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Limitations of the current land records systems in Belize, Central America, led leaders of the Ministry of Natural Resources to initiate this feasibility study for a computer-aided land information system (LIS). Land records in Belize have been based on the British Torrens land tenure system, which maintains five sets of records along with informative maps. One paper file is maintained for each title application and records are continually circulated between seven locations throughout the country, resulting in up to 3 years to complete the process of title registration. A LIS will permit quick access to land records and eliminate most of the current problems, and will merge with a geographic information system being developed for Belize.  相似文献   


Many data structures are possible for the storage of topological information for computer-based maps. The PAN graph is here suggested as an aid in the selection of a strategy appropriate to the application. Examples are given for the mapping of triangular networks and Thiessen polygons. Application of the technique is appropriate to both education in, and design of, spatial data structures for automated cartography and geographical information systems  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):167-172

The SYMAP program for producing line-printed maps on the computer is considered with respect to problems the new user is likely to have. Two groups of electives or options in the F-MAP package are discussed in detail: those that control map size and orientation and those that permit manipulation of the interpolation algorithm. Some classroom examples are suggested that emphasize the heuristic nature of the SYMAP program.  相似文献   


In this article we demonstrate that substantial gains in time can be made when using point sampling rather than contour line digitising for generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). A simple sampling scheme, based on regularly distributed points, was used supplemented with points near break-lines in the terrain. An evaluation of surfaces created with three different interpolation methods at three different resolutions shows that the statistical distribution was better when using points as opposed to contours, and that the accuracy was comparable despite the much smaller amount of input data.  相似文献   

One challenge facing spatial scientists trying to support public health outreach and intervention in challenging environments is the lack of fine scale spatial data. These data are required to gain a better understanding of both physical and social systems; why disease occurs where it does, and how to disrupt it. While data options exist, including high resolution aerial imagery, remotely sensed data, and even online mapping products like Google Street View, these all come with limitations. One option that has previously been utilized to assess cholera risk is spatial video. Here it is used to map potential mosquito breeding sites in an endemic Dengue and Chikungunya, and emerging Zika impacted community. We show how this method can provide mapping support in the hands of non-specialist public health workers who, working in collaboration with out-of-area geographic information systems (GIS) teams, can identify where to target limited intervention resources. We use a case study of an impoverished informal style Nicaraguan community suffering from a high disease burden to show spatial variation in potential mosquito breeding habitats. A field team collected street-by-street spatial video data to produce fine scale risk maps of standing water and trash locations, which, when interpreted with the associated spatial video imagery, were used to suggest where intervention strategies should be targeted. We also discuss how these same data layers can be used to address other health concerns traditionally found in informal settlements.  相似文献   

Hierarchies of superimposed structures are found in maps of geological horizons in sedimentary basins. Mapping based on three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data includes structures that range in scale from tens of metres to hundreds of kilometres. Extraction of structures from these maps without a priori knowledge of scale and shape is analogous to pattern recognition problems that have been widely researched in disciplines outside of Geoscience. A number of these lessons are integrated and applied within a geological context here. We describe a method for generating multiscale representations from two‐dimensional sections and 3D surfaces, and illustrate how superimposed geological structures can be topologically analysed. Multiscale analysis is done in two stages – generation of scale‐space as a geometrical attribute, followed by identification of significant scale‐space objects. Results indicate that Gaussian filtering is a more robust method than conventional moving average filtering for deriving multiscale geological structure. We introduce the concept of natural scales for identifying the most significant scales in a geological cross section. In three dimensions, scale‐dependent structures are identified via an analogous process as discrete topological entities within a four‐dimensional scale‐space cube. Motivation for this work is to take advantage of the completeness of seismic data coverage to see ‘beyond the outcrop’ and yield multiscale geological structure. Applications include identifying artefacts, scale‐specific features and large‐scale structural domains, facilitating multiscale structural attribute mapping for reservoir characterisation, and a novel approach to fold structure classification.  相似文献   


