人为因数,然后运用遥感技术对金矿区遥感图像进行处理,提取诱发崩塌的条件因子,聘请有经验的专家对各项诱发因子进行诊断分析,以此作为判断条件,在G IS技术的支持下对诱发崩塌的条件因子进行空间分析,预测出招远金矿区发生崩塌的危害程度,为防治崩塌提供科学依据。预测结果表明,招远金矿区崩塌有进一步发展的可能,其中,高危险区有36820 m2,中易发区有50 610 m2,低易发区有67 200 m2,需要采取有效措施加以防治。  相似文献   

面向建设工程全生命周期应用的CAD/GIS/BIM在线集成框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对建设领域和地理信息领域多源异构的城市空间信息应用现状,建立基于服务架构的CAD/GIS/BIM在线集成框架,以实现跨领域的空间信息集成与应用。基于CityGML的建设工程信息模型定义建筑、管线、道路建设工程的空间及语义结构信息;通过CAD/BIM要素服务实现对建设工程信息模型的在线访问与编辑;基于自主研发的客户端实现三维GIS场景中CAD/BIM要素服务的访问集成;面向建设工程全生命周期管理开展应用实践,验证框架技术可行性。该技术框架能有效实现CAD/BIM信息在大范围三维地理场景中的集成、可视化模拟与分析,为建设工程设计、施工、运营期智慧应用提供支撑。  相似文献   

设备树在路灯AM/FM/GIS系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文提出了AM/FM/GIS中基于“设备树”的设备设施管理模式,运用“设备树”来组织路灯电力网络中的设备设施对象;阐述了如何从设备设施的物理模型抽象出具有树状层次结构的逻辑网络模型,并根据该逻辑模型设计相应的数据结构来构建“设备树”;并介绍了设备树在南京市路灯AM/FM/GIS系统中的设计与实现。  相似文献   

本文在地理信息系统(GIS)支持下,采用联合国粮农组织(FAO)的农业生态区法(AEZ)对福建主要大田作物进行适宜性评价,为制定土地利用决策服务.  相似文献   

Despite myriad studies having been carried out on the diffusion of geographical information systems (GIS) technology, only a limited number have been done within the context of developing countries. This paper addresses the research question, how did the diffusion of GIS technology occur in Uganda? Mixed methods were used for data collection, and analysis was performed using a theoretical framework called the diffusion of innovations (DOI). The results of the study showed that the adoption of GIS by institutions in Uganda occurred in a classic diffusion pattern consistent with diffusion theory. Adoption of GIS was promoted by its relative advantage over, and compatibility with, existing technologies. It was characterized by both heterophilous and homophilous communication channels, and influenced by change agents and champions. Its rate of adoption followed an S-shaped diffusion curve, and was hampered by bureaucracy, and patronage-based societal norms. This study makes a contribution to literature on GIS diffusion in developing countries.  相似文献   

吴大放  刘艳艳 《热带地理》2013,33(4):473-479
以珠海市为研究区域,基于RS/GIS数据源,将多个时段TM遥感影像解译成土地利用现状图,研究1973-2008年珠海市城市空间扩展。结果表明:(1)1973-1988年是珠海市城市发展的初期,飞地式扩展占新增城市用地面积的84.51%,边缘式扩展的比例为12.76%,而填充式扩展为2.71%;(2)1988-1998、1998-2008年分别是城市发展的“扩散”阶段和“边缘扩张”阶段,飞地式扩展开始沿着交通线在金湾和斗门两区范围内大幅扩散,全市以飞地式扩展为主,边缘式和填充式扩展比例较低;(3)从政策和经济两方面分析影响珠海市城市空间扩展的驱动力因素,其中政策因素对珠海市的城市发展有着重要影响,从特区设立开始,到后来的特区扩容,珠海的发展深深地刻上了特区政策的烙印;经济驱动是珠海市城市发展的重要因素,其与人口增长因素是导致珠海市城市空间扩展的最直接驱动力。  相似文献   

在实践中 ,实现一个GPS/GIS集成系统在技术上是容易的事情 ,但是如何提高软件的开发效率则是需要解决的另一个问题。本文分析GPS/GIS集成软件系统 ,捕获了其共性和变化性 ,将GPS数据通讯进行分解 ,提出基于构件模型的集成系统的实现方案 ,该实现方案便于控制系统的变化性 ,并且支持复用  相似文献   

在实践中,实现一个GPS/GIS集成系统在技术上是容易的事情,但是如何提高软件的开发效率则是需要解决的另一个问题。本文分析GPS/GIS集成软件系统,捕获了其共性和变化性,将GPS数据通讯进行分解,提出基于构件模型的集成系统的实现方案,该实现方案便于控制系统的变化性,并且支持复用。  相似文献   

基于GPS/GSM/GIS的海船监控调度系统的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
GPS/GSM/GIS技术在交通监控调度管理和导航中的应用越来越广泛,市场前景十分广阔.文中从某船队的货运作业船舶监控调度系统的构建出发,分析了海船监控调度系统的工作原理和系统结构,进而探讨了基于GPS/GSM/GIS技术集成的海船监控调度系统的设计实现方案.  相似文献   

GIS中的模糊形态运算   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
空间数据的不确定性是当前GIS领域的研究难点之一。为了描述空间数据的模糊性,把模糊集理论引入GIS,以加强GIS对模糊现象建模的能力,因而产生了模糊数据。但现有GIS缺乏对模糊数据分析和处理的能力。该文把模糊集理论引入数学形态学,提出能处理模糊数据的模糊形态运算,并给出模糊形态运算的隶属函数,使传统的数学形态学能够处理模糊数据且容易在计算机上实现。  相似文献   

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