Development programmes in Sahelian Africa are beginning to use geographic information system (GIS) technology. One of the GIS and remote sensing programmes introduced to the region in the late 1980s was the use of seasonal vegetation maps made from satellite data to support grasshopper and locust control. Following serious outbreaks of these pests in 1987, the programme addressed a critical need, by national and international crop protection organizations, to monitor site-specific dynamic vegetation conditions associated with grasshopper and locust breeding. The primary products used in assessing vegetation conditions were vegetation index (greenness) image maps derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite imagery. Vegetation index data were integrated in a GIS with digital cartographic data of individual Sahelian countries. These near-real-time image maps were used regularly in 10 countries for locating potential grasshopper and locust habitats. The programme to monitor vegetation conditions is currently being institutionalized in the Sahel.  相似文献   


This paper describes a generic structure model for large numbers of spatially-related images held within a multi-media information system. Applications vary from multi-scale map tilings underlying geographical information system user interfaces to sets of spatially-related visual data held in image form, such as ‘structured walks’ and sets of views with finder maps. The model enables an abstract structure to be soft-configured onto any indexed collection of images and related to standard databases of textual and graphical information at various levels. This is achieved by defining a number of customized ‘image structures’ and providing techniques for their manipulation. Key features of the model are defined in VDM-SL, a formal specification language being standardized by the International Organization for Standardization. The formal definitions are accompanied by explanations in English and by examples. Prototype implementations are described. A glossary of symbols, terms and expressions is given in the Appendix.  相似文献   


The importance of including a contextual underpinning to the spatial analysis of social data is gaining traction in the spatial science community. The challenge, though, is how to capture these data in a rigorous manner that is translational. One method that has shown promise in achieving this aim is the spatial video geonarrative (SVG), and in this paper we pose questions that advance the science of geonarratives through a case study of criminal ex-offenders. Eleven ex-offenders provided sketch maps and SVGs identifying high-crime areas of their community. Wordmapper software was used to map and classify the SVG content; its spatial filter extension was used for hot spot mapping with statistical significance tested using Monte Carlo simulations. Then, each subject’s sketch map and SVG were compared. Results reveal that SVGs consistently produce finer spatial-scale data and more locations of relevance than the sketch maps. SVGs also provide explanation of spatial-temporal processes and causal mechanisms linked to specific places, which are not evident in the sketch maps. SVG can be a rigorous translational method for collecting data on the geographic context of many phenomena. Therefore, this paper makes an important advance in understanding how environmentally immersive methods contribute to the understanding of geographic context.  相似文献   


Map compilation, or conflation, is now being accomplished by computer. Interactive routines manipulate the graphic images of two different digital maps of the same region in order to permit map similarities and differences to be recognized more easily. Rubber-sheeting one or both of the maps permits an operator or the computer to align the maps in stages through methods of successive approximation and to review each new alignment. The computer recognizes matches using mathematical relations of geometric position and graph network configuration to test for feature matches and, when the tests are satisfied, corresponding features can be flagged automatically as matches or highlighted for review by the operator. Techniques and methods developed for conflation systems have important applications in other areas of automated cartography and in image processing and computer graphics  相似文献   


There now exist several microcomputer processing systems which incorporate algorithms and display techniques appropriate for the class of objects known as images. Zooming, histogram equalization, contrast stretching, ratioing, edge enhancement, and filtering are common options used in these systems. In the present discussion a system is proposed for the equivalent processing of general resolution elements (resells), instead of the homogeneous picture elements (pixels) which are found in image processing systems. The resel processing system requires a new, generalized, repertoire of processing algorithms and a high resolution display. A summary is provided of the facilities and procedures required, a computational metaphor using computer spreadsheets is described, and the applicability to censels (census data elements) and to medical data is suggested.  相似文献   


Big data have shifted spatial optimization from a purely computational-intensive problem to a data-intensive challenge. This is especially the case for spatiotemporal (ST) land use/land cover change (LUCC) research. In addition to greater variety, for example, from sensing platforms, big data offer datasets at higher spatial and temporal resolutions; these new offerings require new methods to optimize data handling and analysis. We propose a LUCC-based geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI) that optimizes big data handling and analysis, in this case with raster data. The GCI provides three levels of optimization. First, we employ spatial optimization with graph-based image segmentation. Second, we propose ST Atom Model to temporally optimize the image segments for LUCC. At last, the first two domain ST optimizations are supported by the computational optimization for big data analysis. The evaluation is conducted using DMTI (DMTI Spatial Inc.) Satellite StreetView imagery datasets acquired for the Greater Montreal area, Canada in 2006, 2009, and 2012 (534 GB, 60 cm spatial resolution, RGB image). Our LUCC-based GCI builds an optimization bridge among LUCC, ST modelling, and big data.  相似文献   

We present a reactive data structure, that is, a spatial data structure with detail levels. The two properties, spatial organization and detail levels, are the basis for a geographic information system (GIS) with a multi-scale database. A reactive data structure is a novel type of data structure catering to multiple detail levels with rapid responses to spatial queries. It is presented here as a modification of the binary space partitioning tree that includes the levels of detail. This tree is one of the few spatial data structures that does not organize space in a rectangular manner. A prototype system has been implemented. An important result of this implementation is that it shows that binary space partitioning trees of real maps have O(n) storage space complexity in contrast to the theoretical worst case O(n2 ), with n the number of line segments in the map.  相似文献   


This paper reports on a controlled experiment evaluating how different cartographic representations of risk affect participants’ performance on a complex spatial decision task: route planning. The specific experimental scenario used is oriented towards emergency route-planning during flood response. The experiment compared six common abstract and metaphorical graphical symbolizations of risk. The results indicate a pattern of less-preferred graphical symbolizations associated with slower responses and lower-risk route choices. One mechanism that might explain these observed relationships would be that more complex and effortful maps promote closer attention paid by participants and lower levels of risk taking. Such user considerations have important implications for the design of maps and mapping interfaces for emergency planning and response. The data also highlights the importance of the ‘right decision, wrong outcome problem’ inherent in decision-making under uncertainty: in individual instances, more risky decisions do not always lead to worse outcomes.  相似文献   


Topographic shading curtails the period and complicates the geographic patterns of insolation in mountainous areas. Maps derived from oblique aerial photographs of shadow lines cast by the irregular, mountainous east horizon in Provo, Utah are used as a case study to illustrate an alternative to existing techniques of solar radiation data collection. For study areas of several hundred square kilometers, this method may be superior in resolution and at the same time more error free and economically feasible than other methods. Measurement of solar inputs received at sample stations scattered through the mapped area show that the phenomenon of topographically delayed sunrise has a distinct effect on daily totals of radiation in the manner suggested by the maps.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates errors and uncertainties in representing landscapes that arise from different data rasterization methods, spatial resolutions, and downscaled land‐use change (LUC) scenarios. A vector LU dataset for Luxembourg (minimum mapping unit: 0.15 ha; year 2000) was used as the baseline reference map. This map was rasterized at three spatial resolutions using three cell class assignment methods. The landscape composition and configuration of these maps were compared. Four alternative scenarios of future LUC were also generated for the three resolutions using existing LUC scenarios and a statistical downscaling method creating 37 maps of LUC for the year 2050. These maps were compared in terms of composition and spatial configuration using simple metrics of landscape fragmentation and an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences in landscape composition and configuration between the three cell class assignment methods and the three spatial resolutions were found to be at least as large as the differences between the LUC scenarios. This occurred in spite of the large LUC projected by the scenarios. This demonstrates the importance of the rasterization method and the level of aggregation as a contribution to uncertainty when developing future LUC scenarios and in analysing landscape structure in ecological studies.  相似文献   

In the current generation of global dispersion maps of surface waves, the long-wavelength structure seems to be very well determined. There is general agreement in the patterns of global phase velocity anomalies up to harmonic degree 16. However, the shorter-wavelength structure varies significantly between published maps, and it appears that this part of the models depends strongly on the inversion technique and on the data set of surface-wave dispersion (usually phase measurements). Polarization data depend on the lateral gradient of phase velocity and hence are more sensitive to shorter-wavelength structure than phase data; thus, including these data should enhance resolution. In this paper, I demonstrate that polarization data of long-period surface waves (80 s), as a function of frequency, can be reliably measured using a multitaper technique. the resulting off-great-circle arrival angles of the surface-wave packets are relatively easy to interpret within a ray-theoretical framework. Our data base of three-component recordings is now large enough to provide useful constraints on global dispersion maps, particularly on the shorter-wavelength parts. Apart from the phase velocity model itself, a possible misorientation of the horizontal components at each station is included in a non-linear inversion as an additional independent model parameter. This gives a significant improvement in the fit to the data. Misorientations of more than 3° are probable for at least four of the 37 stations investigated.  相似文献   


The utility of nonmetric, multidimensional-scaling techniques is demonstrated for the analysis and collection of environmental-cognition data. By comparing the multidimensional-scaling solutions of a real-setting map to scaling solutions for sketch maps and two psychophysical, distance-scaling procedures, we demonstrate that magnitude estimation of actual interpoint distances is comparable in accuracy to sketch maps when produced without constraints, or when subjects are given a specified list of landmarks to include on their maps. Triadic comparisons of actual interpoint distances were less accurate than the three other techniques.  相似文献   


Recently developed urban air quality sensor networks are used to monitor air pollutant concentrations at a fine spatial and temporal resolution. The measurements are however limited to point support. To obtain areal coverage in space and time, interpolation is required. A spatio-temporal regression kriging approach was applied to predict nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations at unobserved space-time locations in the city of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Prediction maps were created at 25 m spatial resolution and hourly temporal resolution. In regression kriging, the trend is separately modelled from autocorrelation in the residuals. The trend part of the model, consisting of a set of spatial and temporal covariates, was able to explain 49.2% of the spatio-temporal variability in NO2 concentrations in Eindhoven in November 2016. Spatio-temporal autocorrelation in the residuals was modelled by fitting a sum-metric spatio-temporal variogram model, adding smoothness to the prediction maps. The accuracy of the predictions was assessed using leave-one-out cross-validation, resulting in a Root Mean Square Error of 9.91 μg m?3, a Mean Error of ?0.03 μg m?3 and a Mean Absolute Error of 7.29 μg m?3. The method allows for easy prediction and visualization of air pollutant concentrations and can be extended to a near real-time procedure.  相似文献   

Population and demographic data at high spatial resolution is a valuable resource for supporting planning and management decisions as well as an important input to socio-economic academic studies. Dasymetric modeling has been a standard technique to disaggregate census-aggregated units into raster-based data of higher spatial resolution. Although utility of dasymetric mapping has been demonstrated on local and regional scales, few high resolution large-scale models exist due to their high computational cost. In particular, no publicly available high resolution dasymetric model of population distribution over the entire United States is presently available. In this paper we introduce a 3″ (∼90 m) resolution dasymetric model of demographics over the entire conterminous United States. The major innovation is to disaggregate already existing 30″ (∼1 km) and 7.5″ (∼250 m) SEDAC (Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center) Census 2000 grids instead of the original census block-level data. National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2001 is used as ancillary information. This allows for rapid development of a U.S.-wide model for distribution of population and sixteen other demographic variables. The new model is demonstrated to markedly improve spatial accuracy of SEDAC model. To underscore importance of high spatial resolution demographic information other than total population count we demonstrate how maps of several population characteristics can be fused into a “product” map that illustrates complex social issues. Specifically, we introduce a “diversity” categorical map that informs (at nominal 3″ resolution) about spatial distribution of racial diversity, dominant race, and population density simultaneously. Diversity map is compared to a similar map based on census tracts. High resolution raster map allows study of race-diversity phenomenon on smaller scale, and, outside of major metropolitan areas, revels existence of patterns that cannot be deduced from a tract-based map. The new high resolution population and diversity maps can be explored online using our GeoWeb application DataEye available at http://sil.uc.edu/. Both datasets can be also downloaded from the same website.  相似文献   

